XI Jinping opfordrer til globale udviklingsinitiativer i FN:
Affolkning eller udvikling? Lad den store debat begynde!

21. september (EIRNS) – Kinas præsident Xi Jinping holdt den afsluttende tale på den 76. samling i FN's generalforsamling. Under sin tale sagde han: ”Stillet over for de alvorlige COVID-19-chok er vi nødt til at arbejde sammen om at styre den globale udvikling mod en ny fase af afbalanceret, koordineret og inkluderende vækst. Til dette formål vil jeg gerne foreslå et globalt udviklingsinitiativ”.

Ved afslutningen af ​​sin diskussion med den europæiske organisation tirsdag, sagde Helga Zepp-LaRouche: ”Vi er nødt til at optrappe vores interventioner med den kendsgerning in mente, at de fleste lande bevæger sig i en anden retning, samarbejde og ikke militær konfrontation. Det bliver imidlertid helt sikkert en rutsjebanetur forude. Men vi er nødt til at navigere med den klareste strategiske forestilling – at vi må komme ud af det med et nyt paradigme, der skal starte med et globalt sundhedssystem, og dette moderne sundhedsvæsen må begynde med Afghanistan. Så længe vi holder et absolut fokus på dette, tror jeg at vi kan katalysere enhver anstændig person, og det er hvad der må optrappes fra vores side. ”Støtteerklæringerne fra USA’s tidligere militære cheflæger, Jocelyn Elders og David Satcher, til Schiller Instituttets perspektiv for Afghanistan bør nu tages i betragtning ud fra det internationale potentiale for reaktioner på Xi Jinpings tale i går. Forslaget om at Pino Arlacchi skal spille en rolle i forhandlingerne med Afghanistans regering, som en betroet og troværdig højtstående person, der er engageret i udryddelse af narkotikahandel og etablering af en sundhedsplatform for denne nation, bør anbefales, hvor som helst det er muligt.

Vi har faktisk optrappet på vores side. LaRouche-styrkerne har i de sidste 48 timer fået Lyndon LaRouches ideer til at give genlyd i Pakistan, Kina, Frankrig og FN, ud over de forskellige andre steder, hvor organisatorer har gennemført fysiske aktioner i verden eller talt med folk på telefon eller interveneret i forskellige konferencer og forsamlinger. Nogle gange er vi blevet klappet af, undertiden fordømt, men aldrig ignoreret. Den polemiske drivkraft for en ny æra af samarbejde gennem princippet om Modsætningernes Sammenfald, indsat som en strategisk intervention i Afghanistan, er det højere komplekse område af militær strategi, "Paradiso", et magtdomæne, som skabninger, der bor i i geopolitikkens helvede ikke engang kan forestille sig eksisterer.

I et dokument på 637 sider fordømmer en tænketank i Frankrig Schiller Instituttet som involveret i det de kalder "De kinesiske indflydelsesoperationer – et 'machiavellisk øjeblik'. De har ikke set efter i "Machiavellis 'Firenzes Historie'. Det skulle de have gjort. De to kontrasterende taler af Biden og Xi – den ene fra Venedig og den anden fra Firenze – kan ses som de nye bogstøtter i debatten om emnet "udvikling eller affolkning", som den filosofiske sammenslutning, der blev grundlagt af Lyndon LaRouche, nu må drive frem i forgrunden på verdensplan. LaRouche-værket, "Der er ingen grænser for vækst", fra bind I i 'LaRouche Legacy Foundation' er trods alt modpolen til Romklubbens stadig dominerende 'Grænser for vækst' og senere i 1991 'Den første globale revolution'.

Dette er ikke for at falde til niveauet med at identificere USA og Kina som to modstående hold i en fodboldkamp. "Firenze" og "Venedig" refererer her til de aksiomer, der faktisk understøtter livssynet bag de to taler, der blev holdt i går. Præmisserne for Bidens tale er ensbetydende med katastrofe. Præmisserne bag Xis tale definerer en produktiv fremtid for menneskeheden. Vores organisation bør, hvor det er muligt, gennemføre undervisningsforløb om 'Der er ingen grænser for vækst', for at give vores medborgere, især unge, valget til at vælte de aksiomer, de ikke ved de har, så de kan tage et globalt udviklingsinitiativ i form af 'World Health Platform'.

Lyndon LaRouche gav i et interview i 1989 fra sin fængselscelle i Alexandria, Virginia, dette nyttige råd om, hvordan man underviser: "Indenfor viden, indenfor undervisning har man to problemer. Det ene er at få bugt med ren og skær irrationalitet, de fordomme, som folk bringer ind i klasseværelset, osv. og sige, godt, lad os få det på det rene, i det mindste. Lad os give Aristoteles så meget… lad os få din viden bragt på en konsekvent, logisk organiseret form. Og derefter sige: altså, nu ved vi, at dette ikke er sandheden, men det er meget nyttigt at sætte det på denne form, fordi det gør os i stand til at anskueliggøre, hvad vi skal gøre for at korrigere formel viden, for at nå frem til hvad der virkelig er sandheden, osv. Jeg brugte alle slags påfund til at forsøge at få eleverne til at fokusere på dette punkt.

