gigantisk skridt fremad for menneskeheden
LaRouche PAC Internationale Webcast,
10. nov., 2017

Præsidenterne for disse to lande har gentagne gange understreget, at denne nye relation, som de nu indvier, vil gå langt ud over noget, vi tidligere har set, og, gennem den relation, som USA og Kina nu har skabt med præsident Donald Trumps statsbesøg til Kina, kan ikke alene de problemer, som begge disse lande individuelt står overfor, konfronteres og løses, men, med samarbejdet mellem disse to lande sammen med andre partnere i hele verden, kan de fleste af, hvis ikke alle, de problemer, menneskeheden på nuværende tidspunkt står overfor, også løses.
Vært Matthew Ogden: God aften, det er den 10. nov., 2017, og dette er vores strategiske webcast fra
Det er ingen overdrivelse at sige, at vi er vidne til det vigtigste øjeblik i moderne verdenshistorie. Vi ser udfolde sig for vore øjne en ny æra; en ny æra, både mht. amerikansk-kinesiske relationer, med de begivenheder, der har fundet sted i løbet af de seneste par dage, og, som følge heraf, også en ny æra for hele verden. Disse to lande, der uden for enhver diskussion er de to, vigtigste lande på planeten, har nu smedet en relation, der ikke har noget sidestykke mht. niveau, og mht. størrelsesorden.
Præsidenterne for disse to lande har gentagne gange understreget, at denne nye relation, som de nu indvier, vil gå langt ud over noget, vi tidligere har set, og, gennem den relation, som USA og Kina nu har skabt med præsident Donald Trumps statsbesøg til Kina, kan ikke alene de problemer, som begge disse lande individuelt står overfor, konfronteres og løses, men, med samarbejdet mellem disse to lande sammen med andre partnere i hele verden, kan de fleste af, hvis ikke alle, de problemer, menneskeheden på nuværende tidspunkt står overfor, også løses.
Jeg vil sætte et par billeder på skærmen fra præsident Trumps »Statsbesøg-Plus« til Kina, som er uden fortilfælde. Her ser vi præsident Trump og Melania Trump hilse præsident Xi og Kinas førstedame, Peng Liyuan; her ankommer de til Beijing. Man ser det kinesiske folks overvældende entusiasme – her er det kinesiske skolebørn, der vifter med kinesiske og amerikanske flag for at hilse præsident Xi Jinping og præsident Trump. Man ser niveauet af entusiasme, som tydeligvis overvælder præsident Trump, og denne velkomst blev iscenesat for ham; og den rundvisning, de fik i Den Forbudte By, og som ikke har noget fortilfælde i historien. På næste billede synger nogle skolebørn fra Beijing for præsident Trump og Melania Trump. De fik også en fuld opførelse af en opera fra Peking-operaen i Den Forbudte By og en meget hjertelig middag. Her har vi et billede af præsident Trump, præsident Xi Jinping, Melania Trump og Kinas førstedame Peng Liyuan.
Som man kan se, så var dette et ekstraordinært statsbesøg, og begge præsidenter sagde gentagne gange, at de to dage, de tilbragte sammen, er absolut uforglemmelige og har tjent til at skabe det, der allerede var et meget varmt, personligt, særligt forhold mellem de to.
Det, vi har set vokse frem af dette besøg, kan kun beskrives som indvielsen af en ny epoke i de amerikansk-kinesiske relationer. Det går langt ud over, hvad en masse af de mennesker, der så frem til denne begivenhed, har forsøgt at sige, og, på trods af al propagandaen i pressen og i medierne i USA, så var dette ekstraordinært i sin store betydning for USA’s og Kinas fremtid, som to lande; men også for verdens fremtid. Det, vi har set komme ud af disse møder, både mellem præsidenterne Xi og Trump personligt, og også af de udvidede møder, der fandt sted langs sidelinjen, er meget i overensstemmelse med linjerne af det, vi har krævet i løbet af de seneste uger, hvis ikke måneder, mht. de forretningsmæssige forbindelser, forretningsaftalerne mellem USA og Kina; men udtrykkeligt også mht. ideen om, at USA tilslutter sig Bælte & Vej Initiativet.
