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Seneste mediedækning i USA af Bælt & Vej Forum.
Uddrag af LPAC webcast, 12. maj.

Seneste mediedækning i USA af Bælt & Vej Forum.
Uddrag af LPAC webcast, 12. maj.

Vært Matthew Ogden: Som vore seere vil vide, er der nu mindre end 24 timer til det verdenshistoriske Bælt & Vej Forum, der afholdes i Beijing, Kina, med start søndag morgen. Som det vil være vore seere bekendt, har LaRouche PAC og den internationale LaRouche-bevægelse krævet, at medlemmer af Trump-administrationen deltager personligt i dette topmøde. Seneste nyt er, at det i går aftes blev meddelt, at der faktisk vil blive en delegation, der deltager Bælt & Vej Forum. Trump-administrationen har besluttet at sende en officiel delegation til denne verdenshistoriske begivenhed.

Jeg vil gerne vise en artikel på skærmen fra Xinhua News, der bærer overskriften, »USA sender delegerede til at deltage i Bælt & Vej Forum«. Den lyder:

»USA vil sende delegerede til at deltage i Bælt & Vej Forum for Internationalt Samarbejde i Beijing den 14.-15. maj, sagde den amerikanske regering torsdag aften. USA ’anerkender betydningen af det af Kina foreslåede Bælt & Vej-initiativ og vil sende delegerede til at deltage i Forummet’, iflg. en udtalelse fra USA’s Handelsministerium.«

Ved det forestående forum vil alle parter fastlægge store samarbejdsprojekter, etablere arbejdsgrupper og etablere et center for investeringssamarbejde. De vil også underskrive finansieringsaftaler til støtte for deres samarbejdsprojekter.

Under et møde på Mar-a-Lago-ejendommen i Florida i sidste måned sagde den kinesiske præsident til sin amerikanske modpart, Donald Trump, at Kina byder USA’s deltagelse i Bælt & Vej-initiativet velkommen. I løbet af den månedstid, der fulgte efter dette møde mellem de to ledere, har USA og Kina opnået tilsagn til indledende forpligtende engagementer inden for områder som handel med landbrugsvarer, finansielle ydelser og energi for at styrke det økonomiske samarbejde under en 100 dages plan, iflg. Handelsministeriet.«

Dette er selvsagt en betydningsfuld udvikling på vejen, hvor USA tager imod tilbuddet fra Xi Jinping til officielt at tilslutte sig dette verdenshistoriske initiativ. Delegationen vil blive ledet af hr. Matt pottinger, der er særlig assistent til Donald Trump og seniordirektør for Østasien i det Nationale Sikkerhedsråd. Han vil, sammen med den amerikanske delegation, slutte sig til de p.t. 29 statsoverhoveder, der vil deltage i dette topmøde; disse omfatter bl.a. Ruslands præsident Putin og en minister fra Nordkorea – og netop meddelt – den nyvalgte præsident fra Sydkorea. Så meget står på spil på dette topmøde. Hr. LaRouche indskærpede, at dette må lykkes for den menneskelige civilisations fremtids skyld.

Den første, større dækning af dette Bælt & Vej-topmøde, der er fremkommet i USA, er netop kommet her til morgen fra, af alle medier, NBC News. Dette er meget signifikant, og jeg tror, I vil finde det meget interessant og ikke tilfældigt, at denne dækning af det forestående Bælt & Vej-topmøde omfatter ekstensive citater fra hr. Chas Freeman; som vore seere vil huske, var en fremtrædende hovedtaler under en Schiller Institut-konference sidste år i Tyskland, med Silkevejen og Bælt & Vej-initiativet som emne, og hvor hr. Freeman sad på et panel sammen med fr. Helga Zepp-LaRouche. Jeg vil gerne vise lidt af denne dækning fra NBC News. Som I ser, er titlen, »Bælt & Vej-initiativet: Kina planlægger ’Ny Silkevej til $1 billion’«, med et vidunderligt kort over de forskellige Silkevejsruter. Det lyder:

»Kina tilsigter at genskabe Marco Polos gamle »Silkevej«, der forbandt Europa med Asien. Men, i stedet for de kameler og karavaner, der transporterede krydderier og silke for hundreder af år siden, vil et for $1 billion moderne netværk af handelsruter blive bygget.

