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Video: Verden efter det amerikanske midtvejsvalg:
Glass/Steagall-bankopdeling og et nyt Bretton Woods kreditsystem
kan udvikle den nye Silkevej til Verdenslandbroen

Video: Verden efter det amerikanske midtvejsvalg:
Glass/Steagall-bankopdeling og et nyt Bretton Woods kreditsystem
kan udvikle den nye Silkevej til Verdenslandbroen

Schiller Instituttet og EIR tidsskrift (Executive Intelligence Review) holdte et seminar for diplomater og andre i København den 29. november 2018.

The Schiller Institute and EIR magazine (Executive Intelligence Review) held a seminar for diplomats and others on November 29, 2018.


Ordstyrer/moderator: Tom Gillesberg: formand for Schiller Instituttet i Danmark, Bureauchef for Executive Intelligence Review i København

Moderator: Tom Gillesberg: chairman of The Schiller Institute in Denmark, Copenhagen bureau chief for Executive Intelligence Review

1. del: Den Nye Silkevej bliver til Verdenslandbroen:

Hussein Askary: Vestasienkoordinator for Schiller Instituttet and Executive Intelligence Reviews arabiske redaktør, medforfatter af den nye specialrapport

Part 1: The New Silk Road Becomes the World Land-Bridge:
Hussein Askary: West Asia Coordinator for the Schiller Institute and Executive Intelligence Review’s Arab desk editor, co-author of the new special report

2. del: Verden efter det amerikanske midtvejsvalg:

Helga Zepp-LaRouche: grundlægger og international formand for Schiller Instituttet, formand for det tyske politiske parti Bürgerrechtsbewegung Solidarität (BüSo), medforfatter af Schiller Instituttets nye specialrapport (via live video)

Part 2, The world after the U.S. mid-term elections:
Helga Zepp-LaRouche: founder and international president of The Schiller Institute, chairman of the German political party Civil Rights Solidarity (BüSo), co-author of The Schiller Institute’s new special report (via live video)

3. del: Hvorfor Glass/Steagall-bankopdeling og et Nyt Bretton Woods kreditsystem er nødvendigt for at undgå et nyt finansielt sammenbrud:

Paul Gallagher: EIR’s økonomi redaktør

Part 3: Why Glass-Steagall Bank Separation and a New Bretton Woods Credit System is Necessary to Avoid a New Financial Crash:

Paul Gallagher: EIR’s economics editor



Read about the seminar in English under the Danish text.

Om seminaret:

Resultatet af midtvejsvalget i USA kan give præsident Trump mulighed for at tilslutte sig andre internationale ledere med henblik på at implementere Schiller Instituttets omfattende program for fred gennem økonomisk udvikling, men dette vil kræve beslutsomme handlinger. De seneste bankskandaler i Danmark og resten af Europa, herunder Danske Banks hvidvaskning af penge i Estland, og det faktum, at nogle af Europas største banker var involveret i at plyndre massive beløb fra landes statskasser gennem skattetænkning i aktieudbytte, er kun en indikation på, at der er noget systemisk råddent i det transatlantiske banksystem centreret i City of London og Wall Street.

Den større fare er, at der er mange tegn på et kommende nyt finansielt sammenbrud, der vil blive værre end det i 2008. Selv IMF har i deres ”Stabilitetsrapport for Global Finans oktober 2018: Ti år efter den globale finansielle krise: Er vi mere sikre?” advaret om, at “store udfordringer for at forhindre en ny stor depression truer verdensøkonomien.” Rapporten understreger den kæmpestore boble af virksomhedsgæld, og at pengestrømmen ud af “emerging markets”, skaber stor ustabilitet. Derudover kan vi tilføje den gigantiske derivatboble, som en af de mange tikkende bomber under det finansielle system.

