De ‘lamme ænders’ revolte i Berlin:
Historiens musik spiller andetsteds. 
Af Helga Zepp-LaRouche

19. november, 2016 – De store bølger af hysteri i die-hard pro-atlantiske kredse og i massemedierne, som allerede kom rullende før det amerikanske valg, har nu nået hidtil usete højder, siden Donald Trump blev valgt, og giver os en klinisk indsigt i disse menneskers mentale tilstand og opfattelse af demokrati. De foretrækker tydeligvis en præsident Hillary Clinton og en Tredje Verdenskrig som følge af hendes erklærede politik for Syrien, end de vil have en potentiel forbedring af de russisk-amerikanske relationer, som er uundværlig for etableringen af verdensfred og for opnåelse af positive løsninger for Syrien og Ukraine.

Det er i sandhed bemærkelsesværdigt: Efter at det lykkedes den forstødte præsident Obama at finde tre dage til at bo på Berlins Hotel Adlon og dinere og tale med sin veninde Angela Merkel, og dernæst afholde et minitopmøde mellem de selvudnævnte europæiske »Seks«, besluttede de to af dem – sammen med de andre statsoverhoveder – at forlænge sanktionerne mod Rusland i endnu et år. Disse ikke-så-sikre andre var den franske præsident François Hollande (popularitetsscore 7 %), den italienske premierminister Matteo Renzi (den sandsynlige taber i den italienske folkeafstemning den 4. dec.), den spanske premierminister Mariano Rajoy (midlertidigt statsoverhoved for en minoritetsregering), samt den ulykkelige britiske premierminister Theresa May. Det er tvivlsomt, om de, med dette træk for at gøre sig selv til et bogstaveligt direktorat for Den europæiske Union, og dernæst dekretere en politik, som halvdelen af EU-medlemslandene er imod, vil bidrage til sammenhæng i EU.

Disse selvudnævnte »Seks« har tydeligvis endnu ikke fattet, at deres variant af neoliberal politik, baseret på konfrontation med Rusland og Kina, blev stemt ud i Brexit-afstemningen i juni og i det nylige, amerikanske præsidentvalg. De har ikke forstået, at en situation har udviklet sig i den transatlantiske verden, der påkaldes i den Amerikanske Uafhængighedserklæring: nemlig, at, hvis regeringerne er blevet »ødelæggere« »af formålet« med deres mandat – mere specifikt det, at garantere de umistelige rettigheder til liv, frihed og stræben efter lykke – da er det folkets ret, ja, faktisk »dets pligt«, at ændre eller ophæve en sådan regering. Det »lange tog af overgreb og ulovlige tilegnelser (af magt)«, som uddybende forklares i Uafhængighedserklæringen, svarer præcis til det, som de mennesker, Hillary Clinton så foragteligt har kaldt »kurven af ynkværdige«, har måttet udstå under Obamas politik – overgreb og ulovlig tilegnelse af magt, som de ikke ønskede, skulle fortsætte under en Hillary Clinton.

De selvudnævnte Seks, og frem for alt, de totalt gale medlemmer af medierne, der selv ikke viger tilbage for at udstede trusler mod Trump, forklædt som humor, er så fængslede i deres egen ideologi, at de ikke kan fatte denne revolutions dimension af naturlig lov.

Alligevel skriver New York Times den 18. nov. i en artikel på avisens forside med overskriften, »Idé i Trump-skala for en ny præsident: Byg noget inspirerende«. Times erklærer korrekt, at Trump kun kan forene landet, hvis han sætter gang i store infrastrukturprojekter, hvis lige er blevet totalt ignoreret i de seneste årtier. Han må bygge moderne versioner af Franklin D. Roosevelts Golden Gate Bro, Hoover-dæmning og Lincoln-tunnel. Dernæst opremsede »rekordernes avis« Roosevelts mest betydningsfulde projekter. Men artiklen er selvfølgelig langt bag efter Lyndon LaRouches program, hvor han i 2015 offentliggjorde et forslag om at bygge den Nye Silkevej i USA – et program for storstilet infrastrukturbyggeri og genindustrialisering – som ville integrere USA i Verdenslandbroen.


I mellemtiden går »win-win-samarbejdet« for udviklingen af den Nye Silkevej fremad med syvmileskridt. Det er det fremherskende emne for topmødet i Asiatisk Stillehavsområdes Økonomiske Samarbejde (APEC) i Lima, Perus hovedstad, den 19.-20. nov., hvor den kinesiske præsident Xi Jinping og den russiske præsident Vladimir Putin, så vel som også den japanske premierminister Shinzo Abe, vil deltage, og hvor de også vil holde bilaterale møder. Abe havde på forhånd holdt et møde med nyvalgte præsident Trump og havde givet udtryk for dennes fremragende lederskabsevner.

Præsident Xi havde aflagt statsbesøg i Ecuador og Chile forud for APEC-topmødet, og har et statsbesøg i Peru på dagsordenen efter topmødet. Præsident Xi og Ecuadors præsident Rafael Correa aftalte et »Omfattende Strategisk Partnerskab« mellem deres to nationer, og som omfatter fast, vidtrækkende udveksling og samarbejde inden for en bred vifte af områder. Blandt disse er en styrkelse af produktiv investering, udviklingen af relationer inden for økonomi og handel, økonomisk samarbejde og samarbejde inden for videnskab og teknologi. Kina har allerede leveret generøs hjælp til genopbygning af bygninger og steder, der blev ødelagt i det alvorlige jordskælv i april i år.

Præsident Correa gav veltalende udtryk for sin tak til Kina, hvor han understregede, at de to lande tænkte ens. Kina ønsker at bygge sin økonomi på et fundament af innovation; Ecuador søger at gå frem fra at være eksportør af varer og til at blive en vidensbaseret økonomi. Uden kinesisk finansiering og overførsel af teknologi ville dette ikke være muligt. I en fælles erklæring aflagde de løfte om at samarbejde om virkeliggørelsen af store projekter inden for områderne olie, gas, minedrift, infrastruktur, vandforsyning, omdirigering af vand, kommunikation, finanssektoren, landbrug, petrokemisk produktion, skibsbyggeri, metallurgi, papirfremstilling og opførelse af en ny videnskabs-by. I sin tale understregede præsident Correa, at præsident Xis statsbesøg var den vigtigste begivenhed i Ecuadors historie. Kan man forestille sig kansler Merkel rejse på statsbesøg til Grækenland med et sådant program? Sandsynligvis ikke. Den tyske finansminister Wolfgang Schäuble bliver rød i ansigtet, når en journalist spørger om delvis gældeftergivelse – som han gjorde det ved en konference for bankierer i Frankfurt – og dernæst dekreterer, at grækerne har levet over evne. Dette i lyset af den kendsgerning, at Trojkaens nedskæringspolitik har drevet 45 procent af grækerne ned under fattigdomsgrænsen. Den transatlantiske sektors politik er ikke »win-win«, men derimod »tab-tab« – med mindre, selvfølgelig, man er bankier eller selskabsdirektør. Nu, hvor Obamas frihandelsaftale for Asien, TPP, er lige så død som TTIP-aftalen for det atlantiske område, er det det kinesisk udarbejdede, inkluderende Frihandelsområde for det Asiatiske Stillehavsområde (FTAAP) og det Regionale Omfattende Partnerskab (RCEP), som er på dagsordenen.

Som svar på uansvarlige medieartikler om disse handelsaftaler har officielle russiske og kinesiske talsmænd understreget, at de på ingen måde tilsigter at udelukke eller isolere USA. Xinhua citerede det Kinesiske Udenrigsministeriums talsmand, Geng Shuang, for at sige, at Kina ikke vil tage en ledende rolle i hverken FTAAP eller RCEP, og at handelsaftalerne er foreslået for samarbejde, og ikke for at modarbejde hinanden. Kontrasten til Obamas »USA sætter reglerne« kunne ikke være tydeligere.

Et andet vigtigt spørgsmål, som vil blive diskuteret på APEC-konferencen, er byggeriet af den bi-oceaniske jernbane fra Brasilien til Peru, fra Atlanterhavet til Stillehavet, som også vil blive bygget med hjælp fra Kina, og hvis opførelse er et vigtigt skridt i det latinamerikanske kontinents infrastrukturudvikling.

Kontrasten mellem de to paradigmer, mellem den Nye Silkevejs »win-win«-perspektiv versus Obamas og Merkels »vestlige værdi-fællesskab«, kunne ikke stå skarpere over for hinanden. Med førstnævnte paradigme arbejder nationer for deres fælles udviklings gensidige gavn. Med sidstnævnte er der megen snak om demokrati, frihed og menneskerettigheder, men en øredøvende tavshed omkring droneangreb, regimeskift mod legitime regeringer med hjælp fra terrorgrupper, total overvågning og livsforkortende nedskæringspolitik.

Som Abraham Lincoln engang sagde: »Man kan narre en del af folket hele tiden, og hele folket noget af tiden; men man kan ikke narre hele folket hele tiden.«

Det er på høje tid, at Tyskland befrier sig fra imperiedominansens fantasigreb, det være sig under diktat fra Washington og London, eller under afledningen med »mere Europa«. Menneskehedens fremtid kan udelukkende kun ligge i et totalt nyt paradigme, der tjener én menneskeheds interesser og respekterer international lov – et paradigme, med hvilket hvert eneste menneske på denne planet kan udvikle sit potentiale. Og dét er præcis grunden til, at vi må samarbejde omkring den Nye Silkevej.

To af 'de lamme, transatlantiske ænder', Obama og Merkel, under førstnævntes besøg i Berlin.

Kina byder USA under Trump velkommen til at gå med i AIIB

19. nov., 2016 – Kina har hilst den antydning, baseret på udtalelsen fra James Woolsey, der har rådgivet Donald Trump i udenrigspolitik, om, at den nye amerikanske administration kunne tænkes at tilslutte sig Asiatisk Infrastruktur-Investeringsbank (AIIB), velkommen. Woolsey har henvist til Obamas afvisning af at tilslutte sig AIIB fra starten, som en »strategisk fejltagelse«.

China Daily skriver i dag i en lederartikel, at amerikansk politik selv var skyld i, at Kina tog initiativ til AIIB, ved at »trække IMF’s kvote-reform ud, hvorved udviklingslandene ville få mere indflydelse i denne organisation«. Lederartiklen fastslår, at USA »tilskrev sin opposition mod at tilslutte sig den nyligt dannede investeringsbank bekymring for, at banken ikke ville leve op til eksisterende, internationale standarder, til trods for, at bankens medlemmer har forpligtet sig til at samarbejde for at sikre, at den følger de bedste ledelsesstandarder og -praksisser, gennemskuelighed og spørgsmål vedr. miljø og arbejdsmarked. Den holdning, som den afgående administration vedtog, afslører ganske enkelt dens sande bekymring for, at AIIB ville udfordre eller reducere de amerikansk dominerede Bretton Woods-institutioners, såsom Verdensbankens, indflydelse.

Artiklen fortsætter, »Fakta er, at den tilgængelige finansiering fra Verdensbanken og Asiatisk Udviklingsbank slet ikke er tilstrækkelig for det massive behov for infrastruktur i Asien. Snarere end at konkurrere med disse institutioner, er AIIB udtænkt til at kompensere for den utilstrækkelige, internationale, finansielle støtte til infrastrukturudvikling og regional sammenhængskraft i Asien. Den foreslåede investering i de asiatiske sektorer for transport, energi og telekommunikation tilbyder ligeledes enorme erhvervsmuligheder for selskaber fra medlemslandene – hvilket er én af grundene til, at mange af Washingtons allierede i Vesten, såsom Storbritannien, Italien og Tyskland, har tilsluttet sig AIIB, på trods af opposition fra USA.«

Artiklen konkluderer: »Men, som det kinesiske mundheld siger, så er det aldrig for sent til at udbedre folden, efter man har mistet et får.« USA har intet at tabe ved at blive medlem af AIIB, der bygger på præmisserne om åbenhed, inklusion og gennemskuelighed. USA kan også spille en mere konstruktiv rolle ved at blive medlem end ved at stå udenfor. At gå med i AIB ville være et godt signal fra den nye Trump-administration om, at USA er mere villig til at agere som en ansvarlig, global magt.«

Foto: Jin Liqun, AIIB’s første præsident, forlader talerstolen under åbningsceremonien for AIIB i Beijing den 16. januar, 2016.

Trump vælger Michael Flynn som national sikkerhedsrådgiver

18. nov., 2016 – Den nyvalgte præsident Donald Trumps overgangshold meddelte i dag, at, blandt andre udnævnelser, har Trump valgt den pensionerede generalløjtnant fra hæren, Mike Flynn, som sin nationale sikkerhedsrådgiver.

»Det glæder mig, at generalløjtnant Michael Flynn vil være ved min side i arbejdet på at nedkæmpe radikal, islamisk terrorisme, styre geopolitiske udfordringer og sikre amerikaneres tryghed hjemme og ude«, sagde nyvalgte præsident Trump, iflg. en udtalelse, der er udlagt på overgangsholdets webside. »General Flynn er en af landets fremmeste eksperter inden for militære spørgsmål og efterretningsspørgsmål, og han vil blive et uvurderligt aktiv for mig og min administration.« Flynn er »den bedste efterretningsofficer i sin generation«, sagde pensionerede general Barry McCaffrey til NBC News i går, da muligheden for Flynns udnævnelse første gang blev rapporteret. »Han er en god fyr. Han er objektiv. Han er barsk.«

Flynn kom tidligt ud som verbal tilhænger af Trump, og nyhedsmedierne er tydeligvis ikke glade for dette, hvilket ganske tydeligt fremgår af flere rapporter siden i går. Washington Posts rapport om Flynn, f.eks., er typisk derved, at den ikke er meget andet end en lang liste af fordømmelser.

Men det, de måske i virkeligheden er vrede over, er, at Flynn var med til at afsløre præsident Obamas rolle i at sprede jihadisme i hele Mellemøsten, med den hensigt at bruge det som et instrument til regimeskift. Flynn udtalte sig offentligt, efter at en rapport fra Forsvarets Efterretningstjeneste (DIA) i 2012, der forudsagde spredningen af jihadisme i stil med ISIS som en konsekvens af USA’s politik, blev udgivet i 2015 via Loven om Informationsfrihed. »Der er en mulighed for, at der etableres et erklæret eller ikke-erklæret, salafistisk fyrstendømme i det østlige Syrien, og det er nøjagtigt, hvad de magter, der støtter oppositionen, ønsker, men det formål at isolere det syriske regime«, lød det i DIA-rapporten. I et interview på Al Jazeera Tv 29. juli 2015 sagde Flynn, at han var overbevist om, at Obama-administrationen med vilje ignorerede DIA-rapporten.

»Det var en overlagt beslutning om det, de gør«, sagde han. Han fortsatte i samme interview med at fordømme den irakiske invasion i 2003 som en »strategisk fejltagelse«, og at den følgende besættelse skabte betingelserne for jihadi-gruppernes opkomst, inkl. ISIS, og som USA nu bombarderer. »Der er ingen tvivl om, at det irakiske fængselssystem (kørt af det amerikanske militær) blev udklækningsanstalter for det, vi står overfor«, sagde han.     

Ruslands udenrigsminister Lavrov:
USA’s politik for spændinger med Rusland
ikke godt for det amerikanske folk

18. nov., 2016 – I går advarede præsident Obama, der nu synes at stå på broen af Titanic sammen med den tyske kansler Angela Merkel, endnu engang den nyvalgte præsident Donald Trump om, at han ikke må ændre noget som helst af det, Obama har gjort i løbet af de forgangne otte år. Med Merkel ved sin side i Berlin sagde Obama til Trump, at han ikke må indgå aftaler med Putin af bekvemmelighedshensyn, »selv om det krænker internationale normer, eller selv, hvis det efterlader mindre lande sårbare elle skaber langsigtede problemer i regioner som Syrien«.

Den russiske udenrigsminister Sergej Lavrov responderede i går, hvis ikke til Obamas specifikke udtalelse, så til hans holdning, og advarede om, at fortsatte spændinger mellem USA og Rusland ikke gør noget godt for det amerikanske folk.

»Hvis præsident Obama ønsker fortsatte spændinger, er jeg sikker på, det ikke ville være til gavn for det amerikanske folk og for løsninger på globale problemer, fordi meget afhænger af vore to stater«, sagde han til Rossiya 24. »Han [Obama] rådede Trump til at skelne mellem valgfeber og reelt, praktisk arbejde. Det er min fornemmelse, at Obama selv befinder sig på situationens emotionelle side, og tænker mindre og mindre på, hvordan reelle problemer løses.«

Vores rolle må være den,
at forme USA’s regeringsinstitution,
fra allerhøjeste niveau.

Leder fra LaRouchePAC, 18. november, 2016; International Webcast – Det står nu helt klart, at hele det tidligere regeringssystem, det gamle system, brat og endegyldigt har nået slutningen. Men spørgsmålet lyder stadig: Hvad skal erstatte det? Og dette er langt fra konkret eller afklaret på nuværende tidspunkt. Det lederskab, som LaRouchePAC har ydet, og fortsat yder, udgør den afgørende faktor i dette spørgsmål – både på den nationale og den internationale scene. Det er meget tydeligt, at dynamikken nu er skiftet over mod det, Xi Jinping har anført med den Nye Silkevej og med samarbejdet med den russiske præsident Vladimir Putin omkring skabelsen af en ny, strategisk og økonomisk, international orden; og det er bestemmende for verdensbegivenhederne i øjeblikket, og som går langt ud over noget, der finder sted på den hjemlige front, internt i USA. Spørgsmålet er, hvordan responderer vi til det?

LaRouchePAC fortsætter med at lede; og, som vi diskuterede i mandags, så var dette en meget vigtig uge. Kongressen samledes igen – selv om det kun var for nogle få dage; men, på stedet dér, for at byde medlemmerne af USA’s Kongres velkommen, så snart de vendte tilbage til Washington, var nogle af vore førende aktivister fra Larouche Political Action Committee (LPAC). Vi havde en dag med aktioner på stedet ved Capitol Hill onsdag; og vi mødte ganske afgjort en totalt rystet og langt mere åben situation, end vi har set i de seneste måske 16 år i Washington, D.C. Både det Republikanske lederskab og absolut det Demokratiske lederskab har fået alvorlige tæsk; og de mest mentalt sunde aspekter i begge partier er ved at indse, at tiden er inde til at forlige sig med det. Hvor skal de se hen for lederskab? Til LaRouche Political Action Committee.

Vi vil nu afspille et kort uddrag af en diskussion, som Helga Zepp-LaRouche anførte. Dette er bemærkninger, som hun gav til aktivisterne som en slags marchordre, før de tog til Washington. Hun giver en meget klar gennemgang af præcis den situation, vi er i, og det ansvar, vi har. Efter dette korte klip fortsætter vi diskussionen med nogle meget mere uddybende synspunkter om det, vi nu har været i stand til at opnå, og hvilke udfordringer, vi har foran os.

