Modi forklarer Ban Ki-moon, at fattigdom, ikke CO2-udslip, er vigtigst

Den 27. september 2015 – Da Indiens premierminister Narendra Modi d. 25. september diskuterede med FN’s generalsekretær Ban Ki-moon under FN’s møde om mål for bæredygtighed, bragte han emnet om manglende tillid op. Ifølge talsmanden for Indiens udenrigsministerium Vikas Swarup bruger industrilandene tilsyneladende klimaemnet til at holde udviklingslandenes befolkningers levestandard nede, med påskud om at kontrollere CO2-udslippet, rapporterede Indo-Asian News Service (IANS) i dag.

Modi sagde, at udviklingslandene skal have mulighed for at udvikle sig, og at industrilandenes politik om at indføre restriktioner og kontrol af udviklingen ikke var vejen frem. »Der var brug for positive foranstaltninger, som f.eks. lempelser af finansieringen for projekter relateret til klimaforandringer, samt overførsel af teknologi, for at fremme bæredygtig udvikling, frem for negative foranstaltninger, der fokuserede på at begrænse CO2-udslippet«, sagde han ifølge IANS.

Senere på dagen, da han talte til et særligt FN-topmøde, betonede Modi, at lande som Kina, Indien og Brasilien huser millioner af mennesker, der lever under ekstrem fattigdom (mindre end $1.25 om dagen) – hhv. 80, 280 og 10 millioner. Det handler ikke kun om at opfylde de fattiges behov og om at opretholde deres værdighed eller tage moralsk ansvar, men at indse, at målet for en bæredygtig fremtid ikke kan opnås, hvis ikke dette fattigdomsproblem bliver adresseret, sagde han ifølge BRICS Post. Næsten 60 % af landbefolkningen i Indien lever i »afsavn« ifølge en måling, der måler syv socialøkonomiske forhold fremlagt i en regeringsundersøgelse fra tidligere i år, skrev BRICS Post.



Tema-artikel: Begynd med Franklin Roosevelts helhedsidé.
FN for fælles, økonomisk opbygning af verden,
ikke Det britiske Imperium

EIR, 22. september 2015 – Verden vil snart forsamles i Manhattan til den sidste uge i september til De Forenede Nationers Generalforsamling. Obama vil tale den 28. september, en måned før 70-års dagen for ratificeringen af FN’s Charter i oktober 1945.Verden vil imidlertid ikke længere lytte til Obamas diktat, der fremsættes på vegne af hans herrer i Det britiske Imperium. I stedet vil verden samles, idet et nyt paradigme er i færd med at blive konsolideret, anført af BRIKS-udviklingen, der har et særdeles reelt potentiale for at lancere en Renæssance for hele menneskeheden, stedt over for Det britiske Imperiums smuldrende bygningsværk. Som Lyndon LaRouche for nyligt erklærede, så er den onde Bertrand Russells verdensøkonomiske system dømt til undergang.

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Video: Helga Zepp-LaRouche:
Et nyt paradigme for civilisationen (Dansk udskrift)

Schiller Instituttets formand, Helga Zepp-LaRouche:

»Du ved sandsynligvis ikke noget om det endnu, for massemedierne dækker det ikke, men virkeligheden er den, at menneskeheden allerede har indledt en fuldstændig ny æra med BRIKS-landene. De er i færd med at virkeliggøre et fuldstændigt nyt økonomisk og finansielt system. Kina er i færd med at bygge den Nye Silkevej, der bringer udvikling og fred til alle lande, der deltager i projektet. Kinas kultur er orienteret imod en bedre fremtid for menneskeheden, og hele den kinesiske befolkning deltager optimistisk i denne fællesmission.

Den indiske premierminister Modi har udtrykt det således: ’BRIKS-landene udgør den første alliance i historien, der ikke defineres ud fra sine aktuelle kapaciteter, men ud fra det fremtidige potentiale, og det er dets befolkningers kreativitet.’

Lad os gøre alt, vi kan, for at få de europæiske nationer og USA til at gå med i dette optimistiske perspektiv for fremtiden.«

(Men uanset, hvilken form for trykkemaskine, der bruges, må vore trykkeriarbejdere …)

 Speaker: »Den største udvikling i vores levetid er blevet fuldstændigt blokeret af medierne. Er der noget, medierne ikke vil have, du skal vide?«

 Den kinesiske præsident, Xi Jinping:

»Vi har kun en planet, og landene deler denne ene verden. For at få fremgang i Asien, og i verden, kan vi ikke undvære hinanden. Det, som Kina derfor har mest brug for, er harmoniske og stabile, nationale forhold, og fredelige og rolige, internationale forhold. Uroligheder og krig er imod det kinesiske folks fundamentale interesser. Kina har, i moderne tider, lidt under uroligheder og krig i mere end et århundrede, og det kinesiske folk ville aldrig ønske at påføre andre lande, eller folkeslag, den samme tragedie. Historien har lært os, at intet land, der forsøgte at opnå sit mål ved hjælp at magt, lykkedes med det.«

 Den russiske præsident, Vladimir Putin:

»Vi går nu ind i en ny fase af vores nationale udvikling. Vi må forstå, at de fremtidige generationers liv og vore udsigter som land og som nation afhænger af os i dag, af vores faste beslutning om at udvikle vore udstrakte vidder fra Det baltiske Hav til Stillehavet.«

 Den indiske premierminister Narendra Modi:

»Ligesom vi kæmpede for vores frihed, ligesom vi kæmpede sammen; vi var ikke adskilt dengang. Vi var sammen. Vandt vi ikke kampen om frihed imod det imperium? Hvis det indiske folk kunne fjerne så stort et imperium uden at have regeringsmagten, uden våben og endda uden ressourcer, så er det, venner, nutidens nødvendighed at udrydde fattigdom. Kan vi ikke overvinde fattigdommen? Mine kære, 1,25 milliard landsmænd, lad os beslutte at udrydde fattigdommen, vinde kampen imod den. Lad os gå frem med drømmen om at udrydde fattigdom i Indien.«

Fra den Gamle Silkevej …

 Skærmbillede 2015-06-02 14.33.32

til den Nye Silkevej:

Skærmbillede 2015-06-02 14.34.21

Et nyt paradigme for civilisationen

Skærmbillede 2015-06-02 14.35.23

POLITISK ORIENTERING den 20. august 2015:
Et minut til midnat angående kollaps og krig
Se 2. del her.

Med formand Tom Gillesberg

2. del


Er du en af af Satans godtroende tåber? –
3 EIR-artikler: Den britiske kongefamilies plan
om at skrue verden tilbage til stenalderen – mere …

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Helga Zepp-LaRouche:
Genopbyg verden i BRIKS-æraen
Hovedtale ved Schiller Instituttets konference i Paris, 13.-14. juni

– For dette er ikke en akademisk konference. Dette er en reel indsats for at intervenere på et tidspunkt, hvor det er meget tydeligt, at de ledende institutioner i G7, for eksempel, og som netop har afholdt et topmøde, er totalt mislykkedes i at løse disse for civilisationen eksistentielle farer.

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Se hele konferencen her.


Højtplaceret indisk regeringsperson: Infrastruktur er en offentlig statsværdi

Berlin, 20. maj, 2015 – På et panel om Modi-regeringens ambitiøse »100 Smart Cities«-program for Indien, der afholdtes i forbindelse med Den asiatiske Stillehavsuge i Berlin i dag, rapporterede Pradeep Puri fra Indiens Føderale Råd for Handel og Industri (FICCI) om de blandede erfaringer med offentligt-private partnerskaber og erklærede: »Infrastruktur er en offentlig, statslig værdi, og staten må påtage sig ansvaret.« Måske lige borstet fra i USA, så er dette et princip, der er anerkendt over hele verden, og det kan ikke være anderledes i Indien. Indiens basale infrastrukturbehov er enorme: Puri og andre indiske talere talte om et minimumsbeløb på 1,3 billioner dollar, som må investeres for at gøre indiske byer egnede til at leve i og forhindre dem i at synke ned i slum. Frem til 2050 må der skabes henved 500 millioner nye jobs i Indien, og de fleste vil blive inden for bymæssige områder; 60 af disse 100 byer vil have en befolkning på 1 million mennesker og mere, og seks af dem vil hver have en befolkning på mere end 10 mio. mennesker.

Modis Smart Cities-program skal, som flere indiske talere påpegede, ikke begrænses til 100 byer, men er tænkt som en drivkraft for at få alle landets flere tusinde byer involveret. »Smart« indebærer ikke alene IT og elektronik; det indebærer først og fremmest at tilvejebringe en garanteret og billig forsyning af ferskvand, energi, kloakering og offentlige sundhedstjenester, så vel som også offentlig transport, for hver eneste borger i Indien. Modis program gælder for alle indiske borgere, ikke kun for en rig elite, der ønsker at kopiere vestlig livstil – Indien vil blive en moderne nation, men vil have sin egen særlige karakter. Og befolkningen støtter Modi, som paneldeltagerne understregede.

En repræsentant fra det tyske Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW) (Kreditanstalt for Genopbygning), som under dette panel af EIR blev spurgt om samarbejdet med de nye finansinstitutioner, BRIKS’ NDB (Nye Udviklingsbank) og AIIB (Asiatisk Infrastruktur-Investeringsbank), sagde, at han bød disse nye spillere velkommen på det internationale marked, og at KfW helt bestemt ville arbejde sammen med dem, idet AIIB begynder at operere først og NDB lidt senere, efter hans mening. Han tilføjede, at han mener, de nye banker vil konsultere KfW om, hvorledes den udfører sit arbejde, men dernæst vil de naturligvis udføre deres arbejde på deres egen måde.

POLITISK ORIENTERING den 21. maj 2015: Den nye strategiske BRIKS-baserede verdensorden, video og audio

Med formand Tom Gillesberg

RADIO SCHILLER den 4. maj 2015:
70 år efter befrielsen

Med Tom Gillesberg

Helga Zepp-LaRouche i København den 27. april 2015: engelsk afskrift


Here is the transcript of Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s address to the
Schiller Institute seminar in Copenhagen, which was held
Copenhagen Business Confucius Institute, Copenhagen Business
School. Click her for the audio and video from Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s speech and the other speeches from the seminar.

TOM GILLESBERG: I have the great honor of introducing Helga
Zepp-LaRouche, who has come here from a rather busy schedule both
in Germany and the United States, but also the whole world she’s
intervening to. Just as a short introduction, Mrs. Zepp-LaRouche
has been since 1977 the wife and very close collaborator of
Lyndon LaRouche in the United States, the economist, philosopher,
statesman who is giving leadership in the U.S., for the U.S. to
return to the intentions of its founders, to be a promoter of
sovereign nations that can collaborate on an equal footing to
secure the benefits for all nations and peoples.
And Helga has a very, I think, close connection to China.
As a young journalist she traveled to China in 1971, in the
height of the Cultural Revolution as one of the first Western
journalists and actually saw on the spot what was going on. She
then became politically active with the LaRouche movement and
embarked on a life-long battle for a new just world economic
order, for the possibilities of development for all nations and
She then founded, among many other things, the Schiller
Institute, in 1984. She is presently the chairwoman of the
German political party, the BüSo — the Bürgerrechtsbewegung
Solidarität, or Civil Rights Soliarity Movement. She was vry
active after the Fall of the Berlin Wall and one of the authors
of the Schiller Institute program for the development of the
world after the Iron Curtain had fallen of the program the
Paris-Berlin-Vienna Productive Triangle, a Locomotive for the
World Economy. And when that did not materialize, she was very
active in extending that program to the program for the Eurasian
Land-Bridge, going from China and Asia to Europe and having a
development of the whole region. And as part of that, she then
became a visitor many times to China to speak on the need for a
New Silk Road and actually earned her nickname in China as the
“Silk Road Lady,” for her efforts to have China embark on this
And since then, she has been also the driving force in
holding many scores of conferences in Europe and the United
States on the need for creating a paradigm shift, to get the
Western world out of its long-term economic, strategic, and
cultural crisis. And, over the last couple of years, she has
been one of the architects of this report, “The New Silk Road
Becomes the World Land-Bridge.” She has also been leading the
campaign to stop the present geopolitical games that threaten to
detonate thermonuclear war and instead get the United States and
Europe to accept the offer of the BRICS countries to join forces
in an inclusive world order, where all nations of the world, on
an equal footing, collaborate to secure the peace and development
of all nations.
So I think it’s very appropriate that you are here to
directly lay what’s going on, so please, welcome. [applause]

