Lyndon LaRouches idéer vil forme menneskehedens fremtid.
af Helga Zepp-LaRouche

The English version is below the Danish:
Af Helga Zepp-LaRouche, Schiller Instituttets stifter, som var gift med Lyndon LaRouche, indtil han døde 96 år gammel.
Den 8. september for 100 år siden blev Lyndon LaRouche født. Mange mennesker verden over, herunder jeg selv, betragter ham som den største tænker i sin tid. På den anden side er han den mest hadede, frygtede og udskældte person for de transatlantiske eliter, hvilket vil sige en hel del i en tid med Trump, Putin og Xi Jinping. Jeg har haft den lykke at have været gift med ham i 41 år og at have opbygget en international bevægelse sammen med ham i et halvt århundrede, og jeg kan tilføje min personlige mening, at han i Friedrich Schillers forstand var den smukkeste sjæl, jeg nogensinde har mødt, dvs. for ham faldt frihed og nødvendighed, lidenskab og pligt i ét, og han var præcis den type person, som ifølge Schiller er kendetegnet ved denne karakteristik: et geni. Og det virkeligt bemærkelsesværdige er, at hans idéer lever i dag og fungerer i mange lande i verden.
Lyndon LaRouche havde en uovertruffen viden og en ufejlbarlig sans for filosofiske, epistemologiske, kulturelle og videnskabelige sammenhænge, som gjorde ham i stand til at navigere i disse ideers historie og straks finde ind til deres væsentlige træk. På baggrund af denne evne forkastede han i begyndelsen af 1950’erne informationsteorien og systemanalysen hos folk som Norbert Wiener og John von Neumann som uegnede til at beskrive økonomiske processer og udviklede sin egen økonomiske metode, den fysiske økonomi, baseret på bl.a. Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, Friedrich List, Henry C. Carey og Bernhard Riemann.
Ud fra dette synspunkt og beriget med et rigt kendskab til to og et halvt tusind års europæisk kultur- og videnskabshistorie og universel historie i almindelighed, erkendte han med større klarhed end nogen anden de potentielt katastrofale virkninger af 1960’ernes rock-drugs-sex-modkultur på befolkningens erkendelsesmæssige potentiale og dermed på befolkningens produktivitet på længere sigt.
Hans nok mest betydningsfulde forudsigelse var imidlertid hans vurdering af konsekvenserne af præsident Nixons afskaffelse af Bretton Woods-ordningen ved indførelsen af fleksible valutakurser og ophævelsen af guldstandarden for dollaren den 15. august 1971. Hvis det dermed forbundne kursskifte til et rent monetaristisk, profitmaksimerende finanssystem blev opretholdt, advarede han dengang, ville verden nødvendigvis bevæge sig mod en ny depression, en ny fascisme og truslen om en ny verdenskrig, medmindre der blev indført en helt ny, retfærdig økonomisk verdensorden.
Desværre lyttede de transatlantiske eliter ikke til ham, og derfor befinder verden sig i dag, 50 år senere, præcis på det punkt, som han forudsagde. I løbet af disse årtier, hver gang det finansielle oligarki på Wall Street og i City of London fremskyndede processen med at deregulere markederne på bekostning af realøkonomien, lagde han fingeren på såret og analyserede konsekvenserne af denne politik. Carter-regeringens politik om ”kontrolleret opløsning af økonomien”, Volckers højrentepolitik, outsourcing til lavtlønslande, just-in-time produktionspolitik, fusions- og opkøbspolitik, Reagonomics og Thatcherisme, ophævelsen af Glass-Steagall loven, aktionærværdiskabelsen, derivatspekulation, den fatale effekt af den mirakuløse pengeforøgelse i form af QE og nulrentepolitikken: Alle disse milepæle i det neoliberale finanssystem fordømte han som grundlæggende fejludviklinger, som i sidste ende kun var mellemstationer på vejen mod systemets sammenbrud.
I stedet for at tage hans analyser som en anledning til en kursændring betragtede finansoligarkiet ham fra starten som en dødbringende trussel mod deres system og iværksatte en årtier lang international kampagne for at undertrykke LaRouches idéer og dermed hans indflydelse. En hel hær af indflydelsesagenter i medier og institutioner af enhver art, herunder diplomater i alle verdenshjørner, blev indsat verden over for at lægge pres på folk, så snart de viste interesse for hans forslag i en eller anden form.
De hundredvis, hvis ikke tusindvis, af knivskarpe analyser og vurderinger, som LaRouche har leveret gennem årene, ville have været absolut tilstrækkelige til at forhindre den nuværende strategiske katastrofe. Men han brugte også altid sine advarsler til at præsentere løsninger.
Da flere statsoverhoveder begyndte at tage hans ideer op og gennemføre dem i begyndelsen af 1980’erne, besluttede det finansielle oligarki, at LaRouche skulle elimineres. Den daværende mexicanske præsident López Portillo havde bedt LaRouche om at skrive et program til forsvar af pesoen og økonomien, som Mexico begyndte at gennemføre den 1. september 1982. Den indiske premierminister Indira Gandhi begyndte i samme periode at gennemføre LaRouches forslag til et 40-årigt program for Indiens økonomiske udvikling. Og den 23. marts 1983 bekendtgjorde præsident Reagan LaRouches forslag til SDI-programmet, som var det mest vidtrækkende forslag til en ny global sikkerhedsarkitektur, som nogen hidtil har udtænkt, og som ville have overskredet NATO- og Warszawapagtblokkene og sat et storstilet udviklingsperspektiv i gang for udviklingssektoren. Reagan var på det tidspunkt klar til en sådan ændring i den strategiske konstellation, mens Arbatov-Ogarkov-Gorbatjov-fraktionen i Sovjetunionen afviste dette forslag og dermed slog ind på en vej, der i høj grad bidrog til Sovjetunionens tidlige undergang.
LaRouche deltog otte gange som kandidat i den amerikanske præsidentvalgkamp, syv af dem i det demokratiske parti. At rapportere alene om alle de sabotageoperationer, der er sat i gang mod LaRouche af partiledelsesapparatet med Al Gore, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton og den nuværende ledelse, ville fylde en hel bog. Da LaRouche-kandidater begyndte at vinde valg i 1986 – i primærvalgene i Illinois til de næst- og tredjehøjeste poster i staten – blev det besluttet at gå imod ham for altid. Den 6. oktober 1986 gennemførte FBI en razzia mod LaRouches bolig og kontorer med 400 tungt bevæbnede sikkerhedsvagter, pansrede køretøjer og helikoptere, en operation, der fik den nylige razzia mod Trumps Mar-a-Lago ejendom med 40 FBI-agenter til at ligne en børnefødselsdag. Formålet med angrebet på LaRouche og mig selv var intet mindre end at eliminere os fysisk, hvilket kun kunne forhindres ved hjælp af Det Hvide Hus’ indgriben.
Derefter fulgte falske anklager, ulovlig brug af skattevæsenet, manipulerede retssager og til sidst fængsling af LaRouche og en række af hans medarbejdere.
Den tidligere justitsminister i Johnson-regeringen, Ramsey Clark, der på eget initiativ greb ind i retssagen, beskrev administrationens handlinger efter LaRouches løsladelse i en international domstol, der var organiseret af borgerrettighedsaktivister og afroamerikanske lovgivere, således:
”Men når det gælder den komplekse og omfattende udnyttelse af politi, anklagere, medier og ikke-statslige organisationer, der fokuserer på at ødelægge en fjende, overgås denne sag næppe af andre. Der er tilfælde, hvor regeringen selv har gjort mere og også gjort mere forkert i tidens løb, men med hensyn til det tætte samspil og den tætte kombination af føderale, statslige og lokale myndigheder, af den udøvende magt og endda nogle af de lovgivende og dømmende magthavere, af store og små lokale medier og af indflydelsesrige lobbyister, især ADL [Anti-Defamation League], står denne sag øverst på listen.
Formålet kan kun ses som værende at ødelægge dem fuldstændigt – ikke blot en politisk bevægelse, eller snarere en politisk figur, der er tale om begge dele, men frem for alt en frugtbar motor for nye ideer, en kollektiv virksomhed, hvor man tænker og studerer og analyserer for at løse problemer, uanset konsekvenserne for status quo eller for ens egne interesser. Der var en bevidst hensigt om at ødelægge dette for enhver pris…”
Jeg deltog selv i denne domstol. Jeg understregede eftertrykkeligt, at den største forbrydelse mod LaRouche ikke var at straffe denne store, vidunderlige ånd med fængselsstraf, men at man gennem den omfattende kampagne for at bagvaske hans navn og dermed hans ideer i høj grad forhindrede det amerikanske og i øvrigt også det internationale samfund i at sætte sig ind i hans ideer og frem for alt i at finde løsninger.
I dag, 27 år efter denne domstol, på Lyndon LaRouches 100-års fødselsdag, kan man studere resultatet af finansoligarkiets forsøg på at ødelægge LaRouche. Det transatlantiske finanssystem står over for sin hyperinflationære afslutning; den ”regelbaserede værdiorden” og NATO er en kolos på lerfødder. Læg dertil det gennemsigtige forsøg på at kontrollere ”fortællingerne” ved at give hele befolkningen mundkurv på og straks bagtale enhver, der udtaler sig om årsagerne til krigen eller inflationen, som en ”Putin-agent”. Hvis Vesten fortsætter på denne måde, går vi under.
På den anden side har LaRouches idéer været en enorm succes. Hans idéer om infrastrukturudvikling i udviklingslandene, som han har fremlagt siden begyndelsen af 1970’erne, hans program om Den nye Silkevej, der bliver til en verdenslandbro, som var hans svar på Sovjetunionens sammenbrud, er nu ved at blive realiseret af Kina og dets BRI/Silkevejsinitiativ. Det nye økonomiske og finansielle system, der i dag realiseres af mange lande og institutioner i det globale syd, er baseret på hans koncept om fysisk økonomi; økonomer i mange lande, især i Asien, studerer LaRouches skrifter og anvender dem til gavn for deres lande.
LaRouche var patriot for det Amerika, der havde udkæmpet den første vellykkede uafhængighedskrig mod det britiske imperium, men han var også verdensborger og satte altid hele menneskehedens interesser i første række. Folk fornemmede dette, og når LaRouche rejste til udviklingslande eller Europa, udtrykte de ofte deres absolutte tillid til ham på en måde, som kun ægte venskab kan det.
Ved at forkaste LaRouches idéer har Vesten ikke gjort sig selv nogen tjeneste ved at afvise dem. At USA behandlede sin største søn på en så uværdig måde, vil forblive en evig plet på USA’s historie. De lande, der anvender hans idéer, har allerede økonomisk succes og vil blive endnu mere succesfulde i fremtiden. Det kan godt være, at Vestens lande har nægtet ham officiel succes i hans lange og uovertruffent produktive liv, men han har haft et rigt, usædvanligt opfyldt og lykkeligt liv, fordi han indadtil var det mest frie og kreative menneske på jorden. Var Sokrates en succes, selv om han blev dræbt? Det er han, mens hans mordere er glemt støv.
Lyndon LaRouche er sine fjenders nemesis og glæden og stoltheden for en fremtidig, bedre menneskehedsepoke. Han vil leve videre som udødelig.
Se videokonferencen:
Schiller Instituttets videokonference i anledning af 100 år efter Lyndon LaRouches fødsel:
d. 10-11. september kl. 16.00 dansk tid eller senere.
Inspiration til menneskeheden for at overleve den største krise i verdenshistorien
English version:
100th Anniversary of the Birth of Lyndon LaRouche—The Ideas of Lyndon LaRouche Will Shape the Future of Mankind
Sept. 3, 2022 (EIRNS)—Helga Zepp-LaRouche wrote the following article as the lead of the German weekly newspaper Neue Solidarität, issue 36, for Sept. 8, 2022 (
One hundred years ago, on September 8, Lyndon LaRouche was born, a person whom many people throughout the world, including myself, consider the greatest thinker of our era. For the trans-Atlantic Establishment, on the other hand, he is the most hated, feared and slandered person, and that, in times of Donald Trump, Vladmir Putin and Xi Jinping, speaks volumes. As I was fortunate enough to be married to him for 41 years, and to have worked with him for half a century in building up an international movement, I can add my personal judgment that he was the most beautiful soul, in the sense of Friedrich Schiller, that I have ever met. That means that, for him, freedom and necessity, passion and duty were one, and he was precisely the type of individual who corresponds to the characterization Schiller gave of a genius. And what is truly excellent, is that his ideas are alive today and influential in many countries of the world.
Lyndon LaRouche had unparalleled knowledge and an unfailing sense of the cohesion of philosophical, epistemological, cultural and scientific notions, which allowed him to be at home in the history of such ideas, and to immediately recognize their essential nature. Based on this ability, he rejected in the early 1950s the information theory and systems analysis of people such as Norbert Wiener and John von Neumann as inadequate for describing economic processes, and developed his own scientific method of physical economy, which built upon Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, Friedrich List, Henry C. Carey and Bernhard Riemann, among others.
From this point of view and with the benefit of his vast knowledge of two and a half thousand years of the history of European culture and science and of universal history in general, he recognized, much more clearly than anyone else, the potentially catastrophic effects of the drug-sex-rock counterculture of the 1960s on the cognitive potential and, thus, on the long-term productivity of the population. What is likely his most significant forecast, however, was his assessment of President Nixon’s abolition of the Bretton Woods system through the introduction of floating exchange rates and the decoupling of the dollar from the gold reserve standard on August 15, 1971. He warned at that time that if the change in course that assumed, toward a purely monetarist financial system aimed at profit maximization were to be maintained, the world would necessarily head toward a new depression, a new fascism and the danger of a new world war, unless a totally new and just world economic order were established.
Unfortunately, the trans-Atlantic Establishment did not listen to LaRouche. That is why, 50 years later, the world is now precisely at the point he had forecast. Over the course of the ensuing decades, every time Wall Street’s and the City of London’s financial oligarchy promoted the process of market deregulation to the detriment of the real economy, he put his finger on the wound, and analyzed the consequences of this policy. The Carter Administration’s policy of “controlled disintegration of the economy,” Volcker’s high interest rates, outsourcing to cheap labor markets, just-in-time production, the policy of mergers and acquisitions, Reaganomics and Thatcherism, the repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act, the shareholder value society, derivatives speculation, the fatal consequences of the miraculous monetary expansion under QE and the zero-interest policy—he denounced all these milestones of the neoliberal financial system as fundamental errors, that were ultimately just stations on the way to the systemic crash.
Rather than using his analyses to correct the mistakes, the financial oligarchy regarded LaRouche from the beginning as a deadly danger for their system, and launched a decades-long international crusade to suppress his ideas and thereby his influence. A veritable army of agents of influence in the media and all kinds of institutions, including diplomats around the world, was deployed internationally to pressure anyone who showed interest in whatever form in his proposals.
The hundreds, if not thousands, of razor sharp analyses and assessments that LaRouche provided over the years would have absolutely sufficed to prevent the current strategic catastrophe. But at the same time, he also used his warnings to present concepts for a solution. When several heads of state began in the early 1980s to take up his ideas and implement them, the financial oligarchy basically decided that LaRouche had to be eliminated. Mexico’s then- President José López Portillo had asked LaRouche to write for him a program in defense of the peso and the economy, which he began to implement on September 1, 1982. India’s Prime Minister Indira Gandhi began at the same time to implement LaRouche’s proposed 40-year program for the economic development of India. And on March 23, 1983, President Ronald Reagan announced the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) program he proposed, which was the most extensive proposal for a new global security architecture that anyone had designed up to that time, which would have overcome the NATO and Warsaw Pact blocs and initiated a large-scale development perspective for the developing sector. President Reagan was ready to change the strategic constellation at the time, while the Arbatov-Ogarkov-Gorbachev fraction in the Soviet Union rejected this proposal, and thereby chose a path that significantly contributed to the early demise of the Soviet Union.
LaRouche ran for President of the United States eight times, seven of them in Democratic Party primaries. Just reporting on the sabotage operations run against him by the party leadership apparatus associated with Al Gore, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and the current leadership, would fill an entire book. When LaRouche candidates began to win elections in 1986—taking the second and third highest positions in primaries in Illinois—the decision was made to attack him for good. On October 6, 1986, the FBI staged a raid on LaRouche’s home and offices, deploying 400 heavily armed law enforcement officials, armored vehicles, and helicopters, an operation that makes the Aug. 8 raid on Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate by 40 FBI agents look like a child’s birthday party. The objective of the raid on LaRouche and myself was nothing less than to eliminate us physically, which was only prevented by an intervention from the White House.
What followed were trumped-up charges, the illegal use of the IRS, rigged trials, and finally the incarceration of LaRouche and a number of his associates.
At an international tribunal initiated by civil rights activists and African-American state legislators after LaRouche was released from prison, the former Attorney General of the Johnson Administration, Ramsey Clark, who took the initiative of intervening on his own, described the actions of the Administration as follows:
“But in what was a complex and pervasive utilization of law enforcement, prosecution, media, and non-governmental organizations focussed on destroying an enemy, this case must be number one. There are some, where the government itself may have done more and more wrongfully over a period of time; but the very networking and combination of federal, state, and local agencies, of Executive and even some Legislative and Judicial branches, of major media and minor local media, and of influential lobbyist types, the ADL preeminently, this case takes the prize. The purpose can only be seen as destroying—more than a political movement, more than a political figure—it is those two; but it’s a fertile engine of ideas, a common purpose of thinking and studying and analyzing to solve problems, regardless of the impact on the status quo, or on vested interests. It was a deliberate purpose to destroy that at any cost….”
I participated in this tribunal. I insisted emphatically that the greatest crime against LaRouche was not to have unjustly condemned such a great and wonderful mind to prison, but rather that the massive slander campaign of his name and his ideas prevented to a large extent the American population, and beyond that, the international public, from grappling with his ideas and above all with the solutions he proposed.
Today, 27 years after this tribunal, on the 100th anniversary of the birth of Lyndon LaRouche, we can study the result of the financial oligarchy’s attempted campaign to destroy him. The trans-Atlantic financial system is about to end in hyperinflation, the “rules-based order of values” and NATO are a colossus with feet of clay, and there is a transparent attempt to control the “narratives” by muzzling the entire population and immediately slandering anyone who voices an opinion of their own on the causes of the war or inflation as an “agent of Putin.” If the West continues like this, we will fail.
On the other hand, LaRouche’s ideas have had enormous success. His proposals on the development of infrastructure in developing countries, which he has presented since the early 1970s, his program for the New Silk Road, which has become the World Land-Bridge, and was his response to the collapse of the Soviet Union, are now being realized by China and its Belt and Road/Silk Road Initiative. The new economic and financial system being realized today by many countries and institutions in the Global South is based on his concept of physical economy, while economists in many countries, especially in Asia, are studying LaRouche’s writings and implementing them for the benefit of their countries.
LaRouche was a patriot of the America that fought the first successful war of independence against the British Empire, but he was also a world citizen, who always put the interest of mankind as a whole first. People could sense that, and when LaRouche traveled in developing countries or Europe, they often expressed their utmost trust in him, in such a way that only true friendship would allow.
In rejecting LaRouche’s ideas, the West did itself no favor. That the United States treated its greatest son so ignobly will remain a stain on its history forever. The countries that apply his ideas are already economically successful, and will be even more so in the future. Although official success was denied to him by Western countries during his long and incomparably productive life, he led a rich, extraordinarily fulfilling and happy life, because he was inwardly the most free and most creative person on Earth. Was Socrates successful, even though he was murdered? He certainly is, while his murders lie forgotten in dust.
Lyndon LaRouche is the Nemesis of his enemies and the joy and pride of a future, better era for mankind. He will live immortal.