Copenhagen diplomatic seminar with Helga Zepp LaRouche:
The New Silk Road Becomes the World Land Bridge
The New Silk Road Becomes the World Land Bridge
Skrevet den 30. januar 2015 i Afrika, Alle Nyheder, Asien, Audio, BRIKS, Danmark, Energi, EU, Europa, Finanssammenbrud, Glass-Steagall, Helga Zepp-LaRouche, Indien, Infrastruktur, Internationalt, Kina, Kreditsystem, Medier, Rusland, Schiller Instituttets konferencer, Specialmøder, Stop 3. Verdenskrig, Sydamerika, USA, Verdenslandbroen, Videnskab, Økonomi & Finans, Økonomisk Kollaps
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We discovered that Mr. Van Niekerk’s speech was cut off before its completion in the first video. The full version is in the second video.
See below for the texts of the speeches by a diplomat from the Embassy of China, and Mr. Van Niekerk from the Embassy of South Africa, and the slides Mrs. LaRouche used in her presentation.
After Mrs. LaRouche’s powerful speech, embassy representatives from three of the five BRICS nations gave speeches — Russia, China and South Africa. In addition, the Brazilian representative asked a question during the discussion.
Sound files of Mrs. LaRouche’s speech, and Mr. Machiel Renier van Niekerk, the representative from the South African embassy in Denmark, are available at: Videos will be available later today.
Representatives from 13 embassies from Europe, Asia, Africa and South America participated, along with some Danish businessmen, and Schiller Institute organizers.
Mrs. LaRouche began with the developments in Greece, how they can become a link between Europe and the BRICS, how close we are to a full blowout of the financial system, how close we are to nuclear war, and the connection between the two. She emphasized that the danger posed by the change in the U.S. nuclear war strategy to a first strike doctrine, together with severing the communications between the U.S. and Russia, which were actually intact during the Cuban Missile Crisis, means that we are closer to nuclear war now than ever before. Yet, there is an alternative, if we get Europe and the U.S. to accept Xi Jinping’s offer to join their economic development alliance.
Mrs. LaRouche presented the BRICS economic development momentum, and the perspective outlined in the new EIR report “The New Silk Road Has Become The World Land Bridge,” which her husband Lyndon LaRouche and herself, as well as the Schiller Institute, had been fighting for for decades.
She appealed to the attendees to put this alternative on the world agenda by circulating the ideas in our new report through arranging interviews, commentaries, contacting business layers who world benefit from the Land Bridge, circulating our resolution, and, in general, working together with us in the future.
Please contact EIR and Schiller Institute for obtaining “The New Silk Road Has Become The World Land Bridge” report and other material, and to attend future meetings.
Schiller Institute: +45 35 43 00 33, 51 21 72 06,,
EIR: +45 35 43 60 40
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