Lyndon LaRouche ville have rost gårsdagens handlinger fra præsidenterne for Rusland og Kina;
ved Biden overhovedet hvad der skete?

20. maj (EIRNS) – I går mødtes den russiske præsident Vladimir Putin og den kinesiske præsident Xi Jinping via videokonference, for i fællesskab at indvie starten på opførelsen af fire nye atomkraftværker i Kina, baseret på russisk teknologi og avanceret industrielt input. Udover blot at fejre denne begivenhed, selvom det alene er det værd, benyttede de to statsoverhoveder lejligheden til at præsentere en global politik for deres respektive tilknyttede nationer, og for hele menneskeheden, der, som præsident Xi udtrykte det, er centreret om at give "et betydeligt intellektuelt bidrag til den innovationsdrevne udvikling af den globale nukleare sfære, baseret på en styrkelse af videnskabeligt og teknisk samarbejde".

Betydningen af denne udvikling på tærsklen til 'Global Health Summit'-mødet den 21. maj i Rom på G-20 er, at den repræsenterer den eneste vej fremad til at løse de nuværende eksistentielle sammenbrudskriser, som menneskeheden står over for. Intet underligt i at nationer på tværs af udviklingssektoren – fra Afrika over Mellemamerika til Asien – som er blevet afskrevet af malthusianerne, der styrer den transatlantiske sektor – i stigende grad vender sig til Kina og Rusland.

Der er en grund til, at Lyndon LaRouche insisterede på at opfordre til en "fire-magts"-aftale for at løse de kriser, som menneskeheden står over for – en alliance mellem USA, Rusland, Kina og Indien for at kombinere deres historiske nationale egeninteresser; deres nuværende økonomiske, demografiske og militære tyngde og deres fremtidige potentiale for videnskabelige og kulturelle gennembrud, for endegyldigt at besejre det britiske imperiums politik for malthusiansk afindustrialisering og det dertil hørende bestialske menneskesyn. Kina og Rusland tilvejebringer et klart alternativ til den kollapsede imperialistiske orden. Indien sidder i øjeblikket på sidelinjen i en kamp på liv og død mod en ukontrolleret eksplosion af COVID-19-pandemien. Og USA bør radikalt ændre kurs i den retning, som LaRouche har identificeret.

I en tale den 10. oktober 2009 til den syvende årlige Rhodes-konference, som han navngav: "En fire-magts-aftale kan skabe et nyt globalt kreditsystem" sagde LaRouche profetisk:

Opgaven, som jeg definerer den, er, at såfremt Rusland og USA og Kina og Indien, som en gruppe lande, bliver enige om at indlede og påtvinge en reorganisering af verdens finans- og kreditsystem under disse betingelser, med langsigtede aftaler af den samme type, som Franklin Roosevelt havde ytret før sin død i 1944; under ledelse af disse nøglenationer, kunne Roosevelts hensigt realiseres alle disse år senere, og det kunne vi gøre i dag.

"Det er vores chance: Enten gør vi det, eller også går vi under. Jeg kan forsikre jer om at hvis man tror, at der er nogen mulighed for, at det nuværende system kan fortsætte i de kommende år som et arbejdsdygtigt system, at der ikke vil være en generel, fortsat, forværret krise… på nuværende tidspunkt vil der ikke komme nogen økonomisk genopretning i nogen del af planeten under de nuværende forhold.

"Vi er nu på vej mod en generel sammenbrudskrise, forårsaget af ikke alene denne særlige finansielle krise, men af globalisering. Fordi under disse betingelser er enhver nation blevet så afhængig af andre nationer, at enhver sygdom i økonomien, enhver sammenbrudssygdom i økonomien, vil bringe alle nationer i økonomien ned i form af en kædereaktion. Hvor hurtigt det vil gå, kan vi ikke være sikre på. Men det er dét, der er faren.

"Så sagen nu er denne politiske beslutning: Kan vi få USA under et forbedret præsidentskab – og det kræver forbedring – kan vi få USA, Rusland, Kina og Indien til at blive en blok af lande, som hver har forskellige kendetegn, men hvis de indbyrdes anerkender, at de har en fælles interesse, vil de tilpasse sig hinanden og respektere hinandens forskellige karakteristika. Resultatet af dette vil være en eliminering af verdens monetære system, som har været dominerende i den europæiske civilisation siden Den peloponnesiske Krig".

