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Tre interviews med H.E. Prof. Dr. Manuel Hassassian, den palæstinenske ambassadør til Danmark
om våbenhvilen og Trumps plan til at overtage Gaza og fjern befolkningen,
plus en tidligere anbefaling af Oase-planen

Tre interviews med H.E. Prof. Dr. Manuel Hassassian, den palæstinenske ambassadør til Danmark
om våbenhvilen og Trumps plan til at overtage Gaza og fjern befolkningen,
plus en tidligere anbefaling af Oase-planen

1. Al Arabiya News den 6. februar 2025:

2. Link til en Facebook side: Interview på LBC, Leading Britain’s Conversations, ca. 12. februar 2025

3. Islam Channel den 21. februar 2025: 

H.E. Ambassador Prof. Dr. Hassassian har også anbefalet Schiller Instituttets Oase-plan. Her er et uddrag fra hans tale til Schiller Instituttets online konference den 15. juni 2024: 

I would like to start my speech by giving a brief synopsis about the Oasis plan, because later, my discussion or deliberation will be about the Palestinian-Israeli conflict and how that will be in the context of a plan that will really bring peace, security and justice through economic development, and through ties between North and South and what have you. And allow me to start by shedding a brief light on the Oasis Plan, sponsored by the Schiller Institute under the title “LaRouche Solution for Peace through Development between Israel and Palestine and for all Southwest Asia”. Peace through economic development is the only successful basis for lasting just peace in the Middle East region. There is no purely military basis for peace or security, and military solution has never been a solution. So, there is no purely military basis for peace or security. Only development is essential. However, the greatest impediment to development in our region, which is the Middle East region and Southwest Asia, is the shortage of fresh water. As everybody knows, because if we don’t solve this problem, the next war in the Middle East is going to be over, water resources. And through the construction of a network of desalination plants, ideally nuclear powered, that could turn the seawater into fresh water.

“These plants could connect the Red Sea with the Dead Sea and the Dead Sea with the Mediterranean as it is outlined in the plan. And it will only come about by rejecting power politics, rejecting geopolitics, and building a new paradigm shift of international relations that is based on a new concept of economic development, i.e., will prevail security and development. As Helga Zepp-LaRouche once said, I’m quoting, “You have to have hope and give the youth a decent future, to have a normal life of doing useful things”. This plan should be applicable to the Palestine-Israel conflict, for its finality and for its duration of longevity, for peace and security.”


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