En mobilisering for LaRouches Fire Love
som emnet for Trumps ’State of the Union’!
LaRouche PAC Internationale Webcast, 15. dec., 2017.

Vært Matthew Ogden: I mandags indledte vi vores nedtælling på 50 dage (se mandags-opdatering her); 50 dage til præsident Trump holder sin State of the Union tale (Tale om nationens tilstand), der er planlagt til den 30. januar, 2018. Vi er nu fem dage inde i denne nedtælling, så vi har 45 dage tilbage til State of the Union-talen. Lyndon LaRouches og LaRouche PAC’s erklærede hensigt er at sikre, at kernebudskabet i denne State of the Union-tale handler om det økonomiske program, der er nødvendigt for at genoplive den amerikanske økonomi for at bringe USA ind i det nye paradigme, som det er blevet initieret af Kina. Indholdet af dette program er selvfølgelig indeholdt i de fire økonomiske love i Hamiltons tradition, som Lyndon LaRouche har forfattet, og som er blevet cirkuleret vidt omkring af medlemmer af LaRouche Political Action Committee og aktivister her i USA. Dette vil vi gennemgå i detaljer.
Et hurtigt overblik; dette omfatter: en genindførelse af Glass-Steagall; en tilbagevenden til et nationalbanksystem i Hamiltons tradition; anvendelsen af den føderale regerings kreditskabende mekanisme til omgående at øge den amerikanske arbejdsstyrkes produktive evne og til at genopbygge infrastrukturen og det nødvendige, næste stadium af den amerikanske økonomis platform; og den indeholdte faktor i alt dette – et nationalt, forceret program for rumforskning og fusionskraft. Det er den videnskabsmotor, som er det lim, der holder hele programmet sammen.
Vi vil senere annoncere og vi har nogle billeder, men en ny brochure, der indeholder dette program, vil blive cirkuleret i begyndelsen af næste uge. Dette bliver det kernemateriale, I har brug for, for at hjælpe os med at mobilisere de tilbageværende dage af nedtællingen på 50 dage. Jeg sætter dette på skærmen.
Dette er et smugkig af forsiden af den kommende brochure, som bliver udgivet i begyndelsen af næste uge. Her ser man, at titlen er »Lyndon LaRouches Fire Love – De fysisk-økonomiske principper for USA’s genrejsning; Amerikas fremtid på den Nye Silkevej«. Og på bagsiden ser man et fint billede af Verdenslandbroen. Dette er det udviklingsprogram, som vil blive forlængelsen af den Nye Silkevej; og dernæst opregnes LaRouches Fire Love. Dette bliver selvfølgelig et meget afgørende materiale for os at cirkulere i den kommende periode.
Det andet, som selvfølgelig meget hurtigt er ved at udvikle sig i løbet af denne 50-dages nedtælling, er en komplet kovending af dette kupforsøg mod det amerikanske præsidentskab, som er blevet kørt med baggrund i det såkaldte »Russiagate«-hysteri. Dette svindelnummer er blevet brugt som en kølle i et forsøg på at bringe dette præsidentskab til fald og forsøge at drive en kile ind mellem ethvert nyttigt og potentielt produktivt samarbejde mellem USA og Rusland. Vi ser nu også, at dette udvides til at forsøge at drive en kile ind mellem USA og Kina. Her er tingene vendt rundt og har givet bagslag mod dem, der har kørt dette kupforsøg, ved at komme frem i dagens lys og er meget dramatisk. Vi har set afsløringen af hele spindet af korruption hos det personel, der var involveret i denne såkaldte efterforskning, og det er blevet klart, at, endnu før Donald Trump var blevet indsat, eller blot valgt, var der en kernegruppe af disse folk, der havde gjort det til deres egen, personlige mission at gøre alt, de kunne – inklusive at arbejde internt fra den amerikanske regerings institutioner – for at forsøge at bringe dette præsidentskab til fald. Dette er blevet afsløret på forskellig vis. Som I får at høre Helga Zepp-LaRouche sige i et kort uddrag fra Schiller Institut-webcastet fra i går, sagde hun, med sine egne ord, at »anklagerne er blevet de anklagede«. Dette åbner op for en helt ny, strategisk dimension.
