Forlæng Den Nye Silkevej
til Mellemøsten og Afrika.
Tale af Helga Zepp-LaRouche på
EIR-seminar i Frankfurt, 23. marts 2016

HELGA ZEPP-LAROUCHE: Tak, og velkommen til. Alt imens dette seminar er helliget løsninger til verdens presserende problemer, kræver de dramatiske begivenheder naturligvis at jeg kommenterer dem. Og idet jeg berører disse forskellige eksistentielle trusler mod vor civilisation, ønsker jeg blot at sige, at løsningerne er indenfor rækkevidde, og afhænger helt og holdent af vore handlinger. Så dette er ikke noget akademisk seminar, men et udkald til virkeligt at gå over til at implementere, hvad vi vil præsentere i løbet af eftermiddagen.

Nu er det helt åbenbart vigtigt at korrigere nogle udlægninger af, hvordan visse udviklingsforløb bliver præsenteret for offentligheden. Og lad mig blot kort berøre, hvad der skete i Bruxelles i går, og som klart vedrører enhver – truslen fra terrorisme – hvilken nu præsenteres af de officielle regeringer, som at vi er nødt til at opgive datasikkerhed, at vi må have mere centralisering, at vi må opgiver friheder. Og jeg vil modsætte mig dette med henvisning til, at da angrebet på Charlie Hebdo fandt sted for godt et år siden i Paris, sagde tidligere formand for det amerikanske senats 9/11 kommission Sen. Bob Graham [D-FL], at hvis de famøse klassificerede 28 sider vedrørende Saudi Arabiens rolle i det oprindelige september 11.-angreb var blevet offentliggjort, ville Charlie Hebdo terrorangrebet ikke være sket.

I lyset af hvad jeg lige sagde, er også det faktum, at EU lægger alle sine æg i aftalen med Tyrkiet om at løse flygtningekrisen, totalt latterligt. Selv de neokonservative Eric Edelman og Morton Abramowitz, begge tidligere amerikanske ambassadører i Tyrkiet, sagde, at Erdogan-regeringen ikke fungerer, at det er et autoritært regime, der er ved at kollapse økonomisk, og som fører borgerkrig mod deres egen befolkning, nemlig Kurderne.

Så hvis EU derfor siger, at vi er nødt til at løse flygtningekrisen gennem en aftale med denne regering, mens FN højkommisæren allerede har sagt, at den massedeportation af flygtninge, der nu foregår, fra Grækenland til Tyrkiet er ulovlig. Og at det desuden ikke fungerer, idet der på førstedagen efter at denne aftale trådte i kraft, landede 1662 flygtninge i Grækenland, der søgte nye ruter, nye øer og især [ den syriske ] befolkning af flygtningene er meget bange for at blive sendt tilbage i armene på ISIS.

Nu har FN’s Menneskerettighedskommission samt Læger uden Grænser stoppet deres arbejde med flygtningene i protest, fordi de siger at det er uholdbart, og at det ikke fungerer. FN’s Menneskerettighedskommission sagde også, at de såkaldte ’hotspots’, der ifølge EU antages at løse flygtningekriser, er blevet gjort til detentionslejre. Familier har ikke tilladelse til at forlade deres indkvartering, der de facto er blevet gjort til fængsler.

’United Left’ i Spanien forfølger en kriminel retssag imod premierminister Rajoy på grund af hans forsvar af EU-Tyrkiet aftalen, idet man siger, at dette er en undladelse af at hjælpe, dette er deportation af mennesker, der har ret til, i det mindste, et check af, om de har ret til asyl, og dem kan man ikke bare sådan deportere.

Andre medier, som dem i Ungarn, der er under angreb af EU, siger, ”hvad skete der med de humanistiske rettigheder og værdier i den Europæiske Union?”

Vores præsident Joachim Gauck for indeværende på tur til Kina, hvorunder han bringer overtrædelser af menneskerettigheder i Kina op. Hvis det ikke var så tragisk for folk, der er ofre for EU’s politik, ville det være en farce.

Lad mig om Kina blot sige dette: Som svar på anklager om krænkelser af menneskerettigheder udsendte Kina deres egen rapport om overtrædelse af menneskerettigheder i USA, som går ind i fortsatte krige i Mellemøsten baseret på løgne og dræber med droner, og siger, at det i lyset af alt dette er latterligt, at USA stadig spiller rollen som dommer i menneskerettighedssager.

Så derfor, har man brug for at anlægge et andet synspunkt, end hvad, der præsenteres af medierne.

Den Nye Silkevej, som Schiller Instituttet har ført kampagne for igennem 25 år som vores svar på Sovjetunionens kollaps, er en komplet anderledes model. Den er baseret på, hvad præsiden Xi Jinping kalder ”win-win” politik: at lande samarbejder om fælles projekter på basis af indbyrdes interesse, komplet respekt for andre landes suverænitet. Naturligvis forfølger Kina det i sin egen interesse, men tilvejebringer så hvad der også er i de deltagende landes interesse.

Nu sagde Udenrigsminister Wang Yi fornyligt, at ”den Nye Silkevej er Kinas idé, men at den skaber muligheder for hele verden.” Og det er afgjort den nye model for relationer mellem alle lande. For indeværende går den kinesiske intra-asiatiske handel frem med høje vækstrater. Imidlertid lider relationerne med Europa og USA, ikke på grund af Kina, men på grund af den økonomiske og finansielle tumult indenfor EU og USA. Men det kinesiske lederskabs respons herpå er, at vende krisen til en mulighed ved at fremme den interne kinesiske økonomi til det næste kvalitative spring gennem innovation og skabelse af nye industrier samt opgradering af det teknologiske niveau af arbejdsstyrken, og ved den nyligt afsluttede Nationale Folkekongres, hvor man præsenterede den 13. femårsplan, brugte premierminister Li Keqiang ordet ”innovation” 61 gange i hans tale. Han sagde, at hans sigte er at vende Kina fra at være en kvantitets-forhandler til at være en kvalitets-forhandler, grundlæggende at gøre Kina til en videns-intensiv økonomi. Og hvis man for eksempel ser på et af kinesernes eksport-flagskibe, dets højhastighedstog, har Kina bygget 125 km. normal jernbane, men omkring 20.000 km. hurtigtog. De ønsker at have 50.000 km hurtigtog i år 2025, og vil forbinde hver større by i Kina med hurtigtogs-systemet.

Jeg kan fortælle jer, at jeg rejste med hurtigtog på forskellige måder i Kina: Disse tog kører med omtrent 310 km/timen, de løber meget jævnt, de ryster ikke, man hører ingenting. Det er en excellent teknologi, og det er et af Kinas eksport-flagskibe.

Så konceptet med bygningen af Ét bælte, én vej, hvilket i Asien også kaldes den ”asiatiske konnektivitet” er særdeles meget attraktivt. Det betyder grundlæggende særdeles høj teknologi. Wu Ji, som er direktør for CAS – det Nationale Rum Videnskabs Center, har netop sagt ”rumvidenskab er uadskilleligt fra Kina innovationsdrevne udvikling. Hvis Kina ønsker at være en stærk global nation, må det ikke alene forfølge sine egne umiddelbare interesser, det må også bidrage til menneskeheden. Kun på denne måde kan Kina opnå virkelig respekt i verden.”

Hvor avanceret det kinesiske rumprogram er, kan man for eksempel se af det faktum, Kinas næste månemission til næste år vil gå til bagsiden af månen, hvilket betyder at landingsfartøjer og månebiler vil lande der, hvilket aldrig har været gjort før. Og bagsiden af månen vil give et nyt vindue til rummet, fordi man der, fri for udstråling og støj fra Jorden, på en meget konkret måde kan udvikle en langt bedre forståelse af, hvad der foregår i det nære univers.

Nu, for bare to uger, eller 10 dage, siden, kom jeg tilbage efter en stor konference i New Delhi. Det var Raisina Dialogen, der nu overgår til at blive en årlig konference organiseret af den indiske regering, og der, kan jeg forsikre for, ønskede mange af talerne fra asiatiske lande, fungerende udenrigsministre, tidligere præsidenter, ledere af førende institutioner, alle ønskede de integration med Ét bælte, én vej – politikken, fordi de har indset, hvad den Nye Silkevej betyder for lande som Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, Afghanistan, at det indebærer, at de kan importere den kinesiske model for økonomisk udvikling, og gentage hvad Kina har gjort, med den rivende økonomiske udvikling, de har gennemgået i de seneste 40 år, i særdeleshed i de sidste 25 år.

Schiller Instituttet foreslog allerede for nogle år siden, nemlig i 2012, at den eneste måde hvorpå man stopper terrorisme, og nu i de seneste år, hvorpå man stopper flygtningekrisen, er ved at bringe udvikling til Sydvestasien, til Afrika. Fordi kun hvis man har et omfattende udviklingsprogram for de lande, der er blevet destrueret af krig eller mangel på udvikling, som det er tilfældet i Afrika, kun hvis metoden med den Nye Silkevej tages i anvendelse for Mellemøsten og for Afrika, kan disse problemer løses. Og dette er nu på bordet.

Jeg tror, at med besøget af præsident Xi Jinping i Teheran for fire eller fem uger siden, hvor han præsenterede den Nye Silkevej. Kort efter hans besøg ankom det første Silkevejstog fra Yiwu, i Kina, til Teheran med 32 containere, tror jeg og Xi Jinping sagde, at den Nye Silkevej er et koncept, der kan udvides til at omfatte hele den Sydvestasiatiske region. Irans præsident Rouhani sagde umiddelbart, at Iran ønsker et samarbejde. Ved denne konference i New Dehli, hvor jeg deltog, sagde den tidligere Afghanske præsident Karzai, at Afghanistan må blive et knudepunkt i den Nye Silkevej, og forbinde Asien med Europa, og andre ledende talere var inde på det samme.

Så dette var, hvad jeg til at begynde med, ønskede at sige.


Nationer må samarbejde om at fremme menneskeheden!
LaRouchePAC Internationale Fredags-webcast, 25. marts 2016

Engelsk udskrift. Vi begynder vores udsendelse i aften med at oplæse en kort erklæring fra LaRouche-bevægelsen i Belgien, Agora Erasmus, om bombesprængningerne i Bruxelles. Erklæringen fordømmer gerningsmændene til disse angreb og sørger over ofrene for angrebene. Men erklæringen opfordrer os også til, konfronteret med denne fornyede nødvendighed, at arbejde sammen med vore mulige samarbejdspartnere i Rusland og andre lande for at besejre ISIS én gang for alle; men også til at fjerne roden til denne terrors årsager én gang for alle.


International LaRouche PAC Webcast
Friday, March 25, 2016

MATTHEW OGDEN: Good evening; it's March 25, 2016. My name is
Matthew Ogden, and you're watching our weekly broadcast with the
LaRouche PAC Friday evening webcast. I am here tonight in the
studio with Jason Ross and Megan Beets from the LaRouche PAC
Science Team. We had a chance to have a discussion earlier today
with Mr. LaRouche.
We are going to begin our broadcast tonight by reading a
short statement that was issued by the LaRouche movement in
Belgium, Agora Erasmus, which is a statement on the Brussels
bombings. It's a statement condemning the perpetrators of these
attacks and also mourning the victims of these attacks. But it's
also a statement which is asking us to renew our sense of urgency
in the face of the urgent necessity to work with our possible
collaborators in Russia and other countries, to defeat ISIS once
and for all; but also, to root out the causes of this terrorism
finally once and for all. The statement reads as follows: It is
titled, "Brussels Bombings: Let Us Be Firm and Coherent Against
Terrorism and Its Sponsors".
"Today Brussels is in tears. At this tragic juncture, our
thoughts and heart goes to the victims, their families and
friends. Our affection and support goes to the first aid workers,
the police forces, the security services, the authorities of the
government and to all those simple citizens who kept calm and
showed solidarity in this horrible hardship.
"However, we cannot but call on the Belgian government to
draw the lessons of these attacks, and to act immediately to
uproot immediately both the known networks, as well as the
godfathers of this barbarism:
"First of all, the decades-long, evil role of Saudi Arabia
and Qatar, in spreading the Wahhabite and Salafist ideologies and
the financing of terrorist organizations, towards which the
Belgian, as well as the US, the British, and the French
governments, have all turned a blind eye.
"Second of all, the complicity with Daesh of Turkey, a
member state of NATO whose headquarters are 8 km from the
attacks. While Erdogan and his family buy Daeschs oil and provide
them with weapons and equipments, the EU submits itself to
Turkeys wishes by exchanging refugees, and offering it billions
of Euros.
"Finally, there is the financing of terrorism, which would
be impossible without the banking facilities of the fiscal safe
heavens offered by the City of London and Wall Street; as
documented in a US Senate report in the case of British bank
HSBC. In Belgium, an investigative parliamentary commission on
the financing sources of terrorism, if allowed to do their job,
would quickly arrive at the conclusion that an orderly banking
reorganization, through a banking separation law based on the
Glass-Steagall Act, would be an excellent weapon in the war on
"In addition to those three concrete measures, we need a
shift in our overall political orientation. Instead of seeking
endlessly for confrontation and geopolitical domination, Belgium,
as well as other member states of NATO and the EU, have
everything to win from detente, entente, and cooperation with
Vladimir Putins government in Russia, who happen to be the only
heads of state sticking to principles of really being committed
to defeating Daesh.
"Let us also deepen our cooperation with China, with which
Belgium is celebrating 45 years of very good relations, and is
working for mutual development with its New Silk Road vision.
Only economic development shall create better living conditions
and cultural exchanges between peoples that will allow us, for
real, to eliminate the threat that hit Brussels today."
Now, the context of these attacks obviously is something
which we here at LaRouche PAC have been continually coming back
to after the January 7th attacks in Paris against Charlie Hebdo,
then the November attacks later in Paris, and then the attacks on
March 22ns in Brussels. As former Senator Bob Graham, who is the
co-chair of the 9/11 investigation into the Joint Inquiry Report,
has continually emphasized, only be declassifying the 28 pages of
that report and bringing the spotlight to who actually funded the
logistical and created the support network apparatus to make 9/11
possible — the Saudi government and others connected to the
Saudi Royal Family — will we be able to shut down these
logistical networks and these financing networks. The fact that
the George Bush administration and now the Obama administration
has continued to fail to release those 28 pages, has allowed the
Saudi government to continue to act with impunity financing first
al-Qaeda, now ISIS, and any other organization that pops up based
on the same ideological orientation. So, that is absolutely
However, there is a broader context as well; and this is
what I'm going to ask Jason Ross to discuss a little bit with us
here tonight. As the statement out of the Agora Erasmus
organization in Belgium stated, what is absolutely necessary is a
political paradigm shift; a shift in our political orientation.
We must continue what is now begun, preliminarily, with the
association between Secretary Kerry and Foreign Minister Lavrov;
and the agreements that have been drawn up between the United
States and Russia to defeat ISIS on the ground in Syria. This is
a good direction, but it must go much, much further. And also, a
collaboration with China; and the working together of the United
States, the EU, and China is something that Mrs. Helga
Zepp-LaRouche has been emphasizing very broadly. Both with a trip
that she recently made to India, where she was one of the
featured speakers in a prominent international forum that
occurred there; and then at an event that occurred this past
Wednesday, March 23rd in Frankfurt. An EIR seminar where the
continuing discussion of the extension of the Silk Road — the
development perspective that China has initiated — what is being
discussed in Europe now as a new Marshall Plan for the Middle
East and North Africa — is the context for economic development
and a culture of hope and a culture of commitment to the future.
And optimism as opposed to perpetual war, which is required to
change the conditions on the ground in Syria, Iraq, in Libya, and
in the rest of the Middle East and North Africa. This was the
subject of a very prominent forum that occurred the previous week
in Cairo, Egypt; where Hussein Askary, a representative of EIR,
presented with the representatives of the Egyptian government,
the first Arabic-language version of the EIR Special Report, "The
New Silk Road Becomes the World Land-Bridge". This is something
that we covered in our broadcast here last week.
So, to discuss that very important conference that occurred
in Frankfurt, involving Helga LaRouche and many other prominent
individuals, I would like to ask Jason to come to the podium now.

