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Video og Lyd: Francesca Albanese FN rapporteur om de besætte palæstinensiske områder.
Pressekonference den 5. februar 2025 på FN Byen i København.
Inkl. Executive Intelligence Reviews to spørgsmål.
Video and audio: Francesca Albanese, UN rapporteur for the occupied Palestinian territories.
Press conference on Feb. 5, 2025 at UN City in Copenhagen.
Includes Executive Intelligence Review’s two questions.

Video og Lyd: Francesca Albanese FN rapporteur om de besætte palæstinensiske områder.
Pressekonference den 5. februar 2025 på FN Byen i København.
Inkl. Executive Intelligence Reviews to spørgsmål.
Video and audio: Francesca Albanese, UN rapporteur for the occupied Palestinian territories.
Press conference on Feb. 5, 2025 at UN City in Copenhagen.
Includes Executive Intelligence Review’s two questions.

Her er lydfilen.
Here is the audio file.

Francesca Albaneses hovedpunkter var at alle nationer har pligt til at stoppe det folkedrab der foregår i de palæstinensiske besætte områder, at Israel skal forlade disse områder, og at Palæstina skal anderkendes som selvstændig nation. 

Francesca Albanese’s main points were that all nations are required to stop the genocide that is going on in the Palestinian occupied territories, that Israel must pull out of these areas, and that Palestine must be recognized as an independent nation.

Executive Intelligence Review stillede de to første spørgsmål til Francesca Albanese.
Det første spørgsmål var om Oase-planen, først forslået af Lyndon LaRouche i 1975.
Desværre, pga. et lyd problem, troede Francesca Albanese at det handlede om “USA’s Plan” og ikke “Oase-plan”.

Executive Intelligence Review asked the first two questions to Francesca Albanese.
The first question was about the Oasis Plan, first proposed by Lyndon LaRouche in 1975.

Here is the first EIR question posed by journalist Michelle Rasmussen:

After identification: “I have a question about implementing an Oasis Plan for peace through economic development, and connecting a political solution to an economic solution.

My magazine Executive Intelligence Review and it founding editor Lyndon LaRouche proposed in 1975 and afterwards, an Oasis Plan for cooperation between an independent Palestine, Israel, the region, and others, now including the Chinese, for water desalination, new water transfer canals and other modern infrastructure —

Do you think something like this could help break the cycle of violence and hate, by creating a future vision of cooperation for the benefit of everyone, which can help pave the path from genocide to peace, and give people hope? 

You said in an interview after the ceasefire agreement, that Palestine is a test for humanity for what we want to do next.

Can you comment on the need for international cooperation for reconstruction and economic development, including something like an Oasis Plan, to ensure a decent future for the Palestinians?”

Unfortunately, because of an audio problem, Francesca Albanese thought that the question was about the “U.S. Plan” and not the “Oasis Plan.”

The second question was about her reaction to President Trump’s call for the U.S. to take over Gaza and remove all of the Palestinians.

Foto: Michelle Rasmussen, Executive Intelligence Review

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