Jeg vil nu afspille et kort uddrag af Helga Zepp-LaRouches bemærkninger i går i hendes internationale webcast:
(Hele Helgas webcast på dansk her)
Her følger resten af fredags-webcastet i engelsk udskrift:
HELGA ZEPP-LAROUCHE: This is very fascinating
because exactly the opposite of what was the intention is now
happening; namely that those people who tried to prove collusion
between Trump and the Russian government are now the target of a
potential investigation themselves, with quite incredible
implications. There are already calls out that all of these
people — from Mueller, McCabe, Bruce Ohr, Peter Strzok, and
various other individuals — that they should all be led away in
handcuffs. This is the demand of a former judge and state
attorney, Jeanine Pirro, on Fox TV, and what she referred to is
the fact that now it is becoming very clear in the hearings in
the House of Representatives and in the Senate that there was
collusion of people who were absolutely a taskforce against Trump
even before he was elected, who wanted to have sort of a life
insurance against the possibility that Trump may be elected.
They worked together with the “former” MI-6 agent Christopher
Steele on this dirty dossier. Now it turns out that the degree
of corruption is even much more deep. For example, the wife of
the recently laid-off Associate Deputy Attorney General, Bruce
Ohr, worked for the very firm which was dealing with Christopher
Steele on behalf of the Obama administration and the Clinton
election team; namely, Fusion GPS.
So, there is very clearly a conflict of interest to say the
least, and what happened in the hearing was basically, the
situation became so hot that McCabe at the last moment discovered
a so-called conflict of his agenda, and he didn’t appear.
Congressman Nunes immediately said he does not believe that for a
second, because obviously it was incredible. The cover-up is not
functioning anymore, because the questions were asked to these
individuals that they should have brought this information on
their own; if there was an investigation against the President,
they should have prepared the material as evidence and not
covered it up.
So, I think this is turning the whole situation around.
“Russia-gate” is crumbling, and this has incredible strategic
implications, because this whole thing, if we recall how this
developed, was all intended from the very beginning by the Obama
administration and the leftovers from the previous Bush
administration to prevent President Trump from developing a
positive relationship with Russia.
OGDEN: This is excerpt from Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s remarks
yesterday on her international Schiller Institute webcast. As
you just heard her conclude there, this whole thing is turning on
its head. The accusers have become the accused; and she said
that this whole “Russia-gate” hoax is crumbling. This has
enormous strategic implications. Obviously, as she was just in
the middle of saying, the purpose of this was to drive a wedge
between any potentially useful collaboration between the United
States and Russia; and then also by extension, the United States
and China. But this entire thing really now has crumbled in just
the last 48 hours; and it’s moving very quickly as a result of
the probes from various Congressional committees move ahead. The
most telling are the text messages that were published between
Peter Strzok, who was a agent on the Mueller investigation, and
his would-be mistress, Lisa Page; who were texting back and forth
during the entirety of the campaign and then even after the
election, leading up into the inauguration. I would just like to
read some of the content of these text messages that have been
released to the public. It will show you that this is just
symptomatic of, as Helga Zepp-LaRouche called it, a taskforce
which really was put together inside the institutions of the FBI
and the Justice Department; that were planning and plotting how
to bring down President Trump after he was inaugurated. So,
here’s some of the contents of the text messages. You’ll see
that not only did they have it out for Donald Trump, they had it
out for Bernie Sanders, Martin O’Malley, and John Kasich. These
were Clinton partisans; and I think this really goes to the point
that there is a stay-behind apparatus inside these institutions
that really were doing everything they could from {inside} of the
institutions to get Clinton elected. Talk about a rigged system!