HELGA ZEPP-LAROUCHE: Thank you, Tom, for these kind words of
Well I have a certain dilemma, because I want to present to
you the potential, which lies in this program, and given the fact
that the Western media have reported very little about it, I have
a dilemma, that I need to tell you, that this is {the} most
important political initiative on the planet right now. The
dilemma comes from the fact that, by introducing this idea, have
to tell you immediately why this is the case, and that is the
reality, that the world is much more close to a new global war,
than most people have an inkling of. And this New Silk Road
initiative, which comes from China, but which in the meantime has
been joined by many countries, is the only available
war-avoidance policy.
Now there was just on the April 18- 19 in Moscow the Fourth
Moscow International Security Conference, and the main subject of
this conference was the danger of nuclear war. And this is a
reaction to the fact that NATO has been expanding eastward, up to
the borders of Russia. You have a whole bunch of strategic
doctrines which Russia regards as a threat to their security
interests, and naturally you have the horrendous situation in
Ukraine, which contrary to what the Western media have been
reporting on — or not reporting actually — is it’s really
something which the West must make up. I just participated in the
last two days, or Friday and Saturday in a conference in
Baden-Baden in Germany, the German-Russian Cultural Days. It’s an
annual conference, and there was a large gathering of German
industrialists and Russian speakers and Russian people. And we
had the fortune to have a videoconference connected to this
conference, which brought in a live program from the former Prime
Minister of Ukraine, Mr. [Mykola] Azarov. And he gave an
absolutely hair-raising report about the conditions in Ukraine,
the fact that the country is being torn apart. Political leaders
are either forced to go into exile or are threatened to be
assassinated; journalists are being killed openly in the street;
trenches are being built; and, as you know, American soldiers are
now training the National Guard, which has a lot of Nazi
components in it. And for the Russians this is extremely severe,
because we are shortly before the 70th anniversary of the end of
Nazism and the end of the Second World War, and the mood of the
people were really horrified to see this endorsement of Nazis 70
years after the Second World War.
Now, I don’t want to go into this in depth, we can do that
in the discussion if people have questions about it, but I think
this crisis, in Ukraine in particular, I could also point to the
Middle East, which is in a similar horrible condition, makes
very, very clear, that if we as humanity cannot move away from
geopolitics — geopolitics was the reason for two world wars in
the 20th century, and right now the continuation of geopolitics
is threatening a new global war. I just want to mention an
article in {New York Times} from 19th April, where two generals,
Gen. James Cartwright, who is former head of the U.S. Strategic
Command, and Gen. Vladimir Dvorkin, who is the chief of
intelligence of the Russian Strategic Nuclear Forces, they penned
together an article, In which they said that the world has never
been so close to the danger of nuclear war globally, and
therefore extinction, as right now. And the reason is obviously
that even the normal code of behavior among nations, which
existed in the Cold War, that you had a red telephone between
Kennedy and Khrushchev, this no longer exists; and you have the
two nuclear forces, from NATO and the West and Russia, all the
time on launch on warning. And launch on warning means there are
only a few minutes time, if one side perceives a launch, either
by intention or by accident, they have a few minutes, actually
it’s estimated three minutes’ time, to respond or be eliminated.
So that shows you how extremely close we are to the danger
of a global extinction of civilization. Because if this would
happen, we would not exist as humanity. And I’m saying it with
that gravity, to say that this calls all the more urgently, for a
different approach. And the different approach must be to move
away from geopolitics and move in the direction of the common
aims of mankind.
And it just happens to be, that the policies which are
proposed by President Xi Jinping, which he calls a “win-win”
policy, is exactly that. It’s the idea, that with the New Silk
Road, you have a policy where every country which participates in
it, will have a benefit for it. The New Silk Road, Maritime Silk
Road policy by China is {not} a new imperial policy replacing the
Anglo-American imperial policy, but it is a completely new model
of the nations among nations, where the enormous example of the
Chinese economic miracle, which China was able to develop in the
last 30 years — you know, where China in {30 years}, developed
as much as most industrial nations needed 100 or 200 years to
develop — and China is now offering to export that model and
have other countries benefit in a similar way from that kind of
economic miracle, which China did.
Can you move to the first slide?
So the world has changed since July last year, the summit of
the BRICS countries in Fortaleza in Brazil. And this is a
picture which was made at this occasion, showing the leaders of
Russia, India, Brazil, China and South Africa. And they basically
concluded a new strategic alliance — economic alliance, which
Prime Minister Modi characterized in the following way: He said,
“This is the first alliance of nations, which are not defined by
their current capacity, but by their future potential of
development.” And at another occasion, Modi said that the biggest
potential of India is, that 60% of its people are below 30 years
of age, and therefore, if they are well-educated and developed,
they can come to the help of other nations, which has demographic
problems, like Germany, for example.
What these countries did, is they concluded an enormous
amount of economic treaties, of economic cooperation, including
peaceful development of inherently safe nuclear energy, the
development of fusion energy, joint space projects, space travel,
and numerous other high-tech cooperation areas.
Then, the next day, they met with the leaders of South
America, the organizations of CELAC [Community of Latin American
and Caribbean States] and Unasur [Union of South American
Nations]. Then a little bit later they also had meetings with
countries of ASEAN [Association of Southeast Asian Nations] and
actually you have now a completely parallel system of economics,
which is really going to be the infrastructure development of the
Now this here is an official picture of the New Silk Road
and the Maritime Silk Road, which shows you the old Silk Road
from Xi’an, actually it goes even farther to the west,
Lianyungang, where the end of that Silk Road is on the China Sea,
all the way through Urumqi, then Central Asia into Europe; and
then Maritime Silk Road is actually connecting even Africa and
much of the Pacific also into Europe. And this is modelled on the
famous Maritime Silk Road of the 15th century, which connected
the nations of the world already at that time.
Now, I want to very quickly say that this made us very
happy, when Xi Jinping announced the New Silk Road in Kazakhstan
in 2013, we jumped that high — you know, in the Schiller
Institute — because we had promoted this idea. This was our
proposal when the Berlin Wall came down, in ’89, and the wall no
longer was there. So we said let’s connect Paris with Berlin and
Vienna, which is a triangular area of the size of Japan, and has
the highest concentration of industrial capacity in the world;
and let’s make corridors to Warsaw, to Kiev, to the Balkans. And
it would have been a perfect way to intervene.
Unfortunately at that time, despite the fact there was a
very good resonance, you had Bush Sr., you had Margaret
Thatcher, and they had completely different ideas: They wanted to
reduce Russia from a superpower to at Third World, raw
materials-exporting country, and therefore they introduced the
shock-therapy, instead, which dismantled the Russian industrial
potential between ’91-’94, to only 30% left.
But then, when in ’91, the Soviet Union collapsed, we
connected this triangle, Paris-Berlin-Vienna, and we said: OK,
now the Iron Curtain is gone, now we can have development
corridors connecting the population and industrial centers of
Europe with those of Asia, through corridors. And then we looked
at the best geographical conditions. I should say, we were
inspired very much by the railway program of Sun Yat-sen, the
founder of modern China, who had developed a whole network of
Chinese railways, and that went into this program. So, at that
time we said let’s look at the best geographical preconditions,
and we found, not so accidentally, that the old Trans-Siberian
Railroad and the old Silk Road, the ancient Silk Road, had the
best geographical conditions to build such infrastructure.
So at that point the shock therapy started to destroy
Russia’s economy, but we kept holding seminars — we had hundreds
of seminars, in Europe, in United States, and then, eventually,
in Warsaw, in Budapest, in Moscow. And in ’96 even in Beijing,
where the Chinese government had responded to our proposal to all
the governments, to hold a big conference promoting the regions
along the Silk Road. And I was there as a speaker, but then came
the Asia Crisis in ’97, and China, at that conference said, that
this will be the long-term strategy for China until 2010. But
then the Asia crisis brought chaos and then the Russian GKO
crisis [in ’98].
So in the mean time we kept working on this initial proposal
which grew. And the latest of this, is this report: It’s a
370-page study which is really the idea of connecting the world
through infrastructure corridors.
Now, here you see some of these projects, which are already
being built, by the BRICS, by some of the other countries — for
example China is now building a transcontinental railroad from
Brazil to Peru, this is letter A [on the map]. This has already
started — you know, Latin America does not have an
infrastructure network! It is still in the colonial condition,
where you have little railroads from the iron ore mountain to the
coast, but if you want to travel from Peru to Brazil, you have to
go via Miami. So this is the idea, to develop a continental
railroad system.
Then number 1 there is the canal built in Nicaragua, it will
be the second Panama Canal, which obviously is an extremely
important project, which will mean that Nicaragua has a very good
chance to become an industrial country, with improving living
standards of its population. Naturally the Greenies are going
crazy and they say there are two fishermen who have to be
resettled. But, first of all, these people will be compensated,
and secondly without infrastructure, there is {no} industrial
development; without infrastructure there is not even
agriculture, because without infrastructure you cannot transport
and process food.
So then, naturally you have the Bering Strait, this number
2. This has been recently announced by Vladimir Yakunin, who is
the head of Russian Railways. And he proposed (I don’t think I
have that slide), a fast train connection from London all the way
through the Bering Strait to New York. A couple of years ago, Mr.
LaRouche and I participated in a conference in Moscow where the
fathers of the Bering Strait Project were present. These were all
older men over 80, and they said: “Oh, in 20 years, we can go
with a maglev train from Acapulco through the Bering Strait to
Mumbai, and this will be much faster than you can go by ship
today,” and they had a very pioneering spirit.
So this is very important because this connection not only
would connect the transport lines of North America with those of
Eurasia, but it would be absolutely crucial to open up the Arctic
Region. In the Far East of Russia you have all the raw materials
which are in the periodic table of Mendeleyev, and they represent
for the next 100 years a very important raw-material potential
which will be important not only for Russia, but for Europe, for
the United States, for China, for Japan, for Korea. So this will
be the way to develop it, because these raw-material are in
permafrost conditions, and you have to build, you have to build
cities, which have a dome, because people have to live — you
cannot live in permanfrost conditions like that, you have to have
a special way of developing it.
Now, I could go into many other projects — the Seikan
tunnel between the Japanese islands does already exist, it
connects the two important islands in Japan. Then the Bohai
Tunnel will connect two Chinese cities and shorten the transport.
The brown line there, this is the actual Silk Road [Silk Road
Economic Belt], which is now being promoted by China; this larger
gray line is the [21st-Century] Maritime Silk Road; but as you
can see, it stretches all the way to Europe and into Africa.
Prime Minister Li Keqiang was several times last year in Africa,
and he proposed to connect all African capitals through a fast
train system. And I know from many Africans, leaders and leading
politicians, they are very happy about that, because Africa right
now urgently needs development. And I think, if you look at the
horrendous refugee crisis, the people drowning by the thousands
in the Mediterranean, it makes it {so} clear that to bring
development to Africa is the only way how you can overcome this
unbelievable tragedy. And if Europe would have a right mind, they
would join! You know, rather than sending the Triton boats to
chase the refugees back, which is a complete moral bankruptcy of
Now this is very interesting, because the big question
always comes, “who should finance all of this?” As you know,
already at the Brazil Fortaleza summit, the BRICS countries
agreed, together with some of the other countries, to create new
financial institutions: the New Development Bank of the BRICS,
the AIIB [Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank] was already
founded in last October, but also a whole set of other banks.
And it came from the idea, that when the Asia crisis happened in
’97, in which speculators like George Soros speculated against
the currencies of countries like Korea, Philippines, Thailand, in
one week up to 60-80% downward, and these countries had no
defense; so they concluded, “OK, we have to protect ourselves,”
so they created the Contingency Reserve Arrangement [CRA], which
is a pool of currencies of a $100 billion, which will defend all
of the participating countries against speculative attacks.
Now, the AIIB, the New Development Bank, the New Silk Road
Fund, the Maritime Silk Road Fund, the bank of the Shanghai
Cooperation Organization [SCO Development Bank], and the SAARC
[South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation] Development
Fund, are all new banks which follow a completely different
principle than Wall Street and the City of London, or Frankfurt,
for that matter. They say, we do not participate in speculation,
but we will use these funds only for investment in the real
economy, into these projects. And this is urgently needed,
because as you know, despite all of the quantitative easing of
the Federal Reserve, and now [ECB President] Mr. Draghi, who are
printing money as if there would be no tomorrow, the money does
not arrive at the industries! Because the banks, the speculators
prefer to keep the casino going, and this is actually reaching a
point where at the IMF annual spring meeting which just took
place in Washington, the IMF itself put out a report saying that
we are facing a collapse {bigger} than 2008 with the collapse of
Lehman Brothers. And several economists from J.P. Morgan and
other banks warned that you could have a simultaneous stock and
bond crisis, causing a meltdown of the system; or, if the Federal
Reserve would increase the interest rate only by a tiny, tiny
amount it could blow up the whole derivatives bubble of $2
trillion. And if the Troika and the ECB are pushing Greece out
of the Eurozone, that could also trigger a collapse, because it
would not so much hurt Greece, but it would blow up the European
So therefore, the existence of these banks are de facto a
lifeboat in the face of the immediate danger of a collapse.
Now, as you probably have noticed, when the question came,
who would be a founding member of the Asian Infrastructure
Investment Bank, which was already constituted last October, but
the date until which countries could join as founding members was
end of March [2015]. And the United States put a lot of pressure
on the allies, not to join; they didn’t want Korea to join;
naturally, they didn’t want Europe to join, and they put maximum
pressure on Asian countries not to join. But then, it just so
happened, that the best ally of the United States, Great Britain,
was the first European country to join, and that caused a kind of
a dam break, and then Germany, France, Italy, Switzerland,
Austria, and all the Scandinavian countries joined. And the
actual founding members included 57 countries. And they
basically participate in different degrees in this new bank,
which obviously people realize that what China is offering with
the economic cooperation in these projects, is much, much more
attractive than to participate in more speculative bubbles which
eventually will pop. So, this was from the founding meeting in
October, already, but in the meantime, it become many more
Now, this is also very interesting, because this is a
proposal which my husband made in 1975. It was called the
International Development Bank, and it was basically the same
idea as the AIIB, today, saying that the IMF and the World Bank
do not provide enough credit for Third World development. This
was a proposal he made in ’75, and it went into the final
resolution of the Non-Aligned Movement in 1976 in Colombo, Sri
Lanka, and it had the same idea as the AIIB.
The World Bank only spends per year $24 billion for
projects. But the actual requirement of the developing
countries, is about $8 trillion in the next years! So there is
no way the World Bank can manage that, and this bank, on the
other side, the AIIB, and the other banks will grow and will
become more productive.
Now, this is very important because what the AIIB and the
New Development Bank and this new economic system which is
emerging represent, is something completely different than
monetarism. Monetarism is the idea that you have to have maximum
profit, the real economy doesn’t count; as a matter of fact, you
all know, that if you have an industrial firm which lays of
10,000, the stock goes up! It doesn’t make any sense. In the
realm of monetarism, this is explained by the idea that the firm
becomes “more productive” because fewer workers work more, and
therefore the profit is greater; but from the standpoint of the
real economy this makes no sense at all.
And it is exactly that philosophy which has caused the
Troika to destroy Greece. What they managed to do is to reduce
the Greek economy by one-third, to increase the youth
unemployment to 65%, and people are extremely unhappy, not only
in Greece, but also in Italy, in Spain, Portugal and so forth.
What we propose, both the IDB and these new banks, is really
going back to a completely different model. It’s based on the
idea of this man, whom you all recognize, I’m sure — he is
Alexander Hamilton, the first Secretary of the Treasury of the
United States. And he created, actually, the United States, by
creating the National Bank and the credit system, because, what
he did, was after the War of Independence, the different states
in the United States were totally indebted. So he unified the
United States by taking over the debt obligations of these
states, and basically saying, it’s no longer your business, we’ll
take these debts as a Federal state, as a national state, and we
will transform that into a credit mechanism, only aimed at areal
And that was really the actual founding of the United
States. And this idea of a credit system which is not
monetarism, but it is the idea that credit can only be given for
future production in the real economy, not for speculation, that
model was what made the United States a great industrial power.
Because, despite the fact that some following Presidents then
tried to dismantle it, the United States went back to it, again
and again. It was the policies of John Quincy Adams; it was the
policy of Abraham Lincoln with the greenbacks; it was the policy
of Franklin D. Roosevelt. This is how Roosevelt brought the
United States out of the Depression of the ’30s by building the
Reconstruction Finance Corp. which financed the New Deal, and
that’s how America got out of the Depression. And, also, it was
the basis for the German Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau, the
state bank, which help to finance the reconstruction and the
economic miracle of Germany in the postwar period — which was
modeled on the Reconstruction Finance Corp.
So this is therefore, not something new. It’s a tested
model, it has always been the basis when there was progress in
the real economy, as compared to the financial markets. I’m not
talking about the financial markets, I’m talking about real
production for the livelihood and the common good of the people.
So the first step there, we have called for — Tom
mentioned it — that we think it is an absolute matter, actually
of war and peace, if we succeed to get the European nations {and}
America to join with this “win-win,” all-inclusive,
non-geopolitical system. And, as I said, the financial system of
Wall Street and the City of London {is} about to blow up, bigger
than 2008, and the only way how that can be avoided from leading
to a chaotic collapse, is by going back to the Glass-Steagall
legislation which was introduced by Franklin D. Roosevelt in
1933, which was his answer to the collapse of ’29-’33 period.
And he separated the banks, by making the commercial banks
separate from the investment banks, so that the investment bank
could not have access to assets of the commercial banks.
And this exist from 1933 until 1999 in the United States,
and in Europe you had practically the same thing, because you had
a very regulated banking sector. But the Wall Street forces did
not like it, because naturally it reduced their profit, so they
worked very hard to eliminate it, which they were able to do in
1999, and the whole super-expansion of the speculative area only
occurred after this law was eliminated. And the good news, is
that there is a right now a Presidential candidate in the United
States, who has said that his first act if he would move into the
White House, would be to reintroduce this Glass-Steagall law: And
that is the former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley, about whom many
papers are writing that he has a very good chance to take the
Democratic nomination, because many people think Hillary Clinton
has made too many compromises with bad policies, when she was
Secretary of State. But, O’Malley is not alone, but you have a
whole bunch of people around him, who say the United States must
go back to being a Republic; it must go back to putting the
common good above the interests of Wall Street. And that is
really the “to be or not to be” question of the whole world.
Now, if this reorganization would take place, then, the
United States could easily join with the BRICS countries in such
efforts as the AIIB and other such things. And, as you know, the
Greek government has also demanded that there is no way how they
can pay their debt, because as you know, of all the rescue
packages which went to Greece, only 3% of that money remained in
Greece, while all the rest really went to the European banks.
And therefore, to demand that Greece should pay back these debts,
it’s just impossible! And the Greek government has made the
point that they want to have a European Debt Conference, like
Germany in 1953, without which the German economic miracle would
never have taken place. So if this all happens, and that could
happen in the short term, Europe could easily participate in
Now, I just want to say, the ancient Silk Road was not only
an exchange of silk, and porcelain, and paper, printing,
gunpowder, and many, many other goods, but much more important
than that, it was an exchange of ideas and technologies: Silk
making is more important than silk; how to print books is more
important than the book. So the ancient Silk Road was an
extremely important exchange of goods and culture, and ideas, and
understanding among people — and so will be the New Silk Road,
just with modern means.
Now, if you go back to the picture, this is why we have
said, “The New Silk Road Becomes the World Land-Bridge” where we
have the camels, sort of symbolizing the old Silk Road, and here
you see a maglev train, and here you see a rover on the Moon, to
give you an idea that the exchange of technologies and goods in
the modern world will be the most advanced technologies to the
benefit of all of mankind.
So going back to the problem here, is, obviously, if you
look at that map, you see, these are the deserts of the world: A
very broad desert band which goes from the Atlantic coast of
Africa, through the Sahara-Sahel zone, the Arab Peninsula, the
Middle East, all the way to China. And that desert is growing.
It’s expanding. And then you have the desert in the West of the
United States, which is right now ruined by a big drought in
California, in Texas, in all the states west of the Mississippi;
and naturally, Brazil has a drought.
In the United States this is very severe. Here you have a
global water scarcity map; here you have the water stress
indicator. In the United States, just to mention that, Governor
Brown of California has just announced that the water consumption
will be cut by 25% up to 36%! Now that is the death to
Californian agriculture; in the south of California, for example,
in the Central Valley, in this region, 40% of the entire
agriculture of the United States is produced, and this is now
being completely destroyed. Here you see, this is a former
reservoir, which is almost dried up. This is the snowpack: in
2013, it was relatively, a lot of snow, and last year, no snow,
so the drought is expanding, and obviously, to cut consumption
means you kill people. I mean, you cannot cut water — where
should these people go? There are already cities and towns where
people are — it’s not just not watering their lawn — it’s
taking public showers, of getting water rations, and then
eventually people have to move away, because if there is no water
there is no life. There were already herds being transformed, of
hundreds of thousands of head of cattle, and the idea to just
accept that, and as Governor Brown said, “California historically
has only a carrying potential of 400,000 people,” is ridiculous,
because there are presently 39 million people living in
California! And the idea to say there’s only room for 400,000 is
completely ahistorical about what is the role of human beings,
who differentiate themselves from animals by being able to
increase the living capability for more people by improving
productivity, by transforming the industry, the infrastructure,
and in that way, developing the planet.
So obviously, China has taken a completely different
approach. Here you see, China is actually the only country which
has taken a very big water diversification: There is on the one
side, the Three Gorges Dam, which is now producing, I think 22
gigawatts of electricity per year, and it has eliminated flooding
which killed many thousands of people in the past; and even more
important, is the water diversification project from the southern
area of the Yangtze River through a Northern Route into the
Yellow River and the desert area of China; and the Middle Route
to the region around Beijing.
So this is actually a model which is now being followed by
Narendra Modi for India, who just agreed to make gigantic water
projects to tame the water coming down from the Himalayas, and
also making canals out of 101 Indian rivers.
Now, what most people don’t consider is, that water is not a
natural resource like iron ore, or gold, or whatever: You can’t
use up, because water is organized in global cycles, where 90% of
the precipitation rains down over the ocean, only 10% rains down
over the land. And that water, the Sun causes evaporation, this
leads to cloud formation, and then the water rains down, and it
is human activity, which can make these cycles more efficient.
It’s not just, that it rains down over land and then flows back
into the ocean. You can use it in agriculture, you can use it in
industrial production, you can use it in other urban activities,
and it is actually the ability of man to make that more
Here you see a very interesting comparison — you see here
the water diversion of the United States. Even though the water
diversion of China has started much more recently, it’s almost
double, which shows you the completely different philosophy.
This is a very important project, which is part of the
approach to fight the desert, and this is the Lake Chad Transaqua
project, which is the idea, that you could eliminate a lot of the
drought in the Sahel zone and around Lake Chad by bringing some
of the surplus water from the headwaters region of the Congo on
the one side, through rivers and canals into Lake Chad, which has
been reduced to less than 10% right now; and also through a
second canal along the Nile to increase the agricultural land in
Africa tremendously. And also now to bring real development to
these countries, without which you will have more people running
away from Boko Haram, which is now at Lake Chad and Nigeria. And
without a real development perspective, there is no way how you
can contain these projects.
Human beings are the only species, which can improve the
conditions of mankind again and again and again, and the last
10,000 years, or 20,000 years since the last Ice Age, just think,
what an enormous development mankind has made. We have increased
the population potential of the Earth from about 5 million at
most, to presently around 7 billion. This is due to the fact that
man, unlike animals, can make new discoveries, discovers the
universal principles of our physical universe, and think things,
which have never been thought before.
Therefore, the attack on the water crisis is not just a
question of using the aquifers, because the aquifers can — they
replenish, but this goes much too slowly. It’s not only
re-diverting the rivers, dams, but it’s especially influencing
the global cyclical process of water. There is a relationship
between what happens in our Solar System and the rain. Because
the Sun, which shines on the oceans, causes evaporation, but the
Sun is not the only solar impact on the weather; it’s also the
cosmic radiation, which comes from our galaxy, which leads to
cloud formation, ionization of moisture, and therefore to rain.
That is not just something where we have to wait passively until
it happens, but we can study, for example, what is happening in
our galaxy, which influences the weather, and then understand
better, how we can create more water.
Here, you see our Solar System in a 32 million year cycle,
moving along the Milky Way. The Milky Way is basically a flat
plateau, in which our Solar System is moving up and down in
cycles, and you have a complete change in the weather patterns,
which comes from the position of our Solar System in our galaxy.
I’m not saying, that we know everything about that yet. We
know, that there is a lot of connection between the Solar System,
the galaxy and the weather patterns on our Earth, and I can
assure you, that if you look at the long-term changes in our
weather patterns, then {these} things are a lot more important,
than whatever you use in your little car as CO2 production.
Because these are forces, which are of a completely different
magnitude, and naturally, the climate is changing, but galactic
processes are really what is the cause of it.
Anyway, the idea of using cosmic rays and ionization of
moisture is already successfully being done by Israel and by some
of the Gulf States; Russia is doing a lot of research on this,
and this is, what we have to do. The reason, why I’m saying this,
is, the Silk Road is not just building railways from Dunhuang to
Lisbon or wherever; it’s not just building roads, it’s not just
building canals. The modern Silk Road, the New Silk Road is,
exactly as the old Silk Road was, {an exchange of ideas, of
technology, for the common good of all.}
Obviously, today the big challenges are world poverty, are
the danger of war, are the danger of water scarcity, which could
become the reason for new wars. So the New Silk Road — and this
is what we understand with it, and I’m sure that our Chinese
friend will show his perspective — but that is the philosophy,
which we have taken as a basis in our approach, that the New Silk
Road is {a vision}, of how humanity can move away from
geopolitics and the stupid idea that we have to fight over scarce
resources, that we have to create wars because we don’t like
another system, that we have to eventually self-destruct, but
that we have to make the evolutionary jump to the idea of the
common aims of mankind and to define the next phase of evolution
in the interest of all.
If you look at this, the Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry
Rogozin of Russia just two days ago, pointed to the fact, that
the BRICS countries are all space travelling nations. China is
the leader in space travel. When China in December 2013 landed
the Yutu rover on the Moon, with was the idea, that in a few
missions later, I think it was in 2017, this Yutu — “Jade
Rabbit” — that they will bring back helium-3. Helium-3 is an
isotope, which is actually a fuel for fusion power. It’s much
more efficient than deuterium or tritium, because with this heavy
deuterium and tritium in the fusion process, you are still using
turbines, and you use turbines to create electricity in the old
way. But with helium-3 you can directly gain electricity from the
physical process of fusion power, and therefore, naturally, the
energy efficiency is much, much higher. And once we have fusion
power, for example, this will create for the first time energy
and raw materials security for the Earth. Energy security,
because on the Moon, you have several tons of helium-3, which
will be sufficient for many tens of thousands of years of energy
security on the Earth; and raw materials security, because with
the high heat of the plasma torch, you can take any waste,
including nuclear waste, including waste in your household, and
turn it back into isotopes, which you then can reconstruct and
make new raw materials.
So this is the vanguard of where mankind must go, and China
has made that its national pride. And China, contrary to Germany,
which is very stupid with respect to energy — you know, this
stupid exit from nuclear energy without having an alternative, is
completely crazy — but China has basically created a situation,
where they are in the right position to solve this problem, and
Rogozin, the Deputy Prime Minister of Russia, has said, that the
BRICS countries will cooperate in space to solve these problems.
So this is extremely important, because if mankind makes
that jump to not have war as a conflict resolution, which in a
time of nuclear energy, it should be obvious that we must move to
a different regime, that we must define the common aims of
mankind, that which is, — if you have seen these pictures with
astronauts and cosmonauts and taikonauts, they all report the
same: When they are in space and look at our little planet, this
blue planet, they realize that there are no borders. They also
realize that our planet is extremely small in a very big Solar
System, in an even bigger galaxy, and there are {billions} of
galaxies. So, there are dangers from space, like cosmic
radiation, like asteroids; there are all kinds of dangers, which
we don’t manage right now. But if we don’t want to have the same
fate as the dinosaurs, who became eliminated 65 million years
ago, because probably a meteorite hit the Earth and created so
much cloud cover, that all the vegetation stopped, and then the
dinosaurs, and 96% of all other species were eliminated; if we
as a creative species, {are} really the creative species, we
should put our efforts together and defend against common dangers
to our planet, common dangers to our civilization, and unite.
And there is no better image for that than space collaboration.
This whole question also has a philosophical dimension.
Because people think, China is just doing an imperial expansion,
they want to have their interests. Well, I have the deepest
conviction that what is working in China right now, especially
with President Xi Jinping, {is} the 2,500-year-old Confucian
tradition in China. And I go even so far to say the Chinese
people have Confucius in their genes. Confucius was a
philosopher, who reacted to a historical period in China, which
was characterized by war, by great unrest, by turmoil. And he
developed the Confucian philosophy, which is beautiful. I can
only advise you, in case you are not doing it, study Confucius.
Because Confucius has this idea that there must be harmony in the
world, on the planet. And that, for example, the best way to
have harmony is, there is one key notion, which is {li}, which is
the idea, that each person, each nation, should take its proper
place, and develop in the best possible way, and then you have
harmony. Because if everybody develops their creative potential
and their best maximum capacity, and takes the development of the
other as their own interest, and vice versa, then you have peace.
And that should also be based on the other notion of {ren}.
{Ren} basically means the same thing as love, or {agapë}, or the
Christian idea of charity.
And it happens to be that these ideas are also in the
European best tradition. There is a very important philosopher of
the 15th century, called Nicolaus of Cusa, who was the founder of
modern science, the founder of the modern nation-state, and he
was very important: He broke through the barrier from the Middle
Ages to modern times. Because he was actually the person, who
brought the Council of Florence into being by first finding
handwritings in Byzantium, which were then the basis for the
unification of the Orthodox Church with the Roman Church; but
when he brought the Orthodox delegation in 1453 to the Council of
Florence, he had a stroke of genius: He said, now, I am thinking
something, which no human being has ever thought before. He then
wrote his {De Docta Ignorantia}, and he developed this notion of
the coincidence of opposites, the {coincidentia oppositorum},
which was the idea, that the One has a higher quality than the
Many, and that the human mind is capable of synthesizing some
hypothesis, which gives you a deeper insight into the laws of the
universe, into Classical art — in other words, it’s the
creativity of the human mind, which is the driving force in the
development of the universe. And that’s for example, what the
Russian philosopher Vladimir Vernadsky called, that the
creativity of man is a geophysical force in the universe. Now,
what he did basically, is to say — he didn’t say it in this way,
but the effect of it was — that in order to move away from the
Middle Ages, from the Scholasticism, from the Neo-Peripatetics
and the Aristotelean ideas, you had to basically break with the
axioms of the Middle Ages thinking, and that you had to create
something basically completely new, a new method of thinking.
And I’m saying, that with the New Silk Road, we have to do
exactly that: We have to break away from money, greed,
monetarism, all of these things, which really are a decaying
culture. If you look at the European, American, Western culture,
it {is} a decaying culture. Just look at the youth culture. Look
at what our young people watch in terms of pop music, video
games, the violence, just the popular entertainment has become
really degenerate. And we have to break with that, and we have to
combine the New Silk Road economic model — which I did not go
into so much today, because I already spoke about it two months
ago here in Copenhagen — but we have to break with the whole
axiomatic of globalization and basically go for a New
Renaissance, a new cultural renaissance of thinking, which will
build on the best traditions of each country: on Confucianism,
on Vedic tradition of India, on Avicenna [Ibn Sina], and other
thinkers, Al-Farabi, Abu Al-Kindi in the Arab world; in Europe,
the great Classical music tradition, the Italian Renaissance, the
German Classical music. We just have to take the high points of
all civilizations, and study that, and start to love the culture
of the other countries, and then we will create out of this a
completely New Renaissance, which will bring mankind into a
completely new phase of evolution.
Because I do not believe, that the present condition of
mankind is, what we are here for! We are not here to kill each
other; we are not here to eat caviar, until we have it coming out
of our ears. We are here to be creative! We are here to discover
the laws of the universe, to write beautiful poems, to write
beautiful music, to celebrate the creativity of civilization. And
I think, that the idea of man in space, man going into the next
phase of the evolution of man, is really what will get us out of
this crisis. So that is, what the New Silk Road is all about.

