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Michelle’s wedding song for Asuka and Daniel: special internal page

Michelle’s wedding song for Asuka and Daniel: special internal page

First part :

The first song:
I found this four-part version on the internet.

The second song:
I took the first four, and last four measures from the version that our New Jersey chorus sings. The middle, special part, was composed by me, especially for the wedding. (Michelle Rasmussen)

Second part:Lydafspiller

Translation of the Japanese song Furusato:

Old Home
I chased after rabbits on that mountain.
I fished for minnow in that river.
I still dream of those days even now
Oh, how I miss my old country home.
Father and mother―are they doing well?
Is everything well with my old friends?
When the rain falls, when the wind blows,
I stop and recall of my old country home.
Some day when I have achieved my dream,
I’ll return home one of these days
Where the mountains are green, my old country home,
Where the waters are clear, my old country home.

Poetical version by Greg Irwin:
My Country Home
Back in the mountains I knew as a child
Fish filled the rivers and rabbits ran wild
Memories, I carry these wherever I may roam
I hear it calling me, my country home
Mother and Fathers, how I miss you now
How are my friends I lost touch with somehow?
When the rain falls or the wind blows I feel so alone
I hear it calling me, my country home
I’ve got this dream and it keeps me away
When it comes true I’m going back there someday
Chrystal waters, mighty mountains blue as emerald stone
I hear it calling me, my country home

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