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LaRouche PAC Internationale Webcast,
12. jan., 2018

Vært Matthew Ogden: Som I ser, så er temaet for aftenens show, at vi fortsat befinder os i en nedtælling til præsident Trumps State of the Union-tale den 30. jan. i år. Der er nu 18 dage tilbage til denne tale; og vi holder fortsat fast i vores forpligtelse til, at det er vores job at sætte to punkter på dagsordenen: Nummer ét: præsident Trump må vedtage Lyndon LaRouches Fire Økonomiske Love. Nummer to: præsident Trump må udtrykkeligt erklære, at USA går med i den Nye Silkevej.
Her følger engelsk udskrift af resten af webcastet:
On that latter point, a very dramatic breakthrough has
occurred this week, and the world has substantially changed.
However, you most likely have not heard this news; unless, of
course, you are watching But the western media
is failing to report what is probably one of the most strategic
changes in the alignment of the world in many years. That news
comes out of a trip that French President Emmanuel Macron made to
China in the beginning of this week. Now, this may come as a
surprise to many people who might not have expected that this
would occur. But we do have to say that the activities of the
LaRouche movement yet again have now come to bear and really
deserve significant credit for this strategic shift that has
occurred in France. Of course, you remember that Jacques
Cheminade, who is a collaborator of Lyndon LaRouche in France,
ran a very high-profile Presidential campaign just last year, in
which he called for France to join the New Silk Road.
Now, what has Emmanuel Macron done? He has announced that
he intends for France, and also by consequence, Europe to
collaborate with China on the New Silk Road. This is an
extraordinary change. Emmanuel Macron was the first European
leader to visit China in the aftermath of the 19th Party
Congress. He had a very high-level, substantial state visit
which lasted several days, with President Xi Jinping. What has
he announced? France is now making the commitment that France
will collaborate with China’s Belt and Road Initiative of great
infrastructure projects across Eurasia and notably in Africa.
That’s a very important point for France, due to its history in
Africa. Emmanuel Macron and President Xi Jinping announced that
they will particularly be focussing on French-Chinese cooperation
in developing nuclear power technology. This is something that
France is a leader in, in Europe; and China is also now an
emerging leader in nuclear power. This will be what will power
the world’s economies, including the economies of all those
nations along the New Silk Road.
This makes France not the first European country to make
this commitment and to announce their interest in joining the New
Silk Road. Of course, the 16 countries of Eastern Europe have
already made that announcement. We had the summit at the CEEC
[Central and Eastern European Countries] conference in the fall
of last year. These Eastern European countries have already
announced that they are enthusiastic about joining the New Silk
Road, and being the front door for the Silk Road into Europe.
However, what this is, is the first Western European country to
announce unequivocally this intention to collaborate with China
on the New Silk Road. France is the number two economy in
Europe; it’s a leading world power. Obviously, a global power
and a very longstanding civilization; and it is one of the
permanent United Nations Security Council members. That topic
was also part of the discussion between Macron and Xi Jinping.
So, I would assume that, unless you’ve been watching, you do not know the significance of this news.
But what we’re here to do today, is to communicate to you exactly
what occurred during this historic trip by Emmanuel Macron to
China. And to ask the question: Now that France has taken this
step, whither the rest of Europe, and whither the United States
of America? The invitation is on the table for the United States
to join the Belt and Road Initiative. The door is wide open.
President Trump has expressed his clear intention and interest in
working together with President Xi Jinping and developing a close
relationship and a new era in US-China relations. Now all he
needs to do is take that step through that open door, and to do
exactly what President Macron on France has just done.
So, I would like to share with you some excerpts. First, of
a speech that Emmanuel Macron made in Xi’an, which is one of the
historic cities at the terminus of the Silk Road in China. This
is the city where they have the famous terra cotta warriors; and
Emmanuel Macron did make a tour of that astounding museum. When
you see this with your own eyes, you realize the power and the
depth of the ancient civilization that China represents. Then,
subsequent to that, I will share with you some of the comments
that he made to the same effect during a joint press conference
he had with President Xi at the conclusion of his trip.