JASON ROSS: Thanks, Matt. Well, this was really a tremendous
intervention that took place in Germany; and as Matt said,
follows on the other recent successes of Helga Zepp-LaRouche in
India and Hussein Askary in Egypt. This event, which took place
this Wednesday in Frankfurt, had 75 attendees and a very high
level discussion of the paradigm that is necessary to build a
future and eliminate the war and economic collapse, which is
otherwise the direction that the trans-Atlantic is heading in,
potentially to drag the world with it.
Among the speakers were Helga Zepp-LaRouche, who we'll get
into some more detail on that in particular; Hussein Askary gave
a report on what he had done in Egypt, as well as announcing that
at the same time that the seminar was taking place in Frankfurt,
a seminar was also taking place in Yemen. Which had been
organized there to work through the Arabic version of the World
Land-Bridge report; despite being under Saudi bombardment
literally in a very real way, this future orientation was taking
place in that nation. Other speakers included the Ethiopian
Consul General, who spoke about development in his nation and
about the 800,000 refugees and displaced persons currently living
in Ethiopia; and the government's plans for developing a future
through such projects as the Millennium Dam. Two speakers from
Italy — Marcello Vichi and Andrea Mongano — spoke about the
Transaqua Project; a decades-old proposal which would be able to
replenish Lake Chad, which is far below half of its previous
capacity. And in drying up, it is eliminating a source of
livelihood for people in the adjoining nations, and making it
much more difficult or impossible to root out terrorism by
replacing it with a positive economic policy. Ulf Sandmark was
also a speaker. His trips to Syria in the last couple of years
led to the formation of a Phoenix proposal, as he called it, for
the redevelopment of Syria. That gives you a sense of what the
overall tenor of the meeting was.
In her presentation, Helga Zepp-LaRouche asked whether we
are morally fit to survive. Given the crisis that we're facing
and given the response to it, are we morally fit to survive?
Referencing the recent events in Belgium, she pointed out that
terror can affect anybody; she also pointed out that in that same
time period, there was a Saudi Arabian bombing of a marketplace
in Yemen leaving 120 people dead, including 20 children, and 80
people wounded. These are people, too. People in Yemen also do
not deserve to be killed and blown up. To root this out, an
opening up of those 28 pages, the classified section of the 9/11
Report that covered over the role of Saudi Arabia in that crime;
these 28 pages have to be released, and the real source of
terrorism — namely involving nations that the United States and
Britain are working with, such as Saudi Arabia, Qatar, this has
to be cleaned up.
You contrast that with what is happening. Cooperating with
Turkey; where the dictatorial president has recently shut down
one newspaper, and there is talk of another one being closed
down. And an extortion operation to get money from the EU to
prevent the motion of asylum seekers; to deport those seeking
asylum — that is not a solution. What is a solution? She says,
where is our humanity; where is humanity going? What's the
potential for dealing with this? [Mrs. LaRouche] says, look at
China. China is a nation which, over the recent generations, has
pulled 900 million people out of poverty; and in their current
five-year program, calls for eliminating poverty entirely in
China by 2020; and playing a role in eliminating poverty in the
world by 2025. Now that is an objective for a nation to have.
The One Belt – One Road policy that is official Chinese
government policy at this point, represents a real victory for
the New Silk Road — the World Land-Bridge proposal that the
Schiller Institute and the LaRouche movement have been
championing for over 20 years now. This is Chinese policy. China
is moving away from simple labor towards more complex forms of
exports; high-speed rail, a replacement of "Made in China" with
the motto of "Created in China". And of course, their efforts in
space. The tremendous efforts of the Chinese space program, which
go beyond replicating feats performed by other nations — some
many decades ago — to doing the entirely new; going to the far
side of the Moon, as planned in an upcoming mission. Something
that has never been done — a landing on the far side of the
Moon; representing a unique environment for various types of
astronomical researches.
So, how can terrorism be stopped? Clearly, you have to not
hide the sources of it; not hide the funding of it. Tell the
truth about Saudi Arabia. But that's not enough; the long-term
solution, of course, requires development. The only plan for
peace is not a negation of war and conflict; it's an affirmation
of what a peace looks like among nations and among peoples.
So, this theme was also the subject of Hussein Askary's
presentation; and he recounted for himself and the beginning of
his involvement with the LaRouche movement, taking place in 1994.
When, with the Oslo Accords and the potential for peace between
the Israelis and Palestinians, LaRouche had said at the time, if
there is not an economic development program, this peace will not
succeed; which was true. And there was not an economic
development program, and that peace did not succeed as it could
have. Hussein remarked on his recent trip to Cairo; where, as
viewers of the website are familiar, he was a primary participant
in a conference sponsored by the Egyptian Transport Ministry
itself, to launch the Arabic edition of the New Silk Road Special
Report. In doing this, not only was this a top-level endorsement
from the Transport Minister himself — who headed the meeting;
but it represents a potential for cooperation within the region
as a whole.
Among the World Land-Bridge concepts is included an
up-shifting of the quality of development. For example, Hussein
brought up Mr. LaRouche's 2002 trip to the region, when he
attended a conference held in Abu Dhabi, among oil ministers and
others. And LaRouche said at that time that the future for that
region could not be one of a raw materials exporter, an oil
exporter; but rather processing and industry would have to take
place as an idea of a future orientation for the economy there.
So, there are many old cultures within this region; ancient
civilizations with an historical grounding. The potential for
cooperation there is tremendous; and it's not about local
interests being played against each other. Some people in Egypt,
for example, might have thought that building the connectivity of
the New Silk Road would lessen the payback on their investment in
the new Suez Canal. If land routes are possible, won't that
reduce shipping? But, that's not the way to look at it. As a
general sense of connectivity and improvement in conditions of
economy, these things aren't mutually exclusive. So, just as
Egypt raised $8 billion from within the nation to complete the
construction of the new Suez Canal within the astounding period
of one year, the Transport Minister announced at this meeting
that Egypt was prepared to invest $100 billion — a trillion
Egyptian pounds — over the next 14 years into roads, rail,
logistics centers, into connectivity in the Southwest Asian
region, as well as with Africa. He spoke about the plans for
cooperation between Egypt and South Africa and other nations, for
rail and road connectivity crossing the entire continent from the
north to the south. Something which does not currently exist;
there is not strong connectivity among these nations of East
Africa in this way.
Hussein spoke about the fact that 95% of Egypt's territory
is currently empty; and the potential with water resources to
totally transform the nation. So that, among these projects —
many of which China is eager to cooperate with — there lies a
sense for stability. Does terrorism have to be stopped? Do people
willing to kill others have to prevented by military means at
times? Yes. But the only way you're going to have a stable future
and progress and happiness for that, is through a legitimate
program for development.
So, what can we do here? Well, we've heard a lot of good
news recently. Helga Zepp-LaRouche's trip to India was excellent
news. Hussein Askary's trip to Cairo and the various seminars and
meetings that he held there — about which you can read more on
our website. The conference just this week in Frankfurt; these
represent positive developments increasing the potential for this
new paradigm taking over as directing the course of human
Here in the United States, we have a number of
opportunities. Let's take a look at Manhattan, for example. Every
Saturday, there's an opportunity for direct discussion with these
Manhattan dialogues with Lyndon LaRouche himself. Coming up very
soon, on April 7th, there will be a very important conference
held in Manhattan, sponsored by the Schiller Institute, about
which you can read more and find registration information here on
our website. A conference in the US, dedicated to the principle
of how we can join this orientation; what kinds of concepts have
to guide relations among nations, and about the scientific
mission for mankind, and about the culture that's commensurate
and assists in bringing about these kinds of developments.
So, there's no amount of good news from around the world,
although it's good to have good news; but there's no amount of
good news that can replace the obligation of us in the United
States to oust Obama to prevent conflict, war, the direction
we're going right now. Without ousting Obama and repudiating that
policy orientation, the good news around the rest of the world
isn't going to be enough to prevent a commitment towards
conflict, to prevent its coming into being.

MEGAN BEETS: Earlier this week, Secretary of State John
Kerry travelled to Moscow for a series of meetings, including
with President Putin of Russia; and also for extensive dialogue
and discussion with his Russian counterpart, Foreign Minister
Sergey Lavrov. These discussions obviously centered around the
ongoing US-Russian cooperation in resolving the conflict in
Syria. Going into the meetings and press conferences, both Kerry
and Lavrov stressed strongly that the successes in Syria are due
to the close collaboration between the United States and Russia;
and also expressed the hope that this cooperation can continue
and extend beyond Syria to address other urgent challenges and
conflicts in the Middle East, such as the ongoing atrocities in
Yemen and also beyond.
Now, after the conclusion of what were many, many hours of
meetings, Kerry began the joint press conference with Lavrov with
a statement which goes to something which is much more important
than cooperation among nations to resolve existing conflicts and
dangers, as urgent as the solutions of those conflicts may be.
And his statement points to the essence of the real meaning and
purpose of cooperation among nations. So, he said, "Let me just
say that earlier today, I had the privilege of meeting with Scott
Kelly, the American astronaut who spent 340 days in space with
his counterpart, Mikhail Koryenko. I had a chance to talk to both
of them about their time in space together; where they spent that
remarkable period of historic time cooperating and working
together. Two astronauts, one American one Russian, who were
working to study the effects of long-term space flight on the
human body. And as I listened to both of them talking about their
time, it emphasized to me the fact of close collaboration being a
demonstration of what not just two astronauts can do; but what
nations can do when they work together, whether it's on the
International Space Station, or international diplomacy."
Now in that context, we look to China and the leadership
that they have taken in their lunar program, as Jason mentioned a
moment ago. We look at the accomplishments of the recent past,
such as their 2013 landing on the surface of the Moon with a
lander and a rover; which is the first time in nearly 40 years
any nation has done that. And we also look forward to the
achievements that are planned for the next two years; their 2017
sample return from the Moon, and their 2018 landing on the lunar
far side — the first time ever, for any nation. These kinds of
things represent real value for mankind; both economically and
So, what I'd like to do now is invite Jason to the podium to
elaborate on that point.

JASON ROSS: At least in the United States, growth really
stopped in the 1960s and '70s. Now, this is point that Lyndon
LaRouche had made at the time, that he makes in his economics
courses; that he has in his economics textbook. And one that many
people may not agree with, saying there's been a tremendous
amount of development since then. However, a comparison of the
rate of growth from the 1930s until after the assassination of
Kennedy — the close of the 1960s — reveals a rate of growth of
productivity, of power consumption, of water consumption, of
markers of physical economy that have taken a tremendous turn
downwards since that time, over the last 45 years. So, why is
that? Partly it has been a lack of a commitment or even an
antagonism to economic development; a deliberate reduction of
economic output. Something that was sped [up] with the collapse
of the Soviet Union — growth; or limited or bounded by certain
conditions. And if we don't change those bounding conditions,
there is simply a limit to what economic growth will be possible.
Let me give an example. China; we've seen the tremendous
success of China in lifting people out of poverty. This is a real
achievement; especially over the last generation or so. This
achievement, this incredible success, utilized — in the main —
technologies which existed; much of it was not based on new
technologies. That doesn't take away its being a tremendous
accomplishment; and one that shouldn't be taken for granted.
India, for example, is another large nation similar in size to
China, which has not seen the same success in eliminating poverty
and in getting economic development within that nation. So, China
has definite claims to a sense of pride in the success that
they've had in that sense.
But let's think about what it is that really drives economy
forward. And if we look on the large scale, developments such as
a couple of centuries ago, the liberation of power created by the
steam engine; the ability to use combustion and heat to turn that
into motion, completely transformed mankind's relationship to
nature. Totally transformed the economy. It took some time to be
implemented; but the economy that resulted from the
implementation of that new technology was, frankly, in many ways
incomparable to what came before. This wasn't just about
improving production by having machinery so there'd be less
workers required to do the actual physical muscle labor of moving
things, or using animals for a similar purpose. It also
transformed what we were able to do. The transportation afforded
by the steam engine — trains, for example; this is something
totally new.
Think about the materials advancements that were made since
that time with the incredible developments of chemistry in the
late 1800s; the new understanding we had of the world around us.
There were further materials science breakthroughs made in the
middle of this past century; and which continue to some degree
today. But let's consider the real progress in science and in
power that is required to set a new level for what could be
accomplished; that moves forward what those limits to economic
growth are. We're not currently even near the limits of what we
could do, even with current technology. Poverty can be completely
eliminated on this planet with current technology. But to move
the level of what's possible, that requires something
fundamentally new.
Something of that level would be represented, for example,
in breakthroughs on fusion. Fusion, which as we've discussed many
times over the course of decades in the LaRouche movement, is a
complete transformation in our relationship to the natural world.
If we had accomplished the useful implementation of fusion power,
both for the types of electrical power that we use today as well
as for transforming our relationship to materials by allowing the
refining and processing of ores on a totally different scale than
currently exists. The introduction of fusion as a scientific
breakthrough, will represent a really new era in the power of
Space; this is another place to look, in terms of what is
going to move the frontiers of science itself forward. We have to
develop a greater understanding of the Universe as a whole; of
these large, large-scale systems to develop new insights and to
make new scientific discoveries. Not every discovery that we'll
ever make in the future depends upon being in space; but if you
don't have that orientation, you're definitely limited.
And what do we see, for example, with China? With the
super-conducting tokamak that they have, the East Tokamak; as
we've discussed a couple of times on this show today already —
the plan to go to the Moon. The plan to go to the far side of the
Moon; to do something new. This goes beyond playing catch-up;
this is playing leap-frog. This is, as a nation, having a
commitment to a universal role as the society of organized
people, towards achieving things that will have a
world-historical importance. Like the development of the steam
engine; like other breakthroughs that transformed humanity as a
whole. A nation has to have that mission — barring incredibly
dire poverty conditions — a nation has to have that as its
mission; otherwise it simply has no legitimacy to exist. It has
no mission; it has no purpose. And then, people are not connected
to a sense of achievement that lies far outside of their own
What we need to do, among nations, is have that social
commitment to developing a new future for everybody; and of
allowing our citizens, our society, to actively and knowledgeably
play a role in bringing that about. So, this goes far beyond
removing a few bad things, getting bad people out of office. We
need to have an affirmative idea of what we want to achieve and
what we want to be as a society, as a nation, among societies and
nations of the world.
And again, this upcoming April 7th conference will represent
the highest level discussion of these types of issues in the
United States — from economics, science, culture; this will all
be covered. I highly encourage people to find out more about it
on our site; the registration information is there. And the
conference will also be available on our website.