And then once she lost the election, they’ve been trying to do
everything they can to bring down President Trump. So, here are
some quotes.
Lisa Page said in a text message, “I just saw my first
Bernie Sanders bumper sticker. Made me want to key the car.” —
this is from August of 2015. What was Strzok’s reply? “He’s an
idiot like Trump. Figure they cancel each other out.” Later,
Lisa Page said about Donald Trump, “What an utter idiot!” She
went on to say in another text message, “God! Trump is a
loathsome human! OMG! He’s an idiot!” Strzok replied, “He’s
awful.” Strzok wrote to Lisa Page in March of 2016, “God!
Hillary should win 100 million to zero!” He identified himself
as a conservative Democrat, apparently. Then here are two of
maybe the most telling text messages, that really get at the
heart of what the personnel in this so-called “investigation”
have really been up to. Lisa Page wrote to Peter Strzok, “Maybe
you’re meant to stay where you are, because you’re meant to
protect the country from that menace,” she said, referring to
Donald Trump. And Peter Strzok replied, “I can protect our
country at many levels.” Then later, here’s another text, and
this is perhaps the most intriguing. Peter Strzok wrote to Lisa
Page, “I want to believe the path you threw out for consideration
in Andy’s office” — referring to Andrew McCabe, the Deputy
Director. He said, “There’s no way he”, referring to Trump, “gets
elected. But I’m afraid we can’t take that risk.” So, what were
they plotting in Andrew McCabe’s office? And then later on,
shortly after the election, Lisa Page wrote to Peter Strzok,
“Just bought {All the President’s Men}. Figure I needed to brush
up on Watergate.” Of course, {All the President’s Men} is the
famous book about how Richard Nixon was brought down through the
Watergate scandals. So, this shows that shortly after the
election, these two Federal employees were discussing how Trump
might be brought down by this sort of scandal. So, there you
have it — “Russia-gate”.
As Helga Zepp-LaRouche said, this entire thing is falling
apart. That’s just one small sliver of the story. There are
entire other aspects of these conflicts of interest and the fact
that Mueller did stack his team with people who were known
partisans, and who had very clear conflicts of interest. This
entire thing is now turning on its head. As Helga Zepp-LaRouche
said, this has enormous strategic implications.
Indeed, we see the potential again for a relationship
between the United States and Russia moving forward just today.
As we heard news reports, yesterday President Trump initiated a
call to President Putin, where they discussed several things, as
President Trump said while he was on the south lawn of the White
House this morning, getting on the helicopter to go down to
Quantico. He said, President Putin talked about some of the
positive things that have been accomplished here in the United
States during the past year of President Trump’s Presidency.
They also talked about some of the conflicts that the US and
Russia have abroad. But most of all, the subject matter of that
phone call last night was discussing how to resolve the Korea
crisis; North Korea specifically. As we know, President Trump
has worked very closely with President Xi Jinping of China to try
to address this hotspot. But he has repeatedly said, if we could
get along with Russia, that would be a good thing, not a bad
thing; because that would enable us to resolve some of these
hotspots around the world, including North Korea. So, hopefully
we’ll see some progress as we move forward with that. We
obviously know that that’s a major aspect of the discussion at
the United Nations Security Council today with Secretary
President Trump also said, during this interaction with
reporters this morning when he was getting on the helicopter, he
said this Russia scandal has been a fraud from day one, and
everybody knows it. He said there is no collusion. He said,
even my worst enemies come out of these committee hearings and
declare “Yes, that’s true. There’s no evidence of collusion yet,
but we’ll just keep going and we’re sure to dig up something.”
But President Trump said, the point is, {there is no collusion}.
Let’s now get back to the business of running this country and
dealing with the problems that we have before us here in the
United States.
