Leder fra LaRouchePAC, 12. december, 2016 – I dag erklærede den syriske hær officielt sejren over terroristerne i Aleppo. Dette sker efter terroristernes fire år lange besættelse af byen; men det sker henved 24 dage efter, at den syriske regering, med russisk støtte, lovede at generobre byen fuldstændigt. De handlede imod hele oppositionen forøvet af London, Paris, Washington og Saudi-Arabien, der støttede »moderate« oprørere på jorden og førte løgne- og chikanekampagner i De forenede Nationer i New York.
SANA, den syriske regerings nyhedstjeneste, sender i aften en video, hvor præsident Bashar al-Assad ønsker syriske tropper tillykke ved deres stillinger i Aleppo. Prisen for denne sejr for principper har været forfærdelige lidelser og tab af liv, men sejren er godt og grundigt vundet. Folk fejrer den nu.
Vi må nu tænke på nødvendigheden af en Marshallplan for området – de ’5 søers plan’, eller »Fønix«-plan, for en genopbygning af Syrien og hele området, som Hussein Askary og Ulf Sandmark har udviklet, og som Schiller Instituttet har promoveret.
I sidste uge, den 8. dec., midt i de sidste dages kampe om Aleppo, var Kinas særlige udsending til Syrien, Xie Xiaoyan, i Damaskus for at drøfte humanitære hjælpeoperationer, såvel som også andre planer om hjælp til den krigshærgede nation. I mellemtiden, i New York i sidste uge, stod Kina sammen med Rusland og andre nationer om at modsætte sig de svigagtige resolutioner om våbenstilstand og hjælp til Aleppo, der, i et forsøg på at opretholde kampen om Aleppo, var blevet foreslået af aksen bestående af Det Hvide Hus, London, Saudi-Arabien og Frankrig.
I USA foregår der en hysterisk kampagne imod Rusland og præsident Putin, hvor man bruger løgnen om, at russiske, statslige hackere skulle have grebet ind i de amerikanske valg, og også, at det var til fordel for Donald Trump. Dette kommer efter rapporter i medierne i sidste uge om, at CIA er i besiddelse af »hemmelige« beviser for, at Rusland begår disse kriminelle handlinger og er blevet en farlig modstander. Putin er den stærke mand, der udøver trusler, han er en krigsforbryder i Syrien, osv.
Efter at Lyndon LaRouche i dag blev briefet om situationen, bestilte han en kronologi (se nedenfor), der går tilbage til juli 2016, over denne løgnekampagne, og hvor WikiLeaks publicerede e-mails, der afslørede det aftalte spil mellem Hillary Clintons kampagne og det Demokratiske Partis Nationalkomite, om at favorisere Clinton og lægge forhindringer i vejen for Bernie Sanders. Daværende formand for Demokraternes Nationalkomite, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, måtte træde tilbage før Demokraternes partikonvent. Siden da – og især efter at have tabt præsidentvalget – har Obama- og Clinton-flokken bestræbt sig endnu mere på at aflede opmærksomheden fra den folkelige afvisning af deres mange forbrydelser, ved at fokusere på en svigagtig dæmonisering af Rusland og Putin.
Måden, dette skal forstås på, sagde LaRouche, er den, at dette er et britisk svindelnummer, en bestræbelse fra Dronningens side for at beskytte Obama og forhindre muligheden for, at Londons og Wall Streets politik skrottes. De aktuelle ’aggressiv hund’-angreb mod Rusland bør ses i denne globale sammenhæng – med sammenbruddet af det mislykkede system i USA under Bush og Obama, og af selve Det britiske Imperium, og ligeledes i sammenhæng med de brud, der nu kommer fra Europa, og nu, gennembruddet i Aleppo. Vores kamp er en kamp for principper.
