anvendes på globalt plan.
LaRouchePAC Internationale
Webcast, 22. juni, 2018

… I denne appel opfordrede Helga Zepp-LaRouche til at anvende denne model, Singapore-modellen, til situationen i Europa, hvor hele den såkaldte alliance, den europæiske alliance, den Europæiske Union, nu opløses i splittelse og kaos over det, der lokalt set synes at være en fuldstændig uløselig og umedgørlig flygtningekrise. I stedet anbefaler Helga LaRouche, at EU omgående afholder et topmøde mellem de ledende europæiske lande, afrikanske ledere og den kinesiske præsident Xi Jinping for at indlede en proces for samarbejdende, økonomisk udvikling i Afrika for at løse problemerne med fattigdom og krig, som er roden til masseimmigrationen ind i Europa af afrikanere, der søger at flygte fra denne situation. Denne løsning ville omgående møde troværdighed hos afrikanerne takket være den gode vilje, der nu eksisterer over for Kina på det afrikanske kontinent, pga. de økonomiske udviklingsprojekter, som Kina allerede har igangsat dér i form af det forlængede Bælte & Vej Initiativ.
Lad os nu se på USA. Nøjagtig den samme model kan anvendes på spørgsmålet om migration her i Amerika på den nordlige og sydlige halvkugle. I stedet for at forsøge at adressere symptomerne, kan vi, hvis vi i stedet bruger Singapore-modellen til at adressere roden til denne krise, løse den. Den kan ikke løses på sine egne vilkår, men den kan løses, hvis man introducerer en ny dimension i denne geometri. Hele områder af Mellem- og Sydamerika er blevet ødelagt af disse kapløb-mod-bunden-politikker for billig arbejdskraft, frihandel, udplyndring fra Wall Street-gribbefondes side, og udbredt vold og en tilstand, hvor man ikke kan regere, pga. narkokartellerne og narkobanderne, som disse tilstande afføder, og hvor mange af dem hvidvasker deres narkopenge gennem disse selvsamme Wall Street-banker. Dette er den sump, der må dræneres gennem den omgående genindførsel af Glass-Steagall, som ville lukke disse kriminelle foretagender med pengehvidvask og lyssky penge ned. I stedet må man vedtage Lyndon LaRouches Fire Økonomiske Love for at øge arbejdskraftens produktivitet her i USA og bringe USA ind i dette Nye Paradigme for økonomisk udvikling. Men det ville også udgøre en bro til at bringe hele Bælte & Vej Initiativet ind i de amerikanske lande som helhed. Den Nye Silkevej kunne forlænges gennem et Beringstræde-tunnelprojekt, der forbinder Eurasien med Nordamerika. Hele dette højhastigheds-jernbanenet og andet, kan dernæst forlænges mod syd ind i Mellem- og Sydamerika. Dette bør være emnet for et omgående topmøde mellem præsidenterne Trump og Xi Jinping, sammen med andre statsoverhoveder og ledere af de suveræne nationer i Mellem- og Sydamerika. Dette ville udgøre midlerne til at løse den gærende handelskrig mellem USA og Kina ved at fjerne den såkaldte handelsubalance gennem tredjeparts-udviklingsprojekter, som ville være til fordel for begge nationers økonomier. Igen en win-win-løsning. Denne handelskrig er meget farlig. Helga Zepp-LaRouche understregede i dag, at dette er noget, der ikke blot er protektionisme; dette skal på ingen måde fortolkes som en god politik. Dette er faktisk meget farligt i det nuværende strategiske og økonomiske miljø.
Her følger engelsk udskrift af hele webcastet:
LaRouche PAC International Webcast for Friday, June 22, 2018
MATTHEW OGDEN: Good afternoon! It’s June 22, 2018. My name
is Matthew Ogden, and you’re joining us for our Friday evening
broadcast from
As you can see, the title of our show today is “The
Singapore Model Must Be Applied Globally”. As our viewers know,
and as we discussed extensively on Monday, Helga Zepp-LaRouche
has issued a statement for wide circulation in which she praises
the breakthrough which occurred in Singapore in the summit
between President Trump and Chairman Kim Jong-un, as you can see
depicted in this picture here [Fig. 1]. She said, “You have to
realize that this is an enormous breakthrough. You saw
yesterday’s adversaries becoming tomorrow’s friends,” as Donald
Trump said many times during his trip to Singapore. This was done
through shared and mutually beneficial win-win agreements. This
is both between the United States and North Korea; but also take
note, this is between the Republic of Korea — South Korea — and
North Korea, otherwise known as the DPRK. What Helga
Zepp-LaRouche did in this statement is that she called for this
model to be applied to other adversarial situations in order to
unlock similar win-win solutions. Crises which, if you looked at
them just in the small, in the regional setting, would seem
intractable and insoluble; but as soon as you bring in a new
dimension, as was done in the case of the Korean Peninsula, those
crises can be unlocked and new solutions are available on the
table. That new dimension is emphatically the One Belt, One Road
initiative; the New Paradigm that China has championed.