So, here are a few quotes from President Macron’s speech in
Xi’an. What President Macron said during this speech is, he went
through the history of French-Chinese relationships and stressed
how significant this shared history has already been. Then he
said the following: “I want you to understand something today.
France is here; becoming transformed in depth and wants to be
that country of dialogues and construction of a new partnership
for the 21st Century, with China. With it, Europe wants, through
the building of its own power to build a balanced cooperation
with China in the coming century. When you build a relationship
of friendship, it is a balanced cooperation that you seek.
“It is in the same spirit that I wish for us to advance
on the New Silk Road. Indeed, One Belt, One Road is the
perspective gave itself and that it has proposed to the world.
When a proposal is on the table, it is not my habit not to
discuss it. I understand the opportunities for China on the
economic level for finding new markets internationally; on the
political level in order to open up regions hit by
under-development; on the diplomatic level to stabilize trade in
fragile regions where there are states in difficulty, and in
developing regions; on the cultural level, since it is a matter
of exerting leadership with the force of new ideas. I think that
the initiative of the New Silk Roads can meet our interests —
those of France and of Europe — if we give ourselves the means
to really work together. After all, the Silk Roads were never
purely Chinese, if I’m honest. When we talk about the Maritime
Silk Roads, they were first Portuguese. On land, they went
through Central Asia — Iran, Iraq, Tyre, and Antioch — and in
so doing, they were Sino-European. The genius of the first Silk
Roads was to have often re-invented European roads and made them
Chinese roads. I am saying that in a consubstantial way, these
roads are still shared. And if these are roads, they cannot be
one way; they must be a two-way street. I am thus ready to work
to the announced objectives. Road, railroad, airport, maritime
and technological infrastructure programs along the Silk Roads
can provide a response to the infrastructure deficit;
particularly in Asia.
“The pooling of our financial resources, public and private,
for cross-border projects, can strengthen the connectivity
between Europe and Asia and beyond. To the Middle East and
Africa, and allow better integration, structure, and opening up
through the growth of trade. At the same time, it will do much
more. And the city of Xi’an is a living example. Those first
Silk Roads brought Buddhism and Islam and Christianity here.
These New Silk Roads will inevitably lead to cultural and
educational exchanges and to profound transformations in the
countries that they cross.
“Finally, it is a matter of giving ourselves a perspective
at a moment when the shared grand narratives are so sorely
lacking in the world. I must say, it is one of the great merits
of these Silk Roads proposed by Xi Jinping. These Silk Roads
re-activate the imagination of a new civilization of fruitful
exchanges, of shared wealth. And they show to all those who
thought that we were in a tired, post-modern world where the
great stories were forbidden, that those who decide to live great
epics can make others dream as well. I believe profoundly in
great stories.
“It is up to France, and with it to Europe, to contribute
its share of imagination to this proposal, and to work at it in
the months and years to come. This will be the object of my
exchanges with President Xi Jinping: To define the agenda of
trust that I want, that we put together. I know that some will
say that this agenda of trust must be one to create an
equilibrium between a developed country and a developing one.
But China is no longer a developing country; it is a country
which is bypassing that, largely. Therefore, we must reinvent
here the terms of a new relationship; and the Silk Roads are the
very expression of that new relationship of China to the world.
I propose to identify very concretely the political framework in
which we can build that partnership, that cooperation, and that
common strategy. I am convinced profoundly that if Europe and
China know how to establish that goal together, this initiative
could be the occasion of relaunching very pragmatically the
multi-lateralism which is today lacking in concrete realizations.
“I am ready to play a key role in this direction, making
sure that the European countries progress in unity. Because
China needs to have a solid interlocutor to exchange and build on
its own initiative. I want the Silk Roads to not limit
themselves to economic questions, but be enlightened in Europe by
a deep comprehension of China. All resources must be used to
this end; from the publishing world to the world of theatre and
cinema; from the French Sinology school to the world of arts.
