Nedtælling 45 dage!
En mobilisering for LaRouches Fire Love
som emnet for Trumps ’State of the Union’!
LaRouche PAC Internationale Webcast, 15. dec., 2017.


Vært Matthew Ogden: I mandags indledte vi vores nedtælling på 50 dage (se mandags-opdatering her); 50 dage til præsident Trump holder sin State of the Union tale (Tale om nationens tilstand), der er planlagt til den 30. januar, 2018. Vi er nu fem dage inde i denne nedtælling, så vi har 45 dage tilbage til State of the Union-talen. Lyndon LaRouches og LaRouche PAC’s erklærede hensigt er at sikre, at kernebudskabet i denne State of the Union-tale handler om det økonomiske program, der er nødvendigt for at genoplive den amerikanske økonomi for at bringe USA ind i det nye paradigme, som det er blevet initieret af Kina. Indholdet af dette program er selvfølgelig indeholdt i de fire økonomiske love i Hamiltons tradition, som Lyndon LaRouche har forfattet, og som er blevet cirkuleret vidt omkring af medlemmer af LaRouche Political Action Committee og aktivister her i USA. Dette vil vi gennemgå i detaljer.

Et hurtigt overblik; dette omfatter: en genindførelse af Glass-Steagall; en tilbagevenden til et nationalbanksystem i Hamiltons tradition; anvendelsen af den føderale regerings kreditskabende mekanisme til omgående at øge den amerikanske arbejdsstyrkes produktive evne og til at genopbygge infrastrukturen og det nødvendige, næste stadium af den amerikanske økonomis platform; og den indeholdte faktor i alt dette – et nationalt, forceret program for rumforskning og fusionskraft. Det er den videnskabsmotor, som er det lim, der holder hele programmet sammen.

Vi vil senere annoncere og vi har nogle billeder, men en ny brochure, der indeholder dette program, vil blive cirkuleret i begyndelsen af næste uge. Dette bliver det kernemateriale, I har brug for, for at hjælpe os med at mobilisere de tilbageværende dage af nedtællingen på 50 dage. Jeg sætter dette på skærmen.

Dette er et smugkig af forsiden af den kommende brochure, som bliver udgivet i begyndelsen af næste uge. Her ser man, at titlen er »Lyndon LaRouches Fire Love – De fysisk-økonomiske principper for USA’s genrejsning; Amerikas fremtid på den Nye Silkevej«. Og på bagsiden ser man et fint billede af Verdenslandbroen. Dette er det udviklingsprogram, som vil blive forlængelsen af den Nye Silkevej; og dernæst opregnes LaRouches Fire Love. Dette bliver selvfølgelig et meget afgørende materiale for os at cirkulere i den kommende periode.

Det andet, som selvfølgelig meget hurtigt er ved at udvikle sig i løbet af denne 50-dages nedtælling, er en komplet kovending af dette kupforsøg mod det amerikanske præsidentskab, som er blevet kørt med baggrund i det såkaldte »Russiagate«-hysteri. Dette svindelnummer er blevet brugt som en kølle i et forsøg på at bringe dette præsidentskab til fald og forsøge at drive en kile ind mellem ethvert nyttigt og potentielt produktivt samarbejde mellem USA og Rusland. Vi ser nu også, at dette udvides til at forsøge at drive en kile ind mellem USA og Kina. Her er tingene vendt rundt og har givet bagslag mod dem, der har kørt dette kupforsøg, ved at komme frem i dagens lys og er meget dramatisk. Vi har set afsløringen af hele spindet af korruption hos det personel, der var involveret i denne såkaldte efterforskning, og det er blevet klart, at, endnu før Donald Trump var blevet indsat, eller blot valgt, var der en kernegruppe af disse folk, der havde gjort det til deres egen, personlige mission at gøre alt, de kunne – inklusive at arbejde internt fra den amerikanske regerings institutioner – for at forsøge at bringe dette præsidentskab til fald. Dette er blevet afsløret på forskellig vis. Som I får at høre Helga Zepp-LaRouche sige i et kort uddrag fra Schiller Institut-webcastet fra i går, sagde hun, med sine egne ord, at »anklagerne er blevet de anklagede«. Dette åbner op for en helt ny, strategisk dimension.

Jeg vil nu afspille et kort uddrag af Helga Zepp-LaRouches bemærkninger i går i hendes internationale webcast:

(Hele Helgas webcast på dansk her)

Her følger resten af fredags-webcastet i engelsk udskrift:

HELGA ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  This is very fascinating
because exactly the opposite of what was the intention is now
happening; namely that those people who tried to prove collusion
between Trump and the Russian government are now the target of a
potential investigation themselves, with quite incredible
implications.  There are already calls out that all of these
people — from Mueller, McCabe, Bruce Ohr, Peter Strzok, and
various other individuals — that they should all be led away in
handcuffs.  This is the demand of a former judge and state
attorney, Jeanine Pirro, on Fox TV, and what she referred to is
the fact that now it is becoming very clear in the hearings in
the House of Representatives and in the Senate that there was
collusion of people who were absolutely a taskforce against Trump
even before he was elected, who wanted to have sort of a life
insurance against the possibility that Trump may be elected.
They worked together with the “former” MI-6 agent Christopher
Steele on this dirty dossier.  Now it turns out that the degree
of corruption is even much more deep.  For example, the wife of
the recently laid-off Associate Deputy Attorney General, Bruce
Ohr, worked for the very firm which was dealing with Christopher
Steele on behalf of the Obama administration and the Clinton
election team; namely, Fusion GPS.
So, there is very clearly a conflict of interest to say the
least, and what happened in the hearing was basically, the
situation became so hot that McCabe at the last moment discovered
a so-called conflict of his agenda, and he didn’t appear.
Congressman Nunes immediately said he does not believe that for a
second, because obviously it was incredible.  The cover-up is not
functioning anymore, because the questions were asked to these
individuals that they should have brought this information on
their own; if there was an investigation against the President,
they should have prepared the material as evidence and not
covered it up.
So, I think this is turning the whole situation around.
“Russia-gate” is crumbling, and this has incredible strategic
implications, because this whole thing, if we recall how this
developed, was all intended from the very beginning by the Obama
administration and the leftovers from the previous Bush
administration to prevent President Trump from developing a
positive relationship with Russia.

OGDEN:  This is excerpt from Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s remarks
yesterday on her international Schiller Institute webcast.  As
you just heard her conclude there, this whole thing is turning on
its head.  The accusers have become the accused; and she said
that this whole “Russia-gate” hoax is crumbling.  This has
enormous strategic implications.  Obviously, as she was just in
the middle of saying, the purpose of this was to drive a wedge
between any potentially useful collaboration between the United
States and Russia; and then also by extension, the United States
and China.  But this entire thing really now has crumbled in just
the last 48 hours; and it’s moving very quickly as a result of
the probes from various Congressional committees move ahead.  The
most telling are the text messages that were published between
Peter Strzok, who was a agent on the Mueller investigation, and
his would-be mistress, Lisa Page; who were texting back and forth
during the entirety of the campaign and then even after the
election, leading up into the inauguration.  I would just like to
read some of the content of these text messages that have been
released to the public.  It will show you that this is just
symptomatic of, as Helga Zepp-LaRouche called it, a taskforce
which really was put together inside the institutions of the FBI
and the Justice Department; that were planning and plotting how
to bring down President Trump after he was inaugurated.  So,
here’s some of the contents of the text messages.  You’ll see
that not only did they have it out for Donald Trump, they had it
out for Bernie Sanders, Martin O’Malley, and John Kasich.  These
were Clinton partisans; and I think this really goes to the point
that there is a stay-behind apparatus inside these institutions
that really were doing everything they could from {inside} of the
institutions to get Clinton elected.  Talk about a rigged system!
And then once she lost the election, they’ve been trying to do
everything they can to bring down President Trump.  So, here are
some quotes.
Lisa Page said in a text message, “I just saw my first
Bernie Sanders bumper sticker.  Made me want to key the car.” —
this is from August of 2015.  What was Strzok’s reply?  “He’s an
idiot like Trump.  Figure they cancel each other out.”  Later,
Lisa Page said about Donald Trump, “What an utter idiot!”  She
went on to say in another text message, “God!  Trump is a
loathsome human! OMG!  He’s an idiot!”  Strzok replied, “He’s
awful.”  Strzok wrote to Lisa Page in March of 2016, “God!
Hillary should win 100 million to zero!”  He identified himself
as a conservative Democrat, apparently.  Then here are two of
maybe the most telling text messages, that really get at the
heart of what the personnel in this so-called “investigation”
have really been up to.  Lisa Page wrote to Peter Strzok, “Maybe
you’re meant to stay where you are, because you’re meant to
protect the country from that menace,” she said, referring to
Donald Trump.  And Peter Strzok replied, “I can protect our
country at many levels.”  Then later, here’s another text, and
this is perhaps the most intriguing.  Peter Strzok wrote to Lisa
Page, “I want to believe the path you threw out for consideration
in Andy’s office” — referring to Andrew McCabe, the Deputy
Director. He said, “There’s no way he”, referring to Trump, “gets
elected.  But I’m afraid we can’t take that risk.”  So, what were
they plotting in Andrew McCabe’s office?  And then later on,
shortly after the election, Lisa Page wrote to Peter Strzok,
“Just bought {All the President’s Men}.  Figure I needed to brush
up on Watergate.”  Of course, {All the President’s Men} is the
famous book about how Richard Nixon was brought down through the
Watergate scandals.  So, this shows that shortly after the
election, these two Federal employees were discussing how Trump
might be brought down by this sort of scandal.  So, there you
have it — “Russia-gate”.
As Helga Zepp-LaRouche said, this entire thing is falling
apart.  That’s just one small sliver of the story.  There are
entire other aspects of these conflicts of interest and the fact
that Mueller did stack his team with people who were known
partisans, and who had very clear conflicts of interest.  This
entire thing is now turning on its head.  As Helga Zepp-LaRouche
said, this has enormous strategic implications.
Indeed, we see the potential again for a relationship
between the United States and Russia moving forward just today.
As we heard news reports, yesterday President Trump initiated a
call to President Putin, where they discussed several things, as
President Trump said while he was on the south lawn of the White
House this morning, getting on the helicopter to go down to
Quantico.  He said, President Putin talked about some of the
positive things that have been accomplished here in the United
States during the past year of President Trump’s Presidency.
They also talked about some of the conflicts that the US and
Russia have abroad.  But most of all, the subject matter of that
phone call last night was discussing how to resolve the Korea
crisis; North Korea specifically.  As we know, President Trump
has worked very closely with President Xi Jinping of China to try
to address this hotspot.  But he has repeatedly said, if we could
get along with Russia, that would be a good thing, not a bad
thing; because that would enable us to resolve some of these
hotspots around the world, including North Korea.  So, hopefully
we’ll see some progress as we move forward with that.  We
obviously know that that’s a major aspect of the discussion at
the United Nations Security Council today with Secretary
President Trump also said, during this interaction with
reporters this morning when he was getting on the helicopter, he
said this Russia scandal has been a fraud from day one, and
everybody knows it.  He said there is no collusion.  He said,
even my worst enemies come out of these committee hearings and
declare “Yes, that’s true.  There’s no evidence of collusion yet,
but we’ll just keep going and we’re sure to dig up something.”
But President Trump said, the point is, {there is no collusion}.
Let’s now get back to the business of running this country and
dealing with the problems that we have before us here in the
United States.
So, I think that gets directly back to the point.  We have a
45-day countdown now between now and President Trump’s State of
the Union.  Our mission, as LaRouche PAC and the LaRouche
movement, is to ensure that the central core theme of that State
of the Union is “How are we going to revive the economy of the
United States, and how are we going to join this New Paradigm of
‘win-win’ development that’s been initiated by China?”  That is
by no means a long shot, especially if you — as we did on Monday
— take a survey back on some of the positions that this
President has taken on some of the core themes of that Four Laws
economic program.  Glass-Steagall — he espoused it during the
campaign.  It’s been twisted and undermined by Steve Mnuchin and
others, but this is still a stated part of President Trump’s
agenda.  $1 trillion for infrastructure; we know that that was
the core theme of his joint address to the Congress last
February, and he’s come back to it several times.  In what form
it’s not clear; but that immediately must be mobilized.  The way
that it can be mobilized is through a Hamiltonian national bank
or a national infrastructure bank similar to the way that
Franklin Roosevelt did it during the New Deal.  He also talked
about restoring the skills and the employment of the forgotten
man; especially in the formerly industrial Midwest and heartland
of the United States.  Absolutely!  This is an entire layer of
the population that needs immediate relief, but also needs
immediate productive jobs on the cutting edge kinds of
technologies that can be mobilized through a crash program for
space and for ultimately the achievement of fusion power.
We took a large step forward, so to speak, a giant leap in
the direction of bringing mankind back to the Moon this last
Monday afternoon, with President Trump’s signing of the Space
Policy Directive #1.  The speech that he made upon that signing,
was a very inspiring speech.  He said we intend to bring
Americans back to the Moon, not just to put our footsteps on the
surface of the Moon and plant a flag; but to set up more
permanent research and settlement capabilities there, and then
ultimately to use that a launching pad to send men to Mars and
ultimately beyond.  So obviously, that was the 45th anniversary
of the Apollo 17 landing on the lunar surface; which was the last
manned Moon landing that we’ve had in 45 years.
We had the opportunity last night to hear from Kesha Rogers
on the Fireside Chat.  And many of you maybe got to participate
in this, but Kesha Rogers is a declared candidate — and I can
put her image up here [Fig. 3].  An independent candidate for
Congress, for the US House of Representatives in the 9th
Congressional District of Texas for the upcoming 2018
Congressional elections.  And as Kesha Rogers pointed out in her
talk last night, in her entire lifetime — she’s 41 years old —
we have not had a man or a woman land on the surface of the Moon.
Our entire lifetimes, and now we’re talking about the entire
lifetimes of another generation who are now reaching adulthood;
those students in college and those who are graduating high
school, their entire lifetimes have passed up to this point
without human beings returning to the surface of the Moon.  This
is a tragedy and this is an utter travesty when we look at the
legacy of what John F Kennedy and those original Apollo
astronauts intended when they were laying the groundwork for what
was going to be permanent settlements on the Moon and manned
missions beyond.  That was derailed with John F Kennedy’s
assassination, and we as a nation have fallen far behind where we
were even then with the failure to follow through on those
amazing breakthroughs.
So, this is one of things that has obviously inspired Kesha
Rogers in her declaration for candidacy in the Texas 9th District
US House of Representatives campaign.  But she also, in this
talk, called on others to join her; to take this kind of
leadership that her campaign will be the flagship for the
leadership required.  But that others must join with her to take
the leadership to make this vision a reality.  She in no
uncertain terms, made it very clear that in order to make this
vision into an actuality, we needed to make a breakthrough in the
next 45 days on securing Lyndon LaRouche’s Four Economic Laws as
the core law of the land when we’re talking about the agenda for
this Presidency.
So, what I’d like to do for you is actually just play a few
short excerpts from Kesha Rogers’ opening remarks during that
Fireside Chat call last night, just so you can hear this kind of
authoritative voice of leadership in her own voice.

KESHA ROGERS:  I will just start by making
clear for many people who have already heard and those who may be
new on the line who haven’t heard or may not be familiar with my
campaign.  I have just recently, as Dennis stated, filed a
statement of intent here in Texas to run as an independent for
the US House of Representatives in Congressional District 9 in
Texas.  That is the seat that current Congress member Al Green
holds.  Now I’m going to be petitioning for a position on the
November 2018 ballot as an independent following the March
primary elections here in Texas.
I wanted to start just with that, from the standpoint of
first of all, to give you a little bit of background about my
qualifications, my work with Mr. LaRouche over the past now
nearly 15 years.  I have run Congressional campaigns going back
to 2010, when I ran my first campaign and secured the Democratic
Party nomination and also again in 2012 securing the Democratic
Party nomination.  Leading the charge and calling out front to
end and destructive policies against our nation by
President Obama.  Calling for Obama’s impeachment during those
periods; particularly for his continued criminal actions against
our country, including his commitment to war policy,
regime-change, his Tuesday kill list, and most emphatically —
which we’ll get into more — the destruction of our national
space program with the brutal cuts to the Constellation program
and the destruction of our Moon return program that was set into
motion by the Constellation.
But what we saw during the Obama administration was an
outright commitment to defending the interests of Wall Street.
This is what my campaign and many of my colleagues on the
national slate that I ran with as LaRouche candidates on a
national slate, acted immediately to reject this policy of Wall
Street looting of our national economy and to call for the
shutting down of Wall Street and a restoring of Glass-Steagall
banking reorganization.  So, it’s important to understand that
history right now, because this is what actually garnered a great
success with my campaigns here in Texas, despite the fact that
there was a real backlash from the national and local Democrat
Party.  As I said, the victory came about when people in not only
in the district, in the state, supported my campaign calling for
a return to a national mission.  A visionary perspective as
outlined by President John F Kennedy and also President Franklin
Roosevelt, which has been the commitment of Lyndon LaRouche and
his economic policies for many decades now.  Many people
responded to that call of leadership and recognized that our
campaign actually offered solutions.
This is what is absolutely required today.  What I’m hoping
to see is that more people take it upon yourselves to actually
launch into this fight, to run political campaigns yourself.
What we need right now is we need a form of leadership emerging
throughout the country of people all over the nation.  This is
not a matter of party politics; this is a matter of who will
commit to a restoring of a national mission for the country.  I
think it’s very important right now to recognize that we’re not
talking about what’s going to be needed for almost a year from
now in a November election.  But what is required immediately,
and what must be implemented at this present time to save our
nation, to save the US economy, to turn around the decades-long
physical economic collapse that we’ve seen in the country.  We’re
at a very unique opportunity to be able to do that.  It’s going
to require the educational process of the American people; it’s
going to require a number of you and others stepping up to the
plate to provide the leadership that’s needed.  I think it really
is going to require a new commitment and understanding of what
the idea of a national mission really should constitute.  Mr.
LaRouche the model, the mobilization of my
campaigns has been the direct influence of the work that Lyndon
LaRouche has been involved in for many years now.  The national
mission orientation and a science driver crash program for
restoring the productivity of our nation.
So, I think that is the fight at hand right now.  As we look
at the rapid shift toward development in the world at the present
time, you see what’s happening in terms of a commitment by
nations that are joining with China in the Belt and Road
Initiative.  The direction for a national mission for our country
isn’t just for the benefit of the United States itself, but the
world is looking right now towards a unified global paradigm.
Which is a paradigm shaped around the idea that an international
commitment to collaboration, to ending poverty, to ending the
threat of war, to ending hunger, to ending in the United States
and elsewhere the rapid increase of drug abuse, and the collapse
of physical infrastructure.  This has to be our commitment; not
just to our own nation, but to that in collaborations around the
world.  The best way to define, to actually secure the victory of
accomplishing those goals, is through a commitment to a national
driver which is our commitment to reviving our national space
So, that’s what has been my number one priority, is
continuing to campaign even in off-campaign seasons and continue
to be very present in the space community and the scientific
community.  This is what we have a very important obligation to
see through.  So, I think we are in a very unique position to
respond to this demand of leadership.  I take on that challenge
willingly, and I am looking for people to join me and take on
that challenge as I do, and to make sure that we can move the
country in the needed direction in the next 50 days now.  Get the
President to immediately adopt these policies of an economic
recovery program that’s been defined by Lyndon LaRouche in his
Four Economic Laws.

OGDEN:  So there you heard.  These were the opening remarks
from Kesha Rogers during the Fireside Chat last night.  You can
listen to the entire dialogue on the LaRouche PAC website if you
missed it, but her remarks there right at the conclusion; she
said we have this 50-day countdown — now 45 days — to secure
Lyndon LaRouche’s Four Economic Laws as the policy of the
Presidency of the United States.  So, you can see here on the
screen [Fig. 4], this is again the sneak peek to the cover of the
LaRouche PAC pamphlet which will be coming out at the beginning
of next week.  “America’s Future on the New Silk Road.
LaRouche’s Four Laws — The Physical Economic Principles for the
Recovery of the United States.”  And it says on the back there,
these are LaRouche’s Four Laws; and then we have a beautiful map
of the World Land-Bridge as it was conceived originally by the
LaRouche movement over 20 years ago.  Now, this is actually
coming into fruition.  The core contents of this pamphlet are the
text of the keynote speech that Helga Zepp-LaRouche made at the
Bad Soden conference in Frankfurt, Germany about two weeks ago.
Where she goes through the entire vision of what was originally
conceived of by Gottfried Leibniz as the Eurasian collaboration
between European civilization and Chinese Confucian civilization,
reaching across, bridging between those two great civilizations
to bring development to the entirety of the Eurasian continent.
That was Leibniz’s idea originally for what is now this New Silk
Road that the Chinese have initiated.  Now our mission is to
extend that to include the entire world.
Also, we have Lyndon LaRouche’s original document — “The
Four Economic Laws” — reprinted in full in that pamphlet.  Then
we have four sections that break down those four economic laws
and elaborate them a little bit more extensively.  This is
exactly what Kesha Rogers said; we need to have an educational
process for the American people over the coming 45 days in order
to really bring this idea of a recovery program to life.
So, I thought it was very useful to listen to the remarks
from Kesha Rogers, and to hear that in her own voice.  As she
said, we’re in a very unique to respond to the demand of
leadership that’s needed today.  She said, I think that if we
take this kind of national sense of mission, we can really
inspire people across party lines.  This is not a question of
party politics, she said.  She called for a swarm of leadership
from across the nation; she said, “We need a swarm of leadership
of people who will commit to restoring this sense of national
mission for our country”; bring us into this New Paradigm of
development which is now sweeping the globe.  She said what’s
required is for you and for others to step up to the plate and to
provide the kind of leadership required.  She said, “I take on
that challenge willingly, and I’m looking for others who will do
the same.”
So I think on that note, we have our sense of mission for
the next 45 days.  Things will continue to develop very rapidly,
I’m sure; around both the crumbling of this entire so-called
“Russia-gate” investigation, as things become more and more
revealed and brought out into the light of day.  And also as we
continue to make breakthroughs on this campaign to make Lyndon
LaRouche’s Four Economic Laws the law of the land here in the
United States.
So, continue to tune in, please, over the coming days as we
continue our now 45-day countdown.  We will guarantee that we
will continue our mobilization and do everything required to make
sure that we secure a victory in this campaign to restore the
Hamiltonian principles as the law of the land in the United
States.  So, you can follow more about what Kesha Rogers is doing
as we cover her campaign here on  And you can
look forward to next week, the publication of this new pamphlet,
“America’s Future on the New Silk Road.  LaRouche’s Four Laws —
The Physical Economic Principles for the Recovery of the United
States.”  And also, we have the 10,000-print run of the Mueller
special dossier that has already penetrated the highest levels of
policymaking here in Washington, DC and across the country, and
will continue to have — I’m sure — a very groundbreaking
So, thank you for tuning today.  Please stay tuned to and good night.