USA bør trække sine atomvåben hjem – Samarbejde, ikke konfrontation! Af Helga Zepp-LaRouche

Hvorvidt krigshøgene sætter sig igennem, og verden snarere før end senere ender i en atomar katastrofe, eller om vi i rette tid lærer fra COVID-pandemien, at vi kun i fællesskab kan løse menneskehedens eksistentielle problemer – det burde egentlig være det strategiske spørgsmål, som vi bør være allermest optaget af. Hverken Rusland eller Kina, ikke engang de europæiske atlantikere, forventer en større forandring i udenrigspolitikken under den nye Biden-administration i forhold til under Pompeo. Udtalelser som dem fra kommandanten forUSA’s europæiske Kommando, generalen for flyvevåbenet, Tod D. Wolters, der ved et symposium den 24. februar betegnede Rusland som en ”eksistentiel trussel mod USA og de europæiske forbundsfæller”, er standard for USA’s militær, som repræsenterer kontinuiteten mellem administrationerne. Men udover det sædvanlige refræn fra Atlantikerne angående NATO, Rusland og Kina, sagde Præsident Biden også følgende på den virtuelle sikkerhedskonference i München, 2021, hvilket stort set er blevet udelukket fra de etablerede medier:

”Det handler ikke om at spille Østen ud mod Vesten. Dethandler ikke om, at vi ønsker en konflikt. Vi ønsker en fremtid, hvor alle nationer frit kan bestemme deres egen vej, uden truslen om vold eller tvang. Vi kan ikke og må ikke vende tilbage til den refleksmæssige opposition og de rigide koldkrigsblokke.”

Det lyder med sikkerhed anderledes end de krigeriske opråb for at vælte Præsident Xi Jinping, som de eksempelvis høres fra det såkaldte ”lange telegram” fra det Atlantiske Råd og andre tænketanke. Vi må vente og se hvor lang halveringstiden for Bidens udtalelse bliver, at ”alle nationer kan bestemme deres egen vej.” Lad os huske på, at Trump i lang tid talte om, at det var en god ting, og ikke en dårlig ting, at have et godt forhold til Rusland og Kina – og forholdet til begge nationer endte på et historisk lavpunkt i slutningen af hans embedsperiode. Og i mellemtiden har Biden-administrationens første militære angreb mod Syrien fundet sted, som en demonstration af at ”USA er tilbage”.  En stor bekymring for Rusland er, at Trump-administrationen nægtede at bekræfte det princip, som Reagan og Gorbatjov i 1985 blev enige om, at en atomkrig aldrig kan vindes og derfor aldrig må få lov at finde sted. Den russiske udenrigsminister, Lavrov, betonede derfor i sin tale til den virtuelle nedrustningskonference i Moskva den 24. februar, at han overfor sin amerikanske kollega, Blinken, i en telefonsamtale den 4. februar, understregede nødvendigheden af at vende tilbage til dette princip. Lavrov betonede ligeledes den russiske position, at NATO’s praksis med ”nuclear sharing” (”atomar deltagelse”) krænker Traktaten om ikke-spredning af Kernevåben. ”Atomar deltagelse” er en NATO-praksis, hvor igennem nationer, der ikke råder over atomvåben, som for eksempel Tyskland, holder jagerfly klar og uddanner soldater til at transportere amerikanske atomvåben, og i værste fald også kunne gøre brug af disse. Derfor må de amerikanske atomvåben bringes tilbage til amerikansk territorium, og infrastrukturen til en sådan anvendelse fra andre landes territorium elimineres.

USA er det eneste land af de i alt ni atommagter – fem af dem officielt – som man kender til, der stationerer atomvåben på andre nationers territorium. Skønsmæssigt er omkring 180-200 atombomber stationeret i Europa. Kun de mest hårdkogte atlantiske geopolitikere kan nære illusionen om, at disse atomvåben forøger vores sikkerhed; i værste fald betyder det modsat, at de lande, hvori de er opstillet, bliver til et ruinlandskab. Hvad fredsbevægelserne i begyndelsen af 80’erne stadig vidste, og som fik folk, på baggrund af mellemdistancemissilkrisen da Pershing II- og SS20-missilsystemerne, blot med et par minutters varslingstid, blev holdt i permanent beredskab overfor hinanden, til at demonstrere på gaderne, synes tydeligvis i dag at være forsvundet fra bevidstheden. I værste fald ville ikke en eneste person i Tyskland overleve. Dette forandres heller ikke af prioriteringen af Indo-Stillehavsområdet, som har fundet sted siden Obamas ”Pivot to Asia”, og som også blev videreudviklet af USA’s militær under Trump-administrationen i flere strategipapirer. ”USA’s Nationale Sikkerhedsstrategi” fra december, 2017, den ”Nationale Forsvarsstrategi” fra januar 2018 og ”Verificering af den atomare Opstilling” fra februar 2018, definerer Rusland og Kina som geopolitiske rivaler, der klassificeres som trusler mod USA’s interesser og magt. Rusland og Kina klassificeres der som farligere end den internationale terrorisme.