Søndag vil den kinesiske præsident Xi Jinping være vært for 28 statsoverhoveder ved åbningen af et todages topmøde med fokus på det såkaldte ’Bælt & Vej-initiativ’.

Analytikere fremfører, at projektet kunne ændre centrum for den globale økonomi og udfordre den amerikanskledede verdensorden …

Xis kolossale program er 11 gange større end USA’s Marshallplan, der genopbyggede Europa efter Anden Verdenskrig. Det omfatter nye veje, højhastighedsjernbaner, kraftværker, pipelines, havne og lufthavne og telekommunikationsforbindelser, der ville styrke handel mellem Kina og 60 lande i Asien, Europa, Mellemøsten og Nordafrika …

Tidligere amerikansk viceforsvarsminister Chas Freeman beskrev Bælt & Vej-projektet som ’den potentielt mest transformerende ingeniørindsats i menneskets historie’. Han pointerede, at de involverede lande udgør omkring 55 % af det globale, økonomiske resultat, 70 % af verdens befolkning og skønsmæssigt 75 % a kendte energireserver.

’Amerikanere tænker i øjeblikket på magt i næsten udelukkende militær sammenhæng, hvilket er ironisk, for vi hævder at tro på markedernes magt til at danne begivenheder, og Bælt & Vej-initiativet beror på markeder’, sagde Freeman til NBC News.

’Amerikansk fjernhed’ er ikke et svar på den strategiske udfordring, som initiativet udgør, fremførte han. ’Hvis vi ikke griber eksportmulighederne dér, hvor de findes, vil beskæftigelsen gå til andre, ikke amerikanere’, tilføjede Freeman. Bælt & Vej er stadig en vision, men, hvis en virkeliggøres på signifikant vis, vil alle veje i Eurasien ’føre til Beijing’ … Kina vil blive det økonomiske tyngdecenter i takt med, at landet bliver verdens største nationaløkonomi’, tilføjede han. ’»Bælt & Vej«-programmet indeholder intet militært element, men det har tydeligvis potentialet til fuldstændig at ændre verdens geopolitik, så vel som verdens økonomi’. …

Med 12.500 miles kan Kina allerede prale med verdens længste højhastigheds-jernbanenet – med planer om en nær-fordobling frem til 2025. Under Bælt & Vej er i alt 50.000 miles projekteret. Det er planen at gøre det muligt at rejse fra London til Beijing ’på blot to dage’, iflg. Freeman.«

Som I ser, så er dette en meget betydningsfuld artikel, med disse lange citater af Chas Freeman. Som jeg sagde, så var Chas Freeman (indsat foto) en af hovedtalerne på en konference i Tyskland for nylig, som var sponsoreret af Schiller Instituttet. Dette er altså den første betydningsfulde, amerikanske mediedækning af dette ekstraordinært signifikante projekt og ditto topmøde i kommende weekend.

(Afsnittet med den kinesiske video med Xi Jinping findes særskilt oversat til dansk, her: https://schillerinstitut.dk/si/?p=19502

(Her følger engelsk udskrift af resten af webcastet.)