So, I think that gets directly back to the point. We have a
45-day countdown now between now and President Trump’s State of
the Union. Our mission, as LaRouche PAC and the LaRouche
movement, is to ensure that the central core theme of that State
of the Union is “How are we going to revive the economy of the
United States, and how are we going to join this New Paradigm of
‘win-win’ development that’s been initiated by China?” That is
by no means a long shot, especially if you — as we did on Monday
— take a survey back on some of the positions that this
President has taken on some of the core themes of that Four Laws
economic program. Glass-Steagall — he espoused it during the
campaign. It’s been twisted and undermined by Steve Mnuchin and
others, but this is still a stated part of President Trump’s
agenda. $1 trillion for infrastructure; we know that that was
the core theme of his joint address to the Congress last
February, and he’s come back to it several times. In what form
it’s not clear; but that immediately must be mobilized. The way
that it can be mobilized is through a Hamiltonian national bank
or a national infrastructure bank similar to the way that
Franklin Roosevelt did it during the New Deal. He also talked
about restoring the skills and the employment of the forgotten
man; especially in the formerly industrial Midwest and heartland
of the United States. Absolutely! This is an entire layer of
the population that needs immediate relief, but also needs
immediate productive jobs on the cutting edge kinds of
technologies that can be mobilized through a crash program for
space and for ultimately the achievement of fusion power.
We took a large step forward, so to speak, a giant leap in
the direction of bringing mankind back to the Moon this last
Monday afternoon, with President Trump’s signing of the Space
Policy Directive #1. The speech that he made upon that signing,
was a very inspiring speech. He said we intend to bring
Americans back to the Moon, not just to put our footsteps on the
surface of the Moon and plant a flag; but to set up more
permanent research and settlement capabilities there, and then
ultimately to use that a launching pad to send men to Mars and
ultimately beyond. So obviously, that was the 45th anniversary
of the Apollo 17 landing on the lunar surface; which was the last
manned Moon landing that we’ve had in 45 years.
We had the opportunity last night to hear from Kesha Rogers
on the Fireside Chat. And many of you maybe got to participate
in this, but Kesha Rogers is a declared candidate — and I can
put her image up here [Fig. 3]. An independent candidate for
Congress, for the US House of Representatives in the 9th
Congressional District of Texas for the upcoming 2018
Congressional elections. And as Kesha Rogers pointed out in her
talk last night, in her entire lifetime — she’s 41 years old —
we have not had a man or a woman land on the surface of the Moon.
Our entire lifetimes, and now we’re talking about the entire
lifetimes of another generation who are now reaching adulthood;
those students in college and those who are graduating high
school, their entire lifetimes have passed up to this point
without human beings returning to the surface of the Moon. This
is a tragedy and this is an utter travesty when we look at the
legacy of what John F Kennedy and those original Apollo
astronauts intended when they were laying the groundwork for what
was going to be permanent settlements on the Moon and manned
missions beyond. That was derailed with John F Kennedy’s
assassination, and we as a nation have fallen far behind where we
were even then with the failure to follow through on those
amazing breakthroughs.
So, this is one of things that has obviously inspired Kesha
Rogers in her declaration for candidacy in the Texas 9th District
US House of Representatives campaign. But she also, in this
talk, called on others to join her; to take this kind of
leadership that her campaign will be the flagship for the
leadership required. But that others must join with her to take
the leadership to make this vision a reality. She in no
uncertain terms, made it very clear that in order to make this
vision into an actuality, we needed to make a breakthrough in the
next 45 days on securing Lyndon LaRouche’s Four Economic Laws as
the core law of the land when we’re talking about the agenda for
this Presidency.
So, what I’d like to do for you is actually just play a few
short excerpts from Kesha Rogers’ opening remarks during that
Fireside Chat call last night, just so you can hear this kind of
authoritative voice of leadership in her own voice.
KESHA ROGERS: I will just start by making
clear for many people who have already heard and those who may be
new on the line who haven’t heard or may not be familiar with my
campaign. I have just recently, as Dennis stated, filed a
statement of intent here in Texas to run as an independent for
the US House of Representatives in Congressional District 9 in
Texas. That is the seat that current Congress member Al Green
holds. Now I’m going to be petitioning for a position on the
November 2018 ballot as an independent following the March
primary elections here in Texas.