OGDEN: Wonderful; thank you, Jason. So, I would encourage
you to please register and encourage other people to register for
this event. Also, coming up this weekend in New York City, if you
are in the area, on Easter Sunday at 6pm, there will be another
concert of portions of Handel's {Messiah}; which will be offered
by the Schiller Institute at a church in Brooklyn. And many
people may have seen the recording of the December 12th and
December 13th concerts. This, I'm sure, will be even better than
those. So, if you are in the area, or if you can make it to New
York this weekend; I would encourage you to come. And you can get
more information about that concert also, through the Schiller
Institute. So, thank you very much; thanks to both Megan and
Jason for joining me here today. And please stay tuned to

Uden en mission er I døde!

22. marts 2016 (Leder fra LaRouchePAC) – »Bankerotten i USA’s økonomi er generelt set færdigt. Det er absolut færdigt«, erklærede Lyndon LaRouche kategorisk i sin diskussion mandag den 21. marts med LPAC Policy Committee, under den internationale webcast.

Mens de fleste amerikanere ser den anden vej og med frygt i sjælen forsøger at lade som om, at det ikke finder sted, så er det, vi i virkeligheden er vidne til, hele det transatlantiske finanssystems død – det er bankerot og står ikke til at redde. Men, vi er også vidne til en nations død, og dens befolknings død, fordi vores fornemmelse for en national mission – og de enkelte individers fornemmelse af formål og selve det, at have en identitet – systematisk er blevet fjernet af Det britiske Imperium, dets agenter og dets politik internt i USA. Intet har været så afgørende for denne operation som nedlæggelsen af NASA, som er kulmineret under Obamas præsidentskabs-parodi.

I går erklærede LaRouche: »Der er hele kategorier af folk, der under normale omstændigheder var produktive mennesker. De har ikke længere nogen rolle at udfylde. For det første sidder vi på toppen af en vulkan, som er det bankerotte, transatlantiske finanssystem, som kan – og vil – eksplodere i en hyperinflationsskabende nedsmeltning, hvad øjeblik, det skal være. Tro endelig ikke, at den nuværende politik med endeløse bailouts og »helikopterpenge«, som tidligere formand for Federal Reserve, Ben Bernanke, holdt af at kalde det, kan holde stand. Man kan ikke forsøge at ’redde’ for 2 billiard dollar værdiløse, spekulative finanspapirer med endnu en billiard finansielt affald, uden, at det eksploderer op i ens ansigt. De regeringer, der støtter op omkring denne galskab – såsom Obamaregeringen – er lige så skyldige i de forbrydelser, der begås.

Det britiske Imperium er dømt til total undergang, understregede Lyndon LaRouche i dag, og de handler i total desperation: de vil ikke acceptere et nederlag, og de er parate til at dræbe en masse. Der er stærke indikationer på, at dette er i gang i USA, såvel som i Europa.

drug-poisoning-mortality_2002-2014 (1)

Dødsfald som følge af narko-overdosis, alle kommuner, USA, 2002-2014. O.D.’s er steget til tårnhøje tal i næsten alle USA’s kommuner under Bush’ og Obamas præsidentskaber.

Ud over det eksploderende finanssystem, så sidder vi også på toppen af nok en vulkan, som er den erklærede hensigt fra Det britiske Imperium – og fra deres marionet, Barack Obama – om at fremtvinge regimeskift i Rusland og Kina. Som Lyndon LaRouche i årevis har advaret om, så er kriserne i Libyen, Syrien og Irak, og international terrorisme generelt, alle sammen rettet mod et strategisk atomopgør med Rusland og Kina. De seneste »barbariske« terrorhandlinger i Bruxelles, som præsident Vladimir Putin kaldte det, er ingen undtagelse. Idet hun talte om de internationale sponsorer af terrorisme – som vi ved er Det britiske Imperium, der opererer under diverse flag – var talsperson for det russiske Udenrigsministerium, Maria Zakharova, ligefrem: »Man kan ikke støtte terrorister i én del af verden uden at forvente, de også dukker op i en anden.«

Rusland og Kina fortsætter med at spille deres rolle i at gå op imod dette vanvid, og bygge et Nyt Paradigme baseret på en mission for menneskeheden, der udfolder sig omkring win-win-samarbejde om grundlæggende forskning så som rumforskning, og samstemmende store infrastrukturprojekter her på planeten Jord.

Men for at det skal lykkes, må USA bringes med ombord i dette Nye Paradigme. Til en begyndelse må de nazister, der ønsker at forvandle USA til en koncentrationslejr, afsløres som det, de er – lige fra FBI-hooligans, til Obamas drabsmaskine og til Wall Street-bankerne, der har folkemord i deres kølvand. At give dem en stærkt forsinket blodtud er en god måde at få humøret op og genoplive optimisme på.

Dernæst må landet genoprette sin fornemmelse for national mission omkring NASA’s rumprogram, med Kesha Rogers’ kampagne som spydspids for vore bestræbelser i denne retning. Dette vil gengive folk ikke alene produktive jobs, men selve deres fornemmelse for mening og menneskelig identitet. Og det er en kraft, som Det britiske Imperium ikke kan håndtere.

Putin kalder terrorangreb i Bruxelles for en »barbarisk forbrydelse«;
Zakharova angriber vestlig støtte til terrorister

22. marts 2016 – Idet han udtrykte sin dybtfølte kondolence over for det belgiske folk, har den russiske præsident Vladimir Putin »kraftigt fordømt disse barbariske handlinger« samtidig med, at han forsikrede »det belgiske folk om Ruslands absolutte solidaritet med det belgiske folk i disse svære timer«, sagde talsmand for Kreml, Dmitry Peskov, i dag, iflg. en rapport fra Sputnik. »Præsident Putin har allerede sendt kondolencetelegram til Kong Philippe af Belgien i forbindelse med civile dødsfald i en række bombesprængninger i Bruxelles«, sagde Peskov til reportere.

»I takt med, at flere og flere mister livet, og vi mister kostbar tid, begynder folk at forstå, at denne politik med dobbelte standarder mht. bedømmelsen af terroraktiviteter, er en politisk blindgyde«, sagde talsperson for det russiske Udenrigsministerium Maria Zakharova kort tid efter, at der begyndte at indløbe rapporter om angrebene i Bruxelles, rapporterer BRICS Post. »De kan ikke støtte terrorister i én del af verden uden at forvente, at de også vil dukke op i en anden del.«

Med en anklagende finger rettet mod NATO for at forsømme forsvaret af sin egen baghave, og med et udfald mod NATO’s generalsekretær Jens Stoltenberg, tweetede chefen for Ruslands parlamentskomite for udenrigsanliggender, Alexey Pushkov, at NATO-chefen har tilladt »folk at sprænge sig selv i luften lige under hans næse«, mens »NATO var optaget af at bekæmpe den imaginære, russiske trussel«, rapporterer Newsweek.


Se også: Putin: Rusland er forpligtet over for fredsproces i Syrien; fortsat militær årvågenhed over for terrorisme 


Terrorister angriber Bruxelles, ISIS påtager sig ansvaret

22. marts 2016 (Leder fra LaRouchePAC) – Byen Bruxelles, der er hjemsted for NATO og Den europæiske Kommission, kom under terrorangreb i dag. Angrebene fandt sted på Bruxelles Maalbeek metrostation, og kort tid efter rev to eksplosioner igennem Zaventem-lufthavnens afgangshal. I skrivende stund er dødstallet kommet op på 34, med 230 sårede, heraf nogle alvorligt. Sprængningerne blev udløst af selvmordsbomber.

ISIS påtog sig efterfølgende ansvaret via sin propaganda-website med følgende udlæg: »Kæmpere fra Islamisk Stat åbnede ild i Zaventem-lufthavnen, før flere af dem detonerede deres bombebælter, ligesom en martyr-bombemand også detonerede sit bombebælte i Maalbeek metrostation. Angrebene resulterede i flere end 230 døde og sårede.«

De belgiske myndigheder forhøjede beredskabet mod terrortrussel, lukkede al offentlig transport i den belgiske hovedstad ned og rådede lokalbefolkningen til at holde sig indendørs efter eksplosionerne. Det belgiske VTM-medie rapporterede også, at ikke-essentielt personale på Tihange atomkraftværket, der ligger 85 km øst for Bruxelles, blev evakueret. VTM sagde også, at der ikke foreligger beviser for, at atomkraftværket skulle være udsat for trusler. Denne forsigtighedsforanstaltning blev indført, angiveligt, fordi de belgiske myndigheder havde fundet materiale, der tilsyneladende viste, at en belgisk topembedsmand inden for atomkraft var blevet overvåget, i lejligheden tilhørende Mohamed Bakkali, som var blevet arresteret for påstået involvering i terrorangrebene i Paris i november sidste år.

Der blev indført forhøjet alarmberedskab i mange byer i hele Europa, og også i USA.

Foto: La Grand-Place, Bruxelles.


Supplerende materiale:

Putin kalder terrorangreb i Bruxelles for en »barbarisk forbrydelse«; Zakharova angriber vestlig støtte til terrorister

22. marts 2016 – Idet han udtrykte sin dybtfølte kondolence over for det belgiske folk, har den russiske præsident Vladimir Putin »kraftigt fordømt disse barbariske handlinger« samtidig med, at han forsikrede »det belgiske folk om Ruslands absolutte solidaritet med det belgiske folk i disse svære timer«, sagde talsmand for Kreml, Dmitry Peskov, i dag, iflg. en rapport fra Sputnik. »Præsident Putin har allerede sendt kondolencetelegram til Kong Philippe af Belgien i forbindelse med civile dødsfald i en række bombesprængninger i Bruxelles«, sagde Peskov til reportere.

»I takt med, at flere og flere mister livet, og vi mister kostbar tid, begynder folk at forstå, at denne politik med dobbelte standarder mht. bedømmelsen af terroraktiviteter, er en politisk blindgyde«, sagde talsperson for det russiske Udenrigsministerium Maria Zakharova kort tid efter, at der begyndte at indløbe rapporter om angrebene i Bruxelles, rapporterer BRICS Post. »De kan ikke støtte terrorister i én del af verden uden at forvente, at de også vil dukke op i en anden del.«

Med en anklagende finger rettet mod NATO for at forsømme forsvaret af sin egen baghave, og med et udfald mod NATO’s generalsekretær Jens Stoltenberg, tweetede chefen for Ruslands parlamentskomite for udenrigsanliggender, Alexey Pushkov, at NATO-chefen har tilladt »folk at sprænge sig selv i luften lige under hans næse«, mens »NATO var optaget af at bekæmpe den imaginære, russiske trussel«, rapporterer Newsweek.


Se også: Putin: Rusland er forpligtet over for fredsproces i Syrien; fortsat militær årvågenhed over for terrorisme 


»Vi kan skabe et mirakel«
Interview med Helga Zepp-LaRouche

Jeg mener, at det nye paradigme allerede er synligt; jeg mener, at samarbejde om menneskehedens fælles mål om at overvinde sult og ophøre med ideen om krig som et middel til løsning af konflikter i en atomvåbenalder, er et ’must’, hvis man ønsker at eksistere. Der er andre områder, f.eks. samarbejde om udviklingen af fusionskraft, som ville give menneskeheden energisikkerhed, ressourcesikkerhed; det fælles arbejde i rummet; jeg mener, der er så mange fantastiske områder, inden for hvilke vi kan blive virkeligt menneskelige, så jeg tror, vi må vække befolkningerne til at se hen til disse løsninger.

Download (PDF, Unknown)


EIR intervenerer i NATO-konference i København

18. marts 2016 – »Fra Wales til Warszawa: at transformere NATO i et uforudsigeligt sikkerhedsmiljø«, lød titlen på den konference, som det danske Udenrigsministerium og den britiske og polske ambassade i dag var vært for. Titlen refererer til NATO-topmødet 2014 i Wales, Storbritannien, samt det forestående topmøde 8.-9. juli i Warszawa, Polen. Effekten af de forholdsregler, som der vil blive stillet krav om under konferencen, vil være at intensivere NATO’s konfrontationskurs, især imod Rusland.

Mødets præmis var, at NATO må være mere forberedt i sin tredje, nuværende fase. Disse karakteriseredes som: Fase 1: den Kolde Krig efter Anden Verdenskrig; Fase 2: indskrænkningen af NATO-styrker efter Sovjetunionens sammenbrud; og, Fase 3: den uforudsigelige trussel fra øst – fra Rusland – der begyndte for to år siden efter den »russiske aggression« i Ukraine/Krim, og som inkluderer den russiske offensiv i Syrien og truslen fra syd – opkomsten af Daesh/Islamisk Stat, så vel som også andre trusler, som den førende, britiske taler kaldte »dragerne« (med reference til Kong Arthurs riddere), en vending, der blev gentaget mange gange under konferencen.

Der var en masse snak om at opbygge en troværdig »afskrækkelse« og om den politiske vilje til at anvende den, om nødvendigt; permanent fortsættende adaptation til uforudsigelige, farlige udfordringer; 360 graders årvågenhed over for trusler fra alle sider, osv.

EIR fik mulighed for at stille det første af to spørgsmål til panelet af hovedtalere: den danske udenrigsminister Kristian Jensen, Storbritanniens permanente repræsentant i NATO Sir Adam Thomsen, samt generalmajor Romuald Ratajczak fra Polens Nationale Sikkerhedsbureau.