(For en dansk oversættelse af hele Helgas indslag, se

     Friday LaRouche PAC Webcast November 18, 2016



        MATTHEW OGDEN:  Good evening.  It's November 18, 2016.  My
name is Matthew Ogden and you're joining us for our weekly
webcast from  I'm joined in the studio by

Benjamin Deniston, and via video by members of our Policy
Committee:  Diane Sare, joining us from New York City; and Kesha
Rogers, joining us from Houston, Texas.
        We had the opportunity just now to have a discussion with
both Lyndon and Helga LaRouche, and I think Mr. LaRouche's point
is very clear.  It is decisively determined that the entire
reigning former system, the old system, has abruptly and
decisively come to an end.  But the question still remains:  What
will replace it?  And that is far from concrete or finalized at
this point.  The leadership that the LaRouche PAC has delivered
and continues to deliver, is the deciding factor in that — both
nationally and on the international stage.  It's very clear that
the dynamic is now shifted towards what Xi Jinping has led in
China with the New Silk Road and in collaboration with Russian
President Vladimir Putin in creating a new strategic and economic
international order; and that is what is determining world events
right now, far beyond anything that's happening domestically from
within the borders of the United States.  The question is, how do
we respond to that?
        The LaRouche PAC continues to lead; and as we discussed on
Monday with the Policy Committee, this was a very important week.
Congress came back into session — albeit for just a couple of
days; but there to greet the members of the United States
Congress as soon as they returned to Washington were some of the
leading activists of the LaRouche Political Action Committee.  We
had a day of action on the ground on Capitol Hill on Wednesday;
and we definitely met a completely shaken up and much more open
situation than we have faced in perhaps the last 16 years in
Washington, DC.  Both the Republican leadership and absolutely
the Democratic leadership have received a severe drubbing; and
the most sane aspects of both parties are realizing that now is
the time to come to terms with that.  Where else can they turn
for leadership?  The LaRouche Political Action Committee.
        So, what we're going to do right now is play a short excerpt
from a discussion that was led by Helga Zepp-LaRouche.  These are
remarks that she delivered to those activists as sort of marching
orders before they went to Washington, DC.  I think she gives a
very clear overview of exactly the situation we find ourselves
in, and the responsibilities that we have.  Coming out of that
short audio clip, we will continue the discussion with some much
more elaborated views of what we have now been able to
accomplish, and what the challenges still are ahead of us.  So,
let me play that clip for you right now:

        HELGA ZEPP-LAROUCHE :  OK.  So, first of
all, I want to say hello to you.  Obviously, this is a very
important intervention because the election results in the United
States, which many people did not anticipate, is really part of a
global process.  It's not something which is accountable in all
the explanations given by the US media; for the most part, the
cover-up or some phony explanation like it was the FBI who cost
Hillary the election and so forth and so on.  What really is
going on strategically is that the masses of the population of
the trans-Atlantic sector in particular — also in some other
parts of the world, but in Europe and the United States in
particular — have really had it with an establishment which has
consistently acted against their interests.  People in those
states which are not represented by the anti-establishment, they
know that; because for them, the working and living conditions in
the last decades one can say, but in particular in the last 15
years, have become worse and worse.  People have to work more
jobs; they still can't make ends meet.  They have many cases
where their sons and sometimes even daughters have gone to Iraq
for five times in a row, to come home to be completely broken.
So, people have experienced that life is just getting worse for
them; and they do not have any hope in the Washington-New York
establishment.  You had the same phenomenon leading to the Brexit
vote in Great Britain in June; which also was not just the
refugees and most of the obvious issues — even though they did
play a certain catalyzing role; but it was the same fundamental
sense of injustice.  That there is simply no more government
which takes care of the common good.  Whatever explanations they
now come up with, this will not go away until the situation is
remedied, and good government is being re-established in the
United States, in Europe, and in other parts of the world.
        One immediate next point where the same kind of resentment
probably will show is with the referendum in Italy where on the
4th of December — that is, in 2.5 weeks from now — they will
have a referendum about a change in the constitution which as the
sentiment now goes, will be also a vote against the Renzi
government.  Even so, he promised he would resign; now, he
doesn't want to resign.  But in any case, this type of a process
will continue until a remedy has been put in.
        Now, obviously, the situation is that the Trump victory is
an open question.  It's not yet clear what this Presidency will
become; but as Lyndon LaRouche has emphasized emphatically almost
every day since the vote, this is not a local US affair.  This is
a global issue; it's a global international question because one
major reason why Trump won the election is because especially in
the last period, he had emphasized that Hillary Clinton would
mean World War III because of her policy concerning Syria.  She
demanded the no-fly zone and was proposing a head-on
confrontation with Russia.  That was absolutely to the point,
because we were on an absolutely very dangerous road to a
confrontation with Russia and with China.
        Trump in the election campaign had said repeatedly that he
would have a different attitude towards Russia; and he said
something more kinetic[?] things against China.  But since he has
been elected, he has been on the phone with Putin and Xi Jinping;
and in both cases, said that he would work to improve the
relations between the United States and Russia or respectively
with China.  Now that is obviously extremely important; and the
other extremely important question is will he carry through with
his promise on Glass-Steagall?  Especially in his speech in
Charlotte, he had reiterated that he would immediately implement
Glass-Steagall.  Obviously this is the key, because only if one
stops and terminates the casino economy which is really the cause
for the war, can the situation be brought in shape.  Obviously,
all the progressives — Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren; even
Pelosi said that they would already cooperate with Trump if he
would go for this infrastructure job creation Glass-Steagall
economic program.
        So, we should give the benefit of the doubt that he really
means it; but we should also be aware that naturally, the entire
Wall Street crowd, the neo-cons in the Republican Party will do
everything possible to not have that.  So therefore, we have to
have this intervention to really educate the Congress and the
Senate on what is really at stake.  The world is now really
looking, holding their breath; will there be a change in American
policy for the better?  Which hopefully it will; but it requires
these measures:  Glass-Steagall as an absolute precondition
without which nothing else will work.  But that is not enough,
because you are not just talking about banking reform; you are
talking about a completely new paradigm in the economic system.
That has been defined by the Four Laws of Lyn, which everybody
should really make sure that they completely understand when you
are doing this kind of lobbying work.  Lyn has been stressing in
the last couple of days, that the key thing is to increase the
productivity of the labor force; and because of neo-liberal
policies of monetarist policies of the last one can really say
decades, this productivity has gone down in the trans-Atlantic
sector below the break-even point.  This is why we need a
national bank in the tradition of Alexander Hamilton; we need a
credit policy; we need an international credit system, a new
Bretton Woods system.  And you obviously need a "win-win"
cooperation of all nations building the New Silk Road.  Also, in
the United States, building the Silk Road to become a World
        Now, extremely important is the fourth of the Four Laws,
which basically says that we cannot get an increase in the
productivity of the economy unless you go for a crash program of
fusion power, and you go for a crash program of international
cooperation for space research.  Only if you do these kinds of
avant-garde leaps in the productivity — like fusion technology
brings you in a completely economic platform with the fusion
torch.  You will have energy security for the whole planet; you
will have raw materials security because you can use any waste
and differentiate out the different isotopes and reconstitute new
raw materials by putting the isotopes together in the way
required.  So, it's a gigantic technological leap; and the same
thing goes for space technology.  It will have exactly the same
impact as during the Apollo program when every investment in
space technology, in rockets and other new materials, brought 14
cents back from each cent of investment.  Everything from
computer chips to Teflon cooking ware to all kinds of benefits
occurred as a byproduct from space research.  To get the world
economy out of this present condition — especially in the
trans-Atlantic sector — you need that kind of reorientation
towards the scientific and technological progress, increases in
energy flux density.  All of this Green ideology which is really
no development ideology has to be replaced; and the world has to
go back in a direction where the real physical laws of the
physical universe are the criteria for truth, and not some
        OGDEN:  Now, Helga LaRouche also delivered an equally
inspiring, but much more extensive speech at a very important
conference this week that occurred in Peru.  This was the 23rd
National Congress of the Association of Economists of Peru, that
was held in conjunction with the APEC meeting which is occurring
over this weekend in Lima, Peru.  The title of the conference was
"The Peru-Brazil Bi-Oceanic Train; the Impact on the Economy of
the Amazon Region and the Country".  So, this is Peru-Brazil
transcontinental railroad.  Helga LaRouche's presentation was the
keynote address; and she delivered it at the opening session.  It
was titled, "The New Silk Road Concept; Facing the Collapse of
the World Financial System".  This APEC summit which will be
occurring this weekend, will be hosting world leaders including
Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping.  There has been a major surge in
interest and engagement between China and these countries of
South America, around the idea of expanding the New Silk Road
into South America.  That would also obviously have to include
North America.  This is the vision that Helga LaRouche has been
emphasizing, and what she laid out in a very inspiring way in
this speech in Peru; the idea of the New Silk Road Becomes the
World Land-Bridge.  The organizers of that conference — this
national congress of economists, the economists' association in
Peru — drafted their own copy of a 60-page pamphlet that they
distributed to all the participants of this conference, that was
based on excerpts from this report by {EIR} — "The New Silk Road
Becomes the World Land-Bridge".  It also included a printing of
Lyndon LaRouche's Four New Laws concept.  So, this is obviously a
very significant event; and the fact that it's happening in
conjunction with the APEC summit at this moment in history, is
very important.  We hope to make the proceedings of that
conference available to viewers of this website.
        But what I can say is, we have now set the agenda.  What's
happening now is that the world is being forced to respond to the
agenda that has been set over decades — but really in the last
few months — by the LaRouche Movement internationally.  You can
see this by the flurry of coverage of Glass-Steagall inside the
United States, and the fact that there's open discussion
including from the new leadership of the Democratic Party:
Warren, Sanders, Keith Ellison, and others.  Now is the time to
put Glass-Steagall on the table and get out in front of this.
But the other element of this is the discussion of so-called
"infrastructure".  Now infrastructure can mean a lot of different
things, and I'm sure that people watched the victory speech by
President-elect Trump where he talked about building rail,
building bridges, building airports, and so forth.
        The latest development in that discussion is an article that
is featured on the front page of the {New York Times} today,
called "Trump-size Idea for a New President; Build Something
Inspiring".  Good headline, and the article starts off pretty
inspiringly; it says the only way that you're going to be able to
unify a bitterly divided America, is by building great
infrastructure projects.  Not just painting rusty bridges, or
laying a few miles of asphalt, but "Build something
awe-inspiring.  Something Americans can be proud of.  Something
that will repay its investment many times over for generations to
come.  Build the modern-day equivalent of the Golden Gate Bridge,
the Hoover Dam, the Lincoln Tunnel " All of which were built by
Franklin Roosevelt and the New Deal administration.  Then the
article does also say, "Can anybody remember anything that came
out of Obama's $800 billion  [stimulus package]?  I don't think
so."  So, this article usefully cites what Franklin Roosevelt did
with the PWA, the WPA: 700 miles of airport runways; 650,000
miles or rail; 78,000 bridges; 125,000 military and civilian
buildings, [including] 40,000 schools.  This is massive.  The
article also usefully says the idea that any infrastructure
project today could pay for itself through user fees is a
ridiculous prospect.  But the alternative that this article poses
is just as bad; saying, the way to do it is for government to
borrow most of the money from investors.
        So, I think this demonstrates that we have a lot of work to
do with putting the full concept of Lyndon LaRouche's Four Laws
on the table.  Now, this article cites a few useful
infrastructure projects: a new rail tunnel under the Hudson
River; California high-speed rail; a Northeast mag-lev corridor;
a Miami sea wall; so forth and so on.  But if you look at the
vision that's presented in this pamphlet — "The United States
Joins the New Silk Road: a Hamiltonian Vision for an Economic
Renaissance" — with the Bering Strait tunnel rail project to
connect Eurasia with the North and South American mega-continent.
If you look at the amount of high-speed rail, if you look at the
water management programs; and most of all, if you look at what
China has been able to accomplish in just the last few years,
you'll see that everything that is cited in this article
absolutely pales in comparison.
        And, there are some much deeper scientific points that have
got to be addressed.  1. The understanding of what Alexander
Hamilton actually did; and 2. What Lyndon LaRouche's science of
economics defines as real productivity from the standpoint of
increases in energy flux density.  So, I think that sets up the
discussion that we can have here right now.  Ben, Diane, Kesha,
and I think we should maybe expand from there.

        BENJAMIN DENISTON:  I think it's very important that Mr.
LaRouche, increasingly in the last couple of months, has said
over and over again, "Productivity; productivity; productivity."
We have to start thinking about not just providing jobs, not just
providing needed infrastructure projects.  I think it's worth
making a distinction between on the one side things that are just
needed to maintain what we have.  We have a massive deficit just
to maintain the standard — I think the appropriate term is
"platform" as Mr. LaRouche had introduced a couple of years back
— about how to think about infrastructure and the real
development of a national territory in a scientific way.  You
have a certain platform of activity, a standard of activity level
that maintains a specific level of existence for your society;
directly connected to the potential relative population density
of your society.  We should always be looking to push to higher
and higher platforms; higher levels of activity.  Our current
platform is degraded; much of the infrastructure we live upon was
built largely under Franklin Roosevelt and a few spurts of
activity following him on that.  So on the hand, yeah, we need to
rebuild some of these things.  Our existing dam systems,
transport systems, even soft infrastructure like health care
systems are in need of repair.  But we also need to push to a
higher level; we need to go to a new platform which has higher
degrees of productivity per capita.  Higher degrees of ability to
support a larger population in new area, new territories of the
country; increase the productivity of existing territories, and
that begins to create real growth.  You're not going to get real
growth just by rebuilding what you have; although you need to do
that, because we've been letting this decay for decades now.
        But you also need to create real economic value, real
economic growth.  And that goes to this issue of, are you
increasing the productive powers of your labor force?  Are you
increasing the ability of your productive sector to produce the
physical goods needed to support society more efficiently and at
higher qualities with less physical input per capita, you could
say?  Can you measure those kinds of steps of growth?  Are you
taking that metric into account?  That's critical right now; and
it's worth recognizing that we've been living in a
post-industrial policy for many years now.  This whole idea of
the services economy, that somehow we can support ourselves by
creating jobs in services; where we take turns washing each
other's laundry.  I make you a cup of coffee; you make me a
hamburger.  That doesn't actually create qualitative changes in
the ability of society to sustain more people at higher living
standards.  You're just trading service work back and forth.
        So in all of this, we need to have a serious re-focussing on
what are the essential principles of human economic growth?  And
that's why Mr. LaRouche's Four Laws in totality is so crucial.
That's why I thought it was very good in Mrs. LaRouche's
orientation into our deployment into DC, she made a very clear
point on Mr. LaRouche's fourth law — this fusion driver program.
These are the kinds of things that you might employ a relatively
small part of the population even in that specific endeavor; but
you're pushing the frontiers of engineering capabilities,
scientific capabilities.  That actually has the most important
radiating effect on the entirety of the economy, the entirety of
the productive capabilities of the labor force.
        You absolutely need this science driver, this
high-technology, high capital-intensity driver program to really
push the whole program forward.  The depth of the crisis that
we've gone into just makes it that much more important that we
have that element up there, front and center.  Since Mr. LaRouche
put out this Four Laws document, he has also obviously been
increasingly focussed on the role of space in that focus, in that
goal.  That is another absolutely critical element of this.  It
was not an incomprehensible or miraculous thing that John F
Kennedy's Apollo program had such a massive spin-off effect in
terms of payback to the US economy from the investments that were
made.  The studies not that long after the project finished, were
already showing a 14-1 payback in terms of the totality of
increases of productivity of industries that were not part of the
space program; but acquired technologies.  Precision engineering
capabilities; high-precision control systems for production;
various things that were created out of necessity to make this
super-advanced Moon mission work.  But that increased the ability
of mankind generally to be more productive in his production
capabilities.  That was then able to be applied throughout the
economy generally.
        So, those are the kinds of things that we absolutely need
right now; not just repairing our existing degraded
infrastructure.  We're going to have to do that, sure; but how do
you create the growth where you can afford to do that, and afford
to make completely new investments?  Part of this infrastructure
discussion should be opening up new territories of the country.
A major part of this pamphlet that we put out, and a huge part of
Mrs. LaRouche's focus, has been new cities.  You've got huge
territories in the United States that are not developed.  Let's
develop the nation; let's expand new territories; let's create
huge areas of new growth.  That's the kind of stuff that's going
to drive the whole process forward.  We're in a real need for
some precise, clear, authoritative leadership on these issues,
because these things are not understood.  We're not just going
into this in a vacuum; we have a completely broken down system;
not just in the financial sector, but in the physical economy,
too.  So we need clear, precise, immediate action.  We don't have
years for somebody to figure this thing out over time; people's
lives are on the line right now in terms of what's needed to turn
the US economy around.

        DIANE SARE:  Well, I'd like to just put this in a context;
because we're not having a discussion here in the abstract.  And
I want to go back to what Mr. LaRouche did in the 1970s with the
creation of the Fusion Energy Foundation, and his role in being
brought into a team to create a Presidency.  I want to be very
clear with the people watching this that what we are doing is not
an academic discussion of nice things that we, sitting in a
little corner, want to do.  Mr. LaRouche — as you heard from
what Ben laid out — had a very clear conception of the necessity
of fusion energy at that time.  Also, people remember the Jimmy
Carter Presidency; small is beautiful.  I think we were talking
about global cooling back then, and now it's global warming.
[One sentence paraphrase because of bad audio] What we needed to
do, in collaboration with Edward Teller, was to take the Mutually
Assured Destruction doctrine off the table.  The only deterrent
to a nuclear war between the US and the Soviet Union was who
could blow up the world more times over.  What happened was, in
the process of this, Ronald Reagan as a candidate and then as
President, was recruited to this idea; and I think we've been
told there a number of things which Mr. LaRouche was working on
with the Reagan administration.  Not the least of which was the
SDI, which the Soviets rejected and Reagan announced, which led
in a not-so-indirect way to the Berlin Wall coming down.  Also,
there was discussion of a meeting between President Reagan and
Indira Gandhi, former prime minister of India who had been leader
of the Non-Aligned Movement.  Reagan, as people recall, was shot
in '82; Indira Gandhi was assassinated; Mr. LaRouche was put in
prison.  I'm not saying that to say that we're worried about it;
there's all kinds of questions of security and safety.  But my
point is that LaRouche personally has played a major, important
role in shaping the institution of the Presidency; and his
incarceration was timed for when we had earlier another such
great opportunity, which was when the Soviet system collapsed
economically as he warned it would.  He was in prison, and his
wife Helga Zepp-LaRouche put on the table with him the Productive
Triangle and so on.  We know what happened; that was sabotaged by
a series of wars.  The Balkans; the first Iraq War; we later had
9/11 and so on.
        What we are doing today is to shape the American [nation] in
participation with what is a New Paradigm; which LaRouche and his
wife personally have been very much involved in creating.  Two
years ago, Mr. LaRouche announced that we should move the center
of our American operations to New York City; which was done.  In
the last three or four months, we have begun circulation of a
newspaper appropriately titled {The Hamiltonian}.  I'll just say
I found it ironic that the {New York Times} today has these
headlines about infrastructure.  They also have articles about
how school children in Estonia and Latvia were terrified that
Hillary Clinton was going to drag them into the middle ground of
a war between NATO and Russia.  It's very interesting.
        The big title on {The Hamiltonian} this week is "We Are
Facing a New Epoch for Mankind"; the subtitle is "The New York
Times Has Become Irrelevant".  So, they may be scrambling to make
themselves relevant.  But what you also see, is we have printed
now, four weeks in a row, Mr. LaRouche's Four Laws.  They have no
excuse to be so idiotic on their proposals; both for how you fund
this, and how they're thinking about it, which is all domestic.
The world now, what Mrs. LaRouche described in her speech in
Peru, was that Xi Jinping made his announcement of this in
September of 2013.  In those three years, he travelled to 37
nations; he made bilateral agreements with 56 nations; 39 new
cargo routes have been opened.  These are major international
transportation corridors; 98 airports.  The magnitude of this
completely boggles the mind.  It really is in keeping with what
Hamilton would have envisioned; what you saw with Henry Carey, or
John Quincy Adams in terms of their role in the United States.
And I would say geographically, if you could step away, if you
could get on a space ship and look at the Earth from a distance;
or just take out a globe and look at what the United States is,
where we are between the Atlantic and the Pacific.  What North
America is, and South America now getting involved, we have a
great opportunity before us to play an absolutely strategic role
in this.  Our intent is to bring this about, which is why it's so
crucial that everybody watching this, makes it a point to master
the principles in Mr. LaRouche's Four Laws.  Particularly the
fourth principle, and also particularly the principle of credit;
which is in a sense tied to the increase of productivity.  We're
not going to fund so-called infrastructure by tolls; we're not
going to build a new bridge, a tunnel under the Hudson and charge
people a toll and that's going to pay for it.  No, if your
population is able to produce orders of magnitude more than it is
currently producing, that is a net increase in the wealth of the
nation.  It has nothing to do with tolls, or tickets for public
transportation; which are all sort of a form of tax farming and
        I do want to underscore:  1. The role of Lyndon LaRouche in
shaping the Presidency; 2. That this is going to occur from
Manhattan; the entire transition seems to be being organized from
Trump Towers on Fifth Avenue in New York City.  It is incumbent
on all of us to raise this to the appropriate level of discussion
and to not tolerate anything smaller.

