Følgende er en tale, som Ulf Sandmark, repræsentant for Schiller Instituttet, holdt ved en todages konference i London til støtte for det yemenitiske folk imod den anglo-amerikanske-saudiske imperiekrig. Han blev også interviewet på konferencen, og det blev vist på Yemen Tv. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CRcMfUoy19U
Af Ulf Sandmark, økonom, Schiller Instituttet, Sverige. 20. august 2016.
Jeg vil gerne takke arrangørerne af denne konference. Jeg anser denne konference for at være en milepæl i hjælpen til Yemen for at hævde dets suverænitet, i særdeleshed, fordi konferencen faldt sammen med den overvældende demonstration i Sanaa i går, med 4 millioner deltagere. Jeg er så imponeret af det yemenitiske folks mod, hvor de løber risikoen ved at demonstrere under direkte trussel fra det anglo-amerikanske-saudiske bombardement.
Det var en storslået manifestation af den yemenitiske nations suverænitet under landets nye regeringsråd og valgte parlament. Det, vi ser, er et folk, der har rejst sig for at befri sig selv fra den mest brutale aggression. Med denne demonstration har de allerede gjort sig til et frit folk i deres indre sind.
Yemen kunne nu gå med i den igangværende verdensrevolution, som organiseres af BRIKS-landene med deres voksende antal allierede. Det er mere end halvdelen af verdens befolkning, der har befriet sig selv rent mentalt fra den vestlige, globale, økonomiske og militære dominans. BRIKS har indledt en proces for at erstatte den gamle, anglo-amerikanske verdensorden og er begyndt at opbygge verden i et hæsblæsende tempo. BRIKS er nu i færd med at virkeliggøre de visionære infrastrukturprojekter, som allerede af Den alliancefri Bevægelse (NAM) og Bandung-konferencen i 1960’erne blev sat på dagsordenen. Hovedprojektet udgøres af Den Nye Silkevej [Det økonomiske Silkevejsbælte], der forbinder Eurasien over land, samt Det 21. Århundredes Maritime Silkevej, der fra Kina passerer Yemen på sin vej til den Nye Suezkanal.
BRIKS venter ikke. De opbygger deres egne finansinstitutioner, sikkerhedsorganisationer, infrastruktursystemer, industricentre, teknologi og videnskab. Dette betyder, at fredsbevægelserne har en ny måde, hvorpå de kan standse alle de geopolitiske krige, som krigen mod Yemen. Vi kan få Europa og USA til at gå med i projekterne i Den nye Silkevej. Dette ville gøre Europa og USA til BRIKS’ allierede, og allierede udkæmper ikke krige med hinanden. Krigshøgene kan omgås og gøres impotente. Samtidig kan dette gigantprojekt sætte alle vore arbejdsløse unge mennesker til at producere maskiner og andre nødvendige midler.
Jeg er her for at være med til at grundlægge en international koalition for at standse krigen imod Yemen, som vi i går diskuterede i workshoppen. Ideen i min organisation, det internationale Schiller Institut med Helga Zepp-LaRouche som leder, er at udbrede måder at virke for freden på, med en politik for økonomisk udvikling. Konstruktionen af Den nye Silkevej er det største fredsprojekt nogensinde, der opbygger freden ved at forbinde nationer i praksis, rent fysisk med jernbaner, hovedveje, kanaler og alle former for infrastruktur.
Vi vil erstatte de geopolitiske krige med et nyt paradigme for relationer i verden, en multi-polær verden i stedet for den døende verden under anglo-amerikansk dominans og finansbobler. Det nye paradigme er formuleret gennem den kinesiske præsident Xi Jinpings »win-win«-koncept, som er et koncept for fredeligt samarbejde, baseret på en genoplivelse af visdommen hos Kon Fu Tse (Konfucius). Den åbner Silkevejene for en fornyet dialog mellem civilisationer på det højeste filosofiske, kunstneriske og videnskabelige niveau, en dialog, hvori Yemen, »Visdommens land«, vil føle sig hjemme.
Blot inden for de seneste par måneder er Japan og Filippinerne blevet rekrutteret bort fra krigshøgene, der har presset på for at fremme en atomar konfrontation i det Sydkinesiske Hav. Japan begynder at samarbejde med BRIKS om gigantprojekter i det fjernøstlige Rusland, i Indien og Indonesien. Tyrkiet er i færd med at blive rekrutteret af Rusland og stabiliserer relationerne med Egypten, Israel, Kaukasus og den tyrkisktalende del af Centralasien og sandsynligvis med Syrien. Og Rusland har netop, hvad der er meget vigtigt, i FN blokeret en ny, saudisk resolution mod Yemen. Flere østeuropæiske lande, og ligeledes Grækenland, såvel som også det meste af Afrika og Latinamerika, er i færd med at orientere sig mod Den nye Silkevej og BRIKS. Selv her i London ønsker City [of London] at gå med i den kinesiske valutahandel, og der er således en modstand her, imod de krigshøge, der truer med atomkrig.
