by Assist. Prof. Vihra Pavlova, PhD from Bulgaria

By Assist. Prof. Vihra Pavlova, PhD, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology at Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Department “Social Theories, Strategies and Prognoses.” (See more about the author at the end of the article.)
This article was written on the occasion of the 101th anniversary of Lyndon LaRouche’s birth (Sept. 10, 1922 – February 12, 2019).
Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., Physical Economy and the Schiller Institute Peace Conferences
Abstract: The global transformation currently taking place has already been foreseen with brilliant accuracy even before (for example, P. Kennedy, I. Wallerstein, J. Galtung, G. Arrighi) and immediately after the collapse of the bipolar system by philosophers, macrosociologists and economists, including the Russian academician S. Glazyev and the “prophet of our time,” as Glazyev called him, Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., to whom this text is dedicated, on the occasion of the 101st anniversary of this birthday – September 8, 1922.
The name Lyndon LaRouche is not known in Bulgaria, but this eminent American economist is one of the main opponents of the financial oligarchy, and a fighter against the speculative economy, for which he paid with his freedom.
This article is purely informative, and does not aim to refute criticism of his personality and work. LaRouche’s model has been endorsed and adopted by most countries in Asia, thus becoming the engine of economic growth, and it also currently boldly challenges the postulates of the Washington Consensus and “rules-based order.”
Keywords: Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., physical economy, stable geopolitical environment
Abstract in Bulgarian (The English text resumes after that):
Резюме: Настоящата глобалната трансформация бе предвидена с брилятна точност още до (напр. П. Кенеди, И. Уолърстейн, Й. Галтунг, Дж. Ариги) и непосредствено след разпадането на двуполюсната система от философи, макросоциолози и икономисти, сред които руският академик С. Глазев и “пророкът на нашето време”, както Глазев го нарича, Линдън Х. Ларуш младши, на когото е посветена тази статия, по случай 101 годишнината от рождението му – 8 септември 1922 г.
Името на Линдън Ларуш не е известно в България, но този крупен американски икономист е един от главните опоненти на финансовата олгархия и борец със спекулативната икономика, за което е платил със свободата си.
Статията има чисто информативен характер и няма за цел да опровергава критиките към неговата личност и творчество. Моделът на Ларуш е приветстван и възприет от повечето страни в Азия, която се превърна в двигател на икономическия растеж и днес смело оспорва постулатите на Вашингтонския консенсус и “редът, основан на правила”.
Ключови думи: Линдън Х. Ларуш младши, физическа икономика, стабилна геополитическа среда
In the early 1950s, L. LaRouche rejected the information theory as being inadequate for describing economic processes, and developed his own scientific method of physical economy, which was based on the methods of Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, Friedrich List, Henry C. Carey and Bernhard Riemann, among others. In the 1960s, he warned of the potentially catastrophic effects of drugs and the sexual revolution on the cognitive potential and, thus, on the long-term productivity of the population. However, his most significant forecast is his assessment of the collapse of the Bretton Woods System through the introduction of flexible exchange rates, and the decoupling of the dollar from the gold standard on August 15, 1971. He warned at that time that if the course change to a purely monetarist financial system aimed at profit maximization were maintained, the world would, inevitably, find itself in a new depression, a new fascism, and the danger of a new world war, unless a completely new and just world economic order were established. Economic justice in LaRouche’s view is based on physical economics.
Lyndon H. LaRouche Jr.’s fulfilled predictions, and his ideas successfully applied in Eurasia
On June 29, 2001, at the parliamentary hearings “On Measures to Ensure the Development of the Russian Economy in the Context of the Destabilization of the World Financial System,” S. Glazyev warned about the collapse of the financial pyramid, which would also lead to the collapse of those national financial systems that were involved in it. Glazyev called for the diversification of Russian foreign exchange reserves, and the accumulation of real, material reserves, which would allow the Russian economy to function normally during the destabilization of the global financial system. “And here, obviously, it is necessary to speak about the possibilities of switching to the use of national currencies for payments, first of all, among the CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States) members, with the European Union, with China, with India, i.e., with our major trading partners, with whom our critical imports depend…” (Glazyev, 2001).