Trump annoncerer USA’s tilbagevenden til Månen:
Vi har brug for LaRouches Fire Love for at gøre det.
Helga Zepp-LaRouche i Schiller Institut
Nyt Paradigme Webcast, 14. dec., 2017

Jeg mener, der også er en aftale mellem USA og Rusland om sammen at bygge en rumstation på Månen. Og Trumps beslutning – jeg mener, man kan virkelig se, hvem, der er hvem, når man ser, hvordan folk reagerer til dette. ESA, det Europæiske Rumagentur, var fuldstændig entusiastisk og hilste dette velkomment; den kinesiske regering udtrykte glæde over denne beslutning. Alt imens de europæiske medier dækkede dette, som om Trump var fuldstændig sindssyg for at ville tage tilbage til Månen – dette er virkelig utroligt! Alle mennesker, der har været i rummet, astronauterne, de kommer altid tilbage og siger, dette er en utrolig oplevelse, for i rummet betyder det ingen ting, hvilken nationalitet, man har, for man må stole på hinanden, ellers kan man ikke gennemføre en så ekstremt udfordrende mission. En russisk kosmonaut har netop sagt: Vi bør udvikle en holdning til at løse problemer på Jorden i samme ånd, med hvilken vi samarbejder i rummet.

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Hold jer sejren for øje!

Leder fra LaRouche PAC, USA, 11. dec., 2017 – Dette er et enestående øjeblik. Det gamle, geopolitiske paradigme smuldrer, selv om det stadig sparker og er farligt, som det er tilfældet i det aktuelle kaos omkring Jerusalem. Men det nye paradigmes gensidige fordelagtighed vinder hastigt grund; og den potentielle alliance mellem Kina, Rusland og USA betyder et muligt, episk fremskridt for menneskeheden. Vi bør holde os sejren for øje.

I USA hører vi nu hyleri fra imperieslænget i Washington og London om, at deres Mueller/Russiagate-komplot ikke har held til at bringe Trump og det amerikanske præsidentskab til fald. Washington Post og Londonavisen Guardian stønner, at Robert Mueller og hans team ikke længere er »respekteret« og ikke ses som værende en »legitim myndighed«.

Det, der sker med Robert Mueller, viser »Ibykus-princippet« i kraft, med henvisning til Friedrich Schillers berømte digt, Ibykus’ traner. I dag påpegede Schiller Instituttets præsident, Helga Zepp-LaRouche, denne kendsgerning. Mueller slap længe godt fra sine forbrydelser – fængslingen af Lyndon LaRouche og hans medarbejdere, medskyldighed og mørklægning af Saudi-Arabiens involvering i 11. september. Men nu kredser Ibykus’ traner om ham. Mueller står for fald.

I Sydvestasien er der positive udviklinger, der giver håb for fremtiden, på trods af de af USA- og U.K.-støttede, saudiske grusomheder med angreb på Yemen. I dag var den russiske præsident Vladimir Putin på en russisk flybase i Syrien, hvor han takkede russiske soldater for deres indsats i Syrien og annoncerede, at kontingenter og udstyr nu er beordret hjem. »Vi vil aldrig glemme de dødsfald og tab, vi har lidt i anti-terrorkampen, både her i Syrien og i Rusland … mindet herom vil give os yderligere styrke til at udrydde denne absolutte ondskab – international terrorisme …« Den syriske præsident Bashar al-Assad takkede personligt Putin for at hjælpe Syrien. Dernæst mødtes Putin i Kairo med den egyptiske præsident Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, hvor økonomiske aftaler blev underskrevet, inklusive aftaler om, at Rusland kunne gå videre med byggeri af kernekraftværket med fire reaktorer på kysten, og om at samarbejde om Suezkanalens industrizone.

Samtidig er regionen i oprør over meddelelsen fra 6. dec. om, at USA vil flytte sin ambassade i Tel Aviv til Jerusalem. Trumps erklæring om dette – som senere blev modereret af udenrigsminister Rex Tillerson, kommer midt i en månedlang hyperaktivitet på vegne af fjernsynsprædikanter, såkaldte kristne, fundamentalistiske netværk, der kræver, at vi »står side om side med Israel«. Disse netværk er gamle kapaciteter for beskidte, britiske operationer, som går årtier tilbage i tiden. Vicepræsident Mike Pence, der er dybt involveret i disse kredse, og USA’s FN-ambassadør Nikke Haley, gik ind for, at Trump skulle tage dette provokerende initiativ før Pences planlagte rejse til Israel (17.-18. dec.) og Egypten (19.-20. dec.). Denne rejse – der tidligere var programmeret som en måde til at fremme Trumps ønske om en fredsproces, ligger nu i ruiner, endnu før den er begyndt. Den palæstinensiske præsident Mahmoud Abbas har aflyst et planlagt møde med Pence, og det samme har den egyptiske, koptiske patriark, pave Tawadros II og Egyptens øverste, muslimske klerikale repræsentant, Ahmed Al-Tayeb.

Denne form for handlinger for at skabe konflikt – hvor man sætter Israel op imod Palæstina, jøder op imod muslimer, sunnier op imod shi’iter samt andre geopolitiske spil, er det gamle paradigme i arbejde. Der er ingen mulighed for sikkerhed for nogen – inklusive Israel – i dette system af orkestrerede stridigheder. Den eneste løsning er gennem en ny æra for win-win-relationer mellem nationer, i den »Nye Silkevejsånd«. Dette forklares på smukkeste vis i Schiller Instituttets nye rapport, »Udvid den Nye Silkevej til Sydvestasien og Afrika: En vision om en økonomisk renæssance (vil snart kunne bestilles i USA).

LaRouche-medarbejdere i USA går nu frem mod målet om at opnå et skifte i politikken frem til 30. januar, 2018, Trumps Tale om nationens tilstand. Som det blev sagt i dag i LaRouche PAC’s mandags-opdatering: »50 dage til at forme de næste 50 år«.

Præsident Trumps underskrivelse af »Direktiv 1 for Rumpolitik« under en ceremoni i Det Hvide Hus er et skridt hen imod netop denne fornødne ændring. Vi vil »løfte vort blik mod himlene« og »turde drømme store ting«, erklærede præsidenten.

Foto: Præsident Trump får en pilotjakke fra NASA i Det Hvide Hus, marts, 2017. (Whitehouse Photo)          

»Med det voksende tempo mod
Verdenslandbroen, må særlige anklager
Mueller gå!« Dansk Udskrift.
Schiller Institut Nyt Paradigme Webcast,
7. dec., 2017, med Helga Zepp-LaRouche

I Europa ser det endnu mere dystert ud, for de europæiske nationer befinder sig i en totalt kaotisk tilstand. Der er de øst- og sydeuropæiske nationer, der ønsker at gå sammen med Kina i Bælte & Vej Initiativet; der er et totalt hysteri fra EU’s side og også i vid udstrækning fra den tyske regerings side – hvad der så er tilbage af den – og som siger, »Kina opsplitter Europa«. Hvilket ikke er sandt! Kinesernes svar på denne anklage var, at Kina ikke behøver opsplitte Europa, det har det allerede selv gjort. Men der finder ingen diskussion sted i Europa om bankopdeling. Faktisk traf EU for blot et par uger siden beslutning om nye retningslinjer, der forbyder bankopdeling. De europæiske nationers overlevelse og disse EU-politikker er således uforenelige.

Vi må have en offentlig diskussion i Tyskland om f.eks., at vi må vende tilbage til den form for kreditpolitik, vi havde i perioden efter krigen med Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (Kreditanstalt for genopbygning); men, vi må have finansiering af realøkonomien, og hele denne kasinoøkonomi må lukkes ned.

Jeg mener, at den største fare lige nu består i et ukontrolleret kollaps. Disse advarsler fra Bundesbank og BIS er virkelig en advarsel om, at folk må se at vågne op og ændre politik, før det er for sent: Så gå sammen med os i kampen for at få Glass-Steagall på dagsordenen, også i de europæiske lande.

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Tiden er kommet til at begrave Muellers
kupforsøg, så USA kan komme med om bord
i den Nye Silkevej

Leder fra LaRouche PAC, USA, 5. dec., 2017 – Kupforsøget mod Trumps præsidentskab, som orkestreres af den særlige anklager Robert Mueller efter et manuskript fra britisk efterretning, tager vand ind til højre og venstre og er nu i alvorlig fare for helt at synke. I takt med, at der kommer flere og flere beviser frem for dagens lys om den centrale rolle, som spilles af FBI-topagent, og makker til Mueller, Peter Strzok, og om relateret aktivitet fra ’Få ram på Trump’-specialstyrken, der klart har overskredet grænsen fra det blot beskidte og tvetydige til deciderede forbrydelser mod forfatningen, går det op for Mueller et al., at, hvis det ikke lykkes for dem, vil de snart selv ende i fængsel.

Krav om en afslutning af anti-Trump-heksejagten vokser i medierne, inklusive i et indlæg i dag i Wall Street Journal, underskrevet af redaktionen, og som insisterer, at »Offentligheden har ret til at vide, om [britisk efterretnings] Steele-dossier var anledningen til Comeys kulegravning, og om det førte til nærgående aflytning af regeringen«. WSJ’s redaktører skriver, at de betvivler »hr. Muellers evne til at gennemføre en fair og troværdig kulegravning af FBI’s anselige andel i Rusland-Trump-dramaet«.

Men, det er ikke nok blot at udskyde Muellers bestræbelser, eller endda alvorligt skade dem. De skal begraves. Til dette formål har EIR annonceret, at andet oplag af dets specialrapport, »Robert Mueller er en umoralsk, juridisk morder: Han vil gøre sit job, hvis I giver ham lov«, snarest bliver udgivet.

Den bydende nødvendige grund til dette er at skabe de betingelser, under hvilke USA kan gå sammen med Kina, Rusland og andre nationer i opbygningen af den Nye Silkevej, til fordel og gavn for hele menneskeheden. Som Helga Zepp-LaRouche i samtale med sine medarbejdere i dag sagde:

»Lande, der ikke samarbejder med Bælte & Vej Initiativet, vil blive kørt ud på sidelinjen, til skade for deres egne befolkninger.«

Zepp-LaRouche forklarede, at der er tektoniske skift i gang på globalt plan, med det gamle, transatlantiske finanssystems, med dets spekulation, undergang, og den hastige fremvækst af det nye system, Bælte & Vej Initiativet.

»Der finder en utrolig dynamik sted«, rapporterede Zepp-LaRouche.

»Der finder konferencer sted hver dag, hvor flere lande, flere kræfter, flere foretagender og industrier tilslutter sig dette Nye Paradigme. Den japanske premierminister Abes erklæring om, at Japan vil samarbejde med Bælte & Vej, er virkelig vigtig. Lande, der ikke samarbejder, vil blive kørt ud på sidelinjen, til skade for deres egne befolkninger.

Denne kinesiske politik er ikke imod nogen nation, og den udgør heller ikke på en eller anden måde en konflikt mellem USA og andre lande. Dette her drejer sig om at gå med i fremtiden; om at gå med i et absolut fantastisk perspektiv. Den tidligere rumænske astronaut, Dumitru-Dorin Prunariu, har netop udtalt, at, ’efter Bælte & Vej Initiativet tror jeg, at Kina har et galaktisk initiativ i tankerne’. Dette er absolut tidens ånd.

Vores kampagne fokuserer på Lyndon LaRouches Fire Love, på LaRouches økonomiske metode, på USA’s tilslutning til den Nye Silkevej og på USA’s samarbejde med andre lande om rumforskning. Og jeg mener, dette er et perfekt tidspunkt til at forvandle hele USA til en optimistisk kampagne. Dette kan blive til den absolut afgørende kraft for hele USA. Tiden er kommet til at forsvare præsidenten, besejre kuppet, besejre Det britiske Imperium og til at gå ind i en fuldstændig ny og fremgangsrig, skøn fremtid. Jeg mener, dette er et vidunderligt perspektiv.«

Lyndon LaRouche, på sin side, opsummerede den strategiske situation og de opgaver, der ligger foran os, på følgende vis:

»Der kan gøres mere. Vi har midlerne til at gøre det. De er i vore hænder. Tag dem, og skab det, der må gøres. Handl på det!«

Foto: Tidligere direktør for FBI, Robert Mueller, besøger Estland, 14. februar, 2012. (USA’s Ambassade i Tallinn)

»Den Nye Silkevej er en ny model
for internationale relationer«
Hovedtale af Helga Zepp-LaRouche
på Schiller Institut konference,
25.-26. nov., 2017, Frankfurt, Tyskland:
»At opfylde menneskehedens drøm«

»Jeg mener, at den Nye Silkevej er et typisk eksempel på en idé, hvis tid er kommet; og når en idé på denne måde først er ved at blive en materialistisk virkelighed, bliver den til en fysisk kraft i universet. Jeg har personligt haft mulighed for at se udviklingen af denne idé, der på mange måder reelt set begyndte med dette store menneske – min ægtemand, Lyndon LaRouche; der, for mange årtier siden – for næsten et halvt århundrede siden – fik ideen om en ny, retfærdig, økonomisk verdensorden. Dette blev dernæst mere manifest i 1970’erne, ’80erne og især i 1991, da Sovjetunionen opløstes, og hvor denne idé om at skabe en ny, retfærdig, økonomisk verdensorden blev meget fremtrædende.«

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’Nu begynder det alt sammen at give mening’

Leder fra LaRouche PAC, USA, 3. dec., 2017 – En udenlandsk fjende af USA – Det britiske Imperiums efterretningstjenester og deres allierede i FBI og på Wall Street – har de facto invaderet USA med den erklærede hensigt at iscenesætte et statskup imod den valgte præsident og forfatningen, for at omstøde hans politikker for at opbygge fredeligt samarbejde med Rusland og Kina og marchere verden tilbage, væk fra randen af krig. Briterne kan ikke klare nogen som helst afvigelse fra deres Bush- og Obamaadministrationers krigskurs, fordi overlevelsen af hele deres system med global geopolitik og finansiel udplyndring afhænger af det. Efter præsident Trump blev valgt af det amerikanske folk for at omstøde Obamas politikker og gøre præcis dette, har briterne et al. forsøgt at afsætte ham ved en rigsret og fængsle ham, og giv pokker i sandheden.

Den fremgangsmåde, de anvender, og selv den involverede rollebesætning, er næsten identisk til den »Få ram på LaRouche«-specialstyrke, de deployerede for henved 30 år siden, for uretmæssigt at fængsle Lyndon LaRouche og flere af hans medarbejdere, i et mislykket forsøg på at gøre ham tavs.

Disse enkle kendsgerninger, der i månedsvis har været kendt af LaRouche-bevægelsen og dens tilhængere, og som er blevet cirkuleret vidt og bredt med vores Mueller-dossier (nu i andet oplag), er nu kommet helt frem i offentligheden i løbet af de seneste 72 timer. Som præsident Trump selv tweetede i dag: »Nu begynder det alt sammen at give mening.«

Det er denne internationale kamp, der står på spil, og ikke noget, der har med »indenrigsspørgsmål«, eller andre følelsesladede emner, hverken til højre eller venstre, at gøre.

Den største trussel mod Det britiske Imperiums greb er det uophørlige fremstød fra Kinas Bælte & Vej Initiativ, der trækker den ene nation efter den anden ind i sit kredsløb, såvel som også den enestående rolle, som LaRouche-bevægelsen spiller i denne proces – som det endnu engang reflekteredes i Helga Zepp-LaRouches deltagelse som hovedtaler på konferencen den 29. nov. i Zhuhai, Guangdong, Kina, Forum for det 21. Århundredes Maritime Silkevej.

Et typisk eksempel på den hastigt skiftende, globale dynamik er de kommentarer, som formanden for Bank of China, Chen Siqing, kom med i en tale, han holdt den 2. dec. på et forum i Rom, »Den Tredje Middelhavsdialog«:

»Bælte & Vej Initiativet har skabt en ny platform for internationalt samarbejde … Middelhavsområdet har en unik beliggenhed af stor strategisk betydning, på korsvejen for Silkevejen over land og den maritime Silkevej … I fremtiden bør vi accelerere samarbejdet omkring industriel kapacitet med lande, der ligger langs Bælte & Vej, og fremme regional udvikling og fredelig sameksistens mellem folkeslagene.«

Denne fremtid er nu, og den inkluderer USA. Den inkluderer ikke Det britiske Imperium.

Foto: Præsident Donald J. Trump deltager i APEC-topmødet. 11. nov., 2017.

Vi er vidne til indvielsen af
en helt ny æra på planeten.
LaRouchePAC Internationale
Webcast, 1. dec., 2017

Vært Matthew Ogden: Godaften; det er 1. dec., og dette er vores strategiske fredags-webcast fra

Vi har meget stof at gennemgå i aften, for vi bliver i øjeblikket vidne til indvielsen af en helt ny æra på denne planet. Det, vi bliver vidne til, især i løbet af den seneste uge, siden afslutningen af den ekstraordinært historiske Schiller Institut-konference, der fandt sted nær Frankfurt, Tyskland, i sidste weekend, er den kendsgerning, at den Nye Silkevejsdynamik – denne dynamik med store projekter og »win-win«-samarbejde, der er blevet initieret af Kina – denne Nye Silkevejsdynamik er nu den dominerende og virkelig uimodståelige dynamik på denne planet. Dette er noget, der fuldstændig er i færd med at omforme alle nationers politik på denne planet. Og tyngdecentret er skiftet væk fra det gamle paradigme, som vi har set i det transatlantiske system, og til dette Nye Paradigme, der nu har fået overtaget pga. de initiativer, som frem for alt Kina har taget.

Jeg vil gerne lægge ud med at afspille et kort uddrag af Helga Zepp-LaRouches ekstraordinære hovedtale, som hun holdt på denne konference, der var sponsoreret af Schiller Instituttet nær Frankfurt, Tyskland, i sidste weekend. Konferencens titel var »At opfylde menneskehedens drøm«, og titlen på Helga Zepp-LaRouches hovedtale var »Den Nye Silkevej; Den nye model for internationale relationer«. Her er et kort uddrag af Helgas tale:

(Se hele Helgas video og tale i dansk oversættelse her:

(Her følger engelsk udskrift af resten af webcastet)


:  So, let me start with an idea
of Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz.  He said that we are actually
living in the best of all possible worlds.  This is a very
fundamental ontological conception.  It’s the idea that we are
living in a developing universe; that what makes the universe the
best of all possible ones is its tremendous potential for
development.  It is in such a way created, that every great evil
challenges an even greater good to come into being.  I think when
we are talking about the New Silk Road and the tremendous changes
which have occurred in the world, especially in the last four
years, it is actually exactly that principle working.  Because it
was the absolute manifest lack of development of the old world
order which caused the impulse of China and the spirit of the New
Silk Road having caught on that now many nations of the world are
absolutely determined to have a development giving a better life
to all of their people.
Now, I think that the New Silk Road is a typical example of
an idea whose time had come; and once an idea is in that way
becoming a material reality, it becomes a physical force in the
Now the Chinese Ambassador to Washington, Cui Tiankai,
recently made the point, that there were 16 times in world history,
when a rising country would surpass the dominant country up to
that point.  In twelve cases it led to a war, and in four cases
the rising country just peacefully took over.  He said that China
wants neither, but we want to have a completely different system
of a “win-win” relationship of equality and respect for each
Obviously, the most important question strategically, if you
think about it, is that we can avoid the so-called Thucydides
trap.  That was the rivalry between Athens and Sparta in the 5th
Century BC, which led to the Peloponnesian War and the demise of
ancient Greece.  If this were to occur today between the United
States and China in the age of thermonuclear weapons, I think
nobody in their right mind could wish that; and therefore, we
should all be extremely happy that Trump and Xi Jinping have
developed this very important relationship.  I stuck my neck out
in the United States in February of this year by saying, if
President Trump manages to get a good relationship between the
United States and China, and between the United States and Russia, he
will go down in history as one of the greatest Presidents of the
United States.  Naturally, everybody was completely freaked out
because that is not the picture people are supposed to have about
Trump.  But I think if you look at what is happening, you will
see that Trump is on a very good way to accomplish exactly that.
So, he came back from this Asia trip with $253 billion worth
of deals with China.  I watched the press conference of the
Governor of West Virginia, Jim Justice, where he said that now,
because of China, there is hope in West Virginia.  West Virginia
is a totally depressed state; they have unemployment and a drug
epidemic.  But he said now we can have value-added production, we
will have a bright future.  So, the spirit of the New Silk Road
has even caught on in West Virginia.  Obviously the United States
has an enormous demand for infrastructure, especially now after
the destruction of all these hurricanes; which just to restore
what has been destroyed requires $200 billion, not even talking
about disaster prevention.  So, this is all on a good way that
China will invest in the infrastructure in the United States, and
vice versa; US firms will cooperate in projects of the Belt and
Road Initiative.
So, just think about it, because almost everything I’m
saying goes against everything you hear in the Western media.
But think:  From whom comes the motion for peace and development?
Is it coming from those who attack Putin, Xi, and Trump?  And
those who side with Obama?  It’s obviously time for people to
rethink how the Western viewpoint is on all of these matters.  Or
change the glasses which they have to look at the world.