Development truly is the new name for peace.
What Helga Zepp-LaRouche did in this statement is that she
called to apply this model, the Singapore model, to the situation
in Europe in which the entire so-called alliance, the European
alliance, the European Union, is disintegrating into disunity and
chaos over what seems like in the small to be a completely
insoluble and intractable refugee crisis. Instead, Helga LaRouche
recommended that the EU immediately host a summit between the
leading European countries, African leaders, and Chinese
President Xi Jinping, in order to initiate a process of
collaborative economic development in Africa in order to resolve
the problems of poverty and warfare which are the root causes of
the mass migration into Europe of Africans seeking to escape this
situation. Now this solution would be instantly credible among
the African nations, due to the good will which now exists
towards China on the African continent because of the economic
development projects which China has already undertaken there in
the form of the extended Belt and Road Initiative.
Now, let’s take a look at the United States. That exact same
model can be applied to the migration issue here in the Americas
in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. Instead of attempting
to address the symptoms, if we instead use the Singapore model to
address the root cause of this crisis, we can resolve it. It
cannot be resolved within its own terms, but it can be resolved
if you introduce a new dimension to this geometry. Whole portions
of Central and South America have been destroyed by
race-to-the-bottom cheap labor policies, free trade, looting by
Wall Street vulture funds; and emphatically widespread violence
and ungovernability because of drug cartels and the drug gangs
that they spawn, many of whom launder their drug money through
these very same Wall Street banks. This is the swamp which must
be drained through an immediate reinstitution of Glass-Steagall,
which would shut down these criminal enterprises of money
laundering and dark money. Instead, adopting Lyndon LaRouche’s
Four Economic Laws to increase the productivity of labor here in
the United States, and bring the United States into this New
Paradigm of economic development. But also, it would serve as a
bridge to bring the entire Belt and Road Initiative into the
Americas as a whole. The New Silk Road could be extended through
a Bering Strait tunnel project connecting Eurasia to North
America. That entire high-speed rail network and otherwise, can
then be extended southward into Central and South America. This
should be the subject of an immediate summit between President
Trump and President Xi Jinping, along with other heads of state
and leaders of the sovereign nations of Central and South
America. This would be the means to resolve the brewing trade war
between the United States and China, by eliminating the so-called
trade imbalance through third-party development projects which
would benefit the economies of both nations. Again, a win-win
solution. This trade war is very dangerous. Helga Zepp-LaRouche
emphasized today that this is something which is not mere
protectionism; this is not in any way to be construed as a good
policy. In fact, this is very dangerous in the current strategic
and economic environment.
But if you take a look at this application of the Singapore
model, bring China in on it. The United States and China in
collaboration can help develop these countries of Central
America, South America, and the Caribbean. China has immense
credibility in South America right now as well, just like in
Africa. Indeed, we’re seeing numerous Latin American nations
already in the process of officially aligning themselves with
China on the Belt and Road Initiative. For example, you can see
in this picture here [Fig. 2], Bolivian President Eva Morales
travelled to Beijing this week to meet personally with President
Xi Jinping. They signed several commitments for trade and
economic development collaboration, including a commitment for
collaboration on the Belt and Road. Morales elevated the status
of the bilateral relationship between China and Bolivia to the
level of “strategic association”; which he had also just done
during a trip which he had just concluded immediately preceding
his trip to China, during a state trip to Russia. During which,
he and President Putin also had elevated their relations to the
status of a strategic association; which Morales also indicating
his interest in allying Bolivia with the Eurasian Economic Union
as well.
Now in China during this trip, President Morales signed a
document which committed Bolivia to collaborating with China to
jointly build the Belt and Road Initiative, saying that this will
mean economic development and peace throughout the continent and
expressing that it is his hope that by working together with
China to build the Belt and Road, this would also contribute to
expanding cooperation between China and Ibero-America in general.