Video: Slutspil:
Det monetære Imperiesystem.
Dansk udskrift

Slutspil: Det monetære Imperiesystem

Colin Lowry: » … Kulturen. Grundlæggelsen af den amerikanske kultur, var baseret på … folk, der kom for at grundlægge De forenede stater, ville lige fra begyndelsen skabe en republik, baseret på frihed, baseret på det enkelte menneskes identitet, værdien af deres eksistens, hvad de kan gøre, deres intellekt, og udvikling af samfundet. Det var den totale modsætning til det engelske samfund på den tid.«

Grundlæggerne af De forenede Staters Republik var bevidste om deres arv om at skabe en ny form for samfund, der var befriet fra et imperiesystems magt. Det var dette imperiesystems magt, der havde kontrolleret hele civilisationen i tusinder af år og var en større trussel mod amerikanerne under deres revolution end kanonerne, der pegede mod Boston havn.

Jeff Steinberg: »John Adams gennemførte en undersøgelse af forfatningernes historie, der gik helt tilbage til Athen, og i denne undersøgelse, der blev cirkuleret blandt de delegerede ved Forfatningskonventionen, var der et helt afsnit om Venedig. Ikke alle enheder, der kalder sig republikker, er rent faktisk republikanske. Venedig var oligarkisk, det var en større koncentration af oligarkisk magt, end man ser i de fleste europæiske monarkiers historie.«

Et Imperiesystem repræsenteres ikke af et land eller en enkelt monark. Imperier har altid været baseret på et monetært systems magt.

John Hoefle: »Vi ser Dow Jones, den går op, den går ned … hver gang, vi gør noget, briterne ikke kan lide, kollapser Dow Jones, og hver gang, vi kapitulerer til briterne, går Dow Jones op. Det er en af de måder, de kontrollerer os på, og andre nationer på lignende måde. «

2.20»Vi har at gøre med Det britiske System, der har sin oprindelse i 1.000 års venetiansk monetarisme.«

Denne arv har i dag sin magtbase på De britiske Øer. Imperiet har måske skiftet, men det britisk-kontrolleret monetaristiske system udøver i princippet den samme, onde hensigt.

Lowry: »Mange ting, som englænderne selv siger, slipper ligesom ’katten ud af sækken’. At det gamle England er dødt. De kalder det endda selv de tre faser af Det britiske Imperium. Den første fase slutter i 1783. Den anden fase begynder, da Shelburne kommer til magten. Og den tredje fase begynder ved slutningen af Anden Verdenskrig. Og dér er de nu.«


SLUTSPIL: Det monetære Imperiesystem

Året er 1780 i England. Den amerikanske Revolution er stadig i gang på den anden side Atlanten. Og de intelligente ser, at England har kurs mod et nederlag i Amerika. Den engelske hær er nu så desperat for at få værnepligtige til at kæmpe mod amerikanerne, at de beslutter at opgive de gamle love og åbenlyst tillade katolikker at gå ind i den britiske hær. En modreaktion dannes omkring et medlem af Overhuset for at få en protestantisk protestmarch mod Parlamentet imod Loven om katolsk undsætning af 1778. En hovedperson i denne operation var en betydningsfuld aktør i grupperingen af det Britiske Ostindiske Kompagni, ved navn Lord Shelburne.


Den venetianske overtagelse af England

Gennem det Ostindiske Kompagnis netværk af spioner og aktører bestak Shelburne et andet medlem af Overhuset ved navn Lord Gordon til at rekruttere alle lediggængere i London og betale dem med whisky. Den 2. juni 1780 marcherede 50.000 mennesker til Parlamentsbygningerne for at fremlægge en appel. De fik også navnelister på ledende skikkelser i Parlamentet, der skulle tæves rent fysisk.

Jeff Steinberg: »Denne fordrukne pøbelflok under Lord Gordon belejrede bogstavelig talt det britiske Parlament, og det var Lord Shelburnes ansvar at beordre hjemmeværnet ud for at undertrykke opstanden. Han ventede i tre dage.«

Folkemængden plyndrede romersk-katolske kirker, katolikkers private hjem og angreb mange offentlige bygninger, inklusive Bank of England. Newgate-fængslet blev stukket i brand og brudt op, og mange af dets fanger blev sluppet fri. 450 mennesker blev dræbt eller såret, før hæren kunne genoprette orden. Premierminister North fra den traditionelle gruppe af ’gamle England’ trådte rædselsslagen tilbage.