Mr. Lyndon LaRouche (September 8, 1922 – February 12, 2019), in his post-Glazyev speech, stressed the urgent need for policy changes in order to overcome the collapse. According to him, “Nothing can save the present world financial and monetary system in its current form…. The present crisis, unless it is stopped by drastically needed reforms, will also be a demographic collapse more or less comparable to what is called by historians ‘the New Dark Age,’ which dominated Europe following the Fourteenth-Century bankruptcy…
“Therefore, talking about any economic policy that does not include an early and radical reform of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) system is worse than a waste of time” (LaRouche, 2001).
Nowadays, the recommendation of L. LaRouche: “A new system of transcontinental cooperation between the sovereign nation-states of continental Eurasia should become the backbone of world economic growth; Continental Eurasia should be the center of such global economic recovery and growth, but the whole world will benefit through participation as partners in that effort” (LaRouche, 2001), is a fact. India, China, the countries of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) have become the engine of economic and technological growth. An Asian geopolitical union is being formed, uniting the countries of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), the Eurasian Economic Union, ASEAN and some microstates of the South Pacific.
In addition, following the restoration of the Iranian diplomatic relations with Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Syria’s return to the Arab League and a ceasefire in Yemen, the countries of the League are gradually being integrated into this Alliance. Among them is Egypt, which has joined the BRICS New Development Bank and is a candidate for membership in the group, along with about 30 other countries, one of which is Indonesia, the largest Muslim country in the world. There, at the official meeting of the ASEAN Finance Ministers held on March 28, it was decided to reduce dependence on the U.S. Dollar, Euro, Yen, and British Pound in financial transactions, and move to settlements in local currencies. In turn, Malaysia reiterated its call for the establishment of an Asian Monetary Fund, proposed by the Japan’s E. Sakakibara in 1997, but immediately rejected by the U.S. as a threat to the IMF.
According to LaRouche, the purpose of this fund is not only protection against financial warfare attacks by hedge funds and similar speculators. It is also aimed to promote urgently needed measures in hard-commodity forms of combined trade and long-term capital improvements among those Asian nations. “In this first stage, we might foresee the emergence of regional, somewhat overlapping, groupings of similar outlook and their cooperation among one another, in various regions of the planet” (LaRouche, 2000: 6).
This is exactly what we are observing in 2023. Recently, the State Duma of the Russian Federation (RF) has adopted a law on Islamic banking, which should give Russia access to the capital of wealthy Islamic countries. Also, Islamic banks in Southeast Asia intend to open branches in the Russian Federation as soon as the legal framework regulating Islamic banking is introduced (Bifolchi, 2023). As is known, Islamic banking implies the implementation of banking activities in accordance with the norms of Islam, according to which interest-bearing transactions are prohibited, and profits are achieved only through investments, leasing, equity financing, etc. of a similar nature. This is a serious challenge to the rentier financial and economic model of the West, from which more and more countries of the world are striving to free themselves.
ASEAN and its partners China, South Korea, and Japan (ASEAN+3) are building an integrated policy framework for macrofinancial stabilization, with the understanding that economies can best overcome crises when they work closely with each other, exchange data and share experience through political dialogue, not only in turbulent times, but, also, in calmer times, as well as when they develop and deepen financial markets in a concerted manner, and coordinate policies in a regional context (Asian Development Bank, 2021). On July 17, 2023, at the annual China Business Summit held in Auckland, the Southeast Asian countries once again have demonstrated that they want a stable geopolitical environment in order to focus on their economic development, and that they do not want to be forced to “take sides” in any hegemonic rivalry (China Business Summit, 2023).