Supplerende materiale (engelsk):
Chronology: The 'Blame Russia' Operation for Election
Interference Is a British Fraud
Dec. 12, 2016 (EIRNS)–The current hysteria to blame Russia for
hacking and interfering in U.S. elections is no civic vigilance,
but a classic British fraud operation, for the Queen to protect
her Obama and avert the dumping of his failed London/Wall Street
policies. It should be seen in the widest international context,
of the collapse of the U.S. economic and political system, as
well as the potential break-away from this collapse by
populations around the world, from the Philippines, to Italy, to
Bulgaria, to Moldova, to the U.S., to the Brexit voters, and
The chronology below shows the beginnings of the fraud, with
the July 2016 Clinton campaign charges against Russia, made after
leaks showed that the Democratic National Committee was secretly
acting in Hillary's favor against Bernie Sanders, her principal
Democratic opponent. Next, the Obama Administration itself jumped
in to make accusations against Russia, as voters started lining
up against Clinton. Then, after the electorate went for Trump,
Obama formally called for an investigation of Russian
involvement. Now there are calls for delaying the Electoral
College vote altogether, and even for a re-election, plus
denunciations of Russian President Vladimir Putin for hijacking
the election.
– Spring, 2016 –
JUNE. The Democratic National Committee said that two hacker
groups had invaded its IT systems. The assertion was then later
made by the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Obama Administration
that the hacking, and subsequent release of emails, was
"consistent with" Russian tactics, while not denying the illegal
activity that had been exposed by the release.
– Summer, 2016 –
JULY. Before the Democratic Party Convention began, WikiLeaks
posted some 20,000 emails from the DNC showing it was favoring
Hillary Clinton, and prejudiced against her primary opponent
Bernie Sanders, a breach of their own rules of impartiality. The
DNC Chairman, Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, was forced to resign
just before the convention due to the exposure. Julian Assange,
head of WikiLeaks, denied that Wiki had hacked the emails, but
said that they came from a leaker.
– Autumn, 2016 –
OCT. 7. The Obama Administration formally accused Russia of
conducting cyber attacks aimed at the elections. A statement was
issued by James Clapper, Director of National Intelligence, and
Jeh Johnson, Department of Homeland Security, saying that, "We
believe, based on the scope and sensitivity of these efforts,
that only Russia's senior-most officials could have authorized
these activities." Such "belief," and never evidence or proof,
has remained the basis of all charges. The activities referred to
were hacking attempts against state election systems. Clapper and
Johnson, while not blaming the Russian government specifically,
asserted that the patterns of "scanning and probing" could be
traced in many cases to servers operated by a Russian company.
A careful review of the Clapper-Johnson statement, however,
made clear that there was no unanimous consensus among the U.S.
intelligence agencies that there was adequate proof to accuse the
Russians of being behind the alleged hacking. In fact, by
October, according to a Dec. 12, 2016, Washington Post account,
quoting FBI officials, the Bureau had greatly scaled back its
five-month long probe of Russian interference and ties to the
Trump campaign, due to lack of sufficient evidence.
OCT. 8. The Russian Foreign Ministry responded that the hacking
accusations lacked any proof, and were intended for the purpose
of inciting, "unprecedented anti-Russian hysteria." Dep. Foreign
Minister Sergei Ryabkov, on the Ministry website, denounced the
U.S. statements as "dirty tricks."
NOVEMBER. During October through Nov. 6, WikiLeaks released
several batches from a trove of over 50,000 emails, from the
private email account of Clinton's campaign manager, John
Podesta. Again, WikiLeaks spokesmen stated that they did not
receive the documents from hackers, but obtained them from
whistleblowers inside the United States.
– Winter, 2016 –
DEC. 9. The Washington Post and New York Times reported that
the CIA knew that Russia was behind hacking during the elections.
Naming no sources, nor facts, the Post wrote, "The CIA has
concluded in a secret assessment that Russia intervened in the
2016 election to help Donald Trump win the presidency … according
to officials briefed on the matter."
The London Guardian reports the same line full-blast.
However, the Guardian itself quoted an expert debunking this.
ZeroHedge reproduced a Guardian article, featuring a British
diplomat (friend of Assange) who has met and knows the leaker of
the DNC emails. Those who know the leaker know, says the
diplomat, that the emails were leaked, not hacked, and the leaker
is not Russian but American.