Jeff Steinberg: »På dette tidspunkt var Lord Shelburne en betydningsfuld person i det britiske oligarki, men han var slet ikke involveret i regeringen. Han var leder af det, der kaldtes det Britiske Ostindiske Kompagnis hemmelige komite. Det var en komite bestående af tre personer, der administrerede den overordnede politiske beslutningstagning for det Ostindiske Kompagni, der selvfølgelig havde sit eget, udstrakte imperium. Shelburne så med rædsel Lord Norths og den britiske regerings dumhed, så de besluttede, at de måtte vælte den britiske regering.«

I kølvandet på opstandene, der væltede Lord Norths regering, blev Shelburne britisk indenrigsminister og dernæst britisk premierminister i 1782, lige netop tidsnok til at kontrollere de amerikanske forhandlinger ved slutningen af Den amerikanske Revolution.

Men for at forstå, hvad det er, der nu kommer til magten med Shelburnes indtræden i regeringen, lad os kaste et tilbageblik til de tidlige 1760’ere. Det er begyndelsen af den proces, hvorved det Britiske Ostindiske Kompagni overtager den britiske regering. Efter Syvårskrigen, også kendt som den fransk-indianske krig i Nordamerika …

Steinberg: »På det tidspunkt voksede England frem som den førende imperiemagt i Europa og det repræsenteredes af det Ostindiske Kompagni, der blev blandet sammen med og udøvede dominans over den nominelt valgte engelske regering.«



Slaget ved Leuthen 1757.

General Edward Braddock 1695-1755.

Kolnbergs fald 1761.

Englands kultur begyndte at skifte. Mændene fra det Ostindiske Kompagni, der havde kæmpet mod franskmændene i Indien, kom nu hjem. Mange var ikke Lords eller landadel, da de rejste, men da de kom hjem, var de så rige, at de bogstavelig talt kunne købe sæder i Parlamentet og vende det britiske, politiske etablissement på hovedet.

Colin Lowry: »Dette er et kompagni, der minder meget om Haliburton eller Blackwater på den måde, at det er privat ejet, men udfører et angiveligt offentligt arbejde for Imperiet. Det havde en utrolig flåde, sin egen hær, sine egne penge, når det var hjemme i Indien, kontrollerede handlen med Kina hjem til England, kontrollerede handlen med de amerikanske kolonier, og kontrollerede selvfølgelig monopolet på the til Amerika og England. Disse mænd har heller ingen troskab mod Gamle England. De ser ikke Imperiet som centreret i England mere. De ser det som et globalt imperium, et financier-imperium. Med andre ord, så er de fuldstændig parat til at bygge skibe i Indien, med indiske slavearbejdere og lade Deptford skibsværftet i London næsten gå bankerot, fordi de bygger det så billigt, men de er faktisk ligeglade med det. De ser ikke på deres effekt på selve England, men er villige til at ruinere noget af den engelske økonomi til fordel for egen profit.«

En forfatningskrise brød ud i England 1768. Krisen kom til et opgør over spørgsmålet om, hvorvidt Ostindien, der havde sin egen hær, har ret til at erklære krig uden for kronens kontrol.

Lowry: »Svaret fra Ostindien var, ja, det havde de. Kronens svar var nej, det har I ikke. Dette var en enorm konflikt i England, åbenlyst, men også for det meste bag scenen.«

Statsgælden i England i 1768 var astronomisk pga. Syvårskrigen. Og man anså det for at være fordelagtigt for Kronen og Finansministeriet at bringe Ostindien ind på en let reguleret måde. I 1772 skabte Lord North Loven om regulering, hvilket er første gang, der er en fusion mellem Ostindien ind i regeringen. Loven krævede, at Handelsstyrelsen skulle udnævne 4 direktører for Ostindisk Kompagni, og at Ostindisk Kompagni skulle udnævne 4 medlemmer af regeringens handelsstyrelse. Dette er første gang, en forening med det offentlige finder sted.

Lowry: »Dette er for amerikanerne, især Benjamin Franklin, et signal om, at Den amerikanske Revolution er den eneste vej frem, meget snart. For nu er denne financier-magt i færd med at overtage magten over engelsk politik. Der er ikke længere nogen adskillelse mellem, at amerikanerne er imod den ostindiske politik, men appellerer til Kronen om beskyttelse; disse to kræfter har nu indgået ægteskab gennem denne lov fra 1772. Det bliver meget værre i 1784.«

I 1770’erne i England havde der i den engelske befolkning eksisteret en meget stor, pro-amerikansk sektion, der var imod det, det Britiske Ostindiske Kompagni gjorde. Shelburne påbegyndte dannelsen af en struktur i England, der eliminerede enhver mulighed for engelske patrioter til at redde deres land. Det var et venetiansk oligarki, der nu overtog magten, og det var også dette oligarki, der nu befandt sig midt i fredsforhandlingerne ved slutningen af den amerikanske revolution.

Steinberg: »Shelburnes strategi var at få det til at se ud, som om han var Den amerikanske Revolutions bedste ven, at støtte principperne om frihed og alt det, som Den amerikanske Revolution repræsenterede. Men, på typisk venetiansk maner, så var hans virkelige strategi Del og Hersk.«

Lowry: »Han sidder i krydset mellem Franklin, amerikanerne, og så franskmændene og spanierne ved fredsforhandlingerne, og hans synspunkt er at opgive så lidt som muligt, især i Indien, og alt, hvad der kan have en effekt på Imperiet sådan, som han nu vil modellere det til at blive, som er et financier-imperium og et imperium til udvinding af råmaterialer. Denne del er ikke noget nyt; men han er parat til grundlæggende set at give amerikanerne anerkendelse af uafhængighed, men holde så meget som muligt væk fra franskmændene i Indien.«

Den amerikanske Revolution var en global krig. Udover, at franskmændene og briterne kæmpede i Nordamerika, kæmpede de også i Indien, og ud for Caribiens og Afrikas kyster. Under fredsforhandlingerne blev alle disse forskellige dele af konflikten forhandlet. Shelburne manøvrerede for at sikre, at briterne kunne føre separate forhandlinger med amerikanerne, franskmændene og spanierne, hvilket gav ham de bedste betingelser for at manipulere den ene op imod den anden og opsplitte den alliance, der netop havde slået Det britiske Imperium.

Med sæden til splittelse sået i Europa, var de primære midler, Shelburne havde for at kontrollere de tidligere amerikanske kolonier, frihandel. Shelburnes synspunkt var, at amerikanerne måtte inddæmmes til at være en begrænset kystnation, der ikke kunne bruge de udstrakte indlandsterritorier til udvikling. Skulle De forenede Stater lykkes med at blive en selvstændig nation, så kunne dette Britiske Imperium ikke overleve. Skulle Shelburne sikre denne nye form for Imperium over det britiske samfund, måtte han desuden også eliminere enhver lighed med en nation, der måtte være tilbage i England.

Lowry: »Så på dette tidspunkt vil han skabe en sammensmeltning mellem Ostindisk Kompagnis bestyrelse og en hemmelig komite, der skal styre det britiske Udenrigsministerium og Imperiets udenlandske dele, og dette kaldes Kontrolstyrelsen. Så i 1784 introducerer Shelburne, gennem Pitt, der nu er leder i Underhuset, Loven for Indien af 1784, der officielt skaber Kontrolstyrelsen og forener Ostindisk Kompagnis hemmelige komite med britiske efterretningsfunktioner. Og dette inkluderer Udenrigsministeriet. Men dette gør også noget andet. Det skaber rent faktisk en struktur, hvor Kronen bliver kørt ud på et sidespor mht. til magt over politik. Briterne ville selv sige, at Georg III sandsynligvis er den sidste, sande monark med fuld magt. Over for de gamle, engelske Whigs og oppositionen fra 1760’erne, der stadig er der, signalerer dette, at de er færdige. Der kommer ingen modstand mod denne magt efter 1784. Det ville være nytteløst; denne magt styrer nu England. Det gør den virkelig også, og dens mål er at smadre Amerika og alle andre rivaler, og selvfølgelig franskmændene og spanierne, der støttede Amerika, er deres mål, samt selvfølgelig selve Amerika.«

Denne magts førsteprioritet var at fuldføre den totale ødelæggelse af Frankrig, der var begyndt med Englands militære sejr under Syvårskrigen. Shelburne skulle nu tage de metoder i anvendelse, som han brugte til at vælte regeringen i England, denne gang med Frankrig som mål, og som skulle blive kendt som Den franske Revolution.

SI-seminar i København den 27. april 2015: Kinas politik for “Et Bælte, En Vej”
SI Copenhagen seminar, April 27, 2015: China’s One Belt, One Road Policy

Titelbillede: Dr. Liu Chunrong og Helga Zepp-LaRouche

Schiller Instituttets seminar fandt sted på Copenhagen Business Confucius Institute under Copenhagen Business School.

The Schiller Institute seminar was held at the Copenhagen Business Confucius Institute, Copenhagen Business School.

Li xiauguang

Hr. Li Xiaoguang, kinesisk meddirektør for Copenhagen Business Confucius Institute, holdt en velkomsttale.

Mr. Li Xiaoguang,  the Chinese co-director of the Copenhagen Business Confucius Institute, welcomed the participants to the Institute.

H.E. Ambassador Liu Biwei

H.E. Ambassador Liu Biwei (right)

HE hr. Liu Biwei, Den kinesiske Folkerepubliks ambassadør til Kongeriget Danmark holdt åbningstalen.

His Excellency Mr. Liu Biwei, Ambassador of the People’s Republic of  China to the Kingdom of Denmark delivered opening greetings to the seminar.

Helga Zepp-LaRouche, stifter og formand for det Internationale Schiller Institut, holdt en tale om ‘Den Nye Silkevej bliver til Verdenslandbroen, med introduktion v/Tom Gillesberg, formand for Schiller Instituttet i Danmark.

Helga Zepp-LaRouche, founder and president of the international Schiller Institute spoke about The New Silk Road becomes The World Land-bridge. Introduced by Tom Gillesberg, chairman of The Schiller Institute in Denmark:


Video af Zepp-LaRouches tale, med dia-billeder; en dansk oversættelse følger lige under videoen.

(Video of Zepp-LaRouches speach, with the slides included. An english transcript can be found further down the page)

Download (PDF, Unknown)



Hr. Liu Chunrong, PhD., associeret professor, School of International Public Affairs, Fundan Universitetet; eksekutiv vicedirektør for Fundan-European Centre for China Studies, Københavns Universitet, præsenterede Kinas “En Bælte, En Vej” politik.

Dr. Liu Chunrong, PhDAssociate Professor, School of International Relations and Public Affairs, Fudan University, and Executive Vice Director Fudan-European Centre for China Studies, NIAS,  University of Copenhagen, presented China’s One Belt, One Road policy.



Discussion period:



(See English report below.)

Stor succes for Københavner-seminar om Kinas politik for »Et Bælte, En Vej«

København, 27. april 2015 – Omkring 80 mennesker deltog i dag i et seminar, som blev holdt på Copenhagen Business Confucius Institute under Copenhagen Business School.

Følgende personer var talere på seminaret:

Velkomsttale: Hr. Li Xiaoguang, kinesisk meddirektør for Copenhagen Business Confucius Institute.

HE hr. Liu Biwei, Den kinesiske Folkerepubliks ambassadør til Kongeriget Danmark – åbningstale.

Fr. Helga Zepp-LaRouche, grundlægger af og international præsident for Schiller Instituttet og en betydningsfuld medforfatter af »Den Nye Silkevej bliver til Verdenslandbroen«; mangeårig leder i LaRouche-bevægelsen og gift med den amerikanske statsmand, økonom og filosof Lyndon LaRouche; forkvinde for det tyske politiske parti Bürgerrechtsbewegung Solidarität (Borgerrettighedsbevægelsen Solidaritet), BüSo. Introduktion v/Tom Gillesberg, formand for Schiller Instituttet i Danmark.

Hr. Liu Chunrong, PhD., associeret professor, School of International Public Affairs, Fundan Universitetet; eksekutiv vicedirektør for Fundan-European Centre for China Studies, Københavns Universitet.

De ca. 80 deltagere inkluderede fem ambassadører samt diplomater fra seks andre ambassader, mange medlemmer og kontakter af Schiller Instituttet, og andre interesserede som har specielle tilknutning til Kina.

Denne konference er den tredje i rækken af ’Manhattan-projekt’-konferencer i København siden januar, som Schiller Instituttet har arrangeret. En mere udførlig rapport vil følge, inkl. links til video- og audiooptagelser.



Very Successful Copenhagen Seminar on “China’s ‘One Belt,
One Road’ Policy”

The Schiller Institute in Denmark held a very successful seminar about China’s “One Belt, One Road” policy, at the Copenhagen Business Confucius Institute, attended by approximately 80 people. Video and audio recordings can be found at:

Li Xiaoguang, the Chinese co-director of the Copenhagen Business Confucius Institute, welcomed the speakers and attendees.

The seminar participants had the honor to have opening remarks by His Excellency Mr. Liu Biwei, Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China to the Kingdom of Denmark.

The next speaker was Helga Zepp-LaRouche, founder and president of The Schiller Institute, and a major author of the EIR Report “The New Silk Road Becomes the World Land-Bridge.” She was introduced by Tom Gillesberg, chairman of The Schiller Institute in Denmark. Mrs. Zepp-LaRouche presented the world land-bridge policy and the new BRICS paradigm, as the alternative to the danger of economic and financial collapse, and nuclear war. One area of special emphasis was the growing crisis of fresh water scarcity, counterposing the lack of action in the U.S., with the great infrastructure project approach in China.

The Chinese point of view of the “One Belt, One Road” policy was presented by Dr. Liu Chunrong, PhD, Associate Professor, School of International Relations and Public Affairs, Fudan University, and Executive Vice Director Fudan-European Centre for China Studies, NIAS, University of Copenhagen.

Among the audience were: five ambassadors, plus diplomats from another six other embassies; people who have a special connection to China representing a Danish think tank, academia and businesses; plus many Schiller Institute members and contacts.

This seminar was the third in a series of Manhattan project-style Schiller Institute conferences held in Copenhagen since January.


English transcript of Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s speech, and Tom Gillesberg’s introduction:


Here is the transcript of Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s address to the
Schiller Institute seminar in Copenhagen, which was held
Copenhagen Business Confucius Institute, Copenhagen Business
School. Click her for the audio and video from Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s speech and the other speeches from the seminar.