For det første vil jeg rapportere, at der rent konkret blev underskrevet forretningsaftaler og aftaler om bilaterale investeringer til en værdi af over $250 mia. mellem amerikanske og kinesiske selskaber – det er en kvart billion dollar i bilaterale investeringer; men ideen om USA’s tilslutning til Bælte & Vej Initiativet blev gentagene gange meget udtrykkeligt nævnt, af Xi Jinpings egen mund, under begivenheder i løbet af dette topmøde, første gang under den afsluttende, fælles pressekonference, og også under et møde mellem regeringsfolk og erhvervsfolk; og ved begge disse begivenheder opfordrede præsident Xi Jinping udtrykkeligt amerikanske selskaber til at tilslutte sig Bælte & Vej og sagde, at der vil blive praktisk samarbejde inden for energi, samt investeringer i infrastruktur; og helt konkret blev en fælles aftale underskrevet mellem General Electric og den Kinesiske Silkevejsfond, som i fællesskab oprettede en investeringsplatform inden for energiinfrastruktur.
Reuter rapporterer om denne aftale på følgende vis: »General Electric Co. og kinesisk statsfond etablerer Bælte & Vej plan for handelsinitiativ, for i fællesskab at etablere en investeringsplatform til energiinfrastruktur, siger Kinas regering … Silkevejsfonden og GE Energy Financial Services underskrev en aftale om ’samarbejde’ om etablering af platformen i Beijing, sagde Ministeriet for Udenlandsk Valuta (SAFE) i en erklæring, dateret torsdag … ’De to sider vil i fællesskab investere i elektricitetsnet, ny energi og olie og gas, i lande og regioner langs Bælte & Vej’, sagde SAFE. ’Samarbejdet mellem Silkevejsfonden og GE vil ikke alene styrke samarbejdet mellem avancerede produktionsindustrier fra Kina og USA, men også fremme økonomisk udvikling og handelsudvikling i regionerne for denne investering.’«
Dette er et direkte og konkret eksempel på et førende amerikansk selskab, der tilslutter sig Bælte & Vej, og denne samarbejdsaftale mellem Silkevejsfonden og General Electric i dette tilfælde, reflekterer en langt mere generel retningsbestemmelse mht. sådanne aftaler.
Det, som præsident Xi Jinping gentagne gange understregede, var, at Kina er fremtidens økonomi, og den vækst, som Kina har oplevet i løbet af de seneste årtier, vil kun fortsætte, og denne forretningsmæssige og økonomiske relation mellem USA og Kina vil være til fordel for både det kinesiske og det amerikanske folk.
Jeg vil gerne afspille for jer, et par uddrag fra præsident Trumps og præsident Xi Jinpings præsentationer ved diverse anledninger under dette statsbesøg.
Vi vil først afspille et lille klip fra præsident Trumps bemærkninger ved et udvidet, bilateralt møde, hvor man ser [USA’s udenrigsminister] Rex Tillerson og ambassadør Terry Branstad og præsident Trump, der taler for den kinesiske delegation. Man hører fra præsident Trump, hvor fuldstændig overvældet, han var, over den varme modtagelse, han fik, og hvor stor betydning, han tillægger de fremtidige amerikansk-kinesiske relationer; og i klippet siger han, at han mener, de fleste, hvis ikke alle, problemer i verden sandsynligvis kan konfronteres og løses med denne relation, som Kina og USA har skabt.
Umiddelbart herefter, i det samme klip, ser man et par uddrag af bemærkninger fra først præsident Trump og dernæst præsident Xi Jinping for begivenheden for erhvervsledere, der blev afholdt under dette topmøde. Her vil man høre præsident Trump tale om graden af gensidig, økonomisk forbundethed og samarbejde mellem Kina og USA, og dernæst hører man præsident Xi Jinping selv tale om USA og amerikanske selskaber, der går sammen med Bælte & Vej Initiativet.