OGDEN:  So, as you heard from Helga Zepp-LaRouche, that was
just a short excerpt from her speech, but she said we have to
change the glasses through which we look at the world.  That’s
what she did really with the entirety of her keynote address;
which was an hour long.  It is available on the website right now; but she
really did change the glasses, through which people should see the
world; both by reviewing what the strategic breakthroughs have
been in terms of the New Silk Road dynamic which has been
sweeping the planet and supplanting this outmoded and failed
geopolitical world order which has brought the world really to
the edge of what she said; this Thucydides trap and the danger of
thermonuclear war.  But she also did some very extraordinary; she
took the audience back through the history of the relationship
between the Confucianism of China and the Leibnizian philosophy
of Europe.  This was the best of European culture, and really the
consolidation of the Renaissance culture of Europe.  What
Gottfried Leibniz was able to do in his time, recognizing the
failures of European culture due to the kinds of rivalries
between these warring empires and what had really turned into a
corruption and a rot at the core of the European system at that
time; he said the future can be secured if we recognize the best
of European culture — the Christianity and the heritage of the
Greek philosophy which built European culture; but put this
together with the aspects of Chinese Confucianism which are in
fact harmonious with the best of the ideas of European
philosophy.  He pointed out, that the idea of an understanding of

the pre-established harmony between man’s creative mind and the
created universe is something, which indeed is recognized in
Leibnizian European philosophy; but is also at the core of
Confucian philosophy.
Helga Zepp-LaRouche said that in a very real way, Xi Jinping
has reflected a profound understanding of this kind of harmonious
relationship between man and the created world, and also between
the nations of this planet, and has given it a substance;
actualized this idea through the form of the New Silk Road.  She
also reviewed the history of her husband’s — Lyndon LaRouche’s
— role in creating the basis of the ideas that are now taking
their form in this New Paradigm of development coming out of
China and the Belt and Road Initiative.  She traced it all the
way back to a paper that Lyndon LaRouche had written in the 1970s
about the development of Africa, and the fact that his ideas —
which were at the core of that vision — are now what are
actually taking place in Africa and other nations that are being
touched by the Belt and Road Initiative.  Again, this is an
extraordinary keynote address, and we would encourage you to
watch the speech in its entirety.
But after Helga LaRouche’s keynote, the conference — which
was a two-day conference — unfolded; and it was a series of
extraordinary panel after extraordinary panel.  The first panel
was titled “The Earth’s Next Fifty Years”; obviously taking that
from the title of a wonderful book that was published by Lyndon
LaRouche over a decade ago.  But this panel began with a keynote
by Professor He Wenping, who’s the Director of African Studies at
the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences in Beijing.  The speech
was “President Xi’s Perspective for the Year 2050 and the
Perspective of African Development”.  That was followed by the
former Transport Minister of Egypt, who gave a speech called
“Integration of Egypt’s Transportation Plans 2030 with the New
Silk Road Project”.  Then, there was a statement from George
Lombardi, who is the former social media consultant to President
Donald Trump; and his speech was titled “The Trump
Administration: Impending Economic Policies and Media Discord”.
Then that panel concluded with a speech by Marco Zanni, who is a
member of the European Parliament from Italy.  His speech was
titled “A Future for Europe after the Euro”.
Panel I was followed by Panel II, which was the second panel
of the first day, which was titled “The Need for Europe To
Cooperate with China in the Industrialization of Africa and the
Middle East; Transaqua as the Rosetta Stone of the Continent’s
Transformation”.  This began with an extensive speech by Hussein
Askary, who is the Southwest Asia coordinator for the Schiller
Institute.  This was on “Extending the Silk Road into Southwest
Asia and Africa; A Vision of an Economic Renaissance”.  The bulk
of this is also actually included in a new Special Report that is
just been published by the Schiller Institute, that was jointly
written by Hussein Askary and Jason Ross.  He was followed by the
Foreign Director of the Bonifaca S.p.A., Italy, company, which is
actually involved with China in building this Transaqua project.
It’s called the Italy-China Alliance for Transaqua.  Then, the
General Consul to Frankfurt from Ethiopia spoke — Mehreteab
Mulugeta Haile.  The title of his speech was “The Need for Europe
to Cooperate with China in the Industrialization of Africa”.
Then that panel concluded with a speech by the Executive Manager
of Pyramids International called “Egypt’s 2030 Mega Projects:
Investment Opportunities for Intermodal and Multimodal
The third panel took place on the second day of the
conference, and that panel was titled “Europe As the Continent of
Poets, Thinkers, and Inventors: An Optimistic Vision for the
Future of Europe”.  It was keynoted by Jacques Cheminade, who’s
the former Presidential candidate in France.  His speech was
titled “What Europe Should Contribute to the New World Paradigm”.
Then, Dr. Natalia Vitrenko, who’s the chairwoman of the
Progressive Socialist Party of Ukraine, gave a speech — “China’s
Initiative from the Doom of Self-Destruction, to Prosperity and
Progress; A View from Ukraine”.  Then, a speech from a
representative from Serbia; an author and journalist named Dr.
Jasminka Simic.  Her speech was titled “One Belt, One Road — An
Opportunity for Development in the Western Balkans”.  Then that
panel concluded with a speech from Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Professor Mariana Tian — “Bulgaria’s Contribution to the Belt
and Road Initiative”.
There were also two other speeches; the chair of the
Anglo-Hellenic and Cypriot Law Association, and the founding
Director of the China Africa Advisory.
Then, the concluding panel of the entire conference, Panel
IV; “The System We Live in Is Not Earthbound — Future
Technologies and Scientific Breakthroughs”.  This was keynoted by
Jason Ross, scientific advisor to the Schiller Institute.  His
speech was titled “The Scientific Method of LaRouche”.  He was
followed by Prof. Dr. Helmut Alt, from the University of Applied
Sciences in Aachen; who gave a speech — “Energy Transition; From
Bad to Worse”.  Then that concluded with Dr. Wentao Guo, from
Switzerland — “Current Situation of High Temperature Gas-Cooled
Reactors in China”.
Then there was an extensive Q&A period after that, in which
there was very important input from the audience.  The attendees
at this event — which you could see just from the speaker’s list
alone — represented countries from Western Eurasia, from Central
Europe, from Africa, from the United States, from Western Europe,
from Scandinavia, from really literally all over the world.  This
was an extraordinary conference.
There was a resolution that was adopted at the concluding of
the conference that I’d like to put on the screen here [Fig. 1].
The resolution is taking a note from what China has committed
itself to — eliminating poverty by the year 2020 in China.  So,
this is the resolution adopted by the Schiller Institute
conference in Bad Soden, Germany:

“At this conference, with the title ‘Fulfilling the Dream of
Mankind,’ we discussed the incredible transformation of the world
catalyzed by the Chinese initiative of the New Silk Road. The
Belt and Road Initiative, which is creating optimism in Asia,
Africa, Latin America, more and more states in Europe, and after
the state visit of President Trump in China, in several states
within the United States.
“The Belt and Road Initiative has the concrete perspective
on how poverty and underdevelopment can be overcome through
investment in infrastructure, industry and agriculture, based on
scientific and technological progress. The Chinese government
which uplifted 700 million out of poverty in the last 30 years,
has now proclaimed the goal to lift the remaining 42 million
people living in poverty out of their condition, and create a
decent living standard for the entire Chinese population by the
year 2020.
“Within the European Union, there are living approximately
120 million people below the poverty line, according to our own
criteria characterizing the costs of life. Given the fact that
Europe is still an economic powerhouse, there is no plausible
reason why Europe cannot uplift these 120 million people out of
poverty by the year 2020, as well. The best way to accomplish
this is for the EU, all European nations, to accept the offer by
China to cooperate with China in the Belt and Road Initiative on
a ‘win-win’ basis.
“We, the participants of the Schiller Institute conference,
call on all elected officials to join this appeal to the European
governments. Should we in Europe not be proud enough to say, if
the Chinese can do this, we can do it, too?”

As you can see here,, that
is the location of the proceedings of this conference which will
be published as they’re prepared; but also, that resolution that
I just read to you, is available on that website — and it’s collecting
signatures.  It’s something that you can add your name to and you
can circulate that.  Obviously, it applies not only to Europe,
but applies to the United States as well; this goal of
eliminating poverty by building infrastructure and high
technology projects to increase the living standards and the
productivity of our populations; as China is doing through the
Belt and Road Initiative.  This is what can be accomplished in
the United States.  We’ll review a little bit of that.
I do want to note that Helga Zepp-LaRouche made a special
notice of the statement by West Virginia Governor Jim Justice
after he secured $87 billion in joint investment into the state
of West Virginia; which is greater than the entire GDP of that
state.  This accomplishment is really the spirit of the New Silk
Road, which is now sweeping through the world and has even taken
hold in our very own state of West Virginia here in the United
Now, let’s look at the extraordinary rate of developments
that have occurred since this conference happened in Frankfurt,
Germany last weekend.  This is part of putting on those new
glasses that Helga LaRouche talked about in order to see the
world as it really is; not to see the world through the kind of
spin and propaganda that you’re inundated with on a daily basis
by the media.  If you were following the media, you would think,
that the only issue on the table, are the series of sex scandals
that are coming out from celebrities and news anchors and so
forth and so on.  And you would miss the fact that we are
literally living in the absolute epicenter right now in history
of a total paradigm shift in the history of mankind.
So, let’s look at this extraordinary rate of developments.
This conference, obviously, in Europe — the Schiller Institute
conference — took place right on the heels of President Trump’s
extraordinarily successful trip to Asia; where he had his state
visit-plus visit with President Xi Jinping in China.  And the
$250 billion worth of deals that were signed there for joint
investments, the fact that President Xi Jinping put directly on
the table the idea of the United States and US businesses
collaborating with the Belt and Road Initiative, and the fact
that President Xi Jinping and President Trump solidified a very
close personal relationship and really ushered in a new era of
US-China collaboration.  After that, just during the course of
the last five days, you’ve seen what was just mentioned there in
the resolution from the Frankfurt conference; that nations of
Europe are now beginning to reach out and reciprocate the hand of
friendship that’s coming from China to participate in the Belt
and Road Initiative.
This is taking place most significantly in the more
impoverished countries of Eastern and Central Europe.  We have
the just-concluded 16+1 talks, which occurred in Budapest,
Hungary.  This is the meeting of the so-called CEEC, or the
Central and Eastern European Countries — those are the 16; and
then the +1 is China.  So, this is the 16+1, the Central and
Eastern European Countries plus China.  What was discussed at
this conference was the further coordination between these
countries of Eastern Europe and the Chinese, especially on the
idea of the Belt and Road Initiative; the New Eurasian
Land-Bridge as it was termed by Helga and Lyndon LaRouche back in
the 1980s.  The core feature of that proposal back in the end of
the 1980s, which gave birth to this idea of the Eurasian
Land-Bridge, was the idea of taking these Eastern European
countries — what had been formerly part of the Soviet Union or
the Soviet space — and taking what was an under-developed area
of Europe and developing it through bridging Western Europe with
Russia and then beyond through these kinds of transportation
corridors and high technology development grids.  That’s exactly
what China was discussing with these countries in Eastern Europe
during the 16+1 conference.  These are mainly countries such as
Hungary, Serbia, Poland, which really this is their conception of
themselves; they serve as Europe’s front door onto the New Silk
Road.  As the New Silk Road comes westward across Eurasia, the
front door to Europe are these Eastern European countries.  They
have gone from being on the margins of Europe with
under-development and poverty and prolonged unemployment and
these other crises, they’ve gone from being on the margins to
being at the very center of this new dynamic which is sweeping
from the East.
This is referred to in Hungary as their “eastward opening”;
that Hungary’s future is to orient towards this new era of
development which is coming from Eurasia, rather than orienting
towards the collapsing system of Western Europe and the failed
EU.  Zhang Ming, who’s China’s ambassador to the European Union,
published an article that was published immediately prior to the
16+1 meeting on November 27th, in which he emphasized the central
role of the Belt and Road Initiative in China’s policy towards
Europe.  He said, “As China and Europe work together to synergize
the Belt and Road Initiative, the 16 CEEC countries will play a
more prominent role as a hub which connects Asia and Europe.
Faster development in CEEC countries contributes to a more
balanced development across Europe and European integration.”
So, in other words, the faster development of these impoverished
countries in Central and Eastern Europe will be a “win-win” for
everybody involved.  He used these words, that these countries
will serve a “prominent role as a hub which connects Asia and
Then as Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban stated a few
weeks ago — and he was the host of this meeting in Budapest,
Hungary obviously — but this was a statement that he made back
in October.  This is absolutely to the point of what we’re
discussing on this webcast today; this idea that the Belt and
Road Initiative is now the irresistible and dominant dynamic on
this planet.  This is a quote from Prime Minister Orban:  “The
world’s center of gravity is shifting from West to East.  While
there is still some denial of this in the Western world, that
denial does not seem to be reasonable.  We see the world
economy’s center of gravity shifting from the Atlantic region to
the Pacific region.  This is not my opinion, this is a fact.”
Now incidentally, that quote, that statement by Prime
Minister Orban, is exactly the point that Lyndon LaRouche made in
this book; this very prescient book that he published over a
decade ago called {Earth’s Next Fifty Years; The Coming Eurasian
World}.  In that book, Mr. LaRouche said the dominant dynamic of
the world is going to be the rising countries of Asia; these are
where the most concentrations of population are, this is the
fastest rates of growth.  And this is where the world’s center of
gravity is shifting economically; the coming Eurasian world, or
the Pacific-centered world.  So, this is a direct echo of exactly
what Lyndon LaRouche said way back when before any of this
economic miracle took place.  But Mr. LaRouche was very prescient
on that fact.
Now, while a number of leading European press outlets have
been doing exactly what Viktor Orban said — denying this fact;
trying to deny this inevitable fact that the center of gravity
has shifted from West to East.  You had, for example, the
{Financial Times} ran an extensive article headlined “Brussels
Rattled As China Reaches Out to Eastern Europe”; obviously just
hysterical that these Eastern European countries are now oriented
towards the Belt and Road Initiative.  Despite that fact, there
are some leading circles in Europe who are, indeed, recognizing
that Europe’s future lies in joining this New Paradigm.
Obviously, that could be seen from this extensive speaker’s list
at the Schiller Institute conference in Frankfurt; but there was
another very significant conference that occurred just a few days
later this week in Paris.  This was the first annual Paris Forum
on the Belt and Road Initiative; so it’s going to take place very
year.  This is the first annual event.  It was co-organized by
the Chinese embassy and the French Institute for International
and Strategic Affairs — IRIS is their acronym.  This is the
third largest think tank in Paris.  The founding director is
Pascal Boniface, who is very positive in terms of his attitude
towards this idea of France and Europe as a whole joining with
the Belt and Road Initiative.  There were some 400 people in
participation at this very important event.  There were think
tanks, there were civil servants, people from the French
government, there were heads of different French companies —
CEOs — retired military, there were cultural figures, and there
were media who attended.  Among them, the forum was addressed by
the Chinese Ambassador to France, Zhai Jun.  He put directly on
the table, France, Europe should join this new emerging paradigm,
this Belt and Road Initiative.  This goes directly along with the
attendance by Raffarin, the former Prime Minister of France to
the Belt and Road Forum that occurred this past Spring in
Beijing.  There have been other prominent figures inside France
who have done exactly what these people have done at this very
significant event, and said “Look, this is the future of the
world economy.  The center of gravity has shifted, and we better
get on board.”  This was also the subject, by the way, of Jacques
Cheminade’s speech at the Schiller Institute conference; and this
is something that he’s been in extensive conversation with, with
numerous leading figures inside France as part of his
Presidential campaign.  He even met with the former President of
France, Francois Hollande, while he was President at the Elysée
Palace and discussed exactly this idea.
So, as you can see, the movers and shakers behind this, the
ideas which are driving history, are really the leaders and the
collaborators of the LaRouche Movement worldwide.
Let me shift focus now.  We’re continuing to catalog the
extraordinary rate of developments that have occurred just over
the last five days since this extraordinary conference in
Frankfurt.  Let’s shift focus now to Latin America.  We had the
11th China-Latin America-Caribbean Business Summit, which
happened in Uruguay; actually it’s still happening.  It started
yesterday, and it’s going through this Sunday, so it’s a four-day
conference.  This was to discuss the idea of how Western
Hemisphere countries, especially countries in South and Central
America, can participate in China’s One Belt, One Road
Initiative.  Whereas this is the 11th annual conference between
the Central and South American countries and China, this was by
far the largest of these conferences to have taken place.  There
were over 2500 people in attendance, which included high-level
businessmen, government officials, and policymakers from all over
Latin America.  One of the plenary sessions which took place at
this conference was titled, “A New Vision of Collaboration Among
China, Latin America, and the Caribbean in the Framework of the
One Belt, One Road Strategy”.  So, that’s explicit; this is the
idea of Latin American joining the New Silk Road.
Just because we’re discussing Latin America, there was a
wonderful sentiment which was voiced by Chilean President
Michelle Bachelet.  This was a speech that she gave on November
23rd at the celebration of the 10th anniversary of the founding
of the Confucius Institute in Chile.  She said, “The world is
orienting more than ever towards China and the Pacific Basin.
Therefore, we know very well that our relationship with China and
the Asia-Pacific in particular, is crucial for us to fulfill our
destiny.”  She said, “Chile’s relationship with China goes well
beyond trade ties.  It is one of our primary political partners
on the path to opening integration and cooperation for progress.”
Then Michelle Bachelet said after she retires as the President of
Chile, she intends to study the Chinese language in depth.  So,
that’s a commitment that perhaps all heads of state should make,
as we recognize that the center of gravity of the world’s
strategic and economic reality is shifting towards China.  We did
see that from President Trump’s granddaughter, Arabella Kushner
— that’s Ivanka’s daughter — where she recorded the song in
Mandarin Chinese.  A video of her singing a song in Mandarin
Chinese, and sent that as a goodwill offering to President Xi
Jinping in China.
And one more item I should just note.  This is a
yet-unconfirmed report, but it’s very credible, that Japan — now
we’ve shifted from Europe to Central and South America, and now
we’re in the Asia Pacific.  Japan is actively considering joint
projects with Chinese companies on building the One Belt, One
Road.  This is hugely significant, judging by the historic
conflicts between Japan and China, which have been played on by
these Western geopoliticians for decades; to try to keep these
two extraordinarily significant countries from collaborating.  If
Japan and China collaborate on the Belt and Road Initiative, this
is a dynamic which is absolutely unstoppable.  There was an
article in a Japanese paper titled “Government To Help Japan,
China Firms in Belt and Road”.  It reports that the Abe
government is considering supporting companies to carry out joint
projects with Chinese companies along the Belt and Road.  I think
underscoring this fact, as I stated in the beginning of today’s
broadcast, that the Belt and Road is an absolutely unstoppable
and irresistible dynamic; which has now become dominant and is
something which cannot be ignored.  Underscoring that fact that,
indeed, this New Silk Road is the dominant irresistible dynamic
on this planet, here’s a statement from the {Global Times} which
is absolutely to the point.  It says “Generally speaking, Japan’s
economy has been always greatly dependent on overseas markets.
So, for the sustainable development of its economy, Japan needs
access to the business opportunities offered by the vast
infrastructure projects along the Belt and Road route.”
So, this is the sentiment that’s being expressed by
everybody.  We go from the hosts of this first annual conference
on the Belt and Road Initiative in Paris.  Look at what Viktor
Orban said at the 16+1 conference in Budapest, Hungary.  Look at
what Michelle Bachelet said in Chile at the Confucius Institute.
Look at the statements that were made at this Central and South
American-China Business Forum.  Look at what’s now being said in
Japan.  Look at the statements that were made at the Schiller
Institute conference in Frankfurt.  And look at what was done by
President Trump during his trip to China, and the summit that he
had with President Xi Jinping.  Everything is being shaped by
this initiative, by the New Silk Road; by this initiative which
is coming out of China for “win-win” mutually beneficial
cooperation on great project development for the entire planet.
This is the dominant of the future.
As Helga Zepp-LaRouche said, you need to put on the new set
of glasses to be able to see reality as it really is; not through
the skewed mirrors and the propaganda which is coming out of the
Western media.  I think that perhaps the best statement, and the
most candid statement of all — of all of these statements about
the reality of this future dynamic — and why the United States
and Europe and South America and Asia need to jump on board with
the New Silk Road, need to join with this new dynamic and catch
this spirit of the New Silk Road; probably the best and most
candid of those statements came out of Governor Jim Justice from
West Virginia during his press conference that he gave there at
the state capital, announcing this extraordinary $87 billion deal
between China and the state of West Virginia.  Here’s what
Governor Jim Justice had to say:


:  And I would say to all of you
all that may be doubters that this could become a reality, “Don’t
get on the wrong side of it.”  Because, really and truly, it’s a
comin’.  It’s a comin’.”