        KESHA ROGERS:  Just to follow up on that, another important
aspect of the fight waged by Mr. LaRouche and his wife Helga,
going back to the 1970s around the fight that you just mentioned,
Diane, of the Fusion Energy Foundation, was the fight against
this apparatus of a zero-growth or no-growth culture.  He was
very instrumental with Mrs. LaRouche and also their collaboration
with space pioneer Krafft Ehricke — who we've mentioned a lot —
on taking on this degeneracy of the attack on population
reduction that was being promoted and continues to be promoted to
this day.  Many people may remember that there was a book put out
in the 1970s by two men, Dennis Meadows and Jay Forrester.  Jay
Forrester just died recently at 98 years old.  He was
instrumental in putting out the computer models which indicated
that there was a certain relationship between the limited
resources on Earth and the production of food to how many people
you can sustain on Earth and so forth.  This is something that
Mr. LaRouche has taken directly in terms of this is an attack on
the human identity, an attack on the real productivity based on
the creative potential of the human mind and LaRouche's model has
been brought up on the increasing of the energy flux density of
your economy per capita, and per land area.
        I think it's really important right now to look at the fact
that Mr. LaRouche sees this fight as a complete shift in the
global direction of mankind; unifying mankind on a level that
nations have never been unified on before.  I thought it was
important that yesterday, we had a discussion with Mr. LaRouche
— Ben, myself, and others from the leadership team; and one
thing that he brought up was the integration of the space program
and the development of space research, space science, and the
exploration of space to Classical music — which we're really
defining in the development of our Manhattan Project, which is
really shaping our organization across the country and
internationally.  You have seen a culture which is completely
degenerated under the Bush-Obama Presidencies.  You take the
inspiration, the culture which shaped the identity of the fight
and the vision that led President John F Kennedy to implement the
space program in the way he did.  The fact that he brought in
people like Pablo Casals into the White House; that this
classical identity and classical culture was very instrumental
throughout the space program, by people such as space pioneer
[Werner] von Braun and various others working with him.  Some of
these scientists who came with von Braun, like Krafft Ehricke and
others, from Germany; who helped to shape the US space program.
It's interesting; you compare that to what you've seen under
Bush.  Who did he bring into the White House during his
inauguration?  I think it was Ozzy Osbourne; rock music, heavy
metal.  Then you had Obama bringing in Beyoncé, not to mention
the other very degenerate cultural figures that he has brought
in.  So, I think what Mr. LaRouche is saying around this is
extremely important.
        I think it's also important to look at the space program and
the integration of the classical culture as the expression of a
higher identity of what it means to be human, and the inspiration
and optimism that's been missing from the population.  There's a
few more things we can say on this; I think it's also important
to recognize the importance internationally of what China is
doing.  We can say more on this later, but the fact that when you
talk about inspiration and optimism, we have now the Shenzhou 11
space crew, the crew in China who just docked 33 days ago to the
Tiangong 2, the space lab for China.  They're doing experiments
that are quite phenomenal; but what they're really expressing —
they're going to continue doing these experiments in space.  One
of the things we saw back in 2013, when you had the astronauts
docking the first space lab for China, videoing this and beaming
it back to Earth; and 60 million children watching it.  They're
going to do something similar for this space experiment.  This is
something that we have to go back to right now; the space program
is not just some abstract thing on the side for gurus who like
it.  We have to make it part of the culture; we have to make it
something that inspires and uplifts the population again, but is
instrumental in the development of the increases of the
productivity of society and increases in the platform.  So that
means that the population has to come to a higher level of
understanding of their identity; and the way to do that is really
an integration of culture, as Mr. LaRouche has made clear.

        OGDEN:  One thing you brought up, and I thought it was good
to go back to; the conjunction of Kennedy's space program, the
kind of inspiration and culture needed.  This was something very
conscious to the Kennedy administration; not only did they bring
Pablo Casals to the White House, but this was part of a broader
discussion between John F Kennedy, Jackie Kennedy, and Pierre
Salinger, who was the Press Secretary.  But before he became
Kennedy's Press Secretary, had been a child prodigy; had been a
concert pianist, a composer.  He had discussions with Jackie
Kennedy which he records in his book, where Jackie Kennedy said
the role of the White House should be to set a tone for the arts
which will encourage great culture, classical culture around the
country.  And we should exhibit the finest of culture, of art; we
should set the standard which everybody else can then rise to
that level.
        It is good that you brought up, Kesha, in conjunction has
happened politically, where New York City has definitely become
the center of gravity of the political universe of the United
States.  It's not just Trump; Clinton was also New York City.  It
was a strategic decision to center a very active organization in
New York; but that entire process has also happened in parallel
with what Diane has been leading there with this revival of
Classical music and culture.  That's very important, even from
the standpoint of what is our idea of man; and the dignity of
human beings.  Yes, granted, there were dark tones during this
Presidential campaign which is not acceptable.  But the idea of
the dignity of man, and the creativity of the entire human
species is what is embodied in the greatest of Classical music.
It's one thing to point actually, Diane; that first Messiah
concert which launched the New York City renaissance project,
happened in the context of this racial tension that was heating
up in New York at that time.  So, this still is a very important
aspect of addressing that.

        SARE:  I just wanted to add one quick thing on that note;
which is a musical question actually, if you think about a
symphony orchestra or a chorus and the role that individuals play
as part of that body; where the whole is definitely greater than
the sum of its parts.  Were we to launch a transformation of
society along the lines of what Mrs. LaRouche outlined in Peru;
that is, the US to become integrated in part of the Belt and Road
program, then I think we would quickly discover that we actually
don't have enough people in this country.  So that all the things
that people are afraid about, about who's going to be excluded,
who's going to be deported, etc.; you will find yourself looking
at your fellow human beings with new eyes because of the creative
potential of each individual which will be necessary to transform
the nation and the world in the immediate future.

        OGDEN:  Ben was just referencing some of Mr. LaRouche's
early writings on economics which really get to the question of
how do you measure productivity.  This is not just raw labor
power; this is not just the number of jobs.  But it is the
question of generation upon generation, can you produce more than
is consumed?  But can you do it in a way where the power of the
human species actually is transformed almost as a species
characteristic, step by step? I've found it very inspiring that
during those opening remarks that we played by Helga, she went
back to the discussion of what we used to call the isotope
economy.  What power can mankind wield if we penetrate not just
to the molecular level, but to the very atomic level?  Fission
power is breaking apart the atom; fusion is an entirely different
matter, where you actually have the ability to create new
elements.  You have the ability to create new isotopes of any
given elements, which have very differing characteristics.  It's
the promise of Promethean fire, which mankind has been working
towards over millennia; but we have not yet achieved.  This is an
inspiring subject, but the ability of mankind to wield power at
the very basic level of the fabric of matter; that's an entirely
new power.

        DENISTON:  Yeah, and it's a huge subject that could be
probably taken up in much more detail.  It really goes to the
question of what is a resource?  What do we consider as a
resource; and how that continually changes as mankind develops.
Once you go to this level of an isotope conception of resources,
we don't use up isotopes.  When you use petroleum or wood,
anything you use — unless you're actually doing fission and
fusion, when the total amount of matter you're working with is
very small — you're not actually destroying the elements
themselves.  You might be acting on a state of organization
that's been created.  We might be looking for certain states of
organization to utilize the properties of that as a resource at a
certain point.  But I think this goes right to the issue of the
isotope economy, the intimate connection with energy flux density
where we could begin to create those states of organization
ourselves; or work with lower states of quality of concentrations
of ores and various things.  Where things that were not
economical before to do, or not even possible to do before; if
you get a higher energy flux density, a higher energy throughput,
you can begin to manage in a completely new way.  Separating the
quality of resource elements that we want; organizing them in new
        Helga mentioned this very exciting prospect that's been
talked about to some degree for years of this fusion torch idea.
That you could take stuff that now is just trash, trash is
fundamentally everything we use; that's why it's our trash.  It
was something that we were using that was useful to us.  Now, we
might have degraded it in some way and put it in a landfill; but
the fundamental constituents of what made it useful are still
there.  So, it's not inconceivable to think of mankind
progressing to a point where we could reprocess even these
landfills.  That might be a little ways away; there will be some
steps along the way to get there.  But those are the kinds of
complete transformations in what mankind can do to recreate the
cycles of productivity that support, again, larger populations at
higher living standards; and really going in the opposite
direction than we've been going in for decades.
        Right now, a family needs to work three or four jobs just to
not get by month-to-month, and not be able to afford health care,
not be able to afford education.  We need a society where one job
can sustain a significantly sized family and provide these kinds
of benefits — higher education, health care, and have free time
for arts, for recreation, for developing the cultural mental
powers of your family and yourself.  How you're going to get to
that point is going at these issues we're talking about here, of
actually increasing the productivity of the labor force as a
whole; the productive powers of the labor force as a whole.
Pushing these kinds of science driver, technology driver programs,
that make these kinds of breakthroughs.
        Mr. LaRouche's point on this as a new focus, that he's put on
this in the recent period, is really critical.  We got to raise
this discussion to not just jobs, but productivity.  What's your
ability to produce things?  If we're serious about turning the
economy around.  It's kind of been referenced here and there, but
we have allies in doing that.  It's not just going to be
completely on our own shoulders.  We have to decide to do it, but
China has said, "Hey, United States!  If you want to quit this
geopolitical, 19th Century crazy game and get to some serious
discussion about creating a future for mankind, that's what we're
doing.  So, if you want to work with us, we'd be happy to
cooperate with you in a serious, honest investment and
development for our nations."  Many other nations are rallying
around China in their effort to do that; so that's there as a
critical support point, if the United States makes this shift.
These are the critical issues that we've got to put on the table
and fight out.
        And again, Mr. LaRouche's Four Laws, as he said, is a
central organizing document around that whole perspective.

        ROGERS:  Yeah, it's also important to note that as Mr.
LaRouche said, in the calling for the implementation and
enactment of the Four Laws that he's put on the table as an
urgent necessity, Glass-Steagall being the first and urgently
needed measure, is not an option or a compromise with the Wall
Street bankers.  He indicated that it has to be the Franklin
Roosevelt; and it can't be a watered-down Dodd-Frank compromise
or anything of that nature.  There's only one way you're going to
wipe out this casino economy, Wall Street speculation; and I
think that goes the same for the measures needed with the
development of the types of density and increase in energy source
and fusion economy as Mr. LaRouche is calling for.  There's a lot
of compromise out there about that, too.  "Fusion is a long way
away; it's never going to happen.  The politicians aren't going
to let it happen."  All of this stuff.
        I attended a space conference this week; and one of the
things that was being promoted in terms of deep space exploration
was solar-electric power.  "Yes, we agree; nuclear, increase in
fusion sources is most important, but it's not practical.  So,
we're going to go with this."  Or, "We're going to push this,
because it's probably something we can get through Congress."
That's the most insane thing you can think of.  When they talked
about to carry cargo into space would be 2-3 years, is that real
productivity?  How are you going to advance mankind's exploration
into space and the ability to actually go out to a Moon mission
as a base?  And a Mars mission?  Also, just increasing what Ben
was just discussing in terms of our ability to increase our
resources here on Earth.  The mining of Helium-3 on the Moon and
various other resources, that we've talked about.
        Once again, the point was, a lot of people want to
compromise on these things.  There cannot be compromise because
there is a global shift underway; and that global shift is
requiring an increase in the highest levels of scientific
development that has to be implemented immediately.  This is why
Mr. LaRouche's fourth law in terms of fusion driver program, is
something that — just like Glass-Steagall — cannot be
compromised on; and is absolutely fundamental for pushing forth
the breakthroughs which are necessary.

        OGDEN:  Well, that was Helga LaRouche's point during the
opening segment that we played today; that it is incumbent on all
the activists, all the viewers of this broadcast, to master the
contents of Mr. LaRouche's Four Laws document.  This might seem
like a short document, but it's a very dense document; and a lot
of the subjects that Ben has brought up here today in terms of
the definition of economic productivity and what the nature of
mankind is.  Kesha, what you were saying; there really are no
limits to growth.  This is not some kind of thing, where when we
reach our carrying capacity, that will be it.  It's mankind
transforming its own species; transforming the universe, and
transforming our relationship to the universe.  That's what's
addressed in this policy document by Lyndon LaRouche.  You have
to set the bar that high; it cannot be any lower than that level
from which you're going to effect the kind of revolution in
policy that's necessary for the entire planet at this time.
        So, we have a lot of work to do.  The Congress was only in
session for a day and a half this week.  But what that means, is
that they are back in their districts; and I'm telling you, it's
not going to be like business as usual.  This is not what the
conditions were before this election.  It's all the more
important to think from the standpoint of what Diane was
mentioning in the beginning of the show:  Our role is — and has
always been — to shape the institution of government of the
United States from the very highest level.  This is not coming in
from the outside; this is not a voice calling in the darkness.
This is working with the leadership of the nations of the planet
and creating the dynamic that you now see taking over.  This has
been decades in the making; but I can guarantee you, Lyndon and
Helga LaRouche have played a role that has been central to this
reality now coming into being.  I'm talking about the New Silk
Road; I'm talking about this trilateral relationship between
Russia, China, and India, creating a new dynamic on the Eurasian
continent.  Everything that's happening in South America right
now is something that Lyndon LaRouche was personally involved in
over decades; and now South America coming into the New Silk Road
and joining this new World Land-Bridge is something that is very
        Nothing is determined; but our role is to continue that
fight inside the United States, and to make this a reality —
"The United States {Joins} the New Silk Road".  We put it in the
present tense for a reason.
        So, I'd invite Diane, Kesha, if there's anything concluding
that you'd like to say before we close out the show?

        SARE:  I think one great benefit of launching this recovery
and increasing the productivity is all the states which just
voted to legalize marijuana, will have second thoughts about

        DENISTON:  We want high productivity, and it doesn't mean

        OGDEN:  You'll turn out like Gary Johnson and have an
"Aleppo moment".
OK.  We'll take that as a concluding point here.  Please stay
tuned.  We will make the full speech that Helga delivered in Peru
available.  The audio at least, or maybe the video.  There was
also a very productive dialogue that occurred with the
participants of that meeting with Helga, following her keynote
speech.  So, that's an important thing to stay tuned for.  Also,
we will be producing a feature video — about 10 or 15 minutes in
length — on the content of the Four New Laws.  That fleshes out
some of the Hamiltonian aspect of that; and it's an educational
tool to teach yourself and to teach everybody else real
economics.  So stay tuned for that; that will be coming to the
website soon.
        Thank you for watching; please subscribe to our YouTube
channel and our daily email updates.  All of the information is
available in the description of this video available below the
video in the YouTube player.  Thank you and we'll talk to you
soon.  Stay tuned.

Global betydning af diskussion mellem Putin og Trump

15. nov., 2016 – »Ikke blot af bilateral, men af global betydning«, var sådan, som EIR’s stiftende redaktør Lyndon LaRouche karakteriserede den første telefonsamtale den 14. nov. mellem nyvalgte præsident Trump og den russiske præsident Putin. De to lederes diskussion om behovet for at udvikle de amerikansk-russiske handelsrelationer og økonomiske relationer var i særdeleshed svanger med forandring i de internationale udsigter for økonomisk og videnskabeligt fremskridt, så vel som også fred.

Rapporten over mødet fra Trumps kontor lød som følger:

»New York, NY, 14. nov.: Nyvalgte præsident Donald J. Trump talte i dag med den russiske præsident Vladimir Putin, der ringede for at overbringe sine lykønskninger med sejren i et historisk valg. Under samtalen diskuterede de to ledere flere spørgsmål, inklusive de trusler og udfordringer, som konfronterer USA og Rusland, strategiske, økonomiske spørgsmål, samt det historiske forhold mellem USA og Rusland, der går over 200 år tilbage i tiden.

Den nyvalgte præsident Trump bemærkede over for præsident Putin, at han ser meget frem til at få en stærk og holdbar relation med Rusland og det russiske folk.«

Den russiske præsidents kontor udstedte denne kommentar:

»Præsidenten ønskede atter hr. Trump tillykke med sejren i præsidentvalgene, ønskede ham succes med at gennemføre hans program fra før valget og bemærkede sin villighed til at opbygge en partnerskabsdialog med den nye administration, baseret på principperne om ligeværd, gensidig respekt og ikke-indblanding i hinandens interne anliggender …

»Under samtalen var Putin og Trump ikke alene enige om at fastslå den nuværende, utilfredsstillende tilstand i de bilaterale relationer, men talte også til fordel for aktivt at arbejde i fællesskab for at normalisere relationerne og sætte som mål et konstruktivt samarbejde inden for en lang række spørgsmål. Begge sider understregede nødvendigheden af at skabe et solidt fundament af bilaterale bånd gennem udviklingen af relationer inden for handel og økonomi.«

»Putin og Trump var enige i nødvendigheden af at slå deres indsats sammen, mod en betydelig, fælles fjende – international terrorisme og ekstremisme. I denne sammenhæng diskuterede de spørgsmål vedr. en afgørelse af den syriske krise … Begge sider var enige om at fortsætte med telefonisk kontakt, med udsigt til et muligt, personligt møde, der skal arrangeres af repræsentanter fra begge sider. Det blev bemærket, at næste år er 210-året for etableringen af diplomatiske relationer mellem Rusland og USA, hvilket bør foranledige de to sider til at komme tilbage til pragmatisk, gensidigt gavnligt samarbejde i begge landes interesse, såvel som også for stabilitet og sikkerhed i verden.«  

Rumforskning og klassisk kultur
– vi må genoprette den degeneration
hos det amerikanske folk,
der har fundet sted under Bush og Obama

Leder fra LaRouchePAC, 17. november, 2016 – I hele nationen, og i hele verden, træder ledende personer nu frem for at fastslå det potentiale, der nu præsenteres for USA og verden, for at gøre en ende på den død og ødelæggelse, der er blevet gennemtvunget under administrationerne Bush og Obama. General Harald Kujat, tidligere stabschef for det tyske Bundeswehr, har påpeget de drastisk forbedrede relationer mellem USA og Rusland, som Trump og Putin har sat i gang som grundlaget – og det eneste grundlag – for at løse de uhyrlige kriser i Ukraine og Syrien. Tidligere amerikanske ambassadør Chas Freeman, der også tidligere har været viceforsvarsminister, sagde i et interview med Ron Paul, at Trump »bør erindre sig, at han grundlæggende set har anført en revolution – han anførte en flok mennesker, som Hillary Clinton kaldte ynkelige, til at komme ud til stemmeurnerne og markere deres afvisning af ’politik som hidtil’ i Washington, og til den rent ud sagt degenererede atmosfære i vores politiske kultur«.  Han roste Trumps stærke insisteren på, at USA må gå sammen med Rusland og fokusere på at knuse ISIS i Syrien snarere end at vælte Assad for regimeskift i Syrien og tilføjede, at det var »rent ud sagt vanvittigt, at USA prætenderer, at vi har absolut fortrinsret i havene ud for Kina på ubestemt tid«

Fremkaldt af valgchokket er en politisk følsomhed ved at overvinde den amerikanske befolknings og de europæiske befolkningers accept af ledere, der sanseløst dræber hundreder af tusinder af mennesker og ødelægger hele nationer samtidig med, at de fordriver millioner fra deres hjem som flygtninge.

Men, hvad er da årsagen til denne tidligere blinde accept af sådan ondskab? Den må fastslås som værende lokaliseret i befolkningernes degenererede intellekt, i ødelæggelsen af de menneskelige, skabende evner hos folk, der i to årtier har været underkastet et kulturelt forfald. Når troen på menneskets videnskabelige evne til at »underlægge sig hele naturen«, både på Jorden og i Universet, fordømmes af ’de grønne’ som en ødelæggelse af Moder Jord, og underholdning reduceres til narkotika, vold og perversioner; når skøn musik erstattes af pulserende støj – da er det muligt at overbevise folkeslagene om at lukke deres øjne for den rædsel, der begås i deres navn.