Og alligevel dukker de, i takt med at det gamle paradigme i det Londonbaserede finansielle og unipolære geopolitiske system kollapser, et nyt paradigme for international fysisk-økonomisk udvikling op, i kølvandet på Kinas Bælte & Vej-Initiativ (BRI), Den Nye Silkevej og tilhørende kreditmekanismer, som over 100 land allerede deltager i.

Hvis et sammenstød mellem disse to tektoniske plader ikke skal ende i krig, hvilket der er en reel fare for, skal den omfattende plan, der foreslås af Schiller Instituttets, vedtages. Vi opfordrer præsidenterne Trump, Putin, Xi og premierminister Modi til at lave aftaler om at gennemføre den på deres kommende topmøder.

1. Den Nye Silkevej:

Danmark og de lande i Europa – samt alle andre, herunder USA, – som ikke allerede er fuldt engageret i opbygningen af Den Nye Silkevej, bør blive det. BRI baserer sig i vid udstrækning på principper defineret af Lyndon LaRouche, den amerikanske økonom og statsmand, og promoveres af hans kone Helga Zepp-LaRouche, kendt som “Silkevejsdamen.” Schiller Instituttets nye rapport: “Den Nye Silkevej bliver til Verdens-andbroen, bind II: En fælles fremtid for menneskeheden”, er et omfattende overblik over projektets fremskridt og principper.

2. Glass/Steagall-bankopdeling og Lyndon LaRouches fire love:

Lyndon LaRouches fire love er designet til at undgå en økonomisk krise og tilvejebringe kredit for den produktive økonomi: 1. Vedtag Glass/Steagallbankopdeling, som rent faktisk vil sætte banksystemet under konkursbehandling; 2. Skab nationale kreditter ; 3. Brug kreditterne til at øge den fysiske økonomis produktivitet og energigennemstrømningstæthed, herunder bygning af moderne infrastruktur; og 4. start hasteprogrammer for videnskabelige projekter, især fusionsenergi og rumprogrammer.

Aktivister fra Schiller Instituttet i Danmark er for berømte for deres valgkampagne i 2011 for en Glass/Steagall-bankopdeling, som for nylig blev drøftet på Deadline på DR2 den 20. oktober 2018, som et historisk fortilfælde for håndtering af bankkriser (https://www.dr.dk/tv/se/deadline/deadline-9/deadline20181020?queryhash=!%2F00%3A16%3A03)

3. Et nyt Bretton Woods kreditsystem:

Opret en fire-magts alliance mellem USA, Rusland, Kina og Indien for at etablere et nyt internationalt Bretton Woods kreditsystem til finansiering af økonomisk udvikling, som alle lande kan deltage i.

Vi håber, at du vil være i stand til at deltage for at diskutere dette unikke perspektiv og udsigterne for dets gennemførelse.


Schiller Instituttets Special Rapport

“The New Silk Road Becomes the World Land-Bridge Volume II: A Common Future for Humanity”

er tilgængelig for køb før eller efter konferencen.

Klik her for den detaljerede indholdsfortegnelse og den fulde introduktion til rapporten.

Her er den korte version:

I. INTRODUKTION, inklusive A Shared Future for Humanity, Helga Zepp-LaRouche






Pris: Trykt udgave 500 kr. (ved afhentning); 550 kr. hvis den skal sendes med bpost; 580 kr. for dag-til-dag-forsendelse.

Som pdf-fil: 300 kr.

Tel: 53 57 00 51 eller 35 43 00 33.

E-mail: si@schillerinstitut.dk

Betaling til Schiller Instituttet i Danmark Home banking: 1551-5648408 Giro: 564-8408 eller kontant betaling ved seminaret.


Dansk: www.schillerinstitut.dk

Engelsk: www.schillerinstitute.com www.larouchepub.com www.larouchepac.com

Andre sprog: Klik her



About the seminar:
The result of the mid-term election in the U.S. can give President Trump the leeway to join other international leaders in implementing The Schiller Institute’s comprehensive program for peace through economic development, but this will require decisive action.

