Helga Zepp-LaRouche i København den 27. april 2015: engelsk afskrift


Here is the transcript of Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s address to the
Schiller Institute seminar in Copenhagen, which was held
Copenhagen Business Confucius Institute, Copenhagen Business
School. Click her for the audio and video from Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s speech and the other speeches from the seminar.

TOM GILLESBERG: I have the great honor of introducing Helga
Zepp-LaRouche, who has come here from a rather busy schedule both
in Germany and the United States, but also the whole world she’s
intervening to. Just as a short introduction, Mrs. Zepp-LaRouche
has been since 1977 the wife and very close collaborator of
Lyndon LaRouche in the United States, the economist, philosopher,
statesman who is giving leadership in the U.S., for the U.S. to
return to the intentions of its founders, to be a promoter of
sovereign nations that can collaborate on an equal footing to
secure the benefits for all nations and peoples.
And Helga has a very, I think, close connection to China.
As a young journalist she traveled to China in 1971, in the
height of the Cultural Revolution as one of the first Western
journalists and actually saw on the spot what was going on. She
then became politically active with the LaRouche movement and
embarked on a life-long battle for a new just world economic
order, for the possibilities of development for all nations and
She then founded, among many other things, the Schiller
Institute, in 1984. She is presently the chairwoman of the
German political party, the BüSo — the Bürgerrechtsbewegung
Solidarität, or Civil Rights Soliarity Movement. She was vry
active after the Fall of the Berlin Wall and one of the authors
of the Schiller Institute program for the development of the
world after the Iron Curtain had fallen of the program the
Paris-Berlin-Vienna Productive Triangle, a Locomotive for the
World Economy. And when that did not materialize, she was very
active in extending that program to the program for the Eurasian
Land-Bridge, going from China and Asia to Europe and having a
development of the whole region. And as part of that, she then
became a visitor many times to China to speak on the need for a
New Silk Road and actually earned her nickname in China as the
“Silk Road Lady,” for her efforts to have China embark on this
And since then, she has been also the driving force in
holding many scores of conferences in Europe and the United
States on the need for creating a paradigm shift, to get the
Western world out of its long-term economic, strategic, and
cultural crisis. And, over the last couple of years, she has
been one of the architects of this report, “The New Silk Road
Becomes the World Land-Bridge.” She has also been leading the
campaign to stop the present geopolitical games that threaten to
detonate thermonuclear war and instead get the United States and
Europe to accept the offer of the BRICS countries to join forces
in an inclusive world order, where all nations of the world, on
an equal footing, collaborate to secure the peace and development
of all nations.
So I think it’s very appropriate that you are here to
directly lay what’s going on, so please, welcome. [applause]

HELGA ZEPP-LAROUCHE: Thank you, Tom, for these kind words of
Well I have a certain dilemma, because I want to present to
you the potential, which lies in this program, and given the fact
that the Western media have reported very little about it, I have
a dilemma, that I need to tell you, that this is {the} most
important political initiative on the planet right now. The
dilemma comes from the fact that, by introducing this idea, have
to tell you immediately why this is the case, and that is the
reality, that the world is much more close to a new global war,
than most people have an inkling of. And this New Silk Road
initiative, which comes from China, but which in the meantime has
been joined by many countries, is the only available
war-avoidance policy.
Now there was just on the April 18- 19 in Moscow the Fourth
Moscow International Security Conference, and the main subject of
this conference was the danger of nuclear war. And this is a
reaction to the fact that NATO has been expanding eastward, up to
the borders of Russia. You have a whole bunch of strategic
doctrines which Russia regards as a threat to their security
interests, and naturally you have the horrendous situation in
Ukraine, which contrary to what the Western media have been
reporting on — or not reporting actually — is it’s really
something which the West must make up. I just participated in the
last two days, or Friday and Saturday in a conference in
Baden-Baden in Germany, the German-Russian Cultural Days. It’s an
annual conference, and there was a large gathering of German
industrialists and Russian speakers and Russian people. And we
had the fortune to have a videoconference connected to this
conference, which brought in a live program from the former Prime
Minister of Ukraine, Mr. [Mykola] Azarov. And he gave an
absolutely hair-raising report about the conditions in Ukraine,
the fact that the country is being torn apart. Political leaders
are either forced to go into exile or are threatened to be
assassinated; journalists are being killed openly in the street;
trenches are being built; and, as you know, American soldiers are
now training the National Guard, which has a lot of Nazi
components in it. And for the Russians this is extremely severe,
because we are shortly before the 70th anniversary of the end of
Nazism and the end of the Second World War, and the mood of the
people were really horrified to see this endorsement of Nazis 70
years after the Second World War.
Now, I don’t want to go into this in depth, we can do that
in the discussion if people have questions about it, but I think
this crisis, in Ukraine in particular, I could also point to the
Middle East, which is in a similar horrible condition, makes
very, very clear, that if we as humanity cannot move away from
geopolitics — geopolitics was the reason for two world wars in
the 20th century, and right now the continuation of geopolitics
is threatening a new global war. I just want to mention an
article in {New York Times} from 19th April, where two generals,
Gen. James Cartwright, who is former head of the U.S. Strategic
Command, and Gen. Vladimir Dvorkin, who is the chief of
intelligence of the Russian Strategic Nuclear Forces, they penned
together an article, In which they said that the world has never
been so close to the danger of nuclear war globally, and
therefore extinction, as right now. And the reason is obviously
that even the normal code of behavior among nations, which
existed in the Cold War, that you had a red telephone between
Kennedy and Khrushchev, this no longer exists; and you have the
two nuclear forces, from NATO and the West and Russia, all the
time on launch on warning. And launch on warning means there are
only a few minutes time, if one side perceives a launch, either
by intention or by accident, they have a few minutes, actually
it’s estimated three minutes’ time, to respond or be eliminated.
So that shows you how extremely close we are to the danger
of a global extinction of civilization. Because if this would
happen, we would not exist as humanity. And I’m saying it with
that gravity, to say that this calls all the more urgently, for a
different approach. And the different approach must be to move
away from geopolitics and move in the direction of the common
aims of mankind.
And it just happens to be, that the policies which are
proposed by President Xi Jinping, which he calls a “win-win”
policy, is exactly that. It’s the idea, that with the New Silk
Road, you have a policy where every country which participates in
it, will have a benefit for it. The New Silk Road, Maritime Silk
Road policy by China is {not} a new imperial policy replacing the
Anglo-American imperial policy, but it is a completely new model
of the nations among nations, where the enormous example of the
Chinese economic miracle, which China was able to develop in the
last 30 years — you know, where China in {30 years}, developed
as much as most industrial nations needed 100 or 200 years to
develop — and China is now offering to export that model and
have other countries benefit in a similar way from that kind of
economic miracle, which China did.
Can you move to the first slide?
So the world has changed since July last year, the summit of
the BRICS countries in Fortaleza in Brazil. And this is a
picture which was made at this occasion, showing the leaders of
Russia, India, Brazil, China and South Africa. And they basically
concluded a new strategic alliance — economic alliance, which
Prime Minister Modi characterized in the following way: He said,
“This is the first alliance of nations, which are not defined by
their current capacity, but by their future potential of
development.” And at another occasion, Modi said that the biggest
potential of India is, that 60% of its people are below 30 years
of age, and therefore, if they are well-educated and developed,
they can come to the help of other nations, which has demographic
problems, like Germany, for example.
What these countries did, is they concluded an enormous
amount of economic treaties, of economic cooperation, including
peaceful development of inherently safe nuclear energy, the
development of fusion energy, joint space projects, space travel,
and numerous other high-tech cooperation areas.
Then, the next day, they met with the leaders of South
America, the organizations of CELAC [Community of Latin American
and Caribbean States] and Unasur [Union of South American
Nations]. Then a little bit later they also had meetings with
countries of ASEAN [Association of Southeast Asian Nations] and
actually you have now a completely parallel system of economics,
which is really going to be the infrastructure development of the
Now this here is an official picture of the New Silk Road
and the Maritime Silk Road, which shows you the old Silk Road
from Xi’an, actually it goes even farther to the west,
Lianyungang, where the end of that Silk Road is on the China Sea,
all the way through Urumqi, then Central Asia into Europe; and
then Maritime Silk Road is actually connecting even Africa and
much of the Pacific also into Europe. And this is modelled on the
famous Maritime Silk Road of the 15th century, which connected
the nations of the world already at that time.
Now, I want to very quickly say that this made us very
happy, when Xi Jinping announced the New Silk Road in Kazakhstan
in 2013, we jumped that high — you know, in the Schiller
Institute — because we had promoted this idea. This was our
proposal when the Berlin Wall came down, in ’89, and the wall no
longer was there. So we said let’s connect Paris with Berlin and
Vienna, which is a triangular area of the size of Japan, and has
the highest concentration of industrial capacity in the world;
and let’s make corridors to Warsaw, to Kiev, to the Balkans. And
it would have been a perfect way to intervene.
Unfortunately at that time, despite the fact there was a
very good resonance, you had Bush Sr., you had Margaret
Thatcher, and they had completely different ideas: They wanted to
reduce Russia from a superpower to at Third World, raw
materials-exporting country, and therefore they introduced the
shock-therapy, instead, which dismantled the Russian industrial
potential between ’91-’94, to only 30% left.
But then, when in ’91, the Soviet Union collapsed, we
connected this triangle, Paris-Berlin-Vienna, and we said: OK,
now the Iron Curtain is gone, now we can have development
corridors connecting the population and industrial centers of
Europe with those of Asia, through corridors. And then we looked
at the best geographical conditions. I should say, we were
inspired very much by the railway program of Sun Yat-sen, the
founder of modern China, who had developed a whole network of
Chinese railways, and that went into this program. So, at that
time we said let’s look at the best geographical preconditions,
and we found, not so accidentally, that the old Trans-Siberian
Railroad and the old Silk Road, the ancient Silk Road, had the
best geographical conditions to build such infrastructure.
So at that point the shock therapy started to destroy
Russia’s economy, but we kept holding seminars — we had hundreds
of seminars, in Europe, in United States, and then, eventually,
in Warsaw, in Budapest, in Moscow. And in ’96 even in Beijing,
where the Chinese government had responded to our proposal to all
the governments, to hold a big conference promoting the regions
along the Silk Road. And I was there as a speaker, but then came
the Asia Crisis in ’97, and China, at that conference said, that
this will be the long-term strategy for China until 2010. But
then the Asia crisis brought chaos and then the Russian GKO
crisis [in ’98].
So in the mean time we kept working on this initial proposal
which grew. And the latest of this, is this report: It’s a
370-page study which is really the idea of connecting the world
through infrastructure corridors.
Now, here you see some of these projects, which are already
being built, by the BRICS, by some of the other countries — for
example China is now building a transcontinental railroad from
Brazil to Peru, this is letter A [on the map]. This has already
started — you know, Latin America does not have an
infrastructure network! It is still in the colonial condition,
where you have little railroads from the iron ore mountain to the
coast, but if you want to travel from Peru to Brazil, you have to
go via Miami. So this is the idea, to develop a continental
railroad system.
Then number 1 there is the canal built in Nicaragua, it will
be the second Panama Canal, which obviously is an extremely
important project, which will mean that Nicaragua has a very good
chance to become an industrial country, with improving living
standards of its population. Naturally the Greenies are going
crazy and they say there are two fishermen who have to be
resettled. But, first of all, these people will be compensated,
and secondly without infrastructure, there is {no} industrial
development; without infrastructure there is not even
agriculture, because without infrastructure you cannot transport
and process food.
So then, naturally you have the Bering Strait, this number
2. This has been recently announced by Vladimir Yakunin, who is
the head of Russian Railways. And he proposed (I don’t think I
have that slide), a fast train connection from London all the way
through the Bering Strait to New York. A couple of years ago, Mr.
LaRouche and I participated in a conference in Moscow where the
fathers of the Bering Strait Project were present. These were all
older men over 80, and they said: “Oh, in 20 years, we can go
with a maglev train from Acapulco through the Bering Strait to
Mumbai, and this will be much faster than you can go by ship
today,” and they had a very pioneering spirit.
So this is very important because this connection not only
would connect the transport lines of North America with those of
Eurasia, but it would be absolutely crucial to open up the Arctic
Region. In the Far East of Russia you have all the raw materials
which are in the periodic table of Mendeleyev, and they represent
for the next 100 years a very important raw-material potential
which will be important not only for Russia, but for Europe, for
the United States, for China, for Japan, for Korea. So this will
be the way to develop it, because these raw-material are in
permafrost conditions, and you have to build, you have to build
cities, which have a dome, because people have to live — you
cannot live in permanfrost conditions like that, you have to have
a special way of developing it.
Now, I could go into many other projects — the Seikan
tunnel between the Japanese islands does already exist, it
connects the two important islands in Japan. Then the Bohai
Tunnel will connect two Chinese cities and shorten the transport.
The brown line there, this is the actual Silk Road [Silk Road
Economic Belt], which is now being promoted by China; this larger
gray line is the [21st-Century] Maritime Silk Road; but as you
can see, it stretches all the way to Europe and into Africa.
Prime Minister Li Keqiang was several times last year in Africa,
and he proposed to connect all African capitals through a fast
train system. And I know from many Africans, leaders and leading
politicians, they are very happy about that, because Africa right
now urgently needs development. And I think, if you look at the
horrendous refugee crisis, the people drowning by the thousands
in the Mediterranean, it makes it {so} clear that to bring
development to Africa is the only way how you can overcome this
unbelievable tragedy. And if Europe would have a right mind, they
would join! You know, rather than sending the Triton boats to
chase the refugees back, which is a complete moral bankruptcy of
Now this is very interesting, because the big question
always comes, “who should finance all of this?” As you know,
already at the Brazil Fortaleza summit, the BRICS countries
agreed, together with some of the other countries, to create new
financial institutions: the New Development Bank of the BRICS,
the AIIB [Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank] was already
founded in last October, but also a whole set of other banks.
And it came from the idea, that when the Asia crisis happened in
’97, in which speculators like George Soros speculated against
the currencies of countries like Korea, Philippines, Thailand, in
one week up to 60-80% downward, and these countries had no
defense; so they concluded, “OK, we have to protect ourselves,”
so they created the Contingency Reserve Arrangement [CRA], which
is a pool of currencies of a $100 billion, which will defend all
of the participating countries against speculative attacks.
Now, the AIIB, the New Development Bank, the New Silk Road
Fund, the Maritime Silk Road Fund, the bank of the Shanghai
Cooperation Organization [SCO Development Bank], and the SAARC
[South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation] Development
Fund, are all new banks which follow a completely different
principle than Wall Street and the City of London, or Frankfurt,
for that matter. They say, we do not participate in speculation,
but we will use these funds only for investment in the real
economy, into these projects. And this is urgently needed,
because as you know, despite all of the quantitative easing of
the Federal Reserve, and now [ECB President] Mr. Draghi, who are
printing money as if there would be no tomorrow, the money does
not arrive at the industries! Because the banks, the speculators
prefer to keep the casino going, and this is actually reaching a
point where at the IMF annual spring meeting which just took
place in Washington, the IMF itself put out a report saying that
we are facing a collapse {bigger} than 2008 with the collapse of
Lehman Brothers. And several economists from J.P. Morgan and
other banks warned that you could have a simultaneous stock and
bond crisis, causing a meltdown of the system; or, if the Federal
Reserve would increase the interest rate only by a tiny, tiny
amount it could blow up the whole derivatives bubble of $2
trillion. And if the Troika and the ECB are pushing Greece out
of the Eurozone, that could also trigger a collapse, because it
would not so much hurt Greece, but it would blow up the European
So therefore, the existence of these banks are de facto a
lifeboat in the face of the immediate danger of a collapse.
Now, as you probably have noticed, when the question came,
who would be a founding member of the Asian Infrastructure
Investment Bank, which was already constituted last October, but
the date until which countries could join as founding members was
end of March [2015]. And the United States put a lot of pressure
on the allies, not to join; they didn’t want Korea to join;
naturally, they didn’t want Europe to join, and they put maximum
pressure on Asian countries not to join. But then, it just so
happened, that the best ally of the United States, Great Britain,
was the first European country to join, and that caused a kind of
a dam break, and then Germany, France, Italy, Switzerland,
Austria, and all the Scandinavian countries joined. And the
actual founding members included 57 countries. And they
basically participate in different degrees in this new bank,
which obviously people realize that what China is offering with
the economic cooperation in these projects, is much, much more
attractive than to participate in more speculative bubbles which
eventually will pop. So, this was from the founding meeting in
October, already, but in the meantime, it become many more
Now, this is also very interesting, because this is a
proposal which my husband made in 1975. It was called the
International Development Bank, and it was basically the same
idea as the AIIB, today, saying that the IMF and the World Bank
do not provide enough credit for Third World development. This
was a proposal he made in ’75, and it went into the final
resolution of the Non-Aligned Movement in 1976 in Colombo, Sri
Lanka, and it had the same idea as the AIIB.
The World Bank only spends per year $24 billion for
projects. But the actual requirement of the developing
countries, is about $8 trillion in the next years! So there is
no way the World Bank can manage that, and this bank, on the
other side, the AIIB, and the other banks will grow and will
become more productive.
Now, this is very important because what the AIIB and the
New Development Bank and this new economic system which is
emerging represent, is something completely different than
monetarism. Monetarism is the idea that you have to have maximum
profit, the real economy doesn’t count; as a matter of fact, you
all know, that if you have an industrial firm which lays of
10,000, the stock goes up! It doesn’t make any sense. In the
realm of monetarism, this is explained by the idea that the firm
becomes “more productive” because fewer workers work more, and
therefore the profit is greater; but from the standpoint of the
real economy this makes no sense at all.
And it is exactly that philosophy which has caused the
Troika to destroy Greece. What they managed to do is to reduce
the Greek economy by one-third, to increase the youth
unemployment to 65%, and people are extremely unhappy, not only
in Greece, but also in Italy, in Spain, Portugal and so forth.
What we propose, both the IDB and these new banks, is really
going back to a completely different model. It’s based on the
idea of this man, whom you all recognize, I’m sure — he is
Alexander Hamilton, the first Secretary of the Treasury of the
United States. And he created, actually, the United States, by
creating the National Bank and the credit system, because, what
he did, was after the War of Independence, the different states
in the United States were totally indebted. So he unified the
United States by taking over the debt obligations of these
states, and basically saying, it’s no longer your business, we’ll
take these debts as a Federal state, as a national state, and we
will transform that into a credit mechanism, only aimed at areal
And that was really the actual founding of the United
States. And this idea of a credit system which is not
monetarism, but it is the idea that credit can only be given for
future production in the real economy, not for speculation, that
model was what made the United States a great industrial power.
Because, despite the fact that some following Presidents then
tried to dismantle it, the United States went back to it, again
and again. It was the policies of John Quincy Adams; it was the
policy of Abraham Lincoln with the greenbacks; it was the policy
of Franklin D. Roosevelt. This is how Roosevelt brought the
United States out of the Depression of the ’30s by building the
Reconstruction Finance Corp. which financed the New Deal, and
that’s how America got out of the Depression. And, also, it was
the basis for the German Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau, the
state bank, which help to finance the reconstruction and the
economic miracle of Germany in the postwar period — which was
modeled on the Reconstruction Finance Corp.
So this is therefore, not something new. It’s a tested
model, it has always been the basis when there was progress in
the real economy, as compared to the financial markets. I’m not
talking about the financial markets, I’m talking about real
production for the livelihood and the common good of the people.
So the first step there, we have called for — Tom
mentioned it — that we think it is an absolute matter, actually
of war and peace, if we succeed to get the European nations {and}
America to join with this “win-win,” all-inclusive,
non-geopolitical system. And, as I said, the financial system of
Wall Street and the City of London {is} about to blow up, bigger
than 2008, and the only way how that can be avoided from leading
to a chaotic collapse, is by going back to the Glass-Steagall
legislation which was introduced by Franklin D. Roosevelt in
1933, which was his answer to the collapse of ’29-’33 period.
And he separated the banks, by making the commercial banks
separate from the investment banks, so that the investment bank
could not have access to assets of the commercial banks.
And this exist from 1933 until 1999 in the United States,
and in Europe you had practically the same thing, because you had
a very regulated banking sector. But the Wall Street forces did
not like it, because naturally it reduced their profit, so they
worked very hard to eliminate it, which they were able to do in
1999, and the whole super-expansion of the speculative area only
occurred after this law was eliminated. And the good news, is
that there is a right now a Presidential candidate in the United
States, who has said that his first act if he would move into the
White House, would be to reintroduce this Glass-Steagall law: And
that is the former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley, about whom many
papers are writing that he has a very good chance to take the
Democratic nomination, because many people think Hillary Clinton
has made too many compromises with bad policies, when she was
Secretary of State. But, O’Malley is not alone, but you have a
whole bunch of people around him, who say the United States must
go back to being a Republic; it must go back to putting the
common good above the interests of Wall Street. And that is
really the “to be or not to be” question of the whole world.
Now, if this reorganization would take place, then, the
United States could easily join with the BRICS countries in such
efforts as the AIIB and other such things. And, as you know, the
Greek government has also demanded that there is no way how they
can pay their debt, because as you know, of all the rescue
packages which went to Greece, only 3% of that money remained in
Greece, while all the rest really went to the European banks.
And therefore, to demand that Greece should pay back these debts,
it’s just impossible! And the Greek government has made the
point that they want to have a European Debt Conference, like
Germany in 1953, without which the German economic miracle would
never have taken place. So if this all happens, and that could
happen in the short term, Europe could easily participate in
Now, I just want to say, the ancient Silk Road was not only
an exchange of silk, and porcelain, and paper, printing,
gunpowder, and many, many other goods, but much more important
than that, it was an exchange of ideas and technologies: Silk
making is more important than silk; how to print books is more
important than the book. So the ancient Silk Road was an
extremely important exchange of goods and culture, and ideas, and
understanding among people — and so will be the New Silk Road,
just with modern means.
Now, if you go back to the picture, this is why we have
said, “The New Silk Road Becomes the World Land-Bridge” where we
have the camels, sort of symbolizing the old Silk Road, and here
you see a maglev train, and here you see a rover on the Moon, to
give you an idea that the exchange of technologies and goods in
the modern world will be the most advanced technologies to the
benefit of all of mankind.
So going back to the problem here, is, obviously, if you
look at that map, you see, these are the deserts of the world: A
very broad desert band which goes from the Atlantic coast of
Africa, through the Sahara-Sahel zone, the Arab Peninsula, the
Middle East, all the way to China. And that desert is growing.
It’s expanding. And then you have the desert in the West of the
United States, which is right now ruined by a big drought in
California, in Texas, in all the states west of the Mississippi;
and naturally, Brazil has a drought.
In the United States this is very severe. Here you have a
global water scarcity map; here you have the water stress
indicator. In the United States, just to mention that, Governor
Brown of California has just announced that the water consumption
will be cut by 25% up to 36%! Now that is the death to
Californian agriculture; in the south of California, for example,
in the Central Valley, in this region, 40% of the entire
agriculture of the United States is produced, and this is now
being completely destroyed. Here you see, this is a former
reservoir, which is almost dried up. This is the snowpack: in
2013, it was relatively, a lot of snow, and last year, no snow,
so the drought is expanding, and obviously, to cut consumption
means you kill people. I mean, you cannot cut water — where
should these people go? There are already cities and towns where
people are — it’s not just not watering their lawn — it’s
taking public showers, of getting water rations, and then
eventually people have to move away, because if there is no water
there is no life. There were already herds being transformed, of
hundreds of thousands of head of cattle, and the idea to just
accept that, and as Governor Brown said, “California historically
has only a carrying potential of 400,000 people,” is ridiculous,
because there are presently 39 million people living in
California! And the idea to say there’s only room for 400,000 is
completely ahistorical about what is the role of human beings,
who differentiate themselves from animals by being able to
increase the living capability for more people by improving
productivity, by transforming the industry, the infrastructure,
and in that way, developing the planet.
So obviously, China has taken a completely different
approach. Here you see, China is actually the only country which
has taken a very big water diversification: There is on the one
side, the Three Gorges Dam, which is now producing, I think 22
gigawatts of electricity per year, and it has eliminated flooding
which killed many thousands of people in the past; and even more
important, is the water diversification project from the southern
area of the Yangtze River through a Northern Route into the
Yellow River and the desert area of China; and the Middle Route
to the region around Beijing.
So this is actually a model which is now being followed by
Narendra Modi for India, who just agreed to make gigantic water
projects to tame the water coming down from the Himalayas, and
also making canals out of 101 Indian rivers.
Now, what most people don’t consider is, that water is not a
natural resource like iron ore, or gold, or whatever: You can’t
use up, because water is organized in global cycles, where 90% of
the precipitation rains down over the ocean, only 10% rains down
over the land. And that water, the Sun causes evaporation, this
leads to cloud formation, and then the water rains down, and it
is human activity, which can make these cycles more efficient.
It’s not just, that it rains down over land and then flows back
into the ocean. You can use it in agriculture, you can use it in
industrial production, you can use it in other urban activities,
and it is actually the ability of man to make that more
Here you see a very interesting comparison — you see here
the water diversion of the United States. Even though the water
diversion of China has started much more recently, it’s almost
double, which shows you the completely different philosophy.
This is a very important project, which is part of the
approach to fight the desert, and this is the Lake Chad Transaqua
project, which is the idea, that you could eliminate a lot of the
drought in the Sahel zone and around Lake Chad by bringing some
of the surplus water from the headwaters region of the Congo on
the one side, through rivers and canals into Lake Chad, which has
been reduced to less than 10% right now; and also through a
second canal along the Nile to increase the agricultural land in
Africa tremendously. And also now to bring real development to
these countries, without which you will have more people running
away from Boko Haram, which is now at Lake Chad and Nigeria. And
without a real development perspective, there is no way how you
can contain these projects.
Human beings are the only species, which can improve the
conditions of mankind again and again and again, and the last
10,000 years, or 20,000 years since the last Ice Age, just think,
what an enormous development mankind has made. We have increased
the population potential of the Earth from about 5 million at
most, to presently around 7 billion. This is due to the fact that
man, unlike animals, can make new discoveries, discovers the
universal principles of our physical universe, and think things,
which have never been thought before.
Therefore, the attack on the water crisis is not just a
question of using the aquifers, because the aquifers can — they
replenish, but this goes much too slowly. It’s not only
re-diverting the rivers, dams, but it’s especially influencing
the global cyclical process of water. There is a relationship
between what happens in our Solar System and the rain. Because
the Sun, which shines on the oceans, causes evaporation, but the
Sun is not the only solar impact on the weather; it’s also the
cosmic radiation, which comes from our galaxy, which leads to
cloud formation, ionization of moisture, and therefore to rain.
That is not just something where we have to wait passively until
it happens, but we can study, for example, what is happening in
our galaxy, which influences the weather, and then understand
better, how we can create more water.
Here, you see our Solar System in a 32 million year cycle,
moving along the Milky Way. The Milky Way is basically a flat
plateau, in which our Solar System is moving up and down in
cycles, and you have a complete change in the weather patterns,
which comes from the position of our Solar System in our galaxy.
I’m not saying, that we know everything about that yet. We
know, that there is a lot of connection between the Solar System,
the galaxy and the weather patterns on our Earth, and I can
assure you, that if you look at the long-term changes in our
weather patterns, then {these} things are a lot more important,
than whatever you use in your little car as CO2 production.
Because these are forces, which are of a completely different
magnitude, and naturally, the climate is changing, but galactic
processes are really what is the cause of it.
Anyway, the idea of using cosmic rays and ionization of
moisture is already successfully being done by Israel and by some
of the Gulf States; Russia is doing a lot of research on this,
and this is, what we have to do. The reason, why I’m saying this,
is, the Silk Road is not just building railways from Dunhuang to
Lisbon or wherever; it’s not just building roads, it’s not just
building canals. The modern Silk Road, the New Silk Road is,
exactly as the old Silk Road was, {an exchange of ideas, of
technology, for the common good of all.}
Obviously, today the big challenges are world poverty, are
the danger of war, are the danger of water scarcity, which could
become the reason for new wars. So the New Silk Road — and this
is what we understand with it, and I’m sure that our Chinese
friend will show his perspective — but that is the philosophy,
which we have taken as a basis in our approach, that the New Silk
Road is {a vision}, of how humanity can move away from
geopolitics and the stupid idea that we have to fight over scarce
resources, that we have to create wars because we don’t like
another system, that we have to eventually self-destruct, but
that we have to make the evolutionary jump to the idea of the
common aims of mankind and to define the next phase of evolution
in the interest of all.
If you look at this, the Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry
Rogozin of Russia just two days ago, pointed to the fact, that
the BRICS countries are all space travelling nations. China is
the leader in space travel. When China in December 2013 landed
the Yutu rover on the Moon, with was the idea, that in a few
missions later, I think it was in 2017, this Yutu — “Jade
Rabbit” — that they will bring back helium-3. Helium-3 is an
isotope, which is actually a fuel for fusion power. It’s much
more efficient than deuterium or tritium, because with this heavy
deuterium and tritium in the fusion process, you are still using
turbines, and you use turbines to create electricity in the old
way. But with helium-3 you can directly gain electricity from the
physical process of fusion power, and therefore, naturally, the
energy efficiency is much, much higher. And once we have fusion
power, for example, this will create for the first time energy
and raw materials security for the Earth. Energy security,
because on the Moon, you have several tons of helium-3, which
will be sufficient for many tens of thousands of years of energy
security on the Earth; and raw materials security, because with
the high heat of the plasma torch, you can take any waste,
including nuclear waste, including waste in your household, and
turn it back into isotopes, which you then can reconstruct and
make new raw materials.
So this is the vanguard of where mankind must go, and China
has made that its national pride. And China, contrary to Germany,
which is very stupid with respect to energy — you know, this
stupid exit from nuclear energy without having an alternative, is
completely crazy — but China has basically created a situation,
where they are in the right position to solve this problem, and
Rogozin, the Deputy Prime Minister of Russia, has said, that the
BRICS countries will cooperate in space to solve these problems.
So this is extremely important, because if mankind makes
that jump to not have war as a conflict resolution, which in a
time of nuclear energy, it should be obvious that we must move to
a different regime, that we must define the common aims of
mankind, that which is, — if you have seen these pictures with
astronauts and cosmonauts and taikonauts, they all report the
same: When they are in space and look at our little planet, this
blue planet, they realize that there are no borders. They also
realize that our planet is extremely small in a very big Solar
System, in an even bigger galaxy, and there are {billions} of
galaxies. So, there are dangers from space, like cosmic
radiation, like asteroids; there are all kinds of dangers, which
we don’t manage right now. But if we don’t want to have the same
fate as the dinosaurs, who became eliminated 65 million years
ago, because probably a meteorite hit the Earth and created so
much cloud cover, that all the vegetation stopped, and then the
dinosaurs, and 96% of all other species were eliminated; if we
as a creative species, {are} really the creative species, we
should put our efforts together and defend against common dangers
to our planet, common dangers to our civilization, and unite.
And there is no better image for that than space collaboration.
This whole question also has a philosophical dimension.
Because people think, China is just doing an imperial expansion,
they want to have their interests. Well, I have the deepest
conviction that what is working in China right now, especially
with President Xi Jinping, {is} the 2,500-year-old Confucian
tradition in China. And I go even so far to say the Chinese
people have Confucius in their genes. Confucius was a
philosopher, who reacted to a historical period in China, which
was characterized by war, by great unrest, by turmoil. And he
developed the Confucian philosophy, which is beautiful. I can
only advise you, in case you are not doing it, study Confucius.
Because Confucius has this idea that there must be harmony in the
world, on the planet. And that, for example, the best way to
have harmony is, there is one key notion, which is {li}, which is
the idea, that each person, each nation, should take its proper
place, and develop in the best possible way, and then you have
harmony. Because if everybody develops their creative potential
and their best maximum capacity, and takes the development of the
other as their own interest, and vice versa, then you have peace.
And that should also be based on the other notion of {ren}.
{Ren} basically means the same thing as love, or {agapë}, or the
Christian idea of charity.
And it happens to be that these ideas are also in the
European best tradition. There is a very important philosopher of
the 15th century, called Nicolaus of Cusa, who was the founder of
modern science, the founder of the modern nation-state, and he
was very important: He broke through the barrier from the Middle
Ages to modern times. Because he was actually the person, who
brought the Council of Florence into being by first finding
handwritings in Byzantium, which were then the basis for the
unification of the Orthodox Church with the Roman Church; but
when he brought the Orthodox delegation in 1453 to the Council of
Florence, he had a stroke of genius: He said, now, I am thinking
something, which no human being has ever thought before. He then
wrote his {De Docta Ignorantia}, and he developed this notion of
the coincidence of opposites, the {coincidentia oppositorum},
which was the idea, that the One has a higher quality than the
Many, and that the human mind is capable of synthesizing some
hypothesis, which gives you a deeper insight into the laws of the
universe, into Classical art — in other words, it’s the
creativity of the human mind, which is the driving force in the
development of the universe. And that’s for example, what the
Russian philosopher Vladimir Vernadsky called, that the
creativity of man is a geophysical force in the universe. Now,
what he did basically, is to say — he didn’t say it in this way,
but the effect of it was — that in order to move away from the
Middle Ages, from the Scholasticism, from the Neo-Peripatetics
and the Aristotelean ideas, you had to basically break with the
axioms of the Middle Ages thinking, and that you had to create
something basically completely new, a new method of thinking.
And I’m saying, that with the New Silk Road, we have to do
exactly that: We have to break away from money, greed,
monetarism, all of these things, which really are a decaying
culture. If you look at the European, American, Western culture,
it {is} a decaying culture. Just look at the youth culture. Look
at what our young people watch in terms of pop music, video
games, the violence, just the popular entertainment has become
really degenerate. And we have to break with that, and we have to
combine the New Silk Road economic model — which I did not go
into so much today, because I already spoke about it two months
ago here in Copenhagen — but we have to break with the whole
axiomatic of globalization and basically go for a New
Renaissance, a new cultural renaissance of thinking, which will
build on the best traditions of each country: on Confucianism,
on Vedic tradition of India, on Avicenna [Ibn Sina], and other
thinkers, Al-Farabi, Abu Al-Kindi in the Arab world; in Europe,
the great Classical music tradition, the Italian Renaissance, the
German Classical music. We just have to take the high points of
all civilizations, and study that, and start to love the culture
of the other countries, and then we will create out of this a
completely New Renaissance, which will bring mankind into a
completely new phase of evolution.
Because I do not believe, that the present condition of
mankind is, what we are here for! We are not here to kill each
other; we are not here to eat caviar, until we have it coming out
of our ears. We are here to be creative! We are here to discover
the laws of the universe, to write beautiful poems, to write
beautiful music, to celebrate the creativity of civilization. And
I think, that the idea of man in space, man going into the next
phase of the evolution of man, is really what will get us out of
this crisis. So that is, what the New Silk Road is all about.