EIR (præsenterer sig): »Jeg må sige, at jeg er uenig i nogle af antagelserne. I taler om den »russiske fortælling« [Kristian Jensens vending om russiske påstande om, at NATO’s handlinger er i færd med at føre til konfrontation og krig]. Spørgsmålet er, hvornår er NATO’s opbygning af beredskab i realiteten en provokation, en forøgelse af ustabiliteten? For eksempel taler man om, at USA’s beslutning om at firedoble forsvarsbudgettet langs den russiske grænse, forøger faren for atomkrig.

På den anden side har vi nu en mulighed, med fredsforhandlingerne i Syrien, hvor USA og Rusland arbejder sammen, og hvor vi har sagt, at der må være et økonomisk element. Hvis USA, Rusland og Kina arbejdede sammen om at opbygge en Marshallplan for Mellemøsten, så ville det være en kongevej til både at reducere spændingerne mellem USA og Rusland, og til på samme tid at opbygge stabilitet i Mellemøsten. Uden denne økonomiske komponent vil dette ikke findes der.«

Udenrigsminister Kristian Jensen: (parafrase) Han støtter USA’s beslutning om at firedoble budgettet for det europæiske område. Ikke for at forøge spændingen, men som en konkret respons til et konkret skift i Ruslands holdning. Rusland tog NATO’s beslutning dette forår om at udvide NATO som en aggression, hvilket det ikke er. Ethvert land har ret til at vælge, om det ønsker at tilslutte sig NATO. Jeg er enig i, at vi må se på, hvordan samfund kan opbygges efter en krig. Danmark er meget involveret i Irak og Syrien, hvor vi har skubbet Daesh (IS) tilbage.

Storbritanniens NATO-repræsentant Sit Adam Thomsen: (parafrase) 1. Vi bør engagere Rusland, hvor vi kan – Iran-aftalen, den potentielle aftale i Syrien. 2. Hvis Rusland ikke længere respekterer de europæiske sikkerhedsregler, er det klogt at være forberedt, hvis dette brud skulle blive brugt imod én. 3. NATO’s planlagte respons i øst er så let, som den kan være, når man konfronteres med Rusland, der sender signaler som at overflyve Bornholm [som Kristian Jensen sagde, angiveligt fandt sted under mødet, hvor hele den danske politiske klasse var til stede]; når man konfronteres med Ruslands overvældende evne til at mønstre styrker, som 80.000 tropper, inden for 72 timer, i sammenligning med 1.500 NATO-tropper i en forstærket troppetilstedeværelse. Rusland føler sig muligvis provokeret, men er det rimeligt?

Generalmajor Romuald Ratajczak, Polen: (parafrase) Vi ønsker i høj grad det Europæiske Forsikringsinitiativ (USA’s foreslåede forøgelse). Han ønskede også den amerikanske hærs forud anbragte lager i Østeuropa. Han ønsker at afsløre propagandaen om, at NATO skulle have aftalt, ikke at deployere langs den østlige front. Dette blev betinget af »indtil situationen ændrer sig«, med et citat fra Rusland/Nato stiftelsesdokumentet, »i det nuværende og fremtidigt overskuelige sikkerhedsmiljø«, og forstærkninger, snarere end en permanent udstationering, er ikke udelukket.

Der er meget mere at sige fra konferencen, men dokumentation vil blive overgivet til EIR’s relevante militære reportere.

Foto: Danmarks udenrigsminister Kristian Jensen her sammen med bl.a. Polens ambassadør i Danmark, Henryka Moscicka-Dendys. 


Putin: Rusland er forpligtet over for fredsproces i Syrien;
fortsat militær årvågenhed over for terrorisme

17. marts 2016 – Den russiske præsident Vladimir Putin holdt i dag en tale i Kreml ved en ceremoni for præsentation af statsmedaljer til dem, der deltog i den militære operation i Syrien. Flere end 700 officerer, mænd og kvinder fra luftstyrkerne, styrker på jorden og flåden, deltog i ceremonien i Skt. Georgs Sal sammen med repræsentanter fra den militær-industrielle sektor.

Præsident Putin bekræftede, at russisk militærstøtte til Bashar al-Assads regering vil fortsætte, og at den russiske flygruppe hurtigt kunne deployeres tilbage til Syrien, om nødvendigt.

»Hvis det bliver nødvendigt, vil Rusland være i stand til at forstærke sin gruppe i regionen i løbet af få timer til en størrelse, der kræves i en specifik situation, og at bruge alle de tilgængelige muligheder«, sagde Putin. »Det er ikke noget, vi ville ønske at gøre. En militær eskalering er ikke vort valg. Derfor regner vi stadig med begge siders sunde fornuft, med tilslutning fra både de syriske myndigheders og oppositionens side til en fredelig proces.«

Den primære opgave for den tilbageværende russiske styrke i Syrien »er at overvåge våbenhvilen og skabe betingelser for en intern, politisk dialog i Syrien«, sagde Putin, inklusive elementer fra luftforsvaret for at forsvare dem. Han bekræftede også, at Rusland har hjulpet med at genoprette det syriske luftforsvars kapacitet, der tydeligvis er et meget skarpt budskab til Tyrkiet og andre magter, der stadig kunne have ambitioner i stil med Sykes-Picot i Syrien. »Vi går frem fra fundamentale, internationale normer: ingen har ret til at krænke et suverænt lands luftrum, i dette tilfælde Syrien«, sagde Putin. »Vi har, sammen med den amerikanske side, skabt en effektiv mekanisme for at forhindre hændelser i luften, men alle vore partnere er blevet advaret om, at vore luftforsvarssystemer vil blive brugt imod ethvert mål, som vi vurderer som en trussel mod russisk militærpersonel«, fortsatte han. »Jeg vil gerne understrege: ethvert mål.«

Russisk støtte til den syriske regering vil fortsætte i form af finansiel hjælp, forsyninger af udstyr og våben, hjælp til uddannelse og opbygning af syriske bevæbnede styrker, støtte til rekognoscering og hjælp til hovedkvarterer til planlægningsoperationer.

Mod slutningen af sin tale mindede Putin atter om Ruslands lektier fra Anden Verdenskrig, der har formet hans syn, som Lyndon LaRouche har påpeget, selv om Putin endnu ikke var født. Han bemærkede, at de nyeste russiske våben bestod prøven, ikke på øvelsesområder, men i ægte kamp. »Livet selv har vist, at de er en pålidelig garanti for vort lands sikkerhed«, sagde han, og dernæst, »Vi bør holde os de trusler for øje, der kommer, når vi ikke gør tingene til tiden; vi bør huske lektien fra historien, inklusive de tragiske begivenheder fra begyndelsen af Anden Verdenskrig og den Store Patriotiske Krig, den pris, vi betalte for fejltagelser i militæropbygning og planlægning, og manglen på nyt militærudstyr. Alt bør udføres til tiden, hvorimod svaghed, sjusk og forsømmelse altid er farligt.«

Foto: Den russiske præsident Vladimir Putin sammen med udenrigsminister Sergej Lavrov (venstre) og forsvarsminister Sergej Shoigu (højre). 

Hvad betyder Ruslands militære
tilbagetrækning fra Syrien for den
fredsproces, der er begyndt i Genève?
Fra LaRouchePAC Fredags-webcast
18. marts 2016

Alt dette er et mål for det faktum, at det transatlantiske område er dødt; og det vil kun begynde at vende denne død omkring, hvis der finder en revolutionær, fundamental forandring sted i politikken. Denne alternative politik gennemføres i det eurasiske og asiatiske Stillehavsområde, anført af Kina, af Rusland, og er reflekteret i den måde, hvorpå præsident Putin har navigeret den strategiske situation.

Så den store trussel kommer fra det faktum, at et døende Britisk Imperium – der er uigenkaldeligt dømt til undergang – kæmper for sit liv og forsøger at bevare noget, der ikke længere kan bevares.

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LaRouchePAC Internationale Fredags-webcast 18. marts 2016

Engelsk udskrift: I denne uge får vi en opdatering fra Kesha Rogers i Texas, som anfører en politik for en genoplivelse af det amerikanske NASA-rumprogram; Jason Ross fortsætter sagaen om Gottfried Leibniz; og Jeffrey Steinberg giver os Lyndon LaRouches analyse af betydningen for fredsprocessen i Syrien af de seneste udviklinger, med den russiske militære tilbagetrækning.


International Webcast March 18, 2016

MATTHEW OGDEN: Good Evening! It's March 18th, 2016. My name
is Matthew Ogden, and I would like to thank you for joining us
for our weekly Friday evening broadcast, here, on I'm joined in the studio tonight by Jeffrey
Steinberg from {Executive Intelligence Review}; and Jason Ross,
from the LaRouche PAC science team; and we're joined via video by
Kesha Rogers, multiple-time candidate for Federal office from the
state of Texas, and leading member of the LaRouche PAC Policy
All of us had a chance to meet with Mr. LaRouche, both in
person and via telephone connection (in the case of Kesha),
earlier this morning. Mr. LaRouche had some very definite and
specific ideas which he wished for us to convey. Mr. LaRouche was
{emphatic} when we met with him earlier today, that the global
agenda right now is being set by Russia and by China, and their
allies. He said that the initiative in creating the future and
shaping present global policy, lies with those two countries,
strategically — in the case of Russia, as is very clear with
what is occurring in Syria right now; and economically and
scientifically — in the case of China.
You can see very clearly that the outdated and archaic
methods of the trans-Atlantic system are proving to be impotent,
both in the case of resolving the current grave crises which are
facing mankind as a planetary species right now, but also
impotent in setting the agenda and fulfilling and laying out the
vision for the future of mankind. The mission which has been
undertaken by China, in terms of their objective to explore the
far side of the Moon — something which is going to be unfolding
over the coming two years — exemplifies the necessary identity
which mankind must have in order to affirm and to fulfill our
true nature as a creative species.
Mr. LaRouche stated that something that we should develop,
in dialogue with him and with each other, is to think about the
open questions, the unanswered questions about how is mankind, a
species, reflective of a much larger, and as yet not fully
understood, creative characteristic of the galactic system as a
whole. This is a relationship which Johannes Kepler drew out in
very unique detail in terms of his discoveries about our {Solar}
System, but we have many, many large and unanswered questions of
what is the role of the human species in our relationship to the
galactic system as a whole, and then the complex of galactic
systems as a much, much larger whole.
Mr. LaRouche said that this mission to explore the "dark
side" of the Moon, so-called, is a pathway in order to begin to
understand even the opening of the questions along these lines.
The dark side of the Moon, his hypothesis was, is where you can
find some of the shadows of this much larger system, have insight
into it, and also to begin to understand mankind's role as
reflective of these broader creative processes which are involved
in these great astronomical systems.
This is the spirit of the United States at our best. Our
republic was founded on these kinds of unique ideas, as we've
discussed here in previous weeks. The role of the great
philosopher and scientist Gottfried Leibniz is a major
contributor, a "founding father", or "founding grand-father" of
our republic. This is something which I know Jason Ross has
presented multiple times and is in the process of having a series
of developing classes on that subject; and I'm sure we'll be part
of his discussion later today.
But also, this is what you can see in a great statesman,
such as Abraham Lincoln — very, very much so. Franklin
Roosevelt; and John F. Kennedy. Tragically, that spirit in the
United States has deteriorated drastically. We see now that the
leadership does indeed lie with China and with Russia; and this
is something which Kesha Rogers, who is joining us here today,
wrote about in an editorial which is appearing in this week's
edition of the {Executive Intelligence Review} magazine. Kesha's
editorial is titled, "To Save the United States Economy, Revive
the Space Program."
Kesha and I had a brief conversation earlier this afternoon.
I know she has some broader ideas to develop on this subject, so,
without further ado, I would like to hand over the podium to
Kesha Rogers.

KESHA ROGERS: Thank you, Matt. I think I'd like to start,
first of all, by continuing to develop what has and must be the
focal point by which we come to understand the necessity for the
revival and the defense of, not just the American and U.S. space
program, which I have continued to be a leader in championing the
development and the necessity of our space program and what it
truly represents for the progress of all mankind. But just on the
editorial that I wrote, I think, to understand it, it's not just
from the standpoint of looking at the economic conditions of the
United States and some practical applications to economics that
the space program will provide; but we also have to look at it
from the standpoint of is, the space program as a true conception
of real economic value. This is what's actually missing from our
thinking and what has been attacked by the current Wall
Street/British imperial system, is that economic value is based,
from {that} standpoint, on monetary value and not on the creative
powers and progress of the human mind.
The real question at hand right now, is to bring about — as
we're seeing and will be developed further in these discussions
today — a new conception of what is the identity and what is the
purpose of mankind. I have continued to use the example and the
works of the great pioneer of space flight, space pioneer Krafft
Ehricke; and looking at his conception of mankind as a
space-faring creature, as the understanding of mankind's
"extra-terrestrial imperative," as that which must be identified
and understood.
If you look at the conditions of the space program and why
it's so important, you take the example, for instance, of what
China is doing now, as completely rejecting this monetarist
policy; that the space program is not how much money you're going
to put into pet projects and specific projects. It is creating
something that's never been created before, to actually create a
new conception and identity of mankind, from the standpoint of
the idea of acting on the future.  That's what this idea and what
is being developed, for instance with China in their
investigation of the far side of the Moon.
People may look at this, "Well what is this going to
benefit us? How is this going to improve the economic conditions,
in terms of monetary value, or any of this?" But that is the
wrong way to look at it; because the problem right now is that
what you have seen is two different opposing conceptions of the
view of mankind. One coming from the trans-Atlantic system,
coming from a collapsing imperial system that has been based on
money and monetary value that is dying; and the other is
represented by what Russia and China are doing. And as Matt
emphasized and what I developed in my recent writing, was that
this was the mindset of the great leaders of our nation,
represented by the ideas of Alexander Hamilton, of Franklin
Roosevelt, Abraham Lincoln, [and] John F. Kennedy. It wasn't just
on the creating of new projects per se, but on a whole new
different conception of the identity of mankind.
And so, you take for instance, the example of what we
accomplished in the United States, of landing a man on the Moon
— the idea that Kennedy put forward, that by the end of decade
we would land a man on the Moon and return him safely to Earth.
What was the vision and intention behind that? Was it just the
idea that we would go and plant our flag on the Moon? This would
be some short-term gratification and so forth? Or, was it a
forward-thinking outlook, in terms of the direction of mankind in
recognizing what Krafft Ericke, the great pioneer of space
flight, recognized, that mankind was not just a creature of the
planet Earth. We were not just a part of, as he called it, a
"closed system," and so it was our responsibility to go out and
to do what no other animal had the capability of doing; of
actually conquering and developing, coming to understand what is
the purpose of mankind and what is the development of mankind in
the universe as a creature of our solar system and of the galaxy
as a whole.
One thing that I thought was very insightful, is that Krafft
Ericke wrote about the understanding of the Renaissance, the
Classical Renaissance, as an achievement of human progress. And
also the Classical Renaissance is something that contributed to
the development of what became our space program and what was the
intention that guided the direction of space travel and the space
I'll just read a quick quote from what he expressed on this
idea. He says, "The development of the idea of space travel was
always the most logical and most noble consequence of the
Renaissance ideal, which again places man in an organic and
active relationship with his surrounding universe and which,
perceived in the synthesis of knowledge and capabilities, its
highest ideals."
So you look at this from the standpoint of Krafft Ericke
understanding that the Renaissance that was guided by the
scientific breakthroughs which I'm sure you'll hear a lot more
from my colleague Jason there, of Brunelleschi, or the
breakthroughs that came about from the works of Kepler. That the
idea of mankind, is to create something fundamentally new,
something that had never been created before, and increasing the
relationship of mankind to the Universe.
Now that's economic value! That is not what is being
discussed when you look at these debates going back and forth
from the standpoint of these Congress Members to the space
community, and what budgets are being cut and should not be cut.
But the reality is, as I stated before, we have to have, in the
defense of the space program, a new conception of the direction
of mankind. That means we're removing all limitations to
progress, all limitations that are put on mankind's ability to
continue to understand how to make new discoveries in the
principles scientifically of what's out there. Why should we
actually investigate the Solar System? What is our mission in
doing so? And it's not about a money-making short-term
gratification. And so, I think this emphasis that Krafft Ehricke
put on the renaissance as an ideal of looking at why we have, as
a human species, an extraterrestrial imperative, is really a
continued expression of what you're seeing coming from China; not
just in their space program, but in the development of the
win-win strategy of cooperation for all mankind, for every nation
to come to join together. And to further the progress of
addressing the necessary challenges to the economic condition of
the planet by actually recognizing that the solutions do not lie
right here on planet Earth.
So, I think that's the conceptions I wanted to get across;
and what I hope to have further discussion on as we continue this
fight to identify what is the real mission of the space program,
and how we come to rid the world immediately of this current dead
system that's keeping us from advancing in the way that we should