Following the adaptation of LaRouche’s ideas [1] for the purposes of regional and national development, over the course of two decades, Eurasia managed to consolidate, and began to build its future in defiance of the Washington consensus. Instead of a free market, deregulation and privatization, the principles of the physical economy have been applied – the protection of vital industries and trade at the regional level, state investment in scientific and technological progress, comprehensive education, the development of basic economic infrastructure, the effective lending to the real, manufacturing sector, and the regulation of economic activity in general.
The progress made by Asian countries as a result of these economic policies is now attracting more and more countries in Latin America, Africa and the South Pacific. China has demonstrated a new model of large-scale economic development and poverty eradication, and that model is becoming the pivot point for world development. Beijing is challenging Washington’s leading position in international organizations, or, when that does not work, is creating parallel structures in politics and institutions. The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) is the new version of the World Bank, while the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and the BRICS provide Beijing with great platforms for political influence. BRICS is expanding and is working to create its own international gold-backed currency and a basket of real assets/commodities. This new currency, again, reflects LaRouche’s ideas, especially in his article, “On a Basket of Hard Commodities: Trade without Currency” (LaRouche, 2000). BRICS represents a quarter of the world GDP and 18% of global trade. And this might be enough for their monetary ambition to create a multipolar world that would not be dominated by the United States, given the desire of such large countries as Saudi Arabia, Iran and the UAE, to accelerate the process of de-dollarization. In recent months, the central banks of these countries have shifted most of their foreign exchange reserves from dollars to gold.
However, the main issue in the process of de-dollarization is not the search for an alternative to the U.S. currency, but the coordinated efforts of the Eurasian countries to move away from the dollar model of the economy.
As Mathew Burrows recently wrote, “Unfortunately, the split between the West and the Global South is expanding. For many developing countries, the alienation toward the West did not begin with Ukraine; rather, it can be traced to the West’s disregard for their struggle with the COVID-19 pandemic, if not further back.
“The West runs the risk of losing the Global South altogether if it does not try to understand these countries’ interests, needs, and demands and does not stop striving to impose Western values on them. If the West does not alter its course vis-à-vis the Global South, it is most likely to find itself at odds with a multipolar global order, which will continue to evolve and reflect the rise of emerging powers such as Brazil, India, and South Africa. These countries will strengthen their efforts to reform existing multilateral institutions or to create new ones that will enable them to better exert influence on the international arena. More generally, they will continue to develop parallel networks of diplomatic, economic, cultural, and security partnerships and alliances in which the West will gradually lose influence and predominance.” (Burrows, 2022).
The Schiller Institute Conferences on “Peace through development”
To prevent this kind of division, from which the people, and not the elites will suffer, numerous conferences on peace through development are being held worldwide. But the conferences initiated by the Schiller Institute [2] and, personally, the wife of L. LaRouche, Helga Zepp-LaRouche, seem to have the greatest impact.
Why are they so significant?
Because other than revealing [3] to the world the true causes of crises and wars (which the media try to cover up), they also offer an alternative to the neoliberal order – which is systematically presented to us as being without alternatives, and, above all, they provide a conceptual basis for peace movements, the geography of which is expanding and attracting more and more scientists and intellectuals, former politicians and military officers, intelligence services officers, working people, but, above all, many young people dreaming of a fairer world.
For example, the Schiller Institute international conference June 18-19, 2022 titled, “There Can Be No Peace without the Bankruptcy Reorganization of the Dying Trans-Atlantic Financial System,” [4] was attended by 31 speakers, from 12 countries, including Russia, China, Brazil, and Afghanistan. The live-broadcasts of the conference numbered in the thousands at different locations over the two days, and the pre-registration of 1,300 people represented dozens of nations. The conference took place as part of an on-going mobilization process, including an international petition, issued by the Schiller Institute in February 2022 – “Convoke an International Conference to Establish a New Security and Development Architecture for All Nations,” [5] which, as of mid-June, has collected nearly 5,000 signatures from dozens of nations.