Which sentiment President Xi seconded, saying that the Belt and
Road offers a new platform by which China’s relations with
Ibero-America as a whole can be strengthened. So, this is very
significant. This is just one example of these nations of Central
and South America realigning themselves away from this failing
trans-Atlantic system and towards this new emerging Eurasian
system with both China and also with Russia.
At the same time President Morales was in China, also there
was a delegation from the Dominican Republic who were also
discussing economic development projects in the Dominican
Republic; specifically ports, highways, sanitation projects,
urban development. But also discussing broader development and
trade cooperation between China and the Caribbean generally. Were
this collaboration to be generalized across the entire region,
and also if the United States were to come onboard as a full
participant in this development vision, this — and only this —
would address the root cause of the current migration crisis
which we are observing. Ending the poverty and ending this cycle
of violence which is driving millions of people to flee their
homelands. At present, 200 million out of the current 650 million
people who live in Ibero-America as a whole and the Caribbean,
200 million live in poverty; which could all be changed through
this sort of vision. Remember, China’s vision is to eliminate
poverty in China in a few short years. Why could this commitment
not also be extended to other regions of the world that are in
desperate need of that kind of vision? Again, the New Paradigm of
the New Silk Road spirit is the key here to unlock this seemingly
intractable crisis now plaguing the Western Hemisphere; just as
in the case of the Middle East, of Africa as we discussed
previously, and as we observed in the up-to-this-point successful
solution which has now been committed to in North Korea.
Thus, the Singapore model should be applied to the entire
world. This breakthrough, what we just observed in North Korea,
represents an entirely new era of possibility. And indeed, as
President Trump said, the past does not define the future;
everything now has changed. But we need to seize this
opportunity. As we’ve discussed, this vision — what we just
discussed with the case of Europe, China, and Africa, and also
this case of the United States, China, and South America — this
vision is by no means impossible. In the wake of his success in
North Korea, President Trump now seems committed to continue to
kick over the British geopolitical chessboard, and usher in an
entirely new paradigm of relations among nations. The premier
example of this, of course, is his upcoming summit with Russian
President Vladimir Putin; which by all indications seems to be in
the process of being planned for some time during the month of
July — possibly coinciding with President Trump’s trip to Europe
for the NATO heads of state meeting. This prospect has sent the
entire British geopolitical establishment into absolute hysteria.
Take for example, this article [Fig. 3] which just appeared in
the Times of London under the title, “Trump and Putin Plan
Talks during Europe Trip”. You can see here the subtitle is,
“Alarm in Whitehall ahead of NATO Summit.” This is what the
article has to say:
“Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin are preparing to meet
during the US president’s visit to Europe next month in a move
that is causing alarm in Whitehall.
“The prospect is adding to fears over Mr. Trump’s commitment
to NATO and the effect on his trip to Britain….
“The prospect of a meeting between Mr. Trump and Mr. Putin
appalls British officials. ‘It’s unclear if this meeting is after
or before NATO and the UK visit. Obviously after would be better
for us,’ a Whitehall official said. ‘It adds another dynamic to
an already colorful week.’…
“A senior western diplomatic source said that a Trump-Putin
meeting before the NATO summit would cause ‘dismay and alarm’,
adding: ‘It would be a highly negative thing to do.’
“NATO is due to discuss an escalation of measures to deter
Russian aggression. ‘Everyone is perturbed by what is going on
and is fearing for the future of the alliance,’ a Whitehall
source said.”
So you can see, absolute hysterics on the part of the
British geopolitical establishment. They fear what President
Trump could commit to with President Putin, and that indeed, the
end is nigh for this entire NATO, anti-Russia, British
geopolitical regime in Europe and the United States. Now what
we’re seeing is a mortal threat to British geopolitics. We’re
seeing in many instances a new era beginning to emerge. None of
these cases should be taken in isolation; but in fact, we should
see that the entire global strategic geometry is in fact in the
process of a rapid change and a complete realignment of nations
is in the process. This is really the fear that the geopolitical
establishment has had since the very beginning of President
Trump’s Presidency; that he could be a loose cannon. He won’t be
an Obama or a Bush, who were just following their orders.
Instead, he will assert the sovereignty of the United States and
he’ll pursue an entirely new alignment among the great powers.
That’s what we’re seeing: Collaboration among the United States,
Russia, and China. This has been the key in the breakthrough in
Korea, and it remains the key to unlocking the other outstanding
problems that are facing the world.