These are the roads of exchange that we must build.
“You have understood, ladies and gentlemen, that my will is,
indeed, in this framework. That France and Europe take up their
full responsibility and meet the proposal offered by China.”
So, that was an excerpt of French President Emmanuel
Macron’s speech in Xi’an in China; just a short excerpt. It’s a
very elaborated speech in which he also discusses the importance
of not returning to imperialism. He talked about the need to
create harmony between countries, and not to be competing for
so-called limited geo-strategic interests. He said, if we equip
ourselves with the means to really cooperate, we can create a new
civilization. He praised China’s work in Africa, and he said
China has invested heavily in infrastructure and in raw materials
in recent years, with a financial power that European countries
could not have done. He called for French-Chinese cooperation in
developing Africa; saying that to implement projects that are
really useful and financially sustainable for growth on that
continent, because that’s where the future lies. We must not
repeat the mistakes of the past, he said, by creating political
and financial dependence under the pretext of development. He
also said that the West must overcome the “one-sided imperialism”
that has been perpetrated by France and other European powers in
Africa and elsewhere. Then he commented that China’s example of
lifting 700 million people out of poverty, is the example that
must be taken everywhere.
Now, in the concluding joint press conference between French
President Emmanuel Macron and President Xi Jinping, Emmanuel
Macron elaborated and repeated and emphasized some of the points
that he made in that initial speech in Xi’an. So, here are a
couple of quotes from that speech during the concluding press
President Macron said, “The last point in the global agenda
is the New Silk Road; the Belt and Road Initiative. I’m
convinced that this initiative will have a considerable impact
and will provide elements that will stabilize in the regions
crossed by the Silk Road. We have proposed to work together on
this. Historically, the Silk Road was shared; shared by the
Europeans and the Chinese because it was a road for trade and
exchanges. So, it’s important that this New Silk Road in terms
of its philosophy and spirit, that it should revitalize the
balanced exchanges and cooperation between us. I look for close
collaboration with President Xi Jinping. We will be working to
ensure that whenever and wherever we implement this initiative,
we fight against corruption and imbalanced forms of development;
to allow societies to benefit fully from the growth thereby
“Finally, you mentioned culture. Culture is a powerful,
historic element along with language. And again, this reflects
the quality of our bilateral relations. I would like us to
strengthen — through multiple initiatives — our cultural
cooperation. First of all, by organizing several exhibitions to
better understand the mutual influence of our cultures; to better
understand the China of yesterday and today; and also the history
of the Silk Road.”
So, this was an extraordinary strategic breakthrough, and it
did take people by surprise. However, it should be viewed as a
consequence of the persistent effort by a handful of leaders such
as the leaders of the LaRouche movement and Lyndon and Helga
LaRouche particularly; and Jacques Cheminade in France, and
others, to put this agenda on the table. It proves that the
winds of change have come. The New Silk Road is indeed now the
prevailing dynamic worldwide. The leaders of European countries
who are not committed to being dinosaurs and being stuck in the
past in a failing trans-Atlantic geo-political world, are
recognizing that they have nothing to lose and everything to gain
from reciprocating President Xi Jinping’s offer of mutual benefit
and “win-win” cooperation.
Now, apparently directly following Emmanuel Macron’s trip to
China, the European Union has announced that it is drafting its
own “inter-connection blueprint” for the Eurasian continent.