Lad os lytte til dette klip:
(Her følger resten af udskriftet på engelsk):
[begin video] PRESIDENT TRUMP: Mr. President, thank you very much. It’san honor to be with you. There can be no more important subject
than China-U.S. relation. We have between us, and we have to
include some other countries which would quickly come in; we have
a capacity to solve world problems for many, many years to come.
Our meeting last night was absolutely terrific. Our dinner
was beyond that. We had a dinner that was going to last quickly,
20-25 minutes, because I was travelling and you were so nice.
And you said we’ll just do a quick dinner. And I think it had to
last at least two hours, and we enjoyed every minute of it, with
your beautiful wife and Melania together. Their relationship is
a great one; and our relationship has already proven to be a
great one.
Our meeting this morning in front of your representatives
and my representatives was excellent; discussing North Korea, and
I do believe there’s a solution to that, as you do; discussing
trade with the United States, knowing that the United States
really has to change its policies because they’ve gotten so far
behind on trade with China — and frankly with many other
countries. And I have great respect for you, for that, because
you’re representing China. But it’s too bad that past
administrations allowed it to get so far out of kilter. But
we’ll make it fair, and it will be tremendous for both of us.
My feeling toward you is an incredibly warm one; as we said,
there’s great chemistry, and I think we’re going to do tremendous
things for both China and for the United States, and it is a
very, very great honor to be with you.
Thank you very much. The hosting of the military parade
this morning was magnificent, and the world was watching. I’ve
already had people calling from all parts of the world — they
were all watching. Nothing you can see is so beautiful. So, I
just want to thank you for the very warm welcome and I look
forward to many years of success and friendship, working together
to solve not only our problems, but world problems, and problems
of great danger and security. I believe we can solve almost all
of them, and probably all of them.
Thank you very much for having us, I very much appreciate
it…. [end video] [begin video] PRESIDENT TRUMP: Thank you very much. Thank you. And
thank you [Commerce] Minister Zhong Shan for that introduction;
and especially thank you to President Xi and Madame Peng for
serving as such warm and gracious hosts to Melania and me during
our time, here in your very, very beautiful country.
To both the American delegation and to the Chinese business
representatives here, your discussions greatly strengthen our
partnership and provides a critical bridge between our business
community and yours, and thank you for that. During my time in
Beijing, President Xi and I have had several conversations about
our common goals and interests. Beyond that, we talk often.
It’s a very good chemistry between the two of us, believe me.
My administration is committed to improving our trade and
business relationships with China. The contributions of the
business community represented here today are vital to our
efforts, to ensure peace and prosperity for our two nations.
Together we can unlock a future of opportunity, wealth and
dignity far beyond anybody’s wildest dreams. In your discussions
today I hope you will learn from each other, and identify new
ways to advance our economic cooperation. I am depending on all
of you to work together to find opportunities of mutual agreement
and shared prosperity.
The hardworking people of America and the hardworking people
of China deserve the very best solutions to achieve prosperity,
happiness, and peace. Thank you very much. Thank you.
ANNOUNCER: Thank you, President Trump. And now please
welcome Mr. Xi Jinping, the President of the People’s Republic of
China. [applause]
PRESIDENT XI: [as interpreted] The Honorable President
Trump, Chinese and American business representatives, ladies and
gentlemen, dear friends:
It is my real pleasure to have President Trump with us today
for this China-U.S. business exchange.
Over the years the business communities of our two countries
have been committed to the friendship between our two nations.
You are a strong driving force for economic cooperation and
overall relations between our two countries. Your commitments
and your contribution are highly appreciated.