An international conference was held on July 8-9, 2023, titled “On the Verge of a New World War: European Nations Must Cooperate with the Global South!” [6]. This event is in sharp contrast to the “Summit for a New Global Financial Pact” held on June 22 Paris, where leaders of the Global South opposed [7] the hypocrisy of their European counterparts. The organizers were pushing for a global tax of at least 1 trillion U.S. dollars per year to be used in the fight against climate change.
The conference was also a timely and necessary intervention against Global NATO’s July 11-12 summit in Vilnius, Lithuania, where NATO’s expansion was on top of the agenda: Sweden joining the Alliance, NATO membership for Ukraine, and a proposal to set up a liaison office in Tokyo. An expansion that the dean of America’s Russia experts, George F. Kennan, had called ‘the most fateful error of American policy in the entire post-Cold War era’ (Goldgeier, 1999: 18).
In Panel 2, titled “The Rise of the Global South against Geopolitical Blocs,” Jacques Cheminade, French politician, former diplomat and the head of the Solidarity and Progress (SP) party, characterized the current historical period as “the battle between the domineering financial oligarchy, and those who believe that the human species has a right to development.” He highlighted the crucial role of L. LaRouche in discovering the principles of physical economy – critical for a New Paradigm of development.
These principles were recalled by Academician S. Glazyev on Sept. 12, 2022, in his message, On the 100th Anniversary of Lyndon LaRouche’s Birth, in which he stated: “If the leaders of the world’s nations had listened to the voice of Lyndon LaRouche, then perhaps we might have managed to avoid the social upheavals we confront today… 30 or 40 years ago, he proposed a different model of globalization, based on the principles of physical economy: in particular, the famous project, which he and his wife, Helga Zepp-LaRouche, put forward for international discussion – the so-called Eurasian Land-Bridge. This is a splendid and interesting project, which now, after many years, has begun to be implemented through the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative, which we support through linking it with the Eurasian Economic Union….
“It is the principles of Physical Economy championed by LaRouche, that today underlie the Chinese economic miracle and are there in the foundations of India’s economic development policy. The supporters of LaRouche in those countries exert a fruitful, very positive, and constructive influence on economic policy-shaping in these leading nations of the new world economic paradigm….
“Lyndon LaRouche turned out to be right. Today we rely on his work, his writings, in composing proposals for a very rapid transition to a new world economic paradigm. We call it an integrated world economic model, in which finance capital will be subordinated to the tasks of developing the economy, and in which the principles of Physical Economy will come to fruition. As we can see, countries that are taking this path are enjoying success….” [8].
Therefore, in the coming decades, we can expect a radical renewal of the physical basis of the world economy – primarily, that all energy, transport, water and communication systems will be fundamentally upgraded through large-scale infrastructure projects using the latest technologies. These projects can be financed independently of the IMF, of the World Bank and of the international capital markets, by the governments of the respective countries themselves, namely through the establishment of government credit lines. The necessary exchange of technological progress through infrastructural and other projects can be organized by means of long-term trade and credit agreements between the participating countries, as suggested by L. LaRouche in his concept of “Trade without currency.” That takes us to, I would call it the strategic conference, which was held in the middle of April, 2023, under the title “Without the Development of All Nations, There Can Be No Lasting Peace for the Planet” [9], which was attended by approx. 40 speakers from all continents.
In short, LaRouche showed how the creation of stable regional cooperation could be organized when a commodity basket consisting of basic commodities would be used as a standard cost to protect mutual trade and credit agreements from currency volatility. Thus, the foundation for the future new global financial system would be created. In Asia, important efforts have already been made in this direction. An international structure for large-scale infrastructure projects [10] has already been outlined in the concept of the “Eurasian Land-Bridge,” the construction of a colossal network of infrastructure corridors between Europe and Asia, from East to West and from North to South, with high-speed rail links, water channels, pipelines, power supply and communication networks, etc.
A New Security Architecture and its Philosophical Foundations
The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists has now moved the Doomsday Clock to 90 seconds before midnight, the closest it has been to the symbolic time of the annihilation of humanity and the Earth since 1947 [11]. This is alarming, which is why leaders in the Global South have been making the case to halt the warmongering over Ukraine and against China.