This “inter-connection blueprint for Eurasia” is intended to
dovetail with the Belt and Road Initiative of China. This was
stated by the EU Ambassador to China, Hans Dietmar Schweisgut, at
a press conference that he gave this week, which was held
literally within hours of French President Macron’s return from
his state visit to China. The EU ambassador stated that this
economic blueprint for the interconnection of the Eurasian
continent is something that they are intending to pursue. Now,
in what form is not clear, and the big question is, will the rest
of the countries of Western Europe get on board — Germany most
of all. Will Germany abandon some of the failed policies, the
debt break and the anti-nuclear policies and others, that would
hold Europe back from participating fully in this Belt and Road
In response to a question on the announcement of this
so-called EU blueprint for interconnectivity in Eurasia, the
Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman, Lu Kang, said the following:
“The European side is welcome to participate in the Belt and Road
Initiative. And we are ready to work with them for ‘win-win’
cooperation in interconnection and in other fields. Based on the
principle of achieving shared growth through discussion and
collaboration, China will join the EU in promoting prosperity and
stability of the entire Eurasian continent, and building a
community of shared future for mankind.” So, that was the
Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman in response to this EU
interconnection blueprint plan.
Now also in the wake of Macron’s trip — and I think this
really indicates that there’s a seriousness among the French
political and strategic policymaking elite that this is going to
be the directionality for France. It’s been reported that the
Sorbonne, which is the leading foreign policy university and
institution in France, and really one of the leading foreign
policy institutions in all of Europe, the Sorbonne has announced
that they will be hosting a series of 11 seminars on the New Silk
Road. The first one is going to be hosted and chaired by the
former Prime Minister of France, Dominique DeVillepin. So, we
can see I think indications going all the way back to the
attendance by Raffarin at the Belt and Road Forum in China in the
spring of last year, that there was this undercurrent in France.
But it has now taken a really dramatic form, with Macron’s trip.
We see that there are other countries which have also begun
moving very clearly in this direction. There was a major
conference in Milan, Italy which was called “Belt and Road:
Building a Concrete Roadmap with Italy’s and China’s Joint
Growth”. This was sponsored by the Italian Industries Ministry
and the Chinese Trade Ministry, and also the Lombardy Association
of Industry. It was organized by the Italy-China Business Forum.
The coverage of this conference indicates that there are very
strong indications inside Italy also that they move in this
direction. We do know that the Prime Minister of Italy,
Gentiloni, and President Macron just had their own summit
meeting on the sidelines of the Mediterranean European countries
summit, where it is very much to be assumed that they discussed
Macron’s trip to China and the necessity for all of southern
Europe and the Mediterranean countries to join the New Silk Road;
exactly what has been the subject of a prolonged campaign by the
LaRouche movement in Europe.
So, this indicates that what France has done is setting the
agenda which the rest of Europe and frankly the United States
must follow. We even see that the Paris newspaper {Le Monde} is
beginning to understand exactly what time it is when it comes to
the role that China will play in the future of Europe. They
published an extensive story under the title “China: The
Innovation Dragon”. They said, “The pace of China’s
transformation over the last four years is unprecedented. The
country’s GDP grew by nearly 10% per year on average, while
reshaping global trade patterns and becoming the second-largest
economy in the world. That success lifted 800 million people out
of poverty. The mortality rate of children under five years old
was halved between 2006 and 2015. The question now is whether
China, well-positioned to become the world’s innovation leader,
will realize that opportunity in 2018 or soon after.”
So, this is exactly the point. China has accomplished a
miracle that no other country has accomplished on the entire
planet. That model of what China has done is the standard which
all other countries now must measure themselves against, and must
become participants in; not in a competitive way, but in a
“win-win” way with this idea of a common destiny for the future
of mankind. We also know that there was a very interesting
conference that occurred, believe it or not, in Wall Street at
the New York Stock Exchange just this week. With Chinese leaders
discussing the necessity for a new measurement of economic
prosperity. Not GDP, which can be a very fraudulent measure of
so-called economic growth; but actually measuring the rate at
which you are increasing the living standards of the population,
the rate at which you are incorporating new technologies and
innovations, and some very important measuring rods that you need
to measure the true success of an economy — not just stock
market bubbles. That is a lesson which must be taken to heart by
the American people and by President Trump himself.
Now what I would like to do is, share with you the remarks
that Helga Zepp-LaRouche had during her international webcast
from the Schiller Institute yesterday, where she responds
directly to the significance of this trip by President Macron to
China. This is Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s comments on Macron’s
decision to bring France into the orbit of the New Silk Road.