SI-seminar i København den 27. april 2015: Kinas politik for “Et Bælte, En Vej”
SI Copenhagen seminar, April 27, 2015: China’s One Belt, One Road Policy

Titelbillede: Dr. Liu Chunrong og Helga Zepp-LaRouche

Schiller Instituttets seminar fandt sted på Copenhagen Business Confucius Institute under Copenhagen Business School.

The Schiller Institute seminar was held at the Copenhagen Business Confucius Institute, Copenhagen Business School.

Li xiauguang

Hr. Li Xiaoguang, kinesisk meddirektør for Copenhagen Business Confucius Institute, holdt en velkomsttale.

Mr. Li Xiaoguang,  the Chinese co-director of the Copenhagen Business Confucius Institute, welcomed the participants to the Institute.

H.E. Ambassador Liu Biwei

H.E. Ambassador Liu Biwei (right)

HE hr. Liu Biwei, Den kinesiske Folkerepubliks ambassadør til Kongeriget Danmark holdt åbningstalen.

His Excellency Mr. Liu Biwei, Ambassador of the People’s Republic of  China to the Kingdom of Denmark delivered opening greetings to the seminar.

Helga Zepp-LaRouche, stifter og formand for det Internationale Schiller Institut, holdt en tale om ‘Den Nye Silkevej bliver til Verdenslandbroen, med introduktion v/Tom Gillesberg, formand for Schiller Instituttet i Danmark.

Helga Zepp-LaRouche, founder and president of the international Schiller Institute spoke about The New Silk Road becomes The World Land-bridge. Introduced by Tom Gillesberg, chairman of The Schiller Institute in Denmark:


Video af Zepp-LaRouches tale, med dia-billeder; en dansk oversættelse følger lige under videoen.

(Video of Zepp-LaRouches speach, with the slides included. An english transcript can be found further down the page)

Download (PDF, Unknown)



Hr. Liu Chunrong, PhD., associeret professor, School of International Public Affairs, Fundan Universitetet; eksekutiv vicedirektør for Fundan-European Centre for China Studies, Københavns Universitet, præsenterede Kinas “En Bælte, En Vej” politik.

Dr. Liu Chunrong, PhDAssociate Professor, School of International Relations and Public Affairs, Fudan University, and Executive Vice Director Fudan-European Centre for China Studies, NIAS,  University of Copenhagen, presented China’s One Belt, One Road policy.



Discussion period:



(See English report below.)

Stor succes for Københavner-seminar om Kinas politik for »Et Bælte, En Vej«

København, 27. april 2015 – Omkring 80 mennesker deltog i dag i et seminar, som blev holdt på Copenhagen Business Confucius Institute under Copenhagen Business School.

Følgende personer var talere på seminaret:

Velkomsttale: Hr. Li Xiaoguang, kinesisk meddirektør for Copenhagen Business Confucius Institute.

HE hr. Liu Biwei, Den kinesiske Folkerepubliks ambassadør til Kongeriget Danmark – åbningstale.

Fr. Helga Zepp-LaRouche, grundlægger af og international præsident for Schiller Instituttet og en betydningsfuld medforfatter af »Den Nye Silkevej bliver til Verdenslandbroen«; mangeårig leder i LaRouche-bevægelsen og gift med den amerikanske statsmand, økonom og filosof Lyndon LaRouche; forkvinde for det tyske politiske parti Bürgerrechtsbewegung Solidarität (Borgerrettighedsbevægelsen Solidaritet), BüSo. Introduktion v/Tom Gillesberg, formand for Schiller Instituttet i Danmark.

Hr. Liu Chunrong, PhD., associeret professor, School of International Public Affairs, Fundan Universitetet; eksekutiv vicedirektør for Fundan-European Centre for China Studies, Københavns Universitet.

De ca. 80 deltagere inkluderede fem ambassadører samt diplomater fra seks andre ambassader, mange medlemmer og kontakter af Schiller Instituttet, og andre interesserede som har specielle tilknutning til Kina.

Denne konference er den tredje i rækken af ’Manhattan-projekt’-konferencer i København siden januar, som Schiller Instituttet har arrangeret. En mere udførlig rapport vil følge, inkl. links til video- og audiooptagelser.



Very Successful Copenhagen Seminar on “China’s ‘One Belt,
One Road’ Policy”

The Schiller Institute in Denmark held a very successful seminar about China’s “One Belt, One Road” policy, at the Copenhagen Business Confucius Institute, attended by approximately 80 people. Video and audio recordings can be found at:  http://schillerinstitut.dk/si/?p=6387

Li Xiaoguang, the Chinese co-director of the Copenhagen Business Confucius Institute, welcomed the speakers and attendees.

The seminar participants had the honor to have opening remarks by His Excellency Mr. Liu Biwei, Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China to the Kingdom of Denmark.

The next speaker was Helga Zepp-LaRouche, founder and president of The Schiller Institute, and a major author of the EIR Report “The New Silk Road Becomes the World Land-Bridge.” She was introduced by Tom Gillesberg, chairman of The Schiller Institute in Denmark. Mrs. Zepp-LaRouche presented the world land-bridge policy and the new BRICS paradigm, as the alternative to the danger of economic and financial collapse, and nuclear war. One area of special emphasis was the growing crisis of fresh water scarcity, counterposing the lack of action in the U.S., with the great infrastructure project approach in China.

The Chinese point of view of the “One Belt, One Road” policy was presented by Dr. Liu Chunrong, PhD, Associate Professor, School of International Relations and Public Affairs, Fudan University, and Executive Vice Director Fudan-European Centre for China Studies, NIAS, University of Copenhagen.

Among the audience were: five ambassadors, plus diplomats from another six other embassies; people who have a special connection to China representing a Danish think tank, academia and businesses; plus many Schiller Institute members and contacts.

This seminar was the third in a series of Manhattan project-style Schiller Institute conferences held in Copenhagen since January.


English transcript of Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s speech, and Tom Gillesberg’s introduction:


Here is the transcript of Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s address to the
Schiller Institute seminar in Copenhagen, which was held
Copenhagen Business Confucius Institute, Copenhagen Business
School. Click her for the audio and video from Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s speech and the other speeches from the seminar.

TOM GILLESBERG: I have the great honor of introducing Helga
Zepp-LaRouche, who has come here from a rather busy schedule both
in Germany and the United States, but also the whole world she’s
intervening to. Just as a short introduction, Mrs. Zepp-LaRouche
has been since 1977 the wife and very close collaborator of
Lyndon LaRouche in the United States, the economist, philosopher,
statesman who is giving leadership in the U.S., for the U.S. to
return to the intentions of its founders, to be a promoter of
sovereign nations that can collaborate on an equal footing to
secure the benefits for all nations and peoples.
And Helga has a very, I think, close connection to China.
As a young journalist she traveled to China in 1971, in the
height of the Cultural Revolution as one of the first Western
journalists and actually saw on the spot what was going on. She
then became politically active with the LaRouche movement and
embarked on a life-long battle for a new just world economic
order, for the possibilities of development for all nations and
She then founded, among many other things, the Schiller
Institute, in 1984. She is presently the chairwoman of the
German political party, the BüSo — the Bürgerrechtsbewegung
Solidarität, or Civil Rights Soliarity Movement. She was vry
active after the Fall of the Berlin Wall and one of the authors
of the Schiller Institute program for the development of the
world after the Iron Curtain had fallen of the program the
Paris-Berlin-Vienna Productive Triangle, a Locomotive for the
World Economy. And when that did not materialize, she was very
active in extending that program to the program for the Eurasian
Land-Bridge, going from China and Asia to Europe and having a
development of the whole region. And as part of that, she then
became a visitor many times to China to speak on the need for a
New Silk Road and actually earned her nickname in China as the
“Silk Road Lady,” for her efforts to have China embark on this
And since then, she has been also the driving force in
holding many scores of conferences in Europe and the United
States on the need for creating a paradigm shift, to get the
Western world out of its long-term economic, strategic, and
cultural crisis. And, over the last couple of years, she has
been one of the architects of this report, “The New Silk Road
Becomes the World Land-Bridge.” She has also been leading the
campaign to stop the present geopolitical games that threaten to
detonate thermonuclear war and instead get the United States and
Europe to accept the offer of the BRICS countries to join forces
in an inclusive world order, where all nations of the world, on
an equal footing, collaborate to secure the peace and development
of all nations.
So I think it’s very appropriate that you are here to
directly lay what’s going on, so please, welcome. [applause]