TOM GILLESBERG: I have the great honor of introducing Helga
Zepp-LaRouche, who has come here from a rather busy schedule both
in Germany and the United States, but also the whole world she’s
intervening to. Just as a short introduction, Mrs. Zepp-LaRouche
has been since 1977 the wife and very close collaborator of
Lyndon LaRouche in the United States, the economist, philosopher,
statesman who is giving leadership in the U.S., for the U.S. to
return to the intentions of its founders, to be a promoter of
sovereign nations that can collaborate on an equal footing to
secure the benefits for all nations and peoples.
And Helga has a very, I think, close connection to China.
As a young journalist she traveled to China in 1971, in the
height of the Cultural Revolution as one of the first Western
journalists and actually saw on the spot what was going on. She
then became politically active with the LaRouche movement and
embarked on a life-long battle for a new just world economic
order, for the possibilities of development for all nations and
She then founded, among many other things, the Schiller
Institute, in 1984. She is presently the chairwoman of the
German political party, the BüSo — the Bürgerrechtsbewegung
Solidarität, or Civil Rights Soliarity Movement. She was vry
active after the Fall of the Berlin Wall and one of the authors
of the Schiller Institute program for the development of the
world after the Iron Curtain had fallen of the program the
Paris-Berlin-Vienna Productive Triangle, a Locomotive for the
World Economy. And when that did not materialize, she was very
active in extending that program to the program for the Eurasian
Land-Bridge, going from China and Asia to Europe and having a
development of the whole region. And as part of that, she then
became a visitor many times to China to speak on the need for a
New Silk Road and actually earned her nickname in China as the
“Silk Road Lady,” for her efforts to have China embark on this
And since then, she has been also the driving force in
holding many scores of conferences in Europe and the United
States on the need for creating a paradigm shift, to get the
Western world out of its long-term economic, strategic, and
cultural crisis. And, over the last couple of years, she has
been one of the architects of this report, “The New Silk Road
Becomes the World Land-Bridge.” She has also been leading the
campaign to stop the present geopolitical games that threaten to
detonate thermonuclear war and instead get the United States and
Europe to accept the offer of the BRICS countries to join forces
in an inclusive world order, where all nations of the world, on
an equal footing, collaborate to secure the peace and development
of all nations.
So I think it’s very appropriate that you are here to
directly lay what’s going on, so please, welcome. [applause]