I wanted to start just with that, from the standpoint of
first of all, to give you a little bit of background about my
qualifications, my work with Mr. LaRouche over the past now
nearly 15 years. I have run Congressional campaigns going back
to 2010, when I ran my first campaign and secured the Democratic
Party nomination and also again in 2012 securing the Democratic
Party nomination. Leading the charge and calling out front to
end and destructive policies against our nation by
President Obama. Calling for Obama’s impeachment during those
periods; particularly for his continued criminal actions against
our country, including his commitment to war policy,
regime-change, his Tuesday kill list, and most emphatically —
which we’ll get into more — the destruction of our national
space program with the brutal cuts to the Constellation program
and the destruction of our Moon return program that was set into
motion by the Constellation.
But what we saw during the Obama administration was an
outright commitment to defending the interests of Wall Street.
This is what my campaign and many of my colleagues on the
national slate that I ran with as LaRouche candidates on a
national slate, acted immediately to reject this policy of Wall
Street looting of our national economy and to call for the
shutting down of Wall Street and a restoring of Glass-Steagall
banking reorganization. So, it’s important to understand that
history right now, because this is what actually garnered a great
success with my campaigns here in Texas, despite the fact that
there was a real backlash from the national and local Democrat
Party. As I said, the victory came about when people in not only
in the district, in the state, supported my campaign calling for
a return to a national mission. A visionary perspective as
outlined by President John F Kennedy and also President Franklin
Roosevelt, which has been the commitment of Lyndon LaRouche and
his economic policies for many decades now. Many people
responded to that call of leadership and recognized that our
campaign actually offered solutions.
This is what is absolutely required today. What I’m hoping
to see is that more people take it upon yourselves to actually
launch into this fight, to run political campaigns yourself.
What we need right now is we need a form of leadership emerging
throughout the country of people all over the nation. This is
not a matter of party politics; this is a matter of who will
commit to a restoring of a national mission for the country. I
think it’s very important right now to recognize that we’re not
talking about what’s going to be needed for almost a year from
now in a November election. But what is required immediately,
and what must be implemented at this present time to save our
nation, to save the US economy, to turn around the decades-long
physical economic collapse that we’ve seen in the country. We’re
at a very unique opportunity to be able to do that. It’s going
to require the educational process of the American people; it’s
going to require a number of you and others stepping up to the
plate to provide the leadership that’s needed. I think it really
is going to require a new commitment and understanding of what
the idea of a national mission really should constitute. Mr.
LaRouche the model, the mobilization of my
campaigns has been the direct influence of the work that Lyndon
LaRouche has been involved in for many years now. The national
mission orientation and a science driver crash program for
restoring the productivity of our nation.
So, I think that is the fight at hand right now. As we look
at the rapid shift toward development in the world at the present
time, you see what’s happening in terms of a commitment by
nations that are joining with China in the Belt and Road
Initiative. The direction for a national mission for our country
isn’t just for the benefit of the United States itself, but the
world is looking right now towards a unified global paradigm.
Which is a paradigm shaped around the idea that an international
commitment to collaboration, to ending poverty, to ending the
threat of war, to ending hunger, to ending in the United States
and elsewhere the rapid increase of drug abuse, and the collapse
of physical infrastructure. This has to be our commitment; not
just to our own nation, but to that in collaborations around the
world. The best way to define, to actually secure the victory of
accomplishing those goals, is through a commitment to a national
driver which is our commitment to reviving our national space
So, that’s what has been my number one priority, is
continuing to campaign even in off-campaign seasons and continue
to be very present in the space community and the scientific
community. This is what we have a very important obligation to
see through. So, I think we are in a very unique position to
respond to this demand of leadership. I take on that challenge
willingly, and I am looking for people to join me and take on
that challenge as I do, and to make sure that we can move the
country in the needed direction in the next 50 days now. Get the
President to immediately adopt these policies of an economic
recovery program that’s been defined by Lyndon LaRouche in his
Four Economic Laws.