HELGA ZEPP-LAROUCHE: Thank you, Tom, for these kind words of
Well I have a certain dilemma, because I want to present to
you the potential, which lies in this program, and given the fact
that the Western media have reported very little about it, I have
a dilemma, that I need to tell you, that this is {the} most
important political initiative on the planet right now. The
dilemma comes from the fact that, by introducing this idea, have
to tell you immediately why this is the case, and that is the
reality, that the world is much more close to a new global war,
than most people have an inkling of. And this New Silk Road
initiative, which comes from China, but which in the meantime has
been joined by many countries, is the only available
war-avoidance policy.
Now there was just on the April 18- 19 in Moscow the Fourth
Moscow International Security Conference, and the main subject of
this conference was the danger of nuclear war. And this is a
reaction to the fact that NATO has been expanding eastward, up to
the borders of Russia. You have a whole bunch of strategic
doctrines which Russia regards as a threat to their security
interests, and naturally you have the horrendous situation in
Ukraine, which contrary to what the Western media have been
reporting on — or not reporting actually — is it’s really
something which the West must make up. I just participated in the
last two days, or Friday and Saturday in a conference in
Baden-Baden in Germany, the German-Russian Cultural Days. It’s an
annual conference, and there was a large gathering of German
industrialists and Russian speakers and Russian people. And we
had the fortune to have a videoconference connected to this
conference, which brought in a live program from the former Prime
Minister of Ukraine, Mr. [Mykola] Azarov. And he gave an
absolutely hair-raising report about the conditions in Ukraine,
the fact that the country is being torn apart. Political leaders
are either forced to go into exile or are threatened to be
assassinated; journalists are being killed openly in the street;
trenches are being built; and, as you know, American soldiers are
now training the National Guard, which has a lot of Nazi
components in it. And for the Russians this is extremely severe,
because we are shortly before the 70th anniversary of the end of
Nazism and the end of the Second World War, and the mood of the
people were really horrified to see this endorsement of Nazis 70
years after the Second World War.
Now, I don’t want to go into this in depth, we can do that
in the discussion if people have questions about it, but I think
this crisis, in Ukraine in particular, I could also point to the
Middle East, which is in a similar horrible condition, makes
very, very clear, that if we as humanity cannot move away from
geopolitics — geopolitics was the reason for two world wars in
the 20th century, and right now the continuation of geopolitics
is threatening a new global war. I just want to mention an
article in {New York Times} from 19th April, where two generals,
Gen. James Cartwright, who is former head of the U.S. Strategic
Command, and Gen. Vladimir Dvorkin, who is the chief of
intelligence of the Russian Strategic Nuclear Forces, they penned
together an article, In which they said that the world has never
been so close to the danger of nuclear war globally, and
therefore extinction, as right now. And the reason is obviously
that even the normal code of behavior among nations, which
existed in the Cold War, that you had a red telephone between
Kennedy and Khrushchev, this no longer exists; and you have the
two nuclear forces, from NATO and the West and Russia, all the
time on launch on warning. And launch on warning means there are
only a few minutes time, if one side perceives a launch, either
by intention or by accident, they have a few minutes, actually
it’s estimated three minutes’ time, to respond or be eliminated.
So that shows you how extremely close we are to the danger
of a global extinction of civilization. Because if this would
happen, we would not exist as humanity. And I’m saying it with
that gravity, to say that this calls all the more urgently, for a
different approach. And the different approach must be to move
away from geopolitics and move in the direction of the common
aims of mankind.
And it just happens to be, that the policies which are
proposed by President Xi Jinping, which he calls a “win-win”
policy, is exactly that. It’s the idea, that with the New Silk
Road, you have a policy where every country which participates in
it, will have a benefit for it. The New Silk Road, Maritime Silk
Road policy by China is {not} a new imperial policy replacing the
Anglo-American imperial policy, but it is a completely new model
of the nations among nations, where the enormous example of the
Chinese economic miracle, which China was able to develop in the
last 30 years — you know, where China in {30 years}, developed
as much as most industrial nations needed 100 or 200 years to
develop — and China is now offering to export that model and
have other countries benefit in a similar way from that kind of
economic miracle, which China did.
Can you move to the first slide?
So the world has changed since July last year, the summit of
the BRICS countries in Fortaleza in Brazil. And this is a
picture which was made at this occasion, showing the leaders of
Russia, India, Brazil, China and South Africa. And they basically
concluded a new strategic alliance — economic alliance, which
Prime Minister Modi characterized in the following way: He said,
“This is the first alliance of nations, which are not defined by
their current capacity, but by their future potential of
development.” And at another occasion, Modi said that the biggest
potential of India is, that 60% of its people are below 30 years
of age, and therefore, if they are well-educated and developed,
they can come to the help of other nations, which has demographic
problems, like Germany, for example.
What these countries did, is they concluded an enormous
amount of economic treaties, of economic cooperation, including
peaceful development of inherently safe nuclear energy, the
development of fusion energy, joint space projects, space travel,
and numerous other high-tech cooperation areas.
Then, the next day, they met with the leaders of South
America, the organizations of CELAC [Community of Latin American
and Caribbean States] and Unasur [Union of South American
Nations]. Then a little bit later they also had meetings with
countries of ASEAN [Association of Southeast Asian Nations] and
actually you have now a completely parallel system of economics,
which is really going to be the infrastructure development of the
Now this here is an official picture of the New Silk Road
and the Maritime Silk Road, which shows you the old Silk Road
from Xi’an, actually it goes even farther to the west,
Lianyungang, where the end of that Silk Road is on the China Sea,
all the way through Urumqi, then Central Asia into Europe; and
then Maritime Silk Road is actually connecting even Africa and
much of the Pacific also into Europe. And this is modelled on the
famous Maritime Silk Road of the 15th century, which connected
the nations of the world already at that time.
Now, I want to very quickly say that this made us very
happy, when Xi Jinping announced the New Silk Road in Kazakhstan
in 2013, we jumped that high — you know, in the Schiller
Institute — because we had promoted this idea. This was our
proposal when the Berlin Wall came down, in ’89, and the wall no
longer was there. So we said let’s connect Paris with Berlin and
Vienna, which is a triangular area of the size of Japan, and has
the highest concentration of industrial capacity in the world;
and let’s make corridors to Warsaw, to Kiev, to the Balkans. And
it would have been a perfect way to intervene.
Unfortunately at that time, despite the fact there was a
very good resonance, you had Bush Sr., you had Margaret
Thatcher, and they had completely different ideas: They wanted to
reduce Russia from a superpower to at Third World, raw
materials-exporting country, and therefore they introduced the
shock-therapy, instead, which dismantled the Russian industrial
potential between ’91-’94, to only 30% left.
But then, when in ’91, the Soviet Union collapsed, we
connected this triangle, Paris-Berlin-Vienna, and we said: OK,
now the Iron Curtain is gone, now we can have development
corridors connecting the population and industrial centers of
Europe with those of Asia, through corridors. And then we looked
at the best geographical conditions. I should say, we were
inspired very much by the railway program of Sun Yat-sen, the
founder of modern China, who had developed a whole network of
Chinese railways, and that went into this program. So, at that
time we said let’s look at the best geographical preconditions,
and we found, not so accidentally, that the old Trans-Siberian
Railroad and the old Silk Road, the ancient Silk Road, had the
best geographical conditions to build such infrastructure.
So at that point the shock therapy started to destroy
Russia’s economy, but we kept holding seminars — we had hundreds
of seminars, in Europe, in United States, and then, eventually,
in Warsaw, in Budapest, in Moscow. And in ’96 even in Beijing,
where the Chinese government had responded to our proposal to all
the governments, to hold a big conference promoting the regions
along the Silk Road. And I was there as a speaker, but then came
the Asia Crisis in ’97, and China, at that conference said, that
this will be the long-term strategy for China until 2010. But
then the Asia crisis brought chaos and then the Russian GKO
crisis [in ’98].
So in the mean time we kept working on this initial proposal
which grew. And the latest of this, is this report: It’s a
370-page study which is really the idea of connecting the world
through infrastructure corridors.
Now, here you see some of these projects, which are already
being built, by the BRICS, by some of the other countries — for
example China is now building a transcontinental railroad from
Brazil to Peru, this is letter A [on the map]. This has already
started — you know, Latin America does not have an
infrastructure network! It is still in the colonial condition,
where you have little railroads from the iron ore mountain to the
coast, but if you want to travel from Peru to Brazil, you have to
go via Miami. So this is the idea, to develop a continental
railroad system.
Then number 1 there is the canal built in Nicaragua, it will
be the second Panama Canal, which obviously is an extremely
important project, which will mean that Nicaragua has a very good
chance to become an industrial country, with improving living
standards of its population. Naturally the Greenies are going
crazy and they say there are two fishermen who have to be
resettled. But, first of all, these people will be compensated,
and secondly without infrastructure, there is {no} industrial
development; without infrastructure there is not even
agriculture, because without infrastructure you cannot transport
and process food.
So then, naturally you have the Bering Strait, this number
2. This has been recently announced by Vladimir Yakunin, who is
the head of Russian Railways. And he proposed (I don’t think I
have that slide), a fast train connection from London all the way
through the Bering Strait to New York. A couple of years ago, Mr.
LaRouche and I participated in a conference in Moscow where the
fathers of the Bering Strait Project were present. These were all
older men over 80, and they said: “Oh, in 20 years, we can go
with a maglev train from Acapulco through the Bering Strait to
Mumbai, and this will be much faster than you can go by ship
today,” and they had a very pioneering spirit.
So this is very important because this connection not only
would connect the transport lines of North America with those of
Eurasia, but it would be absolutely crucial to open up the Arctic
Region. In the Far East of Russia you have all the raw materials
which are in the periodic table of Mendeleyev, and they represent
for the next 100 years a very important raw-material potential
which will be important not only for Russia, but for Europe, for
the United States, for China, for Japan, for Korea. So this will
be the way to develop it, because these raw-material are in
permafrost conditions, and you have to build, you have to build
cities, which have a dome, because people have to live — you
cannot live in permanfrost conditions like that, you have to have
a special way of developing it.
Now, I could go into many other projects — the Seikan
tunnel between the Japanese islands does already exist, it
connects the two important islands in Japan. Then the Bohai
Tunnel will connect two Chinese cities and shorten the transport.
The brown line there, this is the actual Silk Road [Silk Road
Economic Belt], which is now being promoted by China; this larger
gray line is the [21st-Century] Maritime Silk Road; but as you
can see, it stretches all the way to Europe and into Africa.
Prime Minister Li Keqiang was several times last year in Africa,
and he proposed to connect all African capitals through a fast
train system. And I know from many Africans, leaders and leading
politicians, they are very happy about that, because Africa right
now urgently needs development. And I think, if you look at the
horrendous refugee crisis, the people drowning by the thousands
in the Mediterranean, it makes it {so} clear that to bring
development to Africa is the only way how you can overcome this
unbelievable tragedy. And if Europe would have a right mind, they
would join! You know, rather than sending the Triton boats to
chase the refugees back, which is a complete moral bankruptcy of
Now this is very interesting, because the big question
always comes, “who should finance all of this?” As you know,
already at the Brazil Fortaleza summit, the BRICS countries
agreed, together with some of the other countries, to create new
financial institutions: the New Development Bank of the BRICS,
the AIIB [Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank] was already
founded in last October, but also a whole set of other banks.
And it came from the idea, that when the Asia crisis happened in
’97, in which speculators like George Soros speculated against
the currencies of countries like Korea, Philippines, Thailand, in
one week up to 60-80% downward, and these countries had no
defense; so they concluded, “OK, we have to protect ourselves,”
so they created the Contingency Reserve Arrangement [CRA], which
is a pool of currencies of a $100 billion, which will defend all
of the participating countries against speculative attacks.
Now, the AIIB, the New Development Bank, the New Silk Road
Fund, the Maritime Silk Road Fund, the bank of the Shanghai
Cooperation Organization [SCO Development Bank], and the SAARC
[South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation] Development
Fund, are all new banks which follow a completely different
principle than Wall Street and the City of London, or Frankfurt,
for that matter. They say, we do not participate in speculation,
but we will use these funds only for investment in the real
economy, into these projects. And this is urgently needed,
because as you know, despite all of the quantitative easing of
the Federal Reserve, and now [ECB President] Mr. Draghi, who are
printing money as if there would be no tomorrow, the money does
not arrive at the industries! Because the banks, the speculators
prefer to keep the casino going, and this is actually reaching a
point where at the IMF annual spring meeting which just took
place in Washington, the IMF itself put out a report saying that
we are facing a collapse {bigger} than 2008 with the collapse of
Lehman Brothers. And several economists from J.P. Morgan and
other banks warned that you could have a simultaneous stock and
bond crisis, causing a meltdown of the system; or, if the Federal
Reserve would increase the interest rate only by a tiny, tiny
amount it could blow up the whole derivatives bubble of $2
trillion. And if the Troika and the ECB are pushing Greece out
of the Eurozone, that could also trigger a collapse, because it
would not so much hurt Greece, but it would blow up the European
So therefore, the existence of these banks are de facto a
lifeboat in the face of the immediate danger of a collapse.
Now, as you probably have noticed, when the question came,
who would be a founding member of the Asian Infrastructure
Investment Bank, which was already constituted last October, but
the date until which countries could join as founding members was
end of March [2015]. And the United States put a lot of pressure
on the allies, not to join; they didn’t want Korea to join;
naturally, they didn’t want Europe to join, and they put maximum
pressure on Asian countries not to join. But then, it just so
happened, that the best ally of the United States, Great Britain,
was the first European country to join, and that caused a kind of
a dam break, and then Germany, France, Italy, Switzerland,
Austria, and all the Scandinavian countries joined. And the
actual founding members included 57 countries. And they
basically participate in different degrees in this new bank,
which obviously people realize that what China is offering with
the economic cooperation in these projects, is much, much more
attractive than to participate in more speculative bubbles which
eventually will pop. So, this was from the founding meeting in
October, already, but in the meantime, it become many more
Now, this is also very interesting, because this is a
proposal which my husband made in 1975. It was called the
International Development Bank, and it was basically the same
idea as the AIIB, today, saying that the IMF and the World Bank
do not provide enough credit for Third World development. This
was a proposal he made in ’75, and it went into the final
resolution of the Non-Aligned Movement in 1976 in Colombo, Sri
Lanka, and it had the same idea as the AIIB.
The World Bank only spends per year $24 billion for
projects. But the actual requirement of the developing
countries, is about $8 trillion in the next years! So there is
no way the World Bank can manage that, and this bank, on the
other side, the AIIB, and the other banks will grow and will
become more productive.
Now, this is very important because what the AIIB and the
New Development Bank and this new economic system which is
emerging represent, is something completely different than
monetarism. Monetarism is the idea that you have to have maximum
profit, the real economy doesn’t count; as a matter of fact, you
all know, that if you have an industrial firm which lays of
10,000, the stock goes up! It doesn’t make any sense. In the
realm of monetarism, this is explained by the idea that the firm
becomes “more productive” because fewer workers work more, and
therefore the profit is greater; but from the standpoint of the
real economy this makes no sense at all.
And it is exactly that philosophy which has caused the
Troika to destroy Greece. What they managed to do is to reduce
the Greek economy by one-third, to increase the youth
unemployment to 65%, and people are extremely unhappy, not only
in Greece, but also in Italy, in Spain, Portugal and so forth.
What we propose, both the IDB and these new banks, is really
going back to a completely different model. It’s based on the
idea of this man, whom you all recognize, I’m sure — he is
Alexander Hamilton, the first Secretary of the Treasury of the
United States. And he created, actually, the United States, by
creating the National Bank and the credit system, because, what
he did, was after the War of Independence, the different states
in the United States were totally indebted. So he unified the
United States by taking over the debt obligations of these
states, and basically saying, it’s no longer your business, we’ll
take these debts as a Federal state, as a national state, and we
will transform that into a credit mechanism, only aimed at areal
And that was really the actual founding of the United
States. And this idea of a credit system which is not
monetarism, but it is the idea that credit can only be given for
future production in the real economy, not for speculation, that
model was what made the United States a great industrial power.
Because, despite the fact that some following Presidents then
tried to dismantle it, the United States went back to it, again
and again. It was the policies of John Quincy Adams; it was the
policy of Abraham Lincoln with the greenbacks; it was the policy
of Franklin D. Roosevelt. This is how Roosevelt brought the
United States out of the Depression of the ’30s by building the
Reconstruction Finance Corp. which financed the New Deal, and
that’s how America got out of the Depression. And, also, it was
the basis for the German Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau, the
state bank, which help to finance the reconstruction and the
economic miracle of Germany in the postwar period — which was
modeled on the Reconstruction Finance Corp.
So this is therefore, not something new. It’s a tested
model, it has always been the basis when there was progress in
the real economy, as compared to the financial markets. I’m not
talking about the financial markets, I’m talking about real
production for the livelihood and the common good of the people.
So the first step there, we have called for — Tom
mentioned it — that we think it is an absolute matter, actually
of war and peace, if we succeed to get the European nations {and}
America to join with this “win-win,” all-inclusive,
non-geopolitical system. And, as I said, the financial system of
Wall Street and the City of London {is} about to blow up, bigger
than 2008, and the only way how that can be avoided from leading
to a chaotic collapse, is by going back to the Glass-Steagall
legislation which was introduced by Franklin D. Roosevelt in
1933, which was his answer to the collapse of ’29-’33 period.
And he separated the banks, by making the commercial banks
separate from the investment banks, so that the investment bank
could not have access to assets of the commercial banks.
And this exist from 1933 until 1999 in the United States,
and in Europe you had practically the same thing, because you had
a very regulated banking sector. But the Wall Street forces did
not like it, because naturally it reduced their profit, so they
worked very hard to eliminate it, which they were able to do in
1999, and the whole super-expansion of the speculative area only
occurred after this law was eliminated. And the good news, is
that there is a right now a Presidential candidate in the United
States, who has said that his first act if he would move into the
White House, would be to reintroduce this Glass-Steagall law: And
that is the former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley, about whom many
papers are writing that he has a very good chance to take the
Democratic nomination, because many people think Hillary Clinton
has made too many compromises with bad policies, when she was
Secretary of State. But, O’Malley is not alone, but you have a
whole bunch of people around him, who say the United States must
go back to being a Republic; it must go back to putting the
common good above the interests of Wall Street. And that is
really the “to be or not to be” question of the whole world.
Now, if this reorganization would take place, then, the
United States could easily join with the BRICS countries in such
efforts as the AIIB and other such things. And, as you know, the
Greek government has also demanded that there is no way how they
can pay their debt, because as you know, of all the rescue
packages which went to Greece, only 3% of that money remained in
Greece, while all the rest really went to the European banks.
And therefore, to demand that Greece should pay back these debts,
it’s just impossible! And the Greek government has made the
point that they want to have a European Debt Conference, like
Germany in 1953, without which the German economic miracle would
never have taken place. So if this all happens, and that could
happen in the short term, Europe could easily participate in
Now, I just want to say, the ancient Silk Road was not only
an exchange of silk, and porcelain, and paper, printing,
gunpowder, and many, many other goods, but much more important
than that, it was an exchange of ideas and technologies: Silk
making is more important than silk; how to print books is more
important than the book. So the ancient Silk Road was an
extremely important exchange of goods and culture, and ideas, and
understanding among people — and so will be the New Silk Road,
just with modern means.
Now, if you go back to the picture, this is why we have
said, “The New Silk Road Becomes the World Land-Bridge” where we
have the camels, sort of symbolizing the old Silk Road, and here
you see a maglev train, and here you see a rover on the Moon, to
give you an idea that the exchange of technologies and goods in
the modern world will be the most advanced technologies to the
benefit of all of mankind.
So going back to the problem here, is, obviously, if you
look at that map, you see, these are the deserts of the world: A
very broad desert band which goes from the Atlantic coast of
Africa, through the Sahara-Sahel zone, the Arab Peninsula, the
Middle East, all the way to China. And that desert is growing.
It’s expanding. And then you have the desert in the West of the
United States, which is right now ruined by a big drought in
California, in Texas, in all the states west of the Mississippi;
and naturally, Brazil has a drought.
In the United States this is very severe. Here you have a
global water scarcity map; here you have the water stress
indicator. In the United States, just to mention that, Governor
Brown of California has just announced that the water consumption
will be cut by 25% up to 36%! Now that is the death to
Californian agriculture; in the south of California, for example,
in the Central Valley, in this region, 40% of the entire
agriculture of the United States is produced, and this is now
being completely destroyed. Here you see, this is a former
reservoir, which is almost dried up. This is the snowpack: in
2013, it was relatively, a lot of snow, and last year, no snow,
so the drought is expanding, and obviously, to cut consumption
means you kill people. I mean, you cannot cut water — where
should these people go? There are already cities and towns where
people are — it’s not just not watering their lawn — it’s
taking public showers, of getting water rations, and then
eventually people have to move away, because if there is no water
there is no life. There were already herds being transformed, of
hundreds of thousands of head of cattle, and the idea to just
accept that, and as Governor Brown said, “California historically
has only a carrying potential of 400,000 people,” is ridiculous,
because there are presently 39 million people living in
California! And the idea to say there’s only room for 400,000 is
completely ahistorical about what is the role of human beings,
who differentiate themselves from animals by being able to
increase the living capability for more people by improving
productivity, by transforming the industry, the infrastructure,
and in that way, developing the planet.
So obviously, China has taken a completely different
approach. Here you see, China is actually the only country which
has taken a very big water diversification: There is on the one
side, the Three Gorges Dam, which is now producing, I think 22
gigawatts of electricity per year, and it has eliminated flooding
which killed many thousands of people in the past; and even more
important, is the water diversification project from the southern
area of the Yangtze River through a Northern Route into the
Yellow River and the desert area of China; and the Middle Route
to the region around Beijing.
So this is actually a model which is now being followed by
Narendra Modi for India, who just agreed to make gigantic water
projects to tame the water coming down from the Himalayas, and
also making canals out of 101 Indian rivers.
Now, what most people don’t consider is, that water is not a
natural resource like iron ore, or gold, or whatever: You can’t
use up, because water is organized in global cycles, where 90% of
the precipitation rains down over the ocean, only 10% rains down
over the land. And that water, the Sun causes evaporation, this
leads to cloud formation, and then the water rains down, and it
is human activity, which can make these cycles more efficient.
It’s not just, that it rains down over land and then flows back
into the ocean. You can use it in agriculture, you can use it in
industrial production, you can use it in other urban activities,
and it is actually the ability of man to make that more
Here you see a very interesting comparison — you see here
the water diversion of the United States. Even though the water
diversion of China has started much more recently, it’s almost
double, which shows you the completely different philosophy.
This is a very important project, which is part of the
approach to fight the desert, and this is the Lake Chad Transaqua
project, which is the idea, that you could eliminate a lot of the
drought in the Sahel zone and around Lake Chad by bringing some
of the surplus water from the headwaters region of the Congo on
the one side, through rivers and canals into Lake Chad, which has
been reduced to less than 10% right now; and also through a
second canal along the Nile to increase the agricultural land in
Africa tremendously. And also now to bring real development to
these countries, without which you will have more people running
away from Boko Haram, which is now at Lake Chad and Nigeria. And
without a real development perspective, there is no way how you
can contain these projects.
Human beings are the only species, which can improve the
conditions of mankind again and again and again, and the last
10,000 years, or 20,000 years since the last Ice Age, just think,
what an enormous development mankind has made. We have increased
the population potential of the Earth from about 5 million at
most, to presently around 7 billion. This is due to the fact that
man, unlike animals, can make new discoveries, discovers the
universal principles of our physical universe, and think things,
which have never been thought before.
Therefore, the attack on the water crisis is not just a
question of using the aquifers, because the aquifers can — they
replenish, but this goes much too slowly. It’s not only
re-diverting the rivers, dams, but it’s especially influencing
the global cyclical process of water. There is a relationship
between what happens in our Solar System and the rain. Because
the Sun, which shines on the oceans, causes evaporation, but the
Sun is not the only solar impact on the weather; it’s also the
cosmic radiation, which comes from our galaxy, which leads to
cloud formation, ionization of moisture, and therefore to rain.
That is not just something where we have to wait passively until
it happens, but we can study, for example, what is happening in
our galaxy, which influences the weather, and then understand
better, how we can create more water.
Here, you see our Solar System in a 32 million year cycle,
moving along the Milky Way. The Milky Way is basically a flat
plateau, in which our Solar System is moving up and down in
cycles, and you have a complete change in the weather patterns,
which comes from the position of our Solar System in our galaxy.
I’m not saying, that we know everything about that yet. We
know, that there is a lot of connection between the Solar System,
the galaxy and the weather patterns on our Earth, and I can
assure you, that if you look at the long-term changes in our
weather patterns, then {these} things are a lot more important,
than whatever you use in your little car as CO2 production.
Because these are forces, which are of a completely different
magnitude, and naturally, the climate is changing, but galactic
processes are really what is the cause of it.
Anyway, the idea of using cosmic rays and ionization of
moisture is already successfully being done by Israel and by some
of the Gulf States; Russia is doing a lot of research on this,
and this is, what we have to do. The reason, why I’m saying this,
is, the Silk Road is not just building railways from Dunhuang to
Lisbon or wherever; it’s not just building roads, it’s not just
building canals. The modern Silk Road, the New Silk Road is,
exactly as the old Silk Road was, {an exchange of ideas, of
technology, for the common good of all.}
Obviously, today the big challenges are world poverty, are
the danger of war, are the danger of water scarcity, which could
become the reason for new wars. So the New Silk Road — and this
is what we understand with it, and I’m sure that our Chinese
friend will show his perspective — but that is the philosophy,
which we have taken as a basis in our approach, that the New Silk
Road is {a vision}, of how humanity can move away from
geopolitics and the stupid idea that we have to fight over scarce
resources, that we have to create wars because we don’t like
another system, that we have to eventually self-destruct, but
that we have to make the evolutionary jump to the idea of the
common aims of mankind and to define the next phase of evolution
in the interest of all.
If you look at this, the Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry
Rogozin of Russia just two days ago, pointed to the fact, that
the BRICS countries are all space travelling nations. China is
the leader in space travel. When China in December 2013 landed
the Yutu rover on the Moon, with was the idea, that in a few
missions later, I think it was in 2017, this Yutu — “Jade
Rabbit” — that they will bring back helium-3. Helium-3 is an
isotope, which is actually a fuel for fusion power. It’s much
more efficient than deuterium or tritium, because with this heavy
deuterium and tritium in the fusion process, you are still using
turbines, and you use turbines to create electricity in the old
way. But with helium-3 you can directly gain electricity from the
physical process of fusion power, and therefore, naturally, the
energy efficiency is much, much higher. And once we have fusion
power, for example, this will create for the first time energy
and raw materials security for the Earth. Energy security,
because on the Moon, you have several tons of helium-3, which
will be sufficient for many tens of thousands of years of energy
security on the Earth; and raw materials security, because with
the high heat of the plasma torch, you can take any waste,
including nuclear waste, including waste in your household, and
turn it back into isotopes, which you then can reconstruct and
make new raw materials.
So this is the vanguard of where mankind must go, and China
has made that its national pride. And China, contrary to Germany,
which is very stupid with respect to energy — you know, this
stupid exit from nuclear energy without having an alternative, is
completely crazy — but China has basically created a situation,
where they are in the right position to solve this problem, and
Rogozin, the Deputy Prime Minister of Russia, has said, that the
BRICS countries will cooperate in space to solve these problems.
So this is extremely important, because if mankind makes
that jump to not have war as a conflict resolution, which in a
time of nuclear energy, it should be obvious that we must move to
a different regime, that we must define the common aims of
mankind, that which is, — if you have seen these pictures with
astronauts and cosmonauts and taikonauts, they all report the
same: When they are in space and look at our little planet, this
blue planet, they realize that there are no borders. They also
realize that our planet is extremely small in a very big Solar
System, in an even bigger galaxy, and there are {billions} of
galaxies. So, there are dangers from space, like cosmic
radiation, like asteroids; there are all kinds of dangers, which
we don’t manage right now. But if we don’t want to have the same
fate as the dinosaurs, who became eliminated 65 million years
ago, because probably a meteorite hit the Earth and created so
much cloud cover, that all the vegetation stopped, and then the
dinosaurs, and 96% of all other species were eliminated; if we
as a creative species, {are} really the creative species, we
should put our efforts together and defend against common dangers
to our planet, common dangers to our civilization, and unite.
And there is no better image for that than space collaboration.
This whole question also has a philosophical dimension.
Because people think, China is just doing an imperial expansion,
they want to have their interests. Well, I have the deepest
conviction that what is working in China right now, especially
with President Xi Jinping, {is} the 2,500-year-old Confucian
tradition in China. And I go even so far to say the Chinese
people have Confucius in their genes. Confucius was a
philosopher, who reacted to a historical period in China, which
was characterized by war, by great unrest, by turmoil. And he
developed the Confucian philosophy, which is beautiful. I can
only advise you, in case you are not doing it, study Confucius.
Because Confucius has this idea that there must be harmony in the
world, on the planet. And that, for example, the best way to
have harmony is, there is one key notion, which is {li}, which is
the idea, that each person, each nation, should take its proper
place, and develop in the best possible way, and then you have
harmony. Because if everybody develops their creative potential
and their best maximum capacity, and takes the development of the
other as their own interest, and vice versa, then you have peace.
And that should also be based on the other notion of {ren}.
{Ren} basically means the same thing as love, or {agapë}, or the
Christian idea of charity.
And it happens to be that these ideas are also in the
European best tradition. There is a very important philosopher of
the 15th century, called Nicolaus of Cusa, who was the founder of
modern science, the founder of the modern nation-state, and he
was very important: He broke through the barrier from the Middle
Ages to modern times. Because he was actually the person, who
brought the Council of Florence into being by first finding
handwritings in Byzantium, which were then the basis for the
unification of the Orthodox Church with the Roman Church; but
when he brought the Orthodox delegation in 1453 to the Council of
Florence, he had a stroke of genius: He said, now, I am thinking
something, which no human being has ever thought before. He then
wrote his {De Docta Ignorantia}, and he developed this notion of
the coincidence of opposites, the {coincidentia oppositorum},
which was the idea, that the One has a higher quality than the
Many, and that the human mind is capable of synthesizing some
hypothesis, which gives you a deeper insight into the laws of the
universe, into Classical art — in other words, it’s the
creativity of the human mind, which is the driving force in the
development of the universe. And that’s for example, what the
Russian philosopher Vladimir Vernadsky called, that the
creativity of man is a geophysical force in the universe. Now,
what he did basically, is to say — he didn’t say it in this way,
but the effect of it was — that in order to move away from the
Middle Ages, from the Scholasticism, from the Neo-Peripatetics
and the Aristotelean ideas, you had to basically break with the
axioms of the Middle Ages thinking, and that you had to create
something basically completely new, a new method of thinking.
And I’m saying, that with the New Silk Road, we have to do
exactly that: We have to break away from money, greed,
monetarism, all of these things, which really are a decaying
culture. If you look at the European, American, Western culture,
it {is} a decaying culture. Just look at the youth culture. Look
at what our young people watch in terms of pop music, video
games, the violence, just the popular entertainment has become
really degenerate. And we have to break with that, and we have to
combine the New Silk Road economic model — which I did not go
into so much today, because I already spoke about it two months
ago here in Copenhagen — but we have to break with the whole
axiomatic of globalization and basically go for a New
Renaissance, a new cultural renaissance of thinking, which will
build on the best traditions of each country: on Confucianism,
on Vedic tradition of India, on Avicenna [Ibn Sina], and other
thinkers, Al-Farabi, Abu Al-Kindi in the Arab world; in Europe,
the great Classical music tradition, the Italian Renaissance, the
German Classical music. We just have to take the high points of
all civilizations, and study that, and start to love the culture
of the other countries, and then we will create out of this a
completely New Renaissance, which will bring mankind into a
completely new phase of evolution.
Because I do not believe, that the present condition of
mankind is, what we are here for! We are not here to kill each
other; we are not here to eat caviar, until we have it coming out
of our ears. We are here to be creative! We are here to discover
the laws of the universe, to write beautiful poems, to write
beautiful music, to celebrate the creativity of civilization. And
I think, that the idea of man in space, man going into the next
phase of the evolution of man, is really what will get us out of
this crisis. So that is, what the New Silk Road is all about.