OGDEN:  “It’s a comin’.”  I would say to all the doubters,
“this could become a reality, ‘Don’t get on the wrong side of
it.’  Because it’s a comin’,” he said.  “It’s a comin’.”   So,
that was actually from the conclusion of a really wonderful and
important video that was just put on the LaRouche PAC website
this week, all about West Virginia.  West Virginia, which as
Helga LaRouche said, is known across the country right now as the
epicenter of poverty, unemployment, drug epidemic overdoses, and
just general backward economic conditions.  West Virginia could
now become the cutting edge and the economic driver of the entire
Appalachian region here in the United States because of this
“win-win” investment that came from China.  So, I would encourage
you to watch that video in full on the LaRouche PAC website.
But let me just say, this is an extraordinary rate of
development of events that have occurred over the past five days.
I think that anybody who is looking at the reality soberly and
with clarity will see that, indeed, the efforts of the LaRouche
Movement over the past several years to put this question on the
table; to put this idea of a New Paradigm of economic cooperation
and “win-win” development, this New Silk Road — this Eurasian
Land-Bridge, this World Land-Bridge idea.  Put that on the table
and to shape all of the discussions that are occurring at the
highest levels of policymaking worldwide around that idea.  I
think that truly is becoming the dominant dynamic, and it’s a
testament to the fact that a small handful of people with very
powerful ideas, can indeed be very successful in shaping the
course of world history.
Now, I would say that what Helga LaRouche began, those
remarks that I played at the beginning of the show; this idea of
the greatest, the best of all possible worlds — what Gottfried
Leibniz had to say.  This is an understanding of how the universe
corresponds to the creative will of mankind.  That there is a
principle of good that is behind the creation, the creation of
the universe; and that principle of good corresponds with the
creative nature of mankind.  And when mankind acts on that
creative quality, and acts for the benefit of the greatest number
of possible people, the greatest possible General Welfare; acts
on the basis of this principle of good, that the universe
corresponds and, indeed, responds.  Because of this harmony, this
pre-established harmony which Leibniz discussed.  That was at the
core of his understanding of the best of all possible worlds.
So, with that axiomatic understanding of the philosophical
nature of what this effort is all about — to bring about a New
Paradigm of human relations on this planet — let’s conclude with
the concluding quote from Helga Zepp-LaRouche during her keynote
at that Schiller Institute conference in Germany.  Helga
Zepp-LaRouche said the following:  “If we revive the Classical
culture of all nations, and enter a beautiful dialogue among
them, mankind will experience a new renaissance and unleash an
enormous creativity of the human species like never before.
“So, it is very good to live at this moment in history and
contribute to make the world a better place.  And it can be done,
because the New Paradigm corresponds to the lawfulness of the
physical universe in science, Classical art, and these
principles.  What will be asserted is the identity of the human
species as {the} creative species in the universe.”
So, as Helga Zepp-LaRouche said, it is very good to live at
this moment, and to contribute to this New Paradigm which is now
emerging on this planet, and to contribute to the good of
So, thank you very much for joining us here today.  We
strongly encourage you to not only watch Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s
keynote address in its entirety, but to stay tuned to that
Schiller Institute channel as all of these panels, all of these
videos, all of these presentations are produced and put up on the
website for you to watch in their entirety.  So, thank you for
joining in, and let’s continue to spread the spirit of the New
Silk Road.  Thank you and good night.

Lad jer ikke aflede; Lad jer ikke afskrække!

Leder fra LaRouche PAC, USA, 30. nov., 2017 – Alt imens verden har nået et punkt, hvor den virkelig vender et nyt blad til et kvalitativt nyt stadium i verdenshistorien, så bliver den amerikanske befolkning fuldstændig, og potentielt fatalt, afledt ind i et kalejdoskop af falske spørgsmål, der er i sladderens interesse eller i anden interesse. (Hvorfor nu?) Men, hvor kommer DU ind i billedet – dig, personligt? Hvad er din rolle? Hvis du render efter lygtemænd, hvor efterlader det så vores land? – på et tidspunkt, hvor den fremtidige historie kræver visse, afgørende skridt i USA, som det fastlægges af Lyndon LaRouche i hans Fire Love.

Den forgangne weekends successive begivenheder, der ikke har fortilfælde, viser, at Bælte & Vej Initiativet, lanceret af Kina tilbage i 2013, og som Lyndon og Helga LaRouche utrætteligt har kæmpet for i årtier, nu er blevet en masseangrebsbølge, der fejer hen over verden. Tænk på, at Schiller Instituttets historiske konference i Frankfurt i forgangne weekend, »At opfylde menneskehedens drøm«, blev umiddelbart efterfulgt af »16+1«-mødet mellem Kina og øst- og centraleuropæiske lande i Budapest, som lancerede byggeriet af Beograd – Budapest højhastighedsjernbanen, blandt andre resultater. I samme uge fandt et Bælte & Vej Forum sted i Tblisi, Georgien, med 34 officielle delegationer, der deltog, og op mod 2.000 delegerede fra flere end 60 lande. Efter afslutningen af 16+1-mødet i Budapest og yderligere møder med ungarske regeringsfolk, fløj den kinesiske premierminister Li Keqiang til Moskva for at mødes med præsident Putin, og derfra videre til Sotji, Rusland – scenen for andre historiske møder i løbet af de seneste dage – for at deltage i mødet mellem regeringschefer i Shanghai Samarbejdsorganisationen, 30. nov.-1. dec.

Det første Bælte & Vej Forum nogensinde blev onsdag holdt i Paris. Torsdag var første dag af Kina-Latinamerika-Caribien Erhvervstopmødet i Uruguay, som omfattede 2.500 erhvervsfolk, af hvilke 700 er kinesere.

En endnu ubekræftet rapport i Yomiuri Shimbun fra 28. nov. fremlægger, hvordan Japan planlægger at gå ind i et samarbejde med Bælte & Vej Initiativet (BRI), gennem japanske selskabers støtte i fællesprojekter med kinesiske selskaber langs dets ruter.

Dette er rammen for vore voksende bestræbelser på at besejre den britiske kupplan i USA, gennemføre LaRouches Fire Love og sikre fuld amerikansk deltagelse i BRI.

Spørg ikke, hvad der optager dig som personlig interesse. Spørg hellere, hvad den fremtidige menneskeheds vitale interesse består i, mht. nutidens begivenheder. De ’falske nyheder’ – ’fake news’ – fremviser et kalejdoskop af afledningsmanøvrer – I må ikke blive afledt. Spørgsmålene er præcis det, som Lyndon og Helga LaRouche har sagt, de er.

Foto: Præsident Donald J. Trump skriver en fraværsseddel til skolen for Christian (venstre), barnebarn af pensionerede kaptajn i den amerikanske hær, Gary M. Rose, der skal modtage en æresmedalje, under et familiebesøg i det Ovale Kontor i Det Hvide Hus i Washington, D.C. 23. okt., 2017.

Schiller Instituttets konference i Tyskland:
Realiser menneskehedens drøm
med Den Nye Silkevej.
Politisk Orientering, 30. nov. 2017

Tom Gillesberg: »Velkommen til vores første offentlige møde – i Danmark, vel at mærke – efter valget fandt sted. Vi kan jo begynde med at nyde synet af vore plakater her bagved, for de er desværre nu alle blevet taget ned; de hænger ikke længere i lygtepælene; København og de andre byer, hvor vi stillede op, er blevet lidt mere kedelige igen. Men vi kan begynde med at sige tak til alle dem, der stemte på os. Og jeg tror, jeg kan garantere, og de kan føle sig lidt som nogle små profeter, for de var i stand til at se det, som de fleste tilsyneladende ikke var i stand til at se; nemlig, at der er en ny, ustoppelig forandring i gang i verden, der også kommer til at svømme hen over Danmark, bare vent og se.

Nogle af os var privilegerede og fik en ekstra smag på det, i form af den konference, Schiller Instituttet netop har afholdt i Frankfurt, Tyskland, hvor vi havde en lang række talere – det vil jeg komme tilbage til – som faktisk befandt sig mere eller mindre inde i denne proces med at udbrede Bælte & Vej Initiativet til Asien, til Afrika; gøre det her til det Nye Paradigme, der regerer her på kloden…«

Hør hele Toms fremlæggelse:

»Den Nye Silkevej er en ny
model for internationale
Hovedtale af Helga Zepp-
LaRouche på Schiller Institut
konference, 25.-26. nov.,
2017, Frankfurt, Tyskland:
»At opfylde menneskehedens drøm«

Jeg mener, at den Nye Silkevej er et typisk eksempel på en idé, hvis tid er kommet; og når en idé på denne måde først er ved at blive en materialistisk virkelighed, bliver den til en fysisk kraft i universet. Jeg har personligt haft mulighed for at se udviklingen af denne idé, der på mange måder reelt set begyndte med dette store menneske – min ægtemand, Lyndon LaRouche; der, for mange årtier siden – for næsten et halvt århundrede siden – fik ideen om en ny, retfærdig, økonomisk verdensorden. Dette blev dernæst mere manifest i 1970’erne, ’80erne og især i 1991, da Sovjetunionen opløstes, og hvor denne idé om at skabe en ny, retfærdig, økonomisk verdensorden blev meget fremtrædende.

Download (PDF, Unknown)

En kriminalisering af politikker,
der går imod Det britiske Imperium

Leder fra LaRouche PAC, 29. nov., 2017 – Processen med på bedragerisk vis at kriminalisere politikker, der underminerer Det britiske Imperiums og dets amerikanske aktivers »del og hersk«-planer, har taget endnu et skridt fremad. Vi har nu set, hvordan den særlige anklager, Robert Mueller, baseret på det miskrediterede »penge for skidt«-dokument, som blev udarbejdet af tidligere MI6-medarbejder Christopher Steele (og promoveret af Obamas efterretningsteam), er i gang med at køre et kupforsøg imod USA’s præsident med det formål at forhindre hans politik for etablering af venskabelige og samarbejdende relationer med Rusland og Kina. Ethvert samarbejde med Rusland er kriminelt i briternes øjne. Obamas direktør for national efterretning James Clapper, sagde den 12. nov. til CNN, at Trumps bestræbelser på at arbejde konstruktivt sammen med Rusland er »en fare for dette land« og en »national sikkerhedstrussel«.

Hvad er dette andet end politisk kriminalisering, baseret på den britiske, geopolitiske opdeling af verden i krigsførende grupperinger, adelsmærket for Imperium?

I dag lancerede Wall Street Journal og Washington Post en kampagne, som erklærede, at generalløjtnant Michael Flynn, Trumps første nationale sikkerhedsrådgiver, havde overtrådt loven ved at promovere en »Marshallplan« for Mellemøsten og byggeriet af kernekraftværker for at fremme de arabiske nationers økonomier. »Det var et forretningsforslag i form af et politisk dokument«, har en »unavngiven kilde« fortalt WP med hensyn til det forslag, Flynn var fortaler for, mens han var i Det Hvide Hus. Den angivelige »forbrydelse« defineres som korruption, simpelt hen, fordi Flynn, før han kom med i regeringen, havde promoveret planen som konsulent for selskaber, der potentielt kunne få fordel af det. WP siger også, at spørgsmålet er blevet refereret til Muellers heksejagt-team.

Dette demonstrerer tydeligt, at selve begrebet udvikling ses som en forbrydelse af denne bande økonomiske lejemordere. EU-kommissionens præsident Jean-Claude Juncker har tidligere sagt, at EU fuldt ud har til hensigt at blokere for kinesiske investeringer i Europa under alle mulige påskud, alt imens den vestlige presse er fuld af advarsler om, at Kinas Bælte & Vej Initiativ er et forsøg på at overtage verden fra USA.

Og dog viser kendsgerningerne, at disse bøller ikke er andet end en moderne version af Kejseren, der paraderer uden tøj på. I hele verden omfavner næsten alle nationer det Nye Paradigme for fred gennem udvikling. Alene i denne uge finder der Nye Silkevejskonferencer sted i Ungarn (mellem Kina og 16 central- og østeuropæiske lande), i Uruguay (China-Latin American-Caribbean Business Forum), såvel som også flere bilaterale møder mellem Kina og andre nationer. Den idé, som statsmanden Lyndon LaRouche har udviklet i løbet af det seneste halve århundrede – at kun en total reorganisering af den finansielle og økonomiske verdensorden, baseret på reel udvikling, kunne forhindre en nedgang i depression og krig – er nu ved at blive manifest gennem Bælte & Vej Initiativet.

Trump er blevet en trussel mod Det britiske Imperium ved at opstille som forudsætning, at Amerika kun kan blive stort igen, hvis det dropper den anti-industrielle, anti-videnskabelige, ’grønne’ ideologi, knuser den (britiske) opiumskrig mod USA og verden og går sammen med Rusland, Kina og andre nationer om fredelige udviklingsprogrammer.

Den fare, som verden undgik, da Hillary Clinton blev afvist af de amerikanske vælgere i 2016, var åbent udstillet tirsdag i en videopræsentation af Hillary til Caijing-erhvervsmagasinets årlige konference i Beijing. Få dage efter præsidenterne Trump og Xi Jinping havde helliget sig og deres nationer til samarbejde om at løse konflikter i hele verden, himlede mrs. Clinton op om, at Xi Jinping havde gjort sig skyldig i en »hidtil uset magtkonsolidering« og advarede imod Kinas »hemmelige militære oprustning på omstridte øer« og »tyrannisering af mindre naboer«.

Det stik modsatte er tilfældet, idet Kinas »mindre naboer« og andre i hele verden med glæde hilser Kinas Bælte & Vej velkommen som vejen til befrielse fra den koloniale og neokoloniale tilbageståenhed, der i århundreder har været dem påtvunget af de europæiske imperiemagter og »gældsslaveriet« under IMF’s diktatur.

Med hensyn til responsen i USA, så brug fem minutter på at se LaRouchePAC’s video »West Virginia Joins China’s Win-Win Cooperation«, for at se, hvordan Kinas Nye Silkevej allerede bidrager til at gøre Amerika stort igen. Se

Foto: Obama mødes med medlemmer af sit nationale sikkerhedshold, inkl. Robert Mueller, under et møde, hvor de diskuterer Boston-bombeangrebet. 19. april, 2013.  (Official Whitehouse Photo)

Verdens tyngdepunkt skifter fra Atlanterhavsområdet til Stillehavsområdet

Leder fra LaRouche PAC, USA, 28. nov., 2017 – Dette koncept om det fremvoksende, eurasiske, Nye Paradigme for hele menneskeheden, blev først præsenteret på den globale, strategiske scene tilbage i 1996 – for over to årtier siden – af den amerikanske statsmand og økonom Lyndon LaRouche, hvor der stort set ikke var noget synligt »bevis«, der pegede i denne retning. Og dog havde LaRouche ret. I sidste måned blev denne idé gentaget i næsten identiske vendinger af Ungarns premierminister, Viktor Orban, der netop har været vært for »16+1«-mødet for statsoverhovederne i CEE (Central- og Østeuropa) og Kina.

»Verdens økonomiske tyngdecenter er i færd med at skifte fra vest til øst«, erklærede Orban. »Alt imens der stadig er en del fornægtelse af denne kendsgerning i den vestlige verden, så synes denne fornægtelse ikke at være fornuftig. Vi ser verdens økonomiske tyngdecenter skifte fra det atlantiske område til Stillehavsområdet.«

Der er i dag rigeligt, der beviser, at Orban har ret. Der er faktisk en transformation i gang i de globale, økonomiske og politiske anliggender, som umiddelbart er et resultat af det faktum, at Kina og Rusland optrapper deres koordinerede bestræbelser og hævder det som en fysisk kendsgerning i hele Eurasien. På meget den samme måde, som hele situationen i hele Mellemøsten (og hinsides) er blevet transformeret af den fysiske kendsgerning med den russiskledede sejr over ISIS i Syrien, skaber det kinesiske Bælte & Vej Initiativ økonomiske faits accomplis, fuldbyrdede handlinger, som er i færd med at omslutte hele det eurasiske område.

Det britiske Imperium og deres Wall Street-makkere er blevet taget på sengen, og de bliver mere og mere hysteriske over både udviklingerne samt den kendsgerning, at de bliver udmanøvreret. Og de har ikke rigtig regnet ud, hvad de kan gøre ved det – bortset fra at forsøge at lancere krige og iscenesætte et kupforsøg mod præsident Trump.

Det skyldes, at de globale, strategiske skift, som Kina og Rusland har initieret, ikke vil kunne standses, hvis præsident Trump bringer USA fuldt og helt om bord. Trumps gode arbejdsrelationer med sine præsidentkolleger, Kinas Xi Jinping og Ruslands Vladimir Putin, og som begge blev konsolideret under hans Asienrejse tidligere på måneden, er City of Londons og Wall Streets værste mareridt.

Ind på scenen kommer atter Barack Obama, den vanærede ex-præsident for USA, som netop har annonceret, at han snart vil foretage en rejse til Asien, der vil følge i præsident Trumps fodspor og forsøge at ødelægge alt det, han har opnået, på vegne af sine britiske herrer. Obama vil mødes med den indiske premierminister Narendra Modi den 1. december og dernæst rejse til Kina for at mødes med Xi Jinping, før han rejser videre til Frankrig.

Men sådanne klodsede deployeringer, som tidligere måske virkede, vil mislykkes under nutidens omstændigheder. Verdens tyngdecenter er reelt skiftet fra Atlanten til Stillehavet, og denne kendsgerning hævder sig på en sådan måde, at den ene nation efter den anden kommer med på vognen.

I sin hovedtale på Schiller Instituttets konference i Frankfurt, Tyskland, 25.-26. nov., udtrykte Helga Zepp-LaRouche denne idé på en meget eftertænksom måde:

»Det var den gamle verdensordens absolut manifeste mangel på udvikling, der var årsag til Kinas impuls, og den Nye Silkevejsånd har nu grebet om sig i en grad, hvor mange nationer i verden er absolut fast besluttet på at få udvikling, der giver hele deres befolkning et bedre liv.

Jeg mener, at den Nye Silkevej er et typisk eksempel på en idé, hvis tid er kommet; og når en idé på denne måde først er ved at blive en materialistisk virkelighed, bliver den til en fysisk kraft i universet. Jeg har personligt haft muligheden for at se udviklingen af denne idé, der på mange måder reelt set begyndte med denne store mand – min ægtemand, Lyndon LaRouche; der, for mange årtier siden – for næsten et halvt århundrede siden – fik ideen om en ny, retfærdig, økonomisk verdensorden. Dette blev dernæst mere manifest i 1970’erne, ’80erne og især i 1991, da Sovjetunionen opløstes, og hvor denne idé om at skabe en ny, retfærdig, økonomisk verdensorden blev meget fremtrædende. Jeg havde personligt muligheden for at se, hvordan dette spredtes efter Xi Jinping i 2013, i Kasakhstan, annoncerede den Nye Silkevej… Dette har skabt et fuldstændig optimistisk perspektiv.«

Foto: Broen over Pingtanstrædet, med hovedvej og jernbane, under opførelse i Fuijan-provinsen i det sydøstlige Kina. 2017. (Xinhua/New China)

Den Nye Silkevej er nu det centrale fokus
for menneskeligt fremskridt

Leder fra LaRouche PAC, USA, 27. nov., 2017 – Det er ikke muligt at se på udviklingen af menneskelige samfund i dag, nogetsteds i verden, uden at anerkende den centrale rolle, som Kinas Bælte & Vej Initiativ spiller. Det Britiske Imperiums dinosaurer kæmper desperat for at bevare deres plyndringsrettigheder i udviklingslandene i Asien, Afrika og Latinamerika, og endda i deres egne lande, men det bliver i stigende grad klart, at Bælte & Vej har givet nationer modet til at rejse sig og erklære, at de ikke længere behøver acceptere kravene om nedskæringspolitikker og »tilpasset teknologi« fra imperieherrerne i London og på Wall Street. Som Konfutse sagde, »Da jeg var tredive, rejste jeg mig op«. Den såkaldte »tredje verden« er klar til at afskaffe denne nedgørende titel og blive en del af et samfund af moderne industrinationer, som Kina har gjort, med den Nye Silkevej som drivkraften.

Dette gælder i særlig grad for Afrika. Schiller Instituttet udgav en 250 sider lang rapport om udviklingen af Afrika på en Schiller Institut konference, »At opfylde menneskehedens drøm«, som blev afholdt i Tyskland i forgangne weekend. Talere fra Afrika, Europa, USA og Kina beskrev den brede vifte af Kinas hundreder af projekter for infrastruktur, industri og landbrug i hele Afrika i løbet af det seneste årti, og i forhøjet tempo i 2017. Rapporten fremlægger den skønne fremtid og det håb, som denne udvikling har givet Afrikas befolkning.

I dag, i Østeuropa, finder »16+1«-forummet sted i Ungarn, mellem Kina og 16 østeuropæiske nationer, med 11 af disse, der er medlem af EU. Premierminister Li Keqiang holdt åbningstalen og sagde, at det Nye Silkevejsinitiativ kan være med til at bringe udvikling til de tidligere medlemmer af sovjetblokken og vil være et »nyttigt supplement« til Kinas relationer med Europa. »Vores mål«, sagde han, »er at se et fremgangsrigt Europa«.