In the immediate aftermath of the breakthrough in Singapore,
South Korean President Moon Jae-in also made a three-day state
visit to Russia, to discuss the outcome of the summit and to
discuss the path forward; including how North Korea, South Korea,
and Russia will have a future relationship. This trip included a
bilateral meeting between himself and Russian President Vladimir
Putin. During this trip, Moon addressed the State Duma, making
him the very first South Korean head of state to have ever done
so. He urged a trilateral alliance between South Korea, North
Korea, and Russia; and he urged Russia to “join a northeast Asian
economic community” amid an historic paradigm shift on the Korean
Peninsula. So, this article [Fig. 4] that you’re now seeing on
the screen, titled “Moon Promotes Trilateral Ties in Russia”,
reported extensively on this trip. This is what this article had
to say:
“President Moon Jae-in urged Russia to join a Northeast
Asian economic community amid ‘a historic paradigm shift on the
Korean Peninsula’ in a speech to the Russian legislature, the
first by a South Korean leader, in Moscow on Thursday.
” ‘When a peace regime on the Korean Peninsula is
established, economic cooperation between North and South Korea
will become regularized and expand to trilateral cooperation
involving Russia,’ Moon said before the State Duma, the Russian
legislature’s lower house.
“On Thursday, Moon kicked off a three-day state visit to
Russia, the first by a South Korean president since Kim
Dae-jung’s trip in 1999.
“In his speech to the Duma, Moon mentioned his first summit
with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un in April and the result of
that meeting, the Panmunjom Declaration. He also touched on the
subsequent North-U.S. summit, the first ever between the leaders
of both countries, earlier this month.
“South Korea and Russia are already researching and
discussing trilateral cooperation in rail, gas and electricity,
Moon said, adding that cooperation in these areas can create ‘a
strong foundation for a Northeast Asia joint economic community.’
” ‘A stable peace regime between South and North Korea will
enable the advancement of a multilateral peace and security
cooperation regime in Northeast Asia,’ Moon said.
“The president called for expanding technological
cooperation with Russia, which is leading in basic science.
Combined with Korea’s strength in information technology, the two
countries can ‘jointly lead the way toward a new era of the
fourth industrial revolution.’
“He also emphasized the development of Russia’s Far East
region. At the Eastern Economic Forum last year, Moon proposed
building ‘nine bridges’ between South Korea and Russia in gas,
rail, electricity, shipbuilding, job creation, the Northern Sea
Route, seaports, agriculture and fishing.
“Moon also shared his so-called New Northern Policy aimed at
creating an economic region that connects Korea to the Russian
Far East, Northeast Asia and eventually Europe.
” ‘The Korean people desire peace and co-prosperity not only
on the Korean Peninsula but all of Northeast Asia,’ Moon said.”
That article also notes that Moon will be attending the
South Korea versus Mexico World Cup game during his visit to
Russia. But here you can see a second article [Fig. 5] which was
published in the {Korea Herald}, which also reports on the trip;
including some extensive quotes from President Moon’s speech. So,
let me just share this quote, which I think really makes clear
what his vision is:
“There is a grand historic transition underway on the Korean
Peninsula. Now the two Koreas step toward the era of peace and
cooperation, leaving behind the times of war and confrontation.
Once a peace regime is established on the Korean Peninsula that
is when an era of South-North economic cooperation will take off
in earnest. I believe it must be a three-way cooperation that
includes Russia. In the case of railways, when those of South and
North Korea are connected, and the cross-border railways are
linked with Russia’s Trans-Siberian Railway, direct shipment of
goods from South Korea to Europe will be possible. This will be a
great economic gain to North Korea as well as South Korea. And of
course, it will be a great help to Russia, too. Also, in the case
of Russian gas, Russia’s natural gas can be supplied to North
Korea through a gas pipeline, and to South Korea and to Japan
through a sea underwater pipeline.”
So, this is a beautiful vision of what the future of this
region can be, and you can see he also included the role of Japan
in this. But this kind of connectivity, connecting South Korea
through North Korea and then via the Trans-Siberian Railway all
the way to Europe; this is the vision which has been what the
LaRouche movement has promoted for decades, as the Eurasian
Land-Bridge or this New Silk Road. Specifically this vision to be
able to travel from the very tip of South Korea all the way to
the coast of Europe on the Atlantic. This kind of vision is now a
possibility, a very strong possibility because of the peace that
was established on the Korean Peninsula through the efforts of
President Moon, Chairman Kim, President Trump, and also the role
that Russia and China both played in that process. So you can see
that this is win-win economic development as the pathway towards
At the same time that President Moon was in Russia, his
counterpart, Chairman Kim Jong-un of North Korea was in China;
really, literally at exactly the same time. This was Kim
Jong-un’s third trip to China in just the past few months, and he
met directly with President Xi Jinping once again. The {Global
Times} has an article [Fig. 6] which is titled “Kim’s China
Visits Cement Friendly Ties”. This article published in the
{Global Times} reports extensively on Kim Jong-un’s trip to China
this past week. Here’s what this article had to say:
“Kim’s visit might also foreshadow Pyongyang’s shift to
economic revival as North Korea has the need to learn from
China’s experience on establishing special economic zones and
reform and opening up. A group from the Workers’ Party of Korea
visited China on May 16 to observe the country’s economy,
agriculture and technology. It shows that North Korea is trying
to learn the experiences of economic development from other
countries. With its current system, it is very much possible that
North Korea learns from China and Singapore…. There is no doubt
that North Korea will take economic development as its central
task in the future….