This year marks the 45th anniversary of the Shanghai
Communiqué. Over the past 45 years, China-U.S. economic
relations and trade ties have achieved historic development,
delivering great benefits to our two peoples. Last year, General
Motors, Ford, and Fiat Chrysler, the three U.S. automakers,
manufactured and sold over 5 million vehicles in China. The
number was bigger than their combined sales in other parts of the
The Chinese investment in the United States is also rising
rapidly, and has created over 140,000 jobs directly for the local
communities in the United States. During President Trump’s visit
this time, as we have witnessed right now, our companies will
sign commercial contracts and two-way investment agreements worth
over $250 billion U.S. dollars. These are great examples of the
vast potential and win-win nature of China-U.S. economic
China-U.S. business cooperation has vast potential. As the
biggest developing and developed country, China and the U.S. have
much more areas for economic cooperation, rather than
competition. We will continue to encourage Chinese companies to
invest in the United States, and also welcome active
participation of American companies and financial institutions in
the Belt and Road projects.
With our economic relations expanding rapidly, it is natural
that we may have differences, from time to time. The important
thing is, we act in the spirit of mutual benefit and mutual
understanding, and seek proper settlement through dialogue and
consultation. A Chinese philosopher once observed that trading
can generate friendship and mutual benefit. Looking ahead, I
have full confidence that with joint efforts of you, the business
representatives present here, today, and the business communities
of our two countries, China-U.S. economic relations will achieve
greater success on the basis of equality and mutual benefit, and
our two peoples, will grain increasing benefits along this
Thank you. [applause]
[end video]
OGDEN: So you just heard President Xi Jinping explicitly
say that we will welcome Chinese enterprises to proactively
invest in the United States, and, we welcome U.S. companies and
financial institutions to take part in the projects under the
Belt and Road Initiative. So that’s explicitly calling for this
kind of win-win, mutually beneficial relationship between China
and the United States, both in terms of investments in the United
States, and infrastructure development, and businesses, and, U.S.
participation in the Belt and Road Initiative.
What you’re about to hear is a few clips from the final
press conference that was held between President Trump and
President Xi Jinping. And during this press conference,
President Xi repeated that emphasis of the United States
cooperating with China on the Belt and Road Initiative. He said,
“for China and the United States, win-win cooperation is the only
right choice and the pathway to a better future.” He said, “It
is necessary to formulate and launch economic cooperation for the
next phase, to have continued in-depth discussion on trade
imbalance, export, investment environment, market openness and
other issues, and work to support practical cooperation in
energy, infrastructure, the Belt and Road Initiative, and other
So let’s play this clip the concluding press conference,
from President Xi Jinping and President Trump:
Donald Trump, friends from the press, good afternoon.
It is my great pleasure to meet all of you, together with
President Trump. Let me begin by extending once again a warm
welcome to the President for his state visit to China.
Yesterday and earlier today, the President and I have had
in-depth discussions on China-U.S. relations and major
international and regional issues of mutual interest. We
reviewed the important progress made in the relationship since we
met at Mar-a-Lago, and we discussed how to further move forward
the relationship in the months ahead in great depth, and we
reached a series of new and important consensus. Our meeting is
constructive and productive.
I shared with the President, the policies adopted at the
19th Party Congress. I conveyed China’s firm commitment to
deepen reform, greater opening up, and a path of peaceful
development, and China’s desire to expand converting interests
with other countries and promoting coordination and cooperation
among major countries.
President Trump shared with me his domestic reform agenda
and foreign policy priorities. The development of China and the
United States is mutual reinforcing, without contradicting each
other. Our respective success serves the common interests of
both countries. We believe that facing the complex and changing
international landscape, and maintaining world peace and
stability in promoting global development and prosperity, China
and the United States, being two large countries, share more
common interests, shoulder greater responsibility, and enjoy
broader room for cooperation.
The healthy, stable, and growing China-U.S. relationship is
not only in the fundamental interest of the Chinese and American
people, it also meets the expectations of the international
community. For China and the United States, win-win cooperation
is the only right choice and the pathway toward a better future.
We agreed to keeping close touch through mutual visits,
meetings, phone calls, and correspondence, with a view to having
timely communications on major issues of shared interest. We
agreed to make the most of the diplomatic and security dialogue,
comprehensive economic dialogue, social and people-to-people
dialogue, and law enforcement and cyber-security dialogue — four
high-level dialogue mechanisms — and work together for greater
results out of these dialogues.