Den ungarske premierminister Viktor Orban talte også til åbningssessionen og bemærkede, at »hvis Europa lukker sig inde, mister det muligheden for vækst … europæiske resurser alene er ikke tilstrækkelige. Af denne grund byder vi den kendsgerning velkommen, at Kina, som en del af den nye, økonomiske verdensorden, ser dette område som ét område, i hvis fremskridt og udvikling det ønsker at være til stede«.

Men, hvad er EU’s respons til dette potentiale for gensidigt fremskridt og gensidig udvikling? De forsøgte at forhindre Ungarn i at kontrahere med Kina om byggeri af en jernbaneforbindelse mellem Budapest og Beograd i Serbien og brugte Ungarns medlemskab af EU til at hævde, at de måtte have åben licitation på projektet – som om nogen regering eller noget privat selskab i Europa pludselig ville beslutte at gøre noget, de aldrig har gjort, alt imens de gennemfører nedskæringspolitik over for deres egne EU-medlemmer.

Typisk for denne EU-reaktion til det nye paradigme var en artikel i dag fra Mercator Institute for China Studies i Berlin, og som rapporterede om 16+1-konferencen. Titlen lød: »Kinas charmeoffensiv i Østeuropa udfordrer EU-samhørighed« og erklærer: »Europæisk integration synes i høj grad at stå på spil, når østeuropæiske regeringer bruger deres relationer med Kina til at vinde indflydelse over Bruxelles.« Tænk engang – udvikling er en trussel mod Europa!

Helga Zepp-LaRouche henviste til den grimme ironi, der er indeholdt i denne geopolitiske tankegang, i form af en resolution, hun foreslog for Schiller-konferencen. I betragtning af, at Kina har løftet 700 millioner mennesker ud af fattigdom i løbet af de forgangne 30 år, erklærer resolutionen, og med Xi Jinping, der er forpligtet over for at løfte de tilbageværende 42 millioner fattige kinesere ud af fattigdom frem til år 2020, beslutter vi, at Europa også bør hellige sig til at løfte sine egne, 120 millioner-plus forarmede mennesker op til en anstændig levestandard frem til 2020. Resolutionen blev enstemmigt vedtaget.

Er der andre i Europa, der så meget som tænker i disse baner for et så ædelt mål i takt med, at EU-diktater for nedskæringspolitik er i færd med at skabe nye, forarmede mennesker, i et forfærdende tempo, hver eneste dag?

Men, de britiske imperiekræfter er endnu mere rædselsslagne over, at de er ved at miste deres primære »håndhæver« – USA. Donald Trump har nægtet at følge Bush/Obama-krigspartiets kurs, der i løbet af de seneste 16 år har tjent Imperiet med evindelig krigsførelse og militær inddæmning af Rusland og Kina, som er i færd med at drive verden til randen af atomkrig. Imperiet et forfærdet over Trumps historiske besøg til Kina i denne måned, hvor han og Xi Jinping dedikerede deres to nationer til at løse verdens problemer sammen gennem samarbejde og diplomati og økonomisk udvikling. De er ligeledes forfærdede over Trumps lange diskussioner med Vladimir Putin, både i personlige samtaler i Vietnam og via telefon efter Trumps tilbagevenden til Washington, for at samarbejde om at afslutte terrorisme i Syrien, og hinsides Syrien. Sammenlagt truer præsidentens samarbejde med Rusland og Kina med at gøre en ende på Imperiet, én gang for alle. Forsøget på, gennem »Russiagate fake-news«, at fjerne Trump fra embedet, er hastigt i færd med at kollapse, i meget vid udstrækning takket være EIR’s arbejde og her, især afsløringen af Robert Muellers mange forbrydelser og forræderiske plan.

Krisen er langt fra ovre, og finansboblen i hele det vestlige banksystem kunne eksplodere, hvad øjeblik, det skal være. Men vejen til en løsning går nu tydeligvis fremad, med den Nye Silkevej, der berører hver eneste del af verden, inklusive USA. Denne vej er tilgængelig under forudsætning af, at verdens borgere responderer til dette historiske øjeblik ved at handle, som Abraham Lincoln sagde, i overensstemmelse med »de bedre engle i vor natur«.

Foto: Deltagerne i det 25. APEC økonomiske ledertopmøde i Da Nang, Vietnam, nov., 2017. (

Et stort skridt fremad for den Nye Silkevej i Europa; Nu, i USA

Leder fra LaRouche PAC, 26. nov., 2017 – Det nye, økonomiske paradigme, der anføres af Kinas Bælte & Vej, er en åben invitation til nationer til at samarbejde om økonomisk udvikling og genopbygning, om at bygge nye, store infrastrukturprojekter og om at øge menneskelig produktivitet gennem investeringer i ny videnskab for energi og rumforskning. Putins Rusland samarbejder fuldt og helt om det, og det har afgjort engageret USA’s præsident Donald Trump og således trukket ild fra talsmænd for de gamle, geopolitiske krige og den »eneste supermagt«.

Dette nye paradigme tog et stærkt skridt fremad i denne weekend i Tyskland, i Bad Soden am Taunus i nærheden af Frankfurt, hvor Lyndon og Helga LaRouches Schiller Institut, mht. indvirkning, arrangerede sin hidtil mest betydningsfulde konference for fuldt og helt at bringe Bælte & Vej ind i Europa, og for at genopbygge Mellemøsten og Afrika. Flere end 200 deltagere hørte ledende talere fra Øst- og Vesteuropa, Kina, USA, Afrika og Mellemøsten beskrive det nye paradigmes økonomiske og kulturelle potentialer, og at de indgår et forpligtende engagement til at fremme det. Helga Zepp-LaRouche leverede Friedrich Schillers kriterium, nemlig begrebet om, at patrioter elsker deres nationer, men elsker menneskeheden mere. Det er især sandt med så mange kriser med krig og mulig krig, der stadig koger fra æraen med britisk geopolitisk, som nu er i færd med at kollapse.

Konferencen fik en fuld og detaljeret, ny rapport fra Hussein Askary (Schiller Instituttet, Sverige) og Jason Ross (LaRouchePAC, USA) om den forestående genopbygning af krigszoner i Mellemøsten og byggeriet af en ny region i Egypten og Sahel. Talere, der repræsenterede Syrien og Egypten, støttede dette. Ledende talsmand fra Syrien, dr. Bouthaina Shaaban, blev i sidste øjeblik omdirigeret til at rejse til Beijing, hvor hun drøftede et kinesisk engagement for netop denne genopbygning efter borgerkrigen i Syrien.

Det italienske medlem af EU-parlamentet, Marco Zanni, beskrev i modsætning hertil den fejlfungerende, såkaldte Eurozone, hvor afstivningen af storbanker har ødelagt nationer. Det har tvunget dem til at vende sig mod Kina for økonomisk genoplivning, som Grækenland og Balkan er et typisk eksempel på.

Helga Zepp-LaRouche fremlagde dernæst en resolution, der blev vedtaget af helheden, om, at Europa må løfte sine 120 millioner officielt forarmede borgere ud af fattigdom gennem at samarbejde med Kinas Bælte & Vej Initiativ, der i løbet af én generation har løftet 700 millioner kinesere ud af fattigdom!

En resolution imod den saudiske »koalitions« gruopvækkende krig mod Yemen, og som ligeledes blev enstemmigt tvedtaget, krævede en omgående våbenstilstand, en ophævelse af saudiernes morderiske blokade af Yemen og forhandlinger om forsoning uden udefrakommende indblanding.

Men, som Helga Zepp-LaRouche understregede, så er det USA, der må tilslutte sig det nye paradigme for at bringe verden sikkert ind i det og ud af truslen om sågar en atomkrig. Præsident Trumps synspunkt blev repræsenteret i Bad Soden af talere, der kender ham, Roger Stone og George Lombardi. Trump er klart engageret med præsidenterne Xi og Putin og har til hensigt at forsætte hermed på en produktiv måde, uanset, at der hyles op om rigsretssag eller anklageskrifter. Ironisk nok har Trump, uden endnu at have tilsluttet sig det, bragt Bælte & Vej Initiativet direkte ind i én stat, det depressionsramte Vest Virginia, hvis økonomi kan blive fuldstændig tranformeret af det og vise Amerika et eksempel.

Men, ligesom i Tyskland i denne weekend, er initiativet op til LaRouches politiske bevægelse, der har en politik for økonomisk transformation i form af Lyndon LaRouches »Fire Love til Nationens Redning«. I begyndelsen af 2018 vil bevægelsen udgive en ny, opdateret specialrapport, »USA tilslutter sig den Nye Silkevej«, der fremlægger disse handlinger, fra genindførelsen af Glass/Steagall-bankopdelingsloven og til et forceret program for fusionskraft og plasmateknologier.

Præsidenten er helt bestemt kampberedt til at bevæge sig i denne retning, og det republikanske lederskab i Kongressen er værre end håbløst. Men, den juridiske morder Robert Mueller har været i gang med at forsøge at fjerne LaRouche og hans bevægelse i mere end 30 år, uden held; og LaRouche er fast besluttet på, at det også vil mislykkes Robert Mueller at bringe Trump til fald. Et sejrrigt udfald for det nye paradigme afhænger af det.

Foto: USA’s præsident Donald Trump og Ruslands præsident Vladimir Putin på APEC økonomiske topledermøde, Da Nang, Vietnam, 10.-11. nov., 2017. (

Mindst én stat vil blive transformeret af
det nye paradigme, men det bliver fortsat
udelukket i amerikanske medier

Leder fra LaRouche PAC, USA, 22. nov., 2017 – USA’s præsident vil måske ’benåde en kalkun’ til Thanksgiving (23. nov.), men ingen kan benåde de amerikanske mediers ’kalkuner’, der nægter amerikanere ethvert kendskab til det, deres præsident mødte og opnåede på sine topmøder i Asien, samt med Ruslands præsident Putin.

Kina spreder et nyt, økonomisk paradigme i verden, og, med de handels- og investeringsaftaler, præsident Trump indgik dér, vil mindst én stat – Vest Virginia – blive transformeret til det bedre, og med et langsigtet perspektiv. De forærer ikke skattelettelser og ejerskab af aktiver bort, som stater så ofte gør, når de er så desperate efter økonomisk fremgang, som Vest Virginia er; og staten får investeringer i kraftværker, energi og teknologier til kemisk produktion, specialiseret beskæftigelse – måske mere end $80 mia. hen over 20 år.

En fagforeningsmand fra Vest Virginia sagde, »Vi har faktisk ingen indflydelse eller magt her, så jeg finder det interessant, at han [Trump] alligevel holdt sit løfte til os, noget, som jeg tror, han sandsynligvis vil få meget lidt kredit for i de nationale nyheder.«

Faktisk har præsident Trump ikke alene ikke fået nogen dækning; men denne investering – og den, der sandsynligvis vil redde GE, og de andre investeringer i andre, amerikanske stater – nævnes knap nok i medierne. En investering i Vest Virginia, der er tre gange størrelsen af USA’s Energiministeriums budget, bliver slet ikke, eller kun sparsomt, rapporteret – for det meste selv i medier i Vest Virginia.

Præsidentens Asientur involverede ham i de vidtstrakte, økonomiske infrastrukturinitiativer, der kommer fra Kina, sekunderet af Rusland og i stigende grad endda i konkurrence/samarbejde med Japan. Han har fulgt op på dette ved at erklære sin plan om fortsat at være fuldt og helt engageret med den russiske præsident Putin om Syrien, Nordkorea og kampen mod terrorisme i Mellemøsten som helhed.

Præsident Trump gør det klart, at han har til hensigt at forfølge fornuftigt diplomati mellem stormagterne, uanset, hvad »Russiagatorerne« siger eller gør. Amerika vinder stort i dette, og det samme gør udsigten til fred efter en æra med »evindelige krige«. For at citere Helga Zepp-LaRouche om denne beslutning om bedre relationer mellem USA og Rusland i særdeleshed, »Dette er lovende, men endnu ikke opnået«.

USA ville vinde endnu mere, hvis præsidenten går med i Kinas Bælte & Vej Initiativ for store infrastrukturprojekter.

Og Amerika ville vinde mere endnu, hvis det vedtager den økonomiske transformation som helhed, som loves gennem Lyndon LaRouches »Fire Love til nationens redning« – et forceret program, langt om længe, for fusionskraft og en tilbagevenden til rumforskningens store foretagender, såvel som ikke mindst, en tilbagevenden til Glass/Steagall-loven.

Denne udelukkelse i medierne må omgående brydes: Amerikanerne bør vide, hvad det nye paradigme er, som præsident Trump mødte i Asien – og hvad han foreløbig gør ved det.

Foto: Præsident Donald J. Trump, førstedame Melania Trump og Barron Trump deltager i ceremonien for kalkunens benådning i anledning af den nationale helligdag, Thanksgiving. 

Vil vi stadig være barbarer om 10.000 år,
eller vil vi være mennesker?

Leder fra LaRouche PAC, USA, 21. nov., 2017 – Mens City of London og Wall Street er travlt beskæftiget med et sidste, desperat forsøg på at genanvende deres finanssystem, der ikke kan genanvendes, ved hjælp af en ECB-plan for bail-in, der er udarbejdet for at gribe alle finansielle aktiver for sig selv – deres tidligere »Cypern-model« i stort format – så orkestrerer Rusland, Kina og allierede nationer i stedet en overordnet handleplan for Mellemøsten og for global stabilisering og fred, som det indikeres i det, man kunne kalde en »Syrien-model«.

Vi refererer til drøftelserne den 21. november i Sotji, Rusland, mellem den besøgende syriske præsident Bashar al-Assad og den russiske præsident Vladimir Putin, samt Ruslands militære topkommando, og hvor de diskuterede deres succesfulde samarbejde for at bringe Syrien tilbage fra afgrunden. Helga Zepp-LaRouche beskrev i dag dette bevægende møde med sine kommentarer:

»Dette er en utrolig idé, for på to år er en fuldstændig håbløs situation blevet vendt omkring. Det syriske folk har gennemlevet utrolige, menneskelige lidelser og har været udsat for enorme prøvelser, men er kommet sejrrigt ud af det.«

Hvis dette kan opnås i Syrien, et mikrokosmos af de værste rædsler, som er blevet skabt af en døende verdensorden for geopolitik og udplyndring, er der intet til hinder for, at en tilsvarende total vending ikke skulle kunne opnås på globalt plan, hvor vi opbygger et nyt paradigme omkring Kinas Bælte & Vej Initiativ som hovedhjørnesten. Helga Zepp-LaRouche opsummerede den strategiske situation som følger:

»Hoveddynamikken for forandring må komme fra USA. En opfølgning af Trumps besøg i Kina er det, der vil afgøre situationen. Dette er et enestående øjeblik i menneskehedens, og ikke blot USA’s, historie. Det er denne opfattelse, vi skal have igennem til befolkningen.

Der er et enormt potentiale. Man ser det i den dynamik, der demonstreredes mellem Xi Jinping og Donald Trump, som var et historisk møde. Man ser det i det faktum, at Panama nu tilslutter sig Kina med Bælte & Vej Initiativet og med Panamas præsident, der udtaler, at dette er den vej, hele Latinamerika vil gå. Det findes i tilnærmelsen mellem Japan og Kina; i Astana-Putin-processen for konsolidering af situationen i Syrien og videre endnu; og i de dybtgående forandringer, der er i gang i Afrika gennem Kinas investeringer dér.

Alle disse elementer bevæger sig i en meget positiv retning. Men, Damoklessværdet, i form af et muligt finanskrak, hænger stadig over verden. Instrumenterne for at bevæge USA i retning af Lyndon LaRouches Fire Love eksisterer, men de er endnu slet ikke tilstrækkelige. Potentialet er helt klart til stede og har aldrig været større end nu. Men det ville også være en stor fejltagelse at tro, at vi allerede har vundet, blot fordi vi har været med til at skabe dette potentiale. Og før, vi har opnået en total sejr for det Nye Paradigme, bør vi ikke have et roligt øjeblik«,

erklærede Zepp-LaRouche.

Hun konkluderede:

»Vi bør heller ikke give efter for ideen om, at vi har brug for et eller andet ’nationalt udtryk’ for sund interesse. Vi må virkelig kæmpe med folk for, at det, vi har brug for, er et Nyt Paradigme; en fuldstændig ny ramme for relationer, hvor geopolitik slet og ret smides ud af vinduet. For, vi bør definere menneskeheden ud fra fremtiden, fra 10.000 år fra i dag, med et tilbageblik på nutiden: Hvordan ønsker vi at leve om 10.000 år fra i dag? Vil vi da stadig være barbarer, eller vil vi være mennesker?«

Se Nyt Paradigme Webcast live, med Helga Zepp-LaRouche, torsdag, 23. november, kl. 18 dansk tid:



Foto: International Mine Action Center i Aleppo, Syrien, 23. dec., 2016. (Photo: Russian Ministry of Defense,

Store muligheder midt i stor ustabilitet;
Vi er endnu ikke i smult vande

Leder fra LaRouche PAC, USA, 20. nov., 2017 – De aktuelle begivenheder udviser store muligheder – der er knyttet til det nye paradigme med den nye, globale Silkevej, men udviser samtidig stor ustabilitet og store farer, knyttet til den vedvarende monetarisme, geopolitik og det vedvarende forsøg på at opretholde imperiedominans.

I dag fortsatte præsident Donald Trump med at understrege betydningen af sin Asientur i åbningsbemærkninger til et møde i sin regering. Han talte om handel.

»Vi er netop vendt hjem fra en historisk, 12 dage lang rejse til Asien. Overalt, hvor vi kom, blev den amerikanske delegation modtaget med enorm gæstfrihed og respekt … Med os tilbage bragte vi for $300 mia. i aftaler, der meget vel kunne nå op på $1 billion i den allernærmeste fremtid. Det betyder jobs for USA på et meget højt niveau … «

Derefter mødtes Trump med udenrigsminister Rex Tillerson og USA’s FN-ambassadør Nikki Haley, midt i flere situationer, der udgør stor fare, og som ikke kan løses, med mindre USA og det transatlantiske område tilslutter sig det fremstød for fred og udvikling, som Bælte & Vej Initiativet tilbyder.

Saudi-Arabien, sammen med Det forenede Kongerige (U.K.), slår på krigstrommer for handling mod Iran og Hezbollah. I søndags blev der, efter anmodning fra saudierne, afholdt et møde i Kairo for udenrigsministre fra den Arabiske Liga. Efter at mange talere fordømte Iran, meddeltes det, at man ville briefe FN’s Sikkerhedsråd om anklager imod Iran og måske kræve fremtidig handling. I mellemtiden fortsætter grusomhederne, der begås af Saudi-Arabien med assistance fra USA, i Yemen.

Denne forfærdelige situation bør ses i kontrast til den modsatrettede dynamik i Asien. Rusland, Tyrkiet og Iran samarbejder i den syriske krise om at besejre ISIL i alle dets former. Den 22. nov. vil den russiske præsident Putin, den tyrkiske præsident Erdogan og den iranske præsident Rouhani mødes i Sotji, Rusland, for at drøfte, hvordan man skal bringe yderligere stabilitet til Syrien og bevæge sig hen imod det russiske forslag for en Kongres for National Dialog. I søndags faldt en af de sidste ISIL-enklaver, byen Abu Kamal, til den syriske regering.

I Sydasien er der nye initiativer i gang for at finde en løsning på den desperate situation, hvor 600.000 rohingya-flygtninge nu er i Bangladesh, hvortil de er flygtet fra fortsatte stridigheder i Myanmar. I weekendens løb mødtes den kinesiske udenrigsminister Wang Yi med ledere fra Myanmar og meddelte, at man ville fordoble indsatsen for Bælte & Vej Initiativets Kina-Myanmar Økonomiske Korridor, og man drøftede en trepunkts-handleplan, som Kina har foreslået, for at tackle nødssituationen med flygtningene: 1) en våbenstilstand; 2) betingelser, der fastsættes af Bangladesh og Myanmar, for, at flygtningene kan vende hjem; og 3) afhjælpning af fattigdom i Myanmar.

Disse to eksempler – Syrien og Myanmar – viser, hvordan betydningsfulde magter konfronterer kriser og konfererer med det specifikke forsæt at udarbejde løsninger. De markerer en fremgangsmåde over for virkeligheden, der enten er fraværende eller også i øjeblikket bliver forsætligt modgået af de fleste af eliterne i Europa og USA, der har forskanset sig i det gamle, døde, geopolitiske paradigme.

I dag påpegede Helga Zepp-LaRouche den igangværende regeringskrise i Tyskland. I går aftes brød forhandlingerne om at danne en koalitionsregering sammen, da de Frie Demokrater trak sig ud. Den tyske præsident Frank-Walter Steinmeier opfordrede efter et møde med den midlertidige kansler Angela Merkel alle sider til at genoverveje og sagde, »Vi står over for en situation, der ikke har eksisteret i Forbundsrepublikkens historie … i næsten 70 år.« Zepp-LaRouche kaldte situationen »forfærdelig, men ikke overraskende« og påpegede det underliggende problem: lederne og partilederne i Tyskland og i hele Europa har ingen vision for fremtiden. Hvordan skal de genoverveje? De er »totalt idéforladte«. De lever i et domæne, der udgør en parallelvirkelighed, så de har ingen impuls til at genoverveje og ændre deres aksiomer og få en diskussion om handlinger.

