The Decades-Long Struggle for Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony
(‘Alle mennesker bliver brødre’:
Den årtierlange kamp for Beethovens niende Symfoni)

See Appendix I & II below the main article.
Læs den danske oversættelse her: Ny Specialrapport: Beethovens årtier lange kamp for den Niende Symfoni
The main article was published in Executive Intelligence Review, June 26, 2015, Vol. 42, No. 26.
Michelle Rasmussen is Vice President of The Schiller Institute in Denmark. E-mail:
N.B.: There is a mistake at the end of the main article as published in EIR. The following quote is from Schiller, and not Beethoven:
There is something mysterious in the effect of music, that it moves our inner self, so that it becomes a means of connection between two worlds. We feel ourselves enlarged, uplifted, rapt—what is that called other than in the domain of Nature, drawn to God? Music is a higher, finer language than words. In the moments, where every utterance of the uplifted soul seems too weak, where it despairs of conceiving more elegant words, there the musical art begins. From the outset, all song has this basis.
Appendix I & II:
Listen to an hour-long response to the article by Fred Haight of the Schiller Institute in Canada. He discusses how Beethoven must have written the first three movements of the 9th Symphony with the last, choral, movent in mind. He makes an analogy to Mozart’s Ave Verum Corpus, Brahm’s Four Serious Songs, and a Bach fugue, before presenting his musical evidence regarding the 9th Symphony.
Links to other articles on music by the author:
Bach, Mozart and the “Musical Midwife”
The Musical Offering: A musical pedagogical workshop by J.S. Bach, or, The musical geometry of Bach’s puzzle canons