Nu er disse sind ved at blive vækket, både gennem den økonomiske ødelæggelse af deres liv, og gennem den revolutionerende ændring via valget, der giver et glimt af håb.

Som Lyndon LaRouche har sagt i mere end fyrre år, så er det i et sådant skæbnesvangert øjeblik i historien, at den optimistiske tro på menneskehedens potentiale for fremskridt kan og må genoprettes og sikre en fremtid for alle mænd og kvinder på vores planet, gennem videnskabelige fremskridt, der løfter vort blik mod stjernerne, og gennem skønheden i klassisk kunst og musik, »ved hvilken man kommer til frihed«, som Friedrich Schiller sagde.

Frihed, fra City of Londons og Wall Streets destruktive magt over de vestlige regeringer, er nu inden for rækkevidde i takt med, at parlamentarikere, slagne af forbløffelse, i Europa og USA konfronteres med det eneste alternativ til det bankerotte, vestlige finanssystems ukontrollable kollaps: four-laws-widget-gsen Glass/Steagall-reform for at lukke de for-store-til-at-lade-gå-ned-spillebuler på Wall Street ned, og med en kreditpolitik i Hamiltons tradition, med princippet om national, dvs. statslig, bankpraksis til genrejsning af økonomien, rumprogrammet, videnskabelig forskning og internationalt samarbejde omkring nationsopbygning i hele verden, hvor den Nye Silkevej bringes til hele menneskeheden. (LaRouches Fire Økonomiske Love til USA’s – og verdens – omgående redning.)

Helga Zepp-LaRouche diskuterer strategi med aktivister fra LaRouchePAC, der er på vej til Washington, D.C., hvor hun understreger, at Trumps sejr og Clintons nederlag må ses som en del af et internationalt kursskifte. Det er nu op til os at sætte dagsordenen, begyndende med LaRouches Fire Love i traditionen efter Hamilton.

»Først og fremmest vil jeg gerne sige hej til jer. Dette er selvfølgelig en meget vigtig intervention, for valgresultatet i USA, som mange mennesker ikke så komme, er i realiteten en del af en global udvikling. Alle forklaringerne, som de amerikanske medier kommer med, er for det meste røgslør, eller en eller anden forloren forklaring, som f.eks., at det var FBI, der kostede Hillary valget, osv., osv.

Det, der i virkeligheden finder sted rent strategisk, er, at befolkningsmasserne i den transatlantiske sektor – i Europa, og i USA i særdeleshed – nu virkelig har fået nok af et Establishment, der vedvarende har handlet imod deres interesser. Det, de kalder »overløberstaterne« – menneskene i disse stater er ikke repræsenteret af det transatlantiske etablissement. Dette ved de, fordi, for dem, er livs- og arbejdsvilkårene i løbet af det seneste årti, kan man sige, men i realiteten i løbet af de seneste 50 år, kun blevet værre og værre. Folk er nødt til at have flere jobs samtidig for at få økonomien til at hænge sammen. Der har været mange tilfælde, hvor deres sønner, og undertiden endda deres døtre, er blevet udsendt til Irak fem gange i træk og er kommet hjem, totalt nedbrudte. Så folk har oplevet, at livet bare bliver værre for dem, og at de med Washington/New York-etablissementet intet håb har.

Man så det samme fænomen med Brexit-folkeafstemningen i Storbritannien i juni måned; som også her ikke bare handlede om flygtningene, og ikke bare handlede om de mere åbenlyse spørgsmål, selv om disse spiller en vis katalyserende rolle; men, det var den samme, fundamentale følelse af uretfærdighed, og at der simpelt hen ikke længere findes en regering, der tager sig af det almene vel. Og uanset, hvilke forklaringer, de hoster op med, så vil dette ikke forsvinde, før situationen er forbedret, og god regering er genetableret i USA og Europa, og i andre dele af verden.

Det umiddelbart næste punkt, hvor den samme vrede med al sandsynlighed vil vise sig, er ved den forestående folkeafstemning i Italien – hvor man den 4. december vil have en folkeafstemning om en forfatningsændring og, som stemningen i øjeblikket er, som også vil blive en afstemning imod Renzi-regeringen. Renzi lovede først at træde tilbage; nu siger han, at han ikke vil træde tilbage: Under alle omstændigheder, så vil denne udvikling fortsætte, indtil man indsætter en forbedring.

Trumps valgsejr er selvsagt et åbent spørgsmål, for det står endnu ikke klart, hvad hans præsidentskab vil blive for ét; men, som Lyndon LaRouche har understreget næsten hver dag siden valget, så er dette ikke et lokalt, amerikansk anliggende. Dette er et globalt anliggende; det er et internationalt spørgsmål.

En af de væsentligste grunde til, at Trump vandt valget, er, at han, især i den seneste fase, havde understreget, at Hillary Clinton ville betyde Tredje Verdenskrig pga. hendes politik for Syrien, fordi hun … foreslog en frontal konfrontation med Rusland. Det var præcist at ramme hovedet på sømmet, for vi befinder os på en meget, meget farlig kurs for konfrontation med Rusland og Kina.

Under valgkampagnen har Trump gentagne gange sagt, at han ville have en anden holdning over for Rusland. Og siden han blev valgt, har han talt i telefon med både Putin og Xi Jinping og i begge tilfælde sagt, at han vil arbejde for at forbedre relationerne mellem USA og så Rusland og Kina, hhv. Dette er selvsagt ekstremt vigtigt; og det andet, ekstremt vigtige spørgsmål er: Vil han følge op på sit løfte om Glass-Steagall, hvor han især i byen Charlotte atter sagde, at han ville gennemføre Glass-Steagall?

Dette er virkelig hovedspørgsmålet. For kun, hvis man gør en ende på kasinoøkonomien, som er den virkelige årsag til krig, kan situationen i realiteten bringes tilbage på ret køl. Alle de progressive – Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren og selv [Nancy] Pelosi – har allerede sagt, at de vil samarbejde med Trump, hvis han vil satse på dette økonomiske program med infrastruktur/jobskabelse/Glass-Steagall.

Vi bør lade tvivlen komme ham til gode; men, vi bør også være klar over, at hele Wall Street-slænget og de neokonservative i det Republikanske Parti vil gøre alt for ikke at få dette. Derfor må vi have denne intervention for virkelig at opdrage Kongressen og Senatet mht. det, der virkelig står på spil. Hele verden holder nu øje med – holder så at sige vejret – spørgsmålet, om der kommer en ændring til det bedre i amerikansk politik?

Det gør der forhåbentligt. Men det vil kræve alle forholdsreglerne. Glass-Steagall som den absolutte forudsætning, uden hvilken intet andet vil fungere; men det er ikke nok. For, vi taler ikke bare om en bankreform. Vi taler om et totalt nyt paradigme i det økonomiske system. Og dette nye paradigme må defineres af LaRouches Fire Love, som alle må sikre sig, at de forstår, når de skal udføre denne form for lobbyvirksomhed.

For, Lyndon LaRouche har understreget, at nøglen er at øge arbejdskraftens produktivitet. Som følge af de seneste årtiers neoliberale, eller monetaristiske, politik, er denne produktivitet i den transatlantiske sektor faldet under punktet for break-even, hvor det går lige op. Dette er grunden til, at vi må have en nationalbank i traditionen efter Alexander Hamilton; vi må have en politik for statskredit; vi må have et internationalt kreditsystem, et nyt Bretton Woods-system; og vi må selvsagt have et ’win-win’-samarbejde mellem alle nationer omkring opbygningen af den Nye Silkevej – også internt i USA – så den bliver til en verdenslandbro.

Af ekstraordinær betydning er den fjerde af de Fire Love, der siger, at man ikke kan få en forøgelse af økonomiens produktivitet, med mindre man satser på et forceret program for at opnå fusionskraft; samt et internationalt program for udforskning af rummet. For kun, hvis man foretager denne form for avantgarde-spring i produktiviteten – fusionsteknologi vil bringe os en helt anden, økonomisk platform. Med fusionsfaklen vil vi blive i stand til at få sikkerhed i energiforsyningen til hele planeten; man vil få nye råmaterialer, fordi man vil blive i stand til at bruge ethvert affaldsprodukt, hvor man udskiller diverse isotoper og genskaber nye råmaterialer ved at sammensplejse isotoperne, som det skal gøres.

Så det repræsenterer et gigantisk, teknologisk spring. Det samme gælder for rumfartsteknologi, for det vil få samme virkning som under Apolloprogrammet, hvor hver investering i rumteknologi, i raketter, i andre nye materialer, gav 14 cents tilbage for hver cent, der blev investeret. Og alt fra computerchips til Teflon-køkkengrej, og alle mulige gavnlige resultater, opstod som biprodukter af rumforskning.

Og for at få verdensøkonomien ud af den nuværende tilstand, især i den transatlantiske sektor, må man have denne form for kursomlægning i retning af videnskabeligt og teknologisk fremskridt og en forøgelse af energigennemstrømningstætheden. Og hele denne Grønne ideologi – som i virkeligheden er en ikke-udviklingsideologi – må erstattes; og verden må komme tilbage til den kurs, hvor det fysiske univers’ virkelige, fysiske love er kriteriet for sandheden, og ikke en eller anden ideologi.«

Foto: Besætningen fra ekspedition 49, Shane Kimbrough, NASA-astronaut, sammen med Roscosmos-kosmonauterne Sergej Ryzhikov og Andrej Borisenko, og som alle i øjeblikket befinder sig om bord på den Internationale Rumstation, hvor de har arbejdet sammen i over fire måneder i kredsløb. [foto: NASA]


Bashar al-Assad: Trump kunne blive Syriens naturlige allierede,
hvis han gør alvor af sit løfte om at nedkæmpe terrorisme

16. nov., 2016 – Den syriske præsident Bashar al-Assad sagde i går i et interview til Portugals RTP statslige Tv-station, at USA’s nyvalgte præsident Donald Trump vil blive en »naturlig allieret«, hvis han gør alvor af sit løfte om at nedkæmpe »terrorister«, iflg. en iransk Tv-nyhedsrapportering samme dag, som rapporterede om Assad-interviewet.

Assad uddybede: »Vi kan ikke sige noget om, hvad han vil gøre, men hvis … han vil bekæmpe terroristerne, vil vi selvfølgelig blive allierede, en naturlig allieret i denne henseende med russerne, med iranerne og med mange andre lande.«

Assad sagde, at han bød Trumps kampagneløfte velkomment, om, at USA skulle fokusere mere på at bekæmpe Daesh (ISIS) terrorgruppen. Selv om Trumps kampagneløfte var lovende, spurgte Assad: »Kan han levere? Hvad med de udlignende kræfter i administrationen og massenyhedsmedierne, der var imod ham? Hvordan kan han håndtere dette?«

Assad tilføjede: »Det er derfor, vi er meget forsigtige med at vurdere ham, især, da han ikke tidligere har haft en politisk position.«

Nyheden rapporterede ligeledes, at, i et interview i marts måned, sagde Trump, at USA’s »fremgangsmåde med at bekæmpe Assad og Daesh samtidigt var vanvid, idioti. Man kan ikke bekæmpe to mennesker, de bekæmper hinanden indbyrdes, og bekæmpe dem samtidigt. Man må vælge den ene eller den anden«.

Foto: Syriens præsident, Bashar al-Assad.  


Trump skal efter sigende overveje en genoplivelse
af Kerry/Lavrov-aftalen om Syrien

16. nov., 2016Washington Times rapporterede i går, at den nyvalgte præsident Donald Trump overvejer at genoplive planen om fælles militære operationer med Rusland imod al-Nusra-terrorgruppen. Udenrigsministrene for USA og Rusland, hhv. John Kerry og Sergej Lavrov, havde udarbejdet aftalen sidste september efter måneders forhandling, men den blev næsten omgående saboteret af forsvarsminister Ash Carters Pentagon med bombardementet af syriske tropper i det østlige Syrien mindre end en uge efter, at aftalen trådte i kraft.

Pensionerede generalløjtnant Michael Flynn, tidligere chef for Forsvarets Efterretningstjeneste (DIA) og Trumps nationale toprådgiver, råder efter sigende Trump til at satse på en ny æra for amerikansk-russisk, militært samarbejde.

»Vi var klar til at gå i gang, og vi kan blive klar til at gå i gang igen«, sagde en amerikansk embedsperson fra forsvaret.

En embedsperson fra Udenrigsministeriet sagde på denne baggrund, at »Obama-planen« (i realiteten Kerry/Lavrov-planen), der i september måned opfordrede til skabelsen af et Fælles Integrationscenter, med base i Genève og med personel bestående af russiske og amerikanske, militære embedsmænd, efter al sandsynlighed ville blive forelagt den tiltrædende administration. Udenrigsministeriet har rent faktisk mindst to gange i den forløbne uge bekræftet, at diskussioner mellem amerikanske og russiske officerer fortsat har fundet sted i Genève, på trods af selve aftalens fiasko. Embedspersonen understregede imidlertid over for The Times, at der ikke er nogen, der ved, om Trump og hans endnu ikke udnævnte, nationale sikkerhedsteam vil acceptere planen.

»Det er alt sammen spekulationer på nuværende tidspunkt«, sagde embedspersonen og tilføjede, at det ikke står klart, »om de vil bevare strategien, som den er, nappe lidt af den, revidere den eller fuldstændig skrotte den«.

Foto: John Kerry (venstre) og Sergej Lavrov, hhv. USA’s og Ruslands udenrigsminister, udarbejdede i september måned en aftale om fælles militære operationer i Syrien til bekæmpelse af terroristerne.

Trump og Putin kan, og må, knuse terrorisme i Syrien – og globalt

Leder fra LaRouchePAC, 16. november, 2016 – I kølvandet på Trumps produktive diskussioner over telefon med Vladimir Putin og Xi Jinping i denne uge, og den politiske bortgang af Obamas (og Hillarys) krigsplaner, er der intet til hinder for, at disse tre, store nationer kan samarbejde om at knuse den britisk/saudisk-sponsorerede terrormaskine internationalt, med begyndelse i ISIS og al-Nusra i Syrien. »Der er ingen anden måde at gøre det på«, sagde Lyndon LaRouche i dag. »Putin står i centrum for dette. Enhver hæmning af dette må forhindres.«

Den amerikanske befolkning er hastigt i færd med at indse, at det lange mareridt med økonomisk forfald, epidemien med narkotika og selvmord, evindelige krige og den ærefrygtindgydende trussel om atomkrig, endelig kunne være forbi. Otte år med Bush og Obama er ved at være slut. Det er stadig uklart, om Donald Trump vil lægge sin populisme til side til fordel for at gennemføre Glas-Steagall og knuse Wall Streets magt over USA’s regering og økonomi – som han har lovet, han ville gøre. Det vil afhænge af, om det amerikanske folk mobiliserer sig selv til støtte for en løsning – og ikke blot en afvisning af de seneste otte års ondskab. four-laws-widget-gsDenne løsning ligger nu foran dem, i form af LaRouches Fire Love: Glass-Steagall; en genindførelse af nationalbankvirksomhed; en afslutning af monetarisme til fordel for et kreditsystem i Hamiltons tradition, til finansiering af infrastruktur inden for landbrug og industri, uddannelse og sundhedssektoren; og en genindførelse af videnskabelig udvikling, begyndende med et genoplivet NASA-rumprogram og stærkt udvidet forskning inden for fusionskraft.

I dag ankom hold af aktivister fra New York, Baltimore og Virginia til Kongressen med krav om ikke at vente til Trumps indsættelse, men derimod handle i denne ’lame duck’-overgangsperiode for at gennemføre Glass-Steagall og de Fire Love. Det Demokratiske Parti er i oprør efter de tæsk, de fik i valgene til præsidentskabet og Kongressen, men meldinger fra LaRouche-aktivister i hele landet lyder på, at mange demokrater langt om længe ser den kendsgerning i øjnene, at Obama og Hillary Clinton havde tilsluttet sig de republikanske neokonservative, der ikke tjener den amerikanske befolkning, men Wall Street og krigsmaskinen. Trumps afvisning af både Obama og de republikanske neokonservative, med samt deres krigsplaner, under sin kampagne, skabte et tilflugtssted for demokrater, der så ondskaben med Obamas drabsmaskine.

De neokonservatives »unipolære« verden – med Obamas udtryk, »vi sætter reglerne« – har beviseligt skabt USA’s og dets EU-allieredes totale isolation internationalt. I Europa går valgene, efter Brexit, imod EU-diktaturet og for en genopretning af bånd til Rusland, som det ses i Bulgarien og Moldova.  Tyrkiets udenrigsminister sagde i dag, at hans land føler en sådan lede over de europæiske ledere, der truer med at smide det ud af NATO eller afslår dets anmodning om optagelse i EU, at de planlægger en folkeafstemning om nationens forhold til EU – en »Tyrkxit«.

Et alternativ viser sig klart. Med sit »Nye Paradigme« centreret omkring politikken for den Nye Silkevej, rejste Xi Jinping i dag til Sydamerika, hvor Ecuador, Peru og Chile vil være vært for statsbesøg, og hvor han også vil deltage i APEC-topmødet i Peru. Ecuadors præsident Correa lovpriste Kinas rolle i at transformere hans lands fysiske økonomi i løbet af det seneste årti og beskrev det aktuelle besøg som »det vigtigste besøg af noget statsoverhoved i Ecuadors historie«.

u-s-capitolDen samme entusiasme for et nyt paradigme ses i hele Afrika og Asien, og i stigende grad også i Øst- og Vesteuropa. Overalt grunder folk på en fremtid, hvor USA ikke længere truer med krige og undergravning gennem »farvede revolutioner«, men som i stedet går med i BRIKS, AIIB og den Nye Silkevej om opbygning af en fremtid for hele menneskeheden. Dette potentiale må realiseres, især i selve USA. Et vindue mod muligheder åbner sig for os, men det kunne være kortvarigt, og med utænkelige konsekvenser, hvis vi mislykkes.

Foto: Gipsmodellen af Frihedsstatuen (Statue of Freedom), bronzestatuen på toppen af Capitols kuppel, står i Capitols Emancipation Hall.

Nej, det var ikke FBI’s værk:
Dette er et globalt paradigmeskift

Leder fra LaRouchePAC, 15. november, 2016 – I kølvandet på diskussionerne om fundamentalt nye amerikansk-russiske og amerikansk-kinesiske relationer mellem valgte præsident Donald Trump og den russiske og kinesiske præsident, hhv., vil vi, på Asia-Pacific Economic Conference (APEC) i Peru i denne uge, muligvis få en erstatning for Obamas fejlslagne TPP »handelsaftale« at se, og i stedet få en ny handelsaftale, der er initieret af Kina, med 19 andre lande, inkl. Trumps USA. Den støtte opbygning af et nyt, økonomisk paradigme omkring den Nye Silkevejs store, »win-win« infrastrukturprojekter, vil tage endnu et stort skridt fremad. Dette er, hvad USA må tilslutte sig, med en ny, statslig kreditinstitution, og med en ny Glass/Steagall-lov, der vil nedkæmpe Wall Street.

Helga Zepp-LaRouche, som vil tale for Sammenslutningen af Peruvianske Økonomers nationale konference aftenen før APEC-konferencen, sendte dette budskab til aktivister fra New York State, der har kurs mod Washington, D.C., for at kræve Glass-Steagall:

»Først og fremmest vil jeg gerne sige hej til jer. Dette er selvfølgelig en meget vigtig intervention, for valgresultatet i USA, som mange mennesker ikke så komme, er i realiteten en del af en global udvikling. Alle forklaringerne, som de amerikanske medier kommer med, er for det meste røgslør, eller en eller anden forloren forklaring, som f.eks., at det var FBI, der kostede Hillary valget, osv., osv.