Dette lægger vejen vidt åben for det, vi gør, for at støtte en ny æra til menneskehedens fordel, men, formaner Zepp-LaRouche, »Vi er endnu ikke i smult vande«.

Foto: Præsident Donald J. Trump besøger Vietnam, 11. nov., 2017. (Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead)

Helga Zepp-LaRouche om præsident Trumps
Asientur og det nye paradigme
Schiller Institut Nyt Paradigme Webcast,
16. nov., 2017; dansk udskrift

Dette webcast har til formål at gøre folk aktive; gå med i Schiller Instituttet; hjælp os med at udbrede den idé, at en ny relation mellem nationer absolut er mulig og allerede er ved at blive til virkelighed. Så sid ikke på sidelinjen. Bliv aktiv sammen med os, for dette er en af de perioder, der har et enormt potentiale. I sidste uge talte vi om Murens fald og den store, historiske chance, dette repræsenterede; men jeg mener, at, hvis man ser på den mulighed, at menneskeheden kan bevæge sig ind i en total ny æra, hvor der er velstand for alle; fred mellem nationer definerer en ny civilisationsæra. Det er min absolutte overbevisning, at, under forudsætning af, at der ikke kommer en stor tragedie som et finanskrak, for hvilken der ikke gennemføres nogen løsning i tide, eller en anden krise, der sparkes i gang omkring en eller anden hændelse, en ’fake’ historie; jeg mener, at det nye verdenssyn, denne idé om, hvad Vestens populærkultur er blevet til, eller hele kulturen, hvor alt er tilladt, ingen kriterier, ingen standard, ingen moralskhed; det er noget, der ikke kan holde. Det er en falsk tro, det er en ideologi; det er en afsporing af menneskets sande natur, og jeg tror, det vil forsvinde på samme måde, som skolastikken forsvandt, fordi det var en utilstrækkelig idé, der var knyttet til en bestemt periode i Europas historie i middelalderen. Det forsvandt; i dag har vi ingen skolastikkere, i hvert fald ikke i denne gamle form. Jeg er overbevist om, at vi har en chance for at få en ny renæssance, at få en opløftelse af folk, hvor alle kulturers, alle planetens nationers bedste traditioner bliver genoplivet; og ud af dette kan vi skabe en ny renæssance. Jeg mener, dette er en absolut realistisk mulighed. Så være glad og gå sammen med os!

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Målestokken for strategisk succes

Leder fra LaRouche PAC, USA, 14. nov., 2017 – I bemærkninger på Air Force One på vej hjem fra Filippinerne til USA efter sin 12 dage lange, historieskabende rejse til Asien, karakteriserede præsident Donald Trump rejsen som »enormt succesfuld«, og at de indgåede aftaler til en værdi af $300 mia. snart ville blive tredoblet.

Men, det er mere end dette.

I et par dusin amerikanske stater – fra Alaska til Vest Virginia og Montana – der har direkte fordel af mange af disse aftaler, er en følelse af lettelse og endda optimisme ved at vende tilbage i takt med, at udsigten til at komme ud af landets lange, økonomiske mareridt begynder at tage form i folks sind.

Men det er også mere end dette.

En kronik i dag i Kinas Global Times går endnu videre og proklamerer i sin overskrift, at »USA’s deltagelse i Bælte & Vej er uundgåelig« – et initiativ for en politik, der er markant knyttet til Lyndon og Helga LaRouche. Artiklens forfatter, Wang Yiwei, direktør for Institut for Internationale Anliggender ved Renmin Universitet, skriver, at handelsaftalerne fra præsident Trumps rejse til Kina »vil gøre det muligt for USA bedre at lære om mulighederne og udsigterne for økonomisk samarbejde. På denne baggrund er tiden inde for USA til at genoverveje en tilslutning til Bælte & Vej Initiativet, der tilbyder større rum for samarbejde«. Forfatteren Wang anbefaler endda, at de to lande kunne arbejde sammen om infrastruktur, måske først i udviklede lande, som i USA’s Midtvesten, og at USA og Kina kunne oprette en »global infrastruktur-investeringsbank«.

Men, målestokken for strategisk succes er mere end selv dette.

Vi står, udtalte Helga Zepp-LaRouche i dag, over for en situation med endnu større muligheder end situationen i 1989, hvor Berlinmurens fald åbnede for muligheden for, at menneskeheden kunne erstatte den bankerotte, transatlantiske, gamle orden med en politik for et Nyt Paradigme, som Lyndon LaRouche og hans bevægelse på det tidspunkt specificerede. Denne chance blev på tragisk vis forspildt, har fr. Zepp-LaRouche gentagne gange udtalt.

»Dengang havde vi kun vore ideer«, forklarede hun i dag, »men man havde ingen kræfter, de ville gennemføre dem. Men nu har vi verdens største land, der går i retning af at gennemføre det, allieret med 70 andre lande. Vi har hele udviklingen i Asien, der er totalt domineret af dette nye paradigme. Og denne kendsgerning er nu også ved at slå igennem i USA og Europa.«

Det, vi er oppe imod i denne kamp i dag, er Det britiske Imperiums liberale establishment og deres hjernevask af befolkningen gennem organisationer såsom Kongressen for Kulturel Frihed (CCF). »Vi angreb CCF i hele denne periode«, erklærede Zepp-LaRouche. »De formede hele efterkrigstidens kulturelle paradigme. Hele den venstre-liberale elite og dens aksiomer kom fra den kulturelle hjernevask, som udførtes af CCF, der blev finansieret af CIA og Udenrigsministeriet. Og hertil kom, at vi også havde Frankfurterskolen; dernæst havde vi 68’erne; og dernæst blev det ’Grønne’ paradigme gennemført. Så hvis man ser på blandingen af hele denne hjernevask, så har man eliten af neo-liberalt etablissement, som nu er ved at gå under, og som flipper ud over Trump og selvfølgelig over Kina og Rusland osv.

»Dette er et forkert livssyn, et forkert syn på verden«, fortsatte Zepp-LaRouche. »De er anti-videnskab, de er anti-klassisk kultur. Ud fra et historisk synspunkt vil de gå under, lige som Middelalderens skolastikkere, fordi de troede på noget, der ikke var i overensstemmelse med universets love.

Det er vigtigt at tænke over dette, for de er vore modstandere; det er, hvad der ligger bag tankegangen à la [USA’s særlige anklager Robert] Mueller, bortset fra et par andre ubehagelige, neo-konservative elementer, og så fremdeles. Grunden til, at de hader os, er på grund af det, Lyndon LaRouche har skrevet. De hader passioneret hans måde at tænke på.«

Zepp-LaRouche konkluderede: »Kampen i USA er helt uafgjort; den kan vindes. Men disse folk er der stadig, så vi må virkelig gå hårdt frem imod dem. Lyndon LaRouches tænkning er overlegen; vi bør ikke i ét eneste øjeblik falde under denne standard. Så lad os få udsigten til at vinde denne kamp, og denne krig.«

Dette, og intet andet, opfylder hele målestokken for strategisk succes.

En ny æra er begyndt – hvis den kan opretholdes

Leder fra LaRouche PAC, USA, 12. nov., 2017 – Husk på Benjamin Franklins historiske svar, efter Forfatningskonventet i 1787, på et spørgsmål fra en Philadelphia-dame, der spurgte, »Nå, doktor, hvad har vi, et monarki eller en republik?« Hans svar: »En republik, frue, hvis I kan holde den.«

Det kan virkeligt siges, at et lignende spørgsmål nu kan stilles efter præsident Donald Trumps historiske rejse til Asien: »Hvad har vi, geopolitik eller menneskehedens fælles mål?«

Der er et lignende svar. Præsidenterne Trump, Xi Jinping og Vladimir Putin har i løbet af den forgangne uge erklæret, at de i fællesskab er forpligtende engageret over for en ny æra for samarbejde – at »Tiden er inde til at komme tilbage til at hele en verden, der er knust og ituslået«, som præsident Trump i dag udtrykte det under sin pressekonference med den vietnamesiske præsident Tran Dai Quang i Hanoi. »Det er meget vigtigt at komme godt ud af det med Rusland, med Kina, med Vietnam, med mange lande«, tilføjede Trump, »for vi har mange ting, vi skal løse«.

Trump tog også handskerne af over for de korrupte ledere af Obamas efterretningssamfund, der har orkestreret den britiske efterretningsoperation for at bringe USA’s præsident til fald og for at genindføre den britiske indsats under Obama for at fremprovokere en krig mellem USA og Rusland. Da Trump talte med pressen under sin flyvning fra Da Nang til Hanoi, gjorde han det klart, at han respekterer det faktum, at præsident Putin hævder, at Rusland intet havde at gøre med at »blande sig« i det amerikanske valg, og sagde: »Se engang på alt det, de har gjort med dette falske dossier … Jeg mener, hør lige engang, de er den indspiste, politiske elite. Jeg mener, der er (Obamas CIA-chef John) Brennan, der er (Obamas direktør for National Efterretning James) Clapper, der er (Obamas FBI-chef James) Comey. Det er nu bevist, at Comey er en løgner, og at han har lækket.«

Dette uforbeholdne angreb mod kupplanlæggerne i USA kommer efter Trumps ekstraordinære statsbesøg til Kina – faktisk, et »Statsbesøg-Plus«, som Xi Jinping kaldte det, den eneste modtagelse af sin art af en udenlandsk statsleder i Kinas moderne historie. Både Xi og Trump understregede i deres diverse taler og kommentarer, at de nye relationer mellem USA og Kina har skabt betingelserne for at løse, ikke alene problemerne i de amerikansk-kinesiske relationer, men næsten alle problemerne i verden. En »win-win«-fremgangsmåde over for sådanne problemer er nu på bordet, gennem samarbejde mellem Rusland, Kina og USA – og dette vil forhåbentlig også bringe europæiske nationer ind i processen, hvis den mentale spændetrøje med nulsumsspil, hund-æder-hund og geopolitisk én-mod-alle kan overvindes.

Det haster stærk med, at de fælles udviklingsprojekter, som er blevet aftalt mellem USA og Kina, omgående bliver gennemført. Den massive boble i det vestlige finanssystem er – på trods af Trumps påstande om, at boblen repræsenterer fremskridt – parat til at briste, som det i stigende grad erkendes af mange af dem, der skabte boblen ved at nægte at genindføre Glass/Steagall efter krakket i 2008. Kina, Japan og andre indehavere af enorme mængder af amerikanske statsobligationer har givet udtryk for deres interesse i at investere denne statsgæld i amerikanske infrastrukturprojekter og industriel genrejsning. Trump opmuntrer tydeligvis denne proces, så vel som også at hjælpe amerikanske industrier til at deltage i den eksplosive udvikling, der finder sted på globalt plan gennem den Nye Silkevejsproces.

Den eneste måde, dette kan ske på, er, at Trump-administrationen vedtager LaRouches Fire Love, og efter Hamiltons principper skaber en infrastrukturbank, der kan dirigere statslig og international kredit til reel udvikling – før boblen brister. På denne måde kan man skille sig af med de værdiløse dele af Wall Streets hasardspilsgæld, gennem en ordnet konkursprocedure, snarere end i et kaotisk kollaps.

Vigtigst af alt, så kan og må vi vende det kulturelle forfald med narkoepidemien, pornografien og volden, der nu dominerer vestlig kultur. I en tale til et valgmøde i Danmark, fredag, indfangede Helga Zepp-LaRouche denne presserende sandhed:

»Så jeg mener, at problemet ikke er, at Kina vokser frem. Problemet er, at Europa har bevæget sig væk. Vi har en smuk tradition. Vi har en klassisk periode, renæssancen i Italien, den andalusiske renæssance, École Polytechnique i Frankrig. Vi har en tysk, klassisk periode, der har frembragt nogle af de mest fremragende tænkere, komponister, digtere; I ved, den rige tradition, der forbinder Tysklands klassiske periode med Danmarks klassiske periode

Så der er mange punkter, hvor vi kan sige, ’Lad os gå tilbage til vore bedste traditioner, og så vil vi finde ud af, at Europas klassiske perioder, og Kinas konfutsianske tradition og andre landes klassiske perioder virkelig skaber grundlaget for en ny renæssance.’

Jeg mener, vi befinder os ved et utroligt, historisk øjeblik, og vi bør erindre os Friedrich Schillers ord, ’Et stort øjeblik bør ikke finde et lille folk’.«

Foto: Præsident Donald J. Trump deltager i APEC-topmødet, 11. november, 2017.

(Official White House Photo by D. Myles Cullen)

Arven efter Friedrich Schiller og
Schiller Instituttet i Xis Nye Silkevejs
konfutsianske koncept i dag.
Helga Zepp-LaRouches tale til
Schiller Instituttets Venners Valgmøde
i København, 10. nov., 2017

Så der er mange punkter, hvor vi kan sige, »Lad os gå tilbage til vore bedste traditioner, og så vil vi finde ud af, at Europas klassiske perioder, og Kinas konfutsianske tradition og andre landes klassiske perioder virkelig skaber grundlaget for en ny renæssance.

Jeg mener, vi befinder os ved et utroligt, historisk øjeblik, og vi bør erindre os Friedrich Schillers ord, »Et stort øjeblik bør ikke finde et lille folk«. Så lad os forsøge at løfte vort folk op til at tænke stort, tænke smukt, blive skønne sjæle, skabe grundlaget for, at alle børn kan få mulighed for at blive genier. Og at det ligger inden for vores viljes mulighed at gøre det, og derfor er Toms kampagne og de andre medlemmer af Schiller Instituttet så absolut vigtig, og at vi bør være glade for, at Schiller Instituttet eksisterer i Danmark og skaber en mulighed for alle danskere til at gå med i dette utrolige, historiske øjeblik og skabe en bedre verden for os alle.

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Præsidenterne Trump og Xi iværksætter et
gigantisk skridt fremad for menneskeheden
LaRouche PAC Internationale Webcast,
10. nov., 2017

Præsidenterne for disse to lande har gentagne gange understreget, at denne nye relation, som de nu indvier, vil gå langt ud over noget, vi tidligere har set, og, gennem den relation, som USA og Kina nu har skabt med præsident Donald Trumps statsbesøg til Kina, kan ikke alene de problemer, som begge disse lande individuelt står overfor, konfronteres og løses, men, med samarbejdet mellem disse to lande sammen med andre partnere i hele verden, kan de fleste af, hvis ikke alle, de problemer, menneskeheden på nuværende tidspunkt står overfor, også løses.

Vært Matthew Ogden: God aften, det er den 10. nov., 2017, og dette er vores strategiske webcast fra

Det er ingen overdrivelse at sige, at vi er vidne til det vigtigste øjeblik i moderne verdenshistorie. Vi ser udfolde sig for vore øjne en ny æra; en ny æra, både mht. amerikansk-kinesiske relationer, med de begivenheder, der har fundet sted i løbet af de seneste par dage, og, som følge heraf, også en ny æra for hele verden. Disse to lande, der uden for enhver diskussion er de to, vigtigste lande på planeten, har nu smedet en relation, der ikke har noget sidestykke mht. niveau, og mht. størrelsesorden.

Præsidenterne for disse to lande har gentagne gange understreget, at denne nye relation, som de nu indvier, vil gå langt ud over noget, vi tidligere har set, og, gennem den relation, som USA og Kina nu har skabt med præsident Donald Trumps statsbesøg til Kina, kan ikke alene de problemer, som begge disse lande individuelt står overfor, konfronteres og løses, men, med samarbejdet mellem disse to lande sammen med andre partnere i hele verden, kan de fleste af, hvis ikke alle, de problemer, menneskeheden på nuværende tidspunkt står overfor, også løses.

Jeg vil sætte et par billeder på skærmen fra præsident Trumps »Statsbesøg-Plus« til Kina, som er uden fortilfælde. Her ser vi præsident Trump og Melania Trump hilse præsident Xi og Kinas førstedame, Peng Liyuan; her ankommer de til Beijing. Man ser det kinesiske folks overvældende entusiasme – her er det kinesiske skolebørn, der vifter med kinesiske og amerikanske flag for at hilse præsident Xi Jinping og præsident Trump. Man ser niveauet af entusiasme, som tydeligvis overvælder præsident Trump, og denne velkomst blev iscenesat for ham; og den rundvisning, de fik i Den Forbudte By, og som ikke har noget fortilfælde i historien. På næste billede synger nogle skolebørn fra Beijing for præsident Trump og Melania Trump. De fik også en fuld opførelse af en opera fra Peking-operaen i Den Forbudte By og en meget hjertelig middag. Her har vi et billede af præsident Trump, præsident Xi Jinping, Melania Trump og Kinas førstedame Peng Liyuan.

Som man kan se, så var dette et ekstraordinært statsbesøg, og begge præsidenter sagde gentagne gange, at de to dage, de tilbragte sammen, er absolut uforglemmelige og har tjent til at skabe det, der allerede var et meget varmt, personligt, særligt forhold mellem de to.

Det, vi har set vokse frem af dette besøg, kan kun beskrives som indvielsen af en ny epoke i de amerikansk-kinesiske relationer. Det går langt ud over, hvad en masse af de mennesker, der så frem til denne begivenhed, har forsøgt at sige, og, på trods af al propagandaen i pressen og i medierne i USA, så var dette ekstraordinært i sin store betydning for USA’s og Kinas fremtid, som to lande; men også for verdens fremtid. Det, vi har set komme ud af disse møder, både mellem præsidenterne Xi og Trump personligt, og også af de udvidede møder, der fandt sted langs sidelinjen, er meget i overensstemmelse med linjerne af det, vi har krævet i løbet af de seneste uger, hvis ikke måneder, mht. de forretningsmæssige forbindelser, forretningsaftalerne mellem USA og Kina; men udtrykkeligt også mht. ideen om, at USA tilslutter sig Bælte & Vej Initiativet.

For det første vil jeg rapportere, at der rent konkret blev underskrevet forretningsaftaler og aftaler om bilaterale investeringer til en værdi af over $250 mia. mellem amerikanske og kinesiske selskaber – det er en kvart billion dollar i bilaterale investeringer; men ideen om USA’s tilslutning til Bælte & Vej Initiativet blev gentagene gange meget udtrykkeligt nævnt, af Xi Jinpings egen mund, under begivenheder i løbet af dette topmøde, første gang under den afsluttende, fælles pressekonference, og også under et møde mellem regeringsfolk og erhvervsfolk; og ved begge disse begivenheder opfordrede præsident Xi Jinping udtrykkeligt amerikanske selskaber til at tilslutte sig Bælte & Vej og sagde, at der vil blive praktisk samarbejde inden for energi, samt investeringer i infrastruktur; og helt konkret blev en fælles aftale underskrevet mellem General Electric og den Kinesiske Silkevejsfond, som i fællesskab oprettede en investeringsplatform inden for energiinfrastruktur.

Reuter rapporterer om denne aftale på følgende vis: »General Electric Co. og kinesisk statsfond etablerer Bælte & Vej plan for handelsinitiativ, for i fællesskab at etablere en investeringsplatform til energiinfrastruktur, siger Kinas regering … Silkevejsfonden og GE Energy Financial Services underskrev en aftale om ’samarbejde’ om etablering af platformen i Beijing, sagde Ministeriet for Udenlandsk Valuta (SAFE) i en erklæring, dateret torsdag … ’De to sider vil i fællesskab investere i elektricitetsnet, ny energi og olie og gas, i lande og regioner langs Bælte & Vej’, sagde SAFE. ’Samarbejdet mellem Silkevejsfonden og GE vil ikke alene styrke samarbejdet mellem avancerede produktionsindustrier fra Kina og USA, men også fremme økonomisk udvikling og handelsudvikling i regionerne for denne investering.’«

Dette er et direkte og konkret eksempel på et førende amerikansk selskab, der tilslutter sig Bælte & Vej, og denne samarbejdsaftale mellem Silkevejsfonden og General Electric i dette tilfælde, reflekterer en langt mere generel retningsbestemmelse mht. sådanne aftaler.

Det, som præsident Xi Jinping gentagne gange understregede, var, at Kina er fremtidens økonomi, og den vækst, som Kina har oplevet i løbet af de seneste årtier, vil kun fortsætte, og denne forretningsmæssige og økonomiske relation mellem USA og Kina vil være til fordel for både det kinesiske og det amerikanske folk.

Jeg vil gerne afspille for jer, et par uddrag fra præsident Trumps og præsident Xi Jinpings præsentationer ved diverse anledninger under dette statsbesøg.

Vi vil først afspille et lille klip fra præsident Trumps bemærkninger ved et udvidet, bilateralt møde, hvor man ser [USA’s udenrigsminister] Rex Tillerson og ambassadør Terry Branstad og præsident Trump, der taler for den kinesiske delegation. Man hører fra præsident Trump, hvor fuldstændig overvældet, han var, over den varme modtagelse, han fik, og hvor stor betydning, han tillægger de fremtidige amerikansk-kinesiske relationer; og i klippet siger han, at han mener, de fleste, hvis ikke alle, problemer i verden sandsynligvis kan konfronteres og løses med denne relation, som Kina og USA har skabt.

Umiddelbart herefter, i det samme klip, ser man et par uddrag af bemærkninger fra først præsident Trump og dernæst præsident Xi Jinping for begivenheden for erhvervsledere, der blev afholdt under dette topmøde. Her vil man høre præsident Trump tale om graden af gensidig, økonomisk forbundethed og samarbejde mellem Kina og USA, og dernæst hører man præsident Xi Jinping selv tale om USA og amerikanske selskaber, der går sammen med Bælte & Vej Initiativet.