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Helga Zepp-LaRouches hovedtale 16. april 2015 i New York:
USA og Europe skal samarbejde med BRIKS for at bygge verdenslandbroen.
Engelsk udskrift

The following is a transcript of Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s remarks to an EIR diplomatic and business meeting in New York, Thursday, April 16th. A transcript of Deniston’s presentation will be available soon.

HELGA ZEPP-LAROUCHE: Yes, hello. There is something very, very fantastic happening in the world right now, and those of you in America, who are only dependent on the mainstream media, may have absolutely no inkling of it, because the mainstream media are not reporting about the fact that a completely new economic system is emerging. And it is emerging with extremely rapid speed. And more than half of humanity is already participating in it.

BRICS leaders in Fortaleza, Brazil, July, 2014.

First slide. Now, the first system has been initiated by the leaders of the BRICS nations, at the Fortaleza summit in Brazil last July.

Next slide. And they proceeded very quickly to establish the New Silk Road and the Maritime Silk road, and a whole system of relations with South America, with ASEAN countries, with African countries, and in the recent period, even with European countries. And this new model is basically establishing a completely new system of relations; it’s what the Chinese President Xi Jinping often calls a “win-win” policy, or even a “win-win-win” policy, depending how many parties are participating in these projects. And it is based on the idea that, through the development of basic infrastructure, of scientific and technological cooperation, and an increase in connectivity among these nations, that this will lead to the mutual benefit of all participating countries.

China’s ‘New Silk Road’ and ‘Maritime Silk Road’ Initiatives

Now, this annual summit of the Boao Forum on the island of Hainan—the Boao Forum is the Asian equivalent of what normally takes place in Davos in Switzerland, except that the difference is that in Davos, you have a lot of bankers and a lot of monetarists coming together, while this Boao Forum brought together many, many leaders, especially of Asia, who were all interested in real economic development, in infrastructure, and cooperation. And there, at this forum, President Xi Jinping announced what they are now calling the “One Belt, One Road,” which is simply another word for the New Silk Road, or, as we called it, the Eurasian Land-Bridge in the past, and announced a global perspective for development.

This includes huge infrastructure programs, corridors; high-speed railway; waterways and ports. And this report was declared to be the official policy by the National Development and Reform Commission, as well as the Foreign Ministry and the Commerce Ministry of China.

As you can see here, this is a vast, vast network of corridors connecting China, Central Asia, Russia—all the way to Europe. Then another set of corridors from Central Asia, to West Asia, into the Gulf, and the Mediterranean. Then the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road involves sea and land corridors from China, to Southeast Asia, to South Asia, to the Indian Ocean, and to the Pacific. Then other corridors go overland from China to Mongolia, to Russia. Another one to Bangladesh, China, India, and Myanmar.

So, what goes along with that is a whole new system, a really world new system, of banks and financial credit institutions, to finance these and other projects.

Now, people were quite astounded about the sea change which recently took place when the AIIB went into the final negotiations about who would be among the founding members, basically which concluded a couple of days ago. And lo and behold, the AIIB had 57 founding members. Now the United States government, misjudging the situation dramatically, put utmost pressure on their allies, and also developing countries, under those circumstances, not to be part of the AIIB. And despite this heavy pressure from the U.S., the first country in Europe to join was, of all places, Great Britain, the firm ally of the United States. And when Great Britain joined, you had a complete avalanche of countries going in the same direction, wanting to become founding members of the AIIB: Germany, France, Italy, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Austria, all the Scandinavian countries—and naturally, Australia, South Korea, New Zealand, and many other Asian countries.

China was very emphatic to point out the fact that, despite the fact that the AIIB obviously has been created as a supplement to the IMF and the World Bank, that China does not want to turn the AIIB into a geopolitical confrontation with the United States, and they have reiterated, both from the government and also leading Chinese publications many times, the offer that the United States and European countries should join the AIIB, the New Development Bank, and also the projects of the New Silk Road and the Maritime Silk Road. Because China is developing a new model of international relationships, which is all-inclusive, which is overcoming and superseding the concept of geopolitics, which, after all, was the basis for two World Wars in the 20th century.

Now, the New Development Bank, which is also a similar bank, created by the BRICS in Fortaleza in Brazil last year—it was decided to found it—will be functioning this year in July, at the next BRICS summit, which will take place in Ufa in Russia. So, at that point, you will have basically two operational large infrastructure banks. But then you also have the New Silk Road development fund, which as $40 billion; the AIIB and the New Development Bank have initial capital of $100 billion each—but that is just the beginning, starting capital. The New Silk Road fund has $40 billion; the New Maritime Silk Roads Fund, $20 billion. But then also the countries of the South Asian region, the SAARC countries, are planning to build their own development bank. The Shanghai Cooperation Organization is building a new bank.

And then, these countries have jointly decided to create something which is called the Contingency Reserve Arrangement. Now this is a pool of currency reserves, of $100 billion initially, which was obviously a response to the speculation which speculators such as George Soros conducted during the Asia crisis of 1997, where the currencies of Asian countries were speculated in one week, down by 80% by such people as George Soros, for example. And obviously, also, [a response] to the 2008 near-meltdown of the financial system in the Lehman Brothers crisis.

What these countries of the BRICS and related organization are now doing, is, they have created the Contingency Reserve Arrangement, to protect participating countries against speculative attacks, even new financial crises are to come—and they are shortly to come. It was also the reaction to the fact that the U.S. Congress absolutely refused to change the rules of the IMF and the World Bank, after the 2008 crisis.

Now, these parallel financial organizations were characterized by Mrs. Denise Leung, from the finance center of the World Resources Institute, this morning in the German government radio, Deutsche Welle. This woman said: “Development is absolutely not possible without the AIIB and the New Development Bank, because in Asia alone, there is a need for infrastructure investment, up to the year 2020, of $8.2 trillion.” Now, the entire investment of the World Bank, in 2014, is only $24.2 billion, and of the Asian Development Bank, only $21 billion. So, obviously, the AIIB, the New Development Bank, and all the other banks I named, have to fill this gap. And obviously, to have such independent financial institutions, will give the developing countries, also a much greater voice in determining their own economic policy in the advantage of their own population.

Now obviously the aim, explicitly and stated so by several BRICS leaders, is to use these banks to eradicate poverty from the surface of the plan in a very short period of time. And in Asia alone, you have presently over 700 million people who are still living below the poverty level. Now, Prime Minister Modi has made several absolutely exciting speeches, where he declared a national objective of India, to eradicate poverty from the Indian nation. Also, President Xi Jinping has proudly announced, repeatedly, that the Chinese economic miracle, which, nobody can deny, is one of the greatest miracles in terms of economics ever in the history of economies—because China was able to have an economic development in 30 years which most industrial nations in Europe, in the United States, and elsewhere, needed 100 or even 200 years to accomplish. And Xi Jinping has announced that that kind of development which has now transformed the poor population of the coastal regions, and the southern parts of China, to bring that into the inner regions, and into the Western parts of China, which are mostly desert, and therefore it’s not so easy—but to use this Chinese economic miracle as the model for the New Silk Road for every country which participates in these projects, to repeat exactly what China has accomplished.

Now, the Neue Zürcher Zeitung, which is the major Swiss financial daily, had this morning an article with the headline, ” Gold Rush Mood Thanks to New Silk Road, Investors Are Rushing To Buy Stocks in Chinese State-Owned Enterprises. They Are Investing in the New Silk Road.” Now, I have to say there is a certain amount of confusion in the editorial board of Neue Zürcher Zeitung, because they are looking at these developments with the spectacles of monetarism, but obviously, this is not what this is at all, because the AIIB, the New Development Bank, and the other institutions arecredit institutions, and are not part of the casino economy of Wall Street, or City of London, or Frankfurt, for that matter. But they go very explicitly back to the principles of the First Secretary of the Treasury of the United States, Alexander Hamilton, who created the first National Bank, and with that, a credit-financing institution for the real economy. And that first National Bank, and that credit system, was the basis for the gigantic industrial revolution which occurred in the United States, and it was the policy to which good American presidents always returned, such as Lincoln, with the greenback policy; or Franklin D. Roosevelt, with the New Deal, and the Glass-Steagall separation, and the Reconstruction Finance Corporation, which happened to be not only the motor for the United States to overcome the depression in the ’30s, but it was also, in the form of the Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau, the basis for the German economic miracle, in the post-war reconstruction of Germany.

As Dennis already mentioned, this was also the basis of the proposal by Lyndon LaRouche to create an International Development Bank, which he made in 1975, and for which this organization has campaigned practically in all the years since, and we have now the development that this idea, to have a development bank, which is only there to finance development, is coming into reality. The Casino’s About to Blow

Now this is extremely urgent, because the transAtlantic region is based on a completely different idea, namely the profit-maximization of the casino, and that is totally bankrupt, and it is about to go bust.

The recently published Beige Book of the Federal Reserve, which is estimated to reflect the complete denial of reality by European economists, in fact pretends that there is an upswing in the United States, but what it shows, the real figures show—and these figures are still manipulated—that you have a collapse of the real economy in the United States. The New York Fed’s Manufacturing Index just went down by 1.19 points, to only 6.9 points. The industrial index went down by 2.4 points, to 6.8 points. The employment index collapsed from 18.6 to 9.6%. So, even by the fraudulent statistics of the Fed, the real economy is shrinking.

But the real crisis is naturally that the too-big-to-fail banks have a derivative exposure which is today 40 to 80% larger than it was in 2008, at the point of the collapse of Lehman Brothers. And this system could detonate at any moment. For example, if the Fed would go to increase the interest rate just a tiny amount, that derivative bubble would, almost certainly, explode. And if the European Union continues their hard line against Greece, a policy which is supported also by German Finance Minister Schäuble, and drives Greece out of the Eurozone, which is now on its way—for example, Standard & Poor”s just downgraded Greece from the B level (creditworthiness), a B-, to level CCC+, which is already junk bond level.

Now, therefore, in reality, we are looking at the upcoming explosion of the financial system of the transAtlantic sector, and these new banks are actually the lifeboat for a sinking Titanic.

The problem of the trans-Atlantic sector could be solved very easily, if the United States would go back to the Glass-Steagall separation of the banks laws, which was introduced by Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1933, and repealed only in 1999, and that, by the way, makes the presidential campaign of the pre-presidential candidate Martin O’Malley the most important campaign, because he has said that the first action he would take, if he were to be elected into the White House, would be the implementation of Glass-Steagall: Protect the commercial and separate the investment banks, and do not finance them anymore through quantitative easing, or through so-called rescue packages, and they would go bankrupt, if they would be forced to rely on their own system.

Now, it is therefore— and because there is a connection between the pending collapse of the Wall Street banks, the City of London banks, and other related banks—there is a relation to the increasing war danger, which we have discussed many times, but the Empire collapse is what is driven by the pending collapse of the banks, and the war danger in Ukraine and the Middle East comes from that. Therefore, it is a life or death question of civilization, that we get the United States, and the European nations, to join with the BRICS, to join with the New Silk Road, and join the win-win perspective, as a conscious war-avoidance policy. Because if all the countries of Europe, the United States, and the BRICS countries—to which, for example, Russia belongs—are working together in these large projects, then, and only then, can you overcome the reason for war.

Because war has always occurred as a result of geopolitics, and we have to get the United States off the idea of the Project of a New American Century doctrine, which was introduced by the neo-cons at the end of the ’90s, which is the idea that they will not allow one nation, or a group of nations, to ever become stronger than the United States.

So, therefore, let’s look at the reality of the situation. Not only is the transAtlantic sector about to experience a bigger blowout of the system than in 2008; the most dramatic situation we have right now is in California, and in the entire Southwest of the United States, where you have a prolonged drought, and a huge water shortage.

On the 12th of March there was an op-ed in the Los Angeles Times by J. Famigletti, who’s from the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, and he said that California today has only water supplies for about one year left in its reservoirs. You can see here on this picture the drought emptying the reservoirs and also reducing the snowpack, which means there will be no water flowing into these reservoirs and other water systems. And what was the reaction of Governor Brown? About a week ago, he announced a mandatory cut of water usage of 25%, except for agriculture, and fracking. I mean, this completely insane method of production of shale gas and oil.

Now already over 500,000 acres remained unplanted in the last year, and it probably will be more than 1 million acres, which will not be used for agriculture this. Several towns in California are already out of water. And soon, you will see a migration of people out of the largest and most productive state in the United States.

So, when we recently, about a week ago, presented in the state legislature in Sacramento the revolutionary new concept of how to deal with this water crisis, which has been worked out by Ben Deniston and Lyndon LaRouche, with the science team he’s working with, we have a very unusual shocking experience. Because when we presented this revolutionary proposal of Ben Deniston to Mr. O’Connor, who is the principal consultant to the State Senate Committee for Natural Resources and Water, and we went there with the expectation that they would be happy to find people concerned with solving the water crisis, the reaction—which was a complete hysterical denial that there is a water shortage [were water shortages before—ed.], cyclic development of weather patterns over thousands of years, that the drought is not the result of anthropogenic dealings of mankind, he completely freaked out, and what Ben Deniston had proposed—he will elaborate this later on himself—that you can have a combination of measures, like desalinization of ocean water, with the help of nuclear energy, in the tradition of what Roosevelt did with the Tennessee Valley Authority, like managing and changing the Colorado River, and similar proposals… But also you could revive aspects of NAWAPA—that is bringing down the plentiful water from Alaska and Canada, along the Rocky Mountains, with a system of channels all the way to Mexico. Or, use the fact that 90% of all precipitation does not occur over land, but over oceans, and that you could use the ionization of moisture in the atmosphere, over the Pacific Ocean, to develop more water.