Аt the same time, the largest U.S. mutual funds – which manage the retirement and other savings of tens of millions of Americans – are profiting from investments in nuclear weapons, cluster munitions and other banned or controversial arms [12]. In this case, how could the world believe in the “fight” against the climate crisis and global warming? Aren’t wars one of the causes?
From the outset of the war in Ukraine, the Schiller Institute has insisted in a number of conferences, beginning on April 9, 2022, that the only solution to this crisis would be the establishment of a new global security and development architecture, which takes into account the security interest of every single country on the planet. This view is shared by more and more forces in the world. There is a “tectonic shift” underway in world politics, in which the nations of the Global South are rising up against the unipolar world order, the attempts to create a Global NATO and a New Global Financial Pact in which they see no opportunities for development, but a threat to their existence and new colonialism.
Even the Atlantic Council admitted: “What the developing and low-income countries really need are concrete initiatives and the less said about grand strategy the better. Dressing those initiatives up as parts of a “new global financial architecture” risks conflating them with the geopolitical conflict centered around changing or preserving the current world order. That conflation will only make it more difficult to develop the international consensus required to adopt those measures.” (Tran, 2023).
In this direction, Helga Zepp-LaRouche recalled [13] the political foundation for durable peace, given by L. LaRouche in 1983, which he thinks should be: a) the unconditional sovereignty of each and all nation-states, and b) cooperation among sovereign nation-states to the effect of promoting unlimited opportunities to participate in the benefits of technological progress, to the mutual benefit of each and all.” “That political foundation is now in sight… What remains is for world citizens to create a miracle: to spur the U.S. to sincerely offer to join this new era,” she noted. She suggested ten principles upon which the new era needs to be based. Her formulation of her tenth principle reads: “The basic assumption for the new paradigm is, that man is fundamentally good and capable to infinitely perfect the creativity of his mind and the beauty of his soul… and that all evil is the result of a lack of development, and therefore can be overcome.” [14]
These principles are embedded in her husband’s overall political-economic philosophy, which views physical economy as the science of applying the creative mind of man in practice, as a process of transforming the universe through man’s socio-economic activity.
In summary, in contrast to conventional economic theories, physical economy focuses exclusively on the real economy, putting aside financial and monetary measures of economic performance. Researchers in this field identify scientific and technological progress as the main driver of increases in real productivity, and study how economies evolve through an unending series of stages of development and structural transformation, under the impact of scientific and technological progress, and related advances in human knowledge. From the general characteristics or “laws” of this evolutionary process, scientists derive principles for the long-term development of nations, which are of vital importance for economic policy making.
The intimate relation between physical economic development and human creativity – in the strict sense exemplified by the process of scientific discovery – leads to a further, profound field of investigation. On the one side, human creativity is shown to be an essentially unlimited resource, providing the means for progressively overcoming all conceivable limits to the future expansion of human activity on the Earth and beyond. On the other hand, to the extent the economy of a nation is organized to foster maximum rates of scientific and technological progress, the economy becomes an instrument for realizing the creative potentials of the population, through their involvement in the generation of new knowledge and its assimilation into the economic process as a whole. In this context the problem of alienation is discussed, which is the main barrier standing in the way of involving the masses of the population into scientific activity, and a future direction of economic development leading to the emergence of what we call a “Knowledge Generator Economy” is proposed.
The essential goal of physical economy is human happiness: Not only freedom from material want, but to create the conditions in which the creative potential of each individual is realized to the maximum extent possible, in an environment of progress and a general expansion of knowledge (LaRouche, 1995, LaRouche, 2001б, Tennenbaum, 2015).
LaRouche’s ideas are attractive to that part of the political and economic elite of the countries of the world, and, in particular, Russia, which has placed its hopes on industrial development, instead of the raw material and speculative economy that dominates today.