So, as you can see, this is a very major article, with these
extensive quotes from Chas Freeman.  As I said, Chas Freeman was
one of the keynote speakers at a recent conference sponsored by
the Schiller Institute in Germany.  So, this happens to be the
first major U.S. media coverage of this extraordinarily
significant project and extraordinarily significant summit this
Now, I also just want to give you a selection of a number of
different quotes from other world leaders around the world, who
are recognizing the extraordinary significance of the Belt and
Road Initiative.  While Americans are distracted by domestic
politics here at home and the narratives of the mainstream U.S.
media, the rest of the world has become very attuned to the fact
that China, with this Belt and Road Initiative summit this
weekend, is inaugurating a new era in global politics and in
world history.  So, let me give you a taste of some of these
You’re going to see quotations from the chief of the United
Nations; this is Secretary-General António Guterres, and he was
interviewed by Xinhua. Look at what he says:  “China plays a very
central role” in uniting the world and tackling development
challenges.  He said, “When we look at the Belt and Road
Initiative, we see a very important contribution to this
solidarity in addressing global problems with international
cooperation, where China plays a very central role.  So,” he
said, “I am very happy that I have the chance to participate in
the Belt and Road summit.”  He will be attending in person.
“[The initiative] is exactly doing the projects that are uniting
countries, benefitting countries; namely infrastructure that
links different regions in the world.  We are creating exactly
that kind of shared prosperity that your President [Xi Jinping] was offering,” he said.  He went on to say, “This reveals a very
important strategic breakthrough, and I think the Belt and Road
Initiative is demonstrating that new vision that China has
brought to global development.  We are in the beginning of its
implementation, but I think that there is now an enormous amount
of enthusiasm, and I must say that I have high expectations.”
The next article is an interview with the Consul-General to
Düsseldorf, Germany from China, whose name is Feng Haiyang.  He
says, “Chinese Jobs-Motor for Rhineland”; you can see in the
German-language coverage there in {Rheinische Post}
He said, “We should take the idea of a new Silk Road as a win-win
situation for all countries that participate in it.  We are
experiencing an era of crises: terrorism, wars, and refugee
streams, plus a shrinking world economy.  Hardly a country in the
world still has the will, nor the courage, to think for the
future and act accordingly.  The Chinese idea of a new Silk Road
can, therefore, also be seen as a hope-promoting answer for this
new era.  That is exactly why this initiative is welcomed by more
and more countries in the world.”
Then the next quote I want to read to you is from the
delegate from France who will be attending, Jean-Pierre Raffarin.
He said, “I expect, with this great summit, the entire world will
learn about this project, which involves not only Central Asia,
but also West and East Asia as well as Europe and even Africa.
What I would like is a world mobilization.”
Then he went on to say, “The world is very dangerous….  In
that dangerous world, China has projects and strategies, it seeks
multilateralism, defends the UN and UNESCO and thereby
contributes to peace in a dangerous world….
“Thus, we have the vision of a world which in the process of
erecting a new framework and a new organization.  The Belt and
Road Initiative is the framework of a new world; a world that is
a grand alliance between Europe and Asia, with a grand opening
towards Africa….”  China is contributing to the connectivity of
most of the world, and is “creating links, creating relations,
and creating development.
“France and China have the same peaceful vision of the
world.  We are countries that want peace in the world in order to
have development.”
Then he made an important historical point: “Since General
de Gaulle, we have always insured that the Franco-China relation
should prevail above political parties, and the ongoing
Presidential election would not play any role in the
deterioration of those relations.  We want a good relationship;
there is consensus on that question.”