Lyle J. Goldstein, professor ved USA’s Naval College i Newport/Rhode Island og grundlægger af China Maritime China Studies Institute på samme sted, skrev for nylig i en artikel med overskriften: ”Strategien for Indo-Stillehavsområdet er en recept på en katastrofe” (1), at denne politik er en ny udgave af USA’s politik fra 1992. Det var den tid, hvor Dick Cheney og de neokonservative – blot ét år efter afslutningen af Sovjetunionen – forfulgte ”Projektet for et nyt amerikansk Århundrede”, og dermed idéen om at det under ingen omstændigheder kunne tillades, at en nation eller en gruppe af nationer kunne overhale USA, hverken økonomisk, politisk eller militært. Goldstein peger på, at Trump-administrationens  forsvarsministerium, inden de forlod Pentagon, offentliggjorde ”US Strategic Framework for the Indo-Pacific” (De strategiske rammer for USA i Indo-Stillehavsområdet”), frem for at bevare disse dokumenter under lås og slå i 30 år, som ville være almindeligt. Goldstein formoder, at der bag dette gemmer sig en intention om at fastlægge Biden-administrationens retning, hvilket ville bringe USA på direkte konfrontationskurs med Kina, i sammenhæng med Taiwan – en krig som USA også kunne tabe, og hvor brugen af atomvåben ikke kan udelukkes.

Hans Kristensen fra Federation of American Scientists (Sammenslutningen af amerikanske Videnskabsmænd) pegede ligeså på, at det præcist er denne dynamik af kompromisløs afskrækkelse, som opildner det atomare oprustningskapløb. Således har nyere satellitbilleder vist, at Kinas Folkehær, PLA, er i gang med kraftigt at udbygge træningsanlæg til deres missilstyrker. De viste også opbygningen af tunneler og siloer i forskellige størrelser, med den potentielle funktion at kunne skjule raketaffyringer, fordi Kina, pga. den militære konkurrence med USA i regionen, ikke længere kan være sikker på, om det i en reel situation ville have nok tid til at klargøre raketterne, for at kunne opretholde troværdigheden af den kinesiske afskrækkelse.

Hvis Præsident Biden virkelig mener det seriøst, at hver nation – altså også Kina og Rusland – selv kan bestemme deres egen vej, så må han forkaste Cheney-doktrinen, som ligger til grund for Indo-Stillehavspolitikken og satse på en virkelig ny begyndelse. Den kinesiske udenrigsminister, Wang Yi, nævnte betingelserne for dette, i sin tale ved Lanting Forum om ”Dialog og Samarbejde og Konflikthåndtering”: Løgnene om Det kinesiske Kommunistparti og det kinesiske politiske system må få en ende, såvel som indblanding ift. Taiwan, Xinjiang og Hongkong; sanktionerne må løftes og en normal diplomatisk og kulturel udveksling må igen blive mulig.

Da det ikke kan udelukkes, at intentionen med USA’s fornyede tiltrædelse i FN’s Menneskerettighedskommission (UNHRC) består i at instrumentere debatten om menneskerettigheder for propagandistiske angreb på Rusland og Kina, bør man kort overveje hvad en rigtig definition af dette begreb er. Hvilken stat eller hvilket kontinent har gjort mere for menneskerettighederne – den, som har befriet 850 millioner mennesker fra fattigdom, og som gennem en disciplineret sygdomsbekæmpelse har kunnet begrænse antallet af dødsfald fra corona til 4636 (Kina), eller den, hvor fattigdommen stiger markant og hvor antallet af corona-relaterede dødsfald er steget til over en halv million (USA) eller over 839.000 (Europa)? Er retten til ikke at ville bære maske og ikke at holde social afstand virkelig et sådant bevis på forsvaret af menneskerettigheder? Imens USA, Canada og Storbritannien hamstrede vacciner i et mange gange større antal end deres borgere, og EU diskuterer et eksportstop, har Rusland og Kina allerede afleveret millioner af doser til dusinvis af lande i udviklingssektoren. For dette bliver de så beskyldt for at føre ”vaccine-diplomati”, imens deltagelsen af EU-Frontex i de såkaldte ”Pushback”-operationer mod flygtninge i Middelhavet tilsyneladende ikke fortjener en offentlig debat.