Lad os lytte til dette klip:

(Her følger resten af udskriftet på engelsk):

[begin video]
PRESIDENT TRUMP:  Mr. President, thank you very much.  It’s
an honor to be with you.  There can be no more important subject
than China-U.S. relation.  We have between us, and we have to
include some other countries which would quickly come in; we have
a capacity to solve world problems for many, many years to come.
Our meeting last night was absolutely terrific.  Our dinner
was beyond that.  We had a dinner that was going to last quickly,
20-25 minutes, because I was travelling and you were so nice.
And you said we’ll just do a quick dinner.  And I think it had to
last at least two hours, and we enjoyed every minute of it, with
your beautiful wife and Melania together.  Their relationship is
a great one; and our relationship has already proven to be a
great one.
Our meeting this morning in front of your representatives
and my representatives was excellent; discussing North Korea, and
I do believe there’s a solution to that, as you do; discussing
trade with the United States, knowing that the United States
really has to change its policies because they’ve gotten so far
behind on trade with China — and frankly with many other
countries.  And I have great respect for you, for that, because
you’re representing China.  But it’s too bad that past
administrations allowed it to get so far out of kilter.  But
we’ll make it fair, and it will be tremendous for both of us.
My feeling toward you is an incredibly warm one; as we said,
there’s great chemistry, and I think we’re going to do tremendous
things for both China and for the United States, and it is a
very, very great honor to be with you.
Thank you very much.  The hosting of the military parade
this morning was magnificent, and the world was watching.  I’ve
already had people calling from all parts of the world — they
were all watching.  Nothing you can see is so beautiful.  So, I
just want to thank you for the very warm welcome and I look
forward to many years of success and friendship, working together
to solve not only our problems, but world problems, and problems
of great danger and security.  I believe we can solve almost all
of them, and probably all of them.
Thank you very much for having us, I very much appreciate
it…. [end video]

[begin video]
PRESIDENT TRUMP:  Thank you very much.  Thank you.  And
thank you [Commerce] Minister Zhong Shan for that introduction;
and especially thank you to President Xi and Madame Peng for
serving as such warm and gracious hosts to Melania and me during
our time, here in your very, very beautiful country.
To both the American delegation and to the Chinese business
representatives here, your discussions greatly strengthen our
partnership and provides a critical bridge between our business
community and yours, and thank you for that.  During my time in
Beijing, President Xi and I have had several conversations about
our common goals and interests.  Beyond that, we talk often.
It’s a very good chemistry between the two of us, believe me.
My administration is committed to improving our trade and
business relationships with China.  The contributions of the
business community represented here today are vital to our
efforts, to ensure peace and prosperity for our two nations.
Together we can unlock a future of opportunity, wealth and
dignity far beyond anybody’s wildest dreams.  In your discussions
today I hope you will learn from each other, and identify new
ways to advance our economic cooperation.  I am depending on all
of you to work together to find opportunities of mutual agreement
and shared prosperity.
The hardworking people of America and the hardworking people
of China deserve the very best solutions to achieve prosperity,
happiness, and peace.  Thank you very much.  Thank you.

ANNOUNCER:  Thank you, President Trump.  And now please
welcome Mr. Xi Jinping, the President of the People’s Republic of
China. [applause]

PRESIDENT XI: [as interpreted] The Honorable President
Trump, Chinese and American business representatives, ladies and
gentlemen, dear friends:
It is my real pleasure to have President Trump with us today
for this China-U.S. business exchange.
Over the years the business communities of our two countries
have been committed to the friendship between our two nations.
You are a strong driving force for economic cooperation and
overall relations between our two countries.  Your commitments
and your contribution are highly appreciated.
This year marks the 45th anniversary of the Shanghai
Communiqué.  Over the past 45 years, China-U.S. economic
relations and trade ties have achieved historic development,
delivering great benefits to our two peoples.  Last year, General
Motors, Ford, and Fiat Chrysler, the three U.S. automakers,
manufactured and sold over 5 million vehicles in China.  The
number was bigger than their combined sales in other parts of the
The Chinese investment in the United States is also rising
rapidly, and has created over 140,000 jobs directly for the local
communities in the United States. During President Trump’s visit
this time, as we have witnessed right now, our companies will
sign commercial contracts and two-way investment agreements worth
over $250 billion U.S. dollars.  These are great examples of the
vast potential and win-win nature of China-U.S. economic
China-U.S. business cooperation has vast potential.  As the
biggest developing and developed country, China and the U.S. have
much more areas for economic cooperation, rather than
competition.  We will continue to encourage Chinese companies to
invest in the United States, and also welcome active
participation of American companies and financial institutions in
the Belt and Road projects.
With our economic relations expanding rapidly, it is natural
that we may have differences, from time to time.  The important
thing is, we act in the spirit of mutual benefit and mutual
understanding, and seek proper settlement through dialogue and
consultation.  A Chinese philosopher once observed that trading
can generate friendship and mutual benefit.  Looking ahead, I
have full confidence that with joint efforts of you, the business
representatives present here, today, and the business communities
of our two countries, China-U.S. economic relations will achieve
greater success on the basis of equality and mutual benefit, and
our two peoples, will grain increasing benefits along this
Thank you. [applause]
[end video]

OGDEN:  So you just heard President Xi Jinping explicitly
say that we will welcome Chinese enterprises to proactively
invest in the United States, and, we welcome U.S. companies and
financial institutions to take part in the projects under the
Belt and Road Initiative.  So that’s explicitly calling for this
kind of win-win, mutually beneficial relationship between China
and the United States, both in terms of investments in the United
States, and infrastructure development, and businesses, and, U.S.
participation in the Belt and Road Initiative.
What you’re about to hear is a few clips from the final
press conference that was held between President Trump and
President Xi Jinping.  And during this press conference,
President Xi repeated that emphasis of the United States
cooperating with China on the Belt and Road Initiative.  He said,
“for China and the United States, win-win cooperation is the only
right choice and the pathway to a better future.”  He said, “It
is necessary to formulate and launch economic cooperation for the
next phase, to have continued in-depth discussion on trade
imbalance, export, investment environment, market openness and
other issues, and work to support practical cooperation in
energy, infrastructure, the Belt and Road Initiative, and other
So let’s play this clip the concluding press conference,
from President Xi Jinping and President Trump:

[begin video]
PRESIDENT XI: [as interpreted] Your Honorable President
Donald Trump, friends from the press, good afternoon.
It is my great pleasure to meet all of you, together with
President Trump.  Let me begin by extending once again a warm
welcome to the President for his state visit to China.
Yesterday and earlier today, the President and I have had
in-depth discussions on China-U.S. relations and major
international and regional issues of mutual interest.  We
reviewed the important progress made in the relationship since we
met at Mar-a-Lago, and we discussed how to further move forward
the relationship in the months ahead in great depth, and we
reached a series of new and important consensus.  Our meeting is
constructive and productive.
I shared with the President, the policies adopted at the
19th Party Congress.  I conveyed China’s firm commitment to
deepen reform, greater opening up, and a path of peaceful
development, and China’s desire to expand converting interests
with other countries and promoting coordination and cooperation
among major countries.
President Trump shared with me his domestic reform agenda
and foreign policy priorities.  The development of China and the
United States is mutual reinforcing, without contradicting each
other.  Our respective success serves the common interests of
both countries.  We believe that facing the complex and changing
international landscape, and maintaining world peace and
stability in promoting global development and prosperity, China
and the United States, being two large countries, share more
common interests, shoulder greater responsibility, and enjoy
broader room for cooperation.
The healthy, stable, and growing China-U.S. relationship is
not only in the fundamental interest of the Chinese and American
people, it also meets the expectations of the international
community.  For China and the United States, win-win cooperation
is the only right choice and the pathway toward a better future.
We agreed to keeping close touch through mutual visits,
meetings, phone calls, and correspondence, with a view to having
timely communications on major issues of shared interest.  We
agreed to make the most of the diplomatic and security dialogue,
comprehensive economic dialogue, social and people-to-people
dialogue, and law enforcement and cyber-security dialogue — four
high-level dialogue mechanisms — and work together for greater
results out of these dialogues.
We believe that China and the United States are the two
largest economies and important engines of global economic
growth.  We need to further expand trade and investment
cooperation, strengthen macroeconomic policy coordination, pursue
healthy, stable, and dynamically balanced economic and trade
It is necessary to formulate and launch economic cooperation
plans for the next phase, to have continued in-depth discussion
on trade imbalance, export restrictions, investment environment,
market openness, and other issues, and work to support practical
cooperation in energy, infrastructure, Belt and Road Initiative,
and other areas.
Just now, the President and I witnessed the signing of some
major cooperation agreements by our businesses.  During this
visit, the two sides signed over $250 billion U.S. dollars of
commercial deals and two-way investment agreements.
According to China’s timetable and roadmap for opening up,
China has announced a number of steps to promote market access.
This speaks volumes of the broad space for further economic and
trade cooperation between the two countries, which would deliver
great benefits to the two peoples.
As two distinctive countries, our two sides may have
different views or differences on some issues.  This is only
natural.  The key is to properly handle and manage them.  There
is far more common interest between our two countries than
differences.  It is important to respect each other’s sovereignty
and territorial integrity, respect each other’s choice of
development path, and our difference.  As long as the two sides
commit to a constructive approach, we can put aside and diffuse
differences, while at the same time build common ground and
advance cooperation.
We also discussed the international responsibilities our two
countries shoulder:  We agreed to enhance communication and
cooperation on major international, regional, and global issues,
and jointly seek proper resolution of relevant hotspot issues to
make greater contribution to peace, stability, and prosperity of
relevant regions and the world at large.
On the Korean Peninsula nuclear issue, we reiterated the
firm commitment to achieving denuclearization of the peninsula,
and upholding international non-proliferation regime.  The two
sides will continue to fully and strictly implement UN Security
Council resolutions. At the same time, the two sides commit to
working toward a solution through dialogue and negotiation, and
we are ready to discuss with relevant parties, the pathway
leading to enduring peace and stability in the peninsula and the
Northeast Asia.  The two sides will maintain communication and
cooperation on the Korean Peninsula issue.
We believe that China and the United States, our countries
are the important influence in the Asia Pacific.  As I said to
the President, “the Pacific Ocean is big enough to accommodate
both China and the United States.”
Ladies and gentlemen, dear friends:  President Trump’s state
visit is a successful and historic visit.  Together the two of us
have set out the direction and draw up the blueprint for
China-U.S. relations in the coming period.  We will work with the
United States and act on the consensus we reached, seek further
progress in U.S.-China relations to bring greater benefit to our
peoples, and people across the world.
Thank you very much.  [applause]

ANNOUNCER:  Thank you very much, Your Excellency.  Now,
President Trump, you have the floor.

President Xi, I want to thank you for that incredible
welcoming ceremony, earlier this morning.  It was truly memorable
and impressive, and something I will never forget.  Melania and I
are honored to visit your country, with its ancient history,
dynamic people, and thriving culture.
I also want to thank you and Madame Peng for a tour that was
given to us yesterday of the very majestic Forbidden City.  Your
people are proud of who they are, and what they have built
together, and your people are also very proud of you.
I want to congratulate you on the recent and very successful
19th Party Congress. Perhaps now, more than ever we have an
opportunity to strengthen the relationship between our two
President Xi and I discussed improving our economic
relationship.  We want a vibrant trade relationship with China,
we also want a fair and reciprocal one.  Today, I discussed with
President Xi the chronic imbalance in our relationship, as it
pertains to trade, and the concrete steps that we’ll jointly take
to solve the problem of the massive trade distortion.  This
includes addressing China’s market access restrictions, and
technology transfer requirements, which prevent American
companies from being able to fairly compete within China.
The United States is committed to protecting the
intellectual property of our companies and providing a level
playing field for our workers. At the same time, our relationship
with you and China is a very important one to me, and to all the
people of our country.  And just by looking at the tremendous,
incredible job-producing agreements just signed those major
companies, we’re off to a very, very good start.
As part of our commitment to regional stability and peace,
the United States also continues to advocate for reforms that
advance economic freedom, individual rights, and the rule of law.
The United States, working with China and other regional
partners, has an incredible opportunity to advance the cause of
peace, security, and prosperity all across the world:  It’s a
very special time, and we do, indeed, have that very, very
special opportunity.  A great responsibility has been placed on
our shoulders, President; it’s truly a great responsibility.  And
I hope we can rise to the occasion and help our countries and our
citizens reach their highest destinies and their fullest
I want to thank you, again — you’re a very special man —
for your gracious hospitality.  I send my warmest regards to your
citizens.  I honor their heritage, and celebrate their great,
great possibilities and potential for the future.  In the coming
months and years, I look forward to building an even stronger
relationship between our two countries, China and the United
States of America, and even closer friendships and relationships,
between the people of our countries.
Mr. President, thank you very much. [applause]
[end video]

OGDEN:  So you just heard President Trump there say that
this is a very, very extraordinary, special opportunity, to build
this cooperative relationship between the United States and
China, one which he said, is very, very important for him, and
also for the people of the United States, — which is very true.
And he said he looks forward to continuing to build a strong and
close relationship between these two countries.  And I thought it
was very notable that he said, on such a personal level, he said,
“this is a special time”; he said, “we, indeed, have a very, very
special opportunity.”  And he said for the two of them, to
President Xi Jinping, “a great responsibility has been placed on
our shoulders.”  He addressed President Xi directly.  He said,
“It’s a truly great responsibility, and I hope we can rise to the
occasion and help our countries and our citizens reach their
highest destinies and their fullest potential.”  And he said, “I
want to thank you again, you’re a very special man.”
This is an extraordinary testament to this relationship that
President Trump has forged with President Xi Jinping and just how
grateful he was for the hospitality that he received, and the
extraordinary successes that came out of this summit.  As
President Xi said, in those remarks you just heard, he said,
together the two of them have “laid out the blueprint for
U.S.-China relations” with the purpose of benefitting the people
of the United States and China.  And he said this was a very
important and very historic visit.
And indeed, it was.  The Chinese foreign minister, at a
press conference laid out, no less than 23 specific areas where
the U.S. and China delegations reached an important agreement.
He said:  “We have reached extensive and important consensus on
the development of China-U.S. relations.”  And those 23 specific
areas included no less than what he said, in his words,
“protecting world peace, stability and prosperity, carrying out
head of state diplomacy,” which includes as you heard from
President Xi, phone calls, continued personal meetings, constant
exchange of views and consultation between these two heads of
state; this also includes giving full play to the four high-level
dialogue platforms that were agreed to previously; enhancing
macro-policy coordination including global economic governance;
exchanges and dialogues at various levels between the two
militaries; drug control was also included.  And, I didn’t
include it in those clips, but one of the things that President
Trump repeatedly came back to, was the agreements that they had
reached in terms of controlling the opioid flow which has
contributed so much to the opioid epidemic here in the United
States, most specifically the fentanyl phenomenon; but also was
included in this, was an agreement for international
non-proliferation and the denuclearization of the Korean
Peninsula, which you heard both of them refer to, and fighting
terrorism, together.
So there are 23 specific areas of mutual cooperation that
were agreed to during this summit.
From those two press conferences, I hope you get the sense
just how historic this visit was and how much significance
President Trump placed on the opportunity to have this state
visit, and how much significance President Xi Jinping placed on
President Trump’s willingness to engage in this bilateral summit;
and how much hope they both have for the continued growth in this
Now, President Xi Jinping immediately went from this summit
that they held in Beijing to attend the APEC summit, and both
President Xi and President Trump delivered important and
significant speeches.  But I think you can see, from the
preliminary reports of President Xi Jinping’s speech, that he has
taken what was consolidated in this bilateral summit between
himself and President Trump, and immediately brought it to the
world stage in terms of the future of the Belt and Road
What President Xi Jinping’s speech at the APEC summit was
completely centered around, is the idea of scientific growth and
innovation, as the driver, the source of the growth, the driver
behind the Belt and Road Initiative.  He said, that an old Chinese
saying reads, that development is an unending journey.  He said,
a Chinese philosopher said, “we should focus our mind on the
future, not the past.  So we need reform and innovation to
achieve growth, we must build a community of shared future for
mankind,” reviewing a theme that he had made a very central facet
of his speech to the CPC Party Congress.
He said:  In order to do that, one, we must pursue
innovation-driven development, new drivers of growth.  He said
the only way to sustain growth is through innovation and
breakthroughs in science.  And then he said, we must enhance
connectivity.  This is the best way to have win-win outcomes.  He
said, this will boost the real economy, and he emphasized that
the Belt and Road Initiative is a joint endeavor for
infrastructure and connectivity.  He said, it is from China, but
it belongs to the world.  It’s oriented to the future, and
although largely focused on Asia and Africa, so far, he
emphasized, it is open to all partners, obviously, the United
States included.
And he said:  It is his hope that the Belt and Road
Initiative will create a broader more dynamic platform for world
economic growth.  And the audience stood up and applauded that
with a sustained ovation.
And then he emphasized at the conclusion of this speech at
the APEC summit, “We want to enable more countries to board the
express train of China’s development.” And then he reflected on
what China has achieved and what China is committed to continuing
to achieve.  He said:  We are embarked on a new journey involving
our greater integration with the world.  We will continue to open
up; we will work with others to create new drivers of development
through the Belt and Road Initiative.  He said:  Our goal is to
ensure a better life for people.  We aim for this in everything
we do.  This involves increasing people’s living standards,
ending poverty.  By 2020, each and every one of China’s 1.3
billion people should have decent lives, he said.  “No one will
be left behind.”
And then he concluded by saying: China also has a new
international approach to create a community with a shared future
for mankind.  China’s dream is connected to the dreams of each of
your countries.  We strive for durable peace, universal security,
and common prosperity.  We want harmony among all nations by
creating a win-win situation.  He said:  We will make the
international order more just and equitable.
So that’s the vision for the world which President Xi
Jinping has laid out, and that’s the vision which now President
Trump has, in a very significant way joined the United States and
China in this idea of a shared and common destiny.
I think we can be assured that out of this historic summit
that we witnessed over the last two days, a very, very close
relationship will continue to be formed between President Trump
and President Xi Jinping, personally; and that relationship, as
we enter this new era in terms of U.S.-China relations, will,
indeed, herald the coming of an entirely new paradigm for
So, what I want to do to conclude here is to play just a
very short excerpt from Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s international
webcast, yesterday, which she broadcast yesterday on the Schiller
Institute New Paradigm site, and is available on the Schiller
Institute YouTube channel [], and
this was even prior to some of the concluding remarks that you
just heard from President Trump and President Xi Jinping.  But
you can see, the importance that Helga Zepp-LaRouche places on
the events that we just witnessed over the last two days.  So,
here’s Helga Zepp-LaRouche:

[begin video]
HELGA ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  I think from what we can know today,
which is the second day of I would say an historic visit of
President Trump in China, I think it is exactly what I expected
would happen:  That both sides know perfectly well that the
future of mankind depends on the relationship between the United
States and China, as the most important two nuclear powers and
economic powers in the world.  And I think it went very well.
The statements by President Xi Jinping characterizing the meeting
as a strategic new beginning, a mutual beneficial relationship of
historic importance which can solve not only the problems of the
two peoples, but of the whole world, I think this is absolutely
to the point.  And President Trump was very enthusiastic:  He
praised China and its great President, who, according to his
Tweet, feels very warm feeling — I mean, this is really good.
Because if the two Presidents understand each other and can make
it work, then I fully agree, there is no problem in the world
which cannot be tackled.
So I think this is a gigantic step forward, and I think it’s
also interesting that Trump, who was very much talking about the
trade gap between the United States and China, however, he said
he does not blame China for that, because he respects it, that
President Xi would do everything for the maximum benefit of his
own country and people; and then he blamed previous U.S.
administrations for having allowed to drop exports to China so
much that this trade gap now exists.  And remember, the Chinese
always wanted to import much more from the United States, but the
previous administrations which were on a confrontation,
containment, encirclement policy towards China, they refused to
sell many of the products which China wanted to buy with the
pretext that they had “dual use,” that things could be used both
for civilian and military purpose — and naturally, there’s
almost anything you can use for either peaceful or not so
peaceful purposes, depending on what is the intent of your
So, I think this is very good.  They concluded, I think,
somewhere in the range of $250 billion in deals, various things
ranging from infrastructure, transport, energy, agricultural
exports from the United States to China, just a very wide variety
of economic deals.  They also decided to not only improve and
strengthen the relationship between the two Presidents, but to
increase the cooperation on all levels, to strengthen the four
permanent dialogues which had been arranged already in Florida in
April, one of them dealing with economic cooperation.  And I
think an absolute basis has been laid to continue to develop this
relationship to the benefit, not only of China and the United
States, but, really, for the whole world.
So naturally, they agreed fully on the need to solve the
North Korea problem, on which they want to work together, and
also Trump expressed a confidence that with the help of China,
and Russia, which he said on an earlier occasion, that problem
can be brought to a positive solution.
While I have not seen any direct mentioning of the United
States working with the Belt and Road Initiative as such, I know
that that is the mindset of President Xi, and I think that also
coming out of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party
of China, where Xi Jinping has made the goal of to build a
“community of a shared future of mankind,” I think this trip by
President Trump has been a gigantic step in the right direction.
And I think the Chinese really know how to bring into
consciousness, the 5,000-year history of China, and Trump was
treated really very well.  They had a one-day or several hour
special treatment in the Forbidden City which was closed to the
public, and they performed three Beijing operas, and showed the
restoration of ancient handicrafts.  So Trump was very, very
happy, and he sent a message to Xi Jinping saying that he and
Melania will never forget this experience. So I think from a
human standpoint this is very positive.
And these journalists should just go and be ashamed of
themselves, because they are so cynical that never will anything
move their hearts and minds, and probably these minds are dried
out like old prunes anyway, so I wouldn’t worry about what
they’re writing, because I think these two Presidents have made a
very positive step, moving human history forward.
[end video]

OGDEN:  So as you can see, Helga LaRouche concluded by
saying, no matter what you read in the Western press, disregard
this, because, indeed, we have just witnessed one of the most
crucial developments in human history.  As you could see, she
said, these two Presidents have moved human history forward.
It’s a very gigantic step in the right direction, she said, and a
very significant victory in our ongoing fight for a new
international paradigm, a “shared future for mankind” in the
words of Xi Jinping.
So with this significant victory under our belt, Helga
Zepp-LaRouche in the last day has called on American to redouble
our efforts for Lyndon LaRouche’s Four Economic Laws here in the
United States:  The Hamiltonian national banking program by which
we can maximize the participation of the United States in this
Belt and Road Initiative.
And we’ve got a lot of potential, that came out of this
visit, and it’s our job to fully educate the American people on
what was discussed and what the opportunities are that are now
before us, with President Trump clearly, personally committed to
this relationship with China, his personal relationship with
President Xi Jinping, and as President Xi Jinping repeatedly
mentioned, this potential for joint investment between Chinese
firms in the United States, and also participation by U.S.
companies in the Belt and Road Initiative — exactly what we’ve
been calling for over the last number of months, in terms of the
United States joining the New Silk Road.
With that said, I think for those of you who viewed those
excerpts, we did witness the unfolding of human history before
our very eyes; with these events over the last several days, we
now are in a new era for U.S. history. And I think we have to
recognize the implications of that, recognize the responsibility
that that presents to us, to continue to move history forward in
this direction.
So thank you very much for joining us, and I’m sure that
we’ll see further developments coming out of President Trump’s
visit to Asia over the next few days.  So please stay tuned to, as we have a number of other live events planned
over the coming days, and we’ll see you at the beginning of next

Valgmøde den 10. november 2017, del I,
med Tom Gillesberg, Helga Zepp-LaRouche
og meget smuk sang

Helga Zepp LaRouche Addresses Copenhagen Campaign Event of
‘Friends of the Schiller Institute,’ Nov. 10, 2017

– The Legacy of Friedrich Schiller and the Schiller Institute –
– In the Confucian Concept of Xi’s New Silk Road Today –

        Schiller Institute Chairwoman and founder Helga
Zepp-LaRouche was introduced by Schiller Institute in Denmark
Chairman Tom Gillesberg, who is running for mayor of Copenhagen
on the Friends of the Schiller Institute slate.