Men min idé om undervisningsforløbet var altid at sætte kursen mod netop det punkt, dvs. at præsentere en ordnet, logisk form for repræsentation af stoffet; påvis derefter paradokser, der opstår af sig selv, selv ud fra den reneste, mest stringente præsentation af dette stofområde, og vis derefter hvad løsningen på paradokset er, og håb på at lyset tænder i elevernes hoved. Og den studerende vil selv kunne indse: ”åh ja! Dette er løsningen”, og have oplevelsen af at skabe løsningen i deres eget sind, så at sige. Hvilket altid er min pædagogik… jeg kan godt lide at undervise på den måde. Jeg ville ikke kunne nyde at undervise under andre omstændigheder".

Dante Alighieris forudsigelse af den tragedie, der ville ramme Firenze, Den guddommelige Komedie, brugte denne sokratiske undervisningsmetode. Dette demonstreres gennem Dantes dialog med Virgil og transformeres sidenhen til den højere dialog med Beatrice om videnskabelige metoder. På denne måde brugte Dante Platons dramatiske metode til at give en løsning, både på den samtidige ulykke, som Dante så rigt beskrev, og til vores egen nutidige. Han placerede ikke kun mange af sine samtidige i de passende områder af deres selvskabte helvede; han instruerede, gennem digteren Virgils forbøn, læseren i, ikke alene hvordan man trin for trin kunne rede sig ud af Infernoet, ind i skærsilden; han demonstrerede også, at sindets magt kan opdage nye fysiske principper, nye grader af frihed, som senere set i Firenze i form af Brunelleschis kuppel.

USA behøver ikke at være dømt til konflikt med Kina på vegne af Orcus, underverdenens gud, og som i øvrigt også var strafforfølger for brudte eder. (Frankrig, bemærk.) Præsident Xi tilbød dette alternativ: ”Vi er nødt til at gribe de historiske muligheder, der er skabt ved den seneste runde af teknologisk revolution og industriel transformation, fordoble indsatsen for at udnytte teknologiske landvindinger for at øge produktiviteten og fremme et åbent, fair, rimeligt og ikke-diskriminerende miljø for udvikling af videnskab og teknologi. Vi bør fremme nye vækstdrivere i tiden efter COVID”. Forslaget er: "Der er ingen grænser for vækst." Hvem vil modsætte sig det, og hvem vil forsvare det? Lad den store debat begynde!

Drop selvmordsklubben for at skabe en reel fremtid

22. april (EIRNS) – Biden og Det hvide Hus fejrede ”Jordens Dag" ved at hive verdenslederne sammen til en fælles diskussion om at begå selvmord, ved at tvinge verden til at deltage i en 'kuldioxid-sultestrejke'. Alt imens EU, Storbritannien og USA forsøgte at overgå hinanden ved muntert at bekendtgøre endnu tidligere datoer for at nå forskellige mål om reduktion af kuldioxidemissioner, insisterede John Kerry på, at selv kulstofneutralitet var for begrænset et mål. Vi bliver nødt til at "suge kuldioxid ud af atmosfæren," informerede han alvorligt sit publikum, der kedede sig.

Mens der kom generelle udsagn om at elske naturen og leve i harmoni med den fra alle deltagere, hvoraf nogle repræsenterer lande, der har ægte forureningsproblemer, med meget reelle sundhedsmæssige virkninger, var der mange der nærede betænkeligheder, da det kom til at sluge den bitre pille. Xi Jinping påpegede, at ansvarsområderne for verdens nationer er "fælles, men differentierede", og fortsatte med temaet for BRICS-nationerne og det 'globale syden', og insisterede på at deres vækst ikke skal ofres for at opfylde klimamål, der er sat op af de transatlantiske nationer.

Xi Jinping talte poetisk om harmonien og balancen mellem mennesket og naturen, men tilføjede at den må følge en tilgang med "folket i centrum", og med fokus på dem der "længes efter et bedre liv". Vi skal følge multinationalisme med udgangspunkt i FN (dvs. ikke i den kunstige "regelbaserede orden", der udgøres af de imperialistiske magter). Vigtigst af alt understregede han, og mange andre med ham, det "fælles, men differentierede ansvar" mellem den avancerede sektor og udviklingssektoren, og han insisterede på, at udviklingslandenes bekymringer skulle imødekommes. Det bemærkes, at 'klimazar' John Kerry, der talte onsdag, opfordrede Kina til at opgive sin hensigt om alene at tillade kulfyret energiproduktion at toppe i 2030'erne. Xi adlød ikke, og sagde at de ville fortsætte med at producere kulfyrede anlæg, som præsenteret i den 14. femårsplan. Denne plan gjorde det klart, at bevægelsen væk fra kul afhænger af udvidelse af atom- og fusionskraft.

Men den egentlig trussel mod fremtiden for befolkningen på denne planet er ikke klimaændringer. Det er atomkrig.