HELGA ZEPP-LAROUCHE: Thank you, Tom, for these kind words of
Well I have a certain dilemma, because I want to present to
you the potential, which lies in this program, and given the fact
that the Western media have reported very little about it, I have
a dilemma, that I need to tell you, that this is {the} most
important political initiative on the planet right now. The
dilemma comes from the fact that, by introducing this idea, have
to tell you immediately why this is the case, and that is the
reality, that the world is much more close to a new global war,
than most people have an inkling of. And this New Silk Road
initiative, which comes from China, but which in the meantime has
been joined by many countries, is the only available
war-avoidance policy.
Now there was just on the April 18- 19 in Moscow the Fourth
Moscow International Security Conference, and the main subject of
this conference was the danger of nuclear war. And this is a
reaction to the fact that NATO has been expanding eastward, up to
the borders of Russia. You have a whole bunch of strategic
doctrines which Russia regards as a threat to their security
interests, and naturally you have the horrendous situation in
Ukraine, which contrary to what the Western media have been
reporting on — or not reporting actually — is it’s really
something which the West must make up. I just participated in the
last two days, or Friday and Saturday in a conference in
Baden-Baden in Germany, the German-Russian Cultural Days. It’s an
annual conference, and there was a large gathering of German
industrialists and Russian speakers and Russian people. And we
had the fortune to have a videoconference connected to this
conference, which brought in a live program from the former Prime
Minister of Ukraine, Mr. [Mykola] Azarov. And he gave an
absolutely hair-raising report about the conditions in Ukraine,
the fact that the country is being torn apart. Political leaders
are either forced to go into exile or are threatened to be
assassinated; journalists are being killed openly in the street;
trenches are being built; and, as you know, American soldiers are
now training the National Guard, which has a lot of Nazi
components in it. And for the Russians this is extremely severe,
because we are shortly before the 70th anniversary of the end of
Nazism and the end of the Second World War, and the mood of the
people were really horrified to see this endorsement of Nazis 70
years after the Second World War.
Now, I don’t want to go into this in depth, we can do that
in the discussion if people have questions about it, but I think
this crisis, in Ukraine in particular, I could also point to the
Middle East, which is in a similar horrible condition, makes
very, very clear, that if we as humanity cannot move away from
geopolitics — geopolitics was the reason for two world wars in
the 20th century, and right now the continuation of geopolitics
is threatening a new global war. I just want to mention an
article in {New York Times} from 19th April, where two generals,
Gen. James Cartwright, who is former head of the U.S. Strategic
Command, and Gen. Vladimir Dvorkin, who is the chief of
intelligence of the Russian Strategic Nuclear Forces, they penned
together an article, In which they said that the world has never
been so close to the danger of nuclear war globally, and
therefore extinction, as right now. And the reason is obviously
that even the normal code of behavior among nations, which
existed in the Cold War, that you had a red telephone between
Kennedy and Khrushchev, this no longer exists; and you have the
two nuclear forces, from NATO and the West and Russia, all the
time on launch on warning. And launch on warning means there are
only a few minutes time, if one side perceives a launch, either
by intention or by accident, they have a few minutes, actually
it’s estimated three minutes’ time, to respond or be eliminated.
So that shows you how extremely close we are to the danger
of a global extinction of civilization. Because if this would
happen, we would not exist as humanity. And I’m saying it with
that gravity, to say that this calls all the more urgently, for a
different approach. And the different approach must be to move
away from geopolitics and move in the direction of the common
aims of mankind.
And it just happens to be, that the policies which are
proposed by President Xi Jinping, which he calls a “win-win”
policy, is exactly that. It’s the idea, that with the New Silk
Road, you have a policy where every country which participates in
it, will have a benefit for it. The New Silk Road, Maritime Silk
Road policy by China is {not} a new imperial policy replacing the
Anglo-American imperial policy, but it is a completely new model
of the nations among nations, where the enormous example of the
Chinese economic miracle, which China was able to develop in the
last 30 years — you know, where China in {30 years}, developed
as much as most industrial nations needed 100 or 200 years to
develop — and China is now offering to export that model and
have other countries benefit in a similar way from that kind of
economic miracle, which China did.
Can you move to the first slide?
So the world has changed since July last year, the summit of
the BRICS countries in Fortaleza in Brazil. And this is a
picture which was made at this occasion, showing the leaders of
Russia, India, Brazil, China and South Africa. And they basically
concluded a new strategic alliance — economic alliance, which
Prime Minister Modi characterized in the following way: He said,
“This is the first alliance of nations, which are not defined by
their current capacity, but by their future potential of
development.” And at another occasion, Modi said that the biggest
potential of India is, that 60% of its people are below 30 years
of age, and therefore, if they are well-educated and developed,
they can come to the help of other nations, which has demographic
problems, like Germany, for example.
What these countries did, is they concluded an enormous
amount of economic treaties, of economic cooperation, including
peaceful development of inherently safe nuclear energy, the
development of fusion energy, joint space projects, space travel,
and numerous other high-tech cooperation areas.
Then, the next day, they met with the leaders of South
America, the organizations of CELAC [Community of Latin American
and Caribbean States] and Unasur [Union of South American
Nations]. Then a little bit later they also had meetings with
countries of ASEAN [Association of Southeast Asian Nations] and
actually you have now a completely parallel system of economics,
which is really going to be the infrastructure development of the
Now this here is an official picture of the New Silk Road
and the Maritime Silk Road, which shows you the old Silk Road
from Xi’an, actually it goes even farther to the west,
Lianyungang, where the end of that Silk Road is on the China Sea,
all the way through Urumqi, then Central Asia into Europe; and
then Maritime Silk Road is actually connecting even Africa and
much of the Pacific also into Europe. And this is modelled on the
famous Maritime Silk Road of the 15th century, which connected
the nations of the world already at that time.
Now, I want to very quickly say that this made us very
happy, when Xi Jinping announced the New Silk Road in Kazakhstan
in 2013, we jumped that high — you know, in the Schiller
Institute — because we had promoted this idea. This was our
proposal when the Berlin Wall came down, in ’89, and the wall no
longer was there. So we said let’s connect Paris with Berlin and
Vienna, which is a triangular area of the size of Japan, and has
the highest concentration of industrial capacity in the world;
and let’s make corridors to Warsaw, to Kiev, to the Balkans. And
it would have been a perfect way to intervene.
Unfortunately at that time, despite the fact there was a
very good resonance, you had Bush Sr., you had Margaret
Thatcher, and they had completely different ideas: They wanted to
reduce Russia from a superpower to at Third World, raw
materials-exporting country, and therefore they introduced the
shock-therapy, instead, which dismantled the Russian industrial
potential between ’91-’94, to only 30% left.
But then, when in ’91, the Soviet Union collapsed, we
connected this triangle, Paris-Berlin-Vienna, and we said: OK,
now the Iron Curtain is gone, now we can have development
corridors connecting the population and industrial centers of
Europe with those of Asia, through corridors. And then we looked
at the best geographical conditions. I should say, we were
inspired very much by the railway program of Sun Yat-sen, the
founder of modern China, who had developed a whole network of
Chinese railways, and that went into this program. So, at that
time we said let’s look at the best geographical preconditions,
and we found, not so accidentally, that the old Trans-Siberian
Railroad and the old Silk Road, the ancient Silk Road, had the
best geographical conditions to build such infrastructure.
So at that point the shock therapy started to destroy
Russia’s economy, but we kept holding seminars — we had hundreds
of seminars, in Europe, in United States, and then, eventually,
in Warsaw, in Budapest, in Moscow. And in ’96 even in Beijing,
where the Chinese government had responded to our proposal to all
the governments, to hold a big conference promoting the regions
along the Silk Road. And I was there as a speaker, but then came
the Asia Crisis in ’97, and China, at that conference said, that
this will be the long-term strategy for China until 2010. But
then the Asia crisis brought chaos and then the Russian GKO
crisis [in ’98].
So in the mean time we kept working on this initial proposal
which grew. And the latest of this, is this report: It’s a
370-page study which is really the idea of connecting the world
through infrastructure corridors.
Now, here you see some of these projects, which are already
being built, by the BRICS, by some of the other countries — for
example China is now building a transcontinental railroad from
Brazil to Peru, this is letter A [on the map]. This has already
started — you know, Latin America does not have an
infrastructure network! It is still in the colonial condition,
where you have little railroads from the iron ore mountain to the
coast, but if you want to travel from Peru to Brazil, you have to
go via Miami. So this is the idea, to develop a continental
railroad system.
Then number 1 there is the canal built in Nicaragua, it will
be the second Panama Canal, which obviously is an extremely
important project, which will mean that Nicaragua has a very good
chance to become an industrial country, with improving living
standards of its population. Naturally the Greenies are going
crazy and they say there are two fishermen who have to be
resettled. But, first of all, these people will be compensated,
and secondly without infrastructure, there is {no} industrial
development; without infrastructure there is not even
agriculture, because without infrastructure you cannot transport
and process food.
So then, naturally you have the Bering Strait, this number
2. This has been recently announced by Vladimir Yakunin, who is
the head of Russian Railways. And he proposed (I don’t think I
have that slide), a fast train connection from London all the way
through the Bering Strait to New York. A couple of years ago, Mr.
LaRouche and I participated in a conference in Moscow where the
fathers of the Bering Strait Project were present. These were all
older men over 80, and they said: “Oh, in 20 years, we can go
with a maglev train from Acapulco through the Bering Strait to
Mumbai, and this will be much faster than you can go by ship
today,” and they had a very pioneering spirit.
So this is very important because this connection not only
would connect the transport lines of North America with those of
Eurasia, but it would be absolutely crucial to open up the Arctic
Region. In the Far East of Russia you have all the raw materials
which are in the periodic table of Mendeleyev, and they represent
for the next 100 years a very important raw-material potential
which will be important not only for Russia, but for Europe, for
the United States, for China, for Japan, for Korea. So this will
be the way to develop it, because these raw-material are in
permafrost conditions, and you have to build, you have to build
cities, which have a dome, because people have to live — you
cannot live in permanfrost conditions like that, you have to have
a special way of developing it.
Now, I could go into many other projects — the Seikan
tunnel between the Japanese islands does already exist, it
connects the two important islands in Japan. Then the Bohai
Tunnel will connect two Chinese cities and shorten the transport.
The brown line there, this is the actual Silk Road [Silk Road
Economic Belt], which is now being promoted by China; this larger
gray line is the [21st-Century] Maritime Silk Road; but as you
can see, it stretches all the way to Europe and into Africa.
Prime Minister Li Keqiang was several times last year in Africa,
and he proposed to connect all African capitals through a fast
train system. And I know from many Africans, leaders and leading
politicians, they are very happy about that, because Africa right
now urgently needs development. And I think, if you look at the
horrendous refugee crisis, the people drowning by the thousands
in the Mediterranean, it makes it {so} clear that to bring
development to Africa is the only way how you can overcome this
unbelievable tragedy. And if Europe would have a right mind, they
would join! You know, rather than sending the Triton boats to
chase the refugees back, which is a complete moral bankruptcy of
Now this is very interesting, because the big question
always comes, “who should finance all of this?” As you know,
already at the Brazil Fortaleza summit, the BRICS countries
agreed, together with some of the other countries, to create new
financial institutions: the New Development Bank of the BRICS,
the AIIB [Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank] was already
founded in last October, but also a whole set of other banks.
And it came from the idea, that when the Asia crisis happened in
’97, in which speculators like George Soros speculated against
the currencies of countries like Korea, Philippines, Thailand, in
one week up to 60-80% downward, and these countries had no
defense; so they concluded, “OK, we have to protect ourselves,”
so they created the Contingency Reserve Arrangement [CRA], which
is a pool of currencies of a $100 billion, which will defend all
of the participating countries against speculative attacks.
Now, the AIIB, the New Development Bank, the New Silk Road
Fund, the Maritime Silk Road Fund, the bank of the Shanghai
Cooperation Organization [SCO Development Bank], and the SAARC
[South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation] Development
Fund, are all new banks which follow a completely different
principle than Wall Street and the City of London, or Frankfurt,
for that matter. They say, we do not participate in speculation,
but we will use these funds only for investment in the real
economy, into these projects. And this is urgently needed,
because as you know, despite all of the quantitative easing of
the Federal Reserve, and now [ECB President] Mr. Draghi, who are
printing money as if there would be no tomorrow, the money does
not arrive at the industries! Because the banks, the speculators
prefer to keep the casino going, and this is actually reaching a
point where at the IMF annual spring meeting which just took
place in Washington, the IMF itself put out a report saying that
we are facing a collapse {bigger} than 2008 with the collapse of
Lehman Brothers. And several economists from J.P. Morgan and
other banks warned that you could have a simultaneous stock and
bond crisis, causing a meltdown of the system; or, if the Federal
Reserve would increase the interest rate only by a tiny, tiny
amount it could blow up the whole derivatives bubble of $2
trillion. And if the Troika and the ECB are pushing Greece out
of the Eurozone, that could also trigger a collapse, because it
would not so much hurt Greece, but it would blow up the European
So therefore, the existence of these banks are de facto a
lifeboat in the face of the immediate danger of a collapse.
Now, as you probably have noticed, when the question came,
who would be a founding member of the Asian Infrastructure
Investment Bank, which was already constituted last October, but
the date until which countries could join as founding members was
end of March [2015]. And the United States put a lot of pressure
on the allies, not to join; they didn’t want Korea to join;
naturally, they didn’t want Europe to join, and they put maximum
pressure on Asian countries not to join. But then, it just so
happened, that the best ally of the United States, Great Britain,
was the first European country to join, and that caused a kind of
a dam break, and then Germany, France, Italy, Switzerland,
Austria, and all the Scandinavian countries joined. And the
actual founding members included 57 countries. And they
basically participate in different degrees in this new bank,
which obviously people realize that what China is offering with
the economic cooperation in these projects, is much, much more
attractive than to participate in more speculative bubbles which
eventually will pop. So, this was from the founding meeting in
October, already, but in the meantime, it become many more
Now, this is also very interesting, because this is a
proposal which my husband made in 1975. It was called the
International Development Bank, and it was basically the same
idea as the AIIB, today, saying that the IMF and the World Bank
do not provide enough credit for Third World development. This
was a proposal he made in ’75, and it went into the final
resolution of the Non-Aligned Movement in 1976 in Colombo, Sri
Lanka, and it had the same idea as the AIIB.
The World Bank only spends per year $24 billion for
projects. But the actual requirement of the developing
countries, is about $8 trillion in the next years! So there is
no way the World Bank can manage that, and this bank, on the
other side, the AIIB, and the other banks will grow and will
become more productive.
Now, this is very important because what the AIIB and the
New Development Bank and this new economic system which is
emerging represent, is something completely different than
monetarism. Monetarism is the idea that you have to have maximum
profit, the real economy doesn’t count; as a matter of fact, you
all know, that if you have an industrial firm which lays of
10,000, the stock goes up! It doesn’t make any sense. In the
realm of monetarism, this is explained by the idea that the firm
becomes “more productive” because fewer workers work more, and
therefore the profit is greater; but from the standpoint of the
real economy this makes no sense at all.
And it is exactly that philosophy which has caused the
Troika to destroy Greece. What they managed to do is to reduce
the Greek economy by one-third, to increase the youth
unemployment to 65%, and people are extremely unhappy, not only
in Greece, but also in Italy, in Spain, Portugal and so forth.
What we propose, both the IDB and these new banks, is really
going back to a completely different model. It’s based on the
idea of this man, whom you all recognize, I’m sure — he is
Alexander Hamilton, the first Secretary of the Treasury of the
United States. And he created, actually, the United States, by
creating the National Bank and the credit system, because, what
he did, was after the War of Independence, the different states
in the United States were totally indebted. So he unified the
United States by taking over the debt obligations of these
states, and basically saying, it’s no longer your business, we’ll
take these debts as a Federal state, as a national state, and we
will transform that into a credit mechanism, only aimed at areal
And that was really the actual founding of the United
States. And this idea of a credit system which is not
monetarism, but it is the idea that credit can only be given for
future production in the real economy, not for speculation, that
model was what made the United States a great industrial power.
Because, despite the fact that some following Presidents then
tried to dismantle it, the United States went back to it, again
and again. It was the policies of John Quincy Adams; it was the
policy of Abraham Lincoln with the greenbacks; it was the policy
of Franklin D. Roosevelt. This is how Roosevelt brought the
United States out of the Depression of the ’30s by building the
Reconstruction Finance Corp. which financed the New Deal, and
that’s how America got out of the Depression. And, also, it was
the basis for the German Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau, the
state bank, which help to finance the reconstruction and the
economic miracle of Germany in the postwar period — which was
modeled on the Reconstruction Finance Corp.
So this is therefore, not something new. It’s a tested
model, it has always been the basis when there was progress in
the real economy, as compared to the financial markets. I’m not
talking about the financial markets, I’m talking about real
production for the livelihood and the common good of the people.
So the first step there, we have called for — Tom
mentioned it — that we think it is an absolute matter, actually
of war and peace, if we succeed to get the European nations {and}
America to join with this “win-win,” all-inclusive,
non-geopolitical system. And, as I said, the financial system of
Wall Street and the City of London {is} about to blow up, bigger
than 2008, and the only way how that can be avoided from leading
to a chaotic collapse, is by going back to the Glass-Steagall
legislation which was introduced by Franklin D. Roosevelt in
1933, which was his answer to the collapse of ’29-’33 period.
And he separated the banks, by making the commercial banks
separate from the investment banks, so that the investment bank
could not have access to assets of the commercial banks.
And this exist from 1933 until 1999 in the United States,
and in Europe you had practically the same thing, because you had
a very regulated banking sector. But the Wall Street forces did
not like it, because naturally it reduced their profit, so they
worked very hard to eliminate it, which they were able to do in
1999, and the whole super-expansion of the speculative area only
occurred after this law was eliminated. And the good news, is
that there is a right now a Presidential candidate in the United
States, who has said that his first act if he would move into the
White House, would be to reintroduce this Glass-Steagall law: And
that is the former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley, about whom many
papers are writing that he has a very good chance to take the
Democratic nomination, because many people think Hillary Clinton
has made too many compromises with bad policies, when she was
Secretary of State. But, O’Malley is not alone, but you have a
whole bunch of people around him, who say the United States must
go back to being a Republic; it must go back to putting the
common good above the interests of Wall Street. And that is
really the “to be or not to be” question of the whole world.
Now, if this reorganization would take place, then, the
United States could easily join with the BRICS countries in such
efforts as the AIIB and other such things. And, as you know, the
Greek government has also demanded that there is no way how they
can pay their debt, because as you know, of all the rescue
packages which went to Greece, only 3% of that money remained in
Greece, while all the rest really went to the European banks.
And therefore, to demand that Greece should pay back these debts,
it’s just impossible! And the Greek government has made the
point that they want to have a European Debt Conference, like
Germany in 1953, without which the German economic miracle would
never have taken place. So if this all happens, and that could
happen in the short term, Europe could easily participate in
Now, I just want to say, the ancient Silk Road was not only
an exchange of silk, and porcelain, and paper, printing,
gunpowder, and many, many other goods, but much more important
than that, it was an exchange of ideas and technologies: Silk
making is more important than silk; how to print books is more
important than the book. So the ancient Silk Road was an
extremely important exchange of goods and culture, and ideas, and
understanding among people — and so will be the New Silk Road,
just with modern means.
Now, if you go back to the picture, this is why we have
said, “The New Silk Road Becomes the World Land-Bridge” where we
have the camels, sort of symbolizing the old Silk Road, and here
you see a maglev train, and here you see a rover on the Moon, to
give you an idea that the exchange of technologies and goods in
the modern world will be the most advanced technologies to the
benefit of all of mankind.
So going back to the problem here, is, obviously, if you
look at that map, you see, these are the deserts of the world: A
very broad desert band which goes from the Atlantic coast of
Africa, through the Sahara-Sahel zone, the Arab Peninsula, the
Middle East, all the way to China. And that desert is growing.
It’s expanding. And then you have the desert in the West of the
United States, which is right now ruined by a big drought in
California, in Texas, in all the states west of the Mississippi;
and naturally, Brazil has a drought.
In the United States this is very severe. Here you have a
global water scarcity map; here you have the water stress
indicator. In the United States, just to mention that, Governor
Brown of California has just announced that the water consumption
will be cut by 25% up to 36%! Now that is the death to
Californian agriculture; in the south of California, for example,
in the Central Valley, in this region, 40% of the entire
agriculture of the United States is produced, and this is now
being completely destroyed. Here you see, this is a former
reservoir, which is almost dried up. This is the snowpack: in
2013, it was relatively, a lot of snow, and last year, no snow,
so the drought is expanding, and obviously, to cut consumption
means you kill people. I mean, you cannot cut water — where
should these people go? There are already cities and towns where
people are — it’s not just not watering their lawn — it’s
taking public showers, of getting water rations, and then
eventually people have to move away, because if there is no water
there is no life. There were already herds being transformed, of
hundreds of thousands of head of cattle, and the idea to just
accept that, and as Governor Brown said, “California historically
has only a carrying potential of 400,000 people,” is ridiculous,
because there are presently 39 million people living in
California! And the idea to say there’s only room for 400,000 is
completely ahistorical about what is the role of human beings,
who differentiate themselves from animals by being able to
increase the living capability for more people by improving
productivity, by transforming the industry, the infrastructure,
and in that way, developing the planet.
So obviously, China has taken a completely different
approach. Here you see, China is actually the only country which
has taken a very big water diversification: There is on the one
side, the Three Gorges Dam, which is now producing, I think 22
gigawatts of electricity per year, and it has eliminated flooding
which killed many thousands of people in the past; and even more
important, is the water diversification project from the southern
area of the Yangtze River through a Northern Route into the
Yellow River and the desert area of China; and the Middle Route
to the region around Beijing.
So this is actually a model which is now being followed by
Narendra Modi for India, who just agreed to make gigantic water
projects to tame the water coming down from the Himalayas, and
also making canals out of 101 Indian rivers.
Now, what most people don’t consider is, that water is not a
natural resource like iron ore, or gold, or whatever: You can’t
use up, because water is organized in global cycles, where 90% of
the precipitation rains down over the ocean, only 10% rains down
over the land. And that water, the Sun causes evaporation, this
leads to cloud formation, and then the water rains down, and it
is human activity, which can make these cycles more efficient.
It’s not just, that it rains down over land and then flows back
into the ocean. You can use it in agriculture, you can use it in
industrial production, you can use it in other urban activities,
and it is actually the ability of man to make that more
Here you see a very interesting comparison — you see here
the water diversion of the United States. Even though the water
diversion of China has started much more recently, it’s almost
double, which shows you the completely different philosophy.
This is a very important project, which is part of the
approach to fight the desert, and this is the Lake Chad Transaqua
project, which is the idea, that you could eliminate a lot of the
drought in the Sahel zone and around Lake Chad by bringing some
of the surplus water from the headwaters region of the Congo on
the one side, through rivers and canals into Lake Chad, which has
been reduced to less than 10% right now; and also through a
second canal along the Nile to increase the agricultural land in
Africa tremendously. And also now to bring real development to
these countries, without which you will have more people running
away from Boko Haram, which is now at Lake Chad and Nigeria. And
without a real development perspective, there is no way how you
can contain these projects.
Human beings are the only species, which can improve the
conditions of mankind again and again and again, and the last
10,000 years, or 20,000 years since the last Ice Age, just think,
what an enormous development mankind has made. We have increased
the population potential of the Earth from about 5 million at
most, to presently around 7 billion. This is due to the fact that
man, unlike animals, can make new discoveries, discovers the
universal principles of our physical universe, and think things,
which have never been thought before.
Therefore, the attack on the water crisis is not just a
question of using the aquifers, because the aquifers can — they
replenish, but this goes much too slowly. It’s not only
re-diverting the rivers, dams, but it’s especially influencing
the global cyclical process of water. There is a relationship
between what happens in our Solar System and the rain. Because
the Sun, which shines on the oceans, causes evaporation, but the
Sun is not the only solar impact on the weather; it’s also the
cosmic radiation, which comes from our galaxy, which leads to
cloud formation, ionization of moisture, and therefore to rain.
That is not just something where we have to wait passively until
it happens, but we can study, for example, what is happening in
our galaxy, which influences the weather, and then understand
better, how we can create more water.
Here, you see our Solar System in a 32 million year cycle,
moving along the Milky Way. The Milky Way is basically a flat
plateau, in which our Solar System is moving up and down in
cycles, and you have a complete change in the weather patterns,
which comes from the position of our Solar System in our galaxy.
I’m not saying, that we know everything about that yet. We
know, that there is a lot of connection between the Solar System,
the galaxy and the weather patterns on our Earth, and I can
assure you, that if you look at the long-term changes in our
weather patterns, then {these} things are a lot more important,
than whatever you use in your little car as CO2 production.
Because these are forces, which are of a completely different
magnitude, and naturally, the climate is changing, but galactic
processes are really what is the cause of it.
Anyway, the idea of using cosmic rays and ionization of
moisture is already successfully being done by Israel and by some
of the Gulf States; Russia is doing a lot of research on this,
and this is, what we have to do. The reason, why I’m saying this,
is, the Silk Road is not just building railways from Dunhuang to
Lisbon or wherever; it’s not just building roads, it’s not just
building canals. The modern Silk Road, the New Silk Road is,
exactly as the old Silk Road was, {an exchange of ideas, of
technology, for the common good of all.}
Obviously, today the big challenges are world poverty, are
the danger of war, are the danger of water scarcity, which could
become the reason for new wars. So the New Silk Road — and this
is what we understand with it, and I’m sure that our Chinese
friend will show his perspective — but that is the philosophy,
which we have taken as a basis in our approach, that the New Silk
Road is {a vision}, of how humanity can move away from
geopolitics and the stupid idea that we have to fight over scarce
resources, that we have to create wars because we don’t like
another system, that we have to eventually self-destruct, but
that we have to make the evolutionary jump to the idea of the
common aims of mankind and to define the next phase of evolution
in the interest of all.
If you look at this, the Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry
Rogozin of Russia just two days ago, pointed to the fact, that
the BRICS countries are all space travelling nations. China is
the leader in space travel. When China in December 2013 landed
the Yutu rover on the Moon, with was the idea, that in a few
missions later, I think it was in 2017, this Yutu — “Jade
Rabbit” — that they will bring back helium-3. Helium-3 is an
isotope, which is actually a fuel for fusion power. It’s much
more efficient than deuterium or tritium, because with this heavy
deuterium and tritium in the fusion process, you are still using
turbines, and you use turbines to create electricity in the old
way. But with helium-3 you can directly gain electricity from the
physical process of fusion power, and therefore, naturally, the
energy efficiency is much, much higher. And once we have fusion
power, for example, this will create for the first time energy
and raw materials security for the Earth. Energy security,
because on the Moon, you have several tons of helium-3, which
will be sufficient for many tens of thousands of years of energy
security on the Earth; and raw materials security, because with
the high heat of the plasma torch, you can take any waste,
including nuclear waste, including waste in your household, and
turn it back into isotopes, which you then can reconstruct and
make new raw materials.
So this is the vanguard of where mankind must go, and China
has made that its national pride. And China, contrary to Germany,
which is very stupid with respect to energy — you know, this
stupid exit from nuclear energy without having an alternative, is
completely crazy — but China has basically created a situation,
where they are in the right position to solve this problem, and
Rogozin, the Deputy Prime Minister of Russia, has said, that the
BRICS countries will cooperate in space to solve these problems.
So this is extremely important, because if mankind makes
that jump to not have war as a conflict resolution, which in a
time of nuclear energy, it should be obvious that we must move to
a different regime, that we must define the common aims of
mankind, that which is, — if you have seen these pictures with
astronauts and cosmonauts and taikonauts, they all report the
same: When they are in space and look at our little planet, this
blue planet, they realize that there are no borders. They also
realize that our planet is extremely small in a very big Solar
System, in an even bigger galaxy, and there are {billions} of
galaxies. So, there are dangers from space, like cosmic
radiation, like asteroids; there are all kinds of dangers, which
we don’t manage right now. But if we don’t want to have the same
fate as the dinosaurs, who became eliminated 65 million years
ago, because probably a meteorite hit the Earth and created so
much cloud cover, that all the vegetation stopped, and then the
dinosaurs, and 96% of all other species were eliminated; if we
as a creative species, {are} really the creative species, we
should put our efforts together and defend against common dangers
to our planet, common dangers to our civilization, and unite.
And there is no better image for that than space collaboration.
This whole question also has a philosophical dimension.
Because people think, China is just doing an imperial expansion,
they want to have their interests. Well, I have the deepest
conviction that what is working in China right now, especially
with President Xi Jinping, {is} the 2,500-year-old Confucian
tradition in China. And I go even so far to say the Chinese
people have Confucius in their genes. Confucius was a
philosopher, who reacted to a historical period in China, which
was characterized by war, by great unrest, by turmoil. And he
developed the Confucian philosophy, which is beautiful. I can
only advise you, in case you are not doing it, study Confucius.
Because Confucius has this idea that there must be harmony in the
world, on the planet. And that, for example, the best way to
have harmony is, there is one key notion, which is {li}, which is
the idea, that each person, each nation, should take its proper
place, and develop in the best possible way, and then you have
harmony. Because if everybody develops their creative potential
and their best maximum capacity, and takes the development of the
other as their own interest, and vice versa, then you have peace.
And that should also be based on the other notion of {ren}.
{Ren} basically means the same thing as love, or {agapë}, or the
Christian idea of charity.
And it happens to be that these ideas are also in the
European best tradition. There is a very important philosopher of
the 15th century, called Nicolaus of Cusa, who was the founder of
modern science, the founder of the modern nation-state, and he
was very important: He broke through the barrier from the Middle
Ages to modern times. Because he was actually the person, who
brought the Council of Florence into being by first finding
handwritings in Byzantium, which were then the basis for the
unification of the Orthodox Church with the Roman Church; but
when he brought the Orthodox delegation in 1453 to the Council of
Florence, he had a stroke of genius: He said, now, I am thinking
something, which no human being has ever thought before. He then
wrote his {De Docta Ignorantia}, and he developed this notion of
the coincidence of opposites, the {coincidentia oppositorum},
which was the idea, that the One has a higher quality than the
Many, and that the human mind is capable of synthesizing some
hypothesis, which gives you a deeper insight into the laws of the
universe, into Classical art — in other words, it’s the
creativity of the human mind, which is the driving force in the
development of the universe. And that’s for example, what the
Russian philosopher Vladimir Vernadsky called, that the
creativity of man is a geophysical force in the universe. Now,
what he did basically, is to say — he didn’t say it in this way,
but the effect of it was — that in order to move away from the
Middle Ages, from the Scholasticism, from the Neo-Peripatetics
and the Aristotelean ideas, you had to basically break with the
axioms of the Middle Ages thinking, and that you had to create
something basically completely new, a new method of thinking.
And I’m saying, that with the New Silk Road, we have to do
exactly that: We have to break away from money, greed,
monetarism, all of these things, which really are a decaying
culture. If you look at the European, American, Western culture,
it {is} a decaying culture. Just look at the youth culture. Look
at what our young people watch in terms of pop music, video
games, the violence, just the popular entertainment has become
really degenerate. And we have to break with that, and we have to
combine the New Silk Road economic model — which I did not go
into so much today, because I already spoke about it two months
ago here in Copenhagen — but we have to break with the whole
axiomatic of globalization and basically go for a New
Renaissance, a new cultural renaissance of thinking, which will
build on the best traditions of each country: on Confucianism,
on Vedic tradition of India, on Avicenna [Ibn Sina], and other
thinkers, Al-Farabi, Abu Al-Kindi in the Arab world; in Europe,
the great Classical music tradition, the Italian Renaissance, the
German Classical music. We just have to take the high points of
all civilizations, and study that, and start to love the culture
of the other countries, and then we will create out of this a
completely New Renaissance, which will bring mankind into a
completely new phase of evolution.
Because I do not believe, that the present condition of
mankind is, what we are here for! We are not here to kill each
other; we are not here to eat caviar, until we have it coming out
of our ears. We are here to be creative! We are here to discover
the laws of the universe, to write beautiful poems, to write
beautiful music, to celebrate the creativity of civilization. And
I think, that the idea of man in space, man going into the next
phase of the evolution of man, is really what will get us out of
this crisis. So that is, what the New Silk Road is all about.