OGDEN: So there you heard. These were the opening remarks
from Kesha Rogers during the Fireside Chat last night. You can
listen to the entire dialogue on the LaRouche PAC website if you
missed it, but her remarks there right at the conclusion; she
said we have this 50-day countdown — now 45 days — to secure
Lyndon LaRouche’s Four Economic Laws as the policy of the
Presidency of the United States. So, you can see here on the
screen [Fig. 4], this is again the sneak peek to the cover of the
LaRouche PAC pamphlet which will be coming out at the beginning
of next week. “America’s Future on the New Silk Road.
LaRouche’s Four Laws — The Physical Economic Principles for the
Recovery of the United States.” And it says on the back there,
these are LaRouche’s Four Laws; and then we have a beautiful map
of the World Land-Bridge as it was conceived originally by the
LaRouche movement over 20 years ago. Now, this is actually
coming into fruition. The core contents of this pamphlet are the
text of the keynote speech that Helga Zepp-LaRouche made at the
Bad Soden conference in Frankfurt, Germany about two weeks ago.
Where she goes through the entire vision of what was originally
conceived of by Gottfried Leibniz as the Eurasian collaboration
between European civilization and Chinese Confucian civilization,
reaching across, bridging between those two great civilizations
to bring development to the entirety of the Eurasian continent.
That was Leibniz’s idea originally for what is now this New Silk
Road that the Chinese have initiated. Now our mission is to
extend that to include the entire world.
Also, we have Lyndon LaRouche’s original document — “The
Four Economic Laws” — reprinted in full in that pamphlet. Then
we have four sections that break down those four economic laws
and elaborate them a little bit more extensively. This is
exactly what Kesha Rogers said; we need to have an educational
process for the American people over the coming 45 days in order
to really bring this idea of a recovery program to life.
So, I thought it was very useful to listen to the remarks
from Kesha Rogers, and to hear that in her own voice. As she
said, we’re in a very unique to respond to the demand of
leadership that’s needed today. She said, I think that if we
take this kind of national sense of mission, we can really
inspire people across party lines. This is not a question of
party politics, she said. She called for a swarm of leadership
from across the nation; she said, “We need a swarm of leadership
of people who will commit to restoring this sense of national
mission for our country”; bring us into this New Paradigm of
development which is now sweeping the globe. She said what’s
required is for you and for others to step up to the plate and to
provide the kind of leadership required. She said, “I take on
that challenge willingly, and I’m looking for others who will do
the same.”
So I think on that note, we have our sense of mission for
the next 45 days. Things will continue to develop very rapidly,
I’m sure; around both the crumbling of this entire so-called
“Russia-gate” investigation, as things become more and more
revealed and brought out into the light of day. And also as we
continue to make breakthroughs on this campaign to make Lyndon
LaRouche’s Four Economic Laws the law of the land here in the
United States.
So, continue to tune in, please, over the coming days as we
continue our now 45-day countdown. We will guarantee that we
will continue our mobilization and do everything required to make
sure that we secure a victory in this campaign to restore the
Hamiltonian principles as the law of the land in the United
States. So, you can follow more about what Kesha Rogers is doing
as we cover her campaign here on larouchepac.com. And you can
look forward to next week, the publication of this new pamphlet,
“America’s Future on the New Silk Road. LaRouche’s Four Laws —
The Physical Economic Principles for the Recovery of the United
States.” And also, we have the 10,000-print run of the Mueller
special dossier that has already penetrated the highest levels of
policymaking here in Washington, DC and across the country, and
will continue to have — I’m sure — a very groundbreaking
So, thank you for tuning today. Please stay tuned to
larouchepac.com and good night.