This is very significant in the aftermath of the French
Presidential elections, that it’s Jean-Pierre Raffarin who will
be attending this summit, representing France.  And the
extraordinarily positive statements that he had in terms of the
importance of the Belt and Road framework.  As he called it, “the
framework for a new world”; very much along the lines of what
Helga Zepp-LaRouche has been saying about how this is
inaugurating a New Paradigm for mankind.  Speaking on behalf of
France, but also speaking on behalf of the better impulses inside
Europe, his point about how Europe should have a very close
relationship with China in bridging Eurasia and in inaugurating
this new era of global development as the means towards peace and
stability in a very dangerous and unstable world, is exactly the
point.  It’s those kinds of statements that we would hope that
President Trump takes a page from.
What you have coming out of China, as you could see from the
statement by the Consulate General to Düsseldorf, and we had also
seen from the Consulate General to New York City at the recent
Schiller Institute conference in Manhattan about a month ago, are
repeated statements that it’s in the best interests of all
countries to join in this “win-win” cooperation with China.  That
this really is the future; and as the Consulate General to
Dusseldorf made the point, there are very few countries on the
planet right now which have the courage to think in terms of a
future vision.  Most countries are now stuck in crisis-management
mode, just trying to resolve crises as they occur; wars,
terrorism, economic collapse, famine, starvation.  When you have
a nation like China, which is able to actually think 50 years
into the future, and to inaugurate this kind of future vision,
and to invite other countries to become a part of that; that’s
something that countries should take up the opportunity to be
participants in.
There’s a very inspiring press conference that was just held
on May 8 by the head of the Chinese Rolling Stock Rail
Corporation [CRRC], and they’ve announced some exciting
initiatives in terms of new trains and new rail capabilities that
are coming out of China.  I have a little animation about that.
This is the clip from the Chinese Rolling Stock Company press
conference May 8, and the chairman, Liu Hualong, had some
exciting announcements.  He said that the CRRC is developing new
high-speed trains, capable of speeds reaching 400 kilometers per
hour [kph].  They will have the ability to change track width to
utilize different gauges found along the Belt and Road; and it’s
these different track gauges that remain the greatest bottleneck
in rapid transit along the routes of the Silk Road.  And, they
have announced that CRRC is working on a maglev capable of
achieving speeds of 600 kph; which would make the 1100-km trip
between Shanghai and Beijing something that you can achieve in
less than two hours.  So, this is a very exciting new initiative
from China; and it’s this kind of thing that the Silk Road and
the World Land-Bridge would bring to the entire world.  If you
think about what China has been able to accomplish in just the
last ten years in terms of high-speed rail connectivity inside
China — which has lifted 500 million people out of poverty, as
Secretary Rex Tillerson very aptly made the point during his
speech to the State Department just last week that we covered
extensively on our webcast here last Friday.
This is the opportunity that the United States has to
participate in.  When Donald Trump talks about $1 trillion for
infrastructure, we should compare the state of infrastructure in
the United States to the state of infrastructure in China.  It’s
these kinds of high-speed rail projects and so forth, that we
would be very well advised to initiate in the United States with
direct collaboration in investment and know-how from China.
A colleague of mine found a very inspiring and entertaining
video that was just issued by China, with quotes from President
Xi Jinping where he discusses why he initiated the New Silk Road,
or the Belt and Road Initiative in the first place.  It goes
through some wonderful examples of how different areas of the
world are being lifted up by these great projects that are
spin-offs and initiatives from the New Silk Road.  So, I just
want to play this five-minute video for you right now, and allow
you to be inspired by it.

[BEGIN VIDEO, subtitles are transcribed] President Xi Jinping:  Why I proposed the Belt and Road

The world is watching China as it gets ready to host the
Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation in mid-May
PRESIDENT XI JINPING: While visiting Kazakhstan and
Indonesia in 2013, I proposed jointly building the Silk Road
Economic Belt and 21st Century Maritime Silk road, respectively.
Shaanxi, my home province, is situated at the starting point of
the ancient Silk Road.  Standing here and looking back on
history, I feel I can hear the sound of camel bells ringing in
the mountains and see plumes of smoke rising over the desert.
This all feels so familiar.  Since ancient times, peaceful
development has been a shared goal of mankind.

[Captions:] War
Wealth Gap
Economic Recession

XI: Today’s world is filled with uncertainties.  People have
hopes for the future, but at the same time, feel perplexed.

[Caption:] Some lands once prosperous and bustling are now
synonymous with difficulty, conflict and crisis.

XI: What has become of the world? What should we do?  The
whole world is pondering over these questions and I am thinking
of them all the time.

[Captions:] Policy Connectivity
Trade Connectivity
Infrastructure Connectivity

XI: I proposed the Belt and Road Initiative in the hope that
with a focus on connectivity, the free and convenient flow of all
elements of production will be encouraged, multidimensional
cooperation platforms developed, and mutual gains and shared
development achieved.
The Belt and Road Initiative draws inspirations from the
ancient Silk Road, and aims to help realize the shared dream of
people worldwide for peace and development.
Shining with the wisdom from the East, it is a plan that
China offers the world for seeking common prosperity and
The Belt and Road Initiative is based on the principles of
extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits.

[Caption:] Uzbekistan: Qamchiq Tunnel, Part of the Angren-Pap Railway

XI: It is not exclusive, but open and inclusive.  The
initiative will not be a solo for China, but a chorus of all
countries along the routes.

[Captions:] Belarus: China-Belarus Great Stone Industrial Park
China-Russia Cooperation Projects
Maldives: China-Maldives Friendship Bridge
Malaysia: Sea Freight
Greece: Piraeus Port
Sri Lanka: Puttalam Coal Power Plant
Britain: China-Europe Freight Trains
Ethiopia-Djibouti: Addis Ababa-Djibouti Railway
Kazakhstan: Light Railway Transportation System in Astana

XI: For more than three years, over 100 countries and
international organizations have responded positively and offered
support for the initiative.
The “friend circle” of the initiative has kept widening.

[Captions:] Fiji: Nabouwalu-Dreketi Highway
Pakistan: Karakoram Highway

XI: A great cause should be pursued for common good.  Let us
more closely join hands in forging new partnerships characterized
by win-win cooperation and build a community of shared future for
History is made by the brave.  Let us show confidence, take
action and forge ahead, hand in hand.
[Caption:] “Belt and Road”

OGDEN: …Now obviously, this is a wonderful and inspiring
vision of a new era for mankind, and that era means the end of
the British Empire world, the era of divide-and-conquer, of
colonialism, of enforced poverty, backwardness, lack of
development.  It’s an entirely new concept of what the world can
share in terms of progress, prosperity, development and peace.
And, as we know, and as we reported extensively, there is an
unrelenting assault against not only those countries that have
initiated this vision of a new world, China, others who are
participating in this, but there is an unrelenting assault
against President Donald Trump in the United States, for even his
willingness to consider, that this would be something that the
United States could participate in, and to usher in a new
relationship between the United States and China, and especially
the United States and Russia.  That would be his willingness to
overturn this geopolitical world that has reigned since the
conclusion of World War II, with the United States-U.K. “special
relationship” in a war against these developed and developing
Now, a very significant development has occurred just in the
last two days along those lines, and it has definitely occurred
among a tumultuous political situation in Washington, D.C.  But
perhaps the most significant development, aside from all of the
media hysteria around the firing of James Comey, and Trump’s
decision to remove the Acting Director of the FBI, was the fact
that on that very day, Foreign Minister of Russia Sergey Lavrov
made a visit to the White House, where initially he was scheduled
to only meet with Secretary of State Rex Tillerson on his way to
the Arctic Council ministerial in Alaska, but at the very last
minute, it was announced that President Trump would be in on that
meeting with Sergey Lavrov.
And we don’t have the direct transcript yet, but we do have
some paraphrases of the reports of that discussion, and I’m going
to read you a few of the very significant statements that were
made by Sergey Lavrov.  And you can see, that despite the
concerted efforts to drive a wedge between the United States and
Russia, and to try to disrupt this thawing of relations and the
potential for a collaborative relationship, this is moving
forward steadily.
What Sergey Lavrov said is that the United States and Russia
can and should contribute to a settlement in Syria and that this
is moving along well.  He said: All government and opposition
parties will be constructive in the next Geneva meeting.  Now, he
was questioned as to why U.S. and Russia relations had sunk to
such a low level, and this is a quote from Sergey Lavrov [as
interpreted]: “The previous Administration bent over backwards to
undermine the solid foundation of our relations. Now we have to
start from a very low level between Russia and America.”
He went on: It is clear “the Obama Administration in its
last days in power resorted to petty actions against both our
property and our diplomats. … The President of the Russian
Federation Vladimir Putin [is] … not going to follow those who
are trying to destroy our relations. I hope we will be able to
resolve the situation without our relations deteriorating.”
And he went on to say: “The dialogue between Russia and the
U.S. is now free from the ideology that characterized it under
the Barack Obama Administration. … U.S. President Donald Trump,
his Administration, and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson are the
kind of people who want to maintain a dialogue not as a means of
demonstrating what they can achieve in the area of ideological
preferences, but rather as a means of solving particular
issues….”  [https://www.rusemb.org.uk/fnapr/6082] And then he said, that “The presidents reaffirmed during
their recent telephone conversation that they would meet on the
sidelines of the G20 meeting in Germany in the first 10 days of
July” and that meanwhile discussions will be continuing at a very
high level with Secretary Rex Tillerson.
And as I reported, just today now, following that meeting,
Secretary Tillerson and Minister Lavrov are meeting on the
sidelines of the Arctic Council Ministerial in Alaska, and
they’re discussing what has been characterized as the “Arctic
Silk Road.”  So this is yet one more aspect of the connectivity
of the world, as we’ve repeatedly made the point, and that should
absolutely include the extension of the Eurasian Land-Bridge
across the Bering Strait to become the World Silk Road, with rail
connectivity between the Americas and Eurasia.
But look, this kind of very high-level and very friendly
dialogue that occurred at the White House on Wednesday, during
the whole hoopla around Comey and so forth, is exactly what this
British coup attempt has been trying to derail, against Trump, to
try to derail this potential for a warm and collaborative
relationship between the United States and Russia.  And it really
is an all-out battle for the future of the U.S. Presidency, and
for the future of what will come of these great potentials, in
terms of this cooperative relationship between the United States
and these other countries around the world, and an abandonment of
this Obama-era regime change ideology.
So, finally, what we have for you tonight is two clips from
a very timely and I think important interview between {EIR}
Contributing Editor Will Wertz and Virginia State Senator Dick
Black.  And Senator Black, as you’ll see from these two short
clips had had a very unique, ground-floor view of this fight,
particularly some of the leading parties involves and in
particular Andrew McCabe  who is now Acting Director of the FBI,
who succeeding James Comey after he was fired by President Donald
isis-senator] So I’m just going to play two very short clips from that
interview, back to back.  And then we’ll come back and I’ll let
you know what you can expect from LaRouche PAC in the coming

[BEGIN VIDEO] WILLIAM WERTZ:  So, if you look at this, you opposed Obama’s
policy of regime change, which was also backed by the British,
the French, the former colonial powers in Syria, let alone,
Libya, Egypt, and so forth.  So the point here is, what we’re
talking about here is your letter to Assad was posted on his
website — this was back on May 28, 2014.  Soon after that you
get visitations from the FBI, in a very fishy operation, and at
least two of those agents are coming from the Washington, D.C.
field office which is run by Andrew McCabe.  This is ten months
before his wife is recruited, in a meeting that he attends, with
[then Virginia Gov. Terry] McAuliffe, to run against you.
So the point here that I would like to raise is, whereas
some has looked at this from the standpoint merely of, there was
sort of an agreement here that she was backed to run involving a
conflict of interest in which then Andrew McCabe ends up involved
in various cases involving Hillary Clinton, the Democratic Party
and eventually against Donald Trump; but the point that I would
make is, that you had identified yourself as an opponent to the
policy which was being carried out by the Obama administration
and by the FBI, the CIA and the State Department in terms of
regime change and the promotion of terrorists.

SEN. RICHARD BLACK:  Well and worldwide, I was the first one
to break the wall of silence.  Since then, we have Rep. Tulsi
Gabbard, we have Sen. Rand Paul, we have several who have come
out and who have taken a stand; our own Virginia Rep. Tom
Garrett.  But up until this time there was total censorship.  It
was wartime censorship, it was censorship that was the equivalent
of what we saw in the Second World War, when we were at war.
We’re not at war, and yet, we have this same type of censorship
going on.  And I think there was a feeling that this individual,
this Senator from Virginia has to be just beaten into dust as an
example to the world that if you dare to stand up and to tell the
truth about what we’re doing in Syria, and in other countries,
then you’re going to be crushed, your life is going to be
destroyed. …

WERTZ:  Now in that same time period when you endorsed, now
President Trump, there were two interventions into the U.S.
political scene, by British intelligence.  The first was a
dossier that was compiled by an MI6 British intelligence officer,
Christopher Steele.  And the indications are that he actually
worked on this dossier, after being paid by the Clinton campaign,
Hillary Clinton’s campaign, to present this dossier.  One of the
issues that Senator Grassley has raised is — this was reported
in the {Washington Post} — the FBI was prepared to pay
Christopher Steele to continue his research to try to prove that
Trump was somehow working with the Russians.

SENATOR BLACK:  Amazing that the FBI was involved in paying
for opposition research.  Now, I’ve done a little opposition
research:  You know, we paid companies and of course it’s been
done on us, endlessly.  But, I’ve read a little bit about the
dossier and if I paid someone and he gave me that, I would be so
furious, because it is so transparently fallacious.  It’s just
ridiculous!  You know, unbelievable the things that he says. It
has no air of credibility in my view, from my experience, and
I’ve seen a lot of this stuff before.  I think it was a total

OGDEN:  So as you can see that is a very explosive story and
it’s one that will continue to develop, especially now that
McCabe is right in the spotlight.  He was, in fact, one of the
testifying witnesses at a Senate committee hearing just
yesterday, which originally Jim Comey was supposed to be involved
So you can watch for more developments on that, and I think
that’s a unique view from on the ground of what, really, this
grouping has been willing to engage in in terms of activities, to
try to enforce the fact that there can be no breaking, there can
be nobody calling this for what it is.
So to conclude, I would just like to announce that we will
have a new petition, available for you to sign on LaRouche PAC.
The title is “We Agree with Senator Grassley: Suck It Up, Move
On, Let’s Rebuild the Country!” And this goes through the fact
that Donald Trump was elected, not because of Russian
interference but because in fact, the American people have been
beaten down and have become desperate in terms of the economic
collapse that they’ve been subjected to, over not just the last
eight years, but over the last fifteen years and even more; that
he spoke to that; and that they were also against the insane
regime change agenda, to try to drive a wedge between these great
powers that should be collaborating for the mutual benefit and
stability of world peace, not at each other’s throats in terms of
thermonuclear war, and potential for setting off World War III.
That this was rejected, and in fact, the logical consequence
of that overturning the geopolitical applecart would be for the
United States to reciprocate President Xi Jinping’s offer and use
the opportunity for this Belt and Road Forum this May 14-15,
which we can announce the happy news, there will be an official
U.S. delegation attending that Forum in person, to use the
opportunity of that to inaugurate an entirely new era, a new
framework for international relations, a new paradigm of peace,
economic development, stability and mutually beneficial relations
among nations.
So please stay tuned to larouchepac.com over the coming 24,
48, 72 hours:  A lot is going to change between now and the
beginning of next week.  And we, I think as we’ve demonstrated,
uniquely, are your unique source for the real news about what’s
happening around the world and in fact, you can participate in
helping us change the course of world history.
Please sign up for http://www.larouchepac.com.  If you have
not, already, go to the LaRouche PAC Action Center; also sign up
for the daily email updates.  You will receive this updates in
your in-box, and please subscribe to our YouTube channel.
Thank you very much for tuning in today, and we look forward
to seeing you again, soon.  Good night.

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