Det er på tide at opgive denne form for tvetydige målestok og hykleri. Vi må stoppe med det geopolitiske spil, der betragter Rusland og Kina som modstandere, og i stedet for dette tage fat på menneskehedens opgaver i fællesskab. I februar 2021, var det muligt for tre nationer at fuldføre deres Mars-missioner. Chefen for De forende arabiske Emiraters rumfartsagentur, Sarah al-Amiri (2), huskede verden på hvor ubegribeligt stort vores univers er. Statsoverhovederne i denne verden burde tage denne lære fra Fru Amiri til sig.



LaRouche-faktoren i de amerikanske relationer med Rusland og Kina

25. februar 2021 (EIRNS) — Vil præsident Biden følge i fodsporene af Mike Pompeo, præsident Trumps ubehageligt aggressive udenrigsminister, i de amerikanske forbindelser med Rusland og Kina? Det er spørgsmålet, som Vladimir Putin og Xi Jinpings regeringer stiller nu, en måneds tid inde i den nye administration i Washington. Planetens fremtid, hvad krig og fred angår, balancerer på en knivsæg.

Svaret ligger ikke hos enkeltpersoner eller i offentlige udtalelser – der har været mange og ofte modstridende udsagn i de seneste uger – men i dynamikken af den underliggende march imod krig, der drives af det bankerotte, transatlantiske finanssystem. Helga Zepp-LaRouche behandlede dette spørgsmål fra starten af i sin ugentlige webcast den 24. februar. Efter at have noteret, at Biden for nylig erklærede – både i hans taler ved G7 og under sikkerhedskonferencen i München – at han ikke ønsker konfrontation mellem Øst og Vest eller en ny kold krig, bemærkede Zepp-LaRouche:

”Så selvom jeg ikke ønsker at overdrive dette som sådan, må det ses i den sammenhæng, at forholdet mellem USA og Kina er det vigtigste strategiske forhold for menneskehedens fremtid. Af den enkle grund at dette er de to største økonomier, at Kina er involveret med Rusland i en strategisk alliance, og at det derfor er altafgørende ikke at have en konfrontation, og ikke fortsætte derfra hvor det stod i slutningen af Trump-administrationen, der var fuldstændig styret af 'Kina-baskere' som Pompeo, Navarro og deres slags”.

Zepp-LaRouche bemærkede, at Biden har en ny administration, ”så vi må se. Jeg foretager ikke på nuværende tidspunkt en vurdering af hans politik i forhold til Rusland og Kina”. Hun understregede også, at da præsident Trump først trådte til, “i begyndelsen, i valgkampen 2016 og i hele den tidlige del af Trumps administration, sagde han mange gange, at det at have et godt forhold til Rusland og Kina er en god ting og ikke en dårlig ting. Men derefter så man, hvordan Trump mere og mere kapitulerede under det strategiske pres fra neokonservative og fra det militærindustrielle kompleks, især i forhold til Kina. I april sidste år begyndte han at bebrejde Kina for COVID og alle mulige andre ting. Så ved afslutningen af Trump-administrationen var forholdet med Rusland og Kina desværre på et historisk lavpunkt”.

Under udøvelse af et sådant pres over for både republikanere og demokrater i Washington af lejemorderne i det bankerotte internationale finanssystem, har både Beijing og Moskva altid været særligt opmærksomme på den klare, utvetydige stemme fra Lyndon LaRouche i USA, om at definere et nyt grundlag for USA's forbindelser med Kina og Rusland. For eksempel bragte 'China Youth Daily', den næstmest læste avis i Kina, som når et publikum på omkring 10 millioner mennesker, en hovedartikel i sin udgave den 24. juli 2009, baseret på et interview som man gennemførte med Lyndon LaRouche. Under titlen, "Det nuværende internationale finansielle system kan ikke reddes", rapporterede artiklen:

”LaRouche foreslår, at USA sætter det nuværende finansielle system under konkursbehandling og vender tilbage til det system, der blev oprettet af Alexander Hamilton, og gennem oprettelsen af en nationalbank begynder at udstede kreditter for at genoplive den amerikanske industri. På internationalt plan kan dette princip derefter udvides til verdensøkonomien ved hjælp af traktataftaler mellem suveræne nationer. Etablering af et internationalt system med faste valutakurser mellem valutaer vil bestemme prisen på råvarer, og traktataftalen vil give den nødvendige kredit”, fortsatte artiklen.