Det, der i virkeligheden finder sted rent strategisk, er, at befolkningsmasserne i den transatlantiske sektor – i Europa, og i USA i særdeleshed – nu virkelig har fået nok af et Establishment, der vedvarende har handlet imod deres interesser. Det, de kalder »overløberstaterne« – menneskene i disse stater er ikke repræsenteret af det transatlantiske etablissement. Dette ved de, fordi, for dem, er livs- og arbejdsvilkårene i løbet af det seneste årti, kan man sige, men i realiteten i løbet af de seneste 50 år, kun blevet værre og værre. Folk er nødt til at have flere jobs samtidig for at få økonomien til at hænge sammen. Der har været mange tilfælde, hvor deres sønner, og undertiden endda deres døtre, er blevet udsendt til Irak fem gange i træk og er kommet hjem, totalt nedbrudte. Så folk har oplevet, at livet bare bliver værre for dem, og at de med Washington/New York-etablissementet intet håb har.

Man så det samme fænomen med Brexit-folkeafstemningen i Storbritannien i juni måned; som også her ikke bare handlede om flygtningene, og ikke bare handlede om de mere åbenlyse spørgsmål, selv om disse spiller en vis katalyserende rolle; men, det var den samme, fundamentale følelse af uretfærdighed, og at der simpelt hen ikke længere findes en regering, der tager sig af det almene vel. Og uanset, hvilke forklaringer, de hoster op med, så vil dette ikke forsvinde, før situationen er forbedret, og god regering er genetableret i USA og Europa, og i andre dele af verden.

Det umiddelbart næste punkt, hvor den samme vrede med al sandsynlighed vil vise sig, er ved den forestående folkeafstemning i Italien – hvor man den 4. december vil have en folkeafstemning om en forfatningsændring og, som stemningen i øjeblikket er, som også vil blive en afstemning imod Renzi-regeringen. Renzi lovede først at træde tilbage; nu siger han, at han ikke vil træde tilbage: Under alle omstændigheder, så vil denne udvikling fortsætte, indtil man indsætter en forbedring.

Trumps valgsejr er selvsagt et åbent spørgsmål, for det står endnu ikke klart, hvad hans præsidentskab vil blive for ét; men, som Lyndon LaRouche har understreget næsten hver dag siden valget, så er dette ikke et lokalt, amerikansk anliggende. Dette er et globalt anliggende; det er et internationalt spørgsmål.

En af de væsentligste grunde til, at Trump vandt valget, er, at han, især i den seneste fase, havde understreget, at Hillary Clinton ville betyde Tredje Verdenskrig pga. hendes politik for Syrien, fordi hun … foreslog en frontal konfrontation med Rusland. Det var præcist at ramme hovedet på sømmet, for vi befinder os på en meget, meget farlig kurs for konfrontation med Rusland og Kina.

Under valgkampagnen har Trump gentagne gange sagt, at han ville have en anden holdning over for Rusland. Og siden han blev valgt, har han talt i telefon med både Putin og Xi Jinping og i begge tilfælde sagt, at han vil arbejde for at forbedre relationerne mellem USA og så Rusland og Kina, hhv. Dette er selvsagt ekstremt vigtigt; og det andet, ekstremt vigtige spørgsmål er: Vil han følge op på sit løfte om Glass-Steagall, hvor han især i byen Charlotte atter sagde, at han ville gennemføre Glass-Steagall?

Dette er virkelig hovedspørgsmålet. For kun, hvis man gør en ende på kasinoøkonomien, som er den virkelige årsag til krig, kan situationen i realiteten bringes tilbage på ret køl. Alle de progressive – Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren og selv [Nancy] Pelosi – har allerede sagt, at de vil samarbejde med Trump, hvis han vil satse på dette økonomiske program med infrastruktur/jobskabelse/Glass-Steagall.

Vi bør lade tvivlen komme ham til gode; men, vi bør også være klar over, at hele Wall Street-slænget og de neokonservative i det Republikanske Parti vil gøre alt for ikke at få dette. Derfor må vi have denne intervention for virkelig at opdrage Kongressen og Senatet mht. det, der virkelig står på spil. Hele verden holder nu øje med – holder så at sige vejret – spørgsmålet, om der kommer en ændring til det bedre i amerikansk politik?

Det gør der forhåbentligt. Men det vil kræve alle forholdsreglerne. Glass-Steagall som den absolutte forudsætning, uden hvilken intet andet vil fungere; men det er ikke nok. For, vi taler ikke bare om en bankreform. Vi taler om et totalt nyt paradigme i det økonomiske system. Og dette nye paradigme må defineres af LaRouches Fire Love, som alle må sikre sig, at de forstår, når de skal udføre denne form for lobbyvirksomhed.

For, Lyndon LaRouche har understreget, at nøglen er at øge arbejdskraftens produktivitet. Som følge af de seneste årtiers neoliberale, eller monetaristiske, politik, er denne produktivitet i den transatlantiske sektor faldet under punktet for break-even, hvor det går lige op. Dette er grunden til, at vi må have en nationalbank i traditionen efter Alexander Hamilton; vi må have en politik for statskredit; vi må have et internationalt kreditsystem, et nyt Bretton Woods-system; og vi må selvsagt have et ’win-win’-samarbejde mellem alle nationer omkring opbygningen af den Nye Silkevej – også internt i USA – så den bliver til en verdenslandbro.

Af ekstraordinær betydning er den fjerde af de Fire Love, der siger, at man ikke kan få en forøgelse af økonomiens produktivitet, med mindre man satser på et forceret program for at opnå fusionskraft; samt et internationalt program for udforskning af rummet. For kun, hvis man foretager denne form for avantgarde-spring i produktiviteten – fusionsteknologi vil bringe os en helt anden, økonomisk platform. Med fusionsfaklen vil vi blive i stand til at få sikkerhed i energiforsyningen til hele planeten; man vil få nye råmaterialer, fordi man vil blive i stand til at bruge ethvert affaldsprodukt, hvor man udskiller diverse isotoper og genskaber nye råmaterialer ved at sammensplejse isotoperne, som det skal gøres.

Så det repræsenterer et gigantisk, teknologisk spring. Det samme gælder for rumfartsteknologi, for det vil få samme virkning som under Apolloprogrammet, hvor hver investering i rumteknologi, i raketter, i andre nye materialer, gav 14 cents tilbage for hver cent, der blev investeret. Og alt fra computerchips til Teflon-køkkengrej, og alle mulige gavnlige resultater, opstod som biprodukter af rumforskning.

Og for at få verdensøkonomien ud af den nuværende tilstand, især i den transatlantiske sektor, må man have denne form for kursomlægning i retning af videnskabeligt og teknologisk fremskridt og en forøgelse af energigennemstrømningstætheden. Og hele denne Grønne ideologi – som i virkeligheden er en ikke-udviklingsideologi – må erstattes; og verden må komme tilbage til den kurs, hvor det fysiske univers’ virkelige, fysiske love er kriteriet for sandheden, og ikke en eller anden ideologi.«

Foto: USA’s Capitol-bygning efter den første, omfattende restaurering i mere end et halvt århundrede. (Foto: USCapitol Flickr)    


Den Nye Silkevej kommer til Sydamerika;
Nu kommer turen til Nordamerika!
LaRouche: ’Det ligger i poesien’

Leder fra LaRouchePAC, 14. november, 2016 – I nedtællingen til APEC-topmødet for statsledere førstkommende weekend i Lima, Peru, giver ledere af de lande, hvor præsident Xi Jinping vil aflægge officielt statsbesøg (Peru, Ecuador og Chile), udtryk for deres opstemthed ved udsigten til det, der betyder, at den Nye Silkevej nu kommer til Sydamerika. Dette paradigmeskift er også indforstået for Nordamerika i sidste uges skæbnesvangre, amerikanske valg, hvor befolkningen gjorde oprør imod Wall Streets og City of Londons døde system. Den presserende opgave er nu at mobilisere amerikanerne for en virkeliggørelse af dette potentiale.

Da Lyndon Larouche i dag blev briefet om disse udviklinger i dag, understregede han nødvendigheden af den involverede ’poesi og musik’. Vi har et kæmpearbejde at gøre. Men, gennem det poetiske princip, kan vi trække folk ind i en dybere forståelse af sig selv som menneske, og som skabende individ, og af, hvad de kan gøre. Der er ingen tid til forsinkelser. Glass/Steagall-loven må genindføres, og der må træffes påkrævede hasteforanstaltninger og langfristede foranstaltninger for et reorganiseret banksystem, udstedelse af kredit til en gennemgribende, økonomisk opbygning og genoptagelse af videnskab.

Fra udlandet lyder der stærke røster om USA’s nye potentiale, selv med det farligt langsomme tempo i delstaterne. I sidste uge bemærkede den nyligt valgte guvernør for Tokyo, fr. Yuriko Koike (der har været forsvarsminister i premierminister Abes 2007-regering, og har siddet i parlamentet, Diet, i 23 år), at Trump støtter Glass-Steagall, så det måtte Japan nok hellere relatere til, for det er en «stor tidevandsbølge« af forandring.

Den 17. nov. i Lima, Peru – på tærsklen til APEC-topmødet – vil Helga Zepp-LaRouche være taler (via video, med live Q&A) ved den 23. nationalkongres for Sammenslutningen af Økonomer i Peru. Kongressens titel er »Det bi-oceaniske tog: Dets indvirkning på Amazonas og Perus økonomi«. Konferencekortet viser en trans-oceanisk hav-og-landbro, der begynder i Tianjins havn, Kina, og går til Bayovars havn i Peru og dernæst krydser kontinent med tog (via Pucallpa, Peru) til Atlanterhavet og Santos’ havn ved Sao Paolo, Brasilien.

Samme dag indleder præsident Xi sine statsbesøg i Sydamerika i Ecuador, hvor præsident Rafael Correa er triumferende omkring fremtiden. Correa sagde, at Xis besøg er »det vigtigste besøg af noget statsoverhoved i Ecuadors historie«. Eksperter diskuterer den produktivitet, der vil komme fra kinesisk samarbejde om en ansporing af agro-industrialisering og vil afslutte syndromet med kun at eksportere råmaterialer.

I dag talte præsident Xi og Donald Trump sammen pr. telefon om samarbejde. Xi sagde, »Jeg tillægger de kinesisk-amerikanske relationer stor betydning, og jeg er rede til at arbejde med den amerikanske side for at fremme bilaterale bånd, til større fordel for de to folk og resten af verden.« Trump skal som svar have sagt, at der kan komme win-win-resultater, »Kina er et stort og betydningsfuldt land med iøjnefaldende udviklingsprospekter«. Lederen af AIIB, Jin Liqun, bemærkede i dag, at en Trump-rådgiver i sidste uge talte favorabelt om USA’s tilslutning til AIIB. Jin påpegede også, at »bogstavet ’A’ i AIIB står for Asien, Afrika og Amerika. De begynder alle med A, og det betyder, at banken er for dem alle.

Her til aften vendte Kongressen tilbage til Washington, D.C., efter en syv uger lang valgpause. Det er på høje tid med handling for Glass-Steagall – de behøver en stærk og smuk undervisning i poesi og musik!  

Se også:

»The US Joins the Silk Road«,

Dansk introduktion

Foto: Den chilenske præsident Michelle Bachelet mødes med Kinas præsident Xi Jinping i Beijing, 12. nov., 2014. [flickr/gobiernodechile]




Den Nye Silkevej kommer til Sydamerika; Nu kommer turen til Nordamerika! LaRouche: ’Det ligger i poesien’

Leder fra LaRouchePAC, 14. november, 2016 – I nedtællingen til APEC-topmødet for statsledere førstkommende weekend i Lima, Peru, giver ledere af de lande, hvor præsident Xi Jinping vil aflægge officielt statsbesøg (Peru, Ecuador og Chile), udtryk for deres opstemthed ved udsigten til det, der betyder, at den Nye Silkevej nu kommer til Sydamerika. Dette paradigmeskift er også indforstået for Nordamerika i sidste uges skæbnesvangre, amerikanske valg, hvor befolkningen gjorde oprør imod Wall Streets og City of Londons døde system. Den presserende opgave er nu at mobilisere amerikanerne for en virkeliggørelse af dette potentiale.

Da Lyndon Larouche i dag blev briefet om disse udviklinger i dag, understregede han nødvendigheden af den involverede ’poesi og musik’. Vi har et kæmpearbejde at gøre. Men, gennem det poetiske princip, kan vi trække folk ind i en dybere forståelse af sig selv som menneske, og som skabende individ, og af, hvad de kan gøre. Der er ingen tid til forsinkelser. Glass/Steagall-loven må genindføres, og der må træffes påkrævede hasteforanstaltninger og langfristede foranstaltninger for et reorganiseret banksystem, udstedelse af kredit til en gennemgribende, økonomisk opbygning og genoptagelse af videnskab.

Fra udlandet lyder der stærke røster om USA’s nye potentiale, selv med det farligt langsomme tempo i delstaterne. I sidste uge bemærkede den nyligt valgte guvernør for Tokyo, fr. Yuriko Koike (der har været forsvarsminister i premierminister Abes 2007-regering, og har siddet i parlamentet, Diet, i 23 år), at Trump støtter Glass-Steagall, så det måtte Japan nok hellere relatere til, for det er en «stor tidevandsbølge« af forandring.

Den 17. nov. i Lima, Peru – på tærsklen til APEC-topmødet – vil Helga Zepp-LaRouche være taler (via video, med live Q&A) ved den 23. nationalkongres for Sammenslutningen af Økonomer i Peru. Kongressens titel er »Det bi-oceaniske tog: Dets indvirkning på Amazonas og Perus økonomi«. Konferencekortet viser en trans-oceanisk hav-og-landbro, der begynder i Tianjins havn, Kina, og går til Bayovars havn i Peru og dernæst krydser kontinent med tog (via Pucallpa, Peru) til Atlanterhavet og Santos’ havn ved Sao Paolo, Brasilien.

Samme dag indleder præsident Xi sine statsbesøg i Sydamerika i Ecuador, hvor præsident Rafael Correa er triumferende omkring fremtiden. Correa sagde, at Xis besøg er »det vigtigste besøg af noget statsoverhoved i Ecuadors historie«. Eksperter diskuterer den produktivitet, der vil komme fra kinesisk samarbejde om en ansporing af agro-industrialisering og vil afslutte syndromet med kun at eksportere råmaterialer.

I dag talte præsident Xi og Donald Trump sammen pr. telefon om samarbejde. Xi sagde, »Jeg tillægger de kinesisk-amerikanske relationer stor betydning, og jeg er rede til at arbejde med den amerikanske side for at fremme bilaterale bånd, til større fordel for de to folk og resten af verden.« Trump skal som svar have sagt, at der kan komme win-win-resultater, »Kina er et stort og betydningsfuldt land med iøjnefaldende udviklingsprospekter«. Lederen af AIIB, Jin Liqun, bemærkede i dag, at en Trump-rådgiver i sidste uge talte favorabelt om USA’s tilslutning til AIIB. Jin påpegede også, at »bogstavet ’A’ i AIIB står for Asien, Afrika og Amerika. De begynder alle med A, og det betyder, at banken er for dem alle.

Her til aften vendte Kongressen tilbage til Washington, D.C., efter en syv uger lang valgpause. Det er på høje tid med handling for Glass-Steagall – de behøver en stærk og smuk undervisning i poesi og musik!  

Se også:

»The US Joins the Silk Road«

Dansk introduktion 

Foto: Den chilenske præsident Michelle Bachelet mødes med Kinas præsident Xi Jinping i Beijing, 12. nov., 2014. [flickr/gobiernodechile]


RADIO SCHILLER den 14. november 2016:
Efter Trumps valg: Skab en USA-Rusland alliance,
gennemfør Glass/Steagall-bankopdeling

Med formand Tom Gillesberg

Obama er blevet dumpet
– det er nu afgørende at genoprette
relationerne med Putins Rusland

Leder fra LaRouchePAC, 13. november, 2016 – At åbne for forhandling og potentielt samarbejde mellem den russiske præsident Putin, den nu valgte, tiltrædende amerikanske præsident Trump og Kinas præsident Xi er nu sine qua non for at bringe verden væk fra randen af verdenskrig og således gøre en økonomisk genrejsning mulig, især i USA og Europa.

Ingen – hverken Trump eller nogen anden nation eller betydningsfulde part – bør forhandle med Barack Obama. Obama er færdig; hans TPP og TTIP »handelsaftaler« er færdige; hans »Assad skal væk«-promovering af jihadister for at overtage Syrien er færdig; hans bestræbelse med »omdrejningspunkt Asien« for at besejre Kina er færdig. Og det samme er hans lange forsvar af Wall Street imod det amerikanske folks vrede.

På paradoksal vis er, på trods af meget hysteri blandt fremtrædende liberale, håbet om, at Wall Street kan brydes op og dets magt over amerikansk politisk liv brydes, nu stærkere, end det har været i mange år. At genindføre Glass/Steagall-loven er dette håbs første instrument og mål, men potentialet er at genoprette hele den tabte, amerikanske produktivitet, tabte produktive beskæftigelse og levestandard, ødelagte økonomiske infrastruktur; det tabte håb om en fremtid.

four-laws-widget-gsDette er den mobilisering, som er i gang i LaRouchePAC for november-december, for Lyndon LaRouches »Fire Love« for at redde USA’s økonomi og dets folk.

Men, konfrontations- og krigsprovokationerne under hele Barack Obamas præsidentskab, imod Rusland og Kina, må afvises på en meget synlig måde, for at dette håb kan fremmes. Ruslands Putin har allerede fremlagt specifikke forslag og tilbud om samarbejde. Mange europæiske kræfter, der har været i opposition mod sanktionerne og krigsoprustningen over for Rusland, efterlyser direkte »topmøde«-drøftelser mellem Putin og Donald Trump.


Og Kina udgør det eneste håb for Trump-administrationens evne til at virkeliggøre sine storstilede planer om at bygge ny, økonomisk infrastruktur. Uden samarbejde med Kina vil USA hverken have kreditten eller de fysisk-økonomiske midler til at bygge dette højhastigheds-jernbanenet, disse nye elektricitetsnetværk, havne, lufthavne osv.

Offentlige begivenheder demonstrerer nu, at ikke kun de amerikanske vælgere, men også betydningsfulde grupperinger og ledere i selve det Demokratiske Parti har dumpet Barack Obama og hans administrations politik for »Wall Street og krig«, og, sammen med Obama, også har dumpet Hillary Clinton, der i givet fald ville være blevet hans, og hans politiks, efterfølger. Senator Bernie Sanders’ erklæring i dag, »Hvis hr. Trump har modet til at gå op imod Wall Street, vil vi arbejde sammen med ham, spørgsmål for spørgsmål«, er et udfald fra progressive Demokraters plan om at overtage partiet efter liget af Obamas politik.

Vi ved ikke, hvad Trumps team vil gøre. Vi ved, hvad amerikanske borgere må gøre for at sætte Kongressen til at arbejde. Wall Street må betale for sin årtier lange økonomiske ødelæggelse. Wall Street må brydes op, og dets finanskasinoer lukkes ned – Glass-Steagall. Der må skabes ny kredit til produktiv beskæftigelse og produktivitet.

USA må tilslutte sig de eurasiske magters Nye Silkevej, hvis vi skal genrejse os økonomisk. Bestræbelserne på at fremprovokere krig med disse magter – Obamas »eftermæle« – må bringes til ophør.