From the Guardian piece: "Assange has previously said the
DNC leaks were not linked to Russia. A second senior official
cited by the Washington Post conceded that intelligence
agencies did not have specific proof that the Kremlin was
directing the hackers, who were said to be one step removed from
the Russian government.
"Craig Murray, the former UK ambassador to Uzbekistan, who
is a close associate of Assange, called the CIA claims
'bullshit,' adding: `They are absolutely making it up.
"`I know who leaked them,' Murray said. 'I've met the person,
who leaked them, and they are certainly not Russian, and it's an
insider. It’s a leak, not a hack; the two are different things.
"`If what the CIA is saying is true, and the CIA's
statement refers to people who are known to be linked to the
Russian state, they would have arrested someone if it was someone
inside the United States.
"`America has not been shy about arresting whistleblowers
and it's not been shy about extraditing hackers. They plainly
have no knowledge whatsoever,' said Murray."
DEC. 9. Obama ordered a review of Russia's involvement in hacking
to rig elections, going back to 2008.
DEC. 9. Nancy Pelosi, House Minority Leader, issued a statement,
saying, "Any Administration should be deeply troubled by Russia's
attempt to tamper with our elections."
DEC. 9. Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), to CNN, "I'm going after
Russia in every way we can go after Russia….they're one of the
most destabilizing influences on the world stage. I think they
did interfere with our election, and I want Putin to personally
pay a price."
DEC. 10. Sen. Lindsey Graham issued a stream of tweets that
Russia "is trying to break the backs of democracies–and
democratic movements–all over the world." He wrote, "Don't have
to be Sherlock Holmes to figure out what Russia is up to–they're
trying to undermine democracies all over the world."
DEC. 10. Reporter Glenn Greenwald, on Intercept: "There is still
no evidence for any of these [CIA] claims. What we have instead
are assertions, disseminated by anonymous people, completely
unaccompanied by any evidence, let alone proof…. Anonymous
claims leaked to the newspapers about what the CIA believes do
not constitute proof, and certainly do not constitute reliable
evidence that substitutes for actual evidence that can be
received. Have we not learned this lesson yet?"
DEC. 11. Four Senators issued a joint statement calling for an
investigation of Russia's involvement in election interference.
Democrats Charles Schumer (NY) and Jack Reed (RI); and
Republicans John McCain (R-AZ) and Lindsey Graham (R-SC).
DEC. 12. Ten electors in the Electoral College (from six states
and the District of Columbia) released an open letter to Director
of National Intelligence James Clapper, asking for confirmation
of whether Russia interfered in the 2016 elections, as a
condition for the electors to formally cast ballots in the
Electoral College when it meets Dec. 19 in respective states.
This initiative is endorsed by the Hillary Clinton campaign. The
electors' letter says they, "require to know from the
intelligence community whether there are ongoing investigations
into ties between Donald Trump, his campaign or associates, and
Russian government interference in the election, the scope of
those investigations, how far those investigations may have
reached, and who was involved in those investigations." A leader
of this ploy is Christine Pelosi, daughter of Nancy Pelosi.
DEC. 12. John Podesta, on behalf of defeated and conceded
candidate Hillary Clinton's "campaign," of which he was manager,
requested that the CIA or "intelligence community" give a
briefing to the Electors at the Electoral College meeting, before
they cast their votes. Clearly aimed to have an official
executive agency intervene to tamper with the Electors' votes.
Politico: "In his statement released on Monday [Dec. 12],
Podesta said `The bipartisan electors' letter raises very grave
issues involving our national security,' and added that electors
have a solemn responsibility under the Constitution and we
support their efforts to have their questions addressed….'
The statement describes how `we' continually protested that
the Russians were doing it, indicating Podesta is speaking here
for Clinton's campaign. `We now know that the CIA has determined
Russia's interference in our elections was for the purpose of
electing Donald Trump. This should distress every American.'"
The "bipartisan electors" refers to the 10 led by Nancy
Pelosi's daughter.
If done, this would be the most serious such executive
interference in elections since Andrew Johnson requested that the
Army help him convene a Congressional session including southern
slave owner "Congressmen" whose entry Congress had rejected.