“The crux of the regional integration in Northeast Asia is
the Korean Peninsula nuclear issue and its peace regime. With
China promoting the Belt and Road Initiative, North Korea could
be an important country connecting Europe in the west and Japan
in the east. Kim’s visit not only shows North Korea’s friendly
relations with China, but also reflects the urgent need to
consolidate the hard-earned achievements on the peninsula after
the Kim-Trump summit…. [P]eace and stability on the peninsula
will promote North Korea’s economy and help regional integration
in Northeast Asia and even in the Asia-Pacific.”
So once again, you can see this emphasis on regional
integration. {Xinhua}, another Chinese newspaper, in its report
of this meeting between Chairman Kim and President Xi Jinping,
listed two of the sites which Chairman Kim visited in the Beijing
area during this trip there. Both of them are critical to North
Korea’s development. One was a Beijing rail traffic control
center; and the other was a national agricultural technology
innovation park under the Chinese Academy of Agricultural
Sciences. So, this is the future of North Korea looks like,
emulating what China has been able to accomplish in its great
economic miracle, and integrating into this entire region and
ultimately into the entire extended Belt and Road Initiative
globally. So once again, this is an example of economic
development as the path to peace.
Now, Helga LaRouche addressed this extensively during her
webcast yesterday, and she emphasized, as we said at the
beginning of this broadcast today, that what has occurred at the
Singapore summit has unlocked the possibility of similar
strategic miracles that could take place elsewhere globally. And
that this Singapore model is exactly what should be applied both
in the case of what we’re talking about with Europe and Africa,
but also as you’ll see her elaborate more extensively here, in
the case of China, the United States, and Central and South
America. So, let me play that clip from Helga LaRouche’s
broadcast for you now.
: It is sort of obvious, that if
President Trump and President Kim Jong-Un are able to complete
transform a very dangerous situation around North Korea within a
few months, into the total opposite, from the danger of being the
trigger point of World War III, to the absolutely hopeful
perspective that North Korea can be integrated into the Belt and
Road Initiative, with the support of the United States, China and
also Russia; by basically promising security guarantees, lifting
eventually the sanctions, denuclearize completely, integrating
North Korea with the Belt and Road Initiative making it a
prosperous country, these were really groundbreaking
developments. And as President Trump had said in his press
conference, “the past does not determine the future.”
That is obviously the proof that you can turn the worst
situation around if you have an inspiration, a vision, and the
political will to do so….
I think that the meeting between Putin and Trump is
obviously the next important item on the strategic agenda. And I
think the fact that you have now active preparations for it, the
meeting could possibly take place in July, and possibly in
Vienna, is also the result of the fact that the Russiagate has
fallen apart. And as the Inspector General Horowitz said in the
Senate hearing, that this was only on the email scandal around
Hillary Clinton, that there was absolute, unprecedented bias on
the part of all of these people [involved in the Clinton
investigation] and that Trump was completely justified in firing
FBI Director Comey. So I think this has somehow freed Trump to
move forward on this front.
But let me raise another issue, because there are obviously
very bad escalations around this trade war. And tariffs which
have been imposed — I mean Trump altogether raised the
possibility of putting tariffs on $450 billion in imports from
China, and there are now countermeasures going into effect.
Tomorrow the EU will put in countermeasures. Already, such
countries as Turkey, Canada and Mexico are also putting up
tariffs, and there is a big danger of an escalating trade war.