Foto: Lyndon Larouche understregede søndag, at Putin vil respondere favorabelt til en fornuftig tilnærmelse fra USA. (foto:

Lyndon LaRouche: En ny opfattelse af,
hvad internationale relationer er

Leder fra LaRouchePAC, 12. november, 2016: Lyndon LaRouche udtalte følgende under diskussioner med sine medarbejdere den 10. november:

»Hele det økonomiske system er ikke klar til at fungere. Vi må få dette system til at fungere, ikke blot et par ting her og der. Vi må skabe en særlig form for organisation, der fremmer evnen til at få flere dele af verden i hænderne på den anden del af verden. Ellers vil det ikke fungere. Man må samle tingene. Hvis man ikke har en forbindelse, har man ikke en kontrakt … Det, vi vil få at se mht. dette spørgsmål, er en mere kompliceret ting. Det, vi vil få at se, er en forståelse af en ny opfattelse af, hvad internationale relationer er. Det er, hvad der vil ske, og det er sådan, det vil fungere. I modsat fald vil det ikke fungere af indlysende grunde, for dem, der kender detaljerne mht. de tyske osv. økonomier.

Et af problemerne er, at det på nuværende tidspunkt ikke er noget kvalificeret indhold mht. at udvikle relationerne mellem disse nationer. Vi må have et faktisk indhold, der må være funktionelt. Det er en af de ting, vi må arbejde på, men det er ikke på plads i øjeblikket.

Problemet er, at vi ikke har et defineret, internationalt system, der kan sikre fred. Det findes ikke endnu, og vi må skabe det … Det vil kræve en masse arbejde af folk, for at skabe det, for det er ikke kun af navn, at det skal gøres; problemet er at forstå, hvordan det kan fungere. Dette kan gøres. Det kan gøres med samarbejde mellem nogle dele af verden som helhed. Det generelle billede bliver ikke let, men der er nogle forbindelser, der kan skabes til en begyndelse. Men der skal gøres meget for at det skal lykkes.

Jeg ville ikke sætte min lid til Trump. Han vil gøre, hvad han vil gøre, men sæt ikke jeres lid til ham. Man må sætte sin lid til skabelsen af et nyt system, ikke Trumps system, men et nyt system, et globalt system, der lever op til kravene til udviklingen af et ægte, internationalt system. Og man må mobilisere folk på denne basis. Man kan ikke bare sige, ’Vi vil forsøge at få dette til at fungere.’ Det vil ikke fungere. Det vil ikke fungere. Men vi kan gå i gang. Jeg ville sige Tyskland – Tyskland har et potentiale; hvis det ønsker det, kunne det sandsynligvis yde et godt bidrag … Det, Putin gør, er fremragende, og det er vel integreret; Kina er ved at blive meget velintegreret på mange områder. Der er udvikling i dele af Asien. Alle disse ting er på plads, men vi må have mekanismen, der får det hele til at komme sammen på en synkretisk måde.

Rumforskning er den måde, folk må operere på, fordi rumforskning inkorporerer de afgørende elementer, der mangler i andre kilder.

Man må nå ind i den nuværende befolknings tanker, internationalt og nationalt; man må nå ind til tankerne hos den person, der slet ikke har nogen opfattelse af, hvad disse tanker kræver. Man kan gøre ting, der fremmer udvikling, men det er hovedsageligt lokal og regional udvikling. Vi må have mekanismer for international handel, og aftaler om dette, og dette er presserende, lige nu!

Stumper og stykker vil ikke gøre det. Forsøg ikke med stumper og stykker. Man må faktisk komme ind under huden på tankerne hos folk i de forskellige nationer. Jeg har stor erfaring med dette. Det kommer ikke frem pga. mennesker, der ikke rigtig forstår, hvad det her handler om, men når man ser på historiens forløb, ville man sige, at jeg har en meget skarp indsigt i menneskeheden. Men ikke alle mennesker i denne menneskehed deltager i det. Det er problemet.«

Hvilken effekt vil Trump få på dansk udenrigspolitik?

København, 11. nov. 2016: (Det følgende er en rapport om DR2 Deadlines udsendelse den 10. nov., som det danske Schiller Institut har sendt til LaRouche-bevægelsens nyhedsredaktion i USA. Udsendelsen kan ses her:

DR2 Deadline havde en diskussion i går aftes med to førende akademikere om »Hvad betyder Donald Trump for dansk udenrigspolitiske strategi fremadrettet?«, med Vibeke Skov Tjalve, seniorforsker ved Dansk Institut for Internationale Studier (DIIS), og Mikkel Vedby Rasmussen, professor og institutleder ved Institut for Statsvidenskab ved Københavns Universitet. Det følgende er en sammendrag af deres synspunkter, der var meget ens:

Den forudgående basis for den dansk-amerikanske alliance har været en politik baseret på fælles værdier, og det vil ikke være basis for Trumps udenrigspolitik, så vi må være forberedt på en totalt ny situation – et brud med hele den liberale orden, der blev etableret efter Anden Verdenskrig. Trump vil, ligesom Putin, ikke basere udenrigspolitikken på fælles humanitære værdier, som opbygning af demokrati. Dette har været grundlaget for et forenet »Vesten«, og en retfærdiggørelse af militære interventioner.

Globalisering døde den 8. november, så vel som også verdensordenen siden Berlinmurens fald, og der er nu anbragt en bombe under den verdensorden, som USA opbyggede efter Anden Verdenskrig. Det meget nære bånd, Danmark har til USA, vil ikke være vigtigt for en Trump-administration. Og briterne har forladt EU, så vores politik med at være på linje med USA og briterne er ikke længere gyldig.

NATO’s afskrækkelsespolitik er også død. Trump har sagt, at han ikke vil forsvare europæiske lande, der ikke betaler for sig selv, og han vil ikke forsvare de baltiske lande. Væk med NATO’s musketer-ed (Én for alle, og alle for én). Trump tror på alliancer, ikke fælles transatlantiske værdier, men vi ved ikke, hvordan det vil udspille sig.

Trump ser ikke Rusland som en fjende. Derfor har Danmark ikke andet valg end at ændre sin politik over for Rusland og ikke længere udtrykke stærk fordømmelse af russiske handlinger. Alt imens der for blot få uger siden fandt en debat sted i det danske Folketing om, hvorvidt man overhovedet kunne tale om at støtte Putin, og om legitimiteten af russiske interesser i regionen, så er dette synspunkt nu ved at vinde indpas i det Hvide Hus.

Hvordan vil den dansk-russiske relation komme til at se ud? Putin har haft en strategi med at destabilisere den europæiske verdensorden, der nu kollapser med Trump og Brexit. I bestræbelser på at holde USA aktiv i NATO, vil vi da overdrive den russiske trussel og bringe os selv ind i en farlig, uansvarlig position, under en mulig optrapning af spændinger? Tjalve advarede stærkt imod dette.

Da de blev bedt om at sætte en etiket på Trumps form for udenrigspolitik, kaldte de ham en Jacksonian, med ’USA er det vigtigste’, men Tjalve sagde, at han går endnu videre, for det ville betyde at føle et kulturelt bånd til Europa og den anglo-amerikanske, særlige relation, hvad han ikke føler. Han er mere en darwinist og værdineutral.

Denne diskussion fulgte efter et interview med den danske udenrigsminister Kristian Jensen, der under valgkampen havde været meget kritisk over for Trump.   

Tysklands general Kujat opfordrer Trump og Putin til at komme til forhandlingsbordet

Wiesbaden, 11. nov., 2016 – Tysklands general Kujat (pensioneret) udtalte sig, i et interview på MDR radio i dag, forsigtigt mht., hvad valgte præsident Donald Trump rent faktisk kunne gøre, men var meget udtrykkelig omkring det faktum, at noget som helst af positiv karakter ville kræve, at de to atomsupermagter finder presserende områder af fælles interesse. General Kujat, der var formand for NATO’s militærkomite (2002-05), sagde, at, hvis Trumps valgkampagne-udtalelser om Putin og Rusland rent faktisk får betydning, »så bør vi byde det velkommen«.

Forespurgt, om han var enig i de bekymringer, andre har luftet omkring en tilnærmelse mellem Trump og Putin, sagde han: »Nej, det kan jeg ikke følge. Vi må simpelt hen indse, at vi taler om lederne af de eneste, tilbageværende supermagter, og at vores sikkerhed og fremtid er afhængig af, at disse to magter ikke kommer i en militær konfrontation med hinanden, og derfor bør vi, i vores vurdering af disse to supermagtsledere, have en verbal nedrustning.« Han henviste her klart til dæmoniseringen af Putin, men også til de dumdristige vurderinger fra den europæiske elite og de europæiske medier, som er fikseret på Trumps personlighed, og som overser stemningen hos den amerikanske befolkning. Han kritiserede den kendsgerning, at, da den tyske regering og Frankrig var med til at bringe volden i Ukraine ned til et minimum, trådte USA til side og leverede i stedet militærstøtte og anden finansiel støtte, som »ikke gav meget løfte om succes«. At bringe Trump til forhandlingsbordet med Putin øger chancerne for en forsoning mellem interesserne, bekræftede han.

I Syrien, sagde han, bør Trump gå tilbage til Lavrov-Kerry-aftalen. Hvis USA begynder at udskille terroristerne, så kan USA og Rusland samarbejde.

Forespurgt, om chancerne for fred var bedre nu med Trump, end hvis Clinton havde vundet, var general Kujat klar: Under Clinton ville vi have fået en fortsættelse af de forudgående politikker, inkl. interventioner i andre stater, ligesom med Libyen. Selv om han nævnte Obamas angivelige forsigtighed mht. militære løsninger, forventer han af Trump, at denne »ikke har den fejlopfattelse, at Amerika må være verdens politibetjent og atter må intervenere i alle verdens brændpunkter.«

General Kujat sluttede med en nyttig anbefaling om at benytte den 6-9 mdr. lange overgangsperiode til at skifte over fra »valgkampagne-modus og til en Verbündeten Modus«, som lyttere med lethed kunne opfatte som samarbejde mellem fornuftige allierede (Verbündeten), såsom de bedre styrker fra Tyskland.

Foto: Tidligere formand for NATO’s militærkomite; tidligere generalstabschef for Bundeswehr, general Harald Kujat.

Stoltenberg til Trump: Du kan ikke ændre NATO

9. nov., 2016 – NATO’s generalsekretær Jens Stoltenberg lykønskede Donald Trump med præsidentvalgsejren, men, under en pressekonference i dag tilføjede han, som svar på et spørgsmål, strengt, at, uanset, hvad Trump måtte mene, så kan han ikke trække sig tilbage fra USA’s forpligtelse over for NATO.

»NATO’s sikkerhedsgaranti er en traktatmæssig forpligtelse«, sagde Stoltenberg. »Alle allierede har aflagt højtideligt løfte om at forsvare hinanden. Dette er absolut ubetinget.«

Stoltenberg talte ved et møde for europæiske diplomater på USA’s ambassade i Bruxelles.

Wall Street Journal skriver, i sin dækning af Stoltenbergs bemærkninger, bekymret, at, hvis Trump, der har været en kritiker af NATO, virkelig ændrer kursen i politikken over for Rusland, som udtalelser, Trump har fremsat under kampagnen, indikerer, at han kunne gøre,

»kan NATO blive tvunget til at gentænke sin plan om at deployere 4.000 tropper, inkl. amerikanske soldater, til de baltiske stater og Polen til næste år. Hr. Trump kunne også genoverveje Obama-administrationens planer om at sende en brigade med tungt infanteri til Østeuropa i begyndelsen af næste år«.

Det har man da lov at håbe.        

Vi må sætte dagsordenen!
USA må gå med i den Nye Silkevej.
LaRouchePAC Internationale
Webcast, 11. nov., 2016; Leder

Det andet punkt, som står meget klart, er, at LaRouche Political Action Committee (LPAC) har sat dagsordenen; … Glass-Steagall; den omgående nødvendighed af at nedlukke Wall Street; og det faktum, at det amerikanske folk ikke var villigt til at acceptere Obama-Clinton-dagsordenen om at bringe USA ind i Tredje Verdenskrig med en konfrontation med Rusland. Men vi må fortsætte med at sætte dagsordenen. Der er intet alternativ, ingen erstatning for en fortsat mobilisering og en fortsat klarhed i lederskab, som kommer fra LaRouche Politiske Aktions-komite og vore allierede.

specialudsendelsen efter valget, som vi udlagde på denne webside onsdag; med direkte udtalelser fra både Lyndon og Helga LaRouche. Vi har haft mulighed for at tale med hr. LaRouche flere gange siden, inkl. for blot en time siden; og hr. LaRouche fastslår fortsat den pointe, at dette er en højst uafgjort situation; meget udefineret. Vi har endnu ikke fået de fulde fakta om, hvad implikationerne af den tiltrædende administration vil blive, men to punkter står klart. Og jeg tror, at folk meget klart har set, at dette har været en total afvisning af hele Obama-Clinton-Wall Street-apparatet, der havde overtaget det Demokratiske Parti; men også, på samme tid, det Republikanske Partis Bush-Cheney-apparat. Begge partier er nu ophørt med at eksistere i deres tidligere form, og vi befinder os i en situation internt i USA, der ikke har fortilfælde.

»Trumps sejr betyder kun en udsættelse af krigsfaren – med mindre der vedtages en langt mere fundamental forandring«.Den indledes med følgende erklæring:

us-joins-the-silk-road-jan-2016-770x433-697144»The United States joins the New Silk Road« (Se også dansk introduktion ved samme navn). Heri fremlægges det meget klart, hvordan USA kan tilslutte sig dette nye paradigme.

four-laws-widget-gsFire Nye Økonomiske Love, med implikationerne af Alexander Hamiltons økonomiske rapporter, der oprindeligt definerede og skabte USA, og med anerkendelse af, hvad klokken er slået; og med skiftet til en totalt ny, international, økonomisk og strategisk orden, er det vores ansvar at mobilisere USA og bringe det ind i denne nye orden.



International Webcast, Nov. 11, 2016

        MATTHEW OGDEN:  Good evening, it's November 11, 2016.  Happy
Veterans' Day!  My name is Matthew Ogden, and I would like to
welcome you to our regular weekly Friday evening broadcast here
from  I'm joined in the studio today by Ben
Deniston, my colleague, as well as Kesha Rogers, member of the
LaRouche PAC Policy Committee and former candidate for Federal
office — United States Congress and US Senate — joining us from
Houston, Texas; and Michael Steger, joining us from San
Francisco, California, also a leading member of the LaRouche PAC
Policy Committee.
        I hope everybody had a chance to see the post-election
broadcast special that we posted on this website on Wednesday;
which included some direct video statements from both Lyndon and
Helga LaRouche.  We've had a chance to speak with Mr. LaRouche
several times since then, including just about an hour ago; and
Mr. LaRouche continues to make the point that this is a highly
inconclusive situation; very undefined.  We have yet to get the
full facts on what the implications of the incoming
administration will be, but two points are very clear.  And I
think as people have observed very clearly, this has been a total
repudiation of the entire Obama-Clinton-Wall Street apparatus
that had taken over the Democratic Party; but also, at the same
time, the Bush-Cheney Republican Party apparatus.  Both parties
have now ceased to exist in their previous form, and we are in an
unprecedented situation inside the United States.  The other
point which is very clear is that the LaRouche Political Action
Committee has set the agenda; and this point should have been
clear for years leading into this, including from Kesha Rogers'
successful, highly impactful campaigns for Federal office.  But
we've put on the agenda: Glass-Steagall; the immediate necessity
to shut down Wall Street; and the fact that the American people
were not willing to accept the Obama-Clinton agenda to bring the
United States into World War III with a confrontation with
Russia.  But we must continue to do so, and we must continue to
set this agenda.  There can be no alternative, no replacement for
a continued mobilization and a continued clarity of leadership
coming from the LaRouche Political Action Committee and our
        Now, I would like to read a short portion of the lead item
which was posted on the LaRouche PAC website today, because I
think it very clearly defines what Mr. LaRouche's current
analysis of this situation is.  And then we can open up the
discussion from there.  But the title is, "Trump Victory Is Only
a Reprieve from War Danger Unless a Much More Fundamental Change
Can Be Enacted".  It begins by stating the following:
        "The election of Donald Trump and the defeat of both Hillary
Clinton and Barack Obama has provided a short reprieve in a drive
for World War III against Russia, so long as Obama is prevented
from taking some kind of insane action in his remaining lame duck
weeks in office. The fact that an immediate danger of nuclear war
is off the table for the time being is important; but it does not
address the other grave crises that the world is facing.
        "The trans-Atlantic financial system is still on the edge of
total disintegration, and unless that problem is immediately
addressed, the conditions will soon re-emerge for global war. To
solve that imminent crisis, the US Congress must immediately pass
the pending legislation in both Houses, to reinstate the original
Glass-Steagall Act of 1933, breaking up the too-big-to-fail banks
into totally separated commercial and investment banks. This must
be the first order of business when Congress returns to
Washington early next week."
        This continues by saying:  "Well beyond that urgently
required action, other measures must be taken to forge a new kind
of relations among the leading nations of the planet."  This is
something we will elaborate much more during the course of this
broadcast, but this statement goes on to cite some statements
that were made by Sergei Glazyev, a leading advisor of President
Putin; Chas Freeman, a top and very distinguished diplomat in the
United States diplomatic community; and otherwise, that make the
very clear and correct point that now is the time to realize that
the world is moving into an entirely new paradigm.  And beyond
just a détente between the United States and Russia, which is a
potentially very positive development, the United States must
also reciprocate the offers from China to enter into this New
Silk Road, New Paradigm program; entering into the AIIB, joining
the New Silk Road in a very concrete and definitive way.
        Now, what can be very clearly defined, is that Mr. LaRouche
is the leading statesman on the scene right now in the United
States.  The Four New Laws that we have been repeatedly
emphasizing over the course of the recent several months leading
into this election, continue to be the number one agenda item.
Of course, that begins with Glass-Steagall, but the entirety of
the program is a Hamiltonian renaissance for the United States.
        Now, during a discussion we had earlier today, Helga
Zepp-LaRouche emphasized this supplementary pamphlet which was
issued by the LaRouche Political Action Committee almost a year
ago — "The United States Must Join the New Silk Road; a
Hamiltonian Vision for an Economic Renaissance".  And this very
concretely lays out how the United States can join this New
        Now, I'd like to just begin with a few excerpts from these
statements that were made by Sergei Glazyev and Chas Freeman,
which I think clearly get to this point; but I think a lot more
can be said.  This is an interview with Sergei Glazyev from {Itar
Tass} in the aftermath of the Presidential elections:  "According
to Glazyev," this article says, "the result of the US elections
show that 'The American people don't want war. For the first time
in the world's history, there is a chance to a new global
economic order without waging a world war.'|"
        And then Chas Freeman, in a speech called "One Belt, One
Road" which was delivered in Hawaii a few days before the
election, end with the point that "The United States must now
realize that the new paradigm defined by the AIIB and the New
Silk Road, and all of the other initiatives that have been taken
by China, is the new game in town."  And Chas Freeman's point is
that Americans are not in the game.  Now's the time for us to
enter into this and to realize that it's in our interest to join
the One Belt, One Road initiative.  Chas Freeman says, "China's
growing influence is very good reason to seek a seat alongside
it, both in the new and old councils of the emerging multi-polar
world, rather than continuing to futilely try to exclude it. The
United States needs to be constructive and helpful, not negative
and critical — still less obstructive — as all this unfolds.
Americans have a big stake in how Eurasia integrates, and in what
its relationships with other continents and regions become.  Time
to get in the game," he concludes; "time to participate in
crafting the post-Pax Americana order.  Time to leverage China's
initiative to American advantage."
        And I could go on, but I want to just make the point that
now is the time to recognize the full responsibility of the
intellectual leadership that LaRouche PAC has defined and
continues to deliver.  And taking the Four New Economic Laws,
taking the implications of Alexander Hamilton's economic reports,
which defined and created the United States in the first place,
and recognizing what time it is; with the shift to an entirely
new international economic and strategic order, it's our
responsibility to mobilize and bring the United States into that
new order.
        So, I'll just leave it at that; and I think we can explore
some of the implications of this in discussion with Kesha and

KESHA ROGERS:  OK, I will start in response by saying that what
has to be recognized is that the fight has never been a matter of
party politics, one party over the other; because as President
George Washington said, "Party politics is the bane of our
nation's existence."  What we saw during my campaigns for US
Congress, was very instrumental in that; because the people I was
able to pull together were people from all different types of
backgrounds.  It was a question not of just what party you
belonged to, or what your race was, or any of that; but this
question of what do we want to see for our nation and for the
future of our nation?  Reviving the vision and the ideas of
President John F Kennedy, President Franklin Roosevelt; people of
all different types of backgrounds — as has been stated — came
together around Glass-Steagall to defy Wall Street, and they
continue to do so.  The Republican Party, the Democratic Party,
and so forth.  So, I think it's important to note that what we
have identified is a question of the direction that mankind has
to take; that the people of this nation have come together on a
few accounts that have been completely against what the
establishment had thought would happen.  During my campaigns, the
victories around the two nominations despite the fact that the
party establishment did everything in their power to create a
divide against the truth that myself, Mr. LaRouche, and our slate
were saying; that Obama represented a threat to this nation.  The
cancelling of the NASA Constellation program, the continued
policies for backing Wall Street against the interests of the
population.  The second time that we saw the population come
together in a real way — as has been said on a number of
occasions here — is the JASTA vote.  The JASTA vote was not a —
Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act — was not a Republican
or a Democratic issue; so I think we are now eliminating the
party system.  This has been a big part of what I have been
advocating, what Mr. LaRouche has been advocating is that we have
to have a new conception of mankind brought forward.  I think
it's been very clearly stated in the discussions that we've had
with him, that are really continuing and hopefully we can get
that developed in this discussion today.  The idea that this is
not just a US issue; now we're talking about how do we improve
and develop new conceptions of international relations.  New
conceptions of relations among human beings.
        Just a couple of things I want to start off with to develop
that.  First of all, just in the discussion we had with Mr.
LaRouche yesterday, in response to the election and where we must
go from here, he said we will get a unity among human beings as
human beings.  The US and Russia can work together as human
beings; and we are looking at mankind in a universal way.  We are
going to learn how to apply our minds.  People have to see the
meaning of their existence in a way that most people have not.
If we're really going to conceptualize that idea, I think what
we're going to discuss here today is:  1. The concrete policies
that are needed to bring together the type of collaboration as
we're seeing develop from the development of the BRICS nations —
Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa — and their
cooperation.  The development of the AIIB, and the offer of
cooperation through the Silk Road, by President Xi Jinping to the
United States.  People probably remember that Obama rejected it.
Now, the mission is, we have to reverse the rejection.  We have
to work with Russia; we have to take up China's offer.  But we
have to take it up in a bigger way than just around treaty
agreements or working together on international cooperation of
projects.  Those things will be essential, but the essential is
going to be the development of a new, unified, international
mission of a new direction for mankind in space collaboration.  I
want to develop that a little bit more, but I will stop right
there, because I think we need to pull a few more things together
to come back to that point.