Dette kort over Verdenslandbroen (se fodnote) beskriver, hvorledes de Nye Silkeveje agter at nå ud til alle kontinenter. Forbindelsen over (under) Beringstrædet bliver en direkte forbindelse mellem Rusland og USA for at cementere deres fredelige samarbejde og opkoble de amerikanske kontinenter til Den nye Silkevej. Dette, sammen med opkoblingen af Afrika, vil skænke os en Verdenslandbro. Og Afrika kan opkobles, både i Egypten, til Spanien og Sicilien, men, hvad der er af afgørende betydning for Yemen, også under Bab El Mandeb-strædet til Djibouti. Dette kort er af Schiller Instituttet blevet udarbejdet på baggrund af diverse udviklings- og fredsprojekter, som vi har arbejdet med i løbet af de seneste 40 år. Det er en del af en Specialrapport med titlen »Den Nye Silkevej bliver til Verdenslandbroen«. I år har vi udgivet den udvidede arabiske oversættelse af denne rapport.
Den fremragende kamp for håb i Yemen
Uden håb findes der ingen fremtid. Med en plan for genopbygningen af Yemen gøres håbet konkret, om virkeliggørelsen af det yemenitiske folks potentialer, dets produktive evner, dets videnskab og dets rige arv. Schiller Instituttet er i kontakt med fremragende kæmpere i Yemen, der gør dette på trods af de anglo-amerikanske-saudiske bombardementer. De har stiftet Yemen-komiteen for Koordinering med BRIKS. Hver tirsdag mødes de modigt ved møder i Sanaa for at studere og udvikle planerne for Yemens genopbygning.
Deres leder, Fouad Al-Ghaffari, sendte en videofilm som en hilsen til Schiller Instituttets konference i Berlin for blot to måneder siden. Videoen demonstrerede det mest bevægende mod og den mest bevægede optimisme med kamp for menneskehedens højeste værdier. Jeg vil gerne afslutte min fremstilling med at dele denne video med jer, der viser hans rapport over, hvad de gør for at mobilisere håb og værdighed i Yemen.
Schiller Instituttets konference i Berlin blev dybt bevæget af denne video og vedtog følgende resolution:
Schiller instituttets konference i Berlin 25. – 26. juni (2016) sender de varmeste hilsener til støtte for den store, yemenitiske nation og Fouad Al-Ghaffaris studiegruppe. Deres modige, intellektuelle lederskab, bogstavelig talt midt i sataniske kræfters bombardement, har været en inspiration for tusinder af mennesker i USA, Latinamerika og Europa. Vi aflægger en højtidelig ed om, at vi vil kæmpe for udvidelsen af den Nye Silkevej til genopbygningen af Yemen, således, at de mange myrdede mænds, kvinders og børns liv vil blive æret i en renæssance i Yemen, der ligeledes vil genopbygge de smukke, gamle byer og disses arkitektur. Yemen må og vil blive en perle blandt Sydvestasiens nationer, og i verden, meget snart!
fodnote: Udførligt kort med forklaringer findes i Specialarapport: Den Nye Silkevej bliver til Verdenslandbroen
Final Declaration of the International Conference to Support of Yemeni People
Report by Ulf Sandmark.
Over the span of two days tens of scholars, academics, experts, journalists and activists met to declare their support for and solidarity with the Yemeni people who are facing cruel war by the evil Saudi-led coalition. Held at the Pullman Hotel, in St Pancras, London, more than 150 of these concerned people dealt with the war whose bloody chapters continue to unfold with no one from the "Free World" venturing to call for a ceasefire. These people came from UK, US, Canada, France, Germany, Belgium, Holland, Italy, Lebanon, Iraq, Bahrain, Egypt, Sudan, Kuwait, Iran, Malaysia and India to express in one voice their demand to stop the blood-letting, attend the wounded and fee the starving among the inhabitants of that country with its historic civilisation. They met for noble causes, ignoring political calculations or stands based on racial, religious or sectarian prejudice. They raised the banner of Peace, Justice, Love and Fraternity and shouted in one voice: Stop the War on Yemen".