OGDEN: Thank you very much, Kesha; and I can recommend that
people read what you've written in the current edition of
{Executive Intelligence Review}. I also know that you're planning
on making a video statement — which will be posted on the
LaRouche PAC website and available for people — developing some
of these ideas a little bit more in detail.
So, if people have been watching this website, you know that
Jason Ross has also been working very closely with Kesha to
develop some of these ideas with their implications from the
standpoint of a scientist, whom I hope you are becoming more
familiar with by now — Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz. As we
discussed last week on this webcast, I think if you begin to
consider this question which Kesha just laid on the table for us,
about how do you create a future for mankind. How do you initiate
the creation of something which is completely new, as we move
into the future? Now, this can never be done through the
replication of the past; there's no precedent for a discovery. A
discovery is something which is always new, and is created {de
novo} and is introduced, which changes the course of human
history. Obviously, there is a lineage that goes back to
Gottfried Leibniz, and many Leibnizians who have lived since him:
Karl Gauss; Bernhard Riemann; Albert Einstein; and I would even
include Mr. Lyndon LaRouche in that lineage.
So, without further ado, I'm going to ask Jason to elaborate
a little bit more; picking up on what Kesha just left off on.

JASON ROSS: Thanks, Matt. Well, I think if you consider how
to conceptualize the value of the kinds of programs that Kesha
was discussing that we're promoting today, you reach a
contradiction if you try to approach them from a monetarist
standpoint. That is, the kind of economics that's generally
taught today, the kind of economics practiced as a religion —
well, I was going to say as a religion on Wall Street; the
primary religion on Wall Street is stealing — but, in general,
the basis of thinking is that economy is about money; we can
measure things in terms of money. How much is somebody willing to
pay for something? That's how valuable it is. That isn't. Money
doesn't measure different qualities; money doesn't measure the
future potential that something is able to create. And if you
base money on how much somebody's willing to pay for something,
you don't distinguish between things that are good and useful
versus bad and vices. People are willing to pay for heroin;
people are willing to pay for other opioids if they're addicted
to it. Does that mean that those drugs, as used by those people,
are valuable, or worth something because they're willing to pay
for them? Quite the contrary. So, we need a different way of
thinking about how we can measure economic value if we're going
to be human economists, instead of Wall Street magicians or
So, the reason we have economy is that we aren't animals;
animals don't have economies. Animals don't change what they do
from generation to generation; they don't improve, they don't
develop. We do. We create a new kind of time for ourselves. In a
very real way, humanity is a totally new and totally distinct
force of nature from anything else. Over geological time,
geologists describe to us how the Earth has changed, or how a
planet has formed; this is over hundreds of millions of years.
Over evolutionary time, perhaps tens of millions of years, we're
able to see transformations in the kinds of life that exists on
the planet. Over biological time, we have short-term periods of
the life of an organism, of its respiration, very much tied to
the daily cycle of the Earth, for example. And with humans, we
have a different kind of time. We create time. The flow of
history isn't always the same speed.
During the Dark Ages, when not much happened, you might say
that human time slowed down. And with the Renaissance, and with
the ability to discover more about nature by having a more
powerful way of thinking about it, and a more powerful conception
of us as human beings interacting with it; you could say that
time sped up. We create a certain time in that we create new eras
of humanity; not in the way that geology or evolution does, but
willfully by developing new principles that if we were animals,
you would say this is a whole new type of life all together. Life
moving from the oceans onto land; that's a totally different
quality of life. Life having developed photosynthesis and using
the Sun as a power source; that's a totally different kind of
life. But we're still human beings after the discovery of the
combustion engine, for example; the use of heat-powered
machinery. We create in ourselves the change that's comparable
only to large-scale evolutionary changes when we look at life in
general. So, we're distinct.
Now, how do we understand this? Both how do we understand
that world around us that we act on and interact with; and how do
we understand our thoughts about it and our ability to progress
and use the practice of science itself? What sort of terrain is
it? What sort of world is it? The physical world and the mental
Well, here's where I'd like to take up some concepts that
Mr. LaRouche has been bringing up recently about Bernhard Riemann
and about Gottfried Leibniz, and a bit about Einstein, too, who
got the verification of his hypothesis of gravity waves announced
very near his birthday this year — which was on Monday. So,
let's think about it. Is the terrain that we're operating on, one
which is steady and indifferent to our actions? Or, is it one
where what we do and what we discover and how we interact with
it, changes that world around us in a way that the world is not
fixed; either in ourselves or in our understanding of it? And,
that is the case; we transform the world in changing our mental
understanding of it. The math that we use in understanding how do
we conceptualize that world; that changes our interaction with
it, and we're a force of nature. We change the operation of the
forces of nature by improving our understanding of the world
around us and of ourselves and our ability to discover such
things. How can we possibly think about that quality of change?
As a couple of other examples, think about the difference
between what you might say is a fixed object — let's say iron
oxide. Iron oxide is basically rust; it's a mineral that's rust.
It's reddish brown, it's not terribly useful; but with the
development of metallurgy, instead of being a deposit of some
compound, it's now a resource. It's an ore from which we can
create iron and steel. The substance itself, did it change
chemically? It did in terms of the potential of what we could do
with it. And remember, we're a force of nature; we changed what
it was. It has to be thought of that way.
Or, what's the value of a technology? How does it change
over time? In the 1400s, windmills were a great invention; they
were somewhat new on the scene. They allowed pumping water, they
allowed grinding grain. That's excellent; that's a breakthrough.
Are windmills valuable today for making electricity? I don't
think so. Consider helium; helium is an interesting element. It
was first discovered in the Sun, not on Earth. It was discovered
in the Sun by the kind of light that came from the Sun when that
light was broken up into a rainbow with a prism, and certain
bands of the absence or presence of color were the clue that
there was a new element out there named helium, after Helios, the
Sun. That element, what's it used for? You might think of it's
being used to fill up balloons for children; you might think of
it being used as a gas for cooling for physical purposes or for
experiments. It's also, as Helium-3, an ideal fuel for fusion.
So, this substance transforms its meaning based on our developing
understanding. How can we think about this?
Well, let's take the example of Bernhard Riemann. In 1854,
Bernhard Riemann delivered a presentation and a paper on the
subject of the hypotheses that underlie geometry. That might
sound like a dry title; it might sound like it has nothing to do
with physical economy or anything that we'd want to be doing
right now. But this paper is very important in the view of Lyndon
LaRouche for his own development and as a way of understanding
economics. So, let's say why. Very briefly, Riemann points out
that our conception of space itself and of the way things operate
in space is taken for granted. The ideas that we use to
understand it, they don't really come from experiments per se, or
from physical theories; they come from our thoughts about space.
For example, the idea that space has no particular
characteristics of its own; that was the view of Isaac Newton.
Newton said space is uniform, it's out there; things occur within
space. Space is there first, it's just space; it has no
characteristics in particular. Newton said the same thing about
time; that time flows on uniformly. That's what time is; it's
really not much of a definition, or an understanding.
Geometric ideas that people had, for example, are the idea
that if you add up the angles in a triangle, you get 180 degrees.
Now, if you're drawing triangles on flat paper, yes that's true;
if you draw them on a curved surface like a sphere, it's not
true. Triangles on a sphere have more than 180 degrees in them.
If you then ask, "What if I draw a triangle in space?"; that's a
tough question. When we connect points in space, is the space
between them flat, is it curved? How could we discover that, and
what would be the basis of it having a curvature if it wasn't
What Riemann does, is he discusses through all the possible
ways that this could come about. He discusses in general,
curvature — both of surfaces and of space; how a space could be
curved. He works out in general how you could do that; but he
can't answer the question. He says, to answer the question,
"What's the nature of the space, and which processes unfold?";
you have to leave the department of mathematics and you have to
go to the physics department. You can't answer questions like
that just be pure reasoning; you got to have a hypothesis —
"What physically makes space?" And in this way, he's coming back
to the view of Gottfried Leibniz, who, just to say very briefly,
Leibniz and Newton totally disagreed on a number of subjects.
People may have heard of the dispute over their invention of the
calculus; did Leibniz steal it from Newton, or vice versa? But
there's a lot more there.
One of the major disputes they had was about space. Newton's
view was that space and time were absolute; and Leibniz's view
that space was a way of understanding co-occurrences. The
relationship of things that are here at the same time — that's
space; and for Leibniz, time was the evolution of things, how
things change. But time didn't have its own existence. Now,
that's precisely what Einstein took up in his theories of
relativity; he did what Riemann said had to be done. He didn't
finish the job; but he did what Riemann said had to be done.
Einstein overthrew, in a very specific way, the outlook of
Newton; Einstein showed that space was not flat, that it was bent
in special relativity, that it was curved in general relativity.
And very importantly, the basis of its shape, the basis of how
things interact over distances — that sense of space — was
based not on what a mathematician might imagine, but on what a
physicist hypothesizes. Einstein hypothesized an equivalence
between different observers that the laws of nature shouldn't
depend on whether you're moving; something that Leibniz also said
very explicitly. Einstein considered that light moved at the same
speed to any observer; something he had been pondering since he
was a pretty young man. And he hypothesized that gravitation
would transform the shape of space; that straight lines wouldn't
be straight to the extent that gravity is affecting them. This is
what was seen with the experiments about the position of stars
around the eclipse of the Sun, performed earlier during
Einstein's life; and it's seen in the recent verification of
gravity waves.
So, most people acknowledge that Einstein, OK, this is
physically important; this is a scientist, he discovered things.
What does it have to do with this other point, though, about
understanding humanity, and our role in economy, and our creation
in economy? Well, what Riemann did was, he made it possible to
say that human discovery is a force of nature; it reshapes
nature, it transforms our understanding about the objects around
us. And the basis of that world outside of us, can't be
considered independently of our increasing knowledge about it.
What we know about the world around us changes it, in that it
changes our ability to interact with it.
So, if we're looking for a real idea of what economics is,
throw away any sense of monetarism that says money made in a
whorehouse is just as valuable as money made in a steel plant;
and instead say, "How do we foster scientific discovery? How do
we foster its social implementation through technologies that
physically improve our power over nature and our ability to
provide improving standards of living and promote the general
welfare of human beings?" If this is our basis of economics,
fostering that kind of outlook, then I think we can say that
Gottfried Leibniz was the first physical economist in that sense.
I'll just reference to the show on Leibniz from earlier this
week, and one of the documents I cited there; Leibniz's paper on
the creation of a society for science and economy in Germany. And
I think if you read that paper, you'll be astonished at how
Leibniz pulls together both promotion of discovery, how that
works, what kind of thoughts are needed, how people should work
together, and how to implement those thoughts to improve people's
lives to the betterment of mankind. And that really has to be the
basis of our economics.
One simple rough measure, proposed by LaRouche to measure
this, is the potential population density. How many people can be
supported in a given area? That's a measure that is fixed for
animals. For a certain kind of environment, the number of deer
that can live there; deer don't change that. Human beings do. And
as a rough measure of economic progress, we could take that
value. What's the potential population that we're able to
support? The ability to use these thoughts is one that is not
being expressed in the trans-Atlantic at present. In our
discussion today, Mr. LaRouche talked about the positive impact
that Riemann had had on Italian science. Riemann had
tuberculosis, and spent a good deal of time later in life — he
didn't live that long — but later in his short life in Italy;
where thoughts from Riemann influenced the development of
hydrodynamics, stretching all the way into the time of airplanes
and the consideration of getting out into space.
Today, this overall outlook is best represented by Russia,
and especially at present, by China. So, this doesn't have to be
a purely Chinese development; this is clearly something that we
can take up as a mission for ourselves to contribute to here in
the United States and in the nations around the globe. And we've
got very special and precious people in the past that we can look
to for insights in how to make the next breakthroughs in
developing our understanding of what it is to be human, the basis
of human culture, and how best to advance human economy.