We believe that China and the United States are the two
largest economies and important engines of global economic
growth. We need to further expand trade and investment
cooperation, strengthen macroeconomic policy coordination, pursue
healthy, stable, and dynamically balanced economic and trade
It is necessary to formulate and launch economic cooperation
plans for the next phase, to have continued in-depth discussion
on trade imbalance, export restrictions, investment environment,
market openness, and other issues, and work to support practical
cooperation in energy, infrastructure, Belt and Road Initiative,
and other areas.
Just now, the President and I witnessed the signing of some
major cooperation agreements by our businesses. During this
visit, the two sides signed over $250 billion U.S. dollars of
commercial deals and two-way investment agreements.
According to China’s timetable and roadmap for opening up,
China has announced a number of steps to promote market access.
This speaks volumes of the broad space for further economic and
trade cooperation between the two countries, which would deliver
great benefits to the two peoples.
As two distinctive countries, our two sides may have
different views or differences on some issues. This is only
natural. The key is to properly handle and manage them. There
is far more common interest between our two countries than
differences. It is important to respect each other’s sovereignty
and territorial integrity, respect each other’s choice of
development path, and our difference. As long as the two sides
commit to a constructive approach, we can put aside and diffuse
differences, while at the same time build common ground and
advance cooperation.
We also discussed the international responsibilities our two
countries shoulder: We agreed to enhance communication and
cooperation on major international, regional, and global issues,
and jointly seek proper resolution of relevant hotspot issues to
make greater contribution to peace, stability, and prosperity of
relevant regions and the world at large.
On the Korean Peninsula nuclear issue, we reiterated the
firm commitment to achieving denuclearization of the peninsula,
and upholding international non-proliferation regime. The two
sides will continue to fully and strictly implement UN Security
Council resolutions. At the same time, the two sides commit to
working toward a solution through dialogue and negotiation, and
we are ready to discuss with relevant parties, the pathway
leading to enduring peace and stability in the peninsula and the
Northeast Asia. The two sides will maintain communication and
cooperation on the Korean Peninsula issue.
We believe that China and the United States, our countries
are the important influence in the Asia Pacific. As I said to
the President, “the Pacific Ocean is big enough to accommodate
both China and the United States.”
Ladies and gentlemen, dear friends: President Trump’s state
visit is a successful and historic visit. Together the two of us
have set out the direction and draw up the blueprint for
China-U.S. relations in the coming period. We will work with the
United States and act on the consensus we reached, seek further
progress in U.S.-China relations to bring greater benefit to our
peoples, and people across the world.
Thank you very much. [applause]
ANNOUNCER: Thank you very much, Your Excellency. Now,
President Trump, you have the floor.
President Xi, I want to thank you for that incredible
welcoming ceremony, earlier this morning. It was truly memorable
and impressive, and something I will never forget. Melania and I
are honored to visit your country, with its ancient history,
dynamic people, and thriving culture.
I also want to thank you and Madame Peng for a tour that was
given to us yesterday of the very majestic Forbidden City. Your
people are proud of who they are, and what they have built
together, and your people are also very proud of you.
I want to congratulate you on the recent and very successful
19th Party Congress. Perhaps now, more than ever we have an
opportunity to strengthen the relationship between our two
President Xi and I discussed improving our economic
relationship. We want a vibrant trade relationship with China,
we also want a fair and reciprocal one. Today, I discussed with
President Xi the chronic imbalance in our relationship, as it
pertains to trade, and the concrete steps that we’ll jointly take
to solve the problem of the massive trade distortion. This
includes addressing China’s market access restrictions, and
technology transfer requirements, which prevent American
companies from being able to fairly compete within China.
The United States is committed to protecting the
intellectual property of our companies and providing a level
playing field for our workers. At the same time, our relationship
with you and China is a very important one to me, and to all the
people of our country. And just by looking at the tremendous,
incredible job-producing agreements just signed those major
companies, we’re off to a very, very good start.