Over the two days, Saturday and Sunday 20th and 21st August 2016, the sessions of the "International Conference to support he Yemeni People" were held to discuss various issues related to the war; political background and consequences. The Saudi policies towards Yemen, past and present, its regional ambitions, and the ideology it seeks to spread in the world were debated. The religious dimensions of the Saudi policy towards Yemen were also dealt with especially Riyadh's insistence on spreading Wahhabism which is linked worldwide to extremism, exclusion and terrorism. The participants came from far afield to clear their conscience after they realised the direct complicity of several Western countries, especially the United States and the United Kingdom in the war which has now lasted over 17 months. It has led to the killing of more than 13 thousand Yemenis, mostly civilians and including over 3000 children. They have seen the comprehensive destruction which turned Yemen into rubble due to the persistent bombing by the F16s and Typhoon aircrafts. They shed light on the destruction of the human and Islamic heritage in Yemen and the implication for the history of mankind. The Sheba civilisation has been destroyed as well as the Ma'rib dam. This destruction is in line with the Wahhabi doctrines which have deep enmity to civilizational heritage, Islamic or otherwise. Their hearts were throbbing with anger as they saw images of destruction of the specific Yemeni architecture. They also dealt with the land, sea and air blockade imposed on Yemen and how the country is being throttled by the Saudi forces supported by American and British fleets in the Arabian the Red seas. They called for the immediate lifting of this blockade which is another form of war crimes. The international stands were reviewed by the participants who were horrified to remember how the United Nations was forced to remove Saudi Arabia from the list of countries that violate the rights of the children in Yemen. They also expressed outrage at the deafening silence that is preventing Western governments from calling for a ceasefire to spare the lives of Yemenis. They considered that allowing Saudi Arabia to continue its aggression on Yemen is dangerous hypocrisy and serious violation of the "war on terror". It is no longer secret to link this international terrorism as presented by AlQa'ida and ISIS to the sources of extremism, exclusion and terrorism enshrined the Wahhabi ideology which is promoted by Saudi schools and universities and supported with the petro-dollars.
After two days of extensive discussion the participants presented the following recommendations:
1- Ceasefire has become an immediate need that cannot be delayed any longer. The world must not hesitate to raise its voice and call on the United Nations Security Council to pass a resolution to impose a ceasefire and stop the illegal aggression on Yemen. Failing to do this is tantamount to complicity in the cruel war and could be considered participation in war crimes.
2- The participants call specifically on the United States, the United Kingdom and the European Union to break the deafening silence and call for the ceasefire. They are also required to impose an immediate arms embargo on Saudi Arabia and other countries participating actively in killing the Yemeni people.
3- The participants urge the World community to respect the right of the Yemeni for self-determination and to choose their own political system through the adoption of the known democratic means. As they inaugurated their conference the participants saw for themselves the millions of Yemenis marching in the streets of Sanaa in support of the newly-formed Political Council. Their choice must be respected.
4- The files of destruction caused by the Saudi-led aggression were reviewed with bitterness at its cruelty and ferocity, especially in its huge human losses, the killing of children and women and the obliteration of the Yemen civilization. The scenes brought back to mind the devastation of the Second World War. An immediate ceasefire is thus necessary to spare the Yemenis further losses.
5- The blockade on Yemen's sea, land and air ports must be lifted immediately. Relief convoys must be allowed to reach the victims of war and famine which are in millions according to UN figures. More than half the Yemenis are in a state starvation and many will perish as a result. Diseases have spread due to the lack of medical care resulting from the blockade.
6- The participants reviewed the Saudi policy of targeting civilian sites like schools, hospitals, factories and mosques. They called on the UNESCO to break its silence, condemn the Saudi aggression and call for ceasefire. They hailed the efforts of the human rights bodies especially those that have produced reports confirming the war crimes by the Saudis. Particular appreciation was made to the efforts of Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch and Doctors Without Borders (MSF).
7- The guests affirmed their rejection of extremism, exclusion and terrorism, pointing to the links between those phenomena and the aggression on Yemen. They pointed specifically to the spread of Al Qa'ida in half the land of Yemen under the control of the Saudi-led coalition. This needs special attention from the World community due to its negative impact on international peace and security.
8- The participants urged the media, those active in the social networks and international NGOs to undertake campaigns to inform the public and break the news blackout imposed on Yemen and the destructive Saudi-led aggression. They expressed their unease about the indifference towards the bloodshed in Yemen. This aggression is unique; millions are spent only to keep it out of the television screens. That, in itself, is a war on the truth.
9- The Conference called for the creation of a special international commission to investigate the extensive war crimes committed in Yemen and confirmed by Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch and UN's experts. They also called for the creation of the "Yemen War Crimes Tribunal" to take care of any such crimes.
10- Finally, the participants expressed appreciation of the stands of the countries that have helped the Yemeni people or worked to facilitate a ceasefire, especially the Sultanate of Oman, the State of Kuwait and the Islamic Republic of Iran. They expressed gratefulness to the media outlets that covered the war and highlighted the plight of the Yemeni people. They also thanked the management of the Pullman Hotel, that have provided excellent services to the delegates.
The International Conference to Support the Yemeni People
21st August 2016, London.