OGDEN: Thank you very much, Jason. Now, as Jason just
mentioned, and as I said in the beginning, really right now you
do see the initiative — the economic and the scientific
initiative — being taken by China to lead mankind into the
future; especially with the space program. You also see the
initiative being taken by Russia; and this is very clearly
illustrated this week with the actions that have been taken by
Russia in Syria. The strategic initiative lies in Putin's actions
there. As Mr. LaRouche emphasized, Putin is setting the agenda;
he is constantly on the flank. You can see this going back to the
chemical weapons, where Putin took the initiative to say fine, we
will help Assad dismantle these chemical weapons. It can be seen
with the decision to intervene, a few months back, by Putin into
the situation in Syria; and then with the pull-out that happened
earlier this week. What's clear is that every step along the way,
Putin's actions have caught Washington and Obama by surprise;
constantly breaking profile. And this is what's called "taking
the flank" in a military sense. There's clear precedence, as Mr.
LaRouche always uses the example, of Douglas MacArthur's actions
in Inchon. You always, always act on the surprise.
Now, this was illustrated I think just anecdotally very well
in an article that was published March 15th — Tuesday of this
week — in the {New York Times}, with a very apropos headline
which read "Putin's Syria Tactics Keep Him at the Fore, and Leave
Everyone Else Guessing". I just want to read the first paragraph
of that article, actually, because I think it just describes very
vividly what we mean by this:
"President Vladimir Putin's order to withdraw the bulk of
Russian forces from Syria seemingly caught Washington, Damascus,
and everyone in between off guard; just the way the Russian
leader likes it. By all accounts, Mr. Putin delights in creating
So, this is the subject of our institutional question for
this week; which Mr. LaRouche had some very specific words to say
in response to, which I'm going to let Jeff elaborate on for us.
But let me just read the text of this question to start off.
"Mr. LaRouche, as you know, earlier this week, at the start
of the Geneva Peace Talks, Russian President Vladimir Putin
announced that he ordered the withdrawal of some of the Russian
military forces in Syria. The withdrawal of Russian fighter
planes began the next day and has continued. A residual force
will remain at the naval base at Tartus and at the air base in
Latakia. How do you view Putin's decision? How might it impact
the Russian, American, and United Nations efforts to bring the
Syrian war to an end, now underway in Geneva?"

STEINBERG: Of course, we've taking up the bulk of this
week's report with a discussion about man's extraterrestrial
imperative; the need for man to get off of the planet Earth,
because man was never an Earthbound creature. So, we're at a
point right now where Mr. LaRouche was delighted in our
discussion earlier today at the prospect of over the next two
years, China going through the preparations for the launching of
an orbiter that will be hopefully landing on the back side of the
Moon. And will for the first time, give mankind a window into the
Solar System and the Galaxy beyond. And this is something of
enormous importance and enormous excitement, because it puts this
nature of man as an extraterrestrial creature capable through
creative discovery, of not remaining Earthbound, but of exploring
the near Solar System and beyond. And it reminds me that
virtually every astronaut and cosmonaut who has travelled in
space, has remarked at one point or other, that having the
vantage point of looking down on Earth, you become at one point
overwhelmed with the fact that so much of what goes on, on the
planet of Earth, is trivial relative to the challenges that are
very obvious when you look at man from the standpoint of man's
ability to explore the Universe and make these kinds of
discoveries. And it was that approach that actually informed our
discussion about the Syria situation per se. Because as Matt
said, Russian President Putin has demonstrated once again that he
has a certain understanding that at the core of grand strategy is
always the idea of continuously moving; continuously flanking;
continuously confusing your adversaries by constantly being on
this kind of offensive.
So, we do have the developments of the past days, where at
the very moment that the Geneva second round of peace talks were
beginning, President Putin announced a draw-down of the Russian
military forces inside Syria. And in fact, the very next morning
— Tuesday morning of this week — the first Russian bombers and
other air force equipment and personnel began leaving. Now, the
Russians are there still; make no mistake about it. Russia has
established a fundamental change in the situation on the ground,
which is both a military shift and a shift at the diplomatic
table taking place right now in Geneva. Russia has a permanent
naval base fully established and more secured than at any time
previously at the port of Tartus; and it has now a major air
force facility in the Latakia province. And more recently this
week, yesterday President Putin issued a statement where he said,
if the circumstances change, if the peace process does not go
forward, then Russian forces can be reinforced in Syria, not in a
matter of days, but in a matter of hours. And quite clearly, the
infrastructure is in place for that to happen.
But Mr. LaRouche wanted to make a larger and much more
fundamental point about what is going on here. What he emphasized
is that you can't lose sight of the fact that the war is still
going on. We don't know how things are going to play out; what we
do know, is that there has been a change of conditions. In fact,
there was a major change of conditions beginning on September
30th of last year, when the major Russian military presence
began. And when the situation systematically shifted from that
point on, and yet at the same time, certain leading political
figures around the world — the spokesman for the Jordanian
government; Steffan de Mistura, the UN representative for Syria
— they all said, "We're not surprised by President Putin's
announcement this past Monday." In the case of the Jordanians,
the chief of staff of the Jordanian military, the chief of staff
of the Syrian military, were both in Moscow last October; and
they met with Russian Defense Minister Shoigu, they met with
President Putin. And they were told quite clearly that the
Russian mission was not a permanent mission; but was a limited
mission in both size and in time duration. And that when the
circumstances reached the point where it was feasible to reach a
diplomatic solution to the Syria crisis, that the Russian forces
would begin to be withdrawn.
As Matt pointed out with the {New York Times} coverage,
people in the West were scratching their heads, because they
refused to take note of the fact that Putin is a strategic
thinker. And very often, what he says — in most cases, in fact
— is exactly what he intends to do; but he's not going to do it
in a predictable fashion. He's going to do it in a way that will
catch you by surprise. And the biggest surprise is that most
political thinkers in the West, most officials in government in
the West, are ignorant and prejudiced. So, their own prejudices
prevent them from understanding how Putin thinks about these
things. Their own prejudices prevent them from understanding
because they're incapable of thinking in this kind of a strategic
fashion. Now the problem is, that we're still in a state of
warfare; and that state of warfare will continue until certain
things occur that go way beyond the borders of Syria.
Until the British Empire ceases to exist, there will be a
condition of warfare on this planet. We see it, not necessarily
in the form of warfare that most people think about — soldiers
shooting, artillery pieces firing, bombers dropping bombs. Look
what's happening right now in Brazil. The British Empire is
waging a war against the new emerging Asia-Pacific-centered
global system. They're trying to destabilize Brazil, which is a
founding member of the BRICS. There's a similar effort underway
to destabilize the Zuman government in South Africa; because
South Africa is the latest country to join in the BRICS
So, there are all kinds of problems going on; you can't look
for a simply linear expectation or projection of what's going to
happen by the situation now ongoing on the ground in Syria or in
Geneva. Another example: President Obama is taking a series of
measures that will lead unavoidably — unless they're reversed —
to a major confrontation between the United States and China. We
had a report earlier this week from David Ignatius in the
{Washington Post}, who is very often a kind of reliable leak
sheet for what's going on inside the administration. And the
Obama administration is preparing for confrontation with China
over the South China Sea; they're waiting for a ruling from the
World Court in the Hague on a complaint filed by the Philippines.
So the United States is preparing contingencies for poking China
in the eye, for carrying out new provocations against China. The
sanctions that President Obama announced this week, ostensibly
against North Korea, are in fact sanctions against China; they go
way beyond what was agreed upon by China and the United States at
the United Nations.
So, if you take all of these factors into account, and if
you think of them as a process, not simply as a series of
discrete events, then you get a very clear idea of what Mr.
LaRouche means when he says that the planet, in general terms, is
in a state of war. Now, ultimately what this state of warfare
comes down to, is the fact that you have a new emerging
Asia-Pacific-centered future. It's defined by the economic
initiatives of China, by the One Belt-One Road policy, and most
emphatically by China's systematic plan for collaborating with
other nations on the kind of space exploration that once was a
hallmark of American policy; but has not been abandoned.
President Obama has spent the last seven years systematically
taking down and dismantling America's space capability; and Kesha
is leading the fight to reverse that process.
Over the last 15 years, if you look at the Bush/Cheney
administration followed by the Obama administration, the United
States has been under British occupation. Both Bush/Cheney and
Obama were each, in their own way, governments that were at the
beck and call of the British Empire, of the policies of the
British financial oligarchy operating through Wall Street. And as
the result, the United States, really the entire trans-Atlantic
region, is dead. Germany was once a great prospering economy; the
result of the "economic miracle" that Franklin Roosevelt
envisioned for the post-World War II period; no replay of
Versailles, but a completely different approach. Germany has now
been destroyed by the policies largely coming from the British
Empire. All of continental Europe is hopelessly and irreversibly
bankrupt; and Mario Draghi's announcement of an expansion of
quantitative easing and a zero interest rate policy is a
reflection that certain people are desperate over the fact that
Europe is doomed, that the United States under present
circumstances. We've talked in recent months on this broadcast
about the death rate increase in the United States; the true rate
of unemployment; the epidemic of heroin addiction and heroin
overdose deaths; the declining life expectancy in the United
States. These are all measures of the fact that the
trans-Atlantic region is dead; and will only begin to reverse
that death if there is a revolutionary, fundamental change in
policy. That alternative policy is being carried out in the
Eurasian and Asia-Pacific region; led by China, led by Russia,
reflected in the way that Russian President Putin has navigated
the strategic situation.
So, the great threat is coming from the fact that a dying
British Empire — which is irreversibly doomed — is lashing out
and is trying to preserve something that can no longer be
preserved. There was a time when the British Empire could impose
petty tyrannies on countries around the world and achieve a
certain limited degree of stability. That's over with. All of the
efforts within the framework of the mindset of the British
Empire, the mindset of the Obama administration, the mindset of
virtually all European leaders — the French probably the worst
of the bunch on the continent — is doomed; it doesn't work. Yet,
there is an opportunity; and opportunity for all of mankind in
what's going on in the Asia-Pacific region, led by China, by
Russia. India is clearly stepping in to play a significant role
in this new emerging combination, cooperation among nations for
purposes that go beyond national interests, but address the
interests of all of mankind. Egypt is fully established as
orienting towards that new Asia-Pacific combination.
So, this is the larger picture; this is the framework for
judging the initiative taken by President Putin this week. And it
must be judged from the standpoint of the global consequences;
and not just simply the consequences for the immediate
negotiations around Syria. Although his actions this week have
certainly greatly improved the possibility of bringing that
five-year tragedy to an end.

OGDEN: Thank you very much, Jeff. I would just add, the
initiative being taken by these countries also very much has to
do with the decades-long work Mr. Lyndon LaRouche and Mrs. Helga
LaRouche have undertaken. The One Belt-One Road policy that China
has adopted, is the Eurasian Land-Bridge policy which the
LaRouche movement uniquely championed in the beginning of the
1990s. Now, you have an evolution of that to the World
Land-Bridge; and this is what is documented so thoroughly in the
350-page Special Report that was issued by {Executive
Intelligence Review} called "The New Silk Road Becomes the World
Land-Bridge". One very exciting announcement, because you
mentioned Egypt, just this week there was a very high-level event
which was sponsored by the Transportation Ministry in Cairo;
featuring a LaRouche collaborator, Hussein Askary, to announce
the formal publication of the Arabic language of this full,
350-page World Land-Bridge Special Report from {Executive
Intelligence Review}.
So, you can see that at the very highest levels of
government around the world, this is what is shaping the
discussion; the initiatives that the LaRouche movement have taken
for decades. And one final note along those same lines, as we
announced last Friday, Mrs. Helga LaRouche just got back from a
very important trip to India; at which she was one of the
featured speakers in a very prominent, very high-level dialogue
— the Raisina Dialogue. And if people have not seen it yet, a
wonderful half-hour interview that Jason Ross conducted with Mrs.
LaRouche was posted on the LaRouche PAC website earlier this
week. So, if you haven't watched that yet, I would really
encourage you to watch it; and to just think about everything
that has been said here today. Think about these initiatives that
are being taken by some of the world's leading countries to
create the future; and think about the role that the LaRouche
movement has played over years and decades in shaping the
possibility of these initiative being taken today.
So, thank you all very much for joining us here today. I'd
like to thank Kesha Rogers for joining us over video; and I would
like to thank Jeff and Jason here in the studio. Please stay
tuned to Good night.

Putin sætter den strategiske dagsorden//
Kina forbereder finansstyring og Tobinskat

Med formand Tom Gillesberg:


Truende konfrontation med Kina fremføres i Washington Post

16. marts 2016 – I dag udgav Washington Post en artikel af David Ignatius, der var bygget op omkring et interview med Kurt Campbell, og som advarede om muligheden for et »Augusts kanoner«-øjeblik i uoverensstemmelsen mellem USA og Kina over det Sydkinesiske Hav. Ignatius rapporterede, at »det Hvide Hus har en intens planlægningsproces i gang mellem diverse afdelinger, som forberedelse til den truende konfrontation«. Det, som Ignatius refererer til, er den sag, der verserer ved den Internationale Domstol i Haag om Kinas krav om suverænitet over øerne i det Sydkinesiske Hav, der refereres til som Kinas »ni streger linje« (demarkationslinje). Ifølge tidligere viceudenrigsminister for det asiatiske Stillehavsområde, Campbell, vil domstolen sandsynligvis afgøre til fordel for Filippinernes protest over Kinas krav på rækken af øer, og dette kunne udløse en kinesisk reaktion og muligvis en ADIZ-erklæring (luftforsvars-identifikationszone) over det Sydkinesiske Hav. Ignatius bemærkede, at USA kunne respondere ved at foretage overflyvninger med B-52-fly ind over ADIZ, eller ved at arbejde sammen med Filippinerne, Vietnam og andre nationer omkring det Sydkinesiske Hav om at opbygge deres egne ø-forstærkninger eller indgå i fælles overflyvninger. »Det her er ikke Pearl Harbor, men hvis ikke folk på alle sider er forsigtige, så kunne det blive til ’Augusts kanoner’«. Regeringen, advarede Campbell, er ved at nærme sig »endnu et rød-streg-øjeblik, hvor den skal finde ud af, hvordan den vil forholde sig til tidligere advarsler«. Med andre ord, så sidder Obama med skægget i den postkasse, han selv har skabt, og er vadet direkte ind i midten af noget, som kineserne vedholdende har hævdet er en uoverensstemmelse mellem suveræne stater, der bør forhandles på bilateralt grundlag uden indblanding udefra, fra hverken USA eller den Internationale Domstol.


Putins »overraskelse« er hans normale kreative praksis, som amerikanere må lære at beherske

15. marts 2016 (Leder fra LaRouchePAC) – Den vestlige verden var forbløffet i mandags, da præsident Vladimir Putin annoncerede begyndelsen på en tilbagetrækning af Ruslands militære styrker i Syrien – lige så pludseligt og uventet, som han indledte interventionen sidste september. Men Vestens overraskelse skyldes ikke Putin, men den kendsgerning, at stort set ingen i Vesten forstår, hvordan Putin tænker. Han er måske den største strategiske tænker siden general Douglas MacArthur, en fremtids-tænkning af en kvalitet, som i svær grad mangler i USA og Europa i dag.

I en tale, der blev vist over Tv, sagde Putin, der optrådte sammen med sin udenrigsminister Sergei Lavrov og sin forsvarsminister Sergei Shoigu, at missionen stort set var gennemført, og at terroristernes offensiv imod den syriske stat var blevet knust og ved at blive drevet tilbage – en betydningsfuld sejr over terror på internationalt plan. Han bemærkede, at, mens terroristernes styrker, som hans vestlige venner støttede, vandt frem, var disse vestlige venner ikke interesseret i fredsforhandlinger, men havde nu ombestemt sig til at gå med i fredsindsatsen. Han gjorde det klart, at den russiske støtte til den syriske hær imod ISIS og al-Nusra ville fortsætte – en indsats, som de kompetente ledere inden for USA’s militær og udenrigstjeneste støtter.

Flere politiske og militære kilder har informeret EIR om, at der finder intense diskussioner sted bag scenen, langs den linje, som samarbejdet mellem Kerry og Lavrov har lagt, og som vil blive afsløret i de nærmeste dage.

Lyndon LaRouche påpegede i dag, at denne succesfulde flankeoperation, som Putin udførte i Syrien, og som afslørede Obamas støtte til terrorister gennem hans venner i Tyrkiet og Saudi-Arabien, har lagt sig som en forhindring for det britiske imperieapparat internationalt og hjulpet Putins venner andre steder til at forsvare deres strategiske interesser – især Xi Jinping i Kina. Kineserne er nu i færd med at forberede et program, der skal lægge skat på spekulative, finansielle transaktioner – ikke for at tjene penge, men for at forhindre spekulanternes aktiviteter. Hedgefonde vil blive afkrævet bevis for, at genforsikrings- og valutatransaktioner er baseret på reel handel eller reelle investeringer og ikke er til spekulative formål – og har sendt spekulanterne ud i hysteriske anfald.

Hvorfor tolererer amerikanere ødelæggelsen af deres økonomi, politikken med evindelige krige og en valgkampagne, der er langt værre, og farligere, end en klovneforestilling? Svaret skal søges i troen på penge – det faktum, at alting måles ud fra monetære værdier og matematiske formler snarere end ud fra realøkonomiens og det menneskelige samfunds fremskridt. USA’s, Europas og Japans økonomier flyder med likviditet, med penge, men det er alt sammen fiktivt. Realøkonomien er i frit fald – med infrastrukturen, der forfalder, industrien, der kollapser og massearbejdsløshed – hvilket driver et stadigt større antal arbejdende mennesker til selvmord gennem narko, eller på anden vis.

Kina og Rusland og Indien har opbygget et nyt paradigme, gennem BRIKS, AIIB og Den nye Silkevej, baseret på principper, som amerikanere engang antog som deres. Amerikanere og europæere må atter engang antage konceptet om et fælles mål for menneskeheden, baseret på den succesfulde fremgang for menneskeheden som helhed, eller også se på, at Vestens nuværende imperieherskere leder verden til Helvede.


Foto: Den russiske præsident Vladimir Putin holder en tale ved den officielle ceremoni for afsløringen af statuen af den russiske digter Alexander Pushkin i Seoul, Korea. 13. november, 2013.

Putin overrasker igen Obama;
annoncerer tilbagetrækning fra Syrien

14. marts 2016 – I et møde i dag, der blev udsendt på Tv, med forsvarsminister Sergei Shoigu og udenrigsminister Sergei Lavrov, meddelte den russiske præsident Vladimir Putin, at han havde udstedt ordrer på at påbegynde en tilbagetrækning af Ruslands »hovedstyrke« fra Syrien, med start den 15. marts.

»Jeg mener, at de opgaver, der blev pålagt Forsvarsministeriet, generelt er blevet opfyldt. Det er grunden til, at jeg giver ordre til, at en tilbagetrækning af det meste af vores militære gruppe fra Syrien, skal påbegyndes med start fra i morgen«, sagde Putin iflg. TASS’ dækning af mødet. Med en lykønskning til de russiske officerer og soldater for deres arbejde tilføjede han, »Med det russiske militærs deltagelse er det lykkedes syriske tropper og patriotiske styrker i Syrien at vende tidevandet i kampen imod international terrorisme og tage initiativet i praktisk talt alle retninger.« Putin sagde, at de russiske luft- og flådebaser, der er etableret i Syrien, ville fortsætte med at operere »på en rutinemæssig måde«.

Putin havde adviseret den syriske præsident Bashar al-Assad forud for sin meddelelse om ordren.

Det var sandsynligvis ikke noget tilfælde, som kilder bemærkede til EIR, at meddelelsen kom, samtidig med, at FN-forhandlingerne i Genève om en våbenhvile og en politisk afgørelse i Syrien begyndte. Putin sagde, »Jeg håber, at beslutningen i dag vil være et godt signal til alle parterne i konflikten. Jeg håber, at beslutningen i betragtelig grad vil forøge tilliden hos alle deltagerne i processen. Jeg beder det russiske Udenrigsministerium om at intensivere Ruslands medvirken i organiseringen af fredsprocessen til løsning af problemet i Syrien.«

Ligesom med alle strategiske initiativer, som Putin har taget, syntes også beslutningen og ordren fuldstændig at have taget Obamas Hvide Hus på sengen. En repræsentant for det amerikanske Udenrigsministerium, den pensionerede general John Kirby, der holdt en pressebriefing her til eftermiddag, sagde, at et spørgsmål fra en reporter var det første, han havde hørt om denne udvikling.

Amerikansk hangar-krigsskib ankommer til Sydkorea

13. marts 2016 – Det atomkraftdrevne hangarskib USS John C. Stennis ankom til Busan i dag, som en del af Obamas massive magtopvisning over for Nordkorea og Kina. Stennis har kapacitet til 90 kampfly, med et mandskab på 6.500. Angrebsgruppen J.C. Stennis omfatter fire ledsagekrigsskibe – tre destroyere med guidede missiler og en krydser med guidede missiler.

Korea Times bemærker, at JCS-angrebsgruppen er hovedomdrejningspunktet i den »Store Grønne Flåde«, et initiativ, der har stået på i et års tid, og som har sat fokus på den amerikanske flådes indsats for at transformere sit energiforbrug til at forøge sine operationelle evner. Man ville kunne spare en hel masse energi ved at afslutte Obamas krigsprovokationer.

RT’s dækning af Obamas interview i Atlantic i denne måned fokuserede på Obamas krigsplaner mod Kina. Under en titel, der siger, at Obama »siger, at en konflikt med Kina er en mulighed«, citerer de chef-dræberen: »Hvis det [Kina] kun anskuer verden som regionale indflydelsessfærer, så ikke alene ser vi potentialet for en konflikt med Kina, men vi finder også, at vi har flere vanskeligheder med at håndtere disse andre udfordringer, der vil komme.«

Foto: USS John C. Stennis

Tysk valg er en uforbeholden katastrofe for den vestlige verden

»Dette er en uforbeholden katastrofe«, sagde Helga Zepp-LaRouche, formand for partiet Borgerrettighedsbevægelsen Solidaritet (BüSo) i Tyskland. »AfD er et beskidt, afskyeligt fænomen. Det var sådan, det skete i 1930’erne«, sagde hun og bemærkede ligeledes, at sådanne ekstreme højrefløjspartier eller endda fascistiske partier eksisterer over hele Europa. Denne fare, sagde hun, er resultatet af den fejlslagne politik i Europa mht. både flygtningekrisen og den økonomiske krise, og markerer slutningen på EU, der ikke længere har nogen som helst enhed.

13. marts 2016 (Leder fra LaRouchePAC) – Valgene i tre tyske forbundsstater søndag resulterede i en enorm kindhest til kansler Angela Merkel, iflg. meningsmålinger fra valgstederne, med det ekstreme højrefløjsparti Alternativ for Tyskland (AfD), der bygger på at fremme anti-flygtningehysteri, der kaprede 11 % og 12,5 % i hhv. Baden-Württemberg og Rheinland-Pfalz i vest, og ikke mindre end 23 % i staten Sachsen-Anhalt i øst. »Dette er en uforbeholden katastrofe«, sagde Helga Zepp-LaRouche, formand for partiet Borgerrettighedsbevægelsen Solidaritet (BüSo) i Tyskland. »AfD er et beskidt, afskyeligt fænomen. Det var sådan, det skete i 1930’erne«, sagde hun og bemærkede ligeledes, at sådanne ekstreme højrefløjspartier eller endda fascistiske partier eksisterer over hele Europa. Denne fare, sagde hun, er resultatet af den fejlslagne politik i Europa mht. både flygtningekrisen og den økonomiske krise, og markerer slutningen på EU, der ikke længere har nogen som helst enhed.

Ledende økonomiske og politiske personer i hele Europa, men i særdeleshed i Tyskland, har åbenlyst advaret om, at den sindssyge politik, der i sidste uge blev annonceret af Den europæiske Centralbanks, ECB’s, præsident Mario Draghi, både er et tegn på total desperation og en garanti for et totalt kollaps i allernærmeste fremtid. Draghis 33 % ’s forøgelse af den allerede massive pengetrykning under ’kvantitativ lempelse’, op til 80 mia. euro om måneden, parret med lavere negative rentesatser, er, som Zepp-LaRouche sagde i sidste uge, simpelt hen mere af den samme medicin, der forårsagede sygdommen. Hele det transatlantiske finanssystem er håbløst bankerot, og intet som helst, undtagen en politik for genindførelse af Glass/Steagall-bankopdeling for at lukke »for-store-til-at-lade-gå-ned«-bankerne ned og afskrive den spekulative gæld, kan forhindre et ukontrolleret kollaps.

I USA er fascismens realitet endelig ved at blive tvunget ind i offentlighedens bevidsthed af den farlige hofnar Donald Trump. Men, som Tim Stanley fra det britiske Telegraph skrev i dag, alt imens det er sandt, at Trump gør fremstød for ulovlig og hadefuld demagogi: »Han tog ikke Amerika i krig i Irak på baggrund af usaglige beviser, etablerede Guantanamo i modstrid med menneskerettighedslove eller autoriserede tortur af fjendtlige kæmpere, stod i spidsen for den gigantiske NSA-operation med indsamling af data, lancerede en beskidt krig med droneangreb mod både terrorister og dem, der havde det uheld at leve i deres nærhed, underminerede den religiøse frihed hos ansatte, der ikke ønsker at støtte deres arbejderes sexliv, underkendte staternes ønsker mht. giftermål, tvang borgere til at købe sundhedsprodukter eller deporterede tusinder af illegale immigranter ved aggressivt at genne dem sammen.« Alt imens dette tydeligvis er en anklage mod Obama, så er det Trumps sandsynlige demokratiske modstander Hillary Clinton, der fører valgkampagne på baggrund af dette generalieblad med mord og kaos.

Hvor efterlader dette så USA? En ægte revolution af tankegangen kræves af dets borgere, omgående, hvis verden skal undfly det fremstormende helvede med global krig og økonomisk kaos. Lykkeligvis har Kina og Rusland søsat en redningsflåde og en mission for menneskeheden gennem BRIKS, Den Nye Silkevej, et internationalt rumprogram, en tilbagevenden til klassisk kultur, og »win-win«-relationer nationerne imellem.

Schiller Instituttets konference i Manhattan den 7. april må bringe verden sammen på baggrund af disse principper. Det er den opgave, som denne organisation kan og må gennemføre.

Lyndon LaRouche:
»Vi må have en udvikling mod frihed;
og udgangspunktet kan kun være indsigt i,
hvad der er det sande og gode«

Lyndon LaRouche, 12. marts 2016:

»Jeg ville sige, at, i USA netop nu, i den grad, hvor nogle af os bidrager med nye indsigter i, hvad USA kan blive til, at vi må have en udvikling mod frihed. For problemet er, at de folk, der ikke kan lide os, der ikke kan lide frihed, er problemet. Men spørgsmålet bliver derfor, hvad er frihed? Nogle mennesker siger, »min idé om frihed er det her«, og deres idé om frihed er så ikke det.

Så pointen er, at der må være en sammenhæng, en aftale, baseret på fornuftig indsigt i den praktiske udførelse. Dette er, hvad der altid har fungeret i nationer. Dette er, hvad der har destrueret nationer! Napoleon destruerede nationer! Briterne har altid destrueret nationer! De specialiserer i det; og dette har været kun alt for sandt i historien.

Så man har altså det, at dannelsen af regering er baseret på ødelæggelsen af særskilte regeringer, på konflikt, mord. Jeg tænker på det, Tyrkiet nu gør, diktaturet i Tyrkiet. Men dette er ikke en karakteristik af tyrkerne; dette er en karakteristik … for jeg ved noget om tyrkerne og deres historie. Jeg har været tæt associeret med nogle af heltene i Tyrkiet. Og lignende ting er sande for andre ting. Der er ingen grund til, at vi bør sige, at der er et naturligt had, en naturlig konflikt blandt folkeslagene i verden! Det er ikke naturligt. Det faktum, at der er konflikt, er ofte et u-naturligt produkt.

For, når folk ser, hvad det gode er, når mennesket ser, hvad det gode er, i praksis, så vil man finde, at de ikke ønsker at gøre den slags ting, som tyrannerne gerne vil frembringe. Spørgsmålet er, vi opstiller argumenterne for, hvad bør det gode være? Hvad er det, vi bør gøre, som er det gode? Hvad er bedre? Det er, hvad det handler om.

Og alle de andre ting er nonsens. Mennesket er forplig… Hvor står vi f.eks. nu? Bare for lige at afbryde mig selv. Hvor er vi nu? Vi er på randen af en generel atomkrig over hele planeten, og udover selve planeten. Og denne ting kan ske, lige nu, i den form for krig, som netop nu bliver planlagt, som kan ødelægge hele planeten, og planetens mennesker, netop nu! Og spørgsmålet bliver derfor, hvordan kan vi forhindre dette i at ske? Og hvordan gør vi det, uden at gå ud i en eller anden form for underkastelse under dette, eller underkastelse under hint? Nej! Det må komme fra en indsigt i, hvad sandhed er, hvad menneskeheden er, hvad menneskeheden må være. Og mange mennesker, ligesom – jeg tror, man kunne sige, at Putin er et ret godt eksempel på en model – forsøger at gøre præcis dette. Og der er mennesker i andre dele af verden, der har til hensigt at gøre dette.

Og det er, hvad vi må gøre. Vi ser dette med Kina, med Rusland og med andre dele af planeten nu. Vi ser, at disse nationale enheder kommer sammen, og de går ikke bare i seng med hinanden, men det er en proces af at erkende, at de må arbejde sig igennem det, ved hvilket deres fælles interesser fremmes, på en bevidst og progressiv måde.