Now, recent studies focused very much on the high-energy galactic, cosmic rays in controlling the ionization of the lower atmosphere, and that seems to influence the cloud formation, and is also catalyzing the condensation of water vapor in the atmosphere. That method has already been tested and applied by several countries in the world. But it was very clear that this Mr. O’Connor had absolutely no interest to even listen to these proposals, and then, by reviewing what the problem was, we found —which we had already known before, but it came now in the context of the reduction of the water use in California—crystal clear what is the intention.

The same too-big-to-fail banks, which are about to blow, including the different members of the Bush family and the American multi-billionaire T. Boone Pickens, all of these people had invested in the last 5 to 10 years, enormous amounts of money into everything that has to do with water. Land, which is over aquifers; lakes, but also water pumps, chemicals to purify water, membranes, bottled water—just everything which has to do with water—and not only in the United States, but all over the world. So it is very clear that what they have been trying to do is to corner the water market, in order to speculate on the scarcity of water, on rising prices, totally disregarding what would be the effect of depopulation, of destruction of agriculture, of increase of food prices—and actually killing people. And there’s no question that this is a Nazi policy, because you see the same support of Nazi policies, in Ukraine. You see it in the absolutely anti-human policy of the Troika in Greece, destroying one-third of the Greek economy, and you see it, naturally, in the absolutely horrendous condition of the developing countries.

Now, the consequence which these people take into account, is the death of millions and millions of poor people. Please go to the next slide.

Major deserts on the planet today.

On this slide you see the world deserts, which actually grow from the Atlantic Coast of Africa, all the way through the Sahel Zone, the Sahara, the pan-Arab peninsula, the Middle East—all the way to China, and naturally in the Southwest of America. But there are two completely different approaches to how you deal with that.

You have the speculation on the scarcity of water, on the side of Wall Street and the City of London, and other speculators. But then if you contrast that with what China has been doing, China has [next slide] in the recent years developed the two largest water projects in the world. There is, on the one side, the Three Gorges dam, which changed the water of the Yangtze, and has turned this into the largest power-production facility in the world, producing 22.5 gigawatts per year, and naturally it has protected thousands of people from drowning every year, and established efficient flood control. And then, secondly, you have the South North Water Transfer Diversion Program, of which two of the three parts have already been completed.

Now, the Eastern Route of this project, which brings water from the very water-rich spring region of the Yangtze River, to Anhui and Shandong and Jiansu provinces, basically filling up, on the one side, the Yellow River, and using irrigation from there. And then, secondly, the Middle Route, which brings water to Beijing and Tianjin. These two routes are already bringing large amounts of water to the dry areas, while the Western Route is still in the phase of planning.


But the China is not the only country which is taking this productive approach. At the recent meeting of the SAARC summit, Indian Prime Minister Modi presented a similar program for India. [next slide] It is the idea of linking the Chadar river, which flows in the Himalayas, and brings it north-south along the India-Nepal border, and brings waters of the Yamura River, which goes from west to the east, into the Ganga Valley. And all of this goes back to the Indira Gandhi National Water Development Authority, which she established in 1982, and this was the time when we were working with her, together, on a 40-year development perspective for India. And this was naturally not carried out, because of her assassination, but it was a gigantic project, which had the idea of having 30 rivers linked through channels, creating 3,000 storage structures, projects which would create 34 gigawatts of hydropower, which would have provided 35 million hectares for the agricultural use of land. It would transferred 175 billion cubic meters of water per year, and naturally, massively increase the food production, protect the population against floods and droughts.

Now Prime Minister Modi has revived all of this, and he has created a taskforce on interlinking of these rivers. He announced plans to convert 101 rivers into transport channels, which will cut the transport costs by 30%, and naturally increase the capacity gigantically. With that together goes that several desalination plants in the coast of Tamil Nadu, and it also involves a plan to connect 14 rivers from the Himalayas to 16 other ones across the Indian peninsula, adding 35 million hectares of irrigated land, and 34,000 megawatts of electricity. That is three times as much as you need to provide electricity for New York City.

Obviously, there are many, many areas in the world which need that approach, taken by China and India, and which is lacking right now in California.

For example, the same approach must be taken for the Aral Sea, which has shrunk to only 5%. This is creating immense tensions between Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan, who have access to several rivers first, before they flow onto Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan, and naturally tensions exist between these countries.

The Transaqua Plan.

It must be taken to Lake Chad, which has shrunk to less than 10% of its previous levels, and for which we have proposed for a very long time, the Transaqua plan, which has been worked out by the Italian physicist Dr. Vicchi, which has the idea to take the abundant water, actually too much water, from the Congo River, and bring it up through a system of channels and canals into Lake Chad, which obviously would transform the life of millions of people, and obviously this is not an option, but a bitter necessity. Because right now, we hear every week, the horrendous reports about thousands of people trying to flee over the Mediterranean, from Africa, and naturally also from Syria and Iraq, and many hundreds of them are drowning every week. And the EU has nothing better than to chase these people back, and to try to prevent them from coming, which underlines once more, the complete moral bankruptcy of the EU.

Now, next slide, the World Land-Bridge. Therefore, this proposal, which we have produced over a year study, and we published at the end of last year. This is a 370 page study, which not only outlines all the future projects, the tunnels, bridges, corridors, which are needed to turn the present world situation into a coherent connected world Land-Bridge, it also has all the scientific, or a lot of the scientific, conceptions provided by the scientific method of Mr. LaRouche, of physical economy, of the need why an increase in the energy-flux-density in the production process, is the absolutely necessary way to go, and why only with these principles, can you provide food and livelihood for the increased population in the world, and the increase in the relative population density is the law of the universe. And all of that you will find in this report.

Now, if you look at the various projects, which I only want to identify here very, very briefly, it is a network of bridges, tunnels, and channels connecting the five continents of the world, actually turning it into a coherent world transport and infrastructure system, so that in a few years, you could travel, for example, from the southern tip of Latin America, or South America, by maglev train, all the way up through the Americas, through the Bering Strait, all the way to Cape of Good Hope in Africa, or to Indonesia, if you want to take a different route, and that would be faster than to go by ship presently.

Projects of this include, for example: The second Panama Canal, which started to be built in Nicaragua—this is here, number one on the map. This already started last December, with the help of China. It’s a 278 kilometer canal. Then, number two is the building of the Bering Strait tunnel. Can you please now show the map from London to New York? This has been recently proposed by the head of Russian Railways, Vladimir Yakunin, which is to built a fast railway system from London all the way to the Bering Strait, and then, from there, to New York. And that has been adopted as the official policy of Russia.

Now obviously what is lacking right now is the American commitment, but I think that that is what we are campaigning for, to be adopted.

Number 3 on this map is the tunnel connecting the Sakhalin Island with Russia, which is supposed to be a tunnel of 7.3 kilometers. Number 4, the Sakhalin-Hokkaido tunnel, or bridge, which will be 45 kilometers. Number 7 is the tunnel connecting the Bohai Bay, shortening the distance to 100 kilometers connecting two Chinese cities, Dalian and Yantai. Number 10 is the building of the Kra Canal, which is supposed to be an alternative to the Malacca Strait, which is completely overworked. Number 12 is the expansion of the Suez Canal, which is happening at a very fast speed, with the help of the new el-Sisi government in Egypt, which has completely transformed that country, and cause total excitement of the population.

Now, this is a part of the World Land-Bridge, which we have produced in 2012, when it became clear that the policy of the Troika transformed all of southern Europe—Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal—into economic desert zones, reducing the real economy of Greece, for example, by one-third, causing two-thirds unemployment of the youth, increasing the death rate, increasing the suicide rate. The same picture for Italy and Spain and Portugal. And it was the idea to extend the New Silk Road/Eurasian Land-Bridge into Spain, into the Balkans, and then from there, build bridges and tunnels into Africa. And connect it with the extension of the New Silk Road into Africa.

Now, this is obviously all in the documents of the World Land-Bridge, and I can only advise you, you should acquire this report, because this is the blueprint for the next decades of human civilization.

The Principles To Be Followed

Now, Xi Jinping announced at the Boao conference the principles of this new policy, which basically is the five principles of the Bandung Conference of the Non-Aligned Movement from 1955. It is in complete cohesion with the UN Charter. It is based on the respect of international law. It is the idea of non-interference, respect for the sovereignty of the other country, the respect for the difference in the social system of the other country, and to base the policy on the maximum development of the other — which happens to be also the principles of the Peace of Westphalia, and international law.

Xi Jinping made a speech on that occasion, where he said, “We have only one planet, and countries share that one world. To do well in Asia, and the world, we cannot do without each other. What China therefore needs most is a harmonious and stable domestic environment, and a peaceful and tranquil international environment. Turbulence and war run against the fundamental interest of the Chinese people. China has suffered from turbulence and war for more than a century, since modern times. and the Chinese people would never want to inflict the same tragedy on other countries, or peoples. History has taught us that no country that tried to achieve its goal with force ever succeeded.”

The proof of that, obviously, is the condition of Iraq, of Syria, of Libya, of Ukraine, and many other countries, in Africa for example.

What we have to accomplish, therefore, is to make an all-out effort to convince the United States, and the European nations, that they should join with the BRICS, and with the New Silk road policy.

Now, I believe that we have come to a point in human history, where either we bring the political and economic order in cohesion with the real laws of the universe, of the physical universe, or we are threatened to extinct ourselves in a nuclear annihilation. However, I think that in all great traditions, you have this idea about that the laws of the universe must be a guidance for our political order on the planet. You find that idea beautifully developed in the Confucian tradition, of 2500 years of Chinese history, the idea that politics must follow the Mandate of Heaven, that there must be a harmony of all nations based on the idea of Love, which is the Confucian notion of ren, and that each nation must fulfill its right place, and its right task in this alliance, which in the notion of li.

That same idea you find in Hinduism, that the cosmic order must be implemented on the planet, in the political order. You find it also in the Christian humanist tradition of European culture, of which, after all, America is a part. It’s based on the idea that concordance in the macrocosm can only exist if all microcosms develop in an appropriate fashion and way, promoting the interest of the other as if it would be their own.

So, I think we have an unbelievable optimistic situation. It is full of dangers. We are threatened with World War III, very immediately, but the solution is there. I mean, if we get the United States to really become a republic again, as it was intended by the Founding Fathers, as it was established by Alexander Hamilton and the idea of a National Bank and a credit system; as it was promoted by John Quincy Adams, who had the idea that America must be a republic in an alliance of sovereign republics; as it was reconstituted by Abraham Lincoln; and naturally, by Franklin D. Roosevelt, and as it was echoed by John F. Kennedy. I think we have to revive that American tradition, and then I think Europe will follow, because, as you could see with the rush into the AIIB, and the excitement about Modi, about China in general, in Europe, I think we could really turn the tide. And I want to ask all of you, to join in this effort.

RADIO SCHILLER 20. april 2015:
Flytningekatastrofen er vores ansvar

Med formand Tom Gillesberg

POLITISK ORIENTERING den 11. april 2015:
Verden efter Danmark gik med i
Asiatisk Infrastruktur-Investeringsbank

Med formand Tom Gillesberg

Obamas krig mod Kinas AIIB er i realiteten forræderi mod USA

Det, Obama har gjort, udgør i realiteten forræderi mod USA, på to anklagepunkter. For det første, og vigtigst, har USA desperat brug for nydannelse af ferskvand og infrastruktur til vandstyring i en skala, der omfatter hele Stillehavsranden; dette er en eksistentiel nødvendighed for Amerika som nation.

Download (PDF, Unknown)

RADIO SCHILLER den 7. april 2015:
Iran-aftalen må ikke saboteres

Med formand Tom Gillesberg

Overblik over præsentation af Kinas Silkevejspolitik “Et Bælte, En Vej”
under Boao Forum for Asien konference

China Presents Action Plan for `One Belt, One Road’

March 30 (EIRNS) — This year’s Boao Forum for Asia (BFA) became
a central focus for China’s mobilization around the “One Belt,
One Road” project for Asia and the world. In his speech on March
28th, President Xi Jinping had traced the development of the
Asia-Pacific region during the last 70 years from the end of the
Anti-Fascist War and the founding of the United Nations, to the
historic Bandung conference 60 years ago, where Chinese leader
Zhou Enlai and India’s Jawaharlal Nehru had laid out the Five
Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, including non-interference in
the internal affairs of other nations. “This year we will witness
the completion of the ASEAN Community,” Xi Said. With the
development of the two new Silk Road projects, China hopes to
create by 2020 an East Asian Economic Partnership.
Boao drew 48 nations this year with a much greater
participation of world leaders, attracted by the vision of the
New Silk Road. Most significantly, China used the opportunity to
present a broad and detailed program of how they envision the
development of their “One Belt, One Road.”
As they did so, the number of countries applying to be
founding members of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank
(AIIB) rose to 45, with Sweden and Egypt being among those
announcing themselves today. Among major economies remaining
outside, are {only} the United States, Canada, and Japan. One
investment group in China estimated that the AIIB’s $100 billion
capital, “properly borrowed against” with bond issuances, could
provide $1.3 trillion in financing.
“This is the development we have been pushing for,” Lyndon
LaRouche noted today, “which Helga and I have been pursuing for a
long time.” He characterized it as “far, far greater than a
Marshall Plan.”
The “Action Plan” is a grandiose vision of trade and
development which makes the stalemated PNAC imperial vision of
the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) pale in comparison. And the
principles of the “One Belt, One Road” laid out in Xi’s speech —
where the underlying principle is the mutual respect shown to
each country’s core interests and choice of development paths —
contrast starkly with the imperial unipolar world that lies at
the basis of the TPP notion.
Entitled “Visions and Actions on Jointly Building Belt and
Road,” the document, issued on March 28, detailed the various
aspects of the envisioned process, involving economy, finance,
culture and security. The “framework” of the project includes
linking Asia, Europe and Africa by means of the Silk Road
Economic Belt through China, Central Asia, Russia and Europe, a
link through Central Asia and West Asia to the Persian Gulf and
the Mediterranean, and a sea-land corridor linking China with
Southeast Asia, South Asia and the Indian Ocean, and through the
South China Sea to the South Pacific. Further corridors will be
developed through China-Mongolia-Russia, China-Central Asia-West
Asia and China-Indochina Peninsula. There will also be a
China-Pakistan Economic Corridor and a
Bangladesh-China-India-Myanmar Economic Corridor.
Economic priorities involve coordinating, enhancing and
accelerating trade and transportation, eliminating obstacles on
the borders with regard to customs and multimodal transport,
promoting connectivity of energy infrastructure, enhancing
cooperation in oil and gas, in hydropower and in nuclear energy,
and collaboration among the nations in developing new industries,
setting up science centers and cross-border economic and
investment zones.
The “Road and Belt” will also be supported through a number
of new financial institutions, the action plan continues: the
AIIB, the BRICS Bank, the Silk Road Fund. A financial arm will be
established in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) and
cooperation will be strengthened in the China-ASEAN Interbank
Association and SCO Interbank Association. China will also allow
companies and financial institutions with good credit ratings to
issue renminbi bonds in China for their financing needs. They
will also create a regional financial risk early-warning system,
and create an exchange and cooperation mechanism for addressing
cross-border risks and crisis.
The cultural exchanges are equally important with the
promotion of student exchanges between the “Belt and Road”
countries promoting tourism along the Belt and Road as well as
sports exchanges; cooperation in the area of medicine and in the
control of epidemics and other medical emergencies in the region
as well. Joint labs and research centers will be set up to
promote innovation in science.
The report goes on to indicate the effects this will have in
the continued “reform and opening up” policy in China, including
the development of the northwest region with Xian in the center
and the northeast region with a focal point in Harbin and
corridors going north into Russia and Mongolia.
In addition there will be a development of a western
corridor from the Yangtze Delta region along the Yangtze River to
Chongqing and to Chengdu, which has become a transportation hub
along the Central Asian Economic Belt. Such a Yangtze River
Corridor would also include such inland cities as Changsha,
Nanchang and Hefei, the site of the China Science and Technology
University and the Chinese fusion program. The action plan also
indicates accelerating cooperation between the upper and middle
reaches of the Yangtze and their counterparts along Russia’s
Volga River. [wcj]

Politisk orientering den 30. marts 2015:
Danmark bliver medlem af AIIB,
Asiatisk Infrastruktur-Investeringsbank!
Video og lydfil

Med formand Tom Gillesberg

Video udlægges senere i dag, mandag.

Optagelserne fra debatmødet med Jens Jørgen Nielsen, Ruslandsekspert,
og Tom Gillesberg den 27. marts kl. 19:
På vej mod atomkrig med Rusland?
Eller samarbejde med BRIKS-landene?


Video 1. del (Tom Gillesbergs tale begynder 55 min. inde i optagelsen.)

2. del:

Omdel gerne invitationen.

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Russisk Samfund i Danmark – www.russam.dk
Schiller Instituttet – www.schillerintitut.dk – 35 43 00 33, 53 57 00 51

Russisk Samfund i Danmark og Schiller Instituttet inviterer til debatmøde:

På vej mod atomkrig med Rusland?
Eller samarbejde med BRIKS-landene om økonomisk udvikling?

Fredag den 27. marts kl. 19:00

Salen, Medborgerhuset på Biblioteket, Danasvej 30 B, Frederiksberg

Jens Jørgen Nielsen, journalist, ruslandsekspert, underviser og forfatter. Tidligere journalist for Politiken i Rusland og forfatter til bogen ”På egne præmisser, Putin og det nye Rusland”.

Tom Gillesberg, formand for Schiller Instituttet og LaRouche-bevægelsen i Danmark, og kandidat uden for partierne til Folketinget.

Gratis adgang

For 25 år siden var verden i en tilstand af eufori. Den kolde Krig var slut, og russerne ønskede at opbygge et fælles europæisk hus sammen med vesteuropæerne. I dag er vi måske tættere på en atomkrig end under Den kolde Krig. Hvordan og hvorfor er vi endt der? Og hvilken rolle har både NATO’s og EU’s udvidelse spillet i den udvikling? Jens Jørgen Nielsen kommer med sin vurdering af baggrunden for den eskalerende og farlige udvikling.

Drivkraften i den strategiske krise er spændingen mellem det voksende kollaps af det vestlige, transatlantiske finanssystem og fremvæksten af en ny global magtfaktor i form af BRIKS-landene (Brasilien, Rusland, Indien, Kina og Sydafrika), som er blevet omdrejningspunktet for etableringen af en ny retfærdig økonomisk verdensorden. Tom Gillesberg vil fremlægge et alternativ til konfrontation og krig. Danmark, Europa og USA bør samarbejde med BRIKS, der allerede er i færd med at etablere en Ny Udviklingsbank og en monetær fond.
Kina er med sin politik for Den nye Silkevej i gang med at bygge infrastrukturprojekter og etablere nye kreditinstitutioner, som Danmark og resten af verdens nationer er blevet inviteret til at deltage i, og som vil muliggøre økonomisk udvikling og samarbejde mellem alle verdens lande.

Kom til mødet og vær med i netop den diskussion, der vil afgøre vores fremtid.

Invitér venligst andre og videresend denne invitation til dine kontakter.

RADIO SCHILLER den 23. marts 2015:
Danmark skal gå med i Asiatisk Infrastruktur-Investeringsbank

Med formand Tom Gillesberg

Helga Zepp-LaRouche:
EU-magtopgør med Grækenland og Rusland styrker BRIKS-organisationen!

Grækenland og Cypern kunne repræsentere en bro mellem EU og Rusland, da relationerne mellem disse to stater og Rusland aldrig har haft den negative karakter, som de har haft i de andre EU-stater. De ville begge ganske vist forblive som medlemmer af EU, men de har også rent historisk dybe relationer til BRIKS-staterne. Til Indien, f.eks., har der siden antikken bestået nære relationer, lige såvel til Kina, fra den tid, hvor de begge var store kulturer, Kina for Asien og Grækenland for Europa – henover tre til fire tusinde år. Og med Rusland er der ligeledes dybe historiske, kulturelle og religiøse forbindelser.

7. mrs. 2015 – Det desperate skridt fra ECB-chef Mario Draghi, hvor han vil oversvømme Eurozonen med 1, 14 bio. Euro i den såkaldte »kvantitative lempelse« samtidig med, at Grækenland og Cypern udelukkes af denne tvivlsomme pengevelsignelse[1], vil vise sig at fremskynde det transatlantiske finanssystems sammenbrud. Den samtidige optrapning af provokationerne mod Rusland gennem NATO-manøvrer i Sortehavet, samt den fremskudte udstationering af NATO-tropper og tungt militærudstyr i De baltiske Stater på Ruslands grænse, hænger direkte sammen med truslen om finanssystemets umiddelbart forestående bankerot.

I begge tilfælde – både den hårde linje over for Grækenland og optrapningen mod Rusland – drejer det sig til syvende og sidst om et bluff. Grækenland skal tvinges til fortsat at holde fast i Trojkaens nedskæringspolitik, uagtet den kendsgerning, at denne morderiske politik er blevet fravalgt af den græske befolkning i et demokratisk valg. Klaus Regling, chef for den Europæiske Stabilitetsmekanisme (ESM), understreger: »Grækenland må tilbagebetale hele denne kredit. Det er, hvad vi forventer, og der er intet forandret i det.« Hverken den kendsgerning, at kun 3 % af denne kredit er forblevet i Grækenland, mens resten derimod kom de europæiske banker til gode, og heller ikke resultatet af et demokratisk valg, som klart har sagt nej til en politik, der har skrumpet den græske økonomi med mere end en tredjedel, og som slår befolkningen ihjel, synes åbenbart at interessere ham.