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Indisk senioranalytiker: BRIKS kan lede verden med nye initiativer

Onsdag, 1. april, 2015 – »BRIKS har opnået en hel del på sin korte levetid«, sagde Nandan Unnikrishnan, vicepræsident og seniormedlem af lærerstaben ved Observer Research Foundation i et interview med Ruslands Radio Sputnik i går. »De har ledet initiativerne for reformeringen af globale finansinstitutioner som IMF og Verdensbanken. Hvad vigtigere er, så har de skabt en ny institution – BRIKS’ Nye Udviklingsbank, såvel som Valutareservefonden CRA. Dette er intet mindre end en spektakulær præstation, taget i betragtning, at det er første gang, sådanne arrangementer skabes i de sidste 200 år, uden de vestlige magters deltagelse. Et sådant initiativ må styrkes.«

Observer Research Foundation, der, sammen med Instituttet for Forsvarsstudier og -analyser (IDSA), har hjemme i New Delhi, er vokset frem som betydningsfulde, indiske tænketanke, der beskæftiger sig med spørgsmål om sikkerhed og udenrigspolitik.

Som svar på et spørgsmål om sit syn på Shanghai Samarbejdsorganisationens (SCO) forventede rolle, genbekræftede Unnikrishnan New Delhis syn på sikring af sikkerhed og stabilitet i nabolaget, så vel som i regionen som helhed. Indien, sammen med Pakistan og måske også Iran, forventes at blive fuldgyldigt medlem i år. Indien har i øjeblikket observatørstatus i SCO, ligesom også Iran og Pakistan har det.

»Indien er meget ivrig efter at adressere spørgsmålene om stabilitet og udvikling i sit umiddelbare og udvidede nabolag«, sagde Unnikrishnan. »SCO er en institution, der kan være med til at opfylde disse mål.«



Obama ydmyget: Vestlige nationer tilslutter sig AIIB
– Et lille ’Pearl Harbor’ for Obama

Paris, Nouvelle Solidarité, 25. mrs. 2015Le Figaro bragte en højst interessant leder, dateret 20. mrs., om implikationerne af, at fire store europæiske nationer tilslutter sig den Asiatiske Infrastruktur-Investeringsbank, AIIB, på trods af USA’s forsøg på at standse dem. Alt imens visse elementer i artiklen ikke er korrekte mht. de kinesiske hensigter, så rammer artiklen plet mht. det jordskælv, det repræsenterer over for Obamas politik.

»Aldrig er forræderiet så stort, som når det begås af ens venner. Med beslutningen om at tilslutte sig AIIB, kastede Storbritannien en sten i dammen, der lavede krusninger … For præsident Obama, der gjorde Det asiatiske Stillehavsområde til omdrejningspunktet for sin politik, svarer dette til en krigserklæring. Set fra Det Hvide Hus er AIIB en Beijing-manøvre for at svække amerikansk indflydelse og forstærke sin egen, regionale overhøjhed.  Den kendsgerning, at en historisk, amerikansk allieret, medlem af G7 og NATO-grundpille har besluttet at tilslutte sig denne rivaliserende klub, er et slag i ansigtet … først og fremmest, fordi det understreger fremvæksten af yuan som en reserve- og vekselvaluta. Og også, fordi det forårsagede en implosion af den vestlige blok: Opmuntret af briternes frimodighed var Australien og Sydkorea, der oprindeligt var de første til at misbillige initiativet, de første til at erklære deres potentielle interesse, der i denne uge blev efterfulgt af Italien, Tyskland og Frankrig! Endnu andre har stillet sig op i køen. Et lille Pearl Harbor for Washington.«

Den 24. marts blev den samme diskussion ført i bedste morgensendetid på BFM Radio, Frankrigs førende business-kanal, på en meget fremtrædende måde. BFM Radio rapporterede om spørgsmålene, og bemærkede så USA’s modstand mod de allieredes tilslutning. »Og hvad så«, sagde hovedkommentatoren Stéphane Soumier. »Frankrig har, med sine svage, finansielle kapaciteter, ikke råd til at afvise sådanne muligheder.« Dækningen inkluderede et interview med en indisk ekspert, der sagde, at problemet med Verdensbanken og den Asiatiske Udviklingsbank (ADB) er, at de kun finansierer små og bæredygtige vækstprojekter. Vi har store infrastrukturprojekter og atomkraft, der skal udvikles, sagde han og tilføjede, at Indien er lykkelig over at have en bank, der kan betjene landets behov.

Den anden begivenhed, der skaber krusninger på vandet her i Frankrig, er de fremskredne forhandlinger mellem det franske oliekompagni Total, det russiske Novatek og CNPC [China National Petroleum Corporation] om en 15 mia. dollar stor investering i Yamal LNG [Liquified Natural Gas]-projektet i Sibirien. Målet er at have investeringen på plads inden årets udgang.

Wall Street er urolig over projektet iflg. dækningen i Wall Street Journal, der bemærker, at Totals direktør Patrick Pouyanné tog jobbet efter at »Totals forrige chef, Christophe de Margerie, blev dræbt i et flystyrt i Rusland. Ligesom hr. de Margerie byder hr. Pouyanné investeringer inden for politisk risikable områder velkommen«, skriver Wall Street Journal ildevarslende, »for mange af hans konkurrenter har også satset stort på Rusland og befinder sig nu i en knibe.«    

Rabindranath Tagore og Indiens bidrag til en harmonisk menneskehed

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Diplomatseminar i København om BRIKS/Verdenslandbroen en succes

København, 30. jan. 2015 – Helga Zepp-LaRouche var taler ved et seminar for diplomater, der blev afholdt i Det russiske Kulturcenter i København i dag, med titlen, »Økonomisk udvikling og samarbejde mellem nationer, eller økonomisk kollaps, krig og terror? Den Nye Silkevej bliver til Verdenslandbroen«.

Efter fr. LaRouches kraftfulde tale, talte repræsentanter fra tre af ambassaderne fra BRIKS-nationerne – Rusland, Kina og Sydafrika. Desuden stillede repræsentanten for Brasilien et spørgsmål under den efterfølgende diskussion.

Videoerne og lydfilerne af fr. LaRouches tale, og den tale, som hr. Machiel Renier van Niekerk, repræsentanten fra Sydafrikas ambassade i Danmark, holdt, kan høres på

I seminaret deltog repræsentanter fra 14 ambassader fra Europa, Asien, Afrika og Sydamerika, sammen med nogle danske erhvervsfolk og Schiller Instituttets aktivister.

Fr. LaRouche indledte sin tale med udviklingen i Grækenland, og hvordan landet kan blive et forbindelsesled mellem Europa og BRIKS. Hun talte om, hvor tæt vi er på en total nedsmeltning af finanssystemet, hvor tæt vi er på en atomkrig, og hvad forbindelsen mellem de to er. Hun understregede, at den fare, der repræsenteres af skiftet i USA’s strategi for atomkrig, til en førsteangrebsdoktrin, sammen med afbrydelsen af kommunikationen mellem USA og Rusland, der rent faktisk var intakt under den cubanske missilkrise, betyder, at vi er tættere på atomkrig i dag, end nogen sinde før. Ja, der er et alternativ: Hvis vi får Europa og USA til at acceptere Xi Jinpings tilbud om at gå med i deres økonomiske alliance for udvikling.
Fr. LaRouche fremlagde det momentum, der er for BRIKS’ økonomiske udvikling, og det perspektiv, der er skitseret i den nye EIR-rapport »Den Nye Silkevej er blevet til Verdenslandbroen«, som hendes mand Lyndon LaRouche og hun selv, så vel som Schiller Instituttet, har kæmpet for i årtier.

Hun appellerede til deltagerne om at sætte dette alternativ på verdensdagsordenen ved at cirkulere idéerne i vores nye rapport gennem at arrangere interviews, kommentarer, kontakte folk fra erhvervslivet, der ville få gavn af Verdenslandbroen, cirkulere vores resolution og generelt ved at arbejde sammen med os i fremtiden.

Kontakt venligst EIR og Schiller Instituttet for at få rapporten »Den Nye Silkeveje er blevet til Verdenslandbroen« og brochuren »Hvorfor USA og Europa må gå med i BRIKS – En ny, international orden for menneskeheden« og andet materiale, og for deltagelse i fremtidige møder.

Schiller Instituttet: + 45 35 43 00 33, 51 21 72 06.,

EIR: + 45 35 43 60 40



Læs også (hvis du ikke allerede har!):

    nyhed1412  Helga Zepp-LaRouche: Introduktion: Den Nye Silkevej bliver til Verdenslandbroen

Helga Zepp-LaRouche in Copenhagen: public meeting January 31, 2015

N.B.: The above video ends 18 minutes into the discussion. The complete version of the discussion is found below.

The music can only be heard from the audio file.

Den russiske nyhedsbureau TASS interviewer Zepp-LaRouche i København om at undgå krig og BRIKS-processen

1. Introduction by Tom Gillesberg, chairman of The Schiller Institute in Denmark

2. Music:

Ach! zu kurz, double fugue by Mozart
Ave Verum by Mozart
The Hans Christian Andersen vocal quartet

Vender sig Lykken fra dig, (C. Hauch, Carl Nielsen)
Vittoria, mio core!
Feride Istogu Gillesberg, sopran
Michelle Rasmussen, piano

3. Helga Zepp-LaRouche, international president of The Schiller Institute

How has the election in Greece changed the world
The international financial collapse
The danger of nuclear war
The New Silk Road Becomes The World Land Bridge

4. Discussion


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Copenhagen diplomatic seminar with Helga Zepp LaRouche:
The New Silk Road Becomes the World Land Bridge

We discovered that Mr. Van Niekerk’s speech was cut off before its completion in the first video. The full version is in the second video.

See below for the texts of the speeches by a diplomat from the Embassy of China, and Mr. Van Niekerk from the Embassy of South Africa, and the slides Mrs. LaRouche used in her presentation.

<a title="TASS interviewer Zepp-LaRouche i København
om at undgå krig og BRIKS-processen
på dansk, in English, русский язык” href=””>TASS interviews Zepp-LaRouche in Copenhagen on war avoidance and the BRICS process: på dansk, in English, русский язык

Successful BRICS/World Land Bridge diplomatic seminar today in Copenhagen

COPENHAGEN, Jan. 30, 2015 (EIRNS) — Helga Zepp-LaRouche was the main speaker at a diplomatic seminar held at the Russian Culture Center in Copenhagen today entitled, “Economic development, and cooperation among nations, or, economic collapse, war and terror? The New Silk Road Becomes the World Land Bridge.”
After Mrs. LaRouche’s powerful speech, embassy representatives from three of the five BRICS nations gave speeches — Russia, China and South Africa. In addition, the Brazilian representative asked a question during the discussion.
Sound files of Mrs. LaRouche’s speech, and Mr. Machiel Renier van Niekerk, the representative from the South African embassy in Denmark, are available at: Videos will be available later today.
Representatives from 13 embassies from Europe, Asia, Africa and South America participated, along with some Danish businessmen, and Schiller Institute organizers.
Mrs. LaRouche began with the developments in Greece, how they can become a link between Europe and the BRICS, how close we are to a full blowout of the financial system, how close we are to nuclear war, and the connection between the two. She emphasized that the danger posed by the change in the U.S. nuclear war strategy to a first strike doctrine, together with severing the communications between the U.S. and Russia, which were actually intact during the Cuban Missile Crisis, means that we are closer to nuclear war now than ever before. Yet, there is an alternative, if we get Europe and the U.S. to accept Xi Jinping’s offer to join their economic development alliance.
Mrs. LaRouche presented the BRICS economic development momentum, and the perspective outlined in the new EIR report “The New Silk Road Has Become The World Land Bridge,” which her husband Lyndon LaRouche and herself, as well as the Schiller Institute, had been fighting for for decades.
She appealed to the attendees to put this alternative on the world agenda by circulating the ideas in our new report through arranging interviews, commentaries, contacting business layers who world benefit from the Land Bridge, circulating our resolution, and, in general, working together with us in the future.
Please contact EIR and Schiller Institute for obtaining “The New Silk Road Has Become The World Land Bridge” report and other material, and to attend future meetings.
Schiller Institute: +45 35 43 00 33, 51 21 72 06,,
EIR: +45 35 43 60 40
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RADIO SCHILLER den 30. december 2014:
Talsmand for Nicaraguakanalen: Europa og USA må tilslutte sig BRIKS//
Ruslands nye strategiske doktrin

Med næstformand Michelle Rasmussen

Helga Zepp-LaRouche:
– Vi skal få USA og Europa til at tilslutte sig BRIKS’ nye paradigme!

»Jeg tror, at hvis den gennemsnitlige amerikaner vidste, hvor tæt vi er på Tredje Verdenskrig, ville folk strømme ud på gaderne… « »Den tidligere chef for den russiske hærs generalstab … sagde, at en konflikt mellem NATO og Rusland allerede er i gang … at en egentlig militærmagt blot vil være denne kampagnes slutfase. Da han blev spurgt, om han mente, det endnu kunne standses, sagde han, at han mente, det ulykkeligvis ikke længere var muligt; at mekanismerne var blevet sat i gang … «

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Skriv under: RESOLUTION:




Helga Zepp-LaRouche, Schiller Instituttets stifter, forberedte denne videotale den 6. dec. til Instituttets møde den 13. december i New York City, såvel som andre møder i Boston, Detroit, San Francisco og Houston.

Jeg tror, at hvis den gennemsnitlige amerikaner vidste, hvor tæt vi er på Tredje Verdenskrig, ville folk strømme ud på gaderne, og de ville kræve en ændring af Obamaregeringens aktuelle politik.

Den tidligere chef for den russiske hærs generalstab, general Juri Baluyevskij, gav for et par dage siden et interview, hvor han sagde, at en konflikt mellem NATO og Rusland allerede er i gang; at den begyndte med en informationskrig, med en enorm psykologisk kampagne, der lagde pres på befolkningens tankegang, og at en egentlig militærmagt blot vil være denne kampagnes slutfase. Da han blev spurgt, om han mente, det endnu kunne standses, sagde han, at han mente, det ulykkeligvis ikke længere var muligt; at mekanismerne var blevet sat i gang; at vore modstanderes mål er blevet klart defineret: De vil forsøge at forhindre Rusland i at blive deres ligeværdige partner, militært og økonomisk.

På en nylig konference i Slovakiet sagde premierminister Robert Fico, at han mente, at sandsynligheden for en atomkrig, der involverede flere lande end blot Ukraine og Rusland, lå på 70 %.

I går var der en gruppe mennesker i Tyskland, meget betydningsfulde dignitarer, der udstedte en appel til den tyske regering og det tyske parlament, med titlen »Igen krig i Europa? Ikke i vores navn!« [Se EIR, 12. dec., 2014; hør Radio Schiller 8. dec.] De skitserede her, hvorfor de tror, at den aktuelle politiske kurs vil føre til en krig med Rusland på kort sigt, og de appellerede til den tyske regering og til medierne om at stoppe misinformationskampagnen og dæmoniseringen af Rusland og Kina. Apellen var underskrevet af tidl. kansler Gerhard Schröder, tidl. præsident Roman Herzog, tidl. chef for Sikkerhedskonferencen i München, Horst Teltschik, og mange betydningsfulde personer fra industrien, det politiske liv, medierne og den kulturelle verden.

Dette er vældig godt, for vi befinder os netop nu på en konfrontationskurs med Rusland på kort sigt, som udelukkende kun kan betyde civilisationens udslettelse.

Alt dette begyndte egentlig med de neokonservatives politik på det tidspunkt, da Sovjetunionen opløstes, og hvor de neokonservative besluttede at skabe et verdensimperium sammen med briterne, baseret på Det britiske Imperium som model, og baseret på det »specielle forhold« mellem Storbritannien og USA. Og på alle de skridt, man siden har taget – de ’farvede revolutioner’ mod Ukraine og Georgien; forsøget på at gøre det samme i mange andre lande i verden, for at fremkalde et regimeskift i alle lande, der ikke ville underkaste sig denne idé med imperiet. Det løfte, man afgav dengang, i forbindelse med den tyske genforening, om, at man ikke ville udvide NATO’s grænser frem til Ruslands grænser, blev selvsagt brudt.

Sanktionerne mod Rusland er, som den russiske udenrigsminister Sergei Lavrov for nylig sagde, i virkeligheden ikke rettet mod at tvinge Rusland til at ændre sin politik, men mod at skabe en sådan økonomisk ravage i Rusland, at den russiske befolkning ville vende sig mod Putin og vælte hans regering, og dernæst ville man arbejde på en opsplitning af den Russiske Føderation.