Og det er, hvad vi forsøger at gøre. Se på, hvad Kina gør. Indien forsøger at arbejde sig igennem her. Andre dele af verden forsøger at arbejde sig igennem denne proces. Det er denne form for mål, denne form for proces, hvor man siger – og det udmunder i, når man begynder at tale om rumprogrammet. Man taler om Månens bagside. Hvad gør Kina? Kina har kig på Månens bagside, og Månens bagside er det, Kina forsøger at finde ud af: Hvad er den virkelig betydning af det her, Månens bagside? Og Kina er ved at mobilisere for de næste to generationer, blot for dette formål. Og det er ikke bare en hensigt, men det er et begyndelsessted for at forstå, hvordan menneskeheden, jord-mennesket, kan spile en rolle i at udforme galaksen. Og galaksen er det mål, som menneskeheden bør have for øje netop nu.«

John Ascher (mødeleder): Jeg vil blot lige nævne her, at alle de temaer, du netop berørte, vil blive temaer for en meget vigtig konference, som bliver afholdt den 7. april i Manhattan, sponsoreret af Schiller Instituttet, om spørgsmålet om, hvad det nødvendige begreb om menneskeheden er; og at få USA til at tilslutte sig Verdenslandbroen. Vi har en invitation, og forsøger at få denne konference, der kommer den 7. april, til at blive det store gennembrud. Og det, som hr. LaRouche netop gennemgik, er præcis temaet for denne konference, inklusive spørgsmålet om rumprogrammet og videnskab som drivkraft.

Ovenstående er et uddrag af webcastet The Manhattan Projekt med Lyndon LaRouche, fra 12. marts. Hele videoen kan ses her:


Flygtninge-aftale mellem EU og
Tyrkiets Erdogan er korrupt!

Der er intet grundlag overhovedet for at betale 6 mia. euro i afpresserpenge, når man ved, at en karakter som Erdogan vil komme tilbage … og vil fortsætte med at true med at udløse massive flygtningestrømme samtidig med, at Tyrkiet forsøger at sabotere Lavrovs og Kerrys indsats for at bringe en afslutning på denne fem år lange monstrøsitet af en krig, der har raset i Syrien.

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med formand Tom Gillesberg den 10. marts 2016:
Rusland og Ukraine; Hillary Clinton;
Nykredit; finansspekulation;
EU-Tyrkiet; Schiller Partiet

Med formand Tom Gillesberg

Wang Yi: »Kina vil aldrig blive et nyt Amerika«

8. marts 2016 – Den kinesiske udenrigsminister Wang Yi sagde under en pressekonference på sidelinjen af den Nationale Folkekongres i Beijing, at Kina »forsøger at spille en større rolle i den eksisterende internationale orden og det internationale system«, men at det aldrig vil søge at opnå overherredømme – »Kina vil aldrig blive et nyt Amerika. Kina har ingen intention om at erstatte eller lede andre«, rapporterer Xinhua.

Han advarede specifikt om, at USA i øjeblikket griber ind i det Sydkinesiske Hav på en farlig og provokerende måde.

»Sejladsfriheden betyder ikke, at man kan gøre, hvad der passer én … Takket være en fælles indsats fra Kinas og andre landes side i regionen, er det Sydkinesiske Hav fortsat blandt verdens sikreste og frieste sejlruter. Ethvert forsøg på at skabe forstyrrelse i det Sydkinesiske Hav og destabilisere Asien, ville ikke blive tilladt af Kina og de fleste andre lande i regionen«, sagde han. Han advarede USA mod at »forplumre vandene«, der kunne »kaste Asien ud i kaos« og tilføjede, at »Filippinernes stædighed i det omstridte spørgsmål i det Sydkinesiske Hav er et resultat af anstiftelse bag scenen og politisk intrigeren.«

Han rapporterede, at Kina har tilbudt at oprette to ’varme linjer’ til at håndtere maritime nødsituationer og fælles redningsaktioner.

Wang erklærede også, at Beijing ikke blot vil være en tilskuer i Mellemøsten, men vil spille en mere aktiv rolle uden at gribe ind i regionens nationers interne anliggender. Han understregede Kinas »modne og stabile« bånd med Rusland.

Foto: Wang Yi besvarer spørgsmål fra journalister under en pressekonference på sidelinjen af den Nationale Folkekongres i Beijing.

Rusland, FN, menneskerettighedsgrupper og
EU-grupper fordømmer aftale med Tyrkiet

9. marts 2016 – De Forenede Nationer og menneskerettighedsgrupper advarede i går om, at EU-aftalen om at tilbagesende alle ikke-regulære migranter til Tyrkiet til gengæld for politiske og finansielle belønninger til landet, kunne være ulovlig, rapporterer journalister fra Reuters, Stephanie Nebehay og Gabriela Backzynska, den 8. marts.

FN’s flygtningehøjkommissær Filippo Grandi sagde til EU-parlamentet i Strasbourg i går: »Jeg er dybt bekymret om ethvert arrangement, der involverer en almengældende tilbagevisning af nogen person fra et land til et andet uden, at man klart forklarer, hvad standarden er for beskyttelse af flygtninge under international lov.«

Grandi kom med denne udtalelse kun få timer efter, at de 28 EU-ledere havde udarbejdet en aftale med den tyrkiske premierminister Ahmet Davutoglu i Bruxelles, og som vil betale Tyrkiet flere penge (3,3 mia. dollar mere) for at holde flygtninge i Tyrkiet; som giver hurtigere rejsetilladelse uden visum til tyrkere i hele EU, og sætter skub i forhandlingerne om medlemskab af EU, der længe har været gået i stå, til den tyrkiske, ISIS-støttende præsident, Erdogan.

EU’s feje ophøjelse af Tyrkiets status blev omgående fordømt over hele verden:

Amnesty International kaldte den foreslåede massetilbagevisning af migranter til Tyrkiet for »et dødsstød mod retten til at søge asyl«.

Den velgørende nødhjælpsorganisation Læger uden Grænser sagde, »I ’realpolitikkens’ navn syntes medlemsstater parat til at træde på deres principper for at slå en skammelig handel af med Tyrkiet.«

Sputnik International erklærede i dag, at, »med politiets voldelige beslaglæggelse i denne weekend af Tyrkiets største, uafhængige aviser, Zaman og Today’s Zaman, har landet endelig overskredet stregen for at blive et fuldt udviklet diktatur … EU-ledere lefler for Tyrkiet, efter at sidstnævnte har spillet en førende rolle i destabiliseringen af Syrien og udløsningen af flygtningekrisen … Tyrkiet favner nu et fascistisk diktatur, og Washington og dets europæiske håndlangere er ramt af den samme omfavnelse.«

Foto: FN’s flygtningehøjkommissær Filippo Grandi holder sin tale under EU-parlamentets plenarforsamling i Strasbourg, Frankrig, den 8. marts 2016. (Foto: EPA)

Forlæng Den Nye Silkevej ind i
Mellemøsten og Afrika

Tom Gillesberg til Folketingets Udenrigsudvalg den 1. marts: Vi står netop nu med en enestående mulighed for at sikre, at den langvarige mareridtsagtige proces med krig og ødelæggelse, der har præget Mellemøsten i årtier, og som har spredt sig til Europa og resten af verden i form af terror fra Islamisk Stat og en flygtningebølge, der er ved at løbe Europa over ende, kan bringes til ophør og erstattes af et nyt paradigme for fred gennem fælles økonomisk udvikling.

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NATO’s øverstbefalende i Europa, gen. Breedlove,
ønsker at flytte en permanent panserbrigade til Europa

7. marts, 2016 – General Philip Breedlove, øverstbefalende for NATO’s og USA’s kommando i Europa (EUCOM), ønsker, at der atter kommer en panserbrigade i Europa. Under sin beretning for den amerikanske Kongres i sidste uge kom Breedlove med hentydninger til dette, men uddybede det ikke på daværende tidspunkt. I dagens rapport fra Defense News fremsætter en forsvarsfunktionær, der er bekendt med planerne, men som ikke nævnes ved navn, at Breedlove diskuterede sit forslag med topfolk i Pentagon, mens han var i Washington i sidste uge. En sådan forøgelse vil komme oveni den rotationsstyrke af brigadestørrelse i Østeuropa, som er et led i USA’s militære oprustning i det østlige Europa og Baltikum, til $3,4 mia. Den unavngivne funktionær sagde, ”De er ved at undersøge, hvordan de kan forøge de permanente militære styrker i Europa. De prøver at finde ud af, ’hvor meget behøver vi, og hvor skal det komme fra?’”

Ikke overraskende er der bureaukratiske forhindringer i vejen, hvilket betyder, at det kan tage måneder, eller mere, før et sådant skridt kan tages. Internt i Pentagon vil spørgsmålet udløse en budgetkamp over, hvem – eller hvilken konto –, der skal betale forøgelsen. Og i Europa vil det kræve godkendelse fra de allierede og en aftale med en værtsnation. Og for USA drejer spørgsmålet sig om, hvorvidt denne brigade skal stationeres i Tyskland, der betragtes som et sikkert bagland, eller i Polen, hvor den kunne være sårbar overfor et russisk førsteangreb.

NATO udvider samarbejdet med Tyrkiet selv,
når Tyrkiet afslører sig selv som ledet af fascister

8. marts, 2016 – Blot få dage efter den tyrkiske regerings overtagelse af nyhedsorganisationen Zaman i Tyrkiet, var den tyrkiske premierminister Ahmet Davutoglu i Bruxelles, hvor han krævede NATO’s samarbejde om både flygtningekrisen og Syrien. Ifølge NATO’s erklæring om Davutoglus besøg sagde NATO’s generalsekretær Jens Stoltenberg, at NATO i går påbegyndte sine aktiviteter i Ægæerhavet for at hjælpe med at stoppe flygtninge, der forsøger at nå til Grækenland.

Stoltenberg sagde også, at alliancen, som led i bestræbelserne på at hjælpe med flygtninge- og migrantkrisen, har besluttet at intensivere indsamling af efterretninger, overvågning og kontrol langs den tyrkisk-syriske grænse. ”Dette vil supplere de forholdsregler til forsikring for Tyrkiet, som vi besluttede sidste år, inklusiv flere AWACS-overvågningsfly og en forøget flådetilstedeværelse.” Sådanne NATO-operationer går klart videre end til flygtningespørgsmålet og yder direkte støtte til Tyrkiets fortsatte kriminelle beskydning af Syrien og støtte til terrorister i Syrien.

Alt imens han betegnede våbenstilstanden i Syrien som “det bedst mulige grundlag for fornyede forsøg på at nå en fredelig forhandlingsløsning på krisen i Syrien”, så klagede Stoltenberg samtidig over russernes militære tilstedeværelse i Syrien og det østlige Middelhav.

“Ruslands militære aktivitet i regionen har båret ved til den humanitære krise og drevet endnu flere mennesker til Tyrkiets grænser. Det har også forårsaget krænkelser af NATO-luftrummet”, hævdede han. ”Så mere end nogensinde før er det vigtigt med besindighed, nedtrapning og dialog.” I NATO’s officielle erklæringer nævnes der intet om, hvorvidt NATO i sine overvejelser medtager den meget store sandsynlighed for, at AKP-regeringen i Ankara udgør en væsentlig faktor i den destabilisering, som Stoltenberg hævder at være så bekymret over.

Foto: NATO’s Stoltenberg og Tyrkiets Davutoglu under den fælles pressekonference 7. marts, 2016, i Bruxelles.

Nancy Reagans død betegner ’Afslutningen af en bestemt æra’

7. marts 2016 (Leder fra LaRouchePAC) – Det transatlantiske systems kollaps er en dødbringende situation – fra det fysiske, økonomiske sammenbrud, til den finansielle nedsmeltnings kaos, til faren for krig og den rædselsvækkende virkning af det rådne opbud af kandidater til det amerikanske valg og dettes forløb. Det, der kræves under disse irrationelle omstændigheder, er en rationel respons. Der findes løsninger. Netop en sådan rationel respons er i gang i form af det fremstød, der kommer fra Ruslands og Kinas ledere, for samarbejde om rummet, videnskab, økonomisk udvikling i Eurasien og hele verden, og om fred. I sidste uge blev det under nationale møder i Beijing fastslået, at rumforskning nu vil blive en integreret del af Kinas økonomiske innovationsprogram. I USA leder LaRouchePAC’s Kesha Rogers det politiske fremstød for at genrejse netop samme anskuelse, der oprindeligt var et varemærke for det Amerikanske System, og som NASA legemliggjorde.

I dag satte Lyndon LaRouche spørgsmålet om lederskab ind i et umiddelbart, historisk perspektiv med reference til Nancy Reagans død i søndags. Han sagde, at, hvis man tager perioden fra Ronald Reagans valg til præsidentskabet i 1980, i frem til Nancys død, så er det et tegn på, at »en ganske bestemt æra netop er afsluttet«. Reagan legemliggjorde en kvalitetsstandard for lederskab. Han var en meget dygtig person. LaRouche talte om sin forbindelse med ham, og nu om mindet om hans hustru.

I den ny æra, der nu er i gang, handler krisen ikke kun om fraværet af lederskabskvalitet, men om den udbredte fjendtlighed over for en sådan kvalitet. Folk i det transatlantiske område – Vesten – bliver mere og mere vanvittige. Men vi kan ikke desto mindre, hvis vi intervenerer med rationalitet for at levere lederskabet, komme til undsætning og have held med vores forehavende.

Fjendens deployering er intens, med fremstød imod BRIKS og mod krig. Ingen anden end selveste den britiske krones tjener Ambrose Evans Pritchard er på scenen i Sao Paulo, hvor han udgiver en artikel fra 7. marts om, at »BRIKS-fantasien« nu er forbi, og at »BRIKS-konceptet er blevet meningsløst …« Han hævder, at »Brasilien er den første af BRIKS-kvintetten, der bryder sammen på så mange fronter på samme tid«, og at Sydafrika, Rusland og Kina alle er plaget af problemer. Han hævder, at kun Indien stadig har »vind i sejlene« – hvilket i realiteten refererer til beskidte, angloamerikanske tricks for at forsøge at få Indien til at blive ’den sidste, stående BRIK’.

Med hensyn til den relaterede, forrykte militære oprustningsfront, så er de største militære øvelser nogen sinde – kaldet Key Resolve – nu i gang mellem USA og Sydkorea. Med et opbud af 17.000 amerikanske styrker og 300.000 stk. sydkoreansk personel vil øvelserne vare i otte uger. Dette finder sted på et tidspunkt, hvor der er skarpe spændinger med Nordkorea, i betragtning af den kumulative virkning af årevis med geopolitik.

I LaRouchePAC’s ugentlige TV Policy Committee-udsendelse i dag formanede Lyndon LaRouche, »Det er slutningen på det gamle system. Det må erstattes af et andet. Det kan gøres.«

Det er farligt. Bliv ikke bange.