“LaRouche mener, at hvis USA, Kina, Rusland og Indien, som suveræne nationer, der omfatter verdens største landområde og indeholder den største befolkning i verden, kunne finde sammen om en aftale om finansielle ordninger, ville dette straks give grundlaget for et nyt globalt finanssystem. LaRouche mener, at Asiens udvikling i fremtiden vil tage føringen i udviklingen af menneskeheden, og at Kina er nøglen til det eurasiske kontinent”.

I dag, 12 år efter disse bemærkninger, er det Helga Zepp-LaRouche og LaRouche-organisationen der agiterer for denne politik af LaRouche.


Billede credits: Miguel Á. Padriñán from Pixabay



“Vi har så meget at opdage” om vores univers
Schiller Instituttets ugentlige webcast med
Helga Zepp-LaRouche den 10. februar 2021

I sin ugentlige dialog i dag stillede Helga Zepp-LaRouche de spændende horisonter, der blev åbnet af tre næsten samtidige rumflyvninger med ankomst til Mars, i modsætning til det igangværende polariserende cirkus i det amerikanske senats retssag mod tidligere præsident Trump. Mars-missionerne, sagde hun, "viser, hvor menneskeheden skal hen… Vi har så meget at opdage." Hun pegede på de russiske og kinesiske forskeres vellykkede udvikling af COVID-vacciner og deres vilje til at dele dem, som et andet eksempel på den form for samarbejde, der kræves i en krisetid som denne.

Se i stedet på den utrolige situation i USA rettet imod Donald Trump og hans tilhængere. De seneste afslørninger der viser, at ledere af oprøret fra de "Stolte drenge" (Proud Boys) og "Ed-vogtere" (Oath Keepers) var forbundet til FBI, gør det klart, at angrebet på kongresbygningen den 6. januar ikke blev tilskyndet af Trump, men faktisk var en "fælde". Og mens skueprocessen fortsætter, er der en optrapning for regimeskifter mod Putin og Xi, der anføres på vegne af dem, der presser på for den store nulstilling (Great Reset). Hun opfordrede seerne til at studere den kommende EIR-specialrapport om den store nulstilling/grønne New Deal ( og til at deltage i rundbordsdiskussionen om optrapningen af konflikten mod Rusland denne lørdag kl. 19 dansk tid (, som nødvendige skridt til at blive de oplyste borgere, der kræves for at skabe et nyt paradigme for samarbejde blandt suveræne stater.

Se Helgas webcast her: Webcast


Afskrift på Engelsk:


We Have So Much to Discover’ About Our Universe

The LaRouche Organization Webcast with Helga Zepp-LaRouche

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

HARLEY SCHLANGER: Hello, I’m Harley Schlanger. Welcome to our weekly dialogue with Helga Zepp-LaRouche. It’s February 10, 2021.

And we’re seeing some extraordinary developments in the United States, of chaos, of the circus-type environment around the impeachment. Helga, what’s your best reading of what’s going on around this situation?

HELGA ZEPP-LAROUCHE: It is a circus, but let me say something optimistic in the beginning: because you have three Mars missions—one is already in orbit from the U.A.E., another one today from China, and then still another one from the United States on Feb. 18. So that shows you where mankind should be going. But before we come to that, let’s look at what needs to be overcome, and one of those situations is exactly what you are referring to, the unbelievable situation in the United States. Looking at it from a distance, so to speak, I think it’s a very, very dangerous development because you have a clear effort to declare former President Trump a non-person; you have a trampling on the Constitution. Yesterday, 56 Senators voted for impeachment, which means they don’t respect the Constitution, because the Constitution says you can only impeach a sitting President or official, but not a former one. And it is clearly designed to completely confuse the population, brainwash the population.

It will increase the polarization, and the whole thing is phony, because there is now plenty of evidence that the storming of the Capitol was planned long before Jan. 6, probably immediately after the election took place, there were preparations. The FBI now has evidence that there were 200 people, whom they arrested on Jan. 6, who were involved in the preplanning: Some of these people were FBI informants, or had high-level security clearance from the FBI, such as some of the people from the Proud Boys, and also the so-called Oath Keeper head Caldwell. So, this is a sting operation if you ever have seen one, and it is clearly designed to make sure that Trump can never run for office again, so the whole thing is fraudulent.