        MICHAEL STEGER:  The underlying ability for the LaRouche
organization and LaRouche PAC to operate as a leading force on
the planet has been something that eludes most people.  It's not
something that's in the predicates of the policies we've been
fighting for directly; there's something philosophically more
profound.  It does stand out, the fact that this election, where
vote came from, what people voted for — whether it be in the
Democratic primary, where we saw Glass-Steagall both by Martin
O'Malley and Bernie Sanders, and again even by Trump at the end
of the general election campaign; where Glass-Steagall came up
again. {We} were the leading factor and force of a political
fight, won in the opposition of Bush and Cheney and the clear
tyranny that they represented, but even more distinctly, because
of the nature of Obama in this last years–which is important
just to take a few seconds, not long, but just to recognize: the
Republican Party for the last eight years worked with Obama.
There was no real opposition to it. That's why the Republican
Party is really in as much of a shambles as the Democratic Party
        The Party system, as Kesha said, is gone, because there was
no legitimate opposition to Obama, except for what we did. And it
started on the Obamacare question. We led the fight entirely. We
defined it as a Nazi program, while the Republican Party was
likely going to adopt it and support it, the same way Mitt Romney
had pushed in Massachusetts. It was generally a kind of Heritage
Foundation, right-wing, healthcare reform. We recognized it to
be, underlying, a fascist program of population reduction, and
we've been relentless with Obama, unrelenting, on the question
that this Presidency was a failure and a very danger to mankind.
        But then you had Lyn's intervention following the invasion
of Libya, and the killing of Muammar Gaddafi, and Lyn's precise
insight that this represented a very accelerated drive for
nuclear war. There was immediate resonance, immediate response
from the leadership in Russia. Like Dmitry Medvedev, [then
President, now Prime Minister]. And we saw an increasing level of
recognition, somewhat slowly, but from key figures, who began to
identify the fact that Lyn was absolutely right. And that again
became a center of the discussion of the U.S. Presidential
election over the last few months.
        So, you have the immediate collapse of the financial system
— which is there, we're on the precipice, this has been in the
financial media now practically for a year, going back to last
December, when the financial markets collapsed then. There's a
very, very imminent breakdown of the trans-Atlantic financial
system. It's an underlying bankruptcy, a deep bankruptcy. Then
you also have the immediate drive for war. Both of those issues
have now been on the table. That's what the American people voted
for. It was a mandate for the LaRouche policy. And for the very
reason that the political establishment in this country
compromised on Lyn, going back to the 1980s, shut down his
efforts for space exploration, for collaboration among nations,
and instead put an FBI attack on him and our organization, they
got this kind of revolt. Had they adopted Lyn's policies then,
you wouldn't see neither the breakdown of our economy and our
society, the threat of nuclear war, or the collapse of a
revolutionary type situation in the United States.
        The only way to really address this problem is to address it
quickly. We are talking about a timeframe where if the new
Administration coming in does not fulfill what the LaRouche PAC
has defined as the "New Presidency," then it will fail, and fail
quickly. There is a quality of crisis in the country, and so
there is a level of urgency that Mr. LaRouche expressed today in
our discussions. We need to get a handle on this. The policy
orientation needs to be very clear. And it needs to be a
comprehensive program. You can't just implement Glass-Steagall,
though that's exactly where you have to start. You've got to go
with the full Hamilton perspective. You've got to look at a full
development of the country. And you can't go with this Wall
Street garbage. It's not going to function.
        A point that Kesha really made an emphasis of, and that Lyn
emphasized on Wednesday following this election, stands out,
because there is clearly — as Matt, you read from the Chas
Freeman quote — at the highest institutional level of
recognition, that this New Silk Road orientation is in depth; it
is not weak; it is not superficial. As someone from the Chinese
Consulate in San Francisco recently said, "This is not on paper.
This is on the ground. This is a real project. This is not the
TPP." The question though, is how is this approached? The
approach of the political establishment may be best indicated by
Henry Kissinger and these types: is to approach it from the
Hobbesian view — an animalistic view of man, where you're
looking for advantages. How do we take advantage of this? How do
we work with this? China is looking to their advantage. How do we
look to our advantage?
        It doesn't mean that one disregards one's own benefit. But
the emphasis that Lyn made, and I think what Kesha was
developing, is that you have to look at the universal nature of
mankind. You have to look at what policies, what approach towards
the relationship among nations is of benefit to mankind as a
whole, or as Helga said on Wednesday in a discussion, what used
to be referenced as the "common aims of mankind." That has to be
then the basis, the philosophical basis for a scientific
foundation, for a new relationship among nations. And that really
then defines how this can be very much a new paradigm or a new
era for mankind. Not only is an immediate action required, but
the potential of action is perhaps greater than it's ever been.

OGDEN: Just to continue to emphasize the point that you, Kesha,
brought up, the first indications, I think very clearly, of what
hit with full force with this election, was what you were able to
generate around your campaigns for federal office.

        BEN DENISTON: Over and over again.

        OGDEN: Three times in a row. Twice the Democratic nominee
for Congress, and then you forced the Senate campaign into a
run-off, in Texas, on precisely this LaRouche PAC program. Every
time that people say, "Oh, we are so surprised, we are so
shocked, none of the polls saw this coming," whether it was in
this general election campaign for President, whether it was in
the Brexit vote — every time somebody tells you that, you say,
"No, that's actually not true."

        DENISTON: Most people probably know, but it's worth
emphasizing: Kesha led with "Impeach Obama." You had a Democrat
leading the Democratic ticket on impeaching Obama, and that was
what shocked. It was national news. It's kind of amazing that the
Democrats are so far behind, so much in this crazy bubble, that
they can't see where the ferment is in the population. Just to
add that in there.

        OGDEN: Absolutely!

        DENISTON: It shocked the country, it shocked the world.
There was international recognition when Kesha won [the
Democratic Party primaries for U.S. House in 2010 and again in
2012; and came in second in a field of five candidates for U.S.
Senate in 2013, but lost in the run-off]. These guys are now
years and years behind the ball on this thing.

        OGDEN: The other element of your campaigns, Kesha, was a
clear vision for the country. This is an element of inspiration
that a population which was, yes, legitimately angry and enraged
against the policies of the last not 8 years, but the last 15, 16
years of both the Obama and Bush administrations, and had been
ground into the dust and left behind, and were literally
suffering from an increase in mortality, and so forth, as we've
spoken about.
        It was not only a rage factor, in terms of that, but it was
also, and it continues to be — and this must be recognized — a
deep desire for purpose, for meaning, for inspiration, and for a
vision of what the future actually can be. And, Michael, as you
were saying, it's a philosophical question: What is the meaning
of mankind? What is this really all about? Why am I struggling,
day in and day out? What's the meaning behind "what it means to
be human?"
        And so, the Number One point of emphasis in your campaigns,
Kesha, and the Number One point of emphasis continues to be, what
is the role that mankind is going to play over the next 100 years
in this solar system and in the universe? It was clear when John
F. Kennedy committed the United States to having a man on the
Moon before the end of the 1960s, that this was the defining
moment in the entire generation at that point. The United States
rose to the challenge because it was a truthful challenge.
        We applied the Hamiltonian principles to make that happen.
You stood up and you said "We're going back to space. China is
doing it." In the years since your campaigns, Kesha, China has
achieved unbelievable feats. There will be a robotic lander on
the far side of the Moon. If we put this on the agenda, and we
say, "We are no longer going to succumb to the backwards agenda.
We're going to join hands, not only on the New Silk Road here on
Earth, but we're going to join hands with China to go back to the
Moon. We're going to go to Mars. We are going in a way which
affirms the true, creative nature of the human species. We're
going into space." That's the other element of this.

        ROGERS: Yeah, that was already defined by Krafft Ehricke. It
was defined by Lyndon LaRouche. It was exemplified, as has
already been stated, in a conception of mankind and the
relationships among human beings, that most people, through the
degenerate culture that we have been immersed in, has yet to
actually, truly experience. It's not just a question of "Well, I
like this policy of going to the Moon," or "Yes, we should do
that," or "Kennedy's idea of going to the Moon was for economic
profits or to put feet on the Moon and then it was going to be
over." We were talking about policy for a 50-year-plus plan, or
should we say, a generational.
        Right now, the problem is that we have lost the conception
of acting for the next generations. Most people say, especially
with space policy, "Well, we'll see what this next President's
going to do, but then after that we have to follow whatever the
next President wants to do, and it's just going to be an
up-and-down cycle. Maybe we'll have a good one who wants a good
policy, and maybe we'll have a bad one." But that's not how the
process works. As I said, this is a question of international
relations, but also, as Krafft Ehricke said, the question of
development of space, and what that represents for understanding
our relationships right here on Earth is a Universal, an
Extraterritorial Imperative.
        I think these conceptions are not just things that are to be
thrown around, but they really have to be conceptualized,
understood, and mastered, just as Lyn's emphasis and very
important call, that the only thing that can save the United
States right now, and for that matter save the entire world
against this economic collapse, is the return to those
Hamiltonian principles — the recognition that we have to restore
an understanding of what Hamilton was developing in his four
reports: "Report on Public Credit;" "Report on a National Bank;"
"Report on the Subject of Manufactures;" and "On the
Constitutionality of the Bank of the United States."
        We've done a number of very thorough presentations on those
points, because that's not just something of the past, or just
"policy issues," but it is the necessary direction that has to be
re-established right now: how are we going to build up our
capabilities on this planet to provide for the needs of every
single human being? We're talking about development around food,
most importantly around fusion resources–LaRouche's Fourth Law.
We have to have a science-driver fusion program. This is the key
aspect of China's policy for their Moon mission, and their space
program — the mining of Helium-3, the development of the far
side of the Moon.
        This is the policy that the United States has gone far away
from. We just have to just put the United States back on course
again, and that the course of action has been clearly stated by
the direction that China's taking with their space program. It's
interesting to note: that was the direction we were going in, or
slated to go in, with the development of the Moon, under not just
President John F. Kennedy, but this was the policy that was being
put forth prior to President Obama cancelling it.

OGDEN: I want to pick up on what you said, Michael. What the
LaRouche Movement — both in the United States, but also
internationally — has clearly been at the forefront of for
decades, is the agenda. The intelligentsia of the planet has
concentrated itself, at key moments of history, around what the
conceptions for the future must be that have been laid forward by
the LaRouche Movement. I just want to bring up one point which
was contained in this report. This is the transcript of an
international conference that took place in June of this year.
Coincidentally, it was literally the day after the Brexit vote
occurred; which had the entire trans-Atlantic expert
establishment on their heels.  Nobody supposedly saw this coming.
But the keynote speaker at this event was Helga Zepp-LaRouche;
one of the other keynote speakers was Ambassador Chas Freeman.
At that point, the point of the One Belt, One Road policy, the
New Silk Road policy was put clearly on the agenda.  The other
major agenda item of this conference was the necessity to work
with Russia to resolve and rebuild the situation inside Syria.
This conference was called in order to discuss the contents of
this massive special report, which was published by {Executive
Intelligence Review}.  This is "The New Silk Road Becomes the
World Land-Bridge"; and with the publication of this, the entire
nitty-gritty aspect of what this New Paradigm really means on the
ground — not on paper, as you said, Michael — was put into
        At that point, Helga Zepp-LaRouche called for the
publication of a supplementary pamphlet which would concretely
elaborate exactly how the United States would join that New Silk
Road.  And with all of the discussion now in the last few days of
infrastructure and big projects and how to create millions of new
jobs inside the United States, this is clearly the number one
item of relevance.  Now, we're going to play a short excerpt from
a video which was put out by LaRouche PAC about two months ago.
The full video is called "The New Silk Road Becomes the World
Land-Bridge", but this short excerpt from the concluding portion
of that video elaborates exactly how the United States could work
with China and work with these Eurasian countries to build itself
into this New Silk Road.  So, I'd like to play that excerpt for
you right now.

        "As part of the trans-Atlantic, the United States is also
associated with a high standard of living.  However, the Wall
Street-dominated, post-World War II paradigm has taken its toll
on the US economy and its people.  Scrapping its agro-industrial
sector for financial and services industries, with the promise
that it would make for a more competitive economy, high-earning
skilled work was out-sourced to cheaper markets abroad which
provide a living wage for their workers.  This flawed version of
globalization lowered the productivity of the Americas as a
whole, increased the rate of poverty throughout the hemisphere,
and invited billions of dollars of illicit money flows from the
global drug trade, which to this day represent a significant
portion of the cash on hand in the Western banking sector.
        "However, even after the 2007-2008 crisis, when the
bankruptcy of the trans-Atlantic financial system could no longer
be covered up and needed an emergency bail-out —
        "|'This is not just about Lehman Brothers; these problems
are not limited to Wall Street or even Main Street.  This is a
crisis for the global economy.'
        "– no serious structural reforms have been made to the
Western financial establishment; putting the West and the rest of
the world at risk of an even greater crisis.
        "No wonder that in recent years, China, Russia, and other
emerging economies have begun to create new international
financial institutions, based on a concept of 'win-win' relations
among nations and created to facilitate economic development and
trade for all participants instead of preserving the hegemony of
some.  Instead of the exclusivity of US trade agreements like the
Trans-Pacific Partnership, China has extended an invitation to
the US and the rest of the Americas to join them in establishing
a new era of global economic development.
        "'I state this very clearly to President Obama that China
will be firmly committed to the part of peaceful development; and
China will be firm in deepening reform and opening up the country
        "But can the US envision a world where it is no longer the
sole superpower; and instead shares that responsibility with
other nations?
        "'|..¦.and will work hard to push forward the noble cause of
peace and development for all mankind.' [Chinese President Xi
        "The potential for US participation in the New Silk Road
program is immense.  One key project in EIR's New Silk Road
report is finally connecting the Eurasian continent with North
America at the Bering Strait.  A Bering Strait provides the
needed symmetry to make the One Belt, One Road strategy a global
one; and would transform the two continents the same way the
ancient Silk Road opened up Europe to Asia.
        "Imagine boarding a magnetically-levitated train in downtown
Paris or Berlin, travelling 250 miles per hour across the steppes
of Siberia, through a tunnel below the Bering Strait, emerging on
the other side in Alaska on your way to Manhattan.  Layered with
a freight and passenger rail line running north-south from Alaska
to the lower 48 states from Eurasia, is the construction of the
long-awaited North American Water and Power Alliance [NAWAPA]; an
Apollo-era continental water management system that takes
freshwater run-off from Alaska and Canada, and diverts it
southward for use in the arid southwest United States.
        "And while the average American will tell you these projects
are impossible, the average Chinese today is building them.  In
the last decade, China — comparable in size to the United States
— constructed over 11,000 miles of high-speed rail; and seeks to
triple that number by 2020.  Similarly, China's Three Gorges Dam
and South Water North projects are some of the greatest water
infrastructure projects ever undertaken.  In the new 'win-win'
paradigm, big infrastructure investment is the new normal

        That video is available on the LaRouche PAC YouTube channel
and the LaRouche PAC website.  But I'd like to ask Ben to just
follow that up.