Alt dette udgør en situation, der ikke må finde sted, for der er et alternativ. Det, som massemedierne i USA fuldstændig har udeladt, er den kendsgerning, at, siden juli måned i år, siden BRIKS-landenes topmøde i Fortaleza, Brasilien, er et fuldstændig nyt, økonomisk system i færd med at blive udviklet meget, meget hurtigt. Vi har i øjeblikket en situation, hvor over halvdelen af menneskeheden – BRIKS-landene, de fleste sydamerikanske lande, mange asiatiske lande og endda nogle afrikanske lande, som Egypten og Sydafrika – har betrådt en vej mod en total eksplosion af økonomisk genopbygning, af udviklingsprojekter, som var blevet forbudt af IMF’s betingelsespolitik i de seneste mange årtier.

I kølvandet på topmødet i Fortaleza hjælper Kina f.eks. nu Nicaragua med at bygge en sekundær Panamakanal på fem år igennem Nicaragua, som øjeblikkeligt skaber 50.000 jobs; projektet vil skabe to havne; en hovedtransportlinje fra det ene ocean til det andet; en ny by, en ny international lufthavn, og det vil transformere Nicaragua fra at være et fattigt land til at være et meget, meget forhåbningsfuldt land med fremgang.

Det samme sker i mange sydamerikanske lande; Kina hjælper Brasilien med at bygge en transkontinental jernbanelinje fra Brasilien og hele vejen til Peru. Mange af disse lande samarbejder om at bygge nye atomkraftværker, mellem Rusland og Argentina, Kina og Brasilien, Indien og Rusland og i mange andre kombinationer; og de vil også betræde vejen med en absolut fantastisk udforskning af rummet.

Disse lande har også skabt nye finansinstitutioner, som udelukkende kun er helliget finansiering af den fysiske økonomi og udviklingsprojekter, og som er hengivent loyale over for befolkningens almene vel. Der er den Asiatiske Infrastruktur-Investeringsbank, AIIB, fra Kina; der er BRIKS-landenes Nye Udviklingsbank, og Shanghai Cooperation Organization er i færd med at skabe en ny bank. Ligeledes er de sydasiatiske lande i SAARC (Sydasiatisk Association for Regional Kooperation) i færd med at skabe en ny bank. Der er en ny udviklingsfond for Silkevejen.

Alle disse projekter vil gå i en meget positiv retning for at fjerne disse landes fattigdom på blot nogle få år. Siden Indiens nye premierminister Narendra Modi tiltrådte embedet, har der været en sand eksplosion af entusiasme i Indien. Han har bebudet, at han vil bygge 100 nye byer og skabe 1 million nye jobs om måneden; han er i færd med at genoplive 30 vandstyringsprojekter, der blev sat i bero efter mordet på Indira Gandhi. Så der er en entusiasme i Indien, som I ikke kan forestille jer!

Dette samme er sandt for Kinas vedkommende: Tro ikke ét eneste ord af det, I har hørt om Kina! Jeg har været i Kina to gange i år, og jeg kan forsikre jer om, at befolkningen er absolut optimistisk. De er overbevist om, at det utrolige, kinesiske, økonomiske mirakel, som de var i stand til at præstere på blot 30 år, vil muliggøre en industriel revolution, som det tog de fleste europæiske lande, og USA, 200 år at præstere! Og da præsident Xi Jinping annoncerede den Nye Silkevej som grundlaget for en ny, økonomisk verdensorden, så betød det simplet hen, at den kinesiske regering nu tilbyder, at ethvert land, som måtte ønske at deltage, kan gentage de samme principper for dette kinesiske, økonomiske mirakel i deres eget land.

Jeg er fuldstændig sikker på, at den eneste måde, hvorpå en optrapning mod Tredje Verdenskrig kan standses, er, at vi tager imod præsident Xi Jinpings tilbud, som han kom med ved afslutningen af APEC-topmødet på en fælles pressekonference med præsident Obama. Her inviterede den kinesiske præsident Obama til, at USA og andre store lande burde tilslutte sig den Nye Silkevej og disse nye finansinstitutioner.

Jeg har ikke hørt Obama komme med noget svar, der sagde, at det ville han gøre, men jeg er fuldstændig sikker på, at de europæiske lande, som er i oprør over faren for krig, er fuldstændig i stand til at tilslutte sig BRIKS-landene med henblik på denne globale udvikling.

Og jeg appellerer til jer: Vi må få USA til at stoppe denne krigsholdning over for Rusland og Kina, og vi må få USA til at samarbejde med BRIKS om en ny, økonomisk verdensorden.

Vi vil kun komme ud af denne dødbringende fare for civilisationens eksistens, hvis vi får USA til at tilslutte sig dette nye paradigme, som disse lande allerede lever i. Tro ikke på propagandaen! Kina er baseret på konfucianske idéer netop nu; Indien har genoplivet Mahatma Gandhis og Jawaharlal Nehrus store ånd; og denne optimisme er dyb og har været smitsom for befolkningerne i disse lande. Et fuldstændig andet paradigme er allerede virksomt i disse lande, der, sammen med andre asiatiske, afrikanske og sydamerikanske lande trods alt repræsenterer civilisationens flertal.

Så lad os tilslutte os, lad os få USA og Europa til at tilslutte sig BRIKS, tilslutte sig dette nye paradigme; for det er den eneste strategi til at undgå krig, der vil virke.


Forslag til fordybelse:

Lyndon LaRouche: Den klassiske kunstart kaldet fysisk økonomi 

Helga Zepp-LaRouche: Lær af Historien: Principperne for fysisk økonomi 

COP20: Klimaforhandlingerne i Lima har ramt en mur

13. dec. 2014 – De igangværende COP20-drøftelser i Lima, Peru, om klimaforandringer, har ramt en mur. Topmødet skulle efter planen slutte 12. dec., men det andet udkast, som blev præsenteret af de udviklede lande, blev ikke bare summarisk afvist af udviklingslandenes delegation, anført af Indien, men den indiske avis Business Standard sagde, at afvisningen ledsagedes af synlige udtryk for vrede og frustration. Nyhedsrapporteringen sagde, at teksten havde meget lidt at tilbyde udviklingslandene og sagde meget lidt om de udviklede landes løfte om at yde finansiel støtte til udviklingslandene for at hjælpe dem til at træffe forholdsregler til at imødegå de ønskede krav om begrænsning af udslip.

Ordlyden nedbrød murene for differentiering mellem rige og fattige lande; den ignorerede at forholde sig til bestemmelser om, at de fattige lande skulle kompenseres for tab og skade som følge af manglende aktivitet, og den satte begrænsning som centrum for den globale klimaaftale for 2015. Den gik så vidt som til at bede udviklingslandene om også at begynde at skaffe finansiering under det nye, globale regime med begyndelse i 2020, bemærkede Business Standard.

Det var meningen, at Limakonferencen skulle fastlægge byggeklodserne til en ny, global aftale om at begrænse klimaforandringer, som skulle indgås på et FN-topmøde i Paris i december 2015. Obamaregeringen har givet denne anti-udviklingsdagsorden højeste prioritet, som det ses af det faktum, at udenrigsminister Kerry fløj til Lima den 11. dec. for at praktisere lidt armvridning i sidste øjeblik.

Et tredje udkast blev i hast udfærdiget tidligt i dag. De trætte delegerede har endnu ikke set på udkastet. Ifølge SABC News i dag sagde den peruvianske miljøminister Manuel Pulgar-Vidal, som er vært for drøftelserne, til de delegerede, at den nye tekst lørdag morgen, der forsøger at bryde dødvandet, ikke var perfekt, men afspejlede fælles udgangspunkter.

Det nye udkast giver udtryk for alvorlig bekymring for, at alle løfterne om at bekæmpe klimaforandringer var for slappe til at nå målet om at begrænse den globale opvarmning til det aftalte mål om 2 grader Celsius (3,6 Fahrenheit) højere end i førindustrielle tider, rapporterede SABC. Reaktionerne fra udviklingslandene, især fra Indien og Kina, var endnu ikke til rådighed.


Nyhedsorientering december:
Den Nye Silkevej bliver til Verdenslandbroen
Introduktion v/Helga Zepp-LaRouche

Helga Zepp-LaRouche, grundlægger af Schiller Instituttet, var den 2. december 2014 hovedtaler ved et seminar for diplomater og udenrigspolitiske kredse i Washington D.C., om EIR’s rapport om Den Nye Silkevej og Verdenslandbroen. Vi bringer en oversættelse af hendes tale med en introduktion af Bill Jones. Helga Zepp-LaRouche understregede, at menneskehedens fremtidige skæbne vil afhænge af, om USA og Europa vil tage imod det tilbud, som præsident Xi Jinping gav præsident Obama, hvor Xi inviterede USA, og andre nationer, til at indgå i et samarbejde om udviklingsprojekter, som Kina og BRIKS-landene promoverer. Efter talen fulgte en langvarig diskussion for lukkede mikrofoner. Man kan bestille rapporten og finde den engelske version af talen på:

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Interview med Putin på tærsklen til hans besøg i Indien:
»Atomkraft er en af grundpillerne i vores strategiske partnerskab«

10. dec. 2014 – I et interview med Pres Trust of India den 9. dec., forud for hans topmøde med premierminister Narendra Modi den 11. dec., understregede den russiske præsident Vladimir Putin det mangeårige »strategiske partnerskab« mellem de to nationer og påpegede gentagent, at »samarbejde omkring atomkraft er en af grundpillerne i vores strategiske partnerskab«.

Som svar på et spørgsmål forklarede Putin:

»Der bør læges vægt på udvikling af samarbejde inden for højteknologiske områder, nemlig atomkraft, militært og teknisk samarbejde, rumforskning, produktion af fly og biler, den farmaceutiske industri, den kemiske industri, informationsteknologier og nanoteknologier … Fælles, strategiske projekter omfatter konstruktionen af nye, indiske atomkraftenheder, promovering af russiske Sukhoi Superjet-100 og MS-21-fly til det indiske marked, og indførelse af GLONASS-systemet i den indiske økonomis sektorer.«

Han understregede også vigtigheden af fælles militærprojekter, såsom produktionen af højpræcisionsmissilet BrahMos.

I et afsnit af interviewet, som Obamas Udenrigsministerium med sikkerhed vil finde særlig odiøst – i betragtning af talsperson Marie Harfs tidligere trusler mod Indien om ikke at vove at indgå væsentlige, økonomiske aftaler med det sanktionerede Rusland – erklærede Putin:

»Vore ressourcer gør det muligt for os at bygge op til 25 energienheder i Indien. Ifølge eksperter imødekommer disse enheder imidlertid måske ikke behovene i et Indien, hvis økonomi er under dynamisk udvikling. Derfor har vi til hensigt at drøfte udsigterne for yderligere udvikling af vores samarbejde inden for atomkraft under det kommende møde med den indiske premierminister, hr. Narendra Modi. Den politiske programerklæring ’Den strategiske vision for styrkelse af russisk-indisk samarbejde om fredelig anvendelse af atomkraft’ er ligeledes ved at blive klargjort til underskrivelse. Samtidig med konstruktionen af nye energienheder indeholder den forholdsregler for udveksling af resultaterne af aktiviteterne inden for videnskab, teknologi og innovation.«

Putin foreslog ligeledes, at, med det formål at øge handlen mellem de to lande, der begge er medlemmer af BRIKS,

»er spørgsmålet om en eventuel overgang til betaling i nationale valutaer ligeledes temmelig relevant«.


COP20: Indien og Kina taler på vegne af udviklingslande på Klimaændringskonventionen i Lima

9. dec. 2014 – I den anden og afsluttende uge af Klimaændringskonventionen (COP20) i Lima, Peru, i denne uge, har Indien og Kina, blandt 190 nationer, offentligt taget et bilateralt standpunkt om at hævde den suveræne ret til økonomisk udvikling som et princip. Talsmænd for Indien og Kina har understreget, at der må være en balance mellem at sørge for national udvikling og så forpligtelsen til at begrænse klimaændringer, og de har afholdt flere multinationale møder for at forsvare nationer under udvikling.

Den indiske miljøminister Prakash Javadekar kom med en erklæring, udlagt på ministeriets webside den 8. dec., der siger, at

»Indiens holdning på konferencen er baseret på landets nationale forpligtelse til at sørge for de basale, udviklingsmæssige behov til fjernelse af fattigdom, sikre fødevarer og ernæring, sikre generel adgang til uddannelse og sundhed, ligestilling mellem kønnene og selvstændiggørelsen af kvinder, sikre vand og sanitære forhold, ren energi, beskæftigelse, bæredygtige byer og menneskelige beboelser, samt dets forpligtelse til at bekæmpe klimaforandringer«.

I kølvandet på en række bilaterale møder mellem medlemmer af BASIC-landene Brasilien, Sydafrika, Indien og Kina – alle BRIKS-medlemmer – sagde minister Javadekar til reportere:

»Landene indtager det samme standpunkt omkring flere spørgsmål«,

rapporterer Press Trust of India (PTI) i dag.

Repræsentanter for USA og EU sagde tidligere i dag, at de ikke ønsker at fortsætte med denne skelnen mellem lande, men Javadekar sagde, at Indien »ikke ønsker at omskrive konventionen« med det formål at ændre denne kategorisering.

Den indiske og kinesiske minister diskuterede især status i forhandlingerne under ad-hoc Arbejdsgruppen på Durban-platformen og understregede nødvendigheden af at bevare og styrke udviklingslandenes enhed for at opnå et ambitiøst, omfattende og ligeværdigt resultat af processen, sagde en officiel udtalelse iflg. PTI. Ministrene kræver, at resultatet af forhandlingerne under Limakonventionen helt tilslutter sig principperne om ligeværdighed, fælles, men differentierede ansvar, og respektive evne, iflg. PTI.

BRIKS’ øjne hviler på Schiller Instituttets kampagne for,
at USA skal tilslutte sig den Nye Silkevej

9.dec. 2014 – I hvilken grad, de førende BRIKS-nationer ser hen til LaRouche-bevægelsens kampagne for at mobilisere støtte til deres globale mission, reflekteredes i graden og kvaliteten af disse nationers deltagelse i Schiller Instituttets konference i Boston den 7. dec. Den internationale deltagelse i denne begivenhed skabte, som det var hensigten, omgivelser, hvor deltagerne konfronteredes med det faktum, at de blev bedt om at involvere sig i den verdensomspændende proces, og at hele verden er afhængig af den beslutning, som USA træffer i de kommende dage.

Det første bidrag kom vicekonsul Breno Herman fra det Brasilianske Konsulat i Boston. Han holdt en ti minutter lang tale om, hvad der foregik med den Nye Udviklingsbank, inkl. detaljer om, hvor stor kapitalen vil blive, samt om valutafondens rolle med at hjælpe andre lande i tilfælde af krise.

Herefter blev en hilsen fra rådgiver til den russiske præsident Putin, Sergei Glazyev, læst højt; denne hilsen blev første gang overbragt ved Schiller Instituttets konference i juni 2014 (i New York, -red.)

Dernæst talte Ranjani Saigal, adm. dir. for Ekal Vidyalaya Foundation for USA, et nonprofit-foretagende, der arbejder med halvanden million børn omkring spørgsmål om uddannelse, animeret om Indiens bidrag til verdenskulturen, dets rumprogram og forskning. Hun talte om det, premierminister Modi er i færd med at gøre, samt om den indiske Mars-kredsløbssatellitmissions programs (MOM) præstationer. Hun fremlagde polemisk, at omkostningerne ved MOM-programmet var lavere end ved indspilning af film om rummet; at illusionen altså var dyrere end virkeligheden. Hendes organisation arbejder også i landsbyer med uddannelse af børn, der har få ressourcer.

Efter denne inspirerende og optimistiske tale var der et budskab med hilsner og støtte fra Kinas generalkonsul-ambassadør i New York, særligt stilet til denne konference i Boston[1].

Herefter fulgte hilsener fra Philip Tsokolibane fra LaRouche-bevægelsen i Sydafrika.

Disse bidrag løftedes af en video, der blev vist ved begivenhedens slutning, med Schiller Instituttets repræsentant Cloret Fergusons interview af Baifeng Sun, direktør for Confucius Institute ved Universitetet i Massachusetts, Boston, om emnet Confucius og amerikansk samarbejde med Kina, især inden for videnskab.[2]


[1] Se den fulde ordlyd på:

[2] Se udskrift her: