beviser princippet! Den Nye
Silkevej er vejen til fred.
LaRouchePAC Internationale
Webcast, 11. maj, 2018.

Engelsk udskrift:
Korea Breakthroughs Are Proof of Principle!
The New Silk Road Is The Path to Peace.
LaRouche PAC International Webcast
MATTHEW OGDEN: Good afternoon. It’s May 11, 2018. My name
is Matthew Ogden and you’re joining us for our weekly strategic
broadcast from
As you can see on the screen here, the title of our show is
“Korea Breakthroughs Are Proof of Principle; New Silk Road Is the
Path to Peace”. As many of our viewers might remember, in her
New Year’s address on January 1st of this year, Helga
Zepp-LaRouche declared that 2018 must be the year that
geopolitics is overcome; and that a New Paradigm of win-win
relations and win-win cooperation is fully embraced.
In a discussion this afternoon, Helga Zepp-LaRouche called
attention to those remarks that she delivered on New Year’s Day;
and stated that we’re seeing real breakthroughs on this front
globally. We’re seeing the forging of a new relationship between
China and India with the meetings that have occurred between
President Modi and President Xi Jinping, as we’ve reported
previously. We’re seeing a realignment underway between China
and Japan, which has been one of the leading geopolitical
rivalries in the Asia-Pacific region. And of course, we’re
seeing the historic breakthroughs now occurring in Korea, which
clearly China has also played a major role in advancing and in
All of these developments should show us that the
possibility for achieving the challenge that Helga Zepp-LaRouche
posed in that New Year’s message, is very real; and is very real
within this year — 2018. No matter how incredulous you may have
been when she first delivered those remarks, look at how far
we’ve come. If we continue to keep our eye on the big picture
strategically, and to understand what is at stake, we’ll be able
to keep a laser focus on the strategy which she laid out in those
remarks. Remember, we have two paradigms that are now acting on
this planet which cannot continue to coexist. Under the old
paradigm of geopolitics in which major powers compete with one
another for dominance and hegemony, war is the inevitable
consequence, as we’ve experienced time and time again. Not only
in the 20th Century, but really going all the way back to ancient
Greece; that is the so-called Thucydides trap. But under the New
Paradigm, we recognize that in the age of thermonuclear weapons,
war is no longer a viable option if we wish mankind to survive.
Rather, we must embrace the idea of a community of common
destiny, as President Xi Jinping of China has characterized it;
in which sovereign nations, with mutual respect, cooperate with
each other under the framework of win-win relations and common
benefit in confronting and overcoming the common challenges of
mankind. That latter New Paradigm is now proving itself, with
the great potential that we see for a breakthrough on the Korean
Peninsula serving as an excellent case in point. As you’ll see,
the Silk Road, the One Belt, One Road Initiative, is proving to
be the key which is unlocking all of these breakthroughs that
we’re now watching develop in front of our eyes.
Now, I’m sure that many Americans have been following this
news, obviously; including the dramatic developments over just
the past several days with Secretary Pompeo’s secret trip to meet
with Kim Jong-un. That’s what’s depicted in this picture [Fig.
1] that we have on the screen here. He negotiated the release of
the final American hostages who were being held by North Korea.
You probably saw the images the previous week, as we have here on
the screen [Fig. 2] of the historic summit between President Kim
Jong-un and President Moon Jae-in of South Korea, which took
place in the Demilitarized Zone. However, what many Americans
might not be knowledgeable of, is the content of these meetings.
You saw the photographs, but what was discussed? And how did
this possibility for peace on the Korean Peninsula be advanced as
far as it has been? The key moment in that meeting between
President Moon and President Kim Jong-un took place when
President Moon of South Korea handed Kim Jong-un a thumb drive.
This thumb drive contained detailed plans for new rail routes,
new power development projects, and other infrastructure projects
for North Korea. What President Moon called a “new economic map
for the Korean Peninsula.” So, here’s how that plan was
described in an article that was published on the website under the title “A Genius Plan to Modernize North
Korea’s Trains”. As you can see here [Fig. 3], the subtitle was
“In Korean Peace Talks, all eyes are on Denuclearization. But a
plan to link the nations’ railways could be far more
transformative.” The article discusses in detail what is
contained in this new economic map for the Korean Peninsula. It
“At the center of Moon’s New Economic Map of the Korean
Peninsula is a railway modernization plan that’s much more than
an infrastructure project. It’s a key piece in the geopolitical
puzzle to connect North Korea to the world — and entice the
regime to keep its promises. When it comes to the Korean
Peninsula, North Korea’s denuclearization always gets top
billing. But the agreement to re-link the railways between the
two countries has the potential to be even more transformative
than the promise of a nuclear-free Korean Peninsula.
“As a first step, the rail project outlined in the
Panmunjom Declaration would connect the railway from Seoul to
Pyongyang, passing through Kaeseong in the North. Ultimately, it
would end in Shinuiju, North Korea, linking up at the border with
Dandong, China. But the ultimate plan drawn up by the South
Korean government is much more ambitious. It envisions an
additional high-speed line from Seoul to Shinuiju via Pyongyang,
along with the modernization of six other railways traversing
North Korea. Currently the rails there are so decrepit that
trains can only average 50 kilometers an hour, and the rails
would break under heavy loads. Retrofitting would allow speeds of
100 kilometers an hour and enable heavier loads.
“Most significantly, the plan would connect North Korea to
China and Russia, allowing North Korea to ultimately become a
crucial connector between East Asia and Europe. The
Shinuiju-Dandong crossing is the hub of North Korea’s commerce
with China; adding a high-speed train line would go a long way
toward facilitating even more trade, in which South Korea could
also participate. The renovated Manpo Line, connecting to Jian,
China, would open another logistical connection between North
Korea and China in addition to Dandong-Shinuiju. The improved
Pyongra Line would connect to Russias Trans-Siberian Railroad,
allowing overland freight transport from South Korea all the way
to Europe, while giving Russia a piece of the action for North
Korea’s economic development.
“Taken together, these new connections raise the stakes that
China and Russia have in North Korea — and that would
incentivize them to ensure that North Korea remains stable and
keeps the trains running. North Korea would share in these
benefits, as its cities on these trade routes likely develop
along the way. The Pyongra Line, for example, would connect South
Koreas two largest cities (Seoul and Busan) to North Koreas third
largest city (Chongjin) and its industrial zone with the highest
GDP per capita (Rajin).
“A version of the inter-Korean railway plan has existed for
a while; the two Koreas even had a test run for the rail link in
May 2007, having two trains cross the demilitarized zone on two
“[T]here are reasons to be cautiously optimistic this time
around. For starters, both South and North Korea specifically
want this project. Its also consistent with what their
neighboring countries want as well. China is raring to begin the
One Belt One Road Initiative, a massive infrastructure project
that would enhance the physical connection between Europe and
Asia. The inter-Korean railway could serve as the eastern
extension, creating the overland connection between South Korea
and the prosperous Chinese cities across the Yellow Sea from the
Korean Peninsula, including Beijing and Shanghai.
“A stable inter-Korean railway may also motivate Japan to
finally begin working on the Korea-Japan undersea tunnel, a
project that had been under discussion since the 1980s. If built,
it would be the longest undersea tunnel in the world, more than
four times the length of the Channel Tunnel between France and
the United Kingdom. According to the South Korean government,
the inter-Korean railway plan caught the attention of both the
Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank and the Asian Development
Bank — respectively led by China and Japan, with many other
member nations — indicating international support for the
inter-Korean railway plan. As wild as it sounds, we may see
within our lifetime a Trans-Eurasian train ride from Tokyo to
London — with a pit stop in Pyongyang for its delicious cold
That’s by S. Nathan Park, who is an attorney at Georgetown
University here in the Washington DC area.
But that vision, including the delicious cold North Korean
noodles — I’ve never had them, but I’d be interested — that
vision of a rail connection all the way from the tip of South
Korea all the way to Western Europe; that {is} the vision of the
Eurasian Land-Bridge or the New Silk Road as it’s been
characterized going all the way back to the time it was first
proposed by the LaRouche Movement and Helga Zepp-LaRouche in the
early 1980s as a way of connecting the entire Eurasian continent.
Then the tunnel between Japan and South Korea would be an added
element of that connectivity. So that was what contained in the
thumb drive that Kim Jong-un received from Moon Jae-in. That is
what a new economic map for the Korean Peninsula entails. That
article was published last Friday; a week ago.
But what I’d like you to do, is to compare that development
program with all the rail routes and otherwise what was described
in that article, compare that — what was put appropriately into
the context of connecting North and South Korea to China’s Belt
and Road Initiative. Take what was just described there, and
compare it to the contents of this video which you’re about to
see some excerpts from. This video, which was produced by
LaRouche PAC, titled “Peace Through Development: The Path to a
Unified Korea.” This video was published on May 11, 2016 —
exactly two years ago today. So, listen to the excerpts of this
video that you’re about to see, which again, was published two
years ago today — May 11, 2016. Compare it to what is being now
proposed in this New Economic Map for the Korean Peninsula as
it’s being called by the President of South Korea, which is the
key to unlocking the potential for peace on the Korean Peninsula.
So, here’s that video:
NARRATOR: The need for a policy of peace through
development and win-win cooperation is evident across the globe,
but it is particularly stark in certain parts of the world. The
Koreas are a case in point. The situation in this area
represents both tremendous potential and imminent danger. The
71-year division of the Koreas has resulted in a present-day
serious war danger, with an isolated North Korea suffering from
retarded economic growth, engaging in a series of suspected
nuclear weapons and missiles tests; believing nuclear weapons
were the only means of avoiding the fate of Iraq and Libya, who
submitted to Western demands to end their nuclear weapons
programs, and were promptly bombed, their leaders killed, and the
nations left in ruins.
Is there a potential for cooperation there? Is there a
pathway forward to the unification of Korea which could rather
serve as an example for the rest of the world, showing that we
can achieve peace through development? As recently as a couple
of years ago, significant steps were being made in a positive,
and they remain a basis for hope. Around this time, there was
intense deliberation around the first-ever cooperative
Russia-North Korea-South Korea industrial project. The Rason
Special Economic Zone, centered around the North Korean port of
Rajin. The development of this port, situated near the mouth of
the Tumen River (itself the boundary of Russia, China, and North
Korea), involved the participation of the major South Korean
steel producer Pasco, the state rail company Korail, and the
shipping company Hyundai Marine; bringing Russian coal through an
upgraded North Korean port to the South Korean steel factory.
Two main transport corridors would feed into the port region from
China, Russia, and Mongolia, connect to the trans-Siberian
railroad at Chita[ph] with the most crucial connections extending
through Korea.
: What we need to have is a mass
movement for development.
NARRATOR: It is high past time for a New Paradigm. To move
forward with a peace through development outlook and to shun the
policies of those who would prefer war.
: Because China has embarked in the
policy of the New Silk Road, the Maritime Silk Road, the One
Belt, One Road policy, a huge infrastructure project to connect
all the countries of Eurasia through infrastructure development
and high technology investments.
NARRATOR: China’s stated foreign policy of win-win
cooperation, an active program of creating a New Silk Road
development corridor, is a path forward which both North and
South Korea can contribute to, and benefit from.
PRESIDENT XI JINPING [translated]: China is firmly
committed to the path of peaceful development. It is committed
to growing friendship and cooperative relations with all
countries in the world.
NARRATOR: The historic identity of Korea has its roots in
the Silk Road. The former capital, Gyeongju, being a major port
city on the ancient Silk Road. Just this past August, the
inaugural conference of the Silk Road network of universities was
held there. At the conference, Schiller Institute founder Helga
Zepp-LaRouche spoke of precisely the need for peace through
development and win-win cooperation; while Mike Billington of
{EIR} reiterated the need to move forward with projects like the
Rason port development project, elaborated in more depth in the
recent report, “The Silk Road Becomes the World Land-Bridge”. It
can be jumping-off point for the bonanza which has been spoken of
in achieving a peaceful unification of North and South.
In addition to this keystone port development project, which
can serve as an economic boon to all countries on the Tumen
River, crucial rail links should be completed which can allow for
the fulfillment of the vision of a Eurasian Land-Bridge extending
from Pusan to Rotterdam. Rail originating in South Korea can
connect directly to the Chinese New Silk Road Belt through
rebuilding connection across the border. And connections in the
North can also be directly fed into the trans-Siberian railroad;
integrating roughly 75 million Koreans into a framework of great
economic potential.
South Korea has begun to pave the way for the future of
energy — thermonuclear fusion — with their Kaestar
superconducting tokomak device in Daejong. With this frontier
potential and an expanded skilled labor force, Korea could
demonstrate in an even more dramatic way the possibilities for
development when the false debate over limited resources is done
away with. In fact, Korea could help to show mankind what his
future could look like. Korea can be a mirror to the world of
what a true human culture can look like. This culture has long
placed great value on the performance of beautiful Classical
music [music in background]. This is not only the performance of
pieces of the great European composers, but Korea has made its
own contribution to a world Classical culture through a genre of
Korean art songs. A particularly beautiful one — “Longing for
Kum-kang Mountain”. Rather than being an example of how quickly
the world could devolve into all-out war, a tragedy which our
human species cannot and should not enable, a peace through
development approach leading to the unification of Korea, could
serve as an example to the world of how quickly our human species
can turn on a dime, rejecting the foolish ways of the past, to
usher in a New Paradigm of cooperation and economic development.
OGDEN: So, again, that was some excerpts from a video which
was published exactly two years ago today, on May 11, 2016, under
the title “Peace Through Development: The Path to a Unified
Korea.” The link to the full video is available in the
description below.
But indeed, the concluding words of that video, which was
published two years ago, have now proven to be very prescient
indeed. “[A] peace through development approach leading to the
unification of Korea, could serve as an example to the world of
how quickly our human species can turn on a dime, rejecting the
foolish ways of the past, to usher in a New Paradigm of
cooperation and economic development.” Those were the words that
concluded that video. And that’s exactly what we’re seeing
happening today. The example has been set on the Korean
Peninsula. It now serves as a model for what could happen around
the world, and how quickly things can change. But think about
it, two years ago, while we still had President Barack Obama as
President of the United States, and the threat of nuclear war was
hanging over our heads like a Sword of Damocles. Two years ago,
did anyone imagine that in two years’ time we would be
experiencing the kind of extraordinary breakthroughs that we’re
now watching development between those two Presidents? The
Presidents of North and South Korea. Did anybody imagine that in
two years’ time, you could be seeing the cessation of hostilities
on the Korean Peninsula? The freeing of all the hostages? The
beginnings of talks to denuclearize the entire peninsula? And
these warm gestures of friendship between these two Presidents;
moving in the direction of some form of unification of the
economic capabilities of that peninsula? This new economic map
for the Korean Peninsula? Did anybody imagine two years ago that
that’s what we would be seeing at this point in time?
Honestly, I produced that video; and even I, at that time,
was somewhat incredulous as to how fast this could actually come
into being. If someone had asked me at that time, “Do you really
think that this stalemate, which has been in a state of frozen
conflict for twice the amount of time that you have been alive —
over 70 years. Do you honestly believe that two years from now,
we’ll be watching the Presidents of these two countries shaking
hands and entering into these historic partnerships?” If
somebody had travelled back in time at that point from the
present, and shown me this tweet from President Donald Trump, I
would have told them that “No, c’mon, you’re pulling my leg!”;
including the fact that Donald Trump would be President of the
United States. I also would have thought that was a joke. But
in all seriousness, who would have thought that we’d be reading a
tweet [Fig. 4] like this: “Donald J Trump. The highly
anticipated meeting between Kim Jong-un and myself will take
place in Singapore on June 12. We will both try to make it a
very, very special moment for world peace.” But that tweet
really happened, and this meeting is really set. A few short
hours after greeting the three remaining US hostages who had been
freed from North Korea at Andrews Air Force Base, once the plane
carrying them and Secretary Mike Pompeo touched down on US soil,
President Trump issued that tweet. That meeting is set to go
forward; a very historic moment. A meeting between the President
of North Korea and the President of the United States.
But the lesson for all of us should be, we are living in
truly historic times, and the possibility for real, dramatic,
positive change in the direction of world peace, to use President
Trump’s own words, the potential for change in that direction is
very real. As the video which we just watched made clear, as
well as the article which I cited in the beginning of this
broadcast, the reason that that possibility exists, the key to
unlocking this entire puzzle, is because of China’s New Silk Road
— the Belt and Road Initiative. When President Xi Jinping
announced the Belt and Road Initiative in 2013, literally
everything changed. This created the basis for rejecting
geopolitics and the legacy of conflict and war which has made
these types of breakthroughs as we’re now witnessing on the
Korean Peninsula impossible up to that point. And President Xi
Jinping’s announcement of this One Belt, One Road initiative
created the framework instead for this kind of win-win
cooperation and economic development between countries. As
President Xi Jinping has called it, “win-win cooperation, a
common destiny for mankind”; which provides not only the
incentives for ending conflict, negating a state of war, but also
creates the basis for a real and durable peace. That basis, as a
positive form of peace, not just a negation of a state of war, is
this kind of potential for mutually beneficial progress for all
nations involved. The point is, ideas can truly change the
course of history. The vision which was contained in that video,
which was produced by LaRouche PAC two years ago, including the
excerpts which were included from a speech that Helga
Zepp-LaRouche gave in which she called for a mass movement of
economic development; that vision is now becoming real. These
development projects, which are now serving as the vehicle for
peace in Korea, are projects which the LaRouche movement has been
championing for decades. If you look at this process which is
underway in Korea, together with all of the other development
projects which are now moving forward elsewhere — such as the
Transaqua program in Africa to refill Lake Chad; the Kra Canal
project in Thailand; and countless other projects. The list goes
on and on. All of these projects which have been promoted by the
LaRouche movement for decades, all in the context of the idea of
a New Silk Road as the pathway to peace, these are now moving
forward because of that history-changing initiative which
President Xi Jinping took in 2013, when he launched the One Belt,
One Road initiative.
The critical point is that this breakthrough in Korea was
made possible only means of the cooperation which took place
between China, the United States, and Russia; this great powers
cooperation. As Kim Jong-un’s second visit to China in less than
two months which occurred this week proves, President Xi Jinping
is playing {the} key role in guiding this peace process forward;
as President Trump himself has recognized and has repeatedly
called public attention to. In tweets, speeches, public
statements, and in press conferences, he has given President Xi
Jinping the credit.
But as we celebrate the anniversary again this week of
Victory in Europe Day, or Victory Day as it’s called, it was
celebrated May 8 in Europe, and May 9 in Russia. This is the
legacy of the Allies of World War II; the Allies under Franklin
Roosevelt’s guidance, which defeated Hitler and defeated fascism.
But [who], in Franklin Roosevelt’s vision, would go forward to
form a peacetime coalition of great powers which would bring
development to the entire world. That vision was derailed at the
time that Franklin Roosevelt died and Truman and Churchill
instead guided the world into a Cold War which lasted for the
remainder of the 20th Century. But now, finally, we have the
opportunity to revive that vision and the breakthrough on the
Korean Peninsula should herald the beginning of a New Paradigm of
this kind of great powers’ relationship which can unlock these
challenges which the world has faced for generations.
So, Helga Zepp-LaRouche addressed this during her webcast
yesterday. She emphasized that this breakthrough is due to the
tireless effort and vision which has been put forward over
decades for these kinds of development projects which the
LaRouche movement has been involved in intimately for connecting
the Korean Peninsula into this more broad New Silk Road, Eurasian
Land-Bridge idea. So, listen to what Helga Zepp-LaRouche had to
say yesterday:
: when Kim Jong-un and Moon
Jae-in met, President Moon gave his North Korean counterpart a
thumb drive, and on that, there was a whole development plan for
North Korea. And this involves three economic corridors; railway
lines connecting all the way from South Korea through North Korea
to China, and to the Trans-Siberian Railway. And there is now a
big discussion, in Moscow in particular, about the Tumen River
project. This is fantastic, because this is an economic
development plan which involves Russia, China and North Korea,
and it would make this region, which is now very little
developed, into one of the big transport hubs for all of Asia.
If this program goes ahead well, and the fact that Pompeo
was just again in North Korea, preparing the summit between Trump
and Kim, means, as of now, it’s still on a very good track —
that if these development projects would be implemented, you
could have a complete economic miracle between the two Koreas,
and this would really make the way for a peaceful unification,
and integration into the Belt and Road Initiative, and transform
this area of the world from a crisis spot, into one of the most
prosperous regions.
Now, for me, this development shows that if there is a good
will on the side of the political leaders, you can take any
crisis — {any} crisis — and solve it exactly the way this was
solved, through back-channel discussions involving Russia, China,
and the United States. And you know, it is an example that with
good will, you can turn the worst crisis into its opposite and
make it a hopeful perspective. So, one would really hope that
this lesson is being learned, and that same method is being
applied to the Middle East right now, using the fact that the New
Silk Road is already the most dynamic development on the planet,
that all the people can be brought to see the benefit of
cooperating and joining into this development.
OGDEN: So again, the Korea breakthroughs are a model. This
is a proof of principle, and this is a lesson that has to be
learned and applied across the world, as Helga LaRouche said;
including, emphatically, in the Middle East. So, while these
extremely positive developments are taking place in Asia, not
only the developments on the Korean Peninsula, but also as we
mentioned, the realignment of China and Japan, the opening up of
new relations between China and India. While all of these very
positive developments in the direction of this New Paradigm are
taking place, on the other hand, a very dangerous situation is
developing on the other side of the world in the Middle East.
Specifically in Syria and Iran, as well as in Yemen. The strikes
that have been launched just over the past few days by Israel
into Syria, are clearly intended to inflame this region and to
inflame a conflict with Iran; and are part of an array of other
provocations. If you put this together with President Trump’s
announcement that he is abandoning the Iran nuclear deal, we have
a very dangerous situation developing in that region. Helga
Zepp-LaRouche warned that she is quite worried that this
decision, under the influence of certain advisors in the Trump
administration, to abandon the Iran nuclear deal, could have a
negative impact on the Korea process. She said later in that
same webcast that the solution in Iran, the solution in Syria,
the solution in the entirety of the Middle East, is to apply the
Silk Road model in exactly the same way that it’s being applied
in the Korean Peninsula. Emphatically with the kind of great
powers cooperation between Russia, China, and the United States
that we’ve seen taking place in Korea. So, listen to what Helga
Zepp-LaRouche had to say further in that webcast from yesterday:
: [A]ny peace plan, or any
security architecture has to take into account the security
interests of all participating countries.
Obviously, given the condition of the entire Middle East,
after the destructive wars in Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Afghanistan, it
is very clear that the only thing which will really solve the
problems of this region would be what I have said many times
before: You need the extension of the New Silk Road into the
entire region, from Afghanistan to the Mediterranean, from the
Caucasus to the Persian Gulf, and have a development plan for all
of these countries as an integrated one. And this could only
work if Russia, China, India, Iran, Egypt, the United States, and
hopefully European countries, are all agreeing that this region
must be economically built up. And the only way you can have
peace in a region, and really get rid of terrorism, is if you
have a perspective for the hope for the future.
So I would really hope that if President Trump says he has
an alternative plan, a more comprehensive plan, that it should
absolutely include joint ventures of the United States, Russia,
China, India in the development of this region. A beginning was
made between President Xi Jinping and India’s Prime Minister Modi
when they met in Wuhan a week ago, where India and China said
they would start joint development projects in Afghanistan,
building a railroad from Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan,
Iran, China, and that would be the beginning of many other
projects to follow. You need a comprehensive development plan
for it to work. And so, I would really hope that President Trump
would think in that direction, because I think that’s the only
way it could be stabilized.
And I can only say, there must be a complete change in the
attitude, because geopolitics is the stuff of which two world
wars were made, and due to the fact that we have today May 9, we
should really make a solemn commitment, “Never Again!” We cannot
have world wars again! And this kind of destabilization has the
potential of spinning out of control: If there would be a
military conflict between Israel and Iran, which is not to be
excluded at this point, it could spin out of control and lead to
the extinction of civilization, so this is not stuff to be played
OGDEN: So again, as Helga LaRouche declared on January 1st
of this year, 2018 must be the year that we end geopolitics.
We’re seeing a lot of very positive indications in that
direction, but we’re also seeing the danger that the reaction
against that is leading to a desperation which would be the
impetus towards re-igniting these conflict zones and using them
to start a world war-type of situation. So, we have to have a
very clear and urgent sense of necessity when we look at what
Helga Zepp-LaRouche called for in her New Year’s address January
1st of this year.
We should be encouraged by the breakthroughs that are taking
place. We should apply these lessons, and we should recognize
that the Silk Road — this vision of a new common destiny for
mankind and peace through economic development — this has been
the key which has allowed us to unlock this seemingly intractable
situation on the Korean Peninsula. It could be applied
elsewhere. President Trump clearly understands that to a certain
extent; praising the role that President Xi Jinping has played
and working very closely together with President Xi in the
situation in Korea. But this must be extended to his view of the
entire world, and understanding that this great powers
relationship is necessary to solve these conflicts worldwide.
So, this is the reason why we’ve now reprinted an updated
form of this mass circulation pamphlet which LaRouche PAC is now
circulating. This is “LaRouche’s Four Laws: The LaRouche 2018
Campaign to Win the Future; A New Paradigm for Mankind”.
Obviously, the three pledges which comprise the LaRouche PAC 2018
campaign program are:
1. Stop this kind of Russia-gate coup attempt to undermine
the Trump Presidency. [Which is not personally against Trump, but
this is a strategy to undermine the possibility for the great
powers relationship that Trump is inclined towards between the
United States and Russia, targetted specifically; but also
between the United States and China.]
2. President Trump must reciprocate China’s offer to join
the New Silk Road; and that the United States must fully come
onboard with the Belt and Road Initiative on this idea of
securing the common aims of mankind.
3. The United States must fully adopt Lyndon LaRouche’s Four
Laws for Economic Recovery, which are the pathway towards the
United States fully embracing this New Paradigm of great project
development which is now beginning to sweep the globe [and must
be applied not just in these regions around the world, but also
must be brought right here to the United States for the economic
development vision which Lyndon LaRouche has championed here in
the United States for decades].
This would a return to the American System of Alexander
Hamilton with the kind of national bank credit creation
capabilities that our Federal government was endowed with under
our Constitution, and the use of that to have a crash program for
the development of fusion power. It would be done in conjunction
with Korea, as was mentioned in that video. And also the
aggressive re-assertion of an expanded manned exploration of
So, that’s what’s contained in this LaRouche PAC 2018
Campaign to Win the Future. As I said, it’s now been printed;
it’s in circulation. You can get your hands either on a print
copy, or it’s accessible at the link that’s in the description to
this video — We encourage you; get your hands
on that copy. Visit the action center, and become an active
volunteer with the LaRouche PAC 2018 Campaign to Win the Future.
There are a lot of positive developments which should give
you optimism. That ideas truly can change the course of history.
But you should also feel a real sense of urgency that this is
truly a race against time to secure the New Paradigm for the
benefit of the entire globe.
Thank you very much for joining us today. Please stay tuned
to, as I’m sure dramatic developments are yet to