But you have to see it in the context of other things which are going on in the United States as well: And that is, censorship. What we had seen already beginning against then-President Trump when he gave press conferences, the major TV stations intervened and said, “no, we don’t agree with the content of what he is saying,” overriding and overruling the President of the United States. Now you have a whole pattern of blogs and websites are being banned by the social media. You cannot mention certain words any more. If you say “vote fraud” you are being banned; if you say certain other things which don’t fit the official narrative, so it completely suppresses any kind of open discussion and the First Amendment. And then, you have this very worrisome effort to criminalize the Trump base: Naturally one is against violence of any kind, but when the former CIA station chief for Afghanistan and Pakistan, and Director of the CIA Counter Terorism Center—a person called Robert Grenier—says one has to use the same methods one used against insurgencies in Afghanistan and Iraq against those domestic terrorists, because they swim in a larger environment of support in the population.

This is really incredible: This should upset any person who loves democracy, for that matter, or freedom. And I think it is creating an atmosphere of real—I think McCarthyism is a mild word for saying it—and it’s a very dangerous development. So I can only call on all people to keep free debate, keep open truth-seeking of matters, and—I think it’s a very dangerous development, that’s all I can say.

SCHLANGER: What I find interesting is that parallel to what’s being done against Trump and the Trump supporters, is the escalation for regime change in Russia against Putin, which sort of goes back to the whole issue of Russiagate as targetting both the United States and Russia. What’s the latest you have on this anti-Putin move?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: Well, this Navalny story is really a concoction. First of all we should remember that Navalny was not very well-known in Russia until recently, until this so-called “poisoning” through the Russian government was supposedly happening.

As a matter of fact, if you look at his older statements, he is a rightwing person, he called some people “cockroaches” and using a language which we know from Germany from 80 years ago, so he’s not exactly a hero or a nice person. But he is being used to absolutely go for street demonstrations to finance those; there is this video which was published by RT, where one of his top campaign managers, Vladimir Ashurkov, is seen in 2012, where he talks to a member of the British embassy who in reality was an MI6 agent, where Ashurkov asks this British so-called diplomat for $10-$20 million a year, because that would enable them to organize mass demonstrations in Russia.

So this is the reality of this operation, and Maria Zakharova just said in a press conference, that it is very clear that there are powerful circles behind Navalny from the West, and some of them demonstrated in these street demonstrations, members from the embassies and consulates, from Germany, from Poland and from Sweden, which is going against any statutes and standards of the diplomatic service. So Russia expelled these individuals; then, in a reciprocal move, these countries expelled Russian diplomats. But then the thing was crowned by an unbelievably provocative event, which just took place in Brussels, in the Polish mission to the EU, with EU participation, but also U.K., U.S., and Canada, and they basically discussed with Ashurkov and also another person, Leonid Volkov, who is another person from the Navalny team. And they discussed how all these countries should respond together to the jailing of Navalny.

This is a real intelligence operation, and it is aimed to create an environment where you have internal opposition emerging against Putin, and it has the same character as we discussed last week, with the paper of the Atlantic Council targetting Xi Jinping for regime change. []

Now, needless to say, that if from one nuclear power, and the EU, they are running regime change operations against the other two major nuclear powers, this is really very, very dangerous. And I think, it’s completely disgusting. Then also the so-called “foreign minister” of the EU Josep Borrell went to Moscow; he had discussions with Lavrov, supposedly they were very relaxed and friendly. But when Borrell went back to Brussels he gave a press conference and said that he mainly discussed Navalny and the question of human rights, so that then Lavrov said there are two stories: One is what Borrell said at the press conference in Moscow, and another was what he said when he was back in Brussels, so who is running EU foreign policy?

Lavrov also said, and this is extremely worrisome, that Germany would have opened secret files to Navalny when he was in Germany making this so-called movie about luxury mansion of Putin. In other words, the German secret services gave Navalny files which is extremely provocative. And it turns out now that this so-called luxury palace has been empty for many years; Putin has never been in it, and it is being restored to become a hotel. But it was manipulated with Photoshop methods, to look like a private mansion. So these are these methods, which are really prewar creating an enemy-image of a country, and I think it’s completely disgusting.

Even more disgusting is that the German foreign minister Heiko Maas spent €21 million, obviously, of taxpayers’ money, to finance the opposition in Belarus.

Now, I don’t know—this is all really counterproductive, and it should be denounced. It’s a kind of warmongering, and any clear-thinking citizen should really distance himself or herself from these kinds of operations.