The latest bank scandals in Denmark and the rest of Europe, including Danske Bank’s money laundering in Estonia, and the fact that some of Europe’s biggest banks were involved in looting massive amounts of tax money from many countries through dividend arbitration (Cum-ex), is but an indication that there is something systematically rotten in the City of London/Wall Street centered trans-Atlantic banking system.


The larger danger is that there are many signs of a coming new financial crash, bigger than 2008. Even the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has warned that “large challenges loom for the global economy to prevent a second Great Depression,” in their Global Financial Stability Report October 2018: A Decade after the Global Financial Crisis: Are We Safer? The report underlines the corporate debt bubble, and that money streaming out of “emerging markets” is causing great instability. In addition, we can add the gigantic derivatives bubble, as one of the many ticking bombs under the financial system.


Yet, as the old paradigm of the London-based financial and unipolar geopolitical system is collapsing, a new paradigm for international physical economic development is emerging, spearheaded by China’s Belt & Road Initiative (BRI), the New Silk Road, and associated credit mechanisms, with 100 countries now participating. 


If this clash of two tectonic plates is not to end in war, which is a real danger, the comprehensive plan proposed by The Schiller Institute has to be adopted, and we urge presidents Trump, Putin, Xi, and Prime Minister Modi, to make agreements to implement them at their upcoming summit meetings.

1. The New Silk Road:

Denmark, and those countries in Europe, and all others, including the U.S., which are not already fully engaged in building the New Silk Road, should do so. The BRI is based, to a large degree, on principles defined by Lyndon LaRouche, the American economist and statesman, and campaigned for by his wife Helga Zepp-LaRouche, known in China as “The Silk Road Lady.”


The Schiller Institute’s new report “The New Silk Road Becomes the World Land-Bridge, Volume II: A Common Future for Humanity,” is a comprehensive overview the project’s progress and principles.


2. Glass-Steagall bank separation and Lyndon LaRouche’s Four Laws:

Lyndon LaRouche’s Four Laws are designed to avoid a financial crash and provide credit for the productive economy: 1. adopt Glass-Steagall bank separation which will, in effect, put the banking system through bankruptcy reorganization; 2. Create national bank credit; 3. Use the credit to increase the productivity and energy-flux-density of the physical economy, including building modern infrastructure, and; 4. start science-driver crash programs, especially for nuclear fusion energy and the space program.


The Schiller Institute in Denmark is famous for its 2011 election campaign for Glass-Steagall bank separation, the which was recently discussed on DR2’s Deadline on October 20, 2018, as an historical parallel on how to respond to bank crises. (https://www.dr.dk/tv/se/deadline/deadline-9/deadline-20181020?queryhash=!%2F00%3A16%3A03)

3. A New Bretton Woods credit system:

Establish a four-power alliance between the U.S., Russia, China and India to establish a New Bretton Woods international credit system to finance economic development, open for all countries to join.


We hope that you, or another diplomat, will be able to attend, in order to discuss this unique perspective, and the prospects for its implementation. 


The Schiller Institute’s Special Report
The New Silk Road Becomes the World Land-Bridge 
Volume II: A Common Future for Humanity

is available for purchase before, or at the seminar.

Click here for the detailed Table of Contents and the full introduction to the report.

Here is the short version:

I. INTRODUCTION, including A Shared Future for Humanity, Helga Zepp-LaRouche

Order information:

Printed: pickup: 500 kr.; regular mail: 550 kr.; quick mail: 580 kr.
Electronic pdf: 300 kr.
Tel: 53 57 00 51; 35 43 00 33, si@schillerinstitut.dk

Payment to The Schiller Institute in Denmark
Home banking: 1551-5648408
Giro: 564-8408
Or cash payment at, before or after the seminar


Danish:  www.schillerinstitut.dk
English: www.schillerinstitute.com
Other languages: Click here


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