BEN DENISTON:  Off of the discussions that Matt referenced with
Lyndon and Helga LaRouche in the last couple of days, we wanted
to redirect people's attention to this supplementary pamphlet.
Obviously the full report is a little bit hefty for your average
American, we did want to produce this shorter, condensed kind of
organizing report to really grip people and give people a sense
of what it means for the United States to join this New Silk Road
program, this New Paradigm.  We want to make sure people know —
we can bring up on the screen share here — that this full report
is also available on our website.  If you go under "our
policies", "US Joins the New Silk Road" it's available right
there; and the entirety of the report is available here.  As
Matthew said, this was published almost one year ago, so maybe
some of the introduction might be a little bit dated to the
context of the time when we put this out; but the substance, the
content, is still very relevant, very crucial, and integrates
together with the more recent focus Mr. LaRouche has put on his
Four Laws program.
        But just to give people a very quick overview of the report,
we can see here in the table of contents, it's broken into a
series of chapters following the introduction.  The first chapter
really provides somewhat of a sketch, but a real presentation of
what can be done in the United States in the context of joining
this New Paradigm.  So, passing Glass-Steagall; engaging in an
international credit/finance system to facilitate growth,
development.  What does that mean?  Well, as was referenced in
the video, one of the mega-projects that's been on the table for
a century now quite frankly, if not longer, is this Bering Strait
connection; literally connecting, via high-speed rail, North
America into this entire World Land-Bridge perspective.  So,
that's been long recognized as a keystone project.  That can come
together with — as was also discussed in the video — high-speed
rail across the United States.  As Mr. LaRouche, in his work on
the Eurasian Land-Bridge and World Land-Bridge, had developed,
these are more than just rail corridors; this mankind developing
the interior regions of continents.  Moving from a coastal
dominated civilization to one that actually master the interior
landmass of regions.  A lot can be said, but this really goes to
the heart of his science of economics, his insight, his metric of
potential relative population density; how mankind can transform
the so-called "carrying capacity" of a piece of land of society
with this kind of development.  So, bringing in high-speed rail
and all the associated infrastructure to make vastly larger
regions of the territory of the United States inhabitable and
developable.  We have huge amounts of unused land waiting to be
        In the development of this report, Helga LaRouche also
placed a large emphasis on the development of new cities; new
renaissance cities as she called for as part of the whole
development program.  Bringing rail, water, power to these new
regions of the country to develop new, highly-organized cities;
not just urban sprawl, not just endless unorganized development.
But actual cultural city centers organized around a central
region, focussed on an educational, artistic focus of society;
and you center your activity around that.  That's also discussed
in some detail in this report.
        This is obviously going to create major spin-off effects in
terms of job requirements; rebuilding US industry.  All kinds of
connected jobs required to support that kind of activity.  So,
this talk about creating millions of jobs, this can be done very
easily in the context of this New Paradigm system.  One thing we
fought with in producing this report was actually gripping people
with what this means.  It's easy to go through the figures —
this many miles of rail, this many cities, etc. — but the
American people have suffered so long under a lack of this kind
of development, that it's important to really grip people and
give them a sense that these are not just projects; this is your
future.  This is a return to the idea that every generation is
going to be fundamentally better off than the generation before
them.  That you live your life with the recognition that your
children are going to have a fundamentally better life than you
were able to live; and it was because you and your generation
contributed to creating that.
        It's been recognized — LaRouche PAC may have been the first
to point this out — but it's now generally recognized, the
current youth generation does not have that.  You have the first
situation potentially in American history where the younger
generation is worse off than their parents' generation.  If you
want to talk about the death rates, the drug epidemic, all these
things, that's the substance of what's driving that process.  Not
just poverty per se, but poverty in the context of no future;
complete degeneracy of society.
        So, returning to this idea that there is
to your job, to your employment, to your activity, to your
family's activity, to your neighborhood, your city, your town.
There's a purpose in investing and creating a new, higher state
of living for the nation as a whole; and that's what this really
means.  That's driving inspiration in China, in nations working
with China; in this whole One Belt, One Road program.  That's
what we can revive and return to in the United States; that's
what these infrastructure projects really mean.  It's about
mankind participating in the truly immortal nature of mankind's
creative development.
        And what we also address in this report, just to point this
out to people directly, is an added integral element of that is a
real science driver program.  So, we have on the one hand — it's
not separated, but together with the idea of joining the New Silk
Road, rebuilding the United States on a higher level with new
infrastructure, a new standard of living; also engaging in the
science driver programs and technology driver programs that push
to new frontiers.  Fusion power.  With fusion power, you can
completely transform mankind's capabilities; you can blast
mankind up to a higher level of potential existence.  Both in
making power available, but also completely revolutionizing all
kinds of production, industry, technologies; it's a totally new
stage for mankind.
        This goes directly together with space; the development of
the Moon, the development of helium-3 resources on the Moon as a
key fusion fuel.  So, bringing mankind really into a level of a
Solar System species, a Solar System existence; and learning —
we had some discussion with Mr. LaRouche earlier today —
learning what the Solar System is really all about.  There are
some of the most basic things we still don't understand about how
the Solar System works; even how the Moon works.  Our knowledge
is still extremely limited in terms of what mankind is existing
in here in this Solar System; let alone what the Solar System is
doing in the galaxy, and how to understand these kinds of things.
Recognizing that that is kind of the first of the substance of
these kinds of revolutions of mankind's ability to exist.  If we
discover these higher levels of the principles organizing the
fundamental nature of the universe, we can uniquely utilize that
understanding to transform how we act.
        So, it's this intimate connection that Mr. LaRouche, I
believe, is the first to really define scientifically between
fundamental scientific discovery and the crucial rile of real
scientific method in that context, and what people call economic
progress and economic growth.  That's the integrated central
picture that we have to present and break through on; and we have
presented it in a somewhat short but moving and condensed and
illustrated way in this report.  So, Helga had specifically
requested that we draw people's attention again to this important
piece of organizing ammunition that we have; to move people in
this time of ferment, in this time of potential, to not sit back
and wait for something to happen, but to take action.  Realize
this is the future we can create.  We've just had an opening
created that gives us the potential to act; it's not here yet,
but now we have a potential that we have not had for four terms
of the Presidency.  So, I think this is critical that we get all
this on the table and move immediately with the recognition that
this is the true mission of mankind.

STEGER:  I would just like to say, on the Four Laws, which
captured this policy direction, the subtitle is that this is not
an option, but an immediate necessity.  And I think it's worth
making it clear that these are not policy options from the
standpoint of government.  These Four Laws and this orientation
that Ben just laid out, is actually a necessary and integral
functioning of any competent form of government.  Hamilton
uniquely understood that at his time; there was resistance from
the slave-based oligarchy at that time which opposed the
recognition that the economic power to unleash mankind's
advancement, to orient mankind towards this level through
manufacturing, through industry, and especially through the
scientific process.  But that was an integral part of what
government required to fulfill its obligation to the well-being
of its population and its posterity.  So, these Four Laws are a
necessity not simply because of the economic crisis; they must be
adopted by government as laws.  Our government today, to secure
for the first time as Glazyev said, for the first time, world war
is no longer a danger; and for the first time the United States
will set the leading example of a form of self-government based
on the highest scientific conception of mankind based on these
Four Laws; and have the economic power and potential to unleash
that unique characteristic of mankind.  These Four Laws are of
that quality of significance.

        OGDEN:  This is the immediate action agenda.  And as Lyndon
and Helga LaRouche said earlier, there's a lot that's undefined;
there's very inconclusive facts available right now.  But the one
thing that is clear, is that we need a full-scale mobilization
from the people who are involved in the activities of LaRouche
PAC, to immediately force the Glass-Steagall agenda.  Congress is
coming back into session at the very beginning of next week —
Monday and Tuesday.  They need to be confronted with an absolute
torrent, a flood of calls and activity from around the country to
say "There is nothing else; this is agenda point one."  And to
pull out all the stops on this entire program.  We've emphasized
we have the ability to pull together the entire country on the
Four Laws action page; this is
If you haven't signed up there yet, that's available.  There's
also a place where you can submit your reports.  All of the
material that you need is on that website, including the
Alexander Hamilton four reports and Mr. LaRouche's original
document, "LaRouche's Four Laws".  Then as Ben just showed you,
we also have this supplementary page, a digital pamphlet that we
produced; "The United States Joins the New Silk Road".  This is
also available on the LaRouche PAC website.
        So, we are in undefined and uncharted territory right now; I
think people are recognizing that at the point that the United
States, for example in the 1930s, faced similar situations, it
was only because of the immediate leadership that Franklin
Roosevelt provided with the entire program — this was the
initial Glass-Steagall, this was a reorganization of the entire
bankrupt financial system, this was immediately getting people
back to work — that is the agenda.  At that point, it was
undefined what was going to happen; it was because Franklin
Roosevelt provided the kind of leadership that he did, that
prevented what could have been a very dangerous situation from
degenerating into that.  It's our responsibility to place that
onto the agenda now.  Nobody else is going to do that.  We have a
short reprieve, a short window of reprieve from the danger of
World War III.  You have qualified leadership from around the
world tentatively reaching out and saying we are ready for an
entirely new paradigm of relations with the United States.
Russia, China, other countries around the world.  But the United
States that they want, is LaRouche's United States.
        So, thank you very much for joining us.  I'd like to
especially thank Michael and Kesha.  Kesha, thank you; and I'm
sure we will be looking to you for some more in the near future.
And I'd like to thank Ben for joining me here in the studio.
Please stay tuned to  If you haven't subscribed
to our YouTube channel yet, do so immediately.  And subscribe to
our weekly and daily emails as well.  Thank you and good night.





Donald Trump! Hvad det betyder,
og hvad LaRouche-bevægelsen nu må gøre.
Se også 2. del.

Med formand Tom Gillesberg

Video 2. del:


Trumps sejr betyder kun en udsættelse af
krigsfaren – med mindre der vedtages en
langt mere fundamental forandring

Leder fra LaRouchePAC, 10. november, 2016 – Donald Trumps valgsejr, og både Hillary Clintons og Baracks Obamas valgnederlag, betyder en kortvarig udsættelse af fremstødet for Tredje Verdenskrig imod Rusland, under forudsætning af, at Obama forhindres i at foretage en eller anden vanvittig handling i sine tilbageværende ’lame duck’-uger – overgangsperioden – i embedet. Det faktum, at en umiddelbar fare for atomkrig midlertidigt er taget af bordet, er vigtigt, men det løser ikke den anden, alvorlige krise, som verden konfronteres med.

Det transatlantiske finanssystem er stadig på randen af total disintegration, og med mindre man omgående håndterer dette problem, vil betingelserne for global krig snart vise sig igen. For at løse denne umiddelbare krise, må den amerikanske Kongres omgående vedtage de love, der er fremstillet i begge Huse, for en genindførelse af den oprindelige Glass/Steagall-lov fra 1933, og som bryder for-store-til-at-lade-gå-ned-bankerne op, i totalt adskilte kommercielle banker og investeringsbanker. Dette må være det første punkt på Kongressens dagsorden, når den vender tilbage til Washington i begyndelsen af næste uge.

Når denne presserende handling er vel overstået, må der træffes yderligere forholdsregler til en ny form for relationer mellem de ledende nationer på planeten. Der er udsigt til en snarlig genoprettelse af de amerikansk-russiske relationer, en mulighed, der blev hilst velkommen af den førende, russiske økonom og rådgiver til Putin, Sergej Glazjev, i et interview torsdag med Itar-Tass. Han advarede ligeledes om, at Obama-administrationens politikker har ødelagt relationen mellem USA og Kina, og at en afspænding mellem Washington og Moskva kan spille en vigtig rolle i at udbedre de skadede amerikansk-kinesiske bånd. Det, der behøves, er en række positivt bekræftende handlinger, der vil være med til at sikre et globalt system for fred og stabilitet. Kinas præsident Xi Jinping tilbød gentagne gange præsident Obama at samarbejde omkring netop disse mål, men Obama afviste alle disse tilbud. Som både ambassadør Chas Freeman (USA’s ambassadør til Saudi-Arabien, 1989-1992) og tidligere CIA-direktør (og Donald Trumps nationale sikkerhedsrådgiver) James Woolsey understregede i udtalelser i denne uge, så må USA rette den tragiske bommert, hvor de har afvist tilbuddet om at deltage i Asiatisk Infrastruktur-Investeringsbank (AIIB) og det overordnede initiativ for Bæltet-og-Vejen (OBOR). Verden må tage en række skridt hen imod et nyt, globalt samarbejdssystem. Lyndon LaRouche understregede torsdag, under drøftelser med medarbejdere, at dette kan gøres, især, hvis nøglenationer kan udvikle samarbejde. Et sådant globalt hovedeftersyn er ikke let, men, med de korrekte rettesnore for at gå fremefter, kan det gøres. Både Lyndon og Helga LaRouche understregede behovet for at skabe et Nyt Bretton Woods-system, der trækker på succeserne fra den oprindelige aftale fra 1944, som Franklin Roosevelt stod for.

Resultaterne af de amerikanske valg har dæmmet op for den umiddelbare fare for atomkrig, men det ville være en alvorlig fejl at sætte sin lid til, at den nu valgte præsident Donald Trump tager de nødvendige skridt. Der er nøglespillere, der kan bidrage til dette nye, presserende nødvendige arrangement, når man kaster et blik rundt på planeten. Tyskland kan spille en sund rolle. Rusland, under præsident Vladimir Putin, spiller allerede en fremragende rolle, og Kina, under præsident Xi Jinping, udgør en betydelig, positiv kraft.

Et område, der er af vital betydning for ethvert fremvoksende, nyt samarbejdsarrangement, er samarbejde om udforskning af rummet, der inkorporerer alle de afgørende elementer, der mangler i andre bestræbelser, der i øvrigt måtte være betydningsfulde.

Mange af de fremskridt, der er så presserende, vil finde sted på lokalt og regionalt niveau; men alle disse indsatser må være i overensstemmelse med en større, global vision. Hvis det mislykkes at gennemføre disse udfordrende, men afgørende handlinger, vil det føre til en endnu større katastrofe, inklusive, at en fare for atomkrig atter vil vise sig. Dette kræver seriøs tænkning fra et bredt udvalg af ledere fra hele verden.

Foto: Den russiske præsident Putin udtrykker Ruslands hensigt om at genoprette relationer i fuldt omfang med USA, under bemærkninger i sin tale i Kremls Store Palads den 9. november, 2016, efter Trumps valgsejr (Foto:         

Rusland: Trumps sejr viser, »det amerikanske folk ønsker ikke krig«, siger Glazjev

9. nov., 2016 – Med kommentarer om Trumps valgsejr i det amerikanske præsidentvalg 2016 den 8. nov., sagde den russiske økonom og rådgiver til præsident Putin, Sergej Glazjev, til TASS i dag, at resultaterne af valget viser, at »det amerikanske folk ønsker ikke krig; for første gang i verdenshistorien er der en mulighed for at gå over til en ny, global, økonomisk orden, uden at føre en verdenskrig«.

»At etablere et nyt forhold i relationerne [mellem Rusland og USA] vil med sikkerhed finde sted, fordi den afgående administrations udenrigspolitik var baseret på en aggressiv fremgangsmåde over for Rusland med det formål at bevare Washingtons magtoverlegenhed. Vi kan sige, at denne fremgangsmåde er mislykkedes«, sagde Glazjev. »Afspænding mellem USA og Rusland er nødvendig i denne henseende«, sagde han, iflg. TASS.

Glazjev påpegede ligeledes, at han er overbevist om, at Trump »vil ophæve sanktioner mod Rusland, der ligeledes er skadelige for amerikansk erhvervsliv. Resultatet bliver, at handelsvolumen og finansielle og økonomiske relationer mellem Rusland og USA, så vel som i Vesten generelt, vil blive genoprettet.«

Samme synspunkt blev udtrykt af en førende ekspert fra Ruslands Nationale Fond for Energisikkerhed, Igor Yushkov, der til TASS sagde, at »der kan komme et positivt element i samarbejdet mellem USA og Rusland«. »Det er helt tænkeligt, at Trump vil lette sanktionerne eller annullere dem totalt, i det mindste vedr. olie- og gassektoren. Han (Trump) ses som en person, der promoverer de amerikanske olieproducenters interesser, inkl. ExxonMobil«, tilføjede Yushkov.

Foto: Den russiske økonom og rådgiver til præsident Putin, Sergej Glazjev.       

Præsident Putin lykønsker Trump: Rusland rede til at arbejde for at genoprette
relationer med USA ’i fuldt omfang’, til gavn for verden

9. nov., 2016 – Præsident Vladimir Putin udtalte sig i dag om valget i USA i en ceremoni, der blev udsendt internationalt over Tv, for at modtage akkreditiver fra 19 nye udenlandske ambassadører, i det Store Kreml-palads’ Alexander-sal. Efter sin velkomst og åbningsbemærkninger talte Putin dernæst om nyhederne fra USA. Hans fulde bemærkninger (fra Kremls hjemmeside) lyder:

»Mine Damer og Herrer, for et par timer siden sluttede præsidentvalget i USA. Vi fulgte dette valg tæt. Jeg vil gerne ønske det amerikanske folk tillykke med afslutningen af denne valgcyklus, og ønske hr. Donald Trump tillykke med valgsejren.

Vi har hørt de erklæringer, han er kommet med som præsidentkandidat, hvor han udtrykker et ønske om at genoprette relationerne mellem vore lande. Vi indser og forstår, at dette ikke bliver nogen nem proces, i betragtning af det niveau, som vore relationer, desværre, er sunket til i dag. Men, som jeg før har sagt, så er det ikke Ruslands skyld, at vore relationer med USA har nået dette punkt.

Rusland er rede til, og søger en tilbagevenden til, relationer i fuldt omfang med USA. Lad mig gentage, at vi ved, dette ikke bliver let, men vi er parat til at gå denne vej og tage skridt på vores side og gøre alt, vi kan, for at sætte russisk-amerikanske relationer tilbage på en vej for stabil udvikling.

Dette ville være til gavn for både det russiske og det amerikanske folk og ville have en positiv virkning på det generelle klima inden for internationale anliggender, i betragtning af det særlige ansvar, som Rusland og USA er fælles om, for at opretholde global stabilitet og sikkerhed.«


Et globalt chok til et dødt system

Leder fra LaRouchePAC, 9. november, 2016 – Donald Trumps slående valgsejr tirsdag kan kun korrekt forstås i sammenhæng med globale udviklinger, der alle reflekterer en stærk, folkelig afvisning af systemet med krig og åger, der har domineret det transatlantiske område i de seneste seksten år med Bush’ og Obamas præsidentskaber. Denne revolte har en international karakter og reflekteredes i juni måned i år, da britiske vælgere afviste den Europæiske Union i Brexit-afstemningen. Vi ser refleksioner af denne revolte i Tyskland, hvor Merkel-regeringens anti-russiske politikker møder en mur af modstand, inklusive fra ledende tyske industrikredse, der ser handel og samarbejde med Rusland som et eksistentielt krav.

Dette mønster går længere end til betydningen af begivenhederne i USA alene, hvilket på ingen måde skal forsmå betydningen af de amerikanske vælgeres revolte imod Wall Street/Washington-etablissementet. Et betydeligt antal amerikanske vælgere så Hillary Clinton som en fortsættelse af de seneste 16 års gamle, dårlige politikker, og de så hende desuden som en person, der ville få os ind i en krig med Rusland, som kunne betyde afslutningen af liv, som vi kender det, på denne planet.

Valget af Trump var et valg imod faren for krig, der i stigende grad kom til at være associeret med Hillary Clintons anti-Putin tirader under hele kampagnen. Det var et valg for en overhaling af USA’s økonomiske politik, der begynder med genindførelsen af en Glass/Steagall-bankopdeling, som Trump åbent tilsluttede sig under en vigtig kampagnetale i Charlotte, North Carolina, hvor han også advarede om, at Hillary Clinton ville starte Tredje Verdenskrig, hvis hun blev valgt.

Mandatet fra 8. november er givet til en fornyelse af traditionelle, amerikanske politikker og værdier, der begynder med en genoplivning af realøkonomien gennem anlægsinvesteringer i infrastruktur og genopbygning af industrien.

Lyndon og Helga LaRouche leverede et stærkt budskab i en dialog med medarbejdere den 9. nov., der i uddrag blev udsendt på LPAC-TV som et specielt webcast efter valget. 

Hr. LaRouche krævede en »New Deal for Universet«, der omfatter en genoplivelse af USA’s rumprogram, i partnerskab med nationer som Kina, der har fortsat menneskehedens udenjordiske forpligtelse, mens USA, under præsident Barack Obama, rent faktisk har lukket det engang storslåede amerikanske rumprogram ned. Både Lyndon og Helga LaRouche understregede, at tiden er inde til, at menneskeheden må se længere end til kun nationale interesser, og til menneskehedens interesser som helhed.

»Vi må række ud og se menneskeheden i et større lys ved at udvide menneskehedens magt ud i universet«,

erklærede hr. LaRouche.

Der er en global bevægelse, der går i retning af sådanne dybtgående ideer og udfordringer. Denne bevægelse reflekteres i Kinas lederskab inden for udforskning af rummet og i det voksende kinesisk-russisk-indiske samarbejde omkring udviklingen af det eurasiske område, gennem storslåede infrastrukturprojekter. Det er kun i sammenhæng med disse globale, dybtgående forandringer, at den fulde betydning af tirsdagens valg kan blive korrekt forstået. Afvisningen af det gamle, døende system, der er vældet ud af de amerikanske vælgere, er et begyndelsespunkt, men ingen garanti. Det vil kræve arbejde, men vejen er afstukket.

Foto: Den valgte præsident Donald Trump under sin første optræden til et offentligt borgermøde, 19. august, 2015, i Pinkerton Academy i Derry, NH. (Photo: Michael Vadon CC-SA).                 

OBS! I dag kl. 19 dansk tid: Special live-webcast om valget i USA,
med Lyndon LaRouche og Helga Zepp-LaRouche; Video her.

Speciel live-webcast om valget i USA med Lyndon LaRouche og Helga Zepp-LaRouche i dag, den 9. november 2016 kl. 19 dansk tid.

Hør LaRouches vurdering af valgresultaterne, hvad de betyder for USA og for verden, og hvad LaRouches internationale kampagne skal gøre i løbet af den kommende uge.