SCHLANGER: You mentioned the Atlantic Council paper targetting Xi Jinping. There’s also the commander of StratCom, the Strategic Command for the nuclear defense of the United States, talking about the likelihood of nuclear war, and the Chinese are continuing to very strongly discuss that. At the same time, they’re holding open the possibility of a better relationship. What’s your reading on that?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: There was a very interesting article in People’s Daily, where the author makes the point that if the United States is worried about a nuclear war, then the easiest thing not to have it, is not to make a strike against Russia or China, because it is China’s policy under all circumstances, to have a no-first-nuclear-strike policy. And as you say, they again and again say now is the time to have a new definition of the relationship between the United States and China. So it is very clear that the warmongering comes not from Russia and people should not fall into this trap, because once you are in the dynamic where you keep shouting negative things, you know, you get a reaction. And the Global Times chief editor Hu Xijin, answered and said, “Well, obviously, China must increase its nuclear arsenal, and build at least 1,000 ICBMs to be credible,” but that is the kind of reaction you get. And I think the world is really confronted with so many real problems, that this kind of geopolitical warmongering is really more superfluous than anything else on this planet.

SCHLANGER: One of the problems we’ve been focussed on is the push for the Green New Deal, a global green economy, a green financial bubble, and this just continues to unfold with Biden’s initial executive orders. But there is a real reaction against it from certain countries. How is this developing over the last week?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: It is a bubble, as we discussed many times. The financial system is hopelessly bankrupt. The central banks have pumped money, trillions and trillions into the system since 2008, when you already had a systemic crisis, and it is very clear this cannot be maintained forever. So in one sense, this idea to pump another $30 trillion into the system for green investments, which will ruin the economy! If you go to these low energy flux-density levels, you cannot maintain a modern industrial power, and it really is a last-ditch effort to bail out the banks, to bail out the speculators. And it is more than cynical: One aspect is, and this is unbelievable, that the EU, otherwise famous for their pushback operation in the context of Frontex, which shows you what the mindset is of these bureaucrats; but what they have now done is they have made agreements with 31 African countries to mass produce solar and wind energy and turn it into hydrogen; ship the hydrogen then from Africa to Europe because if you go all green technology and energy in Europe, you cannot build as many wind parks (one shouldn’t call them “parks”)—offshore and onshore wind hubs and solar panels in Europe, because it would cover the entire territory with these things. So what they are planning to do, is to import 80% of their energy from these operations in Africa.

Now, obviously the African nations are poor and they are desperate for all kinds of deals, but it ruins the environment in Africa, it means no industrial development, which is what they really would need, and just shows you the absolutely cynical character of this Green policy, which one can only call an “eco-dictatorship” and in reality, “eco-fascism”: Because it does reduce the population capacity of the Earth, and therefore, one can call it an eco-fascist policy, for sure.

SCHLANGER: One thing we’re seeing in Europe, particularly in Germany, is rising prices for electricity, and also a new wave of industrial layoffs, and this is also pretty troubling.

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: Yes, the economy is collapsing. You have massive layoffs in all major industries, Thyssen, MAN, and various others, but also many small and medium industries are going bankrupt. And the energy prices increase, I think there was in January alone, in Germany, an energy price increase of 7.5% at once, and when all of these schemes are implemented, it will get worse and worse. And the idea behind it is what the Greens have discussed since a long time: To change the behavior of the population by increasing the prices such that most people cannot afford electric appliances, or warm heating, or going by train somewhere. So it is really an absolute imposition of massive austerity policy, de facto, in respect to the living standard of the population. We should really fight against it.

We will be bringing out tomorrow, Executive Intelligence Review will publish a Special Report on the Green New Deal, on the Great Reset, and I can only encourage our viewers to get this report, because this is designed to explain to people what will be the effect of such a policy and what can be done against it.

SCHLANGER: The other thing we should take up is this question of what went wrong in Europe, in particular, with the vaccines, what EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen did to make it impossible for people to get vaccinated in many European countries. But at the same time, the Russian vaccine, which everyone was scoffing at and making fun of, now is becoming almost a prize for the Russians. What can you say about this?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: It is very clear that the EU—that’s now being discussed everywhere—I mean, the EU does not care about its member states and their population. So they were falling behind very massively in ordering vaccines, and now there is a recognition that if European are going to get themselves vaccinated, they’d better buy vaccines from Russia and China. Even Alexander Dobrin from the [Bavarian Christian Social Union] CSU said that this is what should be done. And Merkel talked with Putin and also with Xi Jinping, so this is underway.