HELGA ZEPP-LAROUCHE: Well, this is a real
breakthrough, and I know that many people have different opinions
about Macron, but I must say, if somebody goes in the right
direction, one should be positive about it. What he did, is he
went on a three-day visit to China. He was the first European
leader after the 19th Party Congress of the Communist Party of
China; and he went to Xi’an first, which is the place where the
ancient Silk Road started from the Chinese side, and he made a
very remarkable speech. And I would urge all interested political
people, people who are really trying to get to the truth of the
matter, don’t believe what you read in the media, just read the
speech. It’s a 1 hour and 15 minute speech, and the fact that he
admits some of the most horrible mistakes of Western policy is a
reason why I tend to believe that he really is making a change in
French policy.
For example: He not only fully endorsed the New Silk Road
of China, he called it a “treasure to civilization”; he said we
must never repeat the mistakes of the past, like Iraq, Libya, and
then he also said he wants to invite China to cooperate with
France in projects in Africa, so that France would not make the
same mistakes of the past of imperial unilateralism in Africa.
He also said that one must make sure that one does not create new
dependencies politically and economically under the pretext of
development aid, but that therefore he invites China, because if
China and France are working together on development of Africa,
these mistakes can be avoided.
So I think there are a lot of other elements in his speech:
He praised the Chinese policy of being a great epic, one of the
great epics of history. He said, we in the West have become
tired and epics have not been allowed any more, but that is
exactly what is needed.
I think this is a very, very positive development, and on
the plane on the way back to Europe, he was asked by reporters,
but what about the tension between the EU and China? And he
said, this is not to be blamed on China, it’s entirely the fault
of the EU.
These kinds of statements really convince me that he means
what he says, and I find it highly interesting that today, that
is just three days after his speech in Xi’an — or maybe
yesterday already — the EU put out a statement saying that they
want to come forward with their own plan of connectivity which is
supposed to be linked up with the Belt and Road Initiative of
China. This was welcomed by the Chinese Foreign Ministry,
praising it, saying this means there will be a “win-win”
cooperation to the benefit of both sides.
So, there is a lot going on, and I think this is very
positive, because this can only be an inspiration for President
Trump, because if even the EU, which has been really against
this initiative, they tried to block it out entirely for years,
if even they move now, one has to see obviously what they do
about financing this, because the famous, or infamous “Juncker
plan,” which supposedly had EU350 billion never materialized
because it was all based on the idea of private investments which
never came. Because obviously this kind of infrastructure cannot
be financed by private capital, but this is something which needs
a credit system. And that would mean the EU has to change. They
would have to abandon their debt brake, which is now in the
constitutions of all member-states, and they would have in
Germany, to, if they would ever join, to abandon the policy of
the so-called “black zero.” I mean Germany just had a budget
surplus, I think of $38 billion which is quite a bit. So they
could already start investing some of this money in these
projects, because the infrastructure in Germany is also in a very
pitiful condition, let alone other European countries.
This is a breakthrough and all the various opponents of the
New Silk Road, I think they will realize that the Silk Road is
there, it’s coming, it’s spreading, and it is a new paradigm.
And I think it’s the victorious one, as compared to the outdated
neoliberal model.
OGDEN: ⦠yesterday on her webcast about the
breakthrough of Emmanuel Macron’s trip to China.
Now what I would also like to do is share with you a portion
of a briefing that Paul Gallagher, who is the EIR Economics
Editor, presented last night on the Fireside Chat — the national
activist call. Paul very clearly puts this breakthrough which
just occurred within the context of the decades-long fight by
Helga and Lyndon LaRouche to conceptualize this idea of what was
originally the Eurasian Land-Bridge and now has become known at
the New Silk Road or the One Belt, One Road initiative; going all
the way back to the collapse of the Soviet Union. What Paul also
does is he gives some more details on what the agreements were,
that were made between Emmanuel Macron and President Xi Jinping;
most particularly around nuclear power. There are some very
stunning developments on that question. Then Paul puts directly
this development within the context of the urgency of immediately
implementing Lyndon LaRouche’s Four Economic Laws here in the
United States. So, here’s a portion of Paul Gallagher’s
briefing from last night.
