Yemens mirakuløse genopbygning
og tilslutning til den Nye Silkevej

Af Hussein Askary, Schiller Instituttets koordinator for Sydvestasien.

Genopbygningen af Yemen, efter den aktuelt igangværende, destruktive, anglo-saudiske aggressionskrig er afsluttet, vil kræve et mirakel. Men det er præcis, hvad denne rapport foreslår. Miraklernes tid er over os. Mange mirakler er opnået, og mange andre er i gang. En ny æra i menneskehedens historie er gryet under BRIKS-nationernes lederskab (Brasilien, Rusland, Indien, Kina og Sydafrika), samt under den kinesiske præsident Xi Jinpings lancering i 2013 af Bælte & Vej Initiativ (BVI). Disse to udviklinger har åbnet historiens porte for en ny og retfærdig verdensorden.

Kinas mirakuløse industrialiseringsproces hen over de seneste to årtier, der har løftet 700 million af landets borgere ud af fattigdom, er en stærk indikator for denne nye proces. Den kendsgerning, at Kina har tilbudt sine teknologiske kapaciteter, sin knowhow og sine finansielle resurser til partnere i udviklingslandene, så de kan gentage dette mirakel, udgør en stærk motivering for det yemenitiske folk og lederskab for at vælge de højeste ambitionsniveauer.

Det er i denne sammenhæng, at Yemen kunne rejse sig og opnå sit eget mirakel. Ligesom det lykkedes yemenitterne at præstere det mirakel, at de har modstået de mest ondskabsfulde og magtfulde militærstyrker, således kan de – med en tilsvarende succes – præstere miraklet med at genopbygge deres land. Dette genopbygningsmirakel bliver naturligvis vanskeligere end det militære, men det bliver mere glædeligt og vil bringe alle Yemens borgere sammen – mænd og kvinder fra alle mulige dele af landet og fra alle forskellige baggrunde, som en forenet kraft til fordel for en hel nation.


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Forlæng den Nye Silkevej til Vestasien og Afrika

Glæd dig til en optimistisk og konstruktiv løsning på det forfærdelige fattigdoms- og underudviklingsproblem, som denne verdensdel er så hårdt ramt af, og, som Helga Zepp-LaRouche så ofte har nævnt, den eneste humane og retfærdige løsning på det umenneskelige flygtningeproblem, der nu også har ramt Europa.

Vi introducerer her Schiller Instituttets nye, danske  specialrapport,  “Forlæng den Nye Silkevej til Vestasien og Afrika; en vision for en økonomisk renæssance”, som er en grundig  indføring i den 246 sider lange, engelske rapport, af rapportens forfattere, Hussein Askary og Jason Ross.

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Stor succes for Københavner-seminaret:
Forlæng den Nye Silkevej til Vestasien og Afrika

Videoen fra diplomatseminaret om eftermiddagen:
Video from the diplomatic seminar in the afternoon:

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Audio from the diplomatic seminar in the afternoon:
Audio from the diplomatic seminar in the afternoon:

Videoen fra aftenseminar for Schiller Instituttets medlemmer:
Video from the evening meeting for Schiller Institute members:

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Stor succes for diplomatseminar: Forlæng den Nye Silkevej til Vestasien og Afrika

København, 6. feb., 2018 – Hussein Askary, medforfatter af Schiller Instituttets nye Specialrapport, »Forlæng den Nye Silkevej til Vestasien og Afrika: En vision for en økonomisk renæssance«, var gæstetaler på et seminar for diplomater, der blev holdt i København i går. De andre talere var Ghanas ambassadør til Danmark, H.E., fr. Amerley Ollennu Awva-Ashmoa, og formand for Schiller Instituttet i Danmark, Tom Gillesberg.

Seminaret indledtes med en kinesisk folkesang, fremført af Feride Istogu Gillesberg og Michelle Rasmussen. Arrangementet så deltagelse af fire ambassadører fra Afrika, Sydasien og det tidligere Sovjetunionen, samt andre diplomater fra Sydvestasien og Østasien.

Desuden deltog en repræsentant fra et betydningsfuldt, dansk ministerium, en tidligere dansk ambassadør, en tidligere østeuropæisk ambassadør til Danmark, en professor fra et FN-relateret universitet, og en professor/parlamentsmedlem, der rejste hele vejen fra et østeuropæisk land særligt for at deltage i dette seminar. En afrikansk, politisk leder, en pensioneret selskabsøkonom, der har mobiliseret danske politiske kredse for den Nye Silkevej, præsidenten for en international fredsorganisation, en forsker ved et dansk universitet og en seniorakademiker, der er ruslandsekspert, deltog ligeledes, så vel som også Schiller Instituttets kernemedlemmer i København og Jylland.

Her følger nogle af de ideer, der blev præsenteret på seminaret. Tom gennemgik kort Schiller Instituttets forslag, som udgjorde grundlaget for Kinas Bælte & Vej Initiativ. Vi må opgive det dyriske, geopolitiske paradigme og i stedet samarbejde om at virkeliggøre det nye paradigme for menneskehedens fælles skæbne. Tom diskuterede betydningen af den franske præsident Macrons besøg til Kina, og stillede spørgsmålet: Hvad med USA? Gillesberg briefede desuden de forsamlede om betydningen af det netop offentliggjorte Nunes-memo, som pegede på briternes, og ikke russernes, indblanding i det amerikanske valg. Dette kan være med til at befri Donald Trump til at bryde med det gamle paradigme. I skrivende stund udviser finansmarkederne stor nervøsitet, og det er absolut nødvendigt, at vore politikker bliver vedtaget. Dernæst introducerede Gillesberg Hussein Askary ved at fortælle om hans baggrund.

Hussein Askary: Hussein, der lagde ud med at fremvise og forklare LaRouches Trippelkurve, gennemgik de væsentligste punkter i specialrapporten og understregede, at Vestasien og Afrika kan og må foretage spring frem til de mest avancerede, og ikke nøjes med de mest primitive, teknologier. Han brugte tidl. præsident Obama som eksempel på det gamle paradigme, som havde forhindret Afrikas økonomiske udvikling, ved at citere fra Obamas tale, da han var i Sydafrika. Obama sagde her, at, hvis alle unge afrikanere fik et stort hus og en høj levestandard, »ville planeten koge over«. Hussein viste dernæst et billede af Obamas hus til 8 million dollars. Det er helt fint, at han har så fint et hus; men det er kriminelt at forhindre andre i at gøre ligeså.

Hussein citerede fra Xi Jinpings tale, hvor denne sagde, at nøglen til at bekæmpe fattigdom i Afrika var at fremme industrialisering, det vil sige, fysisk økonomi. Schiller Instituttet promoverer ikke Kina som sådan, men vore egne principper. Med en gennemgang af rapportens anbefalinger sagde Hussein til seminarets deltagere, der repræsenterede mange nationer, at Schiller Instituttet kunne være med til at udarbejde udviklingsbanker for ethvert land, der ønsker at skabe sin egen kredit. (Han kom også ind på, hvordan Egypten havde gennemført en intern finansiering af den nylige udvidelse af Suezkanalen.) Moderne infrastruktur vil gøre Afrika ’mindre’. Afrika og Vestasien bør ikke blot eksportere råmaterialer, men derimod forarbejdede, værdiforøgede industri- og landbrugsprodukter. Kina ønsker at gå i retning af eksport af højteknologi og er med til at skabe optimisme i Afrika mht., at »Vi kan også gøre det«. Hussein anbefalede læsning af Xi Jinpings tale på den seneste, 19. partikongres.

Den Nye Silkevej handler ikke blot om jernbaner, men om transformation gennem videnskabelig opdagelse og kultur i form af udviklingskorridorer, hvor Hussein refererede til sin undersøgelse af, hvordan kinesernes opfindelse af papir havde gjort det muligt for den muslimske, videnskabelige renæssance at blomstre.

Se engang på omstændighederne i Afrika i dag, med langt flere, internt fordrevne end det antal flygtninge, det lykkes at nå frem til Europa. Ghanas præsident opfordrede ungdommen til at blive og opbygge deres lande. I takt med, at vi øger levestandarden, vil dette fordre en ny økonomisk platform med højere energigennemstrømningstæthed – kernekraft. Hussein afsluttede sit foredrag ved at vise et natfoto af Afrika i året 2015, og så Chance McGees vision af, hvordan det ville se ud i 2050, under LaRouche-overskriften, »Det er fremtiden, der bestemmer nutiden«.

Dernæst holdt Ghanas ambassadør en kort tale og bemærkede med glæde denne understregning af Afrikas industrialisering og erklærede, at hun var meget imponeret over det, kineserne nu gør i Afrika, og over det, vi her fremlagde på vores seminar. Et udskrift af hendes tale vil senere være tilgængeligt.

Herefter fulgte en livlig diskussion, som ikke blev optaget, men vi vil senere skitsere de spørgsmål, der blev diskuteret.

Om aftenen blev der afholdt et sekundært seminar for Schiller Instituttets medlemmer. Her kom Hussein med den vigtige bemærkning, at han vidste, at russernes intervention ville transformere situationen i Syrien og føre til, at vore ideer fik mulighed for at blive udbredt i området, hvilket var grunden til, at han tog initiativ til, at denne nye rapport blev udarbejdet. Diskussionsperioden er inkluderet i optagelsen (udlægges snarest).

De to seminarer var resultat af en stor kampagne, der har udbredt invitationen om specialrapporten, Kinas Bælte & Vej Initiativ og Schiller Instituttets rolle, præsident Macrons tale og LaRouches Fire Love, samt den danske oversættelse af en særlig introduktion til rapporten, vidt og bredt til alle ambassader og regeringer, akademiske-, erhvervs- og fagforeningskredse og offentligheden, og som omfattede kontakt til professoren/parlamentsmedlemmet, der kom fra Østeuropa, og opkald til ambassader. Interventionen i mødet i Dansk Institut for Internationale Studier/Udenrigsministeriet, der er rapporteret andetsteds, var ligeledes end del af mobiliseringen.

På begge seminarerne blev LaRouchePAC’s video-undervisningsserier i henholdsvis LaRouches Økonomi (på dansk her)  og den kommende undervisningsserie om Det Nye Paradigme annonceret for alle deltagere.

»Forlæng den Nye Silkevej til Vestasien
og Afrika« LaRouche PAC Internationale
Webcast 19. jan., 2018, med
Hussein Askary og Jason Ross, forfatterne
af Schiller Instituttets nye rapport

Vi har et helt særligt program i dag; med mig i studiet har jeg Jason Ross, og via video fra Sverige har jeg Hussein Askary. Jason og Hussein er begge medforfattere af en ny rapport, der netop er udgivet, med titlen, »Forlæng den Nye Silkevej til Vestasien og Afrika: En vision for en økonomisk renæssance«.

(OBS! Se invitation til seminar i København 5. febr. med Hussein Askary)

[Bemærk: Der er mange billeder, der hver er separat nummererede af de forskellige talere; det er selvfølgelig bedst at se videoen, -red.]

Vært Matthew Ogden: Det er 19. januar, og dette er vores ugentlige fredags-webcast fra larouchepac.com.

Vi har et helt særligt program i dag; med mig i studiet har jeg Jason Ross, og via video fra Sverige har jeg Hussein Askary. Jason og Hussein er begge medforfattere af en ny rapport, der netop er udgivet, med titlen, »Forlæng den Nye Silkevej til Vestasien og Afrika: En vision for en økonomisk renæssance«.

Det bliver emnet for aftenens udsendelse; men før vi kommer til det, vil jeg gerne lægge ud med at sige, at LaRouche Political Action Committee har indledt en national kampagne for at sætte betingelserne for valgene 2018. Som I ser her, er titlen for vores kampagne »Kampagnen for at vinde fremtiden«, og det er titlen på en erklæring, der nu cirkuleres i hele landet. Erklæringens indhold fremlægger de politiske prioriteter, der vil bestemme udfaldet af valgene her i USA i år, med hensyn til dette lands overlevelse. Vi er i det indledende stadie for at indsamle underskrifter på denne erklæring, og vi opfordrer seerne, især her i USA, til at underskrive denne kampagne. URL ses her på skærmen, og I kan også få organisationer i valgkredsene, medlemmer af delstatskongresserne, siddende medlemmer af USA’s Kongres og i særdeleshed kandidater til offentligt (føderalt) embede, til at underskrive denne kampagne.

Indholdet af denne programerklæring er meget signifikant. Den kræver, at USA vedtager Lyndon LaRouches Fire Økonomiske Love, dvs.: Vedtag Glass-Steagall for at rejse en brandmur mellem kommerciel, produktiv bankaktivitet og spekulativ bankaktivitet på Wall Street; for det andet, at indføre et nationalbanksystem (statsligt banksystem) i Alexander Hamiltons tradition; for det tredje, brug billioner af dollar i føderal (statslig) kredit til at løfte det amerikanske folk og for at skabe produktiv beskæftigelse på det højeste og mest avancerede teknologiske niveau; og for det fjerde, sæt et forceret program i gang, der går i retning af udvikling af fusionskraft og udvidelsen af bemandet rumfart.

Det er meget, meget vigtigt, at vi har indledt denne kampagne nu, for vi går nu ind i de sidste 11-dages nedtælling fra nu og frem til præsident Trumps State of the Union-tale den 30. jan. Indholdet af dette politiske programforslag må være bestemmende for præsidentskabets politiske program her i USA. Som I ser, er vore to punkter på dagsordenen 1) Vedtag Lyndon LaRouches Fire Love, og 2) Gå med i den Nye Silkevej.

Det bliver emnet for vores diskussion i dag. For de seere, der evt. ikke ved det, så blev ideen om den Nye Silkevej først udarbejdet af Lyndon og Helga LaRouche i 1980’erne. Det var den daværende Eurasiske Landbro for at udvikle det eurasiske kontinents indlandsområder, som forbinder Øst og Vest. Det blev til den Nye Silkevej og blev kaldt således af præsident Xi Jinping i Kina, da han i 2013 vedtog dette. Det udviklede sig så til Bælte & Vej Initiativet, som var en forbindelse mellem den landbaserede Silkevej og udviklingen af en Maritim Silkevej.

Gennem LaRouche-bevægelsens lederskab udvides dette nu til ikke blot en eurasisk Ny Silkevej, men en Verdenslandbro, der omfatter alle Jordens kontinenter, inklusive Vesteuropa, Central- og Sydamerika, Nordamerika og for vores udsendelse her i dag i særdeleshed, Afrika.