HELGA ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  I’m very happy to be here by Hangout
video, because there are a lot very important things happening
which the Western media are absolutely hiding from the
population.  As a matter of fact, since you referred to the
founding of the Schiller Institute in 1984, I was just reflecting
that the purpose why I created the Schiller Institute in the
first place, was because I saw the world very much in need of a
different idea of relations among nations.
And that was the main reason why this institute was created,
because I realized, in 1983, the relationship between Germany and
the United States, Europe and the United States, the so-called
“advanced sector” and the developing countries, all of these
foreign relations were terrible.  For slightly different reasons
in each case, but I basically said, “this is not the way nations
should organized themselves, and that is not how they should
relate to each other.”
So I came up with the idea to create an institute devoted to
the development of a just new world economic order, whereby every
person on the planet would eventually have a decent life, that
was explicitly the idea; and that this new world economic order
would only function if it would be combined with the idea of a
dialogue of cultures on the highest level, where one country
would not refer to the worst tradition of the other, but to the
best, and vice versa.  And that all of this would be accompanied
by a lot of Classical culture, a lot of emphasis on science, on
science and technology as the motor for such a development.
Now, I don’t want to go through the long history of the
Schiller Institute, which has done an enormous amount of work on
five continents since its existence, but I’m very happy to say
that if you look at the world today, especially in the last
several days, a lot of what the Schiller Institute was meant to
be, is coming into being.
People really have to realize that the summit which just
took place between President Xi Jinping and President Trump, was
an absolutely historic breakthrough.  Now, if you listen to the
Western media, you would think the opposite; you would think, if
you read the New York Times you would say, “Trump sold out to
the Chinese, because Xi Jinping is much more powerful than
Trump.”  If you listen to second channel of German TV, their
comment yesterday was that, yes, this was all a big show, but
Trump is so irrational and changing so quickly that in two weeks
he will not even remember what happened.  Or, the Frankfurter
Allgemeine Zeitung
this morning, I had to laugh when I was
reading this. On the front page, they said if Deng Xiaoping were
still alive, he would have wept tears of joy when he saw that Xi
Jinping and Trump were meeting, seeing eye-to-eye, treating each
other as equals.
So the Western media are just completely beside themselves,
they’re cynical, they’re absolutely geopolitically blinded in
such a way that they can’t even look at what is going on.
Now, let me tell you what really happened:  First of all, on
Wednesday [Nov. 8], the Chinese government did something which
has never happened, giving an honor to Trump which they have
never given to any other foreign head of state.  They closed down
for an entire day the Forbidden City; this is the largest complex
of palaces in the world.  Since the 17th century, it was the seat
of the emperors, and it is just one large complex of palaces, one
after the other:  it has opera houses, it has living quarters,
it’s just an unbelievable environment.
They closed this down, and they performed for President
Trump and his wife Melania, excerpts from three Beijing operas,
and they showed ancient handicrafts in restoration; and really
steeped the Presidential couple in Chinese culture.  Which
everybody who knows it, knows it’s extremely beautiful and
extremely impressive.  And they called this a “State Visit-Plus.”
A commentator from the think tank CASS [Chinese Academy of Social
Sciences] said this has never happened in the history of China,
either; they have never given a head of state such a high-level
visit, so it was a highest honor ever given to a foreign
Now, the Western press is not reflecting why this is the
case, but President Xi said that the this is the beginning of a
new start of relations between the United States and China, and
it will do very important, good things not only for the two
people, but for the entire world.  And Trump, on his side, said,
what could be more important than the two largest economic
countries finding a good cooperation; and he also said that he
looks ahead to many years of friendship and collaboration between
the two countries, accomplishing incredible things.
Obviously, not unimportant was the fact that there were
trade deal deals signed for, altogether $253 billion, ranging
from energy, agricultural products, airplanes were being bought,
infrastructure.  And in a certain sense, this is important, and
designed to grow — it’s not the end of it.  Trump made several
speeches where he said — there was an incredible trade gap up to
now, but he doesn’t blame the Chinese for it, he blames the
former U.S. administrations for allowing this to happen.
So obviously, there are many positive things in this trade
relation, as such, but I think more importantly the spirit which
comes from the New Silk Road, which is the policy which has been
put on the agenda by Xi Jinping since 2013, and which in the four
years since, has grown to be the largest economic infrastructure
project ever in history: Already something like 70 countries are
collaborating.  They are building infrastructure corridors, six
major corridors, almost 40 cargo trains and connecting between
China and Europe, now, every week.  The development is spreading
with absolute excitement into Latin America, into Africa, into
even European countries.
The biggest change, in my view, has happened in Africa,
because China has invested in a rail line from Djibouti to Addis
Ababa; now from Kenya; another line is being built to Rwanda.
Many hydropower dams, projects for hydropower, irrigation,
industrial parks.  And all of this has led to a completely
different attitude of the Africans, who, for the first time, see
the perspective of overcoming their underdevelopment.
The philosophy behind all of this is the idea that only if
you have harmonious development of all nations on this planet,
can you have a peaceful development in China.  And this is based
on the Confucian idea that only with the maximum development of
the individual, who should become a wide person, is spread
throughout the entire family and all the families develop
harmoniously, can you have peace in the nation, and obviously in
the world, among the nations.
This is not understood by the West at all. They are
absolutely convinced — and I think some of these political
forces are so geopolitically entrenched that they really believe
this, that they cannot mention that a country can actually be
devoted to the common good of its people.  And that China is
doing that is without any debate, because, as Tom just mentioned,
I was in China in 1971, during the Cultural Revolution, and I saw
the country in distress.  And I went back in ’96, and I saw the
absolutely incredible change for the better in these 25 years.
And what has happened in the last 30 years is just the
biggest economic miracle of any country on the planet.  China has
lifted 700 million people out of poverty, and what happened at
the just-concluded 19th Party Congress of the CPC, was that Xi
Jinping announced that by the year 2020, China will have
eradicated all poverty.  There are only 42 million people left
who are poor, in rural areas, and they now are using modern
technology to overcome that, by providing the means for
e-commerce to the farmers in the rural areas of poor regions, so
they can market their products via the internet, and that way
they are starting to develop more income and more wealth, so that
they will no longer be poor by the year 2020. I have no reason to
believe that they will not succeed in doing that, because, when
you see the vector of development of the last 30 to 40 years,
they are going to accomplish that.
By the year 2035, China wants to be a modern socialist
country, and Xi Jinping has developed a plan up to the year 2050,
for China to be a strong, modern, harmonious, democratic, happy
Now, in this speech, at this party convention, Xi Jinping
mentioned I think it was 15 times or so, that the purpose of the
political work of the Communist Party is that people should have
a better and happier life.  And what China is doing is obviously
a model which is much more devoted to the common good, than you
find it in the West, where, if you compare it to the poverty
level in the European Union, for example, where you have 120
million people who are poor; or you compare it to the economic
situation in the United States, where for the first time in an
industrial nation, you have a lowering of the life-expectancy!
Now, if there’s any parameter for the productivity and the
well-being of an economy, it is the life expectancy of its
people.  And if you an industrial country with the collapse of
the life span, then you know that there is something absolutely
wrong.  And this is the result of what happened with the
neo-liberal system, especially since the United States with the
neo-cons decided to become the leader of a unipolar world, which
went along with the neo-liberal system, where the rich became so
rich that it is unreasonable, and the poor become poorer.
And you have right now, I think something like 95 million
people in the United States who are no longer counted as being in
the labor force, because they have given up looking for work, or
they are sick, or they are in prison, or they are somehow
misplaced in some other form.
So, I think that what is happening right now is that Xi
Jinping has put on the agenda a model of economic cooperation
which needs to be studied.  I think it’s a big mistake that the
Europeans are just dismissing it.  Like, for example, the French
Economic and Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire just went to Berlin
yesterday, and there he addressed a German-French economic forum,
where he said, now Europe must stop being naïve, we must be
united to stand up against China, against Russia, against the
United States.  And then the German Foreign Minister Sigmar
Gabriel yesterday on a TV show basically said the same thing —
he said, now, Europe must stand united against the aggressive
powers of Russia and China, where human rights mean nothing.
I mean, this is such an arrogance!  You know, talking about
“democracy,” why don’t you just look for a second at what
happened with Hillary Clinton’s campaign?  Now the big scandal in
the United States is that the Democratic Party leadership, one
year before the party convention was to supposedly decide on the
candidate for the 2016 Presidential election, has decided it
would be Hillary. And then they channeled illegal money,
violating FEC rules up and down, right and left, intriguing
against Bernie Sanders. And then, concocting “intelligence”
against Trump with the help of British intelligence, played back
into the United States.  I mean, this is a joke! There is no
democracy, not in this present system.
And I think that to accuse Russia and China of being
“aggressive” is just absolutely wrong!  The whole question of
what was the Ukraine crisis:  [Former German Chancellor] Helmut
Schmidt said it very clearly: The reason why the Ukraine crisis
happened, and where it started was in the Maastricht conference
in 1992, because that was when the EU decided to have the
Eastward expansion without limit. And that is the same thing as
what the NATO expansion to the East was, breaking all promises
made to Gorbachev at the time, that NATO would never expand to
the borders of the Soviet Union, or Russia for that matter.
So we are in a real crisis.  And rather than being so
arrogant and saying there are no human rights in China and
Russia, and these countries are “aggressive” — which they are
not — we should rather reflect on what should the future be?
China happens to be the only country which has presented a
strategic model of international relations based on a win-win
cooperation of respect for the sovereignty of the other country,
of non-interference, of accepting the other social model of the
other system; and this is a strategy for peace.  This is the idea
of overcoming geopolitics.  And we should not forget that it was
geopolitics which was not only the cause for many wars in
history, but especially two world wars in the 20th century.
And the idea to have an inclusive, win-win cooperation among
all countries on the planet, what should be against that?  Why
can Europe not, why can’t Denmark, and Germany, and France, and
Italy, just say:  When the relationship between the United States
and China is already now on such a new historical basis, where
the strategic partnership between China and Russia is also very,
very strong, and Putin and Xi Jinping have both said that the
relationship between these two countries are on the best level
ever.  And now China and the United States are saying the same
thing about their two countries.  Now, what could be better, than
to have the United States, China and Russia working together for
a new paradigm of relations among nations?  Why can the European
nations not just say, “Well, that is very good, because if the
biggest nuclear powers can cooperate in a peaceful way, then the
danger of a thermonuclear war is obviously diminished and could
be eliminated in a short period of time; and we cooperate.”
I mean, we have so many tasks which are urgent:  The
reconstruction of Southwest Asia, of the Middle East, of
countries which have been completely destroyed by wars which are
the outgrowth of regime change, of the unipolar world, on wars
based on lies, which have cost {millions} of people their lives
in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen.  These countries have been
absolutely destroyed and they need to be reconstructed.
There is already a  discussion  that the only way you can do
that, is by extending the New Silk Road into the Middle East.
And I have said for a very long time, that the only way how you
can have peace in the Middle East, is if all the major neighbors
— Russia, China, India, Iran, Egypt, hopefully the United
States, and hopefully European nations, are all working together,
and then you can eliminate the present tensions and frictions and
ongoing fights, which have almost been eliminated in Syria and
And look at Africa:  Don’t you think it’s time that we join
hands with China in the development of Africa?  Do you really
think that the underdevelopment of Africa is a natural condition?
No!  It is the result of hundreds of years of colonialism, of
decades of IMF conditionalities, which insisted, that countries
should pay their debt and not pay for infrastructure and not pay
for social expenditures.  And the reason why Africa has been in
such a terrible condition is because it was the policy of the
West {not} to develop the African continent.
And now China has come, and said, “no,” we have the idea to
eliminate poverty in every corner of the planet, and they have
started the industrialization of Africa, and Xi Jinping has
offered to Europe, to the United States, to join hands and have
joint projects in all of these countries.
Don’t you think it’s time that we become adult as a human
species?  I think it should be clear to everybody that in the age
of thermonuclear weapons, war cannot be a way of resolving
conflicts. And I think also, the idea that the human species
should be able to come up with an idea of self-governance of one
human species; that it’s not a natural condition that you always
will have one nation against another nation, or a group of
nations against another group of nations.
In reflecting about what happened in the recent period,
especially with the 19th Party Congress of the CPC, where Xi
Jinping developed a perspective between now and 2050, it is very
clear that if you look at the long arc of human civilization,
sometime the idea that we would be the one humanity, the
“community for a shared future for mankind” — which is the
formulation Xi Jinping always uses — had to come!  And that it
comes from China should not be a reason not to be up on the idea.
It has to do with the 5,000 year history of China, the 2,500
years of Confucian tradition that this idea was made by China,
but it is a universal idea, it’s not something limited to one
culture or one nation.
So I think we are at a very exciting moment of history.  I
feel very much vindicated that the work, not only of the Schiller
Institute, but the organization associated with the name of my
husband, Lyndon LaRouche, is now being implemented.  This goes
back all to the early ’70s, where my husband developed the
proposal for an International Development Bank, the IDB. This was
picked up by the Non-Aligned Movement in ’76, in their final
resolution in Colombo, Sri Lanka; and it was the idea that a new
credit institution should be created, replacing the IMF, which
would provide — at that time, the idea was 400 billion
deutschemarks, or $200 billion approximately, per year, for
technology transfer to the developing countries.
And that’s what China is now doing.  That’s what they’re
doing with the AIIB, with the New Development Bank, with the
different Chinese banks, focusing on the real economy.
Then, if you look at all the development plans we have been
working on:  The first development plan for Africa, we published
in 1976.  We had a plan for the development of Latin America,
working with [then Mexican President] López Portillo.  We had a
40-year development plan for India, on which we worked together
with Indira Gandhi.  We had a 50-year development plan for the
Pacific Ocean Basin in the early ’80s.
Then, in ’89, we had the Productive Triangle for the
development of East and West Europe.  And in ’91, when the Soviet
Union disintegrated, we proposed a peace plan for the 21st
century, starting with Eurasian Land-Bridge, which we already
called the New Silk Road, at that time.
So I feel very much that our lives’ work has absolutely come
into reality. And what we have to do now, is we have to get
European nations to understand that the crisis not that China is
making these proposals, and the crisis is not that Trump is
rejecting the neoliberal model, at least as it was represented by
Bush and Obama and Hillary.  The real crisis is that people in
Europe are still absolutely somehow in chains to their own
ideological thinking that they, first of all, are very
Euro-centric; they think Europe is the navel of the world; while
in reality, the power center is shifting to Asia, since they have
better principles than we have right now.
And just to illustrate the point, the Bundeswehr, the German
army, put out this study already in February of this year, where
they have basically six scenarios by the year 2040.  It has all
options, where the worst option is Europe will completely
collapse, many European countries will leave the EU and join with
the Russia bloc; and Europe will just lose all importance.  If
you look at these six scenarios, what you see there is an
absolutely wrong method of thinking:  It’s the projection of the
status quo, of geopolitical thinking, and naturally in a changing
world, there is no way how such thinking can survive, therefore,
if they keep thinking that way, this is probably what happens in
Now, look at what China is doing, instead.  They just
created the largest, highest-level regulatory body, which is even
more important and has higher ranking than all the ministries,
for the case of a new financial crisis.  And it has absolutely
nothing to do with the Chinese debt, because the Chinese debt
has, as a counterforce, real assets — investments in
infrastructure, in industries and so forth, so if there would be
a blowout, these assets will be there. While the monetarist
system of the trans-Atlantic sector, people have learned
absolutely nothing after the crisis of 2008.  That is the real
danger, and obviously China is looking at that, and Xi Jinping
has said this in many speeches since the G20 summit last year in
Hangzhou, that the causes of the 2008 crisis have not been
eliminated, and therefore the danger of a new crisis is
absolutely there.
So what we have to do, is we have to absolutely reflect,
what is wrong with the European thinking.  The problem is not
that other countries are rising and we are stagnating.  The
problem is that Europe has turned away from its highest
We have now a pretty decadent culture.  If you look at the
youth culture, pop music, many of these so-called pop singers are
outright Satanic: They are ugly, they promote an image of man
which is a beast, it’s full of violence, it’s pornographic, and
it’s just “everything goes.”  There is no more limit, there is no
morality, everything is allowed:  You don’t have two sexes, you
have in Germany now officially three sexes, you have 49 genders,
it’s just becoming absolutely Sodom and Gomorrah, or very much
parallel to the end-phase of the Roman Empire, where you had
similar phenomena.
So, I think that the problem is not China rising.  The
problem is that Europe has moved away.  We have a beautiful
tradition.  We have a Classical period, the Renaissance of Italy,
we have the Andalusian Renaissance, the École Polytechnique in
France.  We have a German Classical period which has produced
some of the most outstanding thinkers, composers, poets, you
know, the rich tradition linking the Classical period of Germany
with that of Denmark.  I mean, Danish people saved the life of
Friedrich Schiller.
So there are enough points where we can say, “Let’s just go
back to our best traditions, and then we will find out that the
Classical periods of Europe, and the Confucian tradition of
China, and the Classical periods of other nations, are indeed
creating the basis for a new Renaissance.”
I think we are at an incredible moment of history, and we
should just remind ourselves of the words of Friedrich Schiller,
who said, “A great moment should not find a little people.”  So
let’s try to elevate our people, to think big, think beautiful,
become beautiful souls, create the basis that all children have a
chance to become geniuses.  And if that is in our willpower to
do, and this is why the election campaign of Trump and the other
members of the Schiller Institute are so absolutely important,
and that is why we should all be happy that the Schiller
organization exists in Denmark and creates an option for all
Danish people to join this incredible historical moment and make
a better world for all of us. [applause]

Trump, Xi og den Nye Silkevejsånd.
Schiller Institut Nyt Paradigme Webcast
med Helga Zepp-LaRouche,
9. nov., 2017. Dansk udskrift.

Så jeg mener, at det, der tydeligvis er ved at vokse frem, er et mere og mere integreret, nyt økonomisk system, hvor det grundlæggende set er meget klart, så længe, europæerne, eller i det mindste EU og den tyske regering, fortsat har en kold og uvenlig holdning, så er det, som en erhvervsmand for nylig sagde, »hvis de ikke springer på toget, vil de se lysene fra den bageste vogn forlade stationen, og de bliver stående tilbage«.

Centrum for strategisk betydning bevæger sig tydeligvis over mod Asien i øjeblikket. Og denne amerikansk-kinesiske relation vil forhåbentlig fortsat udvikle sig, og så er jeg meget optimistisk mht., at mødet mellem Trump og Putin også vil blive succesfuldt. Jeg har faktisk grund til at tro, at dette også vil blive et stort gennembrud, og så vil disse journalister fra denne sensationspresse simpelt hen rive sig selv midt over, ligesom Rumleskaft. Og det er, hvad de burde gøre.


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