Som medlem af det finansielle etablissement er han derimod vidende om, at såvel en græsk udtræden af euroen som en nedskæring af gælden, som Tsipras har krævet, ved en forbliven i Euroen, ville have Eurozonens, City of Londons og Wall Streets øjeblikkelige kollaps til følge, for den totale gældspyramide, inkl. den seksten-cifrede (!) derivatboble ville eksplodere. Trojkaen har naturligvis en massiv interesse i, at Tsipras-regeringen ikke får sine krav gennemført, fordi de frygter den positive signalvirkning på Italien, Spanien, Portugal, Irland og Frankrig, som ville udgå fra Grækenlands succes, mere, end Djævelen frygter vievand. Og det tyske Finansministerium undså sig ikke for at besvare en forespørgsel om dette fra den parlamentariske gruppe fra partiet Die Linke i Forbundsdagen med, at man, ud fra gældskonferencen for Tyskland i London i 1953, ikke kunne drage nogen følgeslutninger for en sådan konference for Grækenland, da man jo ikke kunne vide, hvordan den tyske økonomi ville have udviklet sig i ’50’erne uden denne konference!

Men sandheden er tværtimod, at Konrad Adenauer og Hermann Abs udmærket vidste, at der ikke ville have været noget tysk, økonomisk mirakel, hvis Tyskland dengang ikke havde fået eftergivet 60 % af sin totale gæld, og den resterende tilbagebetaling ikke var blevet knyttet til eksportoverskuddet. Frem for alt var de, til forskel fra den nuværende besætning i Finansministeriet, kompetente og havde Tysklands interesser på sinde.


NATO-konfrontation over for Rusland

Den samme konfrontationsstrategi, som man, i betragtning af den højspændte situation, kun kan opfatte som en provokation, kommer til udtryk i NATO-manøvrerne i Sortehavet, som er påbegyndt med den bulgarske, rumænske og tyrkiske marine. Man træner bl.a. forsvaret mod angreb fra luften såvel som fra ubåde eller mindre skibe. Samtidig afholder Rusland manøvrer, hvor, frem til 10. april, 2.000 soldater deltager i luftværnsøvelser og kamptræning, først og fremmest i det sydlige Rusland og i Nordkaukasus, og hvor også militære støttepunkter på Krim, i Armenien og Georgien indgår.

Med hensyn til de stadig mere højrøstede krav fra den britiske regerings side og fra republikanernes side i USA om en bevæbning af den ukrainske hær med »dødbringende våben«, den fremadskridende, fremskudte udstationering af NATO-tropper og hovedkvarterer i de østeuropæiske stater langs med Ruslands grænse, så nærmer vi os hastigt en »omvendt Cubakrise«, som William Polk, den tidligere militærrådgiver til præsident Kennedy på den tid, i disse dage skriver. I modstrid med de løfter, der blev givet af den tidligere, amerikanske udenrigsminiister, James Baker jr., har man integreret det ene, forhenværende sovjetiske land og Warszawapagt-land efter det andet i NATO, og nu er man i gang med det i Ukraine; visse indflydelsesrige amerikanere har allerede foreslået, at man skal fortsætte fremad, helt til »Moskvas porte«. Bevæbningen af Ukraine er et yderligere skridt i denne retning. Desuden er det umuligt at bevæbne Ukraine så meget, at de kan udligne den russiske militærmagt; man nærer altså de urealistiske forventninger i Ukraine, men lancerer samtidig aktioner, der ville blive betragtet som offensive af Rusland, og som Rusland ville føle sig tvunget til at reagere på. Det kunne alt sammen føre til en krig, som ingen kan ønske. Rusland kan lige så lidt acceptere, at Ukraine bliver medlem at en fjendtlig militæralliance, som USA ville have tilladt, at Mexico var blevet medlem af Warszawa-pagten.

En hel række af militæreksperter går, i ikke-officielle samtaler, ud fra, at den nuværende konfrontation mellem NATO på den ene og Rusland og Kina på den anden side har direkte kurs mod en sådan omvendt Cubakrise, men at, i betragtning af den manglende, røde telefon mellem Obama og Putin, og frem for alt den illusion, at man kan vinde et nukleart førsteangreb, faren for en fejlberegning er ekstrem høj, og at hele denne politik vil føre til menneskehedens udslettelse.

Den truende kulisse, der således er opbygget, skal formidle budskabet: Enten kapitulerer Rusland og Kina, eller også er man parat til at gennemføre spillet med »dødskørsel«[2] til den bitre ende, altid med den antagelse, at den anden side i sidste øjeblik kapitulerer. Men netop denne mulighed har Rusland og Kina med al tydelighed udelukket. Chefen for Centralkommandoen for den russiske Strategiske Missilstyrke (SMS), generalmajor Andrei Burbin[3], har netop i et interview bekræftet Ruslands parathed til, i tilfælde af et angreb på landet, at gennemføre et modangreb med strategiske atomvåben. Enhver »utopisk« militærplan om en »begrænset atomkrig« eller et forsøg på, efter »Prompt Global Strike«-doktrinen, at udbombe den russiske gengældelseskapacitet med konventionelle våben, ville blive besvaret med et gengældelsesangreb med interkontinentale ballistiske missiler mod USA.


»Plan B«

Den græske finansminister Varoufakis omtalte for nylig, at der var en Plan B for det tilfælde, at Grækenland af ECB blev afskåret fra kreditlinjer. Udenrigsminister Nikos Kotzias fortalte, hvori dette alternativ består: Grækenland og Cypern kunne repræsentere en bro mellem EU og Rusland, da relationerne mellem disse to stater og Rusland aldrig har haft den negative karakter, som de har haft i de andre EU-stater. De ville begge ganske vist forblive som medlemmer af EU, men de har også rent historisk dybe relationer til BRIKS-staterne. Til Indien, f.eks., har der siden antikken bestået nære relationer, lige såvel til Kina, fra den tid, hvor de begge var store kulturer, Kina for Asien og Grækenland for Europa – henover tre til fire tusinde år. Og med Rusland er der ligeledes dybe historiske, kulturelle og religiøse forbindelser.

Netop i dette forsøg ligger chancen for at imødegå den vanvittige kurs mod selvødelæggelse, som vi i øjeblikket synes at være fast besluttet på at følge, med et fornuftigt alternativ. EU’s brutale konfrontation over for Grækenland er en gyde, for enden af hvilken den sandsynlige udslettelse af menneskeheden i en atomkrig vil stå. Hvis vi i stedet tager imod Grækenlands tilbud, kunne vi via denne bro finde vejen til samarbejde med BRIKS-staterne i et nyt økonomisk system, som i øjeblikket virkeliggøres af disse stater i højt tempo.

Vi har ikke kun brug for en gældskonference for Grækenland i samme tradition som Londonkonferencen i 1953 for Tyskland, men derimod også for en gældskonference for hele Europa, og derudover for hele det transatlantiske system.[4] Det første skridt må være realiseringen af et system for bankopdeling, i traditionen efter Glass/Steagall-loven, sådan, som det blev gennemført af Franklin D. Roosevelt i 1933[5], og hvor den hidtil ubetalelige del af gælden og derivatboblen afskrives. Dernæst må det nuværende, monetaristiske system erstattes af et kreditsystem, der atter sætter realøkonomien, og dermed menneskene, i centrum for politik og økonomi. Og efter denne absolut nødvendige udrensning vil den transatlantiske sektor have alt at vinde, hvis den samarbejder med BRIKS-staterne, og frem for alt Kina og præsident Xi Jinpings »win-win«-politik, om bygningen af den Nye Silkevej.[6]

Tyskland har nøglerollen i denne opblødning. Hvis vi beslutter at samarbejde med BRIKS-staterne om bygningen af den Nye Silkevej, vil hele Kontinental-Europa følge efter – og det vil også være den eneste løftestang, der kan føre Amerika tilbage til sin bedste tradition som Den amerikanske Revolutions republik.

Vi har alle ansvaret for at vælge menneskehedens fremtid.


[1] Se 6. mrs.: ’Draghi annoncerer kvantitativ lempelse, men udelukker Grækenland og Cypern, http://schillerinstitut.dk/si/?p=5370

[2] Eng. ’chickengame’; når to biler i en konkurrence om, hvem der først taber modet, kører frontalt mod hinanden, indtil den ene viger – ’kyllingen’ – eller de begge bliver dræbt!

[3] Se 6. mrs.: ’EIR Internationalt: Lyt til disse russiske advarsler – De kan måske redde dit liv’, http://schillerinstitut.dk/si/?p=5362

[4] Se 23. jan.: ’EIR Fokus: Et græsk forslag: Sammenkald til en europæisk konference om statsgæld’, http://schillerinstitut.dk/si/?p=4759

[5] Se: ’Hovedartikel: 80-års-dagen for Glass/Steagall: Franklin D. Roosevelts 100 dage’, http://schillerinstitut.dk/si/?p=3063

[6] Se Nyhedsorientering, februar: Helga Zepp-LaRouche: ’Byg Verdenslandbroen for verdensfred’, http://schillerinstitut.dk/si/?p=5342


Helga Zepp-LaRouche var taler ved et seminar for diplomater, der blev afholdt i Det russiske Kulturcenter i København den 30. januar 2015, med titlen:  »Økonomisk udvikling og samarbejde mellem nationer, eller økonomisk kollaps, krig og terror? Den Nye Silkevej bliver til Verdenslandbroen«. Nyhedsorientering febr. 2015.


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Fra LaRouche-bevægelsen 20. feb. 2015:
Den græske gæld er svindel – ligesom hele det transatlantiske finanssystem;
Sænk det for at stoppe Tredje Verdenskrig

I dag (18. feb.) lancerede Lyndon LaRouche et internationalt initiativ centreret omkring Manhattan for at afsløre den totale svindel omkring den gæld, der tilskrives Grækenland af Den europæiske Union og Det britiske Imperiums banker. Gælden bliver brugt som afpresning for at forsøge at banke Grækenland – og efter dem, hele Europa – til at begå selvmord ved endnu engang at gennemtvinge bankernes nedskæringspolitik, der medfører folkemord.

»Den græske gæld som sådan er for det mestes vedkommende ikke græsk gæld«, erklærede LaRouche. »Gælden, som Tyskland og andre nationer kræver, at de betaler, er penge, som grækerne aldrig har fået! Så grækerne skylder ikke disse penge. Det er et svindelnummer, for grækerne påtog sig ikke denne gæld.«

Det hele blev tvunget ned over Grækenland gennem en række svindelnumre, sagde LaRouche, men i virkeligheden gik pengene kun til at betale Grækenlands internationale bankkreditorer, for at dække over et Ponzi-svindelnummer, som Goldman Sachs og andre rovgriske financierer kørte, og for at dække over sporene af korrupte våbenhandler, som tidligere græske regeringer har forhandlet – som medlemmer af den nuværende, græske regering har dokumenteret.

Men det græske tilfælde er intet særsyn på verdensscenen. Det er et klassisk tilfælde af det, LaRouche og EIR længe har beskrevet som »bankier-regning«, et svindelnummer, gennem hvilket størstedelen af planetens nationer er blevet påtvunget gæld, de aldrig virkelig har påtaget sig, og som er bygget op gennem en pyramide af derivatspekulation og lignende finansielle svindelnumre. Det er på denne måde, at vi har fået for 2 billiard dollar derivater og andre finansielle ’værdipapirer’ på regnskaberne i dag, uden nogen mulighed for at betale gælden.

Tilfældet Grækenland udgør den samme form for svindel, som gribbefondene forsøger at gennemføre imod Argentina. Og det er den samme svindel, som køres over hele verden af de narko-handlende, skatte-unddragende, bankerotte banker, der er kernen i Det britiske Imperium i dag. Et af disse tilfælde, nemlig HSBC – tidligere Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation, også kaldet hovedbanken for Dope, Inc. – er for nylig blevet berygtet for at organisere verdensomspændende fiduser til skatteunddragelse for deres rige kunder. Og dette kommer oven i den tidligere demonstration under amerikanske senatshøringer af, at HSBC befandt sig i centrum af hvidvaskning af blodpenge fra de mexicanske narkokarteller til titals billioner dollar.

Men HSBC er blot et enkelt tilfælde blandt dusinvis af andre. En sladrehank (’whistleblower’) i UBS (Union Bank of Switzerland), tidligere embedsmand Stephanie Gibaud, har netop erklæret, at »oplysningerne om HSBC er en kopi af det, jeg oplevede i UBS«. Hun tilføjede, med videnskabelig præcision:

»Vi må forstå, at vi har at gøre med en kriminel industri.«

Det er præcis, hvad Wall Street, City of London og hele det transatlantiske finanssystem er. Det er en kriminel virksomhed, der ønsker at bevare illusionen om solvensen af finansielle aktiver til 2 billiard dollar gennem at dræbe hele nationer og befolkninger, sådan, som de forsøger at gøre i Grækenland. Det er deres finanssystems bankerot, der ligeledes driver dem til at true med atomar konfrontation med Rusland og Kina med Ukraine som påskud, for at gennemtvinge deres vilje på globalt plan.

Det britiske Imperiums eneste håb om sejr er, at nationer som Grækenland og Rusland kapitulerer til deres afpresning og deres trusler og indvilger i at spille efter de rigide spilleregler, som Det britiske Imperium insisterer på, er det eneste spil i byen. Men hvis de nægter – som BRIKS-nationerne gør det, så vel som også allierede nationer som Grækenland, Argentina og Egypten – og i stedet kæmper for at skabe et helt nyt system, baseret på udstedelse af kredit til udvikling, snarere end til spekulation, så kan det finansielle imperium tvinges i knæ.

»Vi må udbrede dette her som hovedspørgsmålet i USA«, erklærede LaRouche. »Vi kan sænke Wall Street på dette spørgsmål. Hvis man sænker den græske svindel, vil man sætte en kædereaktion af eksplosioner i gang i det internationale, transatlantiske system, som Wall Street-systemet og lignede ting, briterne og andre. Det er dem, der skylder gælden, ikke grækerne.«

»Det her skal lægges højt og tydeligt på hvert eneste dørtrin i USA«, sagde LaRouche. »Hvis man vil undgå Tredje Verdenskrig, så er det, hvad man må gøre. Og hvis man ikke gør det, tager man ikke Tredje Verdenskrig alvorligt.«

Dette er en international og en national kampagne, konkluderede LaRouche, og den er centreret omkring New York City. Vi vil tage Manhattan tilbage fra Wall Street, og give det tilbage til Alexander Hamiltons politik.


Fra LaRouche-bevægelsen 11. feb. 2015:
Hvordan forkert tænkning kan ødelægge vor art

Obamaregeringen er i øjeblikket ved at implementere en politik, omkring økonomi generelt og omkring Ukraine i særdeleshed, der er i færd med at krænge planeten over mod et atomart opgør mellem USA og NATO på den ene side og Rusland og Kina på den anden. Dette er ensbetydende med, at der er grund til at stille Obama for en rigsret, erklærede Lyndon LaRouche i dag. Under politisk direktion fra briterne har Obama sat USA på en kurs mod krig, og gennem sådanne personer som Udenrigsministeriets Victoria Nuland har han sluppet nazister løs – vaskeægte nazister, der har dokumenterede, historiske bånd til Adolf Hitler – der truer Ruslands blotte eksistens. Mens Obama offentligt overvejer at sende våben til Ukraine, havde Moscow Times fra i dag ganske enkelt denne overskrift: »Rusland vil se amerikanske tiltag for at opruste Ukraine som en krigserklæring.«

Bag sådanne strategiske bommerter og provokationer finder vi en tydelig fejlagtig filosofi og tankegang. For eksempel er Obama og briterne i deres adfærd over for Rusland totalt gift med utilitaristisk adfærdsmodifikation, efter Benthams felicific calculus, (tilnærmelsesvis: adfærdsforandrende teknik ved hjælp af belønning eller straf). I sine kommentarer i går efter mødet med Merkel understregede Obama igen, at hvis Rusland ikke giver efter for hans krav, kan USA »optrappe Ruslands omkostninger« og overveje, hvilke andre midler kan anvendes for at ændre hr. Putins adfærd«. Ashton Carter har på lignende måde i skriftlige svar til Kongressen vedr. sin nominering til forsvarsminister ikke alene argumenteret til fordel for en oprustning af Ukraine, men også for at lægge pres på Rusland pga. formentlige krænkelser af INF-traktaten (traktaten fra 1987 mellem USA og Rusland om mellemdistance-atomvåben).

»USA’s respons må gøre det klart for Rusland, at hvis det ikke igen kommer i overensstemmelse [med traktaten], vil vores respons gøre dem mindre trygge, end de er i dag.«

Det er sindssygt, var LaRouches kortfattede kommentar. Og en sådan sindssyge vil kun forøge faren for krig, eftersom russerne ikke vil respondere, som behavioristerne forudser, for det er faktisk ikke sådan, det funktionelle, menneskelige sind fungerer. De vil respondere på en asymmetrisk måde, kreativt, baseret på en menneskelig og national identitetsopfattelse, der intet har at gøre med Benthams felicific calculus. I modsætning til dyr, hvor forudsætningerne for adfærdsmodifikation er anvendelige, så fungerer det menneskelige sind ud fra et klart koncept om en fremtid under opbygning, og handler for at forandre aktuelle parametre for at sikre, at en sådan fremtid også skabes – noget, som intet dyr, eller ingen utilitarist, kan gøre.

At operere på anden vis, som briterne af natur gør, vil i sandhed føre til krig gennem fejlberegning – den største fejlberegning af alle, i relation til menneskets natur.

Vores job, understregede Lyndon LaRouche i dag, er ikke at beskrive denne situation, men at specificere, hvad vi må gøre for at ændre den, omgående. Og det er meget simpelt. Vi må erklære Wall Street bankerot, erklærede LaRouche, fordi det, og hele det transatlantiske system, er håbløst bankerot, som det tydeligt ses af Grækenlands tilfælde. Ethvert yderligere forsøg på at holde det i live vil få de transatlantiske nationer til at eksplodere så meget desto hurtigere, og så meget desto mere eksplosivt. Fakta er, at Wall Street er bankerot, og kun idioter og tåber – og de, der frygter dem – tror noget andet.

De er åbenlyst bankerotte, fortsatte LaRouche. Alle regnskaber viser det; tempoet, hvormed bankerotten sker, accelererer; og forsøg på at tapetsere hen over det med yderligere kvantitativ lempelse (pengetrykning) er i særdeleshed farligt, fordi det simpelt hen vil sprænge hele systemet i stykker på kort tid, og ingen vil overleve.

Så luk det ned, erklærede LaRouche. Sæt det under konkursbehandling. Og skab en ny institution under statslig kontrol for at stabilisere situationen, og skab ny, statsgaranteret kredit. Sæt dernæst denne kredit i arbejde for at skabe voksende produktion i arbejdskraften, centreret omkring projekter med høj energigennemstrømningstæthed.

Det vil Wall Street ikke kunne lide. Men det vil 99,99 % af den menneskelige art. Det er det eneste alternativ til krig, kaos og masseaffolkning af hele planeten.


Forslag til fordybelse:

Tema-artikel: En Prometheus-tilgang til udvikling af nye former for ild  Prometheus-16x9-646x363

Lyndon LaRouche: Fire nye Love til USA’s omgående redning FOUR-LAWS-WIDGET-gs

Helga Zepp-LaRouche:
På randen af en atomar apokalypse:
Verden behøver en fredsplan

7. feb. 2015 – Hvis kansler Merkels og præsident Hollandes rejse til Moskva – bodstavelig talt nogle få minutter i tolv – skal have en realistisk chance for at føre til virkeliggørelsen af en fredsplan, så er dette sandsynligvis den allersidste chance for at rette den transatlantiske politiks systemiske fejltagelser, der har ført verden til randen af Tredje Verdenskrig, såvel som også til det systemiske finanskollaps. Det kan i hvert fald ikke gøres på basis af den mindste fællesnævner og halve løsninger: Verdensfreden kan udelukkende kun bevares, hvis den geostrategiske konfrontation med Rusland og Kina erstattes af et fuldstændig nyt paradigme. Europa og USA må tage imod præsident Xi Jinpings tilbud om samarbejde med BRIKS-staterne om en ny, økonomisk verdensorden. Åbenbart under indtryk af den umiddelbart forestående levering af tunge våben fra USA til Ukraine, og dermed den akutte fare for en militær optrapning til krig i Europa – hvilket blev omtalt selv i Tagesschau i midten af sidste uge – tager Hollande og Merkel initiativet til deres rejse til Kiev og Moskva. Ifølge medierapporter underrettede de først den amerikanske udenrigsminister Kerry aftenen før. I virkeligheden er det ikke blot en krig i Europa, der truer; men lunten til en global atomkrig er allerede antændt.

I tilfælde af, at der under forhandlinger mellem Putin, Poroshenko, Merkel og Hollande opnås enighed om en variant af den fredsplan, som Putin præsenterede midt i januar måned, altså mere autonomi til områderne i Østukraine, der er besat af oprørerne, mere beskyttelse af det russiske sprog og kultur i denne region, en mulig anerkendelse af de territoriale vindinger, som oprørerne har vundet siden afslutningen af Minsk-aftalerne i september 2014, såvel som de oprindelige Minsk-aftaler – så ville i det mindste den umiddelbare optrapning mod en potentiel udslettelse af menneskeheden blive afbrudt. Men krigsfaren ville på ingen måde være overvundet.

Formand for Dumaen, Sergei Naryschkin, har netop på en konference i anledning af 70-års dagen for Jaltakonferencen i 1945 advaret om, at Vesten vedvarende vægrer sig ved at anerkende konsekvenserne af, at Rusland er inddæmmet af missilforsvarssystemer:

»Kun en blind kan ignorere, hvilken trussel, missilforsvarssystemet, NATO’s udvidelse mod øst og rækken af amerikanske militærinterventioner udgør, og som FN’s Sikkerhedsråd har omgået«,

sagde Naryschkin. Som reaktion på disse trusler har Rusland sat sine strategiske atomraketter og mobile installationer i forhøjet beredskab i seks regioner.

Selv om Merkel og Hollande med hensyn til Ukraine i allersidste øjeblik forsøger at trække i nødbremsen (om et resultat vil følge er ved redaktionens slutning uvist): Med hensyn til konfrontationen med den nye, græske regering reagerer Den europæiske Centralbank (ECB), Bundesbank, Merkel og Schäuble snarere som de berygtede betonhoveder i de sidste dage af DDR. For dem kan hverken en gældsnedsættelse eller en gældskonference, som den i 1953 for Tyskland, diskuteres, og ECB er, med sin beslutning om ikke længere at acceptere græske statsobligationer som sikkerhed for kredit og i stedet henvise landet til de dyrere nødkreditter, endda gået over til yderligere konfrontation. Europæiske principper og aftaler må overholdes, insisterer Schäuble, også selv om netop denne arrogance og uforsonlighed måtte fremskynde euroens undergang.

