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Helga Zepp-LaRouche: Luk finansmarkederne nu

Helga Zepp-LaRouche: Luk finansmarkederne nu

Den 18. marts. Helga Zepp-LaRouche offentliggjorde i dag en optagelse af følgende hasteudtalelse:

Dette er Helga Zepp-LaRouche som taler. Jeg er grundlægger og præsident af Schiller Instituttet.

Det er soleklart, at efter finansmarkedernes dramatiske rutschebanetur de seneste dage, er denne systemiske krise ved at komme ud af kontrol.

Den eneste løsning for at forhindre en yderligere ødelæggelse af den reelle økonomi, en dramatisk stigning i massearbejdsløshed og tab af menneskeliv blandt de fattige og sårbare dele af befolkningen er at lukke finansmarkederne ned.

Dette er et nødvendigt første skridt, for derefter at bruge denne bankferie til at gennemføre reorganiseringen af finanssystemet, begyndende med en global Glass/Steagall-bankopdeling, præcis ligesom Franklin Roosevelt gjorde det i 1933.

Tiltagene, som blev taget af de europæiske regeringer samt USA, såsom at give kreditter til firmaer, udsættelse af skattebetalinger, og sågar mulig, direkte uddeling af penge – såkaldte helikopterpenge – selvom intentionen er at sørge for at industrier, institutioner og arbejdsstyrken kan fungere, vil ikke være tilstrækkelige, fordi systemet er håbløst bankerot.

Størstedelen af de enorme mængder af likviditet, som er blevet indskudt i dette fallerede monetære system efter 2008, og dernæst i et stigende omfang efter den 17. september, 2019, har blot forøget kasinoøkonomiens aktivitet og spekulanternes vanvid. Centralbankernes forsøg på at vedligeholde denne spekulative sektor, kan kun føre til en hyperinflationær eksplosion som i Tyskland i 1923.

Lukningen af finansmarkederne må gå hånd i hånd med et øjeblikkeligt hastetopmøde mellem verdens vigtigste regeringer – USA, Kina, Rusland og Indien – med andres støtte, for at træffe en beslutning om den presserende reorganisering af finanssystemet og oprettelsen af et Nyt Bretton Woods-system, som dette var tilsigtet af Franklin Roosevelt og forlangt af Lyndon LaRouche, for at genstarte den fysiske økonomi verden over.

Sådanne omgående skridt er uundværlige, eftersom coronavirus-pandemien kun kan bringes under kontrol, hvis virussets spredning stoppes og et tilstrækkeligt sundhedsvæsen er etableret i hvert land.
Dette er en lakmusprøve for at afgøre, om menneskeheden har den moralske egnethed til at overleve.


Helga Zepp-LaRouche, founder of the International Schiller Institute, called for closing the financial markets to halt the inevitable collapse of the global casino economy and to reorganize it, shutting down the speculative financial operations which have preyed on the global economy.


This is Helga Zepp-LaRouche speaking. I am the founder and president of the Schiller Institute.

It is absolutely clear, that after the rollercoaster, dramatic losses of the financial markets in the recent days, the systemic crisis is spinning out of control.

The only remedy to prevent a further devastation of the real economy, a dramatic increase of mass unemployment and the loss of lives of the poor and vulnerable segments of the population is to close down the financial markets.

This is the necessary first step, to then use this banking holiday to implement the reorganization of the financial system, starting with a global Glass-Steagall separation of the banks, exactly as Franklin D. Roosevelt did in 1933.

The measures which were taken by the European governments and the United States, such as credits for enterprises, delays in tax payments, and even possible direct handouts of money—the so-called helicopter money—while intended to keep the functions of industry, institutions and the workforce going, will not be sufficient, because the system is hopelessly bankrupt.

Most of the enormous amounts of liquidity which have been injected into this bankrupt monetary system after 2008, and in an escalated way after September 17, 2019, has just increased the activity of the casino economy and the frenzy of the speculators. The effort by the central banks to maintain that speculative sector can only lead to a hyperinflationary blowout as in Germany in 1923.

The closing of the financial markets must be accompanied by an immediate emergency summit of the most important governments of the world: the United States, China, Russia and India—supported by others, to determine the urgent reorganization of the financial system and the establishment of a New Bretton Woods system, as it was intended by Franklin D. Roosevelt and called for by Lyndon LaRouche, to restart the physical economy worldwide.

Such immediate steps are indispensable, since the coronavirus pandemic can only be brought under control if the spread of the virus is stopped and an adequate health system is established in every country.

This is a test, to determine if humanity has the moral fitness to survive.


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