Den ukrainske præsident Zelensky, der sidste år mødtes i timevis med lederen af MI6, insisterer på, at hans nation er parat til at stå op mod Rusland og blive medlem af NATO. Galninge fra amerikanske tænketanke insisterer på at sende yderligere tropper til Ukraine for at imødegå den påståede russiske trussel. Et forpurret kupforsøg i Hviderusland følges op af den amerikanske ambassadørs møde med oppositionslederen i denne nation. En græsk diplomat beder præsident Biden om at forhindre en ny krig ved at deltage i et topmøde med de fem permanente medlemmer af FN’s Sikkerhedsråd.

Situationen med Taiwan er fortsat intens, med adskillige krigshøge der presser på for yderligere støtte til taiwanesisk uafhængighed, en umulig vej, og langt værre for Taiwan end at bevæge sig hen imod forhandlinger om løsning af forbindelserne på tværs af strædet for at skabe et forenet Kina med stor autonomi til Taiwan.

Hvad der er bestemmende for nødvendigheden af disse militære provokationer, selvmorderiske klimaforanstaltninger og indenlandsk amerikansk fascisme, der er pålagt den kontrollerede pøbel, er det eksploderende transatlantiske finanssystem, hvis udbrud, understøttet af endeløs pengepumpning, behandles euforisk som en periode med enorm vækst. Men da den øverste del af eksplosionen driver finansiering opad, ødelægger detonationen den fysiske økonomi, som virkelige liv afhænger af.

For at vende udviklingen på nuværende tidspunkt må magten tages fra Wall Street, som må sættes under streng kontrol og tillades et helsebringende besøg i konkursretten. National kredit til produktive (læs "anti-grønne") investeringer i videnskab, infrastruktur og produktion kan føre USA – og verden – mod den form for økonomisk paradigme, der stort set gennemføres af Kina for øjeblikket, præget både af det amerikanske systems tidligere succes og den igangværende organisering af Lyndon LaRouche, Helga Zepp-LaRouche og LaRouche-organisationen.

Schiller Instituttets konference den 8. maj vil sætte rammerne for en inspirerende og aktiv diskussion om udstikning af en kurs mod en renæssance for at undslippe krigen, banaliteten og grimheden i en kultur, der, selvom den har opgivet det menneskesyn, som ledte den til fortidens herlighed, insisterer på at opretholde et nu ufortjent overherredømme ved at knuse fremkomsten af andre.

Vi må arbejde på sammen at vokse ud af denne infantile identitet.

Picture credits: Terry Ballard from Merrick, New York, USA, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons


Løft jeres blikke mod stjernerne – der ligger fremtiden

4. februar (EIRNS) – "Mennesket længes opad, mod udforskning af rummet med ét altoverskyggende formål: Menneskehedens fulde udvikling på jorden". Således slutter Lyndon LaRouches artikel fra 1996, 'Space: The Ultimate Money Frontier'. Med tre rumfartøjer, der går i kredsløb omkring Mars eller lander på selve den røde planet i denne måned, er de økonomiske erfaringer som LaRouche underviser i særligt relevante for at skabe en fremtidsorienteret politik i modsætning til den grønne ondskab i 'the Great Reset' (Den store Nulstilling).

Når vi ser tilbage, skabte det amerikanske måneprogram, Apollo, samt de teknologiske, videnskabelige og industrielle fremskridt, der var nødvendige for at muliggøre det, et tifoldigt investeringsafkast. Dette afkast var ikke monetært, såsom det var for de institutionelle investorer, der tjente milliarder på stigningen af GameStops-aktier, men fysisk. Post-Apollo-økonomien, og samfundet, blev beriget med specifikke teknologier, forbedrede værktøjsmaskiner og produktionsteknikker og en overflod af dygtige ingeniører og arbejdere.

I øjeblikket repræsenterer de tre rumfartøjer, der når Mars i de kommende uger – USA's 'Perserverance', Kinas 'Tianwen-1' og De forenede arabiske Emiraters 'Hope' – disse nationer og deres partneres forpligtelse til at forøge deres kapaciteter og løfte sløret for universets hemmeligheder.

'Perseverance' har mikrofoner til optagelse af dets indrejse og aflytning af lyden af dets rejse over Mars-terrænet; to dusin kameraer til at optage landingen, styre navigationen, se mineralprøver, bruge røntgenfluoroskopi og synligt lys til at bestemme den kemiske sammensætning af klipper ved at zappe dem med dets laser og skabe 3D-visninger af rejsen; en syv fods robotarm, komplet med en boremaskine med udskiftelige hoveder til udboring af prøver; et plutoniumbatteri og en række antenner til at holde kontakten med Jorden og kredsløbsmodulet. Det vil også bringe den første helikopter til Mars.

'Hopes' kredsløb vil gøre U.A.E. den femte part, der når frem til Mars efter USA, Sovjetunionen, Den Europæiske Rumorganisation og Indien. Kredsløbsmodulet vil studere Mars’ atmosfære. Kinas 'Tianwen-1' kommer i kredsløb blot en dag senere, hvilket gør denne nation til den sjette, der når den røde planet. Ligesom 'Perseverance' består ’Tianwen-1’ af et kredsløbsmodul og et landingsmodul med en marsbil, der er udstyret med kameraer, sensorer og en overfladegennemtrængende radar.