All the media, from Russia, China, — the Chinese were very
indignant, saying this is completely counterproductive; this is a
lose-lose policy. There are many people who voted for Trump —
farmers and industrialists, who are now hit by the effects of
these tariffs and are in danger of going bankrupt. This is no
And what we have proposed, and what I have proposed with the
Singapore approach, would be obviously a solution to this
problem. Because if the United States and China would engage in
joint ventures to develop Central America, Latin America, South
America, the trade volume could be increased so significantly, in
a multilateral way, that the trade imbalance could be overcome by
{increasing} the trade. I would like to get this message out, in
particular, to the voters of Trump who are affected by these
policies, the farmers, people who have cross-investments in part
in China, in part in the United States, who are in danger of
going bankrupt, and that a lot of jobs are in danger as well. I
would like to ask them to pick up this proposal, the Singapore
solution proposal and get it to Trump. Because I think there are
some ideologues in the Trump camp who are also anti-China and who
are extreme neo-liberal free-traders and they are giving him
advice which is really potentially turning his base away from
So Trump could continue to have his excellent relations with
Xi Jinping, add to that an excellent relation to Putin; and then,
go in the direction what he has proven he can do already in
Singapore with North Korea, he could do the same approach —
naturally, the predicates are different, but the approach would
be the same: that you turn a bad policy, a lose-lose policy into
the opposite, and you go on a win-win cooperation. And the world
is urgently in need of such a policy change. I think it can be
done! The fact, that the Singapore summit took place, is the proof
that you can completely change a policy when it is leading
The West right now is really faced with this decision in
general, to either change policy, or collapse! And that is what
is at stake. So I would appeal to the Trump supporters to pick up
on this proposal and help us to turn this around.
OGDEN: So, this is a call to action from Helga LaRouche. As
she said, history can indeed be changed, but you need the
political will to do so. It’s our responsibility to do so, to
generate that political will. This is going to be done through an
educated leadership within the United States’ citizenry. To
conclude, what I’d like to do is to notify you, if you don’t
already know, that an 8-week class series on Lyndon LaRouche’s
method and economics will be beginning starting this weekend,
tomorrow, Saturday. This class series is an essential ingredient
if you intend to develop the kind of leadership which is
necessary to become a leading citizen in this nation right now,
and to understand the dynamics which are happening globally. As
you can see here, this class series, which is on Lyndon
LaRouche’s economic method, is what you need to know for the
future of mankind. The article which was published in this week’s
edition of {Executive Intelligence Review}, which sort of
previews this class series, has an extensive description by those
who will be leading the class series about the contents of this.
You can see here on the screen the article which was published on
this subject, and the text of the description of this upcoming
class series reads as follows:
“Starting June 22, LPAC will offer an eight-part class
series on the science of physical economy. Completely untaught in
American universities today — despite the work of 19th century
American economists Mathew and Henry Carey, Friedrich List, E.
Peshine Smith and many others — physical economy is the only
competent basis upon which a prosperous future for the United
States, or any other country, could be established. Originally
created by German scientist Gottfried Leibniz (1646-1716), and
advanced by Benjamin Franklin and Alexander Hamilton among
others, it was Lyndon LaRouche who achieved breakthroughs in
physical economy in the 1950s that allowed him to accurately
forecast, in nine different instances, crises in the financial
system and the economy, all of which could have been averted. As
a result of his documented success, today LaRouche’s ideas are
widely studied in China, Russia, and other countries.
“Shouldn’t these ideas be studied in the policy circles of
the United States?
“During and after his successful campaign for President,
Donald Trump called for implementing the American System of
economics, but he has done little so far to demonstrate a
scientific understanding of what that means in practice. Does he
have such an understanding? It is unclear. And yet a more
important question is, do you know what the American System of
economics is? Would you like to know all about real economics,
not money? Are you ready to fight to gain that knowledge?…
“In an eight-week course in LaRouche’s economics, you will
be challenged to question all of the accepted, but nonetheless
false, axiomatic assumptions which have wreaked economic havoc on
this nation and much of the rest of the world, increasingly since
World War II, and which continue to be an obstacle to the
creation of a New Paradigm of Global Peace based on Economic
Development. More importantly, you will learn the anti-entropic
scientific principles which underlie mankind’s limitless future.
Most importantly, by challenging and having the courage to change
your own axioms, you will be challenged to make the creation of
that New Paradigm the mission of your life.”
So, as you can see here, this is the screen, this is the
site at LaRouche PAC, the address is
You can sign up for this class series; you have to register for
it, and be a participant in this class series. Again, this begins
just this weekend. We are looking forward to the outcome of this
class series and to increasing the number of qualified,
intellectual leaders of this country, as we continue to watch the
world rapidly change.
Thank you very much for joining us here today, and please
stay tuned to