As part of our commitment to regional stability and peace,
the United States also continues to advocate for reforms that
advance economic freedom, individual rights, and the rule of law.
The United States, working with China and other regional
partners, has an incredible opportunity to advance the cause of
peace, security, and prosperity all across the world: It’s a
very special time, and we do, indeed, have that very, very
special opportunity. A great responsibility has been placed on
our shoulders, President; it’s truly a great responsibility. And
I hope we can rise to the occasion and help our countries and our
citizens reach their highest destinies and their fullest
I want to thank you, again — you’re a very special man —
for your gracious hospitality. I send my warmest regards to your
citizens. I honor their heritage, and celebrate their great,
great possibilities and potential for the future. In the coming
months and years, I look forward to building an even stronger
relationship between our two countries, China and the United
States of America, and even closer friendships and relationships,
between the people of our countries.
Mr. President, thank you very much. [applause]
[end video]
OGDEN: So you just heard President Trump there say that
this is a very, very extraordinary, special opportunity, to build
this cooperative relationship between the United States and
China, one which he said, is very, very important for him, and
also for the people of the United States, — which is very true.
And he said he looks forward to continuing to build a strong and
close relationship between these two countries. And I thought it
was very notable that he said, on such a personal level, he said,
“this is a special time”; he said, “we, indeed, have a very, very
special opportunity.” And he said for the two of them, to
President Xi Jinping, “a great responsibility has been placed on
our shoulders.” He addressed President Xi directly. He said,
“It’s a truly great responsibility, and I hope we can rise to the
occasion and help our countries and our citizens reach their
highest destinies and their fullest potential.” And he said, “I
want to thank you again, you’re a very special man.”
This is an extraordinary testament to this relationship that
President Trump has forged with President Xi Jinping and just how
grateful he was for the hospitality that he received, and the
extraordinary successes that came out of this summit. As
President Xi said, in those remarks you just heard, he said,
together the two of them have “laid out the blueprint for
U.S.-China relations” with the purpose of benefitting the people
of the United States and China. And he said this was a very
important and very historic visit.
And indeed, it was. The Chinese foreign minister, at a
press conference laid out, no less than 23 specific areas where
the U.S. and China delegations reached an important agreement.
He said: “We have reached extensive and important consensus on
the development of China-U.S. relations.” And those 23 specific
areas included no less than what he said, in his words,
“protecting world peace, stability and prosperity, carrying out
head of state diplomacy,” which includes as you heard from
President Xi, phone calls, continued personal meetings, constant
exchange of views and consultation between these two heads of
state; this also includes giving full play to the four high-level
dialogue platforms that were agreed to previously; enhancing
macro-policy coordination including global economic governance;
exchanges and dialogues at various levels between the two
militaries; drug control was also included. And, I didn’t
include it in those clips, but one of the things that President
Trump repeatedly came back to, was the agreements that they had
reached in terms of controlling the opioid flow which has
contributed so much to the opioid epidemic here in the United
States, most specifically the fentanyl phenomenon; but also was
included in this, was an agreement for international
non-proliferation and the denuclearization of the Korean
Peninsula, which you heard both of them refer to, and fighting
terrorism, together.
So there are 23 specific areas of mutual cooperation that
were agreed to during this summit.
From those two press conferences, I hope you get the sense
just how historic this visit was and how much significance
President Trump placed on the opportunity to have this state
visit, and how much significance President Xi Jinping placed on
President Trump’s willingness to engage in this bilateral summit;
and how much hope they both have for the continued growth in this
Now, President Xi Jinping immediately went from this summit
that they held in Beijing to attend the APEC summit, and both
President Xi and President Trump delivered important and
significant speeches. But I think you can see, from the
preliminary reports of President Xi Jinping’s speech, that he has
taken what was consolidated in this bilateral summit between
himself and President Trump, and immediately brought it to the
world stage in terms of the future of the Belt and Road
What President Xi Jinping’s speech at the APEC summit was
completely centered around, is the idea of scientific growth and
innovation, as the driver, the source of the growth, the driver
behind the Belt and Road Initiative. He said, that an old Chinese
saying reads, that development is an unending journey. He said,
a Chinese philosopher said, “we should focus our mind on the
future, not the past. So we need reform and innovation to
achieve growth, we must build a community of shared future for
mankind,” reviewing a theme that he had made a very central facet
of his speech to the CPC Party Congress.