I fremtiden vil menneskehedens formål i rummet udvides til at omfatte en familie af rumstationer i kredsløb om Jorden, gennemgribende fremskridt med at bringe nyttelast i kredsløb, minedrift af helium-3 på månen som et fusionsbrændstof, atomdrevne raketter og en videnskabskoloni på Mars. Som LaRouche skrev i 1996: ”Universet er tæt besat af astrofysiske anomalier, som vi ved eksisterer, men mangler midlerne til at undersøge på en mere effektiv måde… antallet af nye grundlæggende opdagelser, som venter menneskeheden, fra selv de indledende næste skridt mod Mars-kolonisering, er utrolig stort: disse anomalier alene ville sikre os adskillige store videnskabelige gennembrud inden for videnskabspraksis på Jorden”.

Vi bliver nødt til at arbejde hårdt for at nå disse mål! Sikring af en global udvikling af infrastruktur – såvel 'hård' (transport, elektricitet, vand, sanitet, hospitaler) som 'blød' (uddannelse, sundhedsarbejdere, videnskabelige institutioner) – betyder en forpligtelse til at vælte det rådne imperialistiske paradigme for finanser og befolkningsreduktion, der forurener så mange sind og institutioner i den transatlantiske verden. Den formentlig mest destruktive mentale forurening, som kræver nødhjælp, er den grønne ideologi, der ser menneskelig handling og udvikling som en unaturlig ødelæggelse af den præ-menneskelige (og derfor "perfekte") naturtilstand. Evnen til at håndhæve denne ideologi på verdensplan har store problemer i kraft af uafhængigheden af nationerne Rusland og Kina og den hæsblæsende vækst i sidstnævnte land – vækst, som det eksporterer gennem sit Bælte- og Vejinitiativ.

For at forhindre muligheden for at USA beslutter sig til en mission for vækst og samarbejde med andre stormagter, har kampagnen for at fremstille Rusland og Kina som en kombination af 'autoritær', 'ondartet' (et ord der har mistet enhver betydning), eller som at de 'søger at udvikle deres egne imperier', nået et nyt niveau med direkte angreb rettet mod præsidenterne Putin og Xi, såvel som regimeskifte-operationer, som med tilfældet Alexej Navalny.

Det er det britiske imperium, der har skabt og presser på med disse grønne og geopolitiske myter, og det er dette imperium, som vil blive besejret ved at afsløre den morderiske sandhed om 'Great Reset'/'Green New Deal', og ved at afsløre den utrolige fremtid som kan blive vores, hvis vi vender vore blikke og tanker opad mod stjernerne.

Ligesom vi ser frem til gode nyheder fra Mars denne måned, kan vi også se frem til stærke efterretninger fra EIR og LaRouche-Organisationen for at besejre den grønne forurening, der truer med at trække os ned i snavset.


Billede: "Earth and Mars to scale." by Bluedharma is licensed under CC BY-ND 2.0

POLITISK ORIENTERING den 29. januar 2021:
Regimeskifte i USA og den “grønne genstart” fjerner ikke verdens problemer

Med formand Tom Gillesberg

Video: (via Zoom)


eller her på YouTube.



Schiller Instituttet · Regimeskifte i USA og den "grønne genstart" fjerner ikke verdens problemer.


Overvind Davos’ ”store omstilling” med LaRouches nye paradigme.
Schiller Instituttets ugentlige webcast med Helga Zepp-LaRouche,
den 27. januar 2021

Se Helgas Ugentlige webcast, her:

Mens de utopiske fascister fra den globalistiske erhvervselite har planlagt at bruge den nuværende Davos-konference som det tidspunkt, hvor de gennemtrumfer deres globale bankdiktatur for at indføre en dødbringende Grøn New Deal, er der tegn på, at en opposition vokser, centreret omkring Kina og Rusland, som også inkluderer nogle europæiske elementer. Helga Zepp-LaRouche beskrev konferencen hidtil som "en pose blandede bolsjer" og sagde, at finansoligarkerne, der fremmer negativ økonomisk vækst og befolkningsreduktion, er stødt ind i ledende nationers hensigter, som ikke er villige til at overgive deres suverænitet for "aktionær-kapitalismens” skyld. Begge præsidenter Xi og Putin opfordrede til samarbejde og multilaterale løsninger, og Xi sagde, at den unipolære model, der afhænger af at sætte nationer op mod hinanden, er forældet. I det som Zepp-LaRouche kaldte et "tidens tegn", støttede Tysklands kansler Merkel Xis appel for multilateralisme, som hun sagde, stred mod den idé, som præsident Biden søsatte for et "demokratisk topmøde" for alle nationer mod Kina og Rusland.