PAUL GALLAGHER: The Belt and Road Initiative
launched by China — and remember, this is a policy first thought
of as bridging the whole Eurasian continent with new rail lines
and communications corridors and lines of new cities going across
from the Atlantic coast to the Pacific coast; essentially from
the Spanish coast over to the Chinese coast. These Belt and Road
Land-Bridges were initially the idea of Lyndon and Helga
LaRouche; they were their idea in the late 1980s, when the Soviet
Union began to break up and when the Iron Curtain was being
removed as the absolutely impassable barrier to this kind of
transportation and communications development of the entire
Eurasian continent. When that was finally being removed, they
immediately came forth with this idea.
Now this is the policy of the Chinese government, as you
know. In a pretty important development in the last few days,
it’s become the policy of the French government. This is the
number two economy in Europe. The President there is a new
president. He just made a trip to China for a summit meeting.
Out of that came a commitment of France to join into the
development of the Belt and Road initiative. Macron and the
Chinese President spoke about the fact that this would create
much more space for the economic and technological development of
France, to be part of these Eurasia-crossing great projects of
infrastructure development. In particular, France is a leader in
nuclear power; the two of them agreed that they had special
responsibilities to cooperate in new fourth-generation reactor
technologies for the nuclear fuel cycle in order to power all the
economies on the New Silk Road and on the Maritime Silk Road. To
power all those economies increasingly with advanced third- and
fourth-generation nuclear power plants. France is in the lead in
that. They are simultaneously going to be building — in China
— a European power reactor which is a new reactor design; it’s
called the EPR [European Power Reactor]. It’s a new design for
which France is largely responsible. They’re going to be
building that as a model in China; they’re going to be building a
fuel reprocessing facility in China. For the first time there,
in order to reprocess used nuclear fuel to make new nuclear fuel.
They’re going to assist China in developing advanced breeder
reactors at the same time, to make more fuel. And also a system
in the certification of the nuclear reactor which China has
developed, which is called the Hwa Hwong 1000. This is the first
time that China has developed its own domestically built and
sourced nuclear reactor, and they’re trying to get it certified
by the international nuclear authorities like Euratom so that it
can be sold to other countries and this development can take
So, they made this partnership. They also talked about
partnership in astrophysics, astronomics, and in space
exploration in which China right now has the most aggressive
space exploration program of any of the space-faring nations at
this point. But France is in there, too. So, you have the
number two economy, and also as the Chinese President noted,
these two countries are permanent members of the Security Council
of the United Nations. Therefore, in cooperation, they have a
certain power against the tendency of neo-cons and others in
Britain and the United States and elsewhere to come in with these
crazy resolutions which demand that one or another regime be
overthrown and so forth. They have a certain stabilizing
authority also in the United Nations Security Council.
So, this is really an extremely important partnership which
has suddenly been concretized between China and France. It means
that pressure is on Germany, which at present is in some disarray
and has only a caretaker government; the pressure is on Germany
— the number one economy [in Europe] — and it now means that
it’s not only the Eastern European countries like Serbia and
Poland and Hungary and Austria and Greece. It’s not only all
those Eastern European and Balkan countries which have been
enthusiastically jumping into collaboration on the Belt and Road
Initiative; but now you have the number two Western European
economy and power, which has also jumped in.
Now this really means for the United States, here it is.
Already, China has made this major investment in West Virginia.