He said: In order to do that, one, we must pursue
innovation-driven development, new drivers of growth. He said
the only way to sustain growth is through innovation and
breakthroughs in science. And then he said, we must enhance
connectivity. This is the best way to have win-win outcomes. He
said, this will boost the real economy, and he emphasized that
the Belt and Road Initiative is a joint endeavor for
infrastructure and connectivity. He said, it is from China, but
it belongs to the world. It’s oriented to the future, and
although largely focused on Asia and Africa, so far, he
emphasized, it is open to all partners, obviously, the United
States included.
And he said: It is his hope that the Belt and Road
Initiative will create a broader more dynamic platform for world
economic growth. And the audience stood up and applauded that
with a sustained ovation.
And then he emphasized at the conclusion of this speech at
the APEC summit, “We want to enable more countries to board the
express train of China’s development.” And then he reflected on
what China has achieved and what China is committed to continuing
to achieve. He said: We are embarked on a new journey involving
our greater integration with the world. We will continue to open
up; we will work with others to create new drivers of development
through the Belt and Road Initiative. He said: Our goal is to
ensure a better life for people. We aim for this in everything
we do. This involves increasing people’s living standards,
ending poverty. By 2020, each and every one of China’s 1.3
billion people should have decent lives, he said. “No one will
be left behind.”
And then he concluded by saying: China also has a new
international approach to create a community with a shared future
for mankind. China’s dream is connected to the dreams of each of
your countries. We strive for durable peace, universal security,
and common prosperity. We want harmony among all nations by
creating a win-win situation. He said: We will make the
international order more just and equitable.
So that’s the vision for the world which President Xi
Jinping has laid out, and that’s the vision which now President
Trump has, in a very significant way joined the United States and
China in this idea of a shared and common destiny.
I think we can be assured that out of this historic summit
that we witnessed over the last two days, a very, very close
relationship will continue to be formed between President Trump
and President Xi Jinping, personally; and that relationship, as
we enter this new era in terms of U.S.-China relations, will,
indeed, herald the coming of an entirely new paradigm for
So, what I want to do to conclude here is to play just a
very short excerpt from Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s international
webcast, yesterday, which she broadcast yesterday on the Schiller
Institute New Paradigm site, and is available on the Schiller
Institute YouTube channel [], and
this was even prior to some of the concluding remarks that you
just heard from President Trump and President Xi Jinping. But
you can see, the importance that Helga Zepp-LaRouche places on
the events that we just witnessed over the last two days. So,
here’s Helga Zepp-LaRouche:
which is the second day of I would say an historic visit of
President Trump in China, I think it is exactly what I expected
would happen: That both sides know perfectly well that the
future of mankind depends on the relationship between the United
States and China, as the most important two nuclear powers and
economic powers in the world. And I think it went very well.
The statements by President Xi Jinping characterizing the meeting
as a strategic new beginning, a mutual beneficial relationship of
historic importance which can solve not only the problems of the
two peoples, but of the whole world, I think this is absolutely
to the point. And President Trump was very enthusiastic: He
praised China and its great President, who, according to his
Tweet, feels very warm feeling — I mean, this is really good.
Because if the two Presidents understand each other and can make
it work, then I fully agree, there is no problem in the world
which cannot be tackled.