Unloved in his homeland, but respected abroad, LaRouche left a rich intellectual legacy from which there is a lot to be appreciated, and implemented, for the purpose of national, regional, and, why not, global development – so as to achieve lasting peace on the planet, rather than a “clash of civilizations.”
[1] In 1975, LaRouche proposed the International Development Bank, a plan to strengthen every currency in the world with long-term, low-interest loans for development projects, and the export of capital goods to the underdeveloped sector. Within a year, the plan was accepted, unconditionally, by the Non-Aligned Movement, a group of 86 countries, mostly from the underdeveloped sector, with LaRouche’s friend, Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, as one of their leading voices. LaRouche also offered the New Bretton Woods plan, as well as detailed accounts of the industrial development of Africa, Mexico, South America, Southwest Asia, India, and the Indian Ocean basin, not to mention the United States and other countries.
This original proposal is the conceptual origin of the many new international development banks coming into being in 2015 and beyond. In it, LaRouche showed how to bring the world together around the creation of a better future for all. (See LaRouche, L. 2019. How The International Development Bank Will Work: IDB.
Many world leaders have personally worked with LaRouche to promote a new international financial system based on physical economic development.
LaRouche’s enemies did not forgive him for this. A federal raid involving 400 agents was carried out on LaRouche’s home and political offices in 1986, after which he was convicted and sent to jail. (See The Battle for Justice: The LaRouche Case
[2] The Schiller Institute is a political and economic think tank founded by Helga Zepp-LaRouche, which is registered in eight countries and has friends in around 40 countries. It is among the principal organizations of the LaRouche movement. The Institute’s stated aim is to apply the ideas of the poet and philosopher Friedrich Schiller to the contemporary world crisis. Their constitution, adopted in 1984, rails against international financial institutions and other supranational bodies, that hinder development, and, thus, lasting peace in the non-Western world.
The Institute has initiated numerous conferences since its inception in North and South America, Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia, to promote the idea of “peace through development.” The discussion at these conferences centers around LaRouche’s proposals for infrastructure projects such as the “Eurasian Land-Bridge,”, and the “Oasis Plan,” a Middle East peace agreement based on Arab-Israeli collaboration on major water projects, as well as proposals for debt relief, and a sweeping reorganization of the world monetary system. The Institute strongly opposes the “Clash of Civilizations” thesis of Samuel Huntington, and appeals for a dialogue of civilizations.
[3] See The Schiller Institute. Recent news
[4] Schiller Institute international conference June 18-19, 2022 “There Can Be No Peace without the Bankruptcy Reorganization of the Dying Trans-Atlantic Financial System”
[5] PETITION: Convoke an International Conference to Establish a New Security and Development Architecture for All Nations.
[6] A two-day international conference “On the Verge of a New World War: European Nations Must Cooperate with the Global South!”
[7] See Pres. Ramaphosa addressing the New Global Financing PACT summit in Paris; President William Ruto on The Summit for a New Global Financing Pact in Paris; Rumble, О., Gilder, А. 2023. The Paris Summit for a New Global Financing Pact: Our Takeaways. African Climate Wire, 4 July 2023
[8] Sergey Glazyev, On the 100th Anniversary of Lyndon LaRouche’s Birth. December 9, 2022.
[9] Without the Development of All Nations, There Can Be No Lasting Peace for the Planet. April 15 & 16, 2023.
[10] By the way, оne of the top-priority projects Alexander Grigoryevich Granberg a leading Russian specialist in the area of comprehensive economic development of the regions of Siberia and the Far East, who headed the Council for the Study of Productive Forces (SOPS) under the Ministry of Economics of the Russian Federation (RF), worked on was the construction of a tunnel under the Bering Strait, which would connect the railroad systems of Russia and the USA. This idea is a key one in LaRouche’s program for global economic recovery. In 2027, when the tunnel should unite the two shores of the Bering Strait (according to the plan), the railroad station on the Russian coast would be named after Prof. Menshikov, and the one on the American side would be named after Lyndon LaRouche. Оfficially, in RF, the project to link Russia and the USA by railway across the Bering Strait was incorporated in 2007 in the “Strategy for the Development of Rail Transport in the RF to 2030,” adopted by the Government of the RF. This resulted, to a significant degree, from the efforts of such Russian scientists as Professor Menshikov and Academician Granberg, who sympathized with LaRouche’s ideas (See Russian Website Features LaRouche’s Influence in Post-Soviet Russia. In: Executive Intelligence Review. 2012. 39 (21), pp. 19-20.