Mens Helga Zepp-LaRouche var forsigtigt optimistisk med hensyn til Biden-Putin-aftalen om at ratificere en femårig NY START-atomnedrustningsaftale, sagde hun, at Bidens belæring af Putin om de sædvanlige geopolitiske spørgsmål viser, at dem der står bag ham stadig er fast besluttet på en strategisk orientering, der kan føre til krig. Yderligere betyder de rige landes manglende evne til at yde hjælp til fattigere lande med at bekæmpe COVID19-pandemien, at vi enten fremtvinger en ændring i tankegangen, eller også vil pandemien ikke blive overvundet. Den eneste løsning på de problemer, som Xi og Putin rejste i deres taler, er den fulde indførelse af Lyndon LaRouches plan for en firmagtsaftale [mellem USA, Rusland, Kina og Indien] for at etablere et Nyt Bretton Woods-kreditsystem, og at gennemføre LaRouches Fire Økonomiske Love på verdensplan. Hun opfordrede seerne til at slutte sig til Schiller Instituttet for at hjælpe til med at realisere potentialet for et globalt system, der giver mulighed for udvikling af alle nationer.


Engelsk afskrift:

HARLEY SCHLANGER:  Hello, I’m Harley Schlanger, welcome to our weekly dialogue with Helga Zepp-LaRouche: It’s Jan. 27th, 2021.  And I think we should start with the ongoing summit of the World Economic Forum, the Davos billionaires, the gathering of corporatists from around the world to talk about the “Great Reset.”

Helga, what’s the latest you have on what’s going on there?

 HELGA ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  It’s a mixed bag, because on the one side, you have all the CEOs of the large firms and banks, BlackRock, Standard Chartered, you have basically the people who—they don’t talk about the Great Reset any more because that has been discredited a lot, so they’re calling it the “Great Transition.” For example, Bill Winters who’s the CEO of Standard Chartered bank, said this is the great $50 trillion opportunity for the next ten years; others like Philip Hildebrand, the Vice President of BlackRock and so forth, they’re all saying they need a lot private finance, private investment.  Basically this is a scheme to transform the world economy, get rid of fossil fuels, naturally no emphasis on nuclear energy, and it would mean to bring the energy flux-density of the world down to a level where, for sure, the present level of more than 7 billion people cannot be maintained.  As a matter of fact, Hans Joachim Schellnhuber, the former head of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, he had said many times that he thought the ideal population for the world is 1 billion, and if these policies of these people would be implemented, you would destroy the world’s industrial capacities. Because if you eliminate fossil fuels—first of all there are clean coal plants now; secondly if you eliminate coal plants, especially for the developing sector, there is no way how you can prevent mass death!  And obviously, this is the hidden, or not so hidden, implication of all of these schemes.

This is a big danger, because these are people who are allied with the central banks, the Fed, the ECB, the Bank of England, all the large corporations, but they’re not the only ones in the world who count, because there was also Xi Jinping, who gave the keynote. For some reason WEF director Klaus Schwab asked him to give the keynote, and he had a quite different tone.  First of all, he said the mode of setting countries against each other is outmoded and that what is needed is a multilateralism which is in the interest of all participants.  He also emphasized a lot the role of science and technology innovation, that China is continuously intending to help the other countries of the South to overcome poverty.

So I think the fact that China is just existing, and is offering a different model of development, including having now started to deliver vaccines for the COVID pandemic to 150 countries, is setting a different tone.  And if these oligarchs of the big banks and corporations want to push through their scheme it just means they will dismantle the industries of the United States and Europe and other countries that go along with that; but I don’t think that they can win.  So it is a sign of the times that Chancellor Merkel, who spoke after Xi Jinping basically supported Xi Jinping in his idea of having multilateralism.  She said she does not want to be put in a position where she has to choose where one bloc is centered around the United States and another one is centered around China, and that she thinks future relations must be based on multilateralism.

Now, this is very important, because, as we know, President Biden has been pushing, or had hoped to have this “Democracy Summit” which was his idea to collect all the NATO countries and get them all lined up against China and against Russia; so that is obviously not functioning, so you see a new—it’s still in a nascent form and baby steps, but you see a tendency in Europe to not want to be treated like the colonies of whatever is being said in Washington, and indirectly, naturally, with London given the marching orders from behind.  So this is an interesting development.

However, I just got a report before we started this program, about the speech of President Putin, and while I didn’t have time to read it at length, I think some of the elements which he said are extremely important: Because he said that the danger is that the world risks a conflict of all against all if global development concerns are not taken care. And he also said that he really hopes that it will not come to a hot global conflict, because this could mean the end to our civilization.  [http://en.kremlin.ru/events/president/news/64938]

I think Putin, and the Russians in general, are very clearly aware of the dangers in general are very clearly aware of the dangers which are in the situation, and I think it’s very important that he expressed it with that clarity. 

I think this Davos virtual summit is just a measurement of where the different forces in the world stand. I think the decisions are being made by the central banks and the forces of Wall Street, City of London, Silicon Valley, and that is the new oligarchical power, which is the real problem. 

But as I said, it’s a divided world, and there is an alternative between absolute zero growth, or reduction of growth, poverty, leading to war and conflict, and the perspective of joining hands to attack the problems of underdevelopment together.  So I think it’s new and naturally, people like the BlackRock representative said there is now a new game change, a new landscape because Biden is the new President and he has brought the United States back into this Green New Deal arrangement—yeah, that’s true and it’s very problematic for the United States, but as I said, that is not the only story in town.

  SCHLANGER: To continue that thread a little bit, if you think about what you just said on what Putin said and what Xi said, it’s clear that the alternative to what’s being pushed by the central banks is your husband’s proposal for the four powers as having the strength to combat Wall Street, the City of London and so on. Now in that, when we’re talking about Biden and Putin, they had a discussion yesterday which had some interesting aspects to it, starting with the renewal of the START agreement, but what do you make of that talk?

 ZEPP-LAROUCHE: From the little which is known about it, I think it was useful, because they agreed that the New START Treaty will be extended for five years, which is what Putin had offered, and both sides expressed that it’s in their mutual interest.  [Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei] Ryabkov said that this is very good because it gives five years for a complete reevaluation and the refounding of the relationship between the United States and Russia.  Naturally, then of course, Biden could not help himself to bring in the usual geopolitical issues, like the Navalny case, the supposed hacking of SolarWinds, and similar things, so he had to say these things; but I think it’s important, because when the two largest nuclear powers stop talking, then this is the most dangerous. So while I’m not saying that this is resolving anything, I think it is an important first step. And it is important, because the world is really in a very dangerous situation, so I think that that’s what one can say about it.

SCHLANGER:  One of the dangers is the continuing inability of big powers, including the European Union and the United States, to bring the coronavirus pandemic under control.  This was discussed peripherally there, and Biden’s coming up with a plan.  But unless you deal with this as you proposed, as an international question, with a new health system for every nation, this is not going to be stopped by the kind of half-measures that are being taken.

 ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  Well, there is obviously an effort to beef up the production of vaccines. I think there are efforts being made. But now, there’s a huge scandal in Europe, because—this is unfortunately true, that the EU was very slow in ordering vaccines; they clearly had the idea of saving money rather than ordering as many different products from different firms and then see which one comes first, and there is no danger to order too many, because if you have too much you can give it all the other countries in need.  So this was clearly not done by [European Commission President Ursula] Von Der Leyen; she’s now targetted even in {Bildzeitung}—this tabloid—that she did not order, and that the result is in Germany, it’s going very slowly; in other countries in Europe, it’s going very slowly, and this is a reflection of the same austerity  mentality which is really—I hope it shortens the career of Von Der Leyen, because she is just the wrong person to be in any leading position in Europe.

The real problem, however, is what the head of the African Union and President of South Africa Cyril Ramaphosa said, who pointed to the fact that so far the rich countries have mostly cared for themselves, and he said there will be no solution to the pandemic as long as one country is not having the necessary vaccines.  And Tedros from the World Health Organization said that the behavior of the rich countries so far, which got themselves 95% of all the vaccine orders, and leaving the so-called third world with only 5%, that this is a “catastrophic moral failure.”  One can only hope that this is being remedied as quickly as possible, because it now turns out that the idea that Africa was having relatively little problems with COVID-19, turns out not to be true, and as we suspected, it was only due to non-reporting, little testing; and now it comes out through a study from a university in Zambia, that especially the age group between 19 and 59 years of age have the highest mortality rate, {and} children! Now, as we also know there are new strains in Britain, in South Africa, and in Brazil, which are much more lethal and also spread more quickly; and there are now medical experts warning that what could happen is that one of these new mutations, new variants, could develop to become vaccine-resistant. If that would happen, then we would be in a very dramatic situation.

So I think there is not yet a recognition, at least not in any way necessary, of the leading institutions, to really understand that we are in a race against time, because it is very clear that the economic collapse coming from the COVID pandemic, is going to ruin a lot of industrial substance. For example, in Germany and other European countries, a lot of small and medium firms are not going to make it.  The situation now, where a possible lockdown will start again in a hard way in France, or it has started already, with lockdowns from 6 in the evening until morning, people are not allowed to leave their house; so a lot of economic hardship will follow, and a lot of substance will be destroyed. 

So either there is a change in the attitude, that people understand that you have to start to build modern health systems in every single country, or this cannot be controlled, that rethinking has not yet started in a serious fashion and that’s what the Schiller Institute is campaigning for.  Because unless we take this crisis to really start to overcome the underdevelopment of the developing countries in a serious way, there is no guarantee that this will not lead to a major crisis.  And I think Putin, in his speech in Davos reflected that dimension very clearly, that out of chaos you could have a global catastrophe.

The ILO just reported that the loss of jobs in 2020 was equivalent to 255 million fulltime jobs. I don’t think that covers all the shadow industry jobs, but that’s a significant number, and they expect another 130 million losses in 2021, and they say this does not yet take into account the likelihood of a fourth and a fifth wave.  So that all makes clear that we have to change the whole situation:  I cannot see a willingness right now on the side of the central banks in Europe, the United States, to go in that direction, but that will be a subject of mobilizing the population, because if these institutions are unable to reform—and you know, if you look at the situation, with the riots having now spread to Holland, where for four days you had massive riots in 10 cities; last week we had the same thing in Denmark.  This was not unlike the mob which stormed the Capitol on Jan. 6 in the United States, and if you now have more job losses, more unemployment, the danger of blackouts—we have a huge danger that if this Green energy policy is implemented that you will have blackouts leading to complete chaos, I think this could really lead to major social upheavals, and the only way to avoid that would be to really go for our program, starting with the health system in every country.  And we have published this program for 1.5 billion productive new jobs, which have to be created [https://larouchepub.com/special_report/2020/larouche-plan-for-1500000000-jobs.pdf]. And despite the coronavirus condition there has to be a rethinking and there has to be a vision for the population to see the light at the end of the tunnel, that even if some of these things will be very difficult to implement under coronavirus conditions, I think it is important that there is a willingness by the leading institutions to address that.  