So I think this is a gigantic step forward, and I think it’s
also interesting that Trump, who was very much talking about the
trade gap between the United States and China, however, he said
he does not blame China for that, because he respects it, that
President Xi would do everything for the maximum benefit of his
own country and people; and then he blamed previous U.S.
administrations for having allowed to drop exports to China so
much that this trade gap now exists. And remember, the Chinese
always wanted to import much more from the United States, but the
previous administrations which were on a confrontation,
containment, encirclement policy towards China, they refused to
sell many of the products which China wanted to buy with the
pretext that they had “dual use,” that things could be used both
for civilian and military purpose — and naturally, there’s
almost anything you can use for either peaceful or not so
peaceful purposes, depending on what is the intent of your
So, I think this is very good. They concluded, I think,
somewhere in the range of $250 billion in deals, various things
ranging from infrastructure, transport, energy, agricultural
exports from the United States to China, just a very wide variety
of economic deals. They also decided to not only improve and
strengthen the relationship between the two Presidents, but to
increase the cooperation on all levels, to strengthen the four
permanent dialogues which had been arranged already in Florida in
April, one of them dealing with economic cooperation. And I
think an absolute basis has been laid to continue to develop this
relationship to the benefit, not only of China and the United
States, but, really, for the whole world.
So naturally, they agreed fully on the need to solve the
North Korea problem, on which they want to work together, and
also Trump expressed a confidence that with the help of China,
and Russia, which he said on an earlier occasion, that problem
can be brought to a positive solution.
While I have not seen any direct mentioning of the United
States working with the Belt and Road Initiative as such, I know
that that is the mindset of President Xi, and I think that also
coming out of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party
of China, where Xi Jinping has made the goal of to build a
“community of a shared future of mankind,” I think this trip by
President Trump has been a gigantic step in the right direction.
And I think the Chinese really know how to bring into
consciousness, the 5,000-year history of China, and Trump was
treated really very well. They had a one-day or several hour
special treatment in the Forbidden City which was closed to the
public, and they performed three Beijing operas, and showed the
restoration of ancient handicrafts. So Trump was very, very
happy, and he sent a message to Xi Jinping saying that he and
Melania will never forget this experience. So I think from a
human standpoint this is very positive.
And these journalists should just go and be ashamed of
themselves, because they are so cynical that never will anything
move their hearts and minds, and probably these minds are dried
out like old prunes anyway, so I wouldn’t worry about what
they’re writing, because I think these two Presidents have made a
very positive step, moving human history forward.
[end video]
OGDEN: So as you can see, Helga LaRouche concluded by
saying, no matter what you read in the Western press, disregard
this, because, indeed, we have just witnessed one of the most
crucial developments in human history. As you could see, she
said, these two Presidents have moved human history forward.
It’s a very gigantic step in the right direction, she said, and a
very significant victory in our ongoing fight for a new
international paradigm, a “shared future for mankind” in the
words of Xi Jinping.
So with this significant victory under our belt, Helga
Zepp-LaRouche in the last day has called on American to redouble
our efforts for Lyndon LaRouche’s Four Economic Laws here in the
United States: The Hamiltonian national banking program by which
we can maximize the participation of the United States in this
Belt and Road Initiative.
And we’ve got a lot of potential, that came out of this
visit, and it’s our job to fully educate the American people on
what was discussed and what the opportunities are that are now
before us, with President Trump clearly, personally committed to
this relationship with China, his personal relationship with
President Xi Jinping, and as President Xi Jinping repeatedly
mentioned, this potential for joint investment between Chinese
firms in the United States, and also participation by U.S.
companies in the Belt and Road Initiative — exactly what we’ve
been calling for over the last number of months, in terms of the
United States joining the New Silk Road.
With that said, I think for those of you who viewed those
excerpts, we did witness the unfolding of human history before
our very eyes; with these events over the last several days, we
now are in a new era for U.S. history. And I think we have to
recognize the implications of that, recognize the responsibility
that that presents to us, to continue to move history forward in
this direction.
So thank you very much for joining us, and I’m sure that
we’ll see further developments coming out of President Trump’s
visit to Asia over the next few days. So please stay tuned to, as we have a number of other live events planned
over the coming days, and we’ll see you at the beginning of next