But if you look at China, they have now said that they will donate vaccines to 53 developing countries, and in addition to that, they have agreements for sale of vaccines to another 22 countries. They have developed altogether six vaccines, and I think all the slanders against China are really contradicted by what is happening in terms of deeds. So, I think there is a clear tendency to recognize that all these accusations against China are completely ill-founded.

SCHLANGER: I find it interesting: We started with the question of the Mars missions, and I know we’ll talk about in just a moment, but at the same time, we’re seeing the potential that exists in Russia and China for scientific breakthroughs that are of benefit to the whole world. And of course, in the United States as well, the vaccine program is moving ahead, although there are problems.

But let’s go back now to the question of Mars. This is really extraordinary—this is a big week. I don’t know if there’s an air traffic control system on Mars, but there’s a lot of incoming spacecraft!

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: This is really exciting, because yesterday, the orbiter Hope from the United Arab Emirates, the U.A.E., arrived in orbit of Mars, and they will make images of weather patterns on Mars for future expeditions. This is very exciting, because if you look at some of the pictures from the laboratories in the United Arab Emirates, you see all these men and women—the men dressed in their typical Arabic garb—and it’s just such a completely different image about the future of the Arab world. The last time the Arab world was in the forefront of science was in the Abbasid dynasty, around the time of Haroun al-Rashid, al-Mansur, al-Mamun, and at that time Baghdad was the most advanced science city in the world. The Caliphs gave gold to anybody who would bring a discovery, from Egypt, from Spain, from Italy, and weigh them in gold. And this time, the head of the U.A.E. Space Agency said that they chose one of the most difficult missions, namely to go to Mars, because they thought the challenge would be such that it would provoke the greatest leap forward, the leapfrogging in science and technology. And you know what the average age is of these engineers? Twenty-seven years! And one-third of them are women. So if there is any way to catch up with the future, and modern world, it is exactly that.

And they quote especially a poet, whose name is Al Mutanabbi, but he was born in 915, and they quote him saying, “If you ventured in pursuit of glory, don’t be satisfied with less than the stars.” So I think this is very beautiful.

And as I said, today is the Tianwen-1, it has reached the orbit of Mars. It will be there for a while, and then they will plan very carefully the landing on Mars; I think it will happen in three months. But then, they have a lander and a rover, so this will be a very carefully preplanned operation.

And then, on Feb. 18th, you will have the Perseverance mission from NASA, also a lander and a rover.

So I think this idea that the future of mankind is the colonization of space, and that the best thing which could happen is that all countries work together. The way to overcome geopolitical conflict on Earth is to start to really reach for the stars, to colonize the Moon and Mars, and prepare for future interstellar travel of mankind as one.

I mean, if you look at mankind from space, you see that our little, blue planet is very small, it’s very fragile, and the universe is incredibly big. We have not discovered the first secrets yet—there’s so much to discover, in 2 trillion galaxies, which we know for sure to exist. So it’s really time to overcome what I call the infancy of mankind, where people squabble over territory. If we go for space science, we can completely transform everything which is called a “resource,” and conflicts now which seem to be so big, will completely vanish once we reach the next phase, the next era of human civilization. So I think this is good reason for optimism.

SCHLANGER: Yes, of course, and in keeping with your late husband’s life work, to have that kind of cooperation, what your friend Krafft Ehricke called the Extraterrestrial Imperative. And we should note that we’re coming up on the second anniversary of Lyndon LaRouche’s passing. And on that date, Feb. 12, there will be on the website, 24 hours of videos for people to become more familiar with Lyndon LaRouche.

And Helga just to conclude, in terms of addressing the geopolitical crisis, the Schiller Institute is sponsoring a roundtable this weekend to discuss the situation in Russia. Do you want to say something about that?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: Yes, this will be a roundtable of experts; we already have very renowned speakers, Sen. Mike Gravel, I think agreed; then, Professor Edward Lozansky from the American University in Moscow, we also have possibly; Mr. Alex Krainer, the author of Grand Deception, the book on Bill Browder; possibly another expert from Russia; maybe Ray McGovern. So it will be a very important round of people to discuss both what’s behind the operation and why the truth has to be gotten out to neutralize it. So you should all tune in on Saturday at 1 p.m. Eastern Time. So, see you then.

SCHLANGER: Yes, 1 p.m. this time. And I think people would find it not just fascinating but crucial, to address the crises we’ve been discussing. Helga, thanks for joining us, and we’ll see you again next week.

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: Till next week!