Xi Jinping in his speech in Davos also mentioned that he wants to strengthen the G20, because he said that that is the institution to build up global governance—well, that is important because as long as you have some countries at least in that combination that go in a different direction, it is important.  And just to mention it, China has had last year 550,000 new patents, which is an increase of 17%; that is because the Chinese government put a lot of emphasis on science and technological progress innovation, and there was just a study by a German university that found that the civil law in China is compatible to Western standards, essentially because they took the entire canon of civil law in Germany as a model to write their Chinese civil law.  So the university study comes to the conclusion that this an absolutely Western standard and there’s no reason to complain about it.

 And I think there has to be a rethinking about a lot of the prejudices in the anti-China/anti-Russia campaign, because if we want to solve the problems of the world, we have to stop geopolitical confrontation and find a way of putting our forces together to address these urgent questions which face all of humanity.

 SCHLANGER:  As far as being stuck in the old paradigm, we have this fight continuing in the United States against Donald Trump, with the impeachment bill from the House moving to the Senate for trial.  This is dividing the country once again.  It’s being used to create the kind of confrontation that would serve as a pretext for more crackdowns, more censorship. You mentioned that you are somewhat excited, or intrigued by what Tulsi Gabbard said, and also what Putin had said about this.  What’s your thought about what’s going on with this impeachment?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  Well, there was the vote in the Senate where only five Republican Senators voted with the Democrats, so the impeachment trial will start on Feb. 9th, but I think it has almost zero chance to succeed, because they would need 17 Republican Senators to go along, and there are already now many voices that there is no basis in the Constitution to even do that, because the Constitution does not allow for private persons to be impeached.  So you can impeach a sitting President, but not a former President.  So that is a big argument. And the whole campaign is ludicrous in the first place, because Trump did not incite violence and the mob to storm the Capitol, despite the narrative which is being put out by the media and the Democrats.  He gave a speech to his supporters!  And then said, “let’s move down Pennsylvania Avenue,” and “we have to take back the country”—I mean, these are normal things to say; many politicians have said many things like that.  So it’s a complete orchestration, and to somehow now criminalize 75 million Trump voters is also not going to work. 

It is the danger of a polarization, naturally, and what Tulsi Gabbard said is quite to the point. She said that the mob which stormed the Capitol, this is dangerous, but she said also dangerous is the John Brennans and the Adam Schiffs and the Big Tech, but they’re more dangerous because they’re more powerful.

 Now, also Putin, in his speech at the World Economic Forum pointed to the role of the Big Tech that they have more power than the elected governments, and I think this is something which should be of concern to everybody, because if these Big Tech firms can allow people to say one thing, and not allow another thing, make total censorship, this is really dictatorship.  And I think the population must be mobilized against it, and governments around the world must take measures to put these high tech  firms under control and under government regulation.  And Biden, if he doesn’t do it, will be discredited by that as much, as well.

 SCHLANGER: Also a reflection of the old paradigm is the effort to continue with sanctions against the Nord Stream 2 project, which is very far advanced in terms of the U.S., the U.K., NATO, and there’s a reaction growing against this from Germany.  What do you think is going to happen?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: I think it’s going to be built. I think it’s only few kilometers left.  They restarted the completion of it, and the government spokesman of Merkel, Steffen Seibert said that this is not something which concerns the government, because it’s a private contract between private firms, and even the Environment Minister Svenja Schulze said these were contracts which were made many years ago, and it would put into question the reliability of Germany as a partner in any kind of trade deal if they would now stop it.  So I think this is interesting, and as I said, I do see baby steps of self-assertion on the side of the German government, and I think it is a tendency in Europe as well; and one could only hope that it would continue.

SCHLANGER: A lot of what you’ve been discussing today Helga, is related to the fight between the old paradigm and the new paradigm, which I think is becoming more obvious to a large number of people.  You’ve been at the center of this fight, you’ve made it the cause of the Schiller Institute to push for a move into a new paradigm, outside of the realm of the false choices that are presented by geopolitics, with neoliberalism.  What can you say to the viewers, that they need to do, to make sure we get this push for a new paradigm?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  We have a program. The program was in large part authored by my late husband Lyndon LaRouche, who said that we need absolutely to have a New Bretton Woods system which has one main goal: to overcome the underdevelopment of the developing sector. Now that happens to be exactly what Franklin D. Roosevelt intended the Bretton Woods system to be, which it never became, because he died before it could be established. But I think that there is the potential to have a global system which allows the development of all nations.  It is the sign of the times. 