Men netop disse principper og aftaler er problemet. For det var netop Trojkaens nedskæringspolitik, der umuliggjorde en økonomisk genrejsning i Grækenland, ødelagde en tredjedel af den græske økonomi og styrtede den græske befolkning ud i fortvivlelse. Jeg advarede lige fra begyndelsen om, at denne nedskæringspolitik i traditionen efter Heinrich Brüning ikke kunne fungere, og allerede i februar 2008, altså kort tid efter underskrivelsen af Lissabon-traktaten, advarede jeg om, at ratificeringen af denne traktat ville betyde det samme som at underskrive en ny Versailles-traktat – og det endda for hele Europa – og at man ikke skulle glemme, at roden til Anden Verdenskrig lå i den første Versailles-traktat. Finansminister Varoufakis understregede i et interview med Die Zeit, at megen lidelse kunne have været forhindret, hvis man dengang havde brudt Versailles-traktaten, og at det nazistiske partis »Gyldne morgenrøde« blev den tredjestørste magt i landet som en reaktion på den forordnede nedskæringspolitik.

Men mens betonhovederne kun retter deres indskrænkede blik mod banksektorens interesse – for det var udelukkende den, som både nedskæringspolitikken, der har styrtet hele Sydeuropa ud i ulykke, som også »redningspakkerne«, der tilflød, ikke grækerne, men de europæiske banker, kom til gode – så fortættes i det øvrige Europa og i mange dele af verden billedet af de brutale tyskere, ved hvis medicin sydeuropæerne er blevet forgiftet, og som nu er for fornærede til at give grækerne den samme chance, som USA gav Tyskland efter Anden Verdenskrig. For uden Marshall-planen og gældskonferencen i 1953, der halverede Tysklands totale gæld og knyttede tilbagebetalingerne til eksportoverskuddet, ville Tyskland aldrig have udviklet sig fra en ruinhob og til landet med det tyske, økonomiske mirakel, som hele verden beundrede.

Som reaktion på ECB’s politik og Schäubles hårde linje går nu allerede titusinder af mennesker i flere græske byer på gaden for at støtte regeringen Tsipras. I Madrid demonstrerede 300.000 mennesker forgangen lørdag.

Hvis EU, ECB og den tyske regering holder fast i deres kompromisløse holdning, truer euroen med at bryde sammen på kaotisk vis. Schäuble-folkenes demonstrerede hjerteløshed kan kun forværre den sociale katastrofe; de begriber tydeligvis ikke, hvad det er for en historisk udvikling, der udspiller sig.


Verden som vilje og forestilling[1]

Der findes en løsning; men dens virkeliggørelse kræver beslutsom handling fra den tænkende del af den europæiske befolkning. Nu som før ligger tilbuddet fra den kinesiske præsident Xi Jinping på bordet om, at USA og andre store stater, altså f.eks. Tyskland, Frankrig, Italien osv., i fællesskab med BRIKS-staterne bør opbygge Den nye Silkevej og de nye kreditinstitutioner som Asiatisk Infrastruktur-Investeringsbank, AIIB, Den nye Udviklingsbank, NDB, og andre kreditinstitutioner, der udelukkende kun er rettet mod finansiering af realøkonomien. Med dette tilbud ligger konturerne af en ny fredsorden for det 21. århundrede lige foran vore øjne.

Der er en pakke af forholdsregler, der på en ordnet måde, og uden tilbagevenden, ville trække verden tilbage fra afgrunden, og som på grundlag af gennemprøvede eksempler ville føre verden ind i en ny æra med internationalt samarbejde:

For det første: Der må omgående afholdes en gældskonference som i 1953 – men ikke blot for Grækenland, men for hele den samlede, europæiske, eller endnu bedre, transatlantiske gæld, for det er ikke kun Grækenland, der ikke kan betale sin gæld; men så godt som alle »Too-big-to-fail«-bankerne i USA og Europa er håbløst bankerot, med udestående derivatkontrakter, der udgør mere en tyve gange hele verdens bruttonationalprodukt.

En sådan konferences første skridt må være indførslen af en opdeling af banksystemet i traditionen efter Roosevelts Glass/Steagall-lov, der stiller de kommercielle banker under statsgaranti og tvinger investeringsbankerne, uden såkaldte redningspakker, uden en såkaldt »kvantitativ lempelse«, altså pengetrykning, og uden at have adgang til de kommercielle bankers indlånskonti, til at bringe orden i deres regnskaber og i givet fald erklære sig insolvente. Det vil sige, at der må sættes en stopper for kasinoøkonomien, én gang for alle.

Det andet skridt må være skabelsen af et kreditsystem, der er baseret på Alexander Hamiltons principper om en Nationalbank, og som i amerikansk historie en blevet genoplivet af blandt andre Lincoln og Franklin D. Roosevelt med hans Reconstruction Finance Corporation, og på grundlag af hvilken det tyske Kreditanstalt fur Wiederafbau blev skabt efter Anden Verdenskrig, og uden hvilken det tyske, økonomiske mirakel aldrig kunnet være hændt.

For et tredje kan dette nye kreditsystem danne grundlag for samarbejde med BRIKS-staternes nye banker. De omfattende projekter, der allerede er blevet vedtaget af BRIKS og staterne i Latinamerika, Asien og Afrika – altså opbygning af infrastruktur, energi, vandstyringsprojekter, videnskabeligt samarbejde, rumfart osv. – tilbyder et perspektiv om økonomisk vækst i mange årtier i fremtiden, en virkelig »Win-win-politik« for alle deltagende stater, som Xi Jinping hele tiden understreger.

For det fjerde kan i denne sammenhæng den Marshall-plan sættes på dagsordenen, som Schiller Instituttet allerede i 2012 med titlen »Et økonomisk mirakel for Middelhavsområdet og Sydeuropa« offentliggjorde, og som, gennem en naturlig forlængelse af Den eurasiske Landbro via flere ruter, kan forbindes med et infrastrukturnetværk i Afrika.

Løsningen på den eksistentielle krise, på grundlag af allerede efterprøvede koncepter, eksisterer altså, og den virkeliggøres allerede af en stor gruppe nationer, der tilsammen udgør mere end halvdelen af den menneskelige slægt. Schiller Instituttet har indledt en international kampagne for at udbrede kendskabet til denne mulighed for samarbejde med BRIKS-staterne om en ny, retfærdig, økonomisk verdensorden over hele verden – for dette er, som følge af kontrollen med de etablerede medier, knapt nok kendt – og for at mobilisere det størst mulige antal støtter og aktivister. En resolution herom er allerede blevet underskrevet af flere tusinde mennesker, herunder af flere end 300 betydningsfulde repræsentanter for institutionerne.

Hjælp os med at trække verden væk fra atomkrigens afgrund og virkeliggøre et nyt paradigme med fredeligt samarbejde mellem nationerne på denne planet, ved at underskrive denne appel, ved at udbrede den så meget som muligt og vinde flere menneskers underskrift på den!




Forslag til fordybelse:

Specialrapport: Et økonomisk mirakel for Sydeuropa, Middelhavsområdet og Det afrikanske Kontinent 

Helga Zepp-LaRouche: Den nye Silkevej bliver til verdenslandbroen. Introduktion til EIR-rapport

Se trailer:

Brochure: Hvorfor USA og Europa må gå med i BRIKS 

EIR-FOKUS: Et græsk forslag: Sammenkald til en europæisk konference om statsgæld

Lyndon LaRouche: Fire Nye Love til USA’s omgående redning


[1] Verden som vilje og forestilling er filosoffen Arthur Schopenhauers hovedværk og udkom i december 1818.

TASS interviewer Zepp-LaRouche i København
om at undgå krig og BRIKS-processen
på dansk, in English, русский язык

See the English and русский язык versions below.

3. feb. 2015 – Det københavnske TASS-bureau, det officielle nyhedsagentur for Den russiske Føderation, udgav i dag et interview med lederen af Schiller Instituttet, Helga Zepp-LaRouche, som hun gav under sit besøg i Danmark i anledning af et seminar for diplomater, der afholdtes den 30. januar. Det russisksprogede telegram har indtil videre optrådt på nyhedssiden ru.euronews.com.

(Nedenstående danske oversættelse er baseret på den engelske oversættelse som var foretaget af EIR ved anvendelse af den originale, engelske tekst med Zepp-LaRouches svar, ud fra hvilken den publicerede russiske form blev udvalgt.)


Schiller Instituttets leder Helga Zepp-LaRouche udsender en opfordring

om at forene indsatsen mellem Den europæiske Union, USA og BRIKS.

København, 3. feb. 2015, Nikolai Morozov, TASSBehovet for en ny, økonomisk verdensorden og nye internationale relationer er den centrale idé i de taler, som Helga Zepp-LaRouche, stifter og formand for Schiller Instituttet, holdt under hendes aktuelle rundrejse til flere europæiske hovedstæder. I København talte hun for en workshop for diplomater, der blev holdt i Russisk Center for Videnskab og Kultur.

Zepp-LaRouche er overbevist om, at verden nu befinder sig på en kurs, der fører ind i en blindgyde, med truslen om økonomisk kollaps og atomkrig. For at undgå sådanne katastrofer, må verdensbegivenhederne ændre kurs. Til dette formål mener hun, at EU og USA må gå med i BRIKS-nationernes opbygning af Den eurasiske Landbro, der blev indledt af den kinesiske præsident Xi Jinping – Den nye Silkevej. Zepp-LaRouche foreslår også, at Grækenland nu muligvis kunne blive en bro mellem Vesten og BRIKS.

»Ingen af de løfter, man gav til Rusland, da Sovjetunionen opløstes, blev holdt, og ingen af Ruslands tilbud om samarbejde blev besvaret«, sagde Helga Zepp-LaRouche til TASS under et interview. »Dette skyldtes, at de amerikanske neokonservative i Bush senior-regeringen på det tidspunkt satsede på politikken med Projekt for et Nyt Amerikansk Århundrede (PNAC), der indeholdt idéen om, at USA skulle herske over verden som et verdensimperium.«

»Alle de politiske udspil, der fulgte, såsom regimeskift ved hjælp af de såkaldte ’farvede revolutioner’, opbygningen af et globalt, ballistisk missilforsvarssystem og NATO’s og EU’s udvidelse mod Øst, frem til Ruslands grænser, var ganske enkelt en udarbejdelse af dette strategiske mål«, sagde hun. »Samtidigt blev NATO-doktrinen med Gensidigt Garanteret Ødelæggelse, MAD, erstattet af konceptet om en Førsteangrebs-doktrin. Det er grunden til, at der netop nu er et voksende kor af fremragende strateger i Vesten, der advarer om den umiddelbart overhængende fare for en Tredje Verdenskrig.«

»Siden ophævelsen af Glass/Steagall-loven i 1999, der fjernede enhver lovregulering af bankerne«, fortsatte Schiller Instituttets leder, »er verden faldet i rovgriske klør, der beriger de få på bekostning af, og med, milliarder af menneskers lidelser, gennem et finanssystem, der grundlæggende set er blevet et kæmpe kasino. Der er en enorm derivatgæld, der ikke kan betales, hvilket er den virkelige årsag til krigsfaren.«

»Der foregår i øjeblikket en stor kamp om USA’s sande identitet«, rapporterede Zepp-LaRouche. Hun sagde, at kampen står mellem imperiefraktionen, der ønsker verdensherredømmet, og så de kræfter, der ønsker at genrejse Amerika som en republik, som det var de grundlæggende fædres hensigt.

Der foregår også en alvorlig kamp for at afslutte Wall Streets diktatoriske magt over Kongressen, med en genfremstilling af et lovforslag for Glass-Steagall. Hvis USA vendte tilbage til sit oprindelige, økonomiske system, kunne det samarbejde meget godt med BRIKS-nationernes nye kreditinstitutioner, såsom den Nye Udviklingsbank og AIIB (Asiatisk Infrastruktur-Investeringsbank)«, fortalte hun TASS. »Så kunne USA vende tilbage til John Quincy Adams’ udenrigspolitik … og det er præcis Xi Jinpings koncept for udenrigspolitik, med hans win-win-fremgangsmåde med at bygge den Nye Silkevej, og ligeledes Narendra Modis eller Vladimir Putins.«

Zepp-LaRouche hævder, at »Alt vil afhænge af vores evne til at sætte alternativet med et nyt paradigme med samarbejde på dagsordenen i tide. Menneskeheden er nået til en skillevej; vi kan enten definere vores fælles interesse ud fra et standpunkt om fremtiden, eller også vil vi måske ikke længere eksistere. Det er grunden til, at Schiller Instituttet i øjeblikket er engageret i en international kampagne for at overbevise flere og flere individer og institutioner om, at det eneste, fornuftige alternativ til Tredje Verdenskrig er at tage hinanden i hånden til gavn for menneskehedens fælles mål.«

Helga Zepp-LaRouche stiftede Schiller Instituttet i 1984 i sammenhæng med krisen med mellemdistanceraketterne i begyndelsen af 1980’erne. Formålet med Instituttet var at lægge et andet koncept for relationer med udlandet på bordet, og det fik navn efter Friedrich Schiller (1759-1805), fordi det var stifterens synspunkt, at en ny, retfærdig verdensorden kun kan lykkes, hvis den ledsages af en renæssance inden for klassisk kultur.


TASS Interviews Zepp-LaRouche on War-Avoidance and the BRICS

Feb. 3, 2015 (EIRNS)–The Copenhagen bureau of TASS, official
news agency of the Russian Federation, today released an
interview with Schiller Institute leader Helga Zepp-LaRouche,
done during her visit to Denmark for an event with diplomats on
Jan. 30. The Russian-language wire has appeared, so far, on the
news site ru.euronews.com. The English translation below was done
by EIR, using the original English text of Zepp-LaRouche’s
replies, from which the published form was excerpted. [RBD]

Schiller Institute Leader Helga Zepp-LaRouche Calls for Uniting
the Efforts of the European Union, the United States, and the

COPENHAGEN, February 3. /Nikolai Morozov, TASS/. The need for a
new world economic order and new international relations is the
central idea in the speeches being given by German politician
Helga Zepp-LaRouche, founder and president of the Schiller
Institute, during her current tour of several European capitals.
In Copenhagen she addressed a workshop for diplomats, held at the
Russian Center for Science and Culture.
Zepp-LaRouche believes that the world is now on a pathway
leading to a dead end, with the threat of economic collapse and
nuclear war. In order to avoid such catastrophes, the direction
of world events must be changed. For this purpose, she thinks,
the European Union and the United States should join the BRICS
nations in building the Eurasian land-bridge initiated by Chinese
President Xi Jinping–the new Silk Road. Zepp-LaRouche also
suggests that Greece could now become a bridge between the West
and the BRICS.
“None of the promises given to Russia at the time of the
disintegration of the Soviet Union were kept, and none of her
offers for cooperation responded to,” Helga Zepp-LaRouche told
TASS in an interview. “This was because the U.S. neocons of the
Bush, Sr. administration, at that moment, went for the policy of
the Project for a New American Century (PNAC), which embodied the
idea of the USA ruling the world as a world empire.”
“All the policies which followed, such as regime change with
the help of the so-called `color revolutions,’ the construction
of a global Ballistic Missile Defense system, and the eastward
expansion of NATO and the EU up to the borders of Russia, were
simply an elaboration of that strategic goal,” she said. “At the
same time, the NATO doctrine of Mutual Assured Destruction, MAD,
was replaced by the conception of a First Strike Doctrine. This
is why there is, right now, a growing chorus of eminent
strategists in the West, who are warning of the immediate danger
of a Third World War.”
“Since the repeal of the Glass Steagall Act in 1999, which
eliminated any banking regulation,” continued the Schiller
Institute leader, “the world has fallen into the hands of
predators, who enrich the few, at the expense and suffering of
billions of human beings, with the help of a financial system,
that has essentially become a big casino. There is an enormous
unpayable derivatives debt, which is the real cause of the war
“There is, right now, a big fight for the true identity of
the United States,” Zepp-LaRouche reported. She said that the
fight is between the imperial faction, which wants world
domination, and the forces who want to restore America as a
republic, as it was intended by the founding fathers.
“There is also a serious fight to end the dictatorial power
of Wall Street over the Congress, with the reintroduction of the
Glass Steagall law. If the USA went back to its original economic
system, it could cooperate very well with the new credit
institutions of the BRICS nations, such as the New Development
Bank, and the AIIB (Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank),” she
told TASS. “Then the United States could return to the foreign
policy of John Quincy Adams, … and that is exactly the foreign
policy concept of Xi Jinping, with his win-win approach of
building the new Silk Road, or Narendra Modi or Vladimir Putin.”
Zepp-LaRouche holds that, “Everything will depend on our
ability to put the alternative of a new paradigm of collaboration
on the agenda in time. Mankind has reached a branching point:
either we can define our common interest from the standpoint of
the future, or we may not exist. That is why the Schiller
Institute is presently involved in an international campaign, to
convince more and more individuals and institutions, that joining
hands for the common aims of mankind, is the only reasonable
alternative to World War III.”
Helga Zepp-LaRouche founded the Schiller Institute in 1984,
in the context of the middle-range missile crisis of the early
80s. Its main aim was to put a different conception of foreign
relations on the table, and it was named after Friedrich Schiller
(1759-1805) because it was the founders’ view, that a new just
world economic order can only succeed, if it is accompanied by a
renaissance of classical culture.



Глава “Института Шиллера” Хельга Цепп-Ларуш призывает к объединению Евросоюза, США и БРИКС


КОПЕНГАГЕН, 3 февраля. /Корр. ТАСС Николай Морозов/. Необходимость нового мирового экономического порядка и новых международных отношений – ключевая идея выступлений германского политика, основателя и президента “Института Шиллера” Хельги Цепп-Ларуш в ходе поездки по ряду европейских столиц. В частности, в Копенгагене она провела семинар для дипломатического корпуса в Российском центре науки и культуры /РЦНК/.

Цепп-Ларуш убеждена, что путь, которым идет в настоящее время мир, ведет в тупик, угрожает экономическим коллапсом и ядерной войной. Для того, чтобы избежать катастрофы, необходимо изменить направление мирового развития. Для этого, считает она, Евросоюз и США должны присоединиться к странам БРИКС для строительства по инициативе председателя КНР Си Цзиньпина евразийского континентального моста – нового Шелкового пути. Цепп-Ларуш полагает, что связующим звеном между западными странами и БРИКС сейчас могла бы стать Греция.

“Ни одно из обещаний, данных России в период распада Советского Союза, не было выполнено, и ни одно из ее предложений по сотрудничеству не получило ответа, – сказала Хельга Цепп-Ларуш в интервью корр. ТАСС. – Дело в том, что американские неоконсерваторы из администрации Буша-старшего взяли тогда на вооружение “Проект для нового американского века”, который воплотил идею управления США всей планетой как мировой империей”.

“Проводившаяся после этого политика – устранение неугодных режимов в ходе так называемых “цветных революций”, создание глобальной системы ПРО, расширение НАТО и ЕС на восток, к границам России, была лишь конкретизацией этой стратегической цели, – отметила она. – Одновременно натовская доктрина “гарантированного взаимного уничтожения” была заменена “доктриной первого удара”. Вот почему сейчас нарастает хор видных стратегов Запада, которые предупреждают о непосредственной опасности третьей мировой войны”.

“С отменой в 1999 году закона Гласса-Стиголла в США было устранено регулирование банков, – продолжала глава “Института Шиллера”. – Мир попал в руки хищников, которые обогащают немногих за счет страданий миллиардов людей с помощью финансовой системы, которая, по сути, стала большим казино. При помощи производных финансовых инструментов создан огромный неоплатный долг, который также является реальной причиной угрозы войны”.

В настоящее время в США развернулось сражение за подлинную идентичность Америки, отметила Цепп-Ларуш. Оно идет между имперской фракцией, которая стремится к господству в мире, и силами, которые хотят восстановить республиканскую Америку, какой ее видели отцы-основатели. Также ведется борьба за то, чтобы положить конец диктаторской власти Уолл-стрита над Конгрессом путем восстановления закона Гласса-Стиголла.

“Возвращение США к исходной экономической системе открыло бы путь к сотрудничеству с новыми кредитными организациями стран БРИКС – Банком развития и Азиатским банком инфраструктурных инвестиций, – утверждает собеседник агентства. – Тогда США могли бы вернуться к внешней политике Джона Куинси Адамса /…/, а это как раз – внешнеполитическая концепция Си Цзиньпина с ее выгодным для всех подходом к строительству нового Шелкового пути, или Нарендры Моди, или Владимира Путина”.

“Все будет зависеть от нашей способности вовремя вынести на повестку дня новую парадигму сотрудничества, – считает Цепп-Ларуш. – Человечество достигло поворотного пункта: либо мы определим наши общие интересы в перспективе будущего, либо, возможно, перестанем существовать”. “Поэтому “Институт Шиллера” сейчас ведет международную кампанию, чтобы убедить как можно больше людей и организаций, что только объединение во имя общих целей человечества может быть разумной альтернативой третьей мировой войне”.

Международный “Институт Шиллера” был основан Хельгой Цепп-Ларуш в 1984 году в контексте кризиса вокруг ракет средней дальности в начале 1980-х годов. Он ставил целью обновить международные отношения и был назван в честь Фридриха Шиллера /1759-1805 годы/, так как его создатели убеждены, что новый мировой экономический порядок возобладать, только если будет сопровождаться возрождением классической культуры. –0–



EIR LEDER: Efter Wall Streets bankerot

30. jan. 2015 – Wall Streets banksystem står atter over for en krise med trussel om bankerot – denne gang udløst af sammenbruddet af gæld og derivater i olie- og råvaremarkedet. Selv bankierer i centralbankerne ved, at det vil blive lige så slemt, eller værre, som endnu et 2008-krak.

Disse banker har været generelt bankerotte, siden fjernelsen af Glass-Steagall fik sin virkning. Wall Streets krise med truslen om bankerot er forværret af euroens fald og det faktum, at alle de største, europæiske banker, og ganske bestemt inklusive London-bankerne, er proppet til ørerne med giftige værdipapirer, i mere og mere varierede udgaver.