The governor yesterday gave a State of the State address in which
he talked about the Chinese investments in his state, which is
the third-poorest state in the United States, as the 800-lb
gorilla in the room. He had a lot to say about the importance of
this for the prospect of pulling West Virginia out of what it had
fallen into. Already this is obviously in front of the United
States, and the French move only makes it that much clearer an
offer to the United States. Everyone is looking for an
infrastructure initiative from the Congress and from the
President; it’s supposed to be occurring in January. Well, it is
occurring; it’s the Belt and Road Initiative, and it’s coming
right at us both in the now hundreds of freight trains every week
that are crossing Eurasia and all the new lines that are being
opened up. But it’s also coming at us in the development of
high-speed rail across the Bering Strait and the potential that
this will come all the way down to Vancouver and into the
so-called Cascades rail corridor in the United States.
So, it’s there. The infrastructure initiative is there.
Essentially what we talk about as the third one of LaRouche’s
Four Laws, the third action that’s necessary; the use of the
credit to develop new high-technology infrastructure. That’s
coming to us; we have to join it as a nation. Those Four
Economic Laws of Lyndon LaRouche, those four actions that he
specified four years ago, need to be taken.
OGDEN: So, that’s our campaign. We need to make the Four
Economic Laws of Lyndon LaRouche the policy of this Presidency
and the policy of the United States. That’s the means by which
we can join the New Silk Road dynamic. Now the pamphlet, which
is “LaRouche’s Four Laws: America’s Future on the New Silk Road”,
has now been printed, it’s in circulation. Ten thousand copies
are in print form, and are being circulated both in the streets
of cities across the country, in key constituent layers and farm
and industry layers across the United States, including in the
Heartland. And notably this week, a very successful distribution
of this pamphlet to all of the relevant offices in the United
States Congress. Volunteers with LaRouche PAC were on the ground
in Washington, DC getting this pamphlet around into the hands of
members of Congress and their key advisors, and having impromptu
meetings right there on the spot. Including very relevant
questions that were being asked by these policymakers, such as
“Now, how do you turn debt into credit?” Well, that’s a question
for Alexander Hamilton, isn’t it? But that’s the question that
is answered in these Four Economic Laws pamphlet. Notably,
yesterday was the birthday of Alexander Hamilton. Perhaps that’s
an appropriate way to celebrate Alexander Hamilton’s birthday.
We will continue our mobilization around these Four Economic
Laws, and expect that over the coming 18 days, things will
continue to very dramatically change. What we would like you to
do is to immediately get the copy of this pamphlet; this is the
link that you can see on your screen where you can get the
digital version of this pamphlet — LPAC.CO/4LYT. It has to be
circulated everywhere, and this has got the be the subject of
every political discussion in the United States. The contents of
this pamphlet and “Hey! Did you know that the world changed this
week? You might not have heard it on CNN; you might not have
heard it on Fox News. But France, the number two economy of
Western Europe just indicated that they want to join the New Silk
Road. When will it be {our turn}?” That’s the question that’s
on the table.
So, we ask you to tune in again on Monday, because first
we’ll have some very important updates to share with you as to
what China has already been doing to bring various states in the
United States into this New Paradigm. The billions of dollars
that are being invested around the country — Alaska, Iowa, other
states — and most notably, $83.7 billion into the state of West
Virginia. You heard Paul Gallagher report that Governor Jim
Justice gave his State of the State address this week. We’ll
have some excerpts of that address, and continue to follow the
inspiration that is coming from China to this state in West
Virginia. That State of the State really should be the template
for President Trump’s State of the Union. We should be
discussing the future is on the New Silk Road.
Then also on Monday, we will share with you an initiative
which is being launched by LaRouche PAC. This is LaRouche PAC’s
intervention into the 2018 Congressional elections. LaRouche PAC
has issued a statement; it is being prepared for mass
circulation, but it’s also an endorsement. It’s a call to
action. All leaders within the American population should
endorse this statement of intent from LaRouche PAC, get on board
with the Four Economic Laws, get on board with the New Silk Road.
So, on Monday we will be launching that officially; and that will
be a campaign that you can immediately join, and you can
immediately assist us in circulating all across the United
With that said, please tune in on Monday for some very
special content, and thank you very much for watching today.
Thank you and please stay tuned to Good night.