The fact that China, Russia, about 150 other nations are going in this direction, I think this is something which is a hopeful development, and I don’t think the efforts by the Biden Administration to go back to the old confrontation with China, with Russia—well, the only thing it can bring is World War III, in which case, nobody would enjoy it, not Biden, and not anybody of his cabinet.  They have no way of crushing this ferment without causing World War III.  Now, that’s a real danger and I don’t want to belittle it for one second.  But I think that if people really think about, there is a way to solve this problem, and that is to do exactly what the American System of economy was, in the beginning of the American republic, what the German economic miracle was in the postwar period, to go back to scientific and technological progress, to go in the direction of increase of productivity, the Four Laws which were designed by my late husband, to go for global Glass-Steagall, get rid of the casino economy; implement national bank in every single country on the planet; then go in the direction of a credit system, cooperate in long-term development projects—it would bring the whole world out of this crisis! 

And we have reached a point, where one year after the pandemic, at a point where it’s very clear the economy is in a very dangerous collapse phase, I mean: Are human beings capable of reflecting on the mistakes which were made and correcting them? I fundamentally think, absolutely yes.  It’s just that we need the kind of discussion, how should we shape the world for this coming period, for the next hundred years, and then take the vision of having the idea of peaceful cooperation.  Why don’t we just allow the different systems, if a country wants to have a different social system and is not trying to impose that on another one, why should we not accept that?  Accept sovereignty, accept non-interference into the internal affairs, accept the different social system.  Can we not have an alliance of republics working for the common good of all of humanity?  That’s what John Quincy Adams was advocating, and I think that that is exactly what is needed now. 

And I also think this must be combined with a cultural renaissance: I think we have to realize in the West that this exaggerated liberalism, where you replace moral standards with the principle of everything is allowed, the more pornographic, the more violent, the more perverse something becomes, the more interesting it becomes—that was a wrong way!  And I think we have lost our way in the West, and all we have to do, is to do the same thing that China is doing, what Russia is doing; they went back to their own high traditions of their high culture.  There is a big revival of 5,000 years of tradition in China.  Russia is doing the same thing.  And we could do the same thing as well!  In Europe, we have a {beautiful} European Classical period, we have the Italian Renaissance, the Andalusian renaissance, we have the Ecole Polytechnique in France; we have the German Classical period. In America, you have the principles of the American Revolution, the American System of economy.  We have so many wonderful traditions which we could revive and be an absolute important shaping factor in the future world.  And I think we have to mobilize the population to rally around that, and then solutions are possible.

So I want to invite all of you, our viewers, to join with us, and help us to get the world out of this crisis.

SCHLANGER: Well, Helga, thank you for your insights, and your optimism in this moment of pessimism, confusion, demoralization is really refreshing, and it ought to be something that will bring people to The LaRouche Organization.  We welcome all of viewers to go to the websites of The LaRouche Organization and the Schiller Institute, where you can much more in-depth material on what Helga has been discussing today.

Helga, thanks for joining us this week, and we’ll see you next week.

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: Till next week!

Xi Jinping fortæller G20-topmødet: Lad os i fællesskab bekæmpe COVID-19 og skabe en bedre fremtid

22. november (EIRNS) – Kinas præsident Xi Jinping brugte sin tale ved det 15. G20-ledertopmøde den 21.-22. november til igen at opfordre til internationalt samarbejde for at besejre corona-viruspandemien, som han beskrev som “den mest alvorlige globale pandemi i et århundrede”. Han sagde, at ”over 1 million mennesker har mistet deres liv. Verdensøkonomien er i recession. Samfund og levebrød er hårdt ramt. Virkningen af COVID-19 er endnu værre end den globale finanskrise i 2008… Mens vi taler, skaber pandemien stadig kaos over hele verden, og nogle lande står over for truslen om en ny bølge af infektioner. At dæmme op for virusset, stabilisere økonomien og beskytte folks levebrød er stadig en lang og vanskelig rejse for alle lande”.

Xi fremsatte nogle specifikke forslag til løsning af aspekter af den globale krise: ”Byg for det først en global firewall mod COVID-19. Vi skal først have sygdommen under kontrol på hjemmefronten, og på det grundlag styrke udveksling og samarbejde for at hjælpe lande, der har behov”. Han bemærkede, at “flere G20-medlemmer har gjort fremskridt inden for forskning og udvikling og produktion af vacciner”, men tilføjede at det er bydende nødvendigt, at nationer også “arbejder på at gøre vacciner til et globalt offentligt tilgængeligt gode og til en overkommelig pris for mennesker over hele verden”. Om de bredere økonomiske anliggender sagde han, at ”vi bør tilpasse os forandringer og vende krise til mulighed. Vi kan uddybe strukturreformer og kultivere nye vækstfremmere gennem videnskabelig og teknologisk innovation og digital transformation”.

Xi konkluderede som følger: ”Som et kinesisk digt lyder”: Forbi et forlist skib sejler tusinder videre; for et sygt træ, trives titusinder til foråret. ’Jeg tror, at når COVID-19 er overstået, vil vores verden rejse sig fra pandemien og komme endnu stærkere ud. Lad os i den ånd tage hinanden i hænderne for at videregive et bedre liv for vore folk og opbygge et samfund med en fælles fremtid for menneskeheden”.

Billede: Xi Jinping. Credits: Palácio do Planalto, CC BY 2.0 ,via Wikimedia Commons