Et finanskrak, der er værre end det i 2008, hænger umiddelbart over hele dette bankerotte London-Wall Street-system. USA må omgående skabe en stødpude for sin økonomi og sine borgere mod dette krak. LaRouche har planen:

Wall Street-bankerne bør lukkes og sættes igennem en konkursbehandling, således at de kan fortsætte visse begrænsede funktioner som kommercielle banker. Deres mulighed for at styre tingene i den amerikanske økonomi må nu afsluttes.

Indled en konkursbehandling af disse storbanker ved at genindføre Glass/Steagall-loven for at opdele de dødsdømte, spekulative afdelinger fra deres garanterede, lovmæssige kommercielle banker – og lad førstnævnte gå under.

Til at erstatte dette må der skabes en stødpude af kredit – statslig kredit – der kan sætte folk i produktive, velbetalte beskæftigelser. Det betyder beskæftigelse, der er relateret til afgørende nødvendige, nye projekter inden for moderne infrastruktur.

Stil en kilde til statslig kredit til rådighed, der skal bruges af delstaternes regeringer og den føderale regering til at skaffe beskæftigelse til fagligt uddannede og til økonomisk udvikling. USA må påtage sig en begrænset gæld for at gøre dette, men den må udelukkende kun helliges dette formål. Det har været gjort før; det må gøres igen.

Skab en Reconstruction Finance Coporation (Kreditanstalt for Genopbygning) med en statslig startkapital, og udsted RFC-obligationer til offentligheden og de kommercielle banker, der skal støtte nationale projekter og delstatsprojekter.

Og, skab en Nationalbank med en startkapital bestående af ny gæld i Finansministeriet, og skaf størstedelen af denne Banks kapital ved en frivillig ombytning af eksisterende 3- til 30-årig gæld i Finansministeriet. Hvis 500 mia. dollar af statsgæld frivilligt investeres i Nationalbanken, kan Finansministeriet udstede for 500 mia. dollar statsgældsbeviser til Banken, der kan begynde at udstede kredit til produktivitet og beskæftigelse.

Af absolut afgørende betydning for denne nye Nationalbank og RFC: Gå med i BRIKS! Accepter den kinesiske præsident Xi Jinpings tilbud til Obama på APEC-topmødet sidste november.

Brug Nationalbanken og RFC til at gå med i den Asiatiske Infrastruktur-Investeringsbank og de andre nye internationale udviklingsbanker og fonde til infrastruktur i den Nye Silkevej og den Maritime Silkevej. Og mangedobl samtidigt stødpuden af statslig kredit til ny infrastruktur og produktive investeringer i Amerika.

Skab en ny økonomisk platform for Amerikas økonomi, der »drives frem« ved hjælp af udvikling af fusionsteknologier og fusionskraft. Lancer på ny Amerikas tilstedeværelse i Solsystemet i konkurrence og samarbejde med Kinas måneprogram, der nu er verdens førende rumprogram.

En ny nedsmeltning af Wall Street vil ramme økonomien som en storkrig. Og Wall Street optrapper finansiel krigsførelse og anden form for krigsførelse imod »fjenderne« Kina og Rusland, hvilket er i færd med at føre til en faktisk, termonuklear krig.

Hvis vi omgående iværksætter LaRouche-planen, kan dette stoppes.



Fra LaRouche-bevægelsen 2. feb. 2015:
LaRouche: Erklær Wall Street bankerot,
og gå med i BRIKS’ skabelse af et nyt,
globalt kreditsystem

I løbet af weekenden kom det ene medieorgan for britisk imperiepolitik efter det andet ud med hysteriske advarsler om de globale, strategiske implikationer af den græske krise. Ian Bremmer, CFR (Council of Foreign Relations), advarede om, at Grækenland meget vel kunne forlade eurozonen og NATO, og i stedet gå med i SCO (Shanghai Cooperation Organization), Rusland og Kina i alternative økonomiske og strategiske arrangementer – og således de facto gå med i BRIKS, selv om Bremmer ikke vover at kaldet det sådan. Ambrose Evans-Pritchard fra Daily Telegraph advarede om, at EU’s ’chickengame’ (hvem viger først?) med Grækenland kunne give fuldstændigt bagslag og føre til

»ukendte rystelser, der kunne ramme det globale betalingssystem. De leger med ilden«.

Og selv den sædvanligvis fornuftige Liam Halligan udbrød i sin artikel i Telegraph, at den nye Syriza-regering i Grækenland

»direkte kunne overtage kontrollen med Grækenlands låntagere og afskrive for milliarder af euro i husstandslån og hermed ødelægge bankernes regnskaber i et vanvittigt udbrud af populistisk kontraktlig vandalisme«.

»Men det er fornuftigt; det er præcist, hvad de burde gøre«,

lød Lyndon LaRouches kommentar i dag. De burde simpelt hen skaffe sig af med denne falske gæld, der alligevel ikke eksisterer, tilføjede LaRouche. Ikke blot Grækenland, men hele Europa og hele den transatlantiske sektor har fået falsk gæld tvunget ned i halsen. Men hele systemet er dødt, erklærede LaRouche, i USA og alle andre steder, og det må ganske enkelt erstattes. Wall Street er død, så afskriv dem. Hele det spekulative system, centreret omkring Det britiske Imperium, er dødt, og at forsøge at udsætte denne død vil ikke virke længere. Forsøg på at gøre det vil kun føre til krig, tilføjede LaRouche.

Så vi må afskrive den spekulative gæld, der ikke har nogen som helst substans og udelukkende kun er spekulation i en fremtid, der allerede er død, erklærede LaRouche. I dets sted må vi skabe et nyt kreditsystem, som vi kan operere under, når det gamle system først er blevet afskrevet. Dette nye system vil give en ny myndighed til at skabe produktiv kredit, sådan, som disse principper blev etableret af Alexander Hamilton, kredit, der vil blive brugt til at skabe produktiv beskæftigelse.

Ingen anden konversation om disse anliggender er umagen værd, sluttede LaRouche. Wall Street, de britiske banker og det europæiske system er alle døde. Så fjern dem! Så enkelt er det.

Under yderligere diskussioner med medarbejdere i eftermiddag, understregede LaRouche:

»Sagens kerne er, at vi må fjerne denne fare. Og denne fare hedder nu Obama. Obama er lakajen og snubletråden, der kunne sætte alt dette i bevægelse. Så at få Obama sparket ud af embedet, sparket ud af sin funktion, og så videre, på forskellig vis, i forskellige betydninger og ved forskellige midler, er meget vigtigt. Obama må smides ud af embedet, hvilket ville betyde, at også Victoria Nuland ville forlade embedet, hvilket ville være en stor lettelse. De faktorer, internt i USA, for umiddelbar atomkrig, f.eks., er faktorer, der må behandles som en snubletråd for atomkrig. Obama er en snubletråd for atomkrig. Obama må fjernes.«


Helga Zepp-LaRouche in Copenhagen: public meeting January 31, 2015

N.B.: The above video ends 18 minutes into the discussion. The complete version of the discussion is found below.

The music can only be heard from the audio file.

Den russiske nyhedsbureau TASS interviewer Zepp-LaRouche i København om at undgå krig og BRIKS-processen

1. Introduction by Tom Gillesberg, chairman of The Schiller Institute in Denmark

2. Music:

Ach! zu kurz, double fugue by Mozart
Ave Verum by Mozart
The Hans Christian Andersen vocal quartet

Vender sig Lykken fra dig, (C. Hauch, Carl Nielsen)
Vittoria, mio core!
Feride Istogu Gillesberg, sopran
Michelle Rasmussen, piano

3. Helga Zepp-LaRouche, international president of The Schiller Institute

How has the election in Greece changed the world
The international financial collapse
The danger of nuclear war
The New Silk Road Becomes The World Land Bridge

4. Discussion


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Copenhagen diplomatic seminar with Helga Zepp LaRouche:
The New Silk Road Becomes the World Land Bridge

We discovered that Mr. Van Niekerk’s speech was cut off before its completion in the first video. The full version is in the second video.

See below for the texts of the speeches by a diplomat from the Embassy of China, and Mr. Van Niekerk from the Embassy of South Africa, and the slides Mrs. LaRouche used in her presentation.

<a title="TASS interviewer Zepp-LaRouche i København
om at undgå krig og BRIKS-processen
på dansk, in English, русский язык” href=”http://schillerinstitut.dk/si/2015/02/tass-interviewer-zepp-larouche-i-koebenhavnom-at-undgaa-krig-og-briks-processen/”>TASS interviews Zepp-LaRouche in Copenhagen on war avoidance and the BRICS process: på dansk, in English, русский язык

Successful BRICS/World Land Bridge diplomatic seminar today in Copenhagen

COPENHAGEN, Jan. 30, 2015 (EIRNS) — Helga Zepp-LaRouche was the main speaker at a diplomatic seminar held at the Russian Culture Center in Copenhagen today entitled, “Economic development, and cooperation among nations, or, economic collapse, war and terror? The New Silk Road Becomes the World Land Bridge.”
After Mrs. LaRouche’s powerful speech, embassy representatives from three of the five BRICS nations gave speeches — Russia, China and South Africa. In addition, the Brazilian representative asked a question during the discussion.
Sound files of Mrs. LaRouche’s speech, and Mr. Machiel Renier van Niekerk, the representative from the South African embassy in Denmark, are available at: http://schillerinstitut.dk/si/?p=4818 Videos will be available later today.
Representatives from 13 embassies from Europe, Asia, Africa and South America participated, along with some Danish businessmen, and Schiller Institute organizers.
Mrs. LaRouche began with the developments in Greece, how they can become a link between Europe and the BRICS, how close we are to a full blowout of the financial system, how close we are to nuclear war, and the connection between the two. She emphasized that the danger posed by the change in the U.S. nuclear war strategy to a first strike doctrine, together with severing the communications between the U.S. and Russia, which were actually intact during the Cuban Missile Crisis, means that we are closer to nuclear war now than ever before. Yet, there is an alternative, if we get Europe and the U.S. to accept Xi Jinping’s offer to join their economic development alliance.
Mrs. LaRouche presented the BRICS economic development momentum, and the perspective outlined in the new EIR report “The New Silk Road Has Become The World Land Bridge,” which her husband Lyndon LaRouche and herself, as well as the Schiller Institute, had been fighting for for decades.
She appealed to the attendees to put this alternative on the world agenda by circulating the ideas in our new report through arranging interviews, commentaries, contacting business layers who world benefit from the Land Bridge, circulating our resolution, and, in general, working together with us in the future.
Please contact EIR and Schiller Institute for obtaining “The New Silk Road Has Become The World Land Bridge” report and other material, and to attend future meetings.
Schiller Institute: +45 35 43 00 33, 51 21 72 06, si@schillerinstitut.dk, www.schillerinstitut.dk.
EIR: +45 35 43 60 40
Other homepages:
English:  www.larouchepac.com
Russian: http://larouchepub.com/russian/index.html
Chinese: http://chinese.larouchepub.com/
Spanish: http://larouchepub.com/spanish/index.html
French:   http://www.solidariteetprogres.org/
Other languages: http://schillerinstitut.dk/si/international-links/

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LaRouche-bevægelsen 28. jan. 2015:
LaRouche kræver Wall Streets nedlukkes, før dets kollaps udløser atomkrig

I en omfattende diskussion med kolleger tirsdag 27. jan. krævede Lyndon LaRouche omgående handling, på et niveau, der svarer til præsidentskabet, for at erklære Wall Street konkurs og omgående erstatte det med et overgangssystem med statslig kredit til igangsætning af presserende nødvendig, kapitalintensiv infrastruktur- og jobskabelse. LaRouche understregede, at uden sådanne omgående handlinger, vil det allerede igangværende kollaps af Wall Street-boblen udløse en atomkrig med Rusland, der vil blive en udslettelseskrig for hele menneskeheden.

LaRouche opfordrede sine kolleger til at handle som alle store, amerikanske præsidenter, der alle lancerede en politik, der aldrig før var blevet iværksat.

»Vi behøver omgående, passende forholdsregler for at lukke Wall Street ned. Alexander Hamilton-princippet er vores model«, erklærede LaRouche og tilføjede, at »Hastigheden, hvormed Wall Street går bankerot, øges. Det er derfor, vi omgående må have hasteforanstaltninger.«

»Alternativet er en atomkrig med Rusland. (fremh. red.) Vi må få kontrol over Obama ved at indføre et nyt, økonomisk system. Enten indfører vi en politik i tradition efter Hamilton, eller også er situationen håbløs«, sluttede LaRouche.

Wall Street er håbløst bankerot og må ikke få lov til sænke, hvad der er tilbage af den amerikanske realøkonomi. De seneste statistikker over salget af varige forbrugsgoder viste, at december 2014 var den fjerde, konsekutive måned med slagsnedgang, hvilket er en indikation på, at realøkonomien befinder sig i en tilstand af kollaps, drevet frem af Wall Streets hasardspil, som for-store-til-at-lade-gå-bankernes massive spekulationsorgie i skiferolie og -gas, der er ved at oppustes til et 20 billiondollar-krak, er et typisk eksempel på.

LaRouche stillede følgende spørgsmål til det amerikanske folk og til de mentalt raske elementer i regeringsinstitutionerne:

»Er I parate til at gå bankerot sammen med Wall Street, eller er I parate til at sætte Wall Street under konkursbehandling og i stedet indføre et alternativt Hamilton-system?«

LaRouche tilføjede, at så sent som under Clintonregeringen eksisterede midlerne til at gennemføre en sådan omstrukturering – minus Wall Street-parasitterne.

Hvis der ikke kommer en sådan omgående handling for at fremtvinge Wall Streets konkurs ved at genindføre Glass-Steagall og indføre et statsligt kreditsystem, vil Wall Street krakke og dernæst kræve en bailout (redning gennem statens penge).

»Det vil blive den lunte, der lancerer en ny verdenskrig«, understregede LaRouche. »Vi må nedlukke Wall Street nu som den eneste måde til at afværge en termonuklear udslettelseskrig.«

LaRouche forklarede, at en midlertidig, statslig kreditmekanisme omgående må etableres for at yde kredit til realøkonomien, mens man etablerer en mere permanent, ny Nationalbank og relaterede institutioner.

LaRouche bemærkede, at, ironisk nok, så vil det nylige gennembrud med søndagens græske valg, der afviste Trojkaens massemord, ligeledes accelerere driften hen mod et termonukleart opgør, fordi det vil tjene som endnu en udløser for Londons og Wall Streets desperation over, at deres system er i færd med at eksplodere.

»Vi må gøre det, der er nødvendigt, når alle andre er lammet af en klump i halsen. Og det begynder med den enkle, men dødbringende sandhed, at Wall Street allerede er død, og det er den eneste årsag til, at verden står helt ude på randen af termonuklear udslettelse.«

RADIO SCHILLER den 27. januar 2015:
Den græske revolution

GREECE AND THE SILK ROAD ECONOMIC BELT: Link to the speech by PANOS KAMMENOS, Chairman of The Independent Greeks, now part of the Greek government coalition, at the Schiller Institute’s conference in Oct. 2014.

LaRouche hylder det fantastiske græske valgs afvisning af Trojkaen
– og hvad USA omgående må gøre for at redde nationaløkonomien i USA
efter det bankerotte Wall Street.

26. jan. 2015 – Resultaterne af søndagens græske valg, hvor Syriza næsten vandt en jordskredssejr og vil danne ny regering med Uafhængige Grækere og andre partier, var en fantastisk og kraftig afvisning af den morderiske nedskæringspolitik, som Trojkaen har tvunget ned over grækerne.

Da Lyndon LaRouche blev informeret om det græske valg, kaldte han det

»en dybtgående sejr, der kan sikre et skift i hele den europæiske og transatlantiske situation.«

LaRouche bemærkede, at det græske folks stærke udtryk for afvisning af Trojkaens nedskæringsregime var en af flere udviklinger, der hastigt kan bringe det mislykkede eurosystem helt til fald. Han nævnte den schweiziske Nationalbanks nylige beslutning om at koble schweizerfrancen fra euroen, der udløste betydelige tab på derivater i store banker på Wall Street og i London.

Larouche bemærkede, at det græske valg vil få

»en stor virkning på Tyskland. Merkel og kompagni befinder sig i en vanskelig situation, hvor de giver det udseende af at have Europa under kontrol, men i virkeligheden har de ingen kontrol, og det græske valg beviser det. De vil blive alvorligt rystede og vil ikke være i stand til at lade som om nedskæringspolitikken virker.«

»Det her er fantastisk«, konkluderede LaRouche og tilføjede, at »menneskehedens fjende har lidt skade, og alle burde være glade«.

Ved midnatstid søndag viste de endelige resultater af det græske valg, at Syriza havde fået 36,12 % af stemmerne, hvilket giver dem 149 ud af 300 pladser. Uafhængige Grækere fik 4,69 % af stemmerne, og 13 pladser. De to partier forventes at danne en koalitionsregering med et flertal på 162 pladser.

Alle de europæiske finansministre skal mødes på mandag for at beslutte, hvad de vil gøre, stillet over for de dramatiske resultater af det græske valg, der yderligere miskrediterer ECB-chefen Mario Draghis meddelelse fra torsdag om en billion euro i kvantitativ lempelse til en bailout af de bankerotte, europæiske banker. Grækenlands handling kunne meget vel blive katalysator for en vild flugt mod udgangsdøren, hvor Grækenland, Portugal, Spanien, Irland og endda Italien forlader eurosystemet for at vende tilbage til en suveræn valuta og en anti-nedskæringspolitik.

Følgerne for Wall Street er ligeledes dramatiske. De håbløst bankerotte Wall Street-banker er omtågede af massive tab på derivater, udløst af den schweiziske Nationalbanks pludselige frakobling til euroen. Disse samme banker ligger, sammen med deres modparter i City of London, inde med junkobligationslån til skiferolie- og skifergas-sektoren for mere end 600 mia. dollar, og denne gæld er ved at nedsmelte. Dette kunne meget vel udløse disintegrationen af hele det transatlantiske finanssystem, hvad øjeblik, det skal være.

LaRouche har i de seneste måneder understreget, at nedsmeltningen af Wall Street og [City of] London er den vigtigste, enkeltstående faktor, der driver verden hen imod et potentielt krigsopgør, med anvendelse af atomvåben. Der er et voksende kor af stemmer fra mentalt sunde personer, der tilslutter sig LaRouches advarsler om den voksende fare for en atomar Dommedag. I løbet af weekenden advarede den førende nedrustningsekspert Theodore Postol om den overhængende fare for en atomar udslettelse, og de forhenværende senatorer Sam Nunn og Richard Lugar sluttede sig til de stemmer, der opfordrer til omgående handling for at deeskalere det globale opgør.

Under diskussioner med kolleger søndag fokuserede Lyndon LaRouche på de hasteforanstaltninger, der må indføres for at sætte Wall Street- og London-bankerne under en lovmæssig konkursbehandling, der skal starte med, at man sløjfer al spillegæld. Han fortsatte dernæst med at forklare de forskellige Hamiltonske forholdsregler, der omgående må indføres for atter at få folk i arbejde, der er mening i.

LaRouche forklarede:

»Det vigtige nu er, at vi må have en erklæring, en generel erklæring, der siger, at vi nu ved, at organisationen Wall Street ikke alene er generelt bankerot, men håbløst bankerot. Når derfor Wall Street-pengene, der rent faktisk nu er værdiløse, nu er væk, må vi i stedet indføre en kilde til kredit, som vil blive en statslig kredit, en lovmæssig skabelse af statslig kredit, der bliver en fond, der kan bruges af delstaterne og regeringen til at finansiere skabelse af ny beskæftigelse. Det er spørgsmålet.

Ny beskæftigelse betyder, at man ansætter folk til at gøre ting, de kan udføre, eller kan uddannes til at udføre. For der er nødt til at være en buffer, ved hjælp af hvilken man ikke bare lader regeringen og denne nation kollapse. Man må intervenere omgående og sige: Okay, vi vil påtage os en gæld. Vi vil påtage os – som USA vil vi påtage os en gæld; det bliver en stor gæld, den bliver ikke overdrevet, men det bliver en stor gæld, fordi vi omgående må få folk i arbejde, og vi må gøre lignede ting omgående. Og det må gøres på basis af et kreditsystem, der er et statsligt kreditsystem.

Vi har noget historie om det her, som Bill Clinton kan respondere på, i det mindste følelsesmæssigt, for det, der skete, da Bill Clinton forlod embedet, var, at hele det her bailout-foretagende, denne vanvittige operation, overtog det hele. Så over en periode, svarende til fire præsident-embedsperioder, har vi ruineret alting. Og det blev ruineret af de folk, der prøvede at ændre USA’s politik til at gå imod det, som Bill Clinton havde arbejdet på.

Gå tilbage til det, som Bill Clinton meddelte om sommeren det år, hvor han blev angrebet [1998], hvor han havde en politik, som han støttede mig i at gøre, i at fremlægge, og denne politik kan virke. Og det var Bills idé om, hvordan man skulle organisere, for det russiske system var bankerot, totalt bankerot; og det have en effekt på Europa og alt andet, og idéen var at skabe et genrejsningsprogram baseret på det transatlantiske område, der ville fungere, for at redde økonomien fra det, som Wall Street skabte på det tidspunkt.

Det er, hvad vi må gøre, og vi må gøre det nu. For vi kan ikke bare sidde der uden at have et program af denne art. Det her er totalt bankerot, fuldstændigt, håbløst bankerot. Det vil blive værre i accelererende grad. Vi må have en buffer, en stødpude, og det gamle regeringssystem må påtage sig ansvaret med at skabe denne stødpude. Og formålet er dernæst at sætte folk i arbejde, i produktiv beskæftigelse. Og det må vi have nu.«

Sammenkald til en europæisk konference om statsgæld

En konference om statsgæld for hele Europa, i lighed med den konference, der førte til Londonaftalen om statsgæld fra 1953, der endeligt afgjorde Tysklands udenlandsgæld, er blevet foreslået af både det græske Syrizaparti og De uafhængige Grækere, og har skabt hovedoverskrifter i de europæiske medier.

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