The idea of such a bridge or tunnel across the Bering Strait to connect North America and Eurasia dates back to the end of the 19th century, but its realization has always been hindered by various circumstances.
[11] A time of unprecedented danger: It is 90 seconds to midnight. 2023 Doomsday Clock Statement. Science and Security Board, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, January 24, 2023.
[12] The largest fund managers are heavily invested in arms manufacturers, nuclear weapons, and controversial weapons. Weapon Free funds, 2023
[13] To End Colonialism: A Mission for All Youth. Schiller Institute International Online Youth Conference, Saturday, March 11.
[14] Ten Principles of a New International Security and Development Architecture. Helga Zepp-LaRouche at the Nov. 22 Schiller Institute conference, “Stop the Danger of Nuclear War Now; Third Seminar of Political and Social Leaders of the World”.
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Bifolchi, G. 2003. Islamic banking in Russia: why does it matter? Special Eurasia [viewed January 18, 2023]. Available from:
Burrows, М. 2002. Red Cell: Is the West losing the Global South? Security & Strategy [viewed December 10, 2022]. Available from:
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Glazyev, S. 2001. Russia Is Facing Financial Shocks. Аddress to Duma official hearing “On Measures To Ensure the Development of the Russian Economy Under Conditions of a Destabilization of the World Financial System”, June 29, 2001 [viewed June 15, 2023]. Available from:
Goldgeier, J. 1999. The U.S. Decision to Enlarge NATO. // Brookings Review, 1 June 1999, 19-21. Available from:
LaRouche, L. 1995. The meaning of the term ‘physical economy’. // Executive Intelligence Review. 22 (1), 62-63.
LaRouche, L. 2000. On a Basket of Hard Commodities: Trade Without Currency. // Executive Intelligence Review. 27(30), 4–19.
LaRouche, L. 2001. Policy Changes Needed To Overcome the Collapse. Testimony to the Russian State Duma’s Economics Committee, in Moscow on June 29, 2001 [viewed June 15, 2023]. Available from:
LaRouche, L. 2016. The Gravity of Economic Intentions. // Executive Intelligence Review. 28 (13), 20-55.
Tennenbaum, J. 2015. The Physical Economy of National Development. Berlin, September 27, 2015.
Tran, Н. 2023. Lessons from the Paris Summit for a New Global Financing Pact. Atlantic Council [viewed August 15, 2023 ]. Available from:
About the author:
Education and degrees awarded
PhD in Political Philosophy, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BAS), Institute
for the Study of Societies and Knowledge, Sofia, Bulgaria;
Doctoral Dissertation: “Transformations in geopolitics and new methods and practices of geopolitical
forecasts”, 15.06.2018
MA Communication and library management, “St. Cyril and St. Methodius” University of
Veliko Tarnovo
MA thesis: “Children’s book publishing and its presence in the global network”, 2006
Areas of research
Political philosophy, chronopolitics, geopolitics, futurology, global forecasting
Academic positions
10.11.2020 – currently, Assist. Prof., Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Philosophy
and Sociology, Department of Social Theories, Strategies and Prognosis
28.06.2018 – 01.07. 2020, Research Assistant, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Institute for the
Study of Societies and Knowledge, Department of Social Theories, Strategies and Prognosis
Pavlova, V. 2020. The role of the Asia-Pacific region in global geopolitical transformation
In addition, Vihra Pavlova has written many texts in collections of papers and scientific journals listed in her CV below.