Udviklingen af Afrika har ligesom været en slags lakmusprøve for menneskeheden i dag: Kina har taget denne udfordring op og har bestået prøven og sat standarden, som resten af verden må følge. Vi har set dette inspirere andre nationer, og for nylig har vi haft et meget signifikant gennembrud med den franske præsident Emmanuel Macrons besøg i Kina, hvor han mødtes med præsident Xi Jinping og erklærede, at Frankrig favner billedet af udvikling af verden gennem den Nye Silkevej, inklusive, at Frankrig ønsker at arbejde sammen med Kina om Afrikas udvikling. Dette er måske en bodsgang for Frankrigs kolonialistiske imperiefortid, men det, præsident Macron havde at sige, var meget signifikant.

Som I ser, så holdt han en meget signifikant tale i Xi’an, og i denne tale diskuterede han, hvad Kina har gjort for at udvikle Afrika og for at løfte 700 millioner af sin egen befolkning ud af fattigdom, og at Frankrig nu må imødekomme opfordringen til at deltage i denne udvikling, især udviklingen i Afrika, i partnerskab med Kina. Her følger et par citater af, hvad præsident Macron havde at sige:

»Det er lykkedes Kina i de seneste par årtier at løfte 700 millioner mennesker ud af fattigdom … Men jeg tænker også på Afrika. Kina har i de seneste par år investeret stort i infrastruktur og råmaterialer med en finansiel styrke, som europæiske lande ikke har. Samtidig har Frankrig historisk og kulturel viden om Afrika, som giver det mange aktiver for fremtiden.

Vi må ikke gentage fortidens fejltagelser, med at skabe politisk og finansiel afhængighed under påskud af udvikling … det turde være unødvendigt at sige, at denne udvikling kun vil ske i fællesskab … Frankrig har erfaringen med en ensidig imperialisme i Afrika, der undertiden har ført til det værste, og i dag, med disse nye Silkeveje, der åbner op … Jeg mener, at partnerskabet mellem Frankrig og Kina kan gøre det muligt at undgå en gentagelse af disse fejltagelser … Det er en moralsk udfordring, og jeg håber oprigtigt, at vi kan imødekomme den sammen … Det enorme arbejde, der gøres med infrastruktur og økonomisk udvikling, vil give et nyt ansigt til disse nye Silkeveje på det afrikanske kontinent.«

Som præsident Macron sagde, »det er en moralsk udfordring«; og nu får Afrika, der har været et af de mest underudviklede, fejlernærede, forarmede og tilbagestående steder på planeten, muligheden for en renæssance og for at blive et knudepunkt for udvikling for hele dette område af planeten.

Som jeg sagde, så er titlen på aftenens udsendelse »Forlæng den Nye Silkevej til Vestasien og Afrika«, og jeg vil lade Jason Ross introducere jer til Hussein Askary, og vi kan diskutere indholdet af denne specialrapport, der netop er udgivet.

Jason Ross: Jeg tror, vi skal gå direkte til Hussein nu. Hussein Askary har arbejdet i området i mange år. Han er den, der oversatte EIR’s Specialrapport, »Den Nye Silkevej bliver til Verdenslandbroen« til arabisk og lancerede denne oversættelse i Kairo på et møde med den egyptiske transportminister.

Hussein har arbejdet meget på dette. Sammen har vi skrevet denne 274-siders rapport, I ser her. I kan få en kopi af denne rapport på Amazon og direkte gennem vores site også, [LPAC.CO/ExtendedSilkRoad], I ser linket her for neden, for at få en kopi.

Og hermed, lad os høre fra Hussein.


(Her følger et engelsk udskrift af resten af udsendelsen).

HUSSEIN ASKARY:  Thank you, Jason and Matt.  I’m very happy
to be on this show.  The writing of this report, actually, which
took us several months last year, together with you, Jason, and a
great team of collaborators in the Schiller Institute, it was a
bit of a paradox, because we were writing this report from the
standpoint of the future, and therefore the tone is optimism in
the report.   But at the same time, when you look at the news
from Southwest Asia, which people wrongly call the “Middle East,”
and Africa,  the news that these regions are, you know,
hell-holes and people are fleeing from there by tens of
thousands, there’s famines, there’s wars, and all kinds of
things.  But, if you keep digging your feet into that so-called
“reality,” which is artificially created by geopolitics, you will
never come out and you will never be able to think clearly to
solve the problem.
And therefore, as Lyndon LaRouche always says, it’s the
future that determines the present.  It’s our vision of the
future which gives us the inspiration and the means of thinking
to change our behavior today.  And this is something which we
hope that with this report, too, and all the other campaigns we
are having, to change the minds of people, and of leadership,
whether it’s in the United States or Europe, or Southwest Asia,
or Africa — anywhere.
At the same time, we are not naïve, we are not in the ivory
tower, sitting and drawing nice baths, but this is a very
scientific study, based on LaRouche’s idea of physical economy,
but also they are philosophical and humanist principles
throughout this whole report and the project we are designing,
which goes both humanist Christian tradition and also the
Confucian humanist Chinese tradition.  We have provided for the
readers of this report, a complete picture of what are the tools
needed, whether physically, or intellectually, scientifically and
morally, to be able to reach this future we are outlining in the
And we are not simply just reporting on “great things” that
have already happened, that China is doing, but we are drawing a
map towards the future: A future which Lyndon LaRouche already,
more than 30 years ago, when the African Union published the
Lagos Plan of Action for the development of Africa, he criticized
the reaction to that policy by saying that you cannot adhere to
the existing financial and economic and moral policies of the
existing order, and at the same time achieve the development
goals of Africa.  You have to have a complete shift.  And that
shift is what Helga Zepp-LaRouche, the president of the Schiller
Institute now says is the New Paradigm, the New Paradigm which
has been launched by China and its partners in the BRICS, Russia
and other nations, and many more nations are joining.
Now, if we look at the first slide, the Silk Road, this is
what Matt said in terms of our development of the idea — the
LaRouches’ development of the idea of the World Land-Bridge, to
bring all the continents together.  Now, the New Silk Road is
already reaching West Asia and Africa.  Egypt has been building
the new Suez Canal to adapt to the Maritime Silk Road, and the
other nations, like Ethiopia, Kenya, and others are already in
collaboration and new railway systems have been built.  So
already on the ground, that’s taking place.
But what is needed is a larger vision which we provide.
Now, also we have to reverse many of the old policies which have
been followed, which have kept Africa impoverished, such as, for
more than 200 years, Africa has been considered by the European
colonialists and their partners across the Atlantic, as a looting
ground — whether it is slavery, whether it is raw materials,
plantations, and so on.  And unfortunately, after World War II,
the vision of Franklin Roosevelt was not implemented, because he
died before the end of the war, and a wholly new type of
creatures took over in the United States.  And the United States
also, with the “special relationship” with the British Empire
became a partner in the looting of Africa. And companies we have,
like Anglo American, which is a corporation called Anglo
American, very active in mining in Africa — I mean, the name
tells you all about it.
But we just take a look at what has been happening in Africa
in at least the last 10-15 years, the attitude,  — that’s what
is fascinating with the New Paradigm — the attitude of Europe
and the United States toward Africa has always been that “Africa
is a problem,” while the Chinese see Africa as an “opportunity.”
Therefore, the focus by Europe and the United States, while they
were looting the continent, were just pushing aid programs.  Now,
the slide we have, number 2, here, is the “Foreign Direct
Investments in Africa,” where we see the United States is the
blue line on the top, and China is the red line, which is
increasing steadily.  The United States, something funny happened
in 2008 — there was the financial/economic crisis — then you
have a dip in investments in Africa, but also what happens in the
United States is that the first African-American President is
elected.  And you see, from 2009, U.S. investments in Africa
completely collapsed and came down to zero by 2015, while the
Chinese investments increased.
Now, there’s a flip side to this argument, is because most
of the U.S. investments in Africa are in the oil and mining
sector. And with the collapse of the oil and mining prices, there
was no more interest; and Mr. Obama also launched the largest
fracking operation on Earth in the United States, to make the
United States the biggest producers of fossil fuels in the world.
But China’s investments continued all the same.
In the next slide, number 3, we see the level of investments
by the Export Import Banks of the United States on the one hand,
which is the blue line which is completely dead, on the bottom;
the United States does not issue credit for exports any more to
Africa.  But then we have the China Exim Bank increasing its
investments, and more interestingly, is that the World Bank,
which is the top, and you see where the failure of Western policy
in Africa has been: The World Bank has been investing more than
China in Africa, but it’s a completely misdirected investment.
It’s on tiny, tiny, small programs, there is no financing of
large-scale infrastructure as China does; there are no
transformative projects, and no new technology.
In the next slide, we can see we have a lot of hypocrisy,
saying that the Chinese want to come into Africa to loot African
natural resources, and this image, number 4, shows a very clear
picture that it is actually the United States and the Western
countries, but with the United States, the investments in Africa
have been mostly in the mining sector and the Chinese investments
have been very diversified, in construction, manufacturing,
mining, and others, such as agriculture, for example.
We can see also, the next slide, is Britain.  Now, China is
the largest, and people think, is not the largest investor in
Africa, yet.  It’s the United States and Britain which have been
the biggest investors in Africa.  But as we showed the United
States is mostly interested in mining, energy, and metals; and
here we have Britain, you can see the last 10 years of
investments. [“U.K. Foreign Direct Investment Positions in
Africa, 2005-2014”]  And the last two columns in the breakdown
into types of investments: The red one is mining, and the light
blue is in the financial sector, which is also looting Africa’s
financial resources.
So that’s really the picture. And in the final slide in this
group, number 5, we have where the investments of the Import
Export Banks have gone:  The United States has 71% of all loans
from the Exim Bank, although it has been very, very little, but
70% of it is in the mining sector; while China, the greatest
chunk of the Exim Bank investments has been in the transportation
sector.  And of course, there’s mining and energy,
communications, water, and other — very, very important sectors
for Africa’s development.
Now, what we have, in addition to this looting of Africa, we
have the hypocrisy which is very rampant in the West, like in
Europe and the United States, that “we have to help Africa.” Now,
when they talk about “helping Africa” is simply very small relief
projects to keep things as they are.  And they usually talk about
“sustainable development.”  Now, “sustainable development” does
not mean that you build modern technology, technologies that we
have in the United States or in Europe, whether it’s in transport
or power generation; it is absolutely forbidden to support roads,
railways, nuclear power, hydropower — there is nothing like
that.  What they are proposing is simply, as President Obama, as
we show in one of the slides, when he went to Africa, his idea,
he had projects called “Power Africa,” for power generation in
Africa, and we looked at the numbers and you know, the goal of
Obama’s Power Africa is to keep Africa exactly as it is, with
very, very slight changes here and there.  And also what was
being proposed was this idea of using solar energy, which
everybody knows is not efficient to have a modern, industrialized
So this has been a real problem in dealing with Africa.  And
as we have seen, that China has completely different idea about
Africa —

ROSS:  Hussein, why don’t we switch over to a clip we have
of President Obama explaining what he thinks about African energy

PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA:  It’s going to be your generation
that suffers the most.  Ultimately, if you think about all the
youth that everybody’s mentioned here in Africa, if everybody’s
raising living standards to the point where everybody’s got a
car, and everybody’s got air conditioning and everybody’s got a
big house, well, the planet will boil over. [end video]

ROSS:  That was President Obama in South Africa.

ASKARY:  And in fact, that’s really revealing, because
that’s his soul speaking, because they consider human beings as a
burden.  Now, the United Nations statistics say that by 2050, the
bulk of the world’s population growth will take place in Africa.
And of the additional 2.5 billion new people, projected to be
born between 2015 and 2050, 1.3 billion will be added in Africa,
which means Africa’s population will reach about 3 billion
people.  Now, for Obama and the Malthusians this is a huge
problem.  But for China, this is a great opportunity!
And if we look, in 2015, which is very interesting, a
complete contrast with what Obama’s saying, when President Xi
Jinping went to South Africa, the same place where Obama was
speaking, in December 2015 at the Forum on China-Africa
Cooperation (FOCAC), this is slide number 10, President Xi
Jinping said something very interesting, which is really the
spirit of the New Paradigm: What he told the African leaders is,
I quote, “Industrialization is an inevitable path to a country’s
economic success.  Within a short span of several decades, China
has accomplished what took developed countries hundreds of years
to accomplish and put in place a complete industrial system with
an enormous productive capacity.” And then he continues and says,
“It is entirely possible for Africa, as the world’s most
promising region in terms of development potential, to bring into
play its advantages and achieve great success.  The achievement
of inclusive and sustainable development within Africa, hinges on
industrialization, which holds the key to creating jobs,
eradicating poverty, and improving people’s living standards.”
Now, wow!  What a contrast!  President Xi Jinping said that
by using modern technology as scientific development, we have
achieved miracles in China and this really applies to Africa,
too, as developing nations.  And he means it.  So the Chinese now
have turned the whole idea of :sustainable development” upside
down.  What people think in Europe and the United States about
sustainable development means, pumps for water, the small solar
panels — no!  China’s talking about [industrialization] and it’s
also the latest, the state-of-the-art technology available.
Because this is also interesting from a economic-scientific
standpoint, because what China experienced that instead of going
back to square one, going back to the industrialization process
where the United States and Europe started, with the steam engine
— no, you start not with that, you start with the best
technology available today, and that’s high-speed railway for
example.  The same thing applies to Africa.

ROSS:  You know, Hussein, you and I were both at a
conference in November in Germany, in Bad Soden, and one of the
speakers there was a Chinese professor He Wenping, who gave some
talks about Chinese approach towards Africa.  And since you’re
bringing up what China’s policy is, why don’t run a short clip of
what she had to say, to hear it from a Chinese person directly?

DR. HE WINPING:  But now, I think One Belt, One Road is
entering 2.0 version–that is, now facing all the countries in
the world. As President Xi Jinping mentioned to the Latin
American countries, “you are all welcome to join the Belt and
Road.” In the Chinese “40 Minutes,” Xi said, all the African
continent is now on the map of the One Belt, One Road, the whole
African continent, especially after the May Belt and Road Summit
in Beijing had taken place. …
China’s One Belt, One Road initiative is relevant to
countries, their own development strategy. For example, Ethiopia.
Ethiopia has now been named as the “next China” on the African
continent. It’s not my invention, these words–many scholars have
been published talking about which country in Africa is going to
be the China in Africa, which means, developing faster! Faster
and leading other countries forward. Most of them refer to
Ethiopia has now reached an GDP growth rate, last year, as
high as 8%…
So very quickly, let’s move to Africa. In Africa, we have
commitment, that is the FOCAC, the full name is the Forum on
China-Africa Cooperation. This forum was established in 2000, and
every three years there is a FOCAC meeting. The FOCAC meeting in
2015 took place in Johannesburg, South Africa. In that meeting,
President Xi Jinping joined the meeting, put forward ten
cooperation plans, and pledged the money–as high as $60
billion–to cover all ten areas: industrialization, agriculture,
infrastructure, finance, environmental protection, and more.
The Belt and Road is very good for Africa’s job creation. A
lot of money has been earmarked to use for the industrialization
of Africa. Let me just highlight in my last two minutes, the two
areas, like two engines–like in an airplane, if you want to take
off, you need two engines: One is industrialization, another is
infrastructure. Without good infrastructure, there’s no basis for
industrialization–short of electricity, short of power, short of
roads, and then it’s very hard to make industry take off.
We have done a lot. Africa now is rising. Before, Africa was
regarded as a hopeless continent, more than 15 years ago. But
now, with kite flying over, now it’s Africa’s rising time….
Just to show you another infrastructure map: the Mombasa to
Nairobi railway that was just finished at the end of May. We are
going to build the second phase, from Nairobi all the way to
Malaba in Uganda, and then that’s an East African Community
network. When this railway was finished–this is President Uhuru
Kenyatta, saying this laid the foundation for industrialization.
This shows people celebrating this railway connection, and this
shows a man holding a paper saying “Comfortable, convenient, very
soft, safe, and very beautiful.” And here, very beautiful at 100
years old, a grandmother. [applause] [end video]

ASKARY:  Yes, that’s the spirit, that’s the spirit of things
that are happening in Africa, which is fantastic.  But it’s also
a certain projection of the happiness of the Chinese people and
their leadership in what they have achieved in their own country.
So China’s saying, we have done this ourselves, you can do it,
and we are committed to offering you everything we have achieved,
so you can also achieve yours.  It’s a win-win policy:  It’s good
for you, it’s good for us.
It’s completely different from what we have seen in the
Western policy, which hopefully will change — what we mentioned
about President Macron, what he had said is really shocking for
me, too. And you see that the New Paradigm, it changes people’s
souls.  And this is very, very important that we are becoming
more human than before, with these great achievements
So in any case, what we do in this report is, we took for
example, if you look at slide 12, this is a map which the African
Union put together in the Lagos Plan of Action in 1982.  But
nothing has been done.  This is for highways.  Now, we don’t
prefer to have trucks travelling 10,000km from north to south; we
prefer more high-speed railway, standard gauge railways, and so
on.  But this is the kind of vision which existed, but it was
never implemented.
Our vision of connecting the whole African continent, and
also with the so-called Middle East, that this could be done now.
We also believe that the Chinese intention is the same: To
integrate all of the African nations, the populations and the
natural resources of these nations, and utilize them for the
development of Africa itself.  Now, in 2014, which is my next
slide [slide 13], the Prime Minister of China, Li Keqiang, went
on a tour in Africa.  This picture is his meeting with the
leaders of the East African Community, which Professor He Wenping
just mentioned in her speech in the video you showed.  He told
the African leaders that China’s intention is to help connect all
the African capitals with high-speed railway.  One interesting
thing which the Africans themselves say, is that when the Chinese
want to do something here economically, when they want to help,
they are not like the Europeans.  The President of Uganda said,
they don’t come here with lessons in democracy; they come here to
build things, they are not lecturing us.  This is very
interesting because China is not imposing anything on any nation.
It’s inviting others and offering its capabilities.  This was in
May 2014, and in just three years, we have the first standard
gauge railway which is in the next slide [slide 14]; Uhuru
Kenyatta, very proud, inaugurating the railway from Mombasa to
Kenya.  There was a British line which was called the Lunatic
train, which was very slow, but it was designed to loot African
wealth.  And also the Djibouti to Addis Ababa railway was built,
also in three years in record time, and so on and so forth.  So,
China is winning African hearts and minds by doing these
investments, but doing them in record time and with no
conditionalities involved.
In addition of course, some of the mega-projects which we
are demanding be built and encouraging being built in Africa with
China’s help, for example we have in slide 15 the Transaqua
Project, which is an Italian-designed project to both refill Lake
Chad, which is drying up and threatening 30 million people’s
lives with drought.  To bring just 5% of the water of the
tributaries of the Congo River to Lake Chad through an artificial
canal.  But at the same time, connect East and West Africa with
railway and roads to open these countries, which are Rwanda,
Burundi, and Eastern Congo, the Central African Republic, Chad,
and so on.  These nations need outlets to world markets and also
to import useful machines and so on.  So, we have been
propagating, as the Schiller Institute, for many years and trying
to get the European Union and the United States to support this
project; but they rejected it.  Now China is proposing to start
looking at this project, and a Memorandum of Understanding was
signed with the Lake Chad Commission to have a feasibility study
of this project; which is a huge project, but it will transform
large parts of Africa, not because of the water itself, but
because of the old infrastructure involved in the central part of
Africa.  The next slide [slide 15] outlines the impact area of
this whole project.  It will create massive agro-industrial
centers in that part of Africa which is suffering the most.  The
biggest migration from Africa is from these regions into Europe.
But instead of having all those young people drowning in the
Mediterranean, trying to flee to Europe looking for a decent
life, they can stay in their countries now and build their
countries by giving them the tools to do that.
Of course, there are also other projects, but what’s
interesting about the Belt and Road is that it’s also inspiring,
not just helping countries, but inspiring countries to undertake
plans which have been dormant for many years.  But now the time
has come; for example, the new Suez Canal project.  There is also
connecting to Europe from Morocco, which is the next slide [slide
16]; building a tunnel under the Strait of Gibraltar, connecting
Morocco and Spain; and building a high-speed railway, the first
high-speed railway in Africa is being built now in Morocco.
There are new ports being built, and also a scientific,
industrial city being built in cooperation with China.  We have
another connection between Africa and Europe; we have still not
given up on Europe.  We want Europe to its and technological
potential to contribute to this project and help itself by
contributing to Africa’s development.  We have the Sicily to
Tunis tunnel and bridge connection to connect North Africa also
to Europe; this is a mega-project, and so on and so forth.  We
have also the Grand Inga Dam which China is now interested in
building on the Congo River, which will produce a huge amount of
hydropower — 40,000MW of power — which is twice as big as the
biggest dam in the world which the Chinese built in China; the
Three Gorges Dam.  The Inga Dam, or series of dams, will be twice
as big as the Chinese Three Gorges Dam, and a Chinese company has
made an offer to the government of the Democratic Republic of
Congo; and there’s also a counterbid by a Spanish company.
People should read the report; they should look at all the
content and try to understand it with a completely new eye.  The
eye of the New Paradigm, which I think is very important.  In
conclusion, what I wanted to say initially, is that as we have in
the last slide [slide 19] is this region which people call the
Middle East; we call is Southwest Asia.  It has been a horrific
scene for the worst results of geopolitics and power politics.
Regime change in Libya; regime change in Iraq; attempted regime
change in Syria supporting terrorist groups.  We have a horrible
war in Yemen which should end immediately.  It’s the worst
humanitarian catastrophe in the world right now, taking place in
Yemen.  You look at this region and say “How could this region
get out of this Hell?”  This is what Helga Zepp-LaRouche said:
This year we should kill geopolitics.  We should end geopolitics.
The idea that nations have to undermine other nations; that
nations are in competition with each other; that you have to
weaken your adversaries; you have to undermine them, you have to
kill them, you have to ruin their economy, destroy their
infrastructure, so you can become a winner.  That ideology is not
really human.  This has to end now and be replaced by the
“win-win” idea, which is the more human kind of idea.  The
potential for enormous development exists in this region.  It’s
the crossroads of the continents.  Both the Belt and the Road
pass through there.  Forty percent of world trade passes through
there.  You have natural resources, you have human resources, you
have rivers; you have every element necessary to have a massive
development process in this region, which will be the basis for
establishing peace among the nations of this region and also the
big powers.  If the United States joins Russia and China in
developing this region, this would be the biggest test for
mankind.  Of course, Africa is very important, but we have things
happening in Africa.  But, we still have a horrible situation in
Southwest Asia, which can lead into new and maybe bigger wars
than before.  Therefore, I think what Helga is saying that if we
use the Belt and Road idea, the idea of “win-win”, to crush
geopolitics, this would be victory not only for the countries of
this region; this will be a victory for all humankind.

ROSS:  Absolutely!  It’s a victory for a concept of mankind.
One example that comes to mind is Yemen.  Yemen is under constant
Saudi bombardment; they’ve been victims of a war by the Saudis
for some time now.  Yemen has a very powerful movement within it
for integration with the BRICS; a real sense of “Hey!  Even
though our conditions right now are what they are, this is our
future; and we’ve got to have that future in mind.  That’s what
we’re going to make happen.”
You think about the economic potential of Africa, and as you
said, it’s so clear, it’s so obvious the economic potential in
West Asia and Africa.  Geopolitics is what has prevented this
development.  It’s not that Africa didn’t get the help that it
needed; China is showing that it’s an obvious thing to do.  It
was a deliberate decision to prevent development and to hold
Africa back for the purposes — as you described — of looting.
A couple of examples that you brought up, just to bring out the
contrast a little bit more: You brought up the Grand Inga Dam
which would be located in the Democratic Republic of Congo; one
of the poorest, most energy-poor per capita, very low energy
availability.  It’s got the perfect site for a hydroelectric dam
complex, making enough electricity for tens of millions of
people.  The World Bank pulls out funding on it, because it’s a
big project which of course, they’re not going to touch because
it would have a major development impact.
What I’d like to actually show is another voice from Africa.
Professor He Wenping had mentioned that Ethiopia is sort of the
China of Africa, and other African diplomats will say this as
well; that Addis Ababa is sort of the unofficial capital of
Africa.  I don’t know if everyone in Africa agrees with that.
But I’d like to hear from Dr. Alexander Demissie, who also spoke
at the Schiller Institute conference in November, and hear from
him from a direct African perspective, what the impact of Chinese
investment has been and what the future can be in Africa.
DR. ALEXANDER DEMISSIE:  So today, what I’m trying to
discuss with you, or to present to you, is what is actually this
Belt and Road Initiative and how is that connected to Africa?
What kind of long-term impacts when we talk about the Belt and
Road Initiative and Africa?
So, this is a map [Fig. 1] I always present when I do
presentations, and I ask people, “What do you see here?”  It’s a
very simple question.  But what do you see here?  Yes, you should
see something.  So, it’s a rhetorical question; I’m not expecting
you to answer me.  But it takes usually several minutes until
people realize what they see here.  You see the absence of the
American continent; that’s what you see here.  The absence of the
American continent.  By saying this, you see that the Belt and
Road Initiative, the Chinese version of the Belt and Road
Initiative, is absolutely Eurasian-oriented; meaning that
starting in China, it is primarily Eurasian-oriented.  The idea
of the Belt and Road Initiative — probably even your idea back
in the ’70s — is the Land-Bridge that we have been discussing
yesterday and today.  Within this picture or map, you will see
also Africa.  Africa is prominent, Africa is not entirely in the
center, but on the left side; and it should be part of the Belt
and Road idea.  It’s primarily an infrastructural undertaking, so
the Belt and Road Initiative we don’t have yet political
institutionalization.  We have infrastructural ideas, we have
corridors; but we don’t have yet political institutions.  If we
talk about the Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank or the Silk
Road Bank, these are just connected to infrastructure; they are
not political ideas.  And interestingly, this idea fits perfectly
into the current African needs.  What are the current African
needs?  The current Africa need is infrastructure development.
Africa wants infrastructure and the aspiration — I’m going back
here to the Agenda 2063, that has also coincidentally been coming
up 2013 together with the Belt and Road Initiative.  Africa wants
a good infrastructure connection, a good internal
interconnectivity.  So, the idea coming from China is perfectly
fitting into the idea actually happening or discussed within the
Africa continent.
We see now an actor coming in.  China is an actor coming in
and literally taking or doing part of those needed works.  This
is a huge — at least from the African perspective — this is a
huge plus for many African countries.  The idea of the Belt and
Road Initiative, which is actually coming only in 2013; we see
that it is helping what has been taking place on the continent
between China and African countries since the year 2000.  We see
this that China has clearly declared that they would like to see
Chinese-African cooperation moving into development of highways,
regional aviation networks, or industrialization.  Also we see
that China has been given a lot of clarity to the African Union’s
infrastructure development for Africa.  This program has
approximately 51 different programs, and this is translated into
400 different physical projects.  I speak about ports, and
streets, and telecommunication lines, whatever you require for a
nation to function, or for a continent to function.
What we see in Africa now is that since at least two years,
there is a growing corridorization in the China-Africa
relationship.  As corridorization, I mean that not single
countries are any more important, but entire regions are becoming
more important for China.  This is a huge departure from a
single, bilateral country-based approach towards corridor
development.  If you look at Africa corridors, the map on the
right [Fig. 2], we see right now as we speak today, there are
around 33 different corridors that have either been developed, or
are under development, or are thought out and need to be
developed.  Corridors do nothing else than combine two different
areas, and by doing so also creating a development initiative, a
development paradigm.
Let’s go to East Africa.  So now, this is Africa; I’m aware
that the plans for these things have been in the drawer for a
long time.  We know also that a lot of American research
institutes played a very good role in creating those plans in the
’50s and ’60s, especially in Ethiopia.  The Grand Renaissance Dam
that is being built in Ethiopia, goes back to American scientists
that have been creating those ideas in the ’60s.  It’s being
built already now.  So, a lot of ideas in East Africa have been
already on the table for decades, but no one was able or willing
to pay for it.  But now a lot of money is coming out of China, so
these infrastructure — and how this can change the life of the
people is easily described.  The transportation of cargo from the
Djibouti port to Addis Ababa used to take three days.  Now, with
the train, it’s already 10 hours.  So now we can imagine what
kind of economic activity will happen to this one corridor
development, or one infrastructure within this community. [end

ROSS:  I just wanted to read another short excerpt from
Alexander Demissie.  Towards the end of his presentation, he
said, “The problem as I see it, is that the traditional partners
are still in the old paradigm of thinking.  They still think with
traditional assumptions.  Africa is seen as an aid-dependent
continent; not a continent full of opportunities.  It is still
seen with the wrong mindset.  This is one of the biggest
problems, and it has to change.”
So, I think our report does a very thorough job of
addressing the whole gamut of issues here.  What the historical
errors have been, or not errors, but cruelties or injustices that
have occurred towards Africa, towards Southwest Asia with the use
of geopolitics, with the use of looting rather than development.
As well as what some of the ideas are today that hold back the
potential for development.  The ways that environmentalism is
used; the ways that there shouldn’t be any net growth of the
human species are used.  This is the basis, for example, for the
World Bank refusing any loans to coal or to large hydro plants.
But you’re not going to develop a continent with solar panels, as
much as Obama might have wanted to have done that.
The other issues are in regards to economics.  That there is
this prevailing and totally wrong view about economics that looks
for financial returns as being the metric; as opposed to going
beyond GDP and saying how are we changing life expectancies?  How
are we changing productive potential?  What’s the long-term value
of helping a nation to develop in a partnership?  This is the
sort of thing.  So, the report goes through all of this; it goes
through what the specific projects are that are needed.  It goes
through something that’s very important for policymakers — how
to finance it.  How the hopes of trying to get investment, of
trying to get loans from private banks for these big projects;
it’s simply not going to fly.  The use of national banking, as
China has done both domestically as well as with its ExIm Bank
with these two large rail projects in Africa in particular in
Kenya and the Addis Ababa to Djibouti railroad.
So, I think we’ve heard from China, we’ve heard from
Southwest Asia, we’ve heard from Africa.  Let me ask you,
Hussein, if you have any words that you would like to direct
towards our American viewers.  What would you tell Americans?
What should we be doing?

ASKARY:  Exactly!  I had also in mind to say that, because
we need to hear from Americans.  I don’t think it’s a good idea
that the United States is not on the map of the Belt and Road;
but I think a different United States should be involved.  I’m
very sure that if President Franklin Roosevelt, President
Kennedy, Dr. Martin Luther King must be very happy now for what
is now already starting to happen in Africa.  They might feel
sorry for the lost time, but I’m sure they are happy.  Americans
should look back at that best of American tradition and work with
ideas of Lyndon LaRouche and the LaRouche PAC and LaRouche’s
associates, because the United States will not become great again
with the team that President Trump has.  America will be great
again with the ideas that the LaRouche PAC, the ideas of Franklin
Roosevelt, the Hamiltonian idea of a national credit system,
rather than depending on Wall Street.  These things will make
America great again, but it also will help the United States to
have a completely different policy in the world; which will make
the people around the world see the United States with completely
different eyes.  Right now, the United States is not so liked
around the world; not because of Trump, but because of previous
administrations’ war policies, their hypocrisy.  As you showed in
Obama’s case, their policies would lead to genocide.  So, the
United States is not really a popular country around the world,
but this can shift.  In order for that shift to happen, there
should be a shift inside the United States in the mind and the
soul of the American people.  I’m sure the kind of work you are
doing in LaRouche PAC would help greatly.

OGDEN:  And that’s exactly what we are doing with this
campaign to win the future statement.  As I said in the beginning
of the show, we’re initiating a national mobilization to bring
together all of the constituent layers — regardless of party,
political orientation — around a vision of economic development
for the United States and for the world.  If you just imagine the
kind of way that the world could be transformed in the next 15 or
20 years with what China has begun doing in Africa; something
that people thought was impossible.  They just disregarded Africa
and said well, this is just where you’re going to have
impoverishment and backwardness.  Now, this could seriously
become a hub of development for the planet.  But take that and
extend it across the Bering Strait into the Americas; have a rail
link between Eurasia and North America.  Then imagine an entire
development corridor down through the central part of North
America, through the heartland, the farm country in the Midwest;
down through Mexico, across the Darien Gap into Central and South
America.  Then also, extend the Maritime Silk Road to the
Caribbean.  That vision of what could happen in the Western
Hemisphere is the extension of the sort of optimism that you now
see China bringing to Africa.
So, as I said, I think it’s the great moral test.  Emmanuel
Macron was absolutely right; he said it’s a moral challenge what
the nations of the world do to collaborate to bring development
to the African continent.  I think we can be very happy that it’s
because of the leadership over decades of the LaRouche movement,
of you Hussein.  What you’ve been doing; what you did to
collaborate with Jason to put together this extraordinary Special
Report.  I know that this is being listened to in the highest
levels of power across the African continent and in Southwest
Asia; we have evidence of that.  The invitation that you
received, Hussein, from the Egyptian Transportation Ministry, and
other examples.  So, we have to proceed with that kind of
confidence that we are, indeed, shaping the policy for the
So, let me put on the screen one more time; this is the
vision of an economic renaissance — this is the Special Report
that Jason and Hussein collaborated in authoring.  That is
available; you can find the link to that on the screen here —
LPAC.CO/ExtendedSilkRoad.  It’s a very thorough, book-length
Special Report.  This is something that is not just important for
the African leaders and for China.  This is something that is
very important for the United States.  This is something that we
should be considering when we talk about what is US foreign
policy, and those disgraceful graphics about the plummeting of US
investment into Africa over the course of the last eight years
during the Obama administration.  That needs to be reversed; and
it needs to be reversed by bringing the United States and China
into a “win-win” collaboration for the development of these
We are going to proceed with this campaign to win the
future.  And we’re asking you to endorse this, to join our
mobilization, and to make sure that this becomes the policy
parameter for the 2018 election.  None of the melodrama, not the
soap operas, not all of the secondary and tertiary issues.  These
are the questions which will determine the future of the United
States and the survival of our country and what our role is in
respect to this New Paradigm that we’ve just been discussing on
the show today.
So, again, we have 11 days between now and President Trump’s
State of the Union address.  We are putting these two items on
the agenda.  The United States must adopt LaRouche’s Four
Economic Laws, and the United States must join the New Silk Road.
So, Hussein, is there anything that you want to say in
conclusion before we end this show today?  Any special messages
for our viewers, both in the United States and internationally?

ASKARY:  I think it’s a great opportunity for people now to
get this report, take to themselves the scientific, even
philosophical and other ideas that are in the report which are
necessary.  As you said, it’s for everyone; it’s not only for
Africans.  I think the main target of the report should be
Europeans and Americans, because we need these kinds of ideas
more than at any time before.  We have problems here in Europe
with the infrastructure, with unemployment.  You have massive
problems in the United States.  You need to have these ideas for
your own sake, too; but there is enormous potential that exists
in Europe and the United States that could be revived.  But that
has to be done in the right way; and the right way was outlined
by Mr. LaRouche, but we put it in very clear terms in this
report.  I hope people will get the report and learn something
and push the policymakers in the United States to also do the

OGDEN:  Wonderful.  Thank you very much, Hussein, for
joining us.  And thank you to Jason for joining me here.  I think
we have a lot more to come.  So, a very exciting report here
today.  Help us circulate this video; send it out to everybody
that you know; share it on social media.  Let’s get these ideas
to permeate the United States.  Thank you very much and please
stay tuned to larouchepac.com.

Invitation til seminar med Hussein Askary,
medforfatter af Schiller Instituttets nye
Specialrapport, »Forlæng den Nye Silkevej
til Vestasien og Afrika«

Tiden er nu inde til, at Danmark, resten af Europa og USA aktivt tilslutter sig Kinas Bælte & Vej Initiativ og tager del i den økonomiske udvikling af Vestasien og Afrika. Dette ville ligeledes være en konstruktiv respons til immigrationen fra disse områder, såvel som også til terrorismen.

Schiller Instituttet og Executive Intelligence Review (EIR) inviterer dig hermed til at deltage i et seminar med fokus på vores nye rapport:

»Forlæng den Nye Silkevej til Vestasien og Afrika«

Dato: mandag, 5. februar, 2018

Tid. Kl. 19:00

Sted: Valby Kulturhus, lokale 3, 3. sal

Valgårdsvej 4-8

2500 Valby

(ved Valby Station)

Fri entré.

(Mødet afholdes på engelsk; dansk tolkning er muligt.)

International gæstetaler: Hussein Askary, medforfatter af rapporten; koordinator for Vestasien for Schiller Instituttet og EIR’s redaktør for arabiske anliggender.





Taler: Tom Gillesberg, formand for Schiller Instituttet i Danmark; EIR’s bureauchef i Danmark og tidligere kandidat til Københavns borgmester med sloganet, »København skal med i den Nye Silkevej«.







Feride Istogu Gillesberg: 25 12 50 33 eller 35 43 00 33

Michelle Rasmussen: 53 57 00 51 eller 35 43 00 33 eller si@schillerinstitut.dk

Om seminaret:

Kinas Nye Silkevejsprojekt er i færd med at frigøre det utrolige vækstpotentiale, der findes i Afrika og Vestasien. Dette seminar vil præsentere nogle af de væsentlige aspekter i Schiller Instituttets nye rapport: »Forlæng den Nye Silkevej til Vestasien (Mellemøsten) og Afrika: En vision for en økonomisk renæssance«.

Rapporten forklarer projekter, der er foreslået, og dem, der er under opførelse og kommer med forslag til et nyt niveau for konnektivitet og økonomisk infrastruktur for området. Den diskuterer ligeledes det nødvendige, videnskabelig-økonomiske livssyn og de metoder til finansiering, der kræves for at virkeliggøre disse programmer.

Den fremtidsvision for Sydvestasien og Afrika, der præsenteres her, er af en helt anden karakter end noget, læseren har modtaget fra de almene mediers eller tænketankes beskrivelser af disse to områder.

Her følger et uddrag af introduktionen:

»Gennem Bælte & Vej Initiativet (BVI) tilbyder Kina resten af verden sin knowhow, erfaring og teknologi, støttet af et finansielt arsenal på $3 bio. Dette er en stor mulighed for Vestasien og Afrika til at virkeliggøre drømmene fra æraen efter Anden Verdenskrig, drømme, der desværre er blevet saboteret i årtier. Det dramatiske infrastrukturunderskud både nationalt og interregionalt i Vestasien og Afrika kan, ironisk nok, i dette nye lys anses for en stor mulighed. Selvom mange andre industrinationer i Europa, Asien og de amerikanske lande har teknologiske og arbejdskraftkapaciteter ligesom dem i Kina, så mangler de visionen og den politiske vilje til at anvende disse kapaciteter, og til at finansiere deres anvendelse. Eftersom Vestasien og Afrika i kombination er et så strategisk vigtigt område for både Øst og Vest, er det således et perfekt sted til at bringe kapaciteterne i verdens nationer ind i et konkret projekt for fredeligt samarbejde og udvikling.«

Schiller Instituttet og Executive Intelligence Review, samt dets stiftere og internationale ledere, Lyndon LaRouche og Helga Zepp-LaRouche, har ført kampagne for, at Europa og USA aktivt skal tilslutte sig Bælte & Vej Initiativet, siden dettes begyndelse i 2013. Schiller Instituttet har leveret de fundamentale, konceptuelle principper, som blev udviklet efter Berlinmurens fald og Sovjetunionens kollaps, der gav verden en gylden mulighed for fred gennem udvikling. På trods af afvisning fra den vestlige politiske og finansielle elites side, så fortsatte vi med at føre en international kampagne for dets vedtagelse.

I øjeblikket omfatter BVI’s økonomiske alliance 70 lande i Asien, Afrika, Øst- og Sydeuropa, og Syd- og Mellemamerika.

Tiden er nu inde til, at Danmark, resten af Europa og USA aktivt tilslutter sig Kinas Bælte & Vej Initiativ og tager del i den økonomiske udvikling af Vestasien og Afrika. Dette ville ligeledes være en konstruktiv respons til immigrationen fra disse områder, såvel som også terrorismen.

I denne sammenhæng vil seminaret også udforske den internationale, strategiske betydning af den franske præsident Macrons udtalelse, den 8. januar, om, at Frankrig fuldt og helt vil gå sammen med Kina for at bygge den Nye Silkevej, samt handle for at få hele Europa med om bord. Dette sender nu chokbølger igennem hele verden, idet det repræsenterer en politisk vending. Macron sagde bl.a. i sin tale:

»Jeg mener, at det Nye Silkevejsinitiativ kan imødekomme vore interesser, Frankrigs og Europas, hvis vi giver os selv midlerne til virkelig at arbejde sammen. Silkevejene var trods alt aldrig rent kinesiske … disse veje er altid fælles. Og, hvis de er ruter, kan de ikke kun være ensrettede. De må gå frem og tilbage. Jeg er således rede til at arbejde hen imod de annoncerede mål. Programmerne for veje, jernbaner, lufthavne, maritim og teknologi langs Silkevejene kan bibringe respons til infrastrukturunderskuddet … At gøre vore finansielle resurser fælles, offentlige såvel som private, til projekter på tværs af grænser kan styrke konnektiviteten mellem Europa og Asien og videre endnu, til Mellemøsten og Afrika … Det er op til Frankrig, og med Frankrig, op til Europa at bidrage med sin egen forestillingsevne til dette forslag, og at arbejde på det i de kommende måneder og år.«

Macron hyldede Kinas arbejde i Afrika og opfordrede Europa til at deltage i det, som en konstruktiv respons til sine forbrydelser, begået i sin historie som kolonimagt i Vestasien og Afrika. Vesten må overvinde den »ensidige imperialisme«, som blev ført af Frankrig og andre europæiske magter i Afrika og andre steder, og gå med i det nye paradigme.

Macrons tale har allerede skabt en ny geometri i Europa. Tre dage efter talen meddelte EU’s ambassadør til Kina, Hans Dietmar Schweisgut, at EU vil komme med et forslag til et »udkast til en sammenkobling for det eurasiske kontinent«, der skal sammenflettes med Bælte & Vej Initiativet.

Schiller Instituttet understreger, at tilslutningen til den Nye Silkevej må gå hånd i hånd med en vedtagelse af Lyndon LaRouches Fire Økonomiske Love, for at undgå et nyt finanskrak, værre end i 2008, gennem en Glass/Steagall-bankopdeling og en forøgelse af den nationale produktivitet gennem udstedelse af statslige kreditter til moderne infrastruktur og videnskabeligt og teknologisk fremskridt.

Vi håber, alle vil være i stand til at deltage i dette tankevækkende seminar, hvor der også bliver tid til diskussion.

Rapporten kan købes før eller på seminaret.

En dansk introduktion til rapporten vil ligeledes være tilgængelig.

En detaljeret indholdsfortegnelse og den engelske introduktion til rapporten kan ses her: http://schillerinstitut.dk/si/?p=22868

Se den korte version nedenfor.

Information til bestilling: The Schiller Institute’s Special Report
Extending the New Silk Road to West Asia (Middle East) and Africa:
A Vision of an Economic Renaissance

Af Hussein Askary og Jason Ross.

November, 2017, 246 sider. (A4-format)


Afhentning: 375 DKK; almindelig post: 400 DKK; quick mail: 420 DKK. Elektronisk pdf: 200 DKK

Telefon 53 57 00 51; 35 43 00 33, si@schillerinstitut.dk

Betaling til Schiller Instituttet i Danmark:

Homebanking: 551-5648408

Giro: 564-8408

Eller købes kontant på, før eller efter seminaret.


Indholdsfortegnelse, kort version:

Chapter 2: The Silk Road Reaches Africa
Chapter 3: The Economic Science behind the World Land Bridge

Chapter 4: Financing Regional and National Infrastructure
Chapter 5: Demography and Development
Chapter 6: Integration of West Asia with the New Silk Road
Appendix—Case Study: Syria’s Reconstruction Project Phoenix 103
Chapter 7: Africa — Transport Network Integration
A. The Nile Basin and East Africa
B. Southern Africa
C. West and Central Africa
Chapter 8: Africa — Water Resources Development
Chapter 9: To Power Africa, Go Nuclear!
Chapter 10: Africa — Food Security: Realizing Africa’s Vast Agricultural Potential
Chapter 11: Africa in Space
Chapter 12: Conclusions and Recommendations
Chapter 13: Selection of Proposed Mega Projects in Africa

Dansk:       www.schillerinstitut.dk
English:      www.newparadigm.schillerinstitute.com

Andre sprog: Click here

Schiller Instituttet i Danmark:

Sankt Knuds Vej 11. kld., t.v., 1903 Frederiksberg C.

www.schillerinstitut.dk           si@schillerinstitut.dk

Helga Zepp-LaRouches Nytårsbudskab og et
nyt potentiale for menneskehedens fremtid

31. dec., 2017 – Schiller Instituttets stifter og præsident Helga Zepp-LaRouche optog følgende Nytårsbudskab til LaRouche PAC Action Committee (LPAC):

Kære borgere i verden,

Lad mig først ønske jer et Godt og Fredeligt Nytår 2018. Som det vigtigste mål for 2018 ønsker jeg at definere overvindelse af geopolitik. Geopolitik har været årsag til to verdenskrige i det 20. århundrede, og det turde stå enhver klart, at, i atomvåbenalderen, kan krig ikke længere være et middel til konfliktløsning. Geopolitik er ligeledes baseret på den forældede koldkrigstankegang og tankegangen med nulsumsspil, altså den idé, at, hvis ét land vinder, må de andre tabe. Det er den fejlagtige idé om, at det er legitimt at forfølge en nations eller gruppe af nationers interesse, på bekostning af andres interesse.

Heldigvis har Kina sat det nye koncept for udenrigsrelationer, for relationer mellem nationer, et win-win-samarbejde til alles fordel, på dagsordenen. Reaktionen på dette har været blandet: Kina har tilbudt USA, og ligeledes de europæiske lande, at samarbejde. Nogle har reageret med entusiasme, fordi de ser fordelene ved samarbejde inden for infrastrukturområdet og andre områder. For eksempel har Central- og Sydeuropa reageret meget positivt; mange udviklingslande er med om bord. Alt i alt er flere end 70 lande allerede en del af dette nye paradigme.

Men andre har reageret med et hysteri, der netop nu tager til, fordi de ser Kinas fremkomst, og de ved, at dette er en mere succesfuld model, som er mere attraktiv for mange lande i verden. De hævder, at den kinesiske model er en trussel mod deres demokratier.

Men måske gør kineserne noget mere korrekt, end disse vestlige demokratier. Kina har trods alt bevæget 700 mio. mennesker ud af fattigdom, og de har erklæret, at de ligeledes ønsker at bringe de resterende 42 mio. mennesker ud af fattigdom frem til år 2020. Kina har endda aflagt løfte om at fjerne fattigdom på verdensplan frem til år 2050.

Dette ville selvsagt betyde, at Europa må overvinde fattigdom for 90 mio. borgere, der lever i denne tilstand, og USA har henved 42 mio.: Dette er absolut muligt, hvis de samarbejder med den Nye Silkevej.

En af de største, geopolitiske udfordringer, der skal overvindes, er udfaldet af den kamp, der finder sted i USA, hvor man netop nu har høringer i Kongressen, hvor det utrolige, aftalte spil, der har fundet sted mellem Obama-administrationen, Hillary Clintons valgkampagne, det Demokratiske lederskab, cheferne for efterretningstjenesterne, og så britisk efterretning helt klart har forsøgt at stjæle valgsejren fra Trump i 2016, og, hvis alt dette kommer frem, og Trump lykkes med sine bestræbelser for at genetablere en anstændig relation med Rusland og Kina, hvilket var den første årsag til Russiagate; så kan en ny æra for civilisationen virkelig begynde.

Samarbejdet mellem alle nationer i den Nye Silkevej er ligeledes den eneste måde, hvorpå vi kan forhindre, at finanssystemet krakker i 2018; hvilket, hvis det skete, ville blive meget værre end i 2008. Dette ville kræve, at vi gør en ende på kasinoøkonomien i Vesten, vedtager en Glass/Steagall-bankopdeling, etablerer et kreditsystem og dernæst samarbejder med banker som AIIB, den Nye Silkevejsfond og andre banker, for at genopbygge realøkonomien.

Dette er ikke alene vigtigt for USA og Europa, men er i særdeleshed vigtigt, hvis vi ønsker at genopbygge Mellemøsten efter mange års forfærdelige krige, som var resultatet af interventionskrige, regimeskifte og ’farvede revolutioner’; så må vi samarbejde med Kina omkring den Nye Silkevej, for at forlænge dette koncept ind i Mellemøsten.

Den eneste måde, hvorpå vi kan løse flygtningekrisen på en human måde, på en menneskelig måde, er at samarbejde med Kina omkring den økonomiske udvikling af hele Afrika. Hvis vi gør dette i det kommende år, har vi mulighed for utrolige gennembrud for verdensfreden, men også inden for området af videnskab og teknologi, hvor, f.eks., reelle gennembrud mht. at opnå termonuklear fusionskraft skues i horisonten. Hvis vi lykkes med dette, kan vi få sikkerhed for energiforsyning og for forsyning af råmaterialer.

Hvis vi kombinerer alt dette med en dialog mellem kulturer, hvor hver nation repræsenterer sine bedste traditioner, så andre kan lære dem at kende, er jeg fuldstændig overbevist om, at dette vil resultere i en større kærlighed til menneskeheden.

Så der er al mulig grund til optimisme for de kommende år, for der findes løsninger. Lad os simpelt hen gennemføre dem på en beslutsom måde.

Godt Nytår.



Forlæng den Nye Silkevej til Vestasien og Afrika.
Tale af Hussein Askary på Schiller Instituttets
konference i Tyskland, 25. nov., 2017

Der er intet urealistisk ved det, jeg her fremlægger om Sydvestasien og Afrika. Grunden til, at jeg er forhåbningsfuld, er, at det nye paradigme inden for internationale relationer har fået fodfæste, og den gamle imperieorden blegner. Den anden, mere subjektive grund til at være optimistisk er, at vi vil fortsætte med at kæmpe for at få dette til at ske.

Imperiet lurer stadig farligt, som en såret tiger, og kunne angribe. Imperiets ideologi med dets aksiomer og overbevisninger om forholdet mellem menneske og natur, mellem menneske og menneske og mellem nation og nation, vil fortsat være en kilde til fare for den menneskelige race. For eksempel, den overbevisning, at penge får ting til at ske. Eller miljøforkæmpernes idé om, at menneskelige aktiviteter for at hæve samfundets levestandard altid har en negativ virkning på naturen og miljøet, og at menneskene simpelt hen bør forhindres i at vokse i antal, og i en voksende levestandard.

Download (PDF, Unknown)

Extending the New Silk Road to Southwest Asia and Africa:
A vision of an Economic Renaissance

Schiller Institute Special Report:
Extending the New Silk Road to West Asia (Middle East) and Africa:
A Vision of an Economic Renaissance,

This 246-page special report was released in November 2017. It was authored by Hussein Askary and Jason Ross and a Schiller Institute team.
Here is the introduction to the report, followed by the Table of Contents.
Order information:
Please order from The Schiller Institute in Denmark.
Tel: 53 57 00 51; 35 43 00 33, mich.ras@hotmail.com
Printed version: 400 kr.  regular mail; 425 kr.via Quickbrev
Pdf: 200 kr.
Payment to The Schiller Institute
Homebanking: 1551-5648408
Giro: 5648408
The report can also be picked up at our office:
Sankt Knuds Vej 11, basement left, 1903 Frederiksberg.
Please call or write to arrange: 53 57 00 51; 35 43 00 33, mich.ras@hotmail.com




Download (PDF, Unknown)


Table of Contents:


A New Global Paradigm 11

China’s Role in the Economic Renaissance of West Asia and Africa 14

What is Win-Win Philosophy? 16

The Age of Mega-Projects Is Back 21

Redefining ‘Sustainable Development’ 22

‘Helping’ or Empowering Africa 24

The African Union Aims High 25

Africa Must Leap Ahead, Not Crawl Forward! 28
Chapter 1: West Asia: The Silk Road’s Crossroads to the Mediterranean and Africa 29

Egypt: A Bridge between Asia, Europe and Africa 30

Chapter 2: The Silk Road Reaches Africa 33

China in Africa: Myths or Facts 36

Europe, not China, Is Engaged in Land Grabbing in Africa 37

Defining an African Future 40

Chapter 3: The Economic Science Behind the World LandBridge 41

What is Infrastructure, Really? 41

Economics: The Ultimate Science 41

Platforms: Artificial Environments 44

Energy Flux Density 45

Power and Energy 45

Promethean ‘Fire’ 46

Aspects of the ‘Synthetic Environment’48

Materials 48

Water 49

Transportation 50

Energy 53

Space 55

A Future Platform: Nuclear Fusion 56

Nuclear Power: Fission and Fusion 56

Benefits of Fusion 58

New, Unique Applications of Fusion 59

Conclusion 60

Chapter 4: Financing Regional and National Infrastructure 63

Money vs. Credit 63

Credit and Productivity 64

Invariance of Historical and Modern Examples 66

President Roosevelt’s RFC 68

A Southwest Asia/Africa Regional Infrastructure Bank 69

Cooperation with International Development Banks  70

Public-Private Partnerships Cannot Substitute 73

Appendix: Egypt: Internal financing of development 74

A National Reconstruction and Development Bank 74

Appendix: “LaRouche on Money vs. Credit” 75

Chapter 5: Demography and Development 77

Case Study: Egypt—Myth of Overpopulation 79

Moving Forward and Outward 80

Egypt Reclaims the Desert 81

The New Nile Valley 82

Chapter 6: Integration of West Asia with the New Silk Road 85

The Bridge Among Continents 85

Completing the Land-Bridge Westward 87

Proposed Corridors Integrating Arab States 90

A Common Enemy: The Desert 91

Attacking the Desert from the Fertile Crescent 91

Petrochemicals: Industry of the Future 99

Plastics 100

Appendix—Case Study: Syria’s Reconstruction Project Phoenix 103

Financing Reconstruction in a Nation Ruined by War? 105

Physical-Economic Development 106

Syria and the New Silk Road 106

Conclusion 108

Chapter 7: Africa — Transport Network Integration 111

Colonial Legacy 113

Dependency on Roads 114

Landlocked Nations 116

Turning a Crisis Into an Opportunity 118

A. The Nile Basin and East Africa  119

Creating a Powerful North-South Axis 119

East Africa’s Economic Corridors 125

B. Southern Africa  134

Roads, Rails and Ports in Southern Africa 134

The South African High-Speed Rail Project 135

Gautrain 137

When Will South Africa Convert to Standard Gauge?138

Africa’s North-South Corridor 138

Africa Tomorrow 142

C. West and Central Africa  142

Fast Track Development Perspective for West and Central Africa 142

Ports Connecting to the BRI 144

Development of West Africa 145

Development of Central Africa 147

Mechanized Agriculture: Africa Can Feed Itself and the Rest of the World 147

D. North Africa 147

Dreams and Setbacks 149

Highway Networks 149

Maghreb Railway Networks 151

Trans-Maghreb High-Speed Rail 152

Morocco Joins the BRI: Tanger-Med Port and Technopolis 154

Algeria Joins, Too156

Bridging the Gap Between Europe and Africa 157

Chapter 8: Africa — Water Resources Development 161

Managing the Water Cycle as a Cycle 163

Category 1: Management of Land Flow 165

Into the Future: How Africa Can Lead the World 169

Category 2: Weather Control 170

Category 3: Desalination of Ocean Water 174

Africa’s Water Future 175

Case study: The Nile Basin 175

The Linear Facts 176

Lost to Evaporation 177

Hydropower, Water Management, Agricultural Development 181

Chapter 9: To Power Africa, Go Nuclear! 185

Energy Requirements 185

An African Visionary: Diop 189

Chapter 10: Africa — Food Security: Realizing Africa’s Vast Agricultural Potential  193

Land and Yield 195

China’s Contributions 197

Lake Chad Basin 198

Sudan 200

Commitment to Transformation 200

Chapter 11: Africa in Space 203

New Space Nations 204

Space as a Driver for Development 205

A World-Class Science Project

206 Case Study — South Africa: Looking to the Heavens to Develop the Continent  208 Scientific Orientation 209

Imagination and Wonder 211

Space Technology Can Support Africa’s Development Goals 212

Working with China and the BRICS 213

Chapter 12: Conclusions and Recommendations 215

The Political and Economic Context 215

Some Necessary Axiomatic Shifts 217

Recommendation: Understanding Physical Economics 218

Recommendation: Financing Infrastructure 219

Recommendation: Science and Technology 220

Recommendation: Transport 220

Recommendation: Power 221

Recommendation: Water 221

Recommendation: Agriculture 222

Chapter 13: Selection of Proposed Mega Projects in Africa 225

Pan-African High-Speed Rail Network 225

Regional and Continental Corridors 227

New Suez Canal and Industrial Zone 229

Transaqua: The Centerpiece of Africa’s Development 231

Grand Inga Dam Project 237

South African Nuclear Program 239

Sicily–Tunis Connector — TUNeIT 242

Gibraltar Euro-African Tunnel 245


Valgmøde den 10. november 2017, del I,
med Tom Gillesberg, Helga Zepp-LaRouche
og meget smuk sang

Helga Zepp LaRouche Addresses Copenhagen Campaign Event of
‘Friends of the Schiller Institute,’ Nov. 10, 2017

– The Legacy of Friedrich Schiller and the Schiller Institute –
– In the Confucian Concept of Xi’s New Silk Road Today –

        Schiller Institute Chairwoman and founder Helga
Zepp-LaRouche was introduced by Schiller Institute in Denmark
Chairman Tom Gillesberg, who is running for mayor of Copenhagen
on the Friends of the Schiller Institute slate.

HELGA ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  I’m very happy to be here by Hangout
video, because there are a lot very important things happening
which the Western media are absolutely hiding from the
population.  As a matter of fact, since you referred to the
founding of the Schiller Institute in 1984, I was just reflecting
that the purpose why I created the Schiller Institute in the
first place, was because I saw the world very much in need of a
different idea of relations among nations.
And that was the main reason why this institute was created,
because I realized, in 1983, the relationship between Germany and
the United States, Europe and the United States, the so-called
“advanced sector” and the developing countries, all of these
foreign relations were terrible.  For slightly different reasons
in each case, but I basically said, “this is not the way nations
should organized themselves, and that is not how they should
relate to each other.”
So I came up with the idea to create an institute devoted to
the development of a just new world economic order, whereby every
person on the planet would eventually have a decent life, that
was explicitly the idea; and that this new world economic order
would only function if it would be combined with the idea of a
dialogue of cultures on the highest level, where one country
would not refer to the worst tradition of the other, but to the
best, and vice versa.  And that all of this would be accompanied
by a lot of Classical culture, a lot of emphasis on science, on
science and technology as the motor for such a development.
Now, I don’t want to go through the long history of the
Schiller Institute, which has done an enormous amount of work on
five continents since its existence, but I’m very happy to say
that if you look at the world today, especially in the last
several days, a lot of what the Schiller Institute was meant to
be, is coming into being.
People really have to realize that the summit which just
took place between President Xi Jinping and President Trump, was
an absolutely historic breakthrough.  Now, if you listen to the
Western media, you would think the opposite; you would think, if
you read the New York Times you would say, “Trump sold out to
the Chinese, because Xi Jinping is much more powerful than
Trump.”  If you listen to second channel of German TV, their
comment yesterday was that, yes, this was all a big show, but
Trump is so irrational and changing so quickly that in two weeks
he will not even remember what happened.  Or, the Frankfurter
Allgemeine Zeitung
this morning, I had to laugh when I was
reading this. On the front page, they said if Deng Xiaoping were
still alive, he would have wept tears of joy when he saw that Xi
Jinping and Trump were meeting, seeing eye-to-eye, treating each
other as equals.
So the Western media are just completely beside themselves,
they’re cynical, they’re absolutely geopolitically blinded in
such a way that they can’t even look at what is going on.
Now, let me tell you what really happened:  First of all, on
Wednesday [Nov. 8], the Chinese government did something which
has never happened, giving an honor to Trump which they have
never given to any other foreign head of state.  They closed down
for an entire day the Forbidden City; this is the largest complex
of palaces in the world.  Since the 17th century, it was the seat
of the emperors, and it is just one large complex of palaces, one
after the other:  it has opera houses, it has living quarters,
it’s just an unbelievable environment.
They closed this down, and they performed for President
Trump and his wife Melania, excerpts from three Beijing operas,
and they showed ancient handicrafts in restoration; and really
steeped the Presidential couple in Chinese culture.  Which
everybody who knows it, knows it’s extremely beautiful and
extremely impressive.  And they called this a “State Visit-Plus.”
A commentator from the think tank CASS [Chinese Academy of Social
Sciences] said this has never happened in the history of China,
either; they have never given a head of state such a high-level
visit, so it was a highest honor ever given to a foreign
Now, the Western press is not reflecting why this is the
case, but President Xi said that the this is the beginning of a
new start of relations between the United States and China, and
it will do very important, good things not only for the two
people, but for the entire world.  And Trump, on his side, said,
what could be more important than the two largest economic
countries finding a good cooperation; and he also said that he
looks ahead to many years of friendship and collaboration between
the two countries, accomplishing incredible things.
Obviously, not unimportant was the fact that there were
trade deal deals signed for, altogether $253 billion, ranging
from energy, agricultural products, airplanes were being bought,
infrastructure.  And in a certain sense, this is important, and
designed to grow — it’s not the end of it.  Trump made several
speeches where he said — there was an incredible trade gap up to
now, but he doesn’t blame the Chinese for it, he blames the
former U.S. administrations for allowing this to happen.
So obviously, there are many positive things in this trade
relation, as such, but I think more importantly the spirit which
comes from the New Silk Road, which is the policy which has been
put on the agenda by Xi Jinping since 2013, and which in the four
years since, has grown to be the largest economic infrastructure
project ever in history: Already something like 70 countries are
collaborating.  They are building infrastructure corridors, six
major corridors, almost 40 cargo trains and connecting between
China and Europe, now, every week.  The development is spreading
with absolute excitement into Latin America, into Africa, into
even European countries.
The biggest change, in my view, has happened in Africa,
because China has invested in a rail line from Djibouti to Addis
Ababa; now from Kenya; another line is being built to Rwanda.
Many hydropower dams, projects for hydropower, irrigation,
industrial parks.  And all of this has led to a completely
different attitude of the Africans, who, for the first time, see
the perspective of overcoming their underdevelopment.
The philosophy behind all of this is the idea that only if
you have harmonious development of all nations on this planet,
can you have a peaceful development in China.  And this is based
on the Confucian idea that only with the maximum development of
the individual, who should become a wide person, is spread
throughout the entire family and all the families develop
harmoniously, can you have peace in the nation, and obviously in
the world, among the nations.
This is not understood by the West at all. They are
absolutely convinced — and I think some of these political
forces are so geopolitically entrenched that they really believe
this, that they cannot mention that a country can actually be
devoted to the common good of its people.  And that China is
doing that is without any debate, because, as Tom just mentioned,
I was in China in 1971, during the Cultural Revolution, and I saw
the country in distress.  And I went back in ’96, and I saw the
absolutely incredible change for the better in these 25 years.
And what has happened in the last 30 years is just the
biggest economic miracle of any country on the planet.  China has
lifted 700 million people out of poverty, and what happened at
the just-concluded 19th Party Congress of the CPC, was that Xi
Jinping announced that by the year 2020, China will have
eradicated all poverty.  There are only 42 million people left
who are poor, in rural areas, and they now are using modern
technology to overcome that, by providing the means for
e-commerce to the farmers in the rural areas of poor regions, so
they can market their products via the internet, and that way
they are starting to develop more income and more wealth, so that
they will no longer be poor by the year 2020. I have no reason to
believe that they will not succeed in doing that, because, when
you see the vector of development of the last 30 to 40 years,
they are going to accomplish that.
By the year 2035, China wants to be a modern socialist
country, and Xi Jinping has developed a plan up to the year 2050,
for China to be a strong, modern, harmonious, democratic, happy
Now, in this speech, at this party convention, Xi Jinping
mentioned I think it was 15 times or so, that the purpose of the
political work of the Communist Party is that people should have
a better and happier life.  And what China is doing is obviously
a model which is much more devoted to the common good, than you
find it in the West, where, if you compare it to the poverty
level in the European Union, for example, where you have 120
million people who are poor; or you compare it to the economic
situation in the United States, where for the first time in an
industrial nation, you have a lowering of the life-expectancy!
Now, if there’s any parameter for the productivity and the
well-being of an economy, it is the life expectancy of its
people.  And if you an industrial country with the collapse of
the life span, then you know that there is something absolutely
wrong.  And this is the result of what happened with the
neo-liberal system, especially since the United States with the
neo-cons decided to become the leader of a unipolar world, which
went along with the neo-liberal system, where the rich became so
rich that it is unreasonable, and the poor become poorer.
And you have right now, I think something like 95 million
people in the United States who are no longer counted as being in
the labor force, because they have given up looking for work, or
they are sick, or they are in prison, or they are somehow
misplaced in some other form.
So, I think that what is happening right now is that Xi
Jinping has put on the agenda a model of economic cooperation
which needs to be studied.  I think it’s a big mistake that the
Europeans are just dismissing it.  Like, for example, the French
Economic and Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire just went to Berlin
yesterday, and there he addressed a German-French economic forum,
where he said, now Europe must stop being naïve, we must be
united to stand up against China, against Russia, against the
United States.  And then the German Foreign Minister Sigmar
Gabriel yesterday on a TV show basically said the same thing —
he said, now, Europe must stand united against the aggressive
powers of Russia and China, where human rights mean nothing.
I mean, this is such an arrogance!  You know, talking about
“democracy,” why don’t you just look for a second at what
happened with Hillary Clinton’s campaign?  Now the big scandal in
the United States is that the Democratic Party leadership, one
year before the party convention was to supposedly decide on the
candidate for the 2016 Presidential election, has decided it
would be Hillary. And then they channeled illegal money,
violating FEC rules up and down, right and left, intriguing
against Bernie Sanders. And then, concocting “intelligence”
against Trump with the help of British intelligence, played back
into the United States.  I mean, this is a joke! There is no
democracy, not in this present system.
And I think that to accuse Russia and China of being
“aggressive” is just absolutely wrong!  The whole question of
what was the Ukraine crisis:  [Former German Chancellor] Helmut
Schmidt said it very clearly: The reason why the Ukraine crisis
happened, and where it started was in the Maastricht conference
in 1992, because that was when the EU decided to have the
Eastward expansion without limit. And that is the same thing as
what the NATO expansion to the East was, breaking all promises
made to Gorbachev at the time, that NATO would never expand to
the borders of the Soviet Union, or Russia for that matter.
So we are in a real crisis.  And rather than being so
arrogant and saying there are no human rights in China and
Russia, and these countries are “aggressive” — which they are
not — we should rather reflect on what should the future be?
China happens to be the only country which has presented a
strategic model of international relations based on a win-win
cooperation of respect for the sovereignty of the other country,
of non-interference, of accepting the other social model of the
other system; and this is a strategy for peace.  This is the idea
of overcoming geopolitics.  And we should not forget that it was
geopolitics which was not only the cause for many wars in
history, but especially two world wars in the 20th century.
And the idea to have an inclusive, win-win cooperation among
all countries on the planet, what should be against that?  Why
can Europe not, why can’t Denmark, and Germany, and France, and
Italy, just say:  When the relationship between the United States
and China is already now on such a new historical basis, where
the strategic partnership between China and Russia is also very,
very strong, and Putin and Xi Jinping have both said that the
relationship between these two countries are on the best level
ever.  And now China and the United States are saying the same
thing about their two countries.  Now, what could be better, than
to have the United States, China and Russia working together for
a new paradigm of relations among nations?  Why can the European
nations not just say, “Well, that is very good, because if the
biggest nuclear powers can cooperate in a peaceful way, then the
danger of a thermonuclear war is obviously diminished and could
be eliminated in a short period of time; and we cooperate.”
I mean, we have so many tasks which are urgent:  The
reconstruction of Southwest Asia, of the Middle East, of
countries which have been completely destroyed by wars which are
the outgrowth of regime change, of the unipolar world, on wars
based on lies, which have cost {millions} of people their lives
in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen.  These countries have been
absolutely destroyed and they need to be reconstructed.
There is already a  discussion  that the only way you can do
that, is by extending the New Silk Road into the Middle East.
And I have said for a very long time, that the only way how you
can have peace in the Middle East, is if all the major neighbors
— Russia, China, India, Iran, Egypt, hopefully the United
States, and hopefully European nations, are all working together,
and then you can eliminate the present tensions and frictions and
ongoing fights, which have almost been eliminated in Syria and
And look at Africa:  Don’t you think it’s time that we join
hands with China in the development of Africa?  Do you really
think that the underdevelopment of Africa is a natural condition?
No!  It is the result of hundreds of years of colonialism, of
decades of IMF conditionalities, which insisted, that countries
should pay their debt and not pay for infrastructure and not pay
for social expenditures.  And the reason why Africa has been in
such a terrible condition is because it was the policy of the
West {not} to develop the African continent.
And now China has come, and said, “no,” we have the idea to
eliminate poverty in every corner of the planet, and they have
started the industrialization of Africa, and Xi Jinping has
offered to Europe, to the United States, to join hands and have
joint projects in all of these countries.
Don’t you think it’s time that we become adult as a human
species?  I think it should be clear to everybody that in the age
of thermonuclear weapons, war cannot be a way of resolving
conflicts. And I think also, the idea that the human species
should be able to come up with an idea of self-governance of one
human species; that it’s not a natural condition that you always
will have one nation against another nation, or a group of
nations against another group of nations.
In reflecting about what happened in the recent period,
especially with the 19th Party Congress of the CPC, where Xi
Jinping developed a perspective between now and 2050, it is very
clear that if you look at the long arc of human civilization,
sometime the idea that we would be the one humanity, the
“community for a shared future for mankind” — which is the
formulation Xi Jinping always uses — had to come!  And that it
comes from China should not be a reason not to be up on the idea.
It has to do with the 5,000 year history of China, the 2,500
years of Confucian tradition that this idea was made by China,
but it is a universal idea, it’s not something limited to one
culture or one nation.
So I think we are at a very exciting moment of history.  I
feel very much vindicated that the work, not only of the Schiller
Institute, but the organization associated with the name of my
husband, Lyndon LaRouche, is now being implemented.  This goes
back all to the early ’70s, where my husband developed the
proposal for an International Development Bank, the IDB. This was
picked up by the Non-Aligned Movement in ’76, in their final
resolution in Colombo, Sri Lanka; and it was the idea that a new
credit institution should be created, replacing the IMF, which
would provide — at that time, the idea was 400 billion
deutschemarks, or $200 billion approximately, per year, for
technology transfer to the developing countries.
And that’s what China is now doing.  That’s what they’re
doing with the AIIB, with the New Development Bank, with the
different Chinese banks, focusing on the real economy.
Then, if you look at all the development plans we have been
working on:  The first development plan for Africa, we published
in 1976.  We had a plan for the development of Latin America,
working with [then Mexican President] López Portillo.  We had a
40-year development plan for India, on which we worked together
with Indira Gandhi.  We had a 50-year development plan for the
Pacific Ocean Basin in the early ’80s.
Then, in ’89, we had the Productive Triangle for the
development of East and West Europe.  And in ’91, when the Soviet
Union disintegrated, we proposed a peace plan for the 21st
century, starting with Eurasian Land-Bridge, which we already
called the New Silk Road, at that time.
So I feel very much that our lives’ work has absolutely come
into reality. And what we have to do now, is we have to get
European nations to understand that the crisis not that China is
making these proposals, and the crisis is not that Trump is
rejecting the neoliberal model, at least as it was represented by
Bush and Obama and Hillary.  The real crisis is that people in
Europe are still absolutely somehow in chains to their own
ideological thinking that they, first of all, are very
Euro-centric; they think Europe is the navel of the world; while
in reality, the power center is shifting to Asia, since they have
better principles than we have right now.
And just to illustrate the point, the Bundeswehr, the German
army, put out this study already in February of this year, where
they have basically six scenarios by the year 2040.  It has all
options, where the worst option is Europe will completely
collapse, many European countries will leave the EU and join with
the Russia bloc; and Europe will just lose all importance.  If
you look at these six scenarios, what you see there is an
absolutely wrong method of thinking:  It’s the projection of the
status quo, of geopolitical thinking, and naturally in a changing
world, there is no way how such thinking can survive, therefore,
if they keep thinking that way, this is probably what happens in
Now, look at what China is doing, instead.  They just
created the largest, highest-level regulatory body, which is even
more important and has higher ranking than all the ministries,
for the case of a new financial crisis.  And it has absolutely
nothing to do with the Chinese debt, because the Chinese debt
has, as a counterforce, real assets — investments in
infrastructure, in industries and so forth, so if there would be
a blowout, these assets will be there. While the monetarist
system of the trans-Atlantic sector, people have learned
absolutely nothing after the crisis of 2008.  That is the real
danger, and obviously China is looking at that, and Xi Jinping
has said this in many speeches since the G20 summit last year in
Hangzhou, that the causes of the 2008 crisis have not been
eliminated, and therefore the danger of a new crisis is
absolutely there.
So what we have to do, is we have to absolutely reflect,
what is wrong with the European thinking.  The problem is not
that other countries are rising and we are stagnating.  The
problem is that Europe has turned away from its highest
We have now a pretty decadent culture.  If you look at the
youth culture, pop music, many of these so-called pop singers are
outright Satanic: They are ugly, they promote an image of man
which is a beast, it’s full of violence, it’s pornographic, and
it’s just “everything goes.”  There is no more limit, there is no
morality, everything is allowed:  You don’t have two sexes, you
have in Germany now officially three sexes, you have 49 genders,
it’s just becoming absolutely Sodom and Gomorrah, or very much
parallel to the end-phase of the Roman Empire, where you had
similar phenomena.
So, I think that the problem is not China rising.  The
problem is that Europe has moved away.  We have a beautiful
tradition.  We have a Classical period, the Renaissance of Italy,
we have the Andalusian Renaissance, the École Polytechnique in
France.  We have a German Classical period which has produced
some of the most outstanding thinkers, composers, poets, you
know, the rich tradition linking the Classical period of Germany
with that of Denmark.  I mean, Danish people saved the life of
Friedrich Schiller.
So there are enough points where we can say, “Let’s just go
back to our best traditions, and then we will find out that the
Classical periods of Europe, and the Confucian tradition of
China, and the Classical periods of other nations, are indeed
creating the basis for a new Renaissance.”
I think we are at an incredible moment of history, and we
should just remind ourselves of the words of Friedrich Schiller,
who said, “A great moment should not find a little people.”  So
let’s try to elevate our people, to think big, think beautiful,
become beautiful souls, create the basis that all children have a
chance to become geniuses.  And if that is in our willpower to
do, and this is why the election campaign of Trump and the other
members of the Schiller Institute are so absolutely important,
and that is why we should all be happy that the Schiller
organization exists in Denmark and creates an option for all
Danish people to join this incredible historical moment and make
a better world for all of us. [applause]

Helga Zepp-LaRouche leverer budskab til diplomatseminar i Sana’a, Yemen

8. nov., 2017 – Helga Zepp-LaRouche, Schiller Instituttets internationale formand, leverede den 7. nov. via video et budskab til et seminar i Sana’a, Yemens krigsfarlige hovedstad. Seminaret, der havde titlen »Fra Sana’a til Beijing: Det første diplomatseminar«, havde som taler, og var sponsoreret af, Yemens udenrigsminister Hisham Sharaf, med Institut for Diplomati i Sana’a som vært. Seminarets tema var Kinas dokument for politik over for den arabiske verden, og hvordan Yemen ville tilslutte sig Bælte & Vej Initiativet. Fouad al-Ghaffari, formand for Yemens Rådgivningskontor for Koordinering med BRIKS, talte også på seminaret og introducerede fr. LaRouche som den »Nye Silkevejslady«. Banneret for begivenheden viste EIR’s kort over Verdenslandbroen.

Udenrigsminister Sharaf gennemgik de venligtsindede og produktive, historiske relationer med Kina, inklusive mange infrastrukturprojekter, som Kina har bidraget med til det moderne Yemen i årtierne forud for udbruddet af den saudiske krig mod Yemen i 2015. Han udtrykte Yemens totale beredvillighed til at tilslutte sig Bælte & Vej Initiativet og beskytte den Maritime Silkevej ved Bab el-Mandeb-strædet og Det Røde Hav. Han tilskyndede Kina til at spille en konstruktiv rolle i den politiske løsning af krigen i Yemen. Han tilskyndede også Kina til ikke at tage skridt, der kunne føre til en yderligere splittelse af landet mellem nord og syd.

Sharaf henviste her til beskyldninger om, at en kontrakt for nylig skulle være blevet indgået mellem den kinesiske telecom-gigant Huawei og eksilregeringen om at bygge et mobiltelefonsystem i områder i det sydlige Yemen, der kontrolleres af de Forenede Arabiske Emirater (U.A.E.) og saudiskstøttede, bevæbnede grupper. Den kinesiske regering anerkender ikke regeringen i Sana’a, som udenrigsminister Sharaf er medlem af, og anerkender i stedet den afsatte præsident Abed-Rabbo Mansour Hadis regering, der er i eksil i Saudi-Arabien, og som har meget lidt eller ingen kontrol over anliggender i Yemen. Kina hævder, at det følger FN’s Sikkerhedsråds resolutioner.

Det Kinesiske Udenrigsministerium udgav Dokumentet for Kinas Politik over for den Arabiske Verden i januar 2016, et par dage forud for præsident Xi Jinpings besøg til hovednationerne i Sydvestasien: Egypten, Saudi-Arabien og Iran. Under sit besøg udtrykte præsident Xi de samme punkter, som blev omtalt i dokumentet, og som er vigtigheden i at afgøre konflikterne i området gennem en ånd af samarbejde og dialog, og at Kina er parat til at udvide den Nye Silkevejspolitik til området og være med til at genopbygge økonomierne, der er ødelagt af de senere års krige og konflikter, og at Kina tilbyder samarbejde omkring infrastruktur, kernekraft og landbrug til alle områdets nationer.

Yemens officielle nyhedsagentur Saba og andre aviser dækkede begivenheden.

Fr. Zepp-LaRouches videobudskab kan ses på Schiller Instituttets YouTube-kanal: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gnlHue8UlAo

 LPAC-Interview med Fouad al-Ghaffari,
Yemen. BRIKS-ungdom i Yemen siger til
deres amerikanske partnere:
’Følg Lyndon LaRouches vise ord
og gå med i hans bevægelse’.
LaRouchePAC Internationale Webcast,
6. okt., 2017

Vært Matthew Ogden: I dag, mens vi taler, begås der en folkemordskrig mod Yemens folk. Denne krig, der nu har raset i godt to år, begås af det saudiske kongedømme, med den stiltiende og direkte støtte fra både USA’s regering og Det forenede Kongerige (UK). Denne støtte omfatter våbensalg for milliarder af dollars, som omfatter kampfly, ammunition og andre tunge våben, samt direkte støtte på slagmarken i form af overvågning og brændstofpåfyldning (i luften). Ifølge den seneste rapport fra FN er over 10.000 mennesker døde i denne krig; flest civile. Andre tusinder er såret. En stor del af dødsfaldene skyldes sygdom, inklusive kolera; og der er mindst 19 millioner mennesker, der har desperat behov for humanitær hjælp. 7 million mennesker har desperat behov for mad. De har imidlertid ikke haft mulighed for at få adgang til de nødvendige forsyninger, fordi saudierne har blokeret alle nødhjælpsforsendelser.

Mange amerikanere er fuldstændig ubevidst om denne menneskelige tragedie, der forårsages af en totalt uretfærdig og ulovlig aggressionskrig imod Yemens befolkning. En krig, der frem til i dag støttes af USA’s regering. For at gøre det amerikanske folk bekendt med dette folkemord, og for at stoppe blodbadet, der foregår, endnu mens vi taler, udstedte LaRouche Political Action Committee (LPAC) en nøderklæring for et par uger siden [17. sept.], med titlen, »Det Nye Silkevejsparadigmes fjende: Saudisk folkemord i Yemen« [dansk, 12. sept.; en senere EIR-opdatering, 17. sept. kan læses her, engelsk].

Indledningen lyder som følger:

»Nye afsløringer om Saudi-Arabiens rolle i 11. september-angrebene mod USA udgør påbuddet: Det igangværende saudiske folkemord mod Yemen må stoppe; de saudiskrelaterede netværk, der udfører sådanne forbrydelser imod menneskeheden, må overvindes. At handle på dette lægger vejen helt åben for hele verden, inklusive Mellemøsten, til at deltage i den Nye Silkevejs – Bælte & Vej Initiativets – fremstød for udvikling, som er den nødvendige proces for »fred gennem udvikling«, som behøves for at gøre en ende på evindelig krigsførelse i området.

Det, der blandt andet kræves, er skabelsen af en kommission til undersøgelse af Saudi-Arabiens handlinger imod Yemen. …

* Stands al udefra kommende indblanding i Yemen for at gøre det muligt at vende tilbage til den forhandlingsproces, der eksisterede, før bombeangrebene begyndte, og gå frem mod en løsning af nationale uoverensstemmelser.

* Levering af omgående mad, vand, sanitet, medicin, energi, sundhedsydelser og anden social nødhjælp, fuldt og helt.

* Levering af al anden humanitær og økonomisk hjælp, der er presserende nødvendig, især til transport, husly og logistik.

* Indledning af beredskab til internationalt samarbejde for at genopbygge Yemen og byde dets deltagelse i udviklingsfremstødet for den ’Maritime Silkevej’ for Eurasien-Afrika, velkommen.«

Erklæringen fortsætter – Endnu mens dette folkemord fortsætter,

»fortsætter UK og USA med at forsyne den saudiske ’koalition’, der begår dette kriminelle overgreb, med våben«.

Siden denne erklæring blev udstedt, er der kommet et meget vigtigt initiativ fra USA’s Kongres. En tværpolitisk gruppe af kongresmedlemmer har introduceret en samtidig resolution med titlen, »H.Con.Res.81«, som påbyder præsidenten, i overensstemmelse med sektion 5c af War Powers Resolution (fra 1973, der kontrollerer præsidentens beføjelser til at forpligte USA til en væbnet konflikt uden Kongressens samtykke, -red.), for at fjerne USA’s bevæbnede styrker fra de uautoriserede fjendtligheder i republikken Yemen. Dette lovforslag har nu 22 medsponsorer, inkl. kongresmedlemmerne Walter Jones, Thomas Massey, John Conyers, Barbara Lee, Tulsi Gabbard, Keith Ellison og flere andre. Dette er en meget vigtig intervention, der møder tiltrækning i Washington. En af de ting, I kan gøre, er omgående at tage kontakt til jeres kongresmedlem; ring omgående til dem og kræv, at de bliver medsponsorer af H.Con.Res.81.

Jeg har i dag en meget særlig gæst; hr. Fouad al-Ghaffari, der er med os fra Sana’a i Yemen, Yemens hovedstad. Hr. Al-Ghaffari er en tidligere diplomat og tidligere chef for kontoret for ministeren for menneskerettigheder i Yemen, og er nu grundlægger af og formand for Yemens Rådgivningsråd for Koordinering med BRIKS.

Det er en ære at have dig med os i dag, hr. al-Ghaffari. Velkommen til larouchepac.com. For det første vil jeg gerne spørge dig, om du kan beskrive for vore seere her, der ser dette interview, hvordan forholdene er på stedet i Sana’a, og i resten af Yemen?

Vi ved fra rapporter, at over 10.000 mennesker er blevet dræbt, og at landet konfronteres med en alvorlig humanitær krise. Hvad har virkningen af denne krig været på Yemens befolkning?

Her følger engelsk udskrift af resten af interviewet:

AL-GHAFFARI: First of all, I would like to bring you,
Matthew and the LaRouche PAC team, my warmest greetings from
Sana’a. These days we have been celebrating the third anniversary
of the September 21st revolution, and the 55th anniversary of the
September 26th revolution.
Last week, on September 21st, Mr. Saleh Al-Sammad, the
President of the Supreme Political Council, made a speech in the
center of Sana’a in a celebration attended and followed by
millions of Yemeni citizens. In his speech he praised the
position taken by the BRICS nations on Yemen in their recent
Xiamen Summit in China. He also sent a message to the UN General
Assembly on the occasion of the International Day of Peace.
[Shows video excerpt of Sept. 21 Sana’a speech by President
Saleh, with English subtitles]
Going back to your question, the war of aggression against
Yemen was preceded by different kind of wars launched against
Yemen by Wall Street and the international financial institutions
such as the World Bank and the IMF. Then it was followed by the
move by British Prime Minister David Cameron and President Barack
Obama, who bypassed their Parliament and Congress, to throw their
internal failures and their hatred upon Yemen. While the
operation to destroy Yemen was disguised in complex ways before,
the latter genocidal war is attempting to completely uproot
Yemen’s people and destroy their land. The Revolution of
September 21, 2014 was launched to prevent that from succeeding.
As for the effects of this war of aggression, which is
spearheaded by Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, on the
living conditions here, they are really horrible and dark, and
they surpass any human reasoning as the war has turned to the law
of the jungle. The situation is so bad, that it is becoming
difficult to smile, or even remember how to smile. Sana’a,
relatively speaking is better off than other cities, but it lacks
all the ingredients of life and of progress that have been
prescribed by Lyndon LaRouche to the nations of the world. But
that puts us on an equal-footing with other capitals that lack
these same ingredients. But although Sana’a is breathing with big
difficulty, it is looking forward to a reconstruction project
that would become a unique model, if the world starts to realize
the uniqueness of Yemen’s geographic position.

OGDEN: As you know, the LaRouche movement has issued an
emergency statement which has been circulated internationally;
which is titled “Enemy of the Silk Road Paradigm: Saudi Genocide
in Yemen”.  This statement, as I said, has been circulated by the
LaRouche movement, including being distributed in front of the UN
General Assembly meeting and distributed to the missions there.
Now, you met with the Foreign Minister Hisham Sharaf — who
represents the popularly-approved government in Sana’a of former
President Ali Abdullah Saleh — and you delivered a copy of this
statement. What can you tell us about the content of your
conversation with him, and his response to the initiative that
the LaRouche Movement has taken?

AL-GHAFFARI: As you know, genocide is the mother of all
crimes, and we are facing an enemy which is randomly bombarding
our cities and blockading our ports, airports, and territories.
On top of that, the enemy is falsely telling the world that it
has the solution to our problem. Here, I would like to thank the
LaRouche Movement for issuing that statement. It is a reflection
of your well-recognized intellectual and moral principles that
are always thinking outside the box. This feature is really
His Excellency the Foreign Minister Hisham Sharaf is a
follower of your reports. He had sent a letter to Mrs. Helga
Zepp-LaRouche in March this year on the occasion of the Women’s
Day, and invited her to visit Yemen.
On the day the LaRouche Movement’s statement was released,
His Excellency was meeting with the envoy of the UN Human Rights
Commission. And just before the arrival of the with the new
chargé d’affaires of Russia, His Excellency asked me to come to
his office to inform me of his appreciation of the calls in the
statement, the first on stopping the Saudi-led aggression, and
the second on moving towards the reconstruction process along the
lines of the New Silk Road. At that meeting I also presented to
him the Chinese Foreign Ministry’s Policy Paper on the Arab
World, because that document, I believe, includes the correct
policy to be followed by the governments of the region.
In the next days, the Minister was following the campaign of
your movement on the streets of the many nations. Therefore, he
immediately sent a letter of appreciation to Mrs. LaRouche and
the entire international LaRouche Movement, assuring them that
Yemen is planning to become an active component in the vision and
the steps of building the New Silk Road to establish world peace.
He also said that Yemen will be a key global partner to
accomplish the UN Sustainable Development Goals 2030.

OGDEN: This meeting that you just told us about was covered
in the press; they covered the meeting that you held with
Minister Sharaf, and the press coverage featured the role of
Lyndon and Helga LaRouche. The article in the {Sana’a News} was
titled “Foreign Minister Receives the Statement of the LaRouche
Movement Concerning Yemen and Calling for Stopping the
Aggression.” How well known are Lyndon and Helga LaRouche in

AL-GHAFFARI: Both my first meeting with the Minister and the
letter His Excellency sent to Mrs. LaRouche were widely covered
in the Yemeni media.
For your question about the LaRouches, this makes me smile,
because Mr. Lyndon LaRouche has been known in Yemen for many
years by both the elites and the laymen. As for Mrs. LaRouche, I
guess I was the first to circulate her name among the elites, but
most importantly among the middle class which means the
As we say in Yemen, “he who does not appreciate other humans
does not appreciate the Creator.” I therefore would like to say
that [Arabic {EIR} editor] Mr. Hussein Askary has made the
biggest effort and carried the greatest burden to make the ideas
and visions of Mr. LaRouche accessible to the people in Yemen.
The issue was not “do you know LaRouche?” or “have you heard
about him?” The issue is what he is saying in reality, not what
Google says about him. The translation of the {EIR} report “The
New Silk Road Becomes the World Land-Bridge” into Arabic, which
was done by Mr. Askary, will be the talk of people in Yemen for
generations to come.

OGDEN: We certainly hope so.
In your view, what is the geopolitical purpose of this war
of aggression being waged against your people, there in Yemen by
the Saudis? Were this criminal war to be ended, how could things
change there, on the ground in Yemen? What could changes in terms
of the conditions of life?  And most of all, what is the role
Yemen could play in the overall New Silk Road?

AL-GHAFFARI: Geopolitically, the enemy wants to create a
breeding ground for terrorism to threaten the world with, and to
pay the financial debts of the evil empire. They also want to
pull Yemen away from the New Silk Road, and thus to destroy the
New Silk Road itself and the aspirations for achieving the
Sustainable Development Goals 2030, which were approved by the
nations of the world.
What Yemen can present to the world is a unique opportunity
to establish a true national credit bank, because the governing
alliance here has the power and authority to make this decision.
This could become, without any doubt, Yemen’s ticket to join the
train of the BRICS nations.
Another reason for this war is that Yemen could become a
strong regional guardian of the New Silk Road in all its three
routes: land, sea and space. The brains and arms of Yemen’s brave
soldiers, combined with modern technology can assure that.
But, in order to turn this situation around, Yemen must
fully join the New Silk Road, and build its own foundations and
structures on its principles and visions. This will give us
credibility in the eyes of our international friends, who will
see that we are as serious as the other nations that have been
admitted to this project. There is no luxury in this issue.
Yemen’s need for the elements of the New Silk Road project is as
greater as Yemen’s need for air to breathe, if we really realized
the dignity and happiness this Silk Road carries within it.

OGDEN: Yes, absolutely.  And we really admire the courageous
actions you have taken there.
Finally, I would just like to say, that the American people
have no idea currently what crimes are being perpetrated there in
Yemen, and the American people have to know that our government
and implicitly, we, ourselves, are complicit in this genocide,
due to our support for the Saudis, through arms sales and our
political alliance with that regime.
As you know, there have been efforts on the parts of
numerous members of Congress to bring a halt to these arms sales,
and also as we mentioned earlier in the show, the House
Concurrent Resolution 81 that has been introduced, to withdraw
the U.S. involvement in this war.  And there’s even been efforts
to bring attention to the Saudi royal family’s role in financing
the 9/11 attacks. There are currently lawsuits that are being
litigates by members of the families of the 9/11 victims.
Let me ask you: What would you say to the American people,
now that you’ve had a chance to show them what the conditions are
on the ground there in Yemen, and what the effects are that our
policy is having on the people of Yemen? What should American
citizens do to an end to this atrocity?

AL-GHAFFARI: We, the BRICS Youth in Yemen, would like to
thank those Congressmen who are our partners in humanity and
Yemen today is paying the bill of the 9/11 terrorist
attacks. We announce our solidarity with the families of the
victims of the 9/11 attacks. We feel that we and the American
people are in the same side, because their conditions are not
pleasing, as their politicians are more interested in enslaving
people around the world rather than solving the crises in Texas,
Florida, and the New York subways. All these policies, that are
crimes indeed, are due to the fact that the main culprit in the
9/11 attacks, the Saudis, have escaped the deserved punishment
until now.
Our advice to the American people is: Follow the wise words
of Lyndon LaRouche and join his movement!
LarouchePAC: Well, thank you so much for that advice, and
thank you so much for joining me here, today.  It was such a
pleasure, and a privilege for me to have had a chance to speak
with you, and it was truly an honor.
I would like to thank all of our viewers, who had the
opportunity to watch this extraordinary interview just now.
Thank you for tuning in.  And again, you can take action to stop
this atrocity right now, by calling your member of Congress, and
demanding that they cosponsor this resolution, House Concurrent
Resolution 81, — H.Con.Res.81.  And you can also help us
distribute this emergency statement which was issued by LaRouche
PAC.  The link to that statement in the description to this
webcast immediately below
So thank you, once again, to Fouad Al-Ghaffari for joining
us here today, and thank you for tuning in.  Please stay tuned to

AL-GHAFFARI:  Thanks to you, Matthew, and regards to Jason
and all.  We’ll see you very soon.

Kampagne for kaos og forvirring
– led efter det britiske spor

Leder fra LaRouche PAC, USA, 2. okt., 2017 – Historien om Imperium er historien om »del og hersk«. På et tidspunkt, hvor menneskets historie står over for en transformation sådan, som vi i dag oplever, med det store potentiale for et nyt paradigme for hele menneskeheden, baseret på den Nye Silkevejspolitik for global udvikling, skal man se på større destabiliseringer med en skarp lugtesans, der lugter det beskidte spor af Imperium.

Som Helga Zepp-LaRouche i dag mindede verden om: Nationalstaten er Imperiets fjende.

Det britiske Imperium har altid promoveret ideen om »Regionernes Europa«, der var baseret på etniske og religiøse forskelle, som var belejligt for destabiliseringer af nationalstater, der ikke var samarbejdsvillige. Hvem står bag krisen i Catalonien, der truer, ikke alene Spanien, men hele Europa? Hvem var det, der opdelte Cameroun i engelsk- og fransktalende sektorer efter Første Verdenskrig, og nu har aktiveret kravet om uafhængighed for den engelske sektor, som har ført til 17 dødsfald i dag og potentielt kaos i morgen? Bemærk, at Kina nu er Camerouns førende handelspartner, som det er tilfældet med nationer i det meste af Afrika, og nu er i færd med at bygge et undersøisk kabel fra Cameroun til Brasilien, som vil betjene alle nationerne i Afrika og Sydamerika.

Hvorfor har Israel så åbenlyst støttet den kurdiske folkeafstemning, der destabiliserer ikke alene Irak, men også Iran, Syrien og Tyrkiet, hvis regeringer har været et mål for London og Wall Street?

Det fuldstændig tossede, horrible mordorgie i Las Vegas må ikke afskrives uden at følge sporet, snarere end at acceptere historien om den »enlige morder«, der så ofte har været brugt til at skjule sandheden.

Det måske mest klassiske eksempel på britisk del-og-hersk er iscenesættelsen af den israelsk-palæstinensiske konflikt, der er blevet brugt til at opsplitte hele verden i det seneste århundrede. I dag er det et prøveeksempel for de to paradigmer, som menneskeheden står overfor. I dag mødes de to palæstinensiske bevægelser, Fatah og Hamas, i Gaza for at drøfte forsoningen af palæstinensisk styrelse. De fleste presserapporter og »ekspertanalyser« afskriver denne bestræbelse som værende dømt til nederlag, af samme grund, som lignende bestræbelser tidligere er mislykkedes.

Men, i dag er der en forskel – Bælte & Vej Initiativet. En palæstinensisk forretningsmand, Munib al-Masri, annoncerede søndag en plan for at skabe et selskab, der er helliget til udviklingsprojekter i Gazastriben til støtte for Kinas Bælte & Vej Initiativ. Al-Masri er viceformand for det Internationale Handelskammer for Silkevejen. Formanden for denne institution, Lu Jianzhong, der er præsident for CCCC International Holding Ltd. i Kina, har været involveret i byggeri af infrastruktur i hele Afrika og besøgte i sidste uge Vestbredden, hvor han mødtes med præsident Abbas og økonomiminister Odeh.

Det er netop den Nye Silkevej, der kan forandre historiens imperiegeometri, og som kan skabe fred gennem udvikling. Genopbygningen af Syrien, f.eks., er allerede begyndt gennem det internationale samarbejde mellem Rusland, Kina og andre, der er involveret i Bælte & Vej-processen.

Der er al mulig grund til at mene, at denne historiske Nye Silkevejsproces kan lykkes med virkelig at forene verden i det nye paradigme. Præsident Trump har sagt, at han ønsker at gøre Amerika stort igen gennem samarbejde med andre store nationalstater, der hver især sætter deres eget folk først, men samarbejder i harmoni med alle andre nationalstater. Dette var grundlaget for den Westfalske Fred i 1648, som afsluttede de religiøse krige i Europa og skabte den moderne nationalstat. Dette er den konfucianske harmoni, der har inspireret Kinas mirakuløse vækst ud af fattigdom i løbet af de seneste årtier, efter Kulturrevolutionens mareridt.

Det kupforsøg mod præsident Trump, der udføres af det forbryderiske slæng omkring Robert Mueller, kan og må knuses ved hjælp af EIR-dossieret, der er udfærdiget til formålet.[1] Det er netop samarbejdet mellem USA, Rusland og Kina i den Nye Silkevej, der adresserer alle nationers og alle folkeslags fælles interesser, og som har været EIR’s og Schiller Instituttets mission siden deres grundlæggelse. Nu er vores tid kommet.

Foto: Folkeafstemning i Catalonien; folk, der protesterer på Las Ramblas for uafhængighed fra Spanien. 2. okt., 2017. (Sasha Popovic / Flickr / CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

[1] Se også: LPAC Internationale Webcast, 29. sept.

Genopbygning af Syrien klar til start.
EIR’s Stockholmskorrespondent Ulf
Sandmark rapporterer om genåbningen af
Damaskus Internationale Handelsmesse

EIR deltog i et møde på premierministerens kontor, hvor repræsentanter for mange af den gamle Silkevejs nationer fornyede deres forpligtende engagement til at samarbejde med Syrien – et virkelig historisk øjeblik. Den syriske premierminister Imad Khamis modtog med et stort smil sin personlige kopi af EIR’s specialrapport. Efterfølgende mødtes Sandmark med ministeren for turisme, ingeniør Besher Yazji, og med generaldirektør for Syrian Investment Agency, dr. Inas al-Omawi, samt med andre højtplacerede regeringsfolk. En særlig donation fra en meget fremtrædende, svensk EIR-abonnent, bestående af 15 kopier af Verdenslandbro-rapporten på arabisk til universiteterne i Damaskus og Aleppo, blev overgivet til præsident for Damaskus Universitet, prof. dr. M. Hassan al-Kurdi. I alt blev 40 kopier bragt til Syrien.

Download (PDF, Unknown)

Foto: Alle ødelagte boligblokke, der sås i krigszoner i Damaskus, som tidligere var besat af væbnede oprørere, var ved at blive repareret.

Dr. Patrick Ho fremsætter MERCI genopbygningsplan for Mellemøsten og Nordafrika

11. juli, 2017 – Dr. Patrick Ho, viceformand og generalsekretær for Kinas Energifond Komite (CEFC), har fremsat en betagende mulighed for at vende krigens, fattigdommens, sultens og sygdommens æra, der i århundreder har forbandet Mellemøsten og Nordafrika (MENA). Forslaget, der bærer navnet MERCI (Middle East Reconstruction Initiative), blev præsenteret på to internationale konferencer i sidste uge. Den. 6. juli præsenterede han forslaget for Landbrugskonferencen for Bæredygtig Udvikling i FN. Denne begivenhed blev sponsoreret af CEFC, en FN-NGO, som han er leder for, sammen med Shenzhen Dasheng Landbrugsgruppe-konglomeratet, og FN-ministeriet for Økonomiske og Sociale Anliggender (DESA).

Dagen efter talte han på Schiller Instituttets konference, Mad for Fred og Tænkning – Kinesisk-amerikansk Landbrugssamarbejde, som hans Kinas Energifond Komite, og Fonden for Genoplivelse af Klassisk Kultur, medsponsorerede.

Ho erklærede: »Mena-området, et afgørende omdrejningspunkt, der forbinder Bælte & Vej Initiativets østlige og vestlige økonomiske kreds, er en vigtig forbindelse i Kinas Bælte & Vej Initiativ (BVI). Mange lande i dette område i særdeleshed er, eller plejede at være, før den kolonialistiske konkurrence om olie og andre resurser, betydelige landbrugslande, såsom Israel, Irak og Egypten.«

Han forklarede, at Syrien plejede at producere 4 mio. tons hvede årligt: 1,5 mio. tons til eksport og 2,5 mio. tons til eget forbrug. Efter års terrorisme og andre militære angreb, producerer de nu kun 450.000 tons, og landets befolkning flygter ud af landet i milliontal. Nogle lande, sagde han, anser den militære overvindelse af terrorisme for at være en løsning, men han påpeger, at, i takt med, at krigen mod terror er vokset fra den første periode, 2001 til 2004, og til den senere periode, 2012 til 2015, er antallet af mennesker, der er blevet dræbt globalt i terrorangreb, steget seks gange. Det bedste håb, fremførte han, involverer »at ændre de underliggende socioøkonomiske vilkår«.

»Formålet med MERCI«, sagde han, »er at identificere måder, hvorpå genopbygningen af Mellemøsten kan integreres i rammerne for BVI, at drøfte den rolle, som det internationale samfund, multilaterale udviklingsbanker og den private sektor spiller i genopbygningsindsatsen, og gøre opmærksom på behovet for at nå til politiske og økonomiske løsninger til områdets udfordringer. Landbrugssektoren er det mest relevante udgangspunkt for at fremme dette initiativ